HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1928-11-28, Page 1;ah
VOL, 57 NO. '24
2.00 Per annum in advance
h USSELS. ONTARIO. Il>. II'1U.4'Jti.};,•} I', vut 3%•ltl;l:ls' Mei, rh5
• I].,t.
1i^g4v;f, err*+: ,✓R41:4::2**tib'tai *4,' »: 2».t«2r,«y+*+ ++::-:+*tttih 4t;*,Irr"k4;;*•4 kgittt*�
a'FG35Srir4:A+44.1i8 :. > t1t;: 0-4.4+,~4+3 a+•;++::3 kt.0:»:»J4iot +10:41,441.0.4.44:-.Z.,
CRANBROO1'e: ;tide !sun who tr,•til to Toronto tr
r1 preoommunion service will be utt veb d the 111..8!•)1 on l'uusd't,V,
held on Friday, Dec, 7th at 7.30 p.m. \\uud,•r1ul plu r':,' is beim, 111:ni•:
Services at Knox Church next b}• 11 School cliAdren in prepar:s-
,•'i; ,l,i':. 111 „Lay School; t'1' t•hrHH 'l' 1.,, ,••un. :A
11 aa0 Pre;e,b;n:r n„r:h 7.:)0 min.))'+:1 aw.t- all rovr,,,
Young Ih llI l Society.
\ Lnuns•• I'entle n 8oeiet. h1l5 been WROXE rER
formed at Knon Church. The ofiicer4
u1':—Ih1�Ili. t 111 .1I1 1, '•in Ito,-„ slut uta 1{•„1)1)1 .,0,1'
l' 1'• \It•• tenon yl`•ft.uls l0 til, •.)I+1) -d '!Slid
ir; 1 l President, Hector Knight Ki, e h, u• ;
Sec. -Treasurer, Miss A. J. Forrest. ; Alvin iSdg•u. r,1 Unit!.,, and bride
The first meeting of this Society will nee ;disc may M1,1'11. 8, ,.!' 1'r„!lrit;tnr.
be held next Sunday night at. 7,30. were visit el 4 lout, 111 114ltu'dny.
All the Young People of the neigh- (1lotenre 8181hite till fondly who
borhood are invited to join. l have been Iivi, t• 111 811,'i11'lIl lu 1'81
Monday's Toronto papers announ- some Il it- 1(I 11111 •11 1111'' last went,
cod the death of Will}tun John Ald-
The Surrounding . ustrict
New Advertisement/4
J,+111) In—Nb1 t m T,n• t'u,
Nate tL 1 -1S t It„1)0
In114 for ttalt. 1,4111Ai. `.1,11'
1 Hitt.- (Ir got W
1 id••,1
81111 Part. rrt 1'11, rr I h.• Lit n,
-'1 t, :I,, r,,rry
! - t ,! ,)
SC e 1 r ,1)1_ , u , , •11,,1):8
fl ,•tr,v• l- ,VII;,:na
1- 11I r..
t t ',
I, -.1 Al 11 7 , t.
! 1 Ir 11)8 I , 0 11
r , +1,11;0,,
sd t..a
t 1 w u t ( ]r !- 1
4 ,,+t -Id 1, trltI(-lure!!
IleU)., tl - t v 1. nut lsss
' 1) 1 1 1 h t 1'11
( Ba. Bei, Y. I , t,it Bel, e h
t'r••, n' '.+• i ,. t, , 11 11 I 1 ur ,..•r
To 81,x• 11,.11 Anse !111 r.vt,n
c y
Win. and Mrs, (Iallagtu•,'l'uudn•rry,
, rs0n, on Saturday night at his _ have moved le the 1i11;,ge.
I), 11. McTavish, Brussels, called
ort old friends lo') 1111 Thursday
home in that city, in his 75th year,
Deceased was lived in Toronto for y
Aline years. His wife was formerly 14 / C
111x14 Emma Knight of this common- C�' s
ity. Deceased is a brother of Chas,
presented "sen”
led by
the Dramatic Club of
the Belgrave United
Church in the
friday E v' g, Naga 30th
Under the auspices of Y. P. S.
of Duff's United Church
Come and Enjoy a
Good Laugh
Admission 35e and 25e.
friday, Ev'g Nov, 30th
Roads have her•.onit' very sloppy,
(111ri14ifu114 'PPO, en tecta) nnleu to
will 80011 he on the ptogl'1n1,
A 1111111 1)111. have 11!!11 taking in I Moral
the WinIet. Pair at Toronto,
Edgar Hnllingnt, of Detroit, spent Don't be a Tightwad !
t couple of weeks visiting friends 111
Preparations are well under way
014• Concert to he held at 8, S, No. 8
Fultot'o 81110(1)) Friday evening I animal) (''noel (l11110 imn eutwiir hold their
December 1.1, Pull particulars later, on Tuesday
Heel) the (late clear, evening, Dec, 18111, Watch for furth-
er1 articu
Good Program
Good Eats
Good iJIrh
Good irlitlr'
Where :'
United Chu ch, hruseEls
When ?
Tuesday Evening, Dec. 4th
How Much ?
Only a Quarter
Tickets 75 cents
Coot t"i01 Revision :— 71)t 1
iLewisJudge, alt. and lFlra. I, andrn
will hod a Mrs.
1Court of Revision G rand -
will P m
c led r
be Voters' List in 13,05141415 on De- g Michigan, and Mrs. Lewis i
vis -
ember IOth, at 2 o'clock in the oft- Stnibl) of Flint, Michigan, were vie-
r11(1on. See the unties in this issue, 301!5 with Jos, and lairs. Long, 12th
con., over the week -end.
EN11A(8EEt1ANT.—Mr, and Mrs. Mar-
tin Ferg announce the engagement of
lboir only daughter, Hattie Mae, to
William 8. Smith, second son of Ed.
I ward and Airs. Smith, of LImt1, the
marriage to take place early in Dec
17 WISH to announce that my store will be
closed from December 15th to March lst.
stock Still includes odes a good choice in Ladies', Misses
and Small Girls' Hats, some of which are high-class Gains-
boro' and Roberta models, which I will sell at very low
prices. Call early and get the best.
� `°.,.��..,,'...;�.�„n.,,-..,.,.,,�..,.,-m,�..�.,•.,..._F.,.,a..,., a' :��:...:..a...,,,.e.,,.,.--.....,...,,.ems..
ti'' 1'.y' .+"'7,r'„`ii�.r r�`'Cyt irTli t;:,s;wtrA
`f r,
•g^.�".•.r^•a_,a-� '•'u` 1 >,•".,�;;a'��",:rcv��' sltiv aTl.+`�:��,,�. -
' 1t r A Xan _ise
. ' )
t L. t
For TWO Weeks Only
just 20 Ladies' Coats Left
To clear at exceptionally Low Prices. Coats are all
Fur-trimined and
Ladies' Silk and
Wool Hose
All shades and sizes,
ular $1.25 and
Special while they
reg -
Large Size Tea
Reduced to
19c and 25c
practically .all have Shawl Collars.
Special Purchase 200 yards
Large size Special Quality
et' e,
White with either pink
or blue border, regular
$2.35, Special
Not more than two pairs
to a customer,
All good patterns, full 36
inches wide
20c per yd.
5 yds. for 95c
whole Table full
Children's Unde'r
To clear at Greatly '
Reduced Prices.
We have just received
a new shipment of
suitable for a nice Christmas present.
from at 49e and 59c
Turkish Bath To ' ,l Is
All colors and' designs to choose
We have a com-
plete stock of
en's Overcoats
Prices to suit
Phone 24
Wool Work
Good Heavy Weight
Our Special
We carry a complete
stock of
Watson's &
Men's Underwear
J Ferguson & Co.
I MCNIITLT.I—J'.1TCH1sN.—A quiet and
petty wedding was 58lemuized on
Wednesday, Nov. 2181, at the home of
Wm, and Mrs. Kitchen. con. 12 A:lmo,
lair only 1 r
t ur iter Ada was united in tnarchige to David
1 Pearl 1,
a , I 1 lee 1)1 •tmaiia: Club
Will ,1)1.'•)188 the
('8)111'Ay Pia 1'
rr i m 'moi •'e
. ,i11.4 �✓ f88
• h,.,
I81''ly HALL
'Norsk, Nov,29th
Un:ler the auspices of.
the Missionary Society
or St. Jonn's Church
This Play comes
Highly Recommended
Admission 35c and 25e.
Play at 8 o'clock
1 li'. til•. l 11i!(it' t„. 11 i".'
After oiie Tei wail ele2 q1' '„i uefi
A dun•,_, ;•. billed tt the 811 e tk' ! I"tinyuo t l• of Thomas
man Hall 0! Friday L r)tt Dec I1 1 v..1' o or to learn i1 10
7th. The I lyttr Orchestra will til ti,c rl t1 o, . t.u'• at pit clot
supply the nut..(' an,1 1101 , hr Will ;non 18' well again.
l ,1) (guile Lu ",11114 81st Utd rel 1180• Ie( Mt Smith a returned 1018 -
in Tot onto ..'I.e1'. fly' l 8'y !1)e• tie; hotted of the i:niteel
' \'u tot la L, 14 B, Nu, n4a at then (',un,. h on I u -d:r horning ami
last. atr,ulat meeting nominated (11011
11,„„ c fi !els i'1' t the 11)141)1111 ng coat a, ::n a goo Ist ilk ort tit 3lainten-
Pn10,ws \V, 1f , 81.8, Mennu.lark Jackson; 88)11 and 1 +ti .mien fund of the
i I). 1A1 , 111!84 Mnggie Kelly : Ito( Ser ,
!Hiss B Combs; 1), Boyd ; 1•'tu, There a was, good turn out to the
their thoughtfulness Sert„1\'1(4 c D, 1)1 CO1., 111x1: \1', 1h et'ng held in the Unite1
1 fnines4 fn tint rewernb- Luuta Hoy ; Cnnduetor, Mennn ,la eat- church on Tueeday ai'teanoon. Mrs.
Bring her. The rest of the eft
1)t) Alice Hoy, \\ Woods, 11 eV Ii McLennan served lunch.
g sl u
t l Leila la ,Hoy Outside P ler C. Adr en. 't1''
y it t. After
J. L. KERR, Proprietor
of Joy"
�q t.
81 .'.l 1„. . is r'!1 1,'. 1t '•no-;. ;'f11111i
i :ii 1.15 t il:l (ll
if,d1 .I ti ,, lilt•
1.. S.
P a �� f; x1 .r
Adetlra :,_ : C 11111 .;8 2 3e -
e evening . sort; Committee, 111enuo Jack.nn 1)884 ' I:dtvard Johnston and Mrs. Itob
was spent in 0311x11 enntesti( ' on s, ra. 1111'-
by singing "Should Old Aconnintat)- loan, H, Addle()); Inside Tyler, 11. \V,
08 be r
1 1 1)t”, and 0.i
happy PF y year's 1)P wedded life j the close of Lodge, a dainty lunch was ETHEL
Bort) 111LLL13:—A pretty wed• •nerved
ding was solemnized tit high noon, I Bito'rtu•,a Pvtisr•:a;—The following' 111 Jae, L)renu,er and Si}lie are
on Saturday Nov, 24,11 3928, at the , from ,\lnutllsy 4 paper• refers to a tiro sP1 ndln a wank at Se81, 0011.
'United Church Parsonage, Brussels, i other 1)F 1105, R. A Lundy, 1)C Nile, Miss L'1111 Word is assisting at
by Rev. A. AV, _ Barker, when 1liss 11111rxlelly pastor 1)l' Duff's Church 'Wel- I)aia's Gencl d :tore for a while,
Leila Jane Miller, daughter of Rubt.: trio 511)1 St. Atub etv'a Church, 1(ippeu, j another u1l-to-!lute barber sh,ux
and Mrs. Miller, became the bride of , "The death 0eeured at. Totunto ?as been opened ill our village. in the
Will \V, L. 13118)1, ain of hies, i General Hospital on Saturday, of ],ain L'lo1)1
J. W, hoyd and the bate 81 i' Boyd, Frederie.1( \V88)811nl Lundy, bat lister of lilt (1)r i .lIc3L1 t t r' spending,
of Mrizillop Tsvp. The !nide looked 1 Stony Plain, Alber,a, and 1'1)3 mer f: t1 dads a ith l)k' p r rig, , e and
charting in a gnw•h of golden russet 1 ',member 1)f the Allsu 114 LegiSbunle in lL:. \\'Bir, cit Walkea•t.on.
crepe satin with brown; velvet tt•in3 his 80;liyear, ThedrePils0lgeut1,911511 1;(1111 C'n}tr-d ('1((11'1411 tiund:t
flings, with shoes and hose to match, ; w,1s bur.. in Bt:unpton, ,(1118„,)1)1 at Sr'lt+' ,1 (.'hri:ti0asi Entertalnm,�nt 0.3
4118 was ntt0nded 1/51' a'
11 t sister, lit :,m) 8 1 Gnih'gtnta•, Te,1)010 1'eiv01. he ill •1(1 on Tin] 1.,;(8:1y night, ale:, 20•
As 0414 0 :81i11..1,
.1 !
in Grecian „ it , a11 (,).;$4,,,,,b,
11(151' (. en .. Hill ; after being ICr•,. n tills date e lc u.
1 3Ids ti Ti,,,The 151 .t1) Joint
F called to the 0'1011!111 F'ar In. w 114 in I 1 1 Lot 411111 11141)1 t =1114( 5 ft;
('88)10(1 by 1)84 1))',)11"), til. John 1', practise at 8ndbnry 311 p;u•tu(rahfp nmU.u,, 51(1'• ,(,t 1'11u,:ri(8 . \\i, are
Boyd. '1'h(' roc til'. gift t1) the Inid,' with 1L,.,. (`has. AIeC,'a , 11}1,8518' of se1•t'y to 100.,1 DIr, and 31rs. Rowland,
V11.11 a 1.1, (8110, 11) the hl'1desunl1,I, 1 AI}n0s, Abent 21) year'• age he 11eeid- and family from our midst,
1.111 "f kill glove-, am1 11) the glumus-' ed to go 1. 1Ves8 1)) Ca, oda settling iu Tue6thet4 - 1L,1•, 1"tit. twill 11' the
fan, a 1.08 of gild 11188' 1111114x, Af- - Stony l'I,sin4. Alta , 0.1(1'1,• he huii, up hit; . 1 the 101),:.)1 et t 11:,'!•1) 3t :c.
0r the rets w 1)y t.11e 1), 1.,.11 thirty 1 e• : ,1 wide pro.: 1••0141 a was held in high ir, 1...:''1 1`14 to 1:,.1, pith,:e ,-1:e0;-
aired to the holt• 1)t' lilt• i0•nie, w 1e1e , (•5leern lb' '11. a C , r r 851!14” 111 \\'',tet i'ot ;hither ttnnount: '1Y, '
sttu3ntue 1) 0.(d lu,g dinner Iva i,nlitie 11,181 1•-1 eight yeah.; 1, i to-enI t
0314.0)'03 11) 4ts 11,le•I [)•'nui., I,0h3 1)d Ilia, )010)8 in ill A1.1 ,I a ,1;1'1-....',14:
.'1 .,a. lata.
etnl, 1rd l.h•a I101oII.gwrlV, '1'6' 1188)', Ilteenit• t i ae,v,lti14,.'('r 11100- 1,::.',1...0.' 1 lla;r lb2-
netng-11 oft 11- t,14,efui:y dor• tat.'d ,•d 111 tie• .Nl,,ny 1'iniu e,tn. I+' ,I::1' .:)+'..a
ill) pink `11,11 whit., 1.1111':1 -.t '.
1 h .; t • n, rs at Fle wag. de !•;ted in a f, ur or.,•t 1',i t , r e-
t1t(t• whi8e h• ll, T1),, 0131'14 e, a ,',• ,I: ). ' --
I cool•,, xt (Lel,. •••m•, I et m 1'. [..,,...,,,.„1 'et.l (lid
•ft 1)0 lin a18i;c11111 tittle,'111111! t1),,: 1' .1.1)1'0, lee. (e) 1 1,,,,,,1,4.1„,„ .+! , d two.
It•at•ta of 1 rl,•It! and:;, 1 i..l11'- I, i, in reit•1or, a 1)8(1)•1).•8 ,.t O1- \ l nrl. i 181e1L.-1111 and
r 1.a•elt , ,:I1•re they s-181 '18.11)1 . NI,,,,,,,,,;,.:8) .8 •r, 1)a , ,, o : _ . 14tI., held a...l�,.' t./ 1 ;fit,•, f
Wit' It 814• 1)1 ;til The 111 1,. '. t• 1 t 110 t, v0 1 r '.1 ! v re
way ,111.14 , t, , + i° of tiiut'y 1';,:10 !8 .11 t:• ib• i. -111 c t u t u 1):t 1 'Il',•1 'a • I , { 1'r 71514:.
:\'it%; ter,.;.1) by 1,,„ wife, hrlr,0,ly :tp.. 11 1 .a11 111::) plcrttu
11.11) lot 1,•,ee ItOn (' Par, II, 1 viral, 1.i' 81811 ,d.,,t, 10„•,• i t 8t, r4, , •8 ,,i.,:,-,1,!, ;inn,. ,•
'11t or hlem•0 14111• sie dile, kith 1'bru1).8 -1., et 1:r•.tup1un, 11et 11 8, A ,. 1 .t•,,i,rat':• :-°tt `r
try fin' 11-itnmin,y':. .:11d h 141 to motel'.
Tnu.d t ,;,,,1„,i„1,,
t tv:. ,
n their 1"1"' 1' 11et' .vtll , -"le 811 to el •I, . e n ut vl 1 1 . i(y 111 Ell'`
,e gruoln'4 fluor 11310 ''',."1 111Kt)io,•
leu eli r ),»11 1 , 1 •t tleNIt ie: 9i,! Ible t t 8 l . .: >,u81n
1 liter`, 1.)'' Ku, )1,1. nu hv, i'1 ,mil i ; i181< 1I 1)3 C
le best 0.(:•111 • ,I all ,limn then
their 1)t „1'c iht ung; l; !I('''• ' 1 n. •,i1i n �lrt ,•• 1 = b.. r ; a to :a : 1 � .''I 3
�y '( •r „ w ,l .i)t; «,.1 Lu °', t;_ , .,
High Il.nru- - The Hamilton S1) • \+• 3I.
McNeilly, sen of 81Vtu. McNeilly, of
8asitatchewan, and the late Mrs, 1Ie-
Neilly, The eerelnoty 0.8(14 Pet 1'111'111-
(01 11t li o'clock in the presence of
about 28 guests by Rev, 1). 11. tl test i t
of Union United 0110101. After the
5e5'0111001y a sumptuous wedding din-'
Ilei 114 ae1'Ved.
Oil \Vetluestlay of Inst week :1 j t
delightful lea end vholver was 13eltl
.8 the home 1)C 1ien old and 811s.
15111 con. they, in honor „P i •'s
the hride•t ,-h M1lrss 1: rl+r,8liller, Th.. 81
t,ible was eentred ):y a miuialul e wed- eak1 slalom teed by srnitll
pantiles, from w r, h st)e,lnre'rs 1)l
pink and ;,teen ltd 1 1110 gig' ' it
ulsre ea.; d, Define leaving the tattle
the eatolles (vete lit to sere who the ;
next bride would he but we've 131)1 ”
t11hn >,•t o r v:4 111 fear ;t might I
etnf .; IoM', Th In hie was then I tl
(11)11 with the f trues found in I„
pink and greet) )ulttaimets nu the 1 in
tablet the• -e I lr red In he sh)ts•ets ;
of :0uf011i Iter, nhi10 111 gi114 t
n'ero 1,21 rig, Por she's 1,10118 good
fellow" the ('11}1111511 Li In, what
looked line baskets of coal, lint these i(
we1e Ihegifts (tecnmp»enied by many an
wit t y W1'1'804.3liss Lent( made a very
suitable u'ply thanking the gide for
MORRIS 11,1: e
'1 - to , t
t. h, had th followtn; t; run to to , l 11: at 'ntulut
'1h0 511111:11 710•v'tui; of the Bee} item (chip r.;;;;• -es to n }r1 -)her l• Ltl, 1 p
ilig was held at the home of Frank law of Mrs, 81\', G. Clark and P. h. r1.. - Lt,, 14,1,. , t ,l1). ,p,,1' I,:
d lire. Bell, 0.i h racer (hit ty pat rens i ;(1(1111 r I'll,- 011 runt! 1)t of Pet 1. =• ;T)::
p,esent. 1 leper) wa4 1;}ven 181 OW 1111'111 ore tic'ut to ,t.tbl '.h '.0 their \-1)a 1' .,I1- �,,'01'c, Ilei•
work imMgtvttll, p11l1 fn. ionwhit)) and colony 1)t o'.=,v('tnt•y which 'will b- 8.11<81 18 31) 0.i 11411 3011 are a stranger
J, R. hell, the butcher, was iveu 'at: I150011.:1111 lila ill t811' ain of 11.,? r' 1);'' net r+tr; 2.- a visit
g - the w1) 01 g•1•„t <t oh ry ltnl ie . '1') Rt:c , •00.1 att mdance at
praise for the triennia in wide)) the A special committee of the Der- (1, i u .1 tInt.rat on Wednesda;'
bulnes' cva4 I1.1u,.twted, 1111111 A c muriion parliament hos recommend- 11:•,.1.( h.. t v.-818.11 o• i; tar:. ,.131;, pro-
Milis 'Villi again selected 118 11ha1t 11ntl; 0,1 that the 1): t' I 8'. Marsh, Ic.13.A,S• ,11111 5:,.8 1,114 i'' i!1 ti, 8111 '1'1>1s 141
Robert, 811(1r1 1111(1 0.145 selected ti0(1 et• ' tr w stationed at 1 (1141 , be asked to #
ttty and 1+'ran): Matslt.11111' 1rt'a"nt•er du 1 0l e l It • ,;uti,s,, of 1111
Meat for the past season was set at up !vise its , . truetiot Purchase 1411:11 O1 enm . ore ware ler
20c, per lb, 1 d int til rill • nrtl11utent and he ,1.1).111 1 Cr,pa-tor :1 t i duels urns
• its rat direetior. During th yearc 1} 1.•11,,,t,• laud M .. 1rt.1 and 'Airs,
0r 1 le. M n h •+ residence in },,(•mud -1 (2, 11I , 0 .1 and i1lrs\lt 8, •hon o:
as pastor n1 St. Andrews Presby- the Union United church. 'late three
Who will be Postmaster 1 I te•tv:m church, in addition to his
G. L, and Mrs. Bradley 511)1 114111111411 work, he tactically filled
141111!1111 of the circuit were (14(11 .r
lean, of Hanover, visited friends In 111,1)01!8 of astronomer royal an.1 i't, 1'entc•d. The ulrhcr4 of the eve a-
\Vtill,on' 1 metcrolo '1st, •114 well as sei.moln- lop1 was given by 11'y, M.P. Smith, e
Miss Addie Cardiff, of Brussels 1g.ist While Dr. Marsh is much in- returned 1Iissionarp from China
agent a few days 1)t the home of \Vit• lir. Smith gave 0 very vivid picture
liam and Mrs. Woods. teu•sted in this kind of wrork mid ;s of the conditions in China at the
Will, and Mrs. Grieve of De- an adopt at it, those who know him present time and urged the whole
tr0it, visited friends in 1Valton andchest think it would be difficult for hearted support of thechurch in itg.
vicinity v cry recency, himto separate himself from the 1'lissi0nmy work.
Joseph S. Hack well and Edith full word( of the church.' Were he The regular monthly meeting of
(vete Sunday visitors with Frank taking such a position, the Presby- tote Ladies Aid and Women's Miss1c i
and Mrs, Backwell, Ethel, terian Church in Canada would suf. ary Society of the Union United
(suite a number from Walton at• fel' a 1055 in its minister. Dr. church was held at the Parsonage
tended the Pune) al of the late Mrs. Marsh is well known in Hamilton on Friday last with a good attend -
Harry Allen, of Harlock, on Saturday. having !lectured here many times. ante, The W. M. S. meeting was is
Mr. Clark, of Value, has purchased During his residence in Hamilton, charge of Mass. Isaac R lthweIl, The
nett store
and1 stock
1. )1 wof Clarence
lar cet13ee. from 1905 to 1912, his private ]toll was answered by Scripture
5}o[3 in the near Ifutur'e, ill ben1 observatory on Aberdeen avenue verse on the subject of Thanksgiving
was the mecca for all those interes• An interestng account f tt
Chas. and Mrs, Sellers and A. and ted in astronomy, and it was duo 'Air 11I S. convention holt) at Ford-
o he recen
theMr18)1)18 sof 111!x, 111(8 ertiekmntcllro� at ;to his efforts that the present branch
(('11411 was given 1)3, Mrs. T. 17oughee-
&Irs. Hondo11,of
lieideltiutg. of the h.oval A°tr0nontical satiety ft• 'ho al511 gave a review of the
Don't forget. the play '^1'he '1'hreewas established, he being its first Chapter 91) the Study Book. Spoeini.
1 pretsidcnt
A Play entitled
Will be given by the
Belgrave 'Dramatic Club
in the
Monday VI Dec, 3rd
At 8 O'clock.
Short program between
Acts by local talent
Adults 35e ; Children 25e
Proceeds are for the Wrox-
eter Public Library.
+• friday Ev'g, Elec. lth
Blyth Orchestra
Tickets $1.00 Lunch Served
Pegs to to presented in 1.111 Work. nntsu 0.51' provided y1) 141x:;, G. Mich -
man's Hall on Friday evening (1) 8 his
°� el who sang 1111 appropriate sola: The
week by the Belgrave 1)1180111814 Club,BLUEVALE 1)((x111144 0f the Ladies' .A id was i ]
11(()18! the (inspires nt•the I” 1', S. of Th0ma5 .H'nlph(ll shipped a Cat charge of Mts. II. Speiran. Afkcr
Duff's United C0urch, of split peas to TF Ihf ta.
• the nu etfng s, lunch was sow) d by
Clarenoe Bennett, of Winthrop, has I Miss Jcssis Holmes is at present Mrs. Guest,
:purchased tate buildi)lg and stock 1 visiting friends at Toronto. W. 1. Regular Meeting. -The. •re'
of the Flu'lnere' On•operative and I Miss Rota Purvey, of Toronto ' 8811181' monthly meeting of the Rthee
will he opened for business. He is spent the weekend 'with her mother branch of 10,• Wontau's Institute wlte
nn applicant for the position of Nig. !here, 11)1)1 011 Wednesday last at the home
roiu he ethyl The rule car 0.a; up the C. N. 1t, of Alm Ch:u4. TI,in.4uh} with a lar) e
Lawrsasterne0 tCururu1llaings has
!nitrites- line testing the empployoos on eye.. 'ittendtnce of members and visitor.
all the property on which hr' has been ; ihrt and hearing. 1' t)te nh1enee of the President, Mr's.
operating a garage business for the Quite a number from here are 111r•\iaster• the chair w is taken
past oouple of yeat5 The properly 1by
is better known its the "McKim Hotel' I takinghm the Toronto Winter Fou Mrs. \11x!)1150.. An inf testtn ; topic
in former years, lie chtend810111)1111 this 0.8!114 on "Thanksgiving" 0.34 til.•.', by
a modern r Serviee Station"',tit or 11liss Canes Coulters and friends MN, (Rev.) Williams. ph, Roil.
the same in the near future(, of Listowel, spent Sunday at the Call W08 answered by (`What 8 am
00110 to the big Bazaar at: 1Valtntt I�tonte of Mrs. Snell, Thankful I"1)r'.' Thr. Current I:venst
in connection with 8t. George's Ang. I Marr' 308, Curtis anti bit's. Rolph ;was given by Mr•s. Q. Dobson, Mrs:
ligan Church 'which will be held in aro both on the sick list. noir Jos, Pearson, Mrs. Jos, Pearson and
the A. O. U, W, Hall 0n Wednesday /many friends hope for a speedy re. -Mrs. Win. Love. Mrs. C. IIansuld
Dee, 5th, •81, good op )or trinity to' 00very. I had charge of a demonstration ora
buy your Xmas gifts, '(rood attract- I Dr. and Mrs. Wm. Elliott, of I "Candy flaking." After the meeting
inns in the White Elephant Counter :with
are at present visiting a dainty lunch was served by Stas.
and the ,I'isli Pond. Supper served 'Elliott,ith tho former's father Jaques 1,1Iattsu1(1 assisted by Mrs. Q. Dobson
from 4 to 0,80 for 25o each. and Mrs, Robt, Bremner.