HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1928-11-14, Page 1VOL, 57 NO, 22 `2.00 Per annum in advance r ittb- s BRUSSELS. ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14. 1928 J. L. KERR, Proprietor s Eigl:, 4.141•ia`. 4147,1314:24.1 +q•4r+14WilitelFst +44t!+ 441414Fiites?',S S,647401ei»ibt eigi,SWT1 The Surrounding District Med aftslaiattfilittslaUtivItaWlittitsItiSSItentassosseasseeseseisiessaaeasseasegss. CRANBROOK Lorne Cameron, Windsor. is haute [luring the holiday. Prank and Mrs. (hunter, of Oshawa, ate visiting blends for a few days. Vaud Mrs. Oahorne and family mot- ored to Ingersoll to spend Thanksgiv- ing, Rose and Mrs. Speiran, of Michigan, Bre visiting their tiarentaover''hanks. 13111111. l (l1( o A u' It (h'ann It young number t i e y 6 People spent a very enjoyable evening at the house of M0 D. Brown when (nod playing and dancing wet en- j•'yed till the wee small hones of the to rning. .4 very enjoyable evening wits spent at our first Club Social on Friday Mehl, Mrs. 11. Keys and George Be- ane winning the prizes 101' progressive 0(^1108, The Ontomitee in charge were Miss lean Noble, Miss ]tela Rudd, Jitek Noble and Earl Rudd. The enm. 1/111100 f00 the 088tp81ty are H, lupi Mts. Keys and O, and Mrs, Long, MORRIS • Miss Jessie Campbell, of Toronto, spent Thanksgiving with her parents, 1), and 11rs. Campbell, 6th line. 1l 1 Alis. Bosman, of Brnndor , Nen., rued Moe, Lottie Turvey and bliss Es- telle Turvey, London, were visitors over the holiday with Mrs, George B. Turves,. Andrew Tennant, 13rn88e18 • J. Fl. Grieve, 14xetee ; L. and Mrs, Grieve, 1101en and Jean, of Slratlhooy ; 0. and Mrs. MacDonald, W. and 11r's, Bill and 1, McKay, of Luoknow were Thanksgiving visitors with Ed. and Mrs, Nichol, 2th line. Mrs. McLeod, who -was hereattend- ingthe Turnbull -McLeod wedding hist week returned to her horse in Detroit on Friday. Miss Viola Mc- Leod and Joseph McIntosh, who were here from Long Lac, Northern Ontar- io, have also retained, A tenant We r1r1z (1 -A very pretty wedding took place at the hone of (.`bas. 13, and 11rs. Forrest, 2ud Con. Harris townehip, on Wednesday, Nov, 7th, when their niece, Christina Flora 1lcLeod, was united in marriage to Andrew 0. Turnbull, son of Oliver a (d Airs. Turnbull, Grey township. The ceremony was performed by Rev, A, V. Walden, of Bluevale, under an I arch of evergreens, trimmed with be- 1 g00ia8 and maiden hair ferns, in the l presence of about 60 guests, hunted -I ince friends of the bride and groom. You clear," Was rendered by Mts. John Oliver, or Brussels. The dining [arta was daintily deem ated with pink and • white sl ream, re and the table with pink and white 00588. n11110thefollow. u(g ladies ailed as n alters t i Clarence Jn11(18t11 and 1114888 11[1181 1lalhers, 11901yn Hoy and Velum Selt- miee, Aller par(i1l(iug of the sump- tuous repast all joined ;o wishing the 1 bride lu,(1 to now happiness and 8110• ((855. The e' S'e t:1. t (1'11 1 .P It - 'I Il Il ht 'emu ( I t Illy 1 g clnded :-N'elh. Bud sirs, (hazier, 11 en. nal sirs, A(;,n', A; mood and Mrs, Lawson and Nell and Mrs. Rohl, of Stratford ; Mrs. Jos, Robb and 11110(y, Mitchell Clarence and Mrs, ;John- ston, Blyth ; end Rohe, and Mrs, Warwick, Wingharn. Oa returning frnni Ih8i( honeymoon the happy you - 1)18 will reside on the groom's farm, eon, 16. (itey township. Morris Council will meet on Mon- day, Nov. 19th, Many of the ftu•mcrs are 11afinish. ed with their fall work. Married at Timmins:—One of the prettiest weddings of the year was solemnized by Rev. Jud D. Parks, at the Unitech Church at Timmins at 9 o'clock Wednesday morning of last week,when Ruth,onlychild o' Mr. h 1(e ild f and rs. GodfreJohnson, of Bal- sam Street South• Timmins, bocce the bride of Joseph Smith Caldbeeit, son of Mr, and Mrs. George Caldbeck of Haileyhury, and formerly of Mor- ris Township. The bride was most tastefully attired in white crepe de chine, trimmed with lace, and carried a bouquet of daffodils. She was at- e d by Miss Helen Caldbeck, sister of the groom. while Mr. Sam Caldhecic, Crown Attorney at Tim- mins and brother of the groom, act- ed as best man. During the signing of the register Mrs. James 'Todd of Schumacher sa$g, and Miss .Ada Graham played the Wedding March on the church rogan. After the ceremony the wedding breakfast was served at the home of the bride's parents.— The groom's old friends here extend hearty congratulations to himself and bride for a long and happy wedded life. 'Quinn—Readman.— On Monday, November 5th, at 8 a.m. at Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church. Wing - ham, Rev, Fr. McHugh united in marriage Kathryn Elizabeth Read - man, daugihtdr of George and Mrs. The bride looked charming in a beau- IReadman and Patrick Quinn, son n OH dress of white georgette, with a 'Patrick and Mrs. Quinn, of Antrim, white veil in cap effect caught up with i Ireland, Miss Norma Healy was OVallge blosSnuls During the signing Ibxidesmaid and Frank Felly, grooms. of the register to beautiful and appro. man. The bride was charming in priate solo entitled "Because J love 1 blue brocade crepe with silver hose fn i'. t f '4 1 ti1�,.;11,, f?�Ir`r�na ite.10:41 tt'�' Our November Buying Bud- get is the talk of the Country- side. ountryside. Come in and see the many wanted Winter articles you can purchase from our Big Stock. Bargains Galore 1 2-4 Ibex Flannelette Blankets $249 40c and 45c Pajama Cloths 32 Extra Quality Silk and Wool 1Iosc98 00c Linen Face Towels .29 $2.50 to 6,00 Corsets (for snlal) women) 60 Blue Label Shirts and Drawers .249 75c Green Corn Brooms ...,39 3 Bars P. & G. Soap 11 Bordeaux Walnuts halves per 1b54 $2,00 Fine Wool Dress Flannels all colors 1.00 $14.50 Scotch Wool Blankets .11.48 85c and 95c Children's School Stocking's 69 Men's Extra Wear Work Sweaters 1 98 Men's lined one finger Mitts 49 $2.00 to 3.00 fine Broadcloth shirts 1.49 $6.30 to 6.50 Wool Pullovers -3.89 $1.25 ,Men's Fine Socks 88 4 Pkgs. McLaren Jelly Powders 23 6 Rolls Crepe Toilet Paper 22 3 Kellogs Corn Flakes 29 200 yds, Cotton spools ..0,5 2 lbs new seedless Raisins 25 Women's Fine Dresses 8 95 Women's Silk and Velvet Trhn. Dresses ... .18.00 Misses Bargain Coats 7.49 20 Sample Coats 18.00 Extra Sale Values in all oth- er lines of Women's and Men's Winter Garments, Fur Coats, House Furnishings,&c. King Bros. WING IRAM 4Nv New Advertisement* Isle -Knox ('hared, (tranhrnsk (80111 for snl8-.Mrs. Allred klollenlleek risY•-l3elgreve Mattel (quash norga(es (3nlnrn King Bras AaOhm Salo -1 urn,, Hol„u,lsarl Ynnr snap SW,- t,-- 0'. 11. Smith Mare -Gen WeH -rg (1 C4 A. (1ro(I1(11111 Lost -W. it Straapwrly Oowefar ssle -Jas, 81rah18 Pallet -a for seep -Phone 815 Wheel last-Phore 787 (!aws for "8(e -Chas 81 ('louver PSI -et. f,r s„I••-Ch1r(alye 1111 l:1( P,lr•nrel (mind -1'11000778 Parse loot --Mrs Awont A11,41011.4alo•-(8811 rook and hat and ]rose to match. The bridesmaid le i mad was dressed in navy lint crepe, with sand trimmings. Miss Ellie with presided at the -organ and ewnet music Wars rendered by the clioii during the ceremony. The groom's gift to the groomsman Wile a pair of gold cult links, and to the bridesmaid a brooch. The bride was the n reel r1 io L of e' I ti beautiful set of dishes from the C.W.L. of the church. Following the ceremony, a sumptu- ous wedding breakfast was served at the home of the bride's parent.. Mr. and Airs. Quinn Will reside in Morris, WALTON • Miss Ruth Cormier of Goderich, visited her friend, Miss Jean Drager last week. John Mowbray anti Phil. Weed of Detroit spent the week end with re- latives at Walton. on. Miss Annie McTaggart spent a few days visiting friends in Seaforth i quite recently. Miss Gertrude Miller has gone to Toronto where she • has accepted a position in one of the large Depart- mental stores. Mrs. James Mowbray and her son, 1 Peter, o i Detroit, are at present viz - i !ting relatives in Walton and vicin- ity. Mrs. James Dennison and daugh- ter Doris, of Preston are visiting Mrs. Dennison's sister, Mrs. George Dundas, of the 12tH Concession of McKillop, and Mrs. Went Neal of Walton. Miss Jean Drager left for Toronto where she has accepted a position. I Mrs. Hoerle and Ruth of Heidel- burg, spent a few days visiting Mrs. Hoerle's daughter, Mrs. Charles Sellars. Date Changed—The date for the Bazaar of the ladies of St. George church has been changed the Wed- nesday, Dec. 5th. Mark down this date. Grey Council has passed a motion to go in with the Councils of Mortis and McKillop to help pay for the maintenance of street lighting in Walton. The question now is when will the lights get here? Card of Thanks:—Tho family of the late Mrs. 11'. A. Dennison wish to thank all the old friends and nei- ghbors for their kindness and sym• patty in their recent bereavement. The sons and daughters. A number of people from Walton and vicinity attended tthe Anniver- sary services at MonerlcF' on Sun- day. Rev. Mr. Smith of Winthrop, had charge of the services and Rev. W. J. Maines had charge of the an- niversary services that were ]held at Bethel United church on Sunday lest. A very successful Hallowe'en soc- ial was held on Friday evening in Duff's United Church under• the auspices of the Young People's Soc- iety, A splendid musical program Was given by Misses Grace Shortreed L. Herrington, Lydia Reid and Mrs. George Watt, This was followed by some contests after which the young ladies served a tasty lunch. The following is taken tram The Castor Advance, Alberta :—On Fri- day afternoon a gathering of unusual interest tool[ place at the home of Mrs. Gathercole, when a farewell re- ception was tendered Mrs. J. 0. But • - chart and her mother, Mrs. E. Berry, The Ladies Aid of which Mrs. But - chart has been an active. member I since coming to our midst, presented her with a writing portfolio and a beautifully worded address. The Woman's Missionary Society in whose work Mrs. Butchart has taken an active part, particularly in the Asso- 1 ei'ate Helpers Department is present- ing her with a life membership pin in token of appreciation, Mrs. Berry who has endeared herself to all dur- ing her short stay in our midst was presented with an ivory -covered memorandum book and an address. Mrs. Berry thanking the ladies on behalf of Mrs. Butchart and Herself, sang two verses of the hymn "There is n Land of Pure Delight." During the afternoon. not 0111y nearly every lardy in town, but many from the country called to extend their good wishes to both ladies. Lunch was Provided by the Associate Helpers. The program included piano solos by Mrs. Lorne Corbett acrd Miss Bolton. Mrs. Butchart and Mrs Berry leave shortly to visit relatives in Cypress River, Manitoba. (5t.11EVALI7 Peter Cantelon, of Godeoich, spent a few days with friends °here. William Abram had the Wingham phone installed. 'Iiia ring is 500-4 and Falconer's store ring is now 609-23. Miss Stockd:ale, also Mr, and Mrs. Langstroklh, Roy and Mrs. Powell, alt of Ingersoll, visited with friends there last week. The oyster supper put on by L.O. L. NO. .766 on Monday evening was a. grand success. Supper Was served in the school room of the UnitedI THE THREE PEGS A COMEDY IN THREE ACTS Will be presented by the Dramatic Club of the United Church in FORESTER'S HALL Belgrave - 011— 1 Friday Nov t ad f Come and Enjoy a Good Laugh Admission 35c and 250. church and those* who did not like oysters were given tomato soup, be- sides lots of other good things to eat. The concert was given in the Forrester's Hall and it was packed full and a real good program was given, including songs by John Thynne, duet by the Misses Mathers, reading by Mrs. Forbes, speeches by Rev .Mr. Craik, of Gerrie -and Rev, Mr. Walden of Bluevale, musical selections by the Jackson 'trio of Blyth, performances by fire by Wil- liam Langstroth, of Ingersoll, which was something very intereting and new, solo by Miss Beatrice Thornton and several other pieces. E. Car- diff, County Master, occupied the chair. The proceeds amounted to $94.00. 174 BELGRAVE I Many visitors were here for Thanksgiving. Marls down Friday Nov, 23rd to hear the 3 -act comedy "The Three Pegs" presented by the Dramatic Club of the United Church in the 1 Forester's Hall. See advt. in this issue. Next Tuesday, afternoon, Nov. 20th, the Women's Institute will meet at the home of Mrs. James j Taylor. The meeting will be in charge of the Grandmothers. A re- port of the District Annual meeting will also be given. All ladies of the community are invited to attend the meeting. On Thursday, Nov. 1st about 20 ladies of the W. M. S. and ladies' Aid ltherecl in tho selleo lloom of g Knox United Church aand held their regular monthly meeting. Mrs. J. Coulter, Sr., had charge of devote, nal exercises in connection with the W.M.S. Mrs. Albert Vincent gave a splendid report from convention at Fordwich, In the absence of 1vb'•t, Rintoul, the vice-president. 1Irs. Jos Millar, took charge of Aid sleeting and the usual business was dealt with. The meeting closed with the Lord's Prayer. .. GREY bliss Edythe Dane, of Niagara Falls, ' spent the week -ems with her mother, 1 Mrs. A. 1L'. Dane. The 1elalmlth News :—I1,13 -s. Ohai'les Brodie was called this ween to the home of her sister it Grey township, 1 owing to the il111ese of her mother, 1 Mrs, Mary Ritellie. 01(1 friends of Sam. McQnartie, foe- merly of the 9th con., will be sorry to learn that his only son, aged 14 years, Passed away at Pilot hound, Man., from blood poisoning. The young lad had been ill about 8 weeks, The fanh- ily have the sympathy of old fniends. PcvcAnssorlcNr-Mr. Slid bit's. Robert 1lillet• tvieh to announce the engage- ment of their youngest daughter, Lena Jane, to William W. L. Boyd, youngest son of Mrs. Boyd and the late John W. Boyd, of McKillop Township, the marriage to take place the latter part of November. Report of 8. 8, No, 6 for Sept. and Oe t. The as teri ek indicates the 1111 01 - bee of examinations: missed by being 111'8ent :- So. IV -Viola Turnbull 80, eo'ge Elliot 71, nettle Stephenson 03. Jo. IV -Lass Raynard 77 Eva Parr 60, Bert Rowland 52, *Margaret Pearson 51. Sr, III-Inn'l'urnbull 84. George Hoy 08, elent'ge Pearson 68, thigh Pearson 00, "Ralph Pearson 54. Jt'..111-2 eau Pearson 78, 1101041 Row- land 68, Rosa Stephenson 60, Jessie Peaeson (31, Fred Keifer 52 Jr,II hal- bert Keifer 70. Si. I Bernice Pare 89. Lloyd Hoy 78, Doris Raynard 74. Primary- -Isabella P11rnbnll, Kenn 0111 \Vilbee, Oameron Soner4, C. Evans, 'Teacher, On Friday evening of last week a. re- ception wee held at the home of Jahn and Mre. Betimes in honour of How - and and Mes. Beirnes, who wine rec- ently married. Ovet' 100 people were present and many (1801'1111, beanli1811, and valuable gifts were received in. eluding cheques, etc. The evening (9(15 spent in games, 1010810 and claim- ing std ' the floor managers were R.oy. AInavel ght and Wesley Sem ets) music being supplied by Shiels Bros„ MI', 13arwiek and son, Beirrle8 Bros., L. Somers, le. Mills and piano 10(1810 by Miss Reta Mills, Livzie Beirnes • acid Mrs. Barwick. A11 enj-,yable time w88 spent by all till the wee inure lieu- I DANCE! LONG'S HALL CRAN 13ROOK Thursday, Nov, 15th FUR E 0 PI CE ORCHESTRA Tickets 55 cents EVE YB D IZ O YELC i ' w orvc s oldie ,n„r.iug n -ben the trlsi•1y r,; eed8 depeeted w1.1lir,g 111•. al.il 11(4 1 1'1( 5 1 8 r1( ••h n unl h, c• 1 11 1 I, h '1'n0y wilt (•1•+111" ('1 1110 6 uroui fat 111. 0'l, of( 388. Wife Passes Away.—The Clinton \.•w:( Record refers to the death of the wife of James McDonald, the lat- ter being a former resident of the 10th eon:—The death occurred Wed- nesday in London or Mrs. James McDonald, daughter of the late Thomas and Mrs. Archer, and sister of Mrs. L. hath of Clinton. Mrs. McDonald had been ar, invalid for years and had been a great sufferer. For some time she had resided in the West, but some years ago she and her husband returned East and they had been snaking their home in Lon- don. The remains will be brought to Clinton for Interment, the funear al taking place from the residence of her sister, Mrs. Rath, Huron street, on Saturday afternoon, commencing at half past two. W ROX ETER Miss Dorothy McTavish has re- turned to Toronto. John Munro was home from Tor- onto for the week end. Join Rutledge, Brampton, called on friends in the village on Thurs- day. Miss Hazel Van Velsor, Oshawa, spent the holiday with her parents here. • Jno. and Mrs. Hupfer and Mise Betty, spent Thanksgiving with re- latives in Essex. T. and Mrs. Berkinshaw, Toronto, visited the latter's parents, Fred and Mrs. Kitchen, this week. ,Ed. and Mrs, Jackman, Toronto, were recent visitors with the latter's sister, Mrs. T. Brown. George McEwen, Turnberry, who spent two weeks in Muskoka, on Sat- urday arrived home with two deer Wm. Kerr, Toronto, who twenty- five years ago conducted a bakery here, called -on old friends in the vil- lage on Monday. Bios. Weir, Salem, left last week for Vankleek Hill, where she will spend the winter with her daughter lir:, r , Jno Hartley. . Y Norman and Mrs, Brandon and little daughter, and Miss Ruth Stocks London, spent the week end with Roht, and Mrs. Stocks. Scott Black, left for his home in Tugaske; Sask., last Wednesday af- ter spending a month with his father Robert Black, who still continuo, seriously ill. Inglis and Mrs. Sanderson ,of Guelph; Miss Mary Sanderson, Tor- onto; Mrs. Woods, Tottenham, and D. M. •[and Mrs. McTavish, Brussels, attended the funeral of Arrs. Wm, Watson on Wednesday afternoon. ETHEL Herman and Mrs, Winter, and 0. and Mts. McKnight, spent the holiday at the pat'sonitge. George and Ails, Addy, George and Airs. Hall and 11ts. D. Cole visited last week with friends in Brantford. BrianJacksoI was home for Thanks- giving with his parents and left again fur Toronto on Tneedtty morning. Frank and Mrs. Gummi. have been spending a couple of weeks at the hrnle of Joseph and Mrs. Ames. Lockhart and Mrs. Dane, of Bridge- bnt'g, spent a few days last week at. the home o1' his mother, Mrs, A. L. Dane, R. and Mrs, D. W. Williams and family, of Mt, Brydges, spent a eosin's of days et the parsonage with Rev, and Mrs, Guest. Oonsi(1 era ble change has 11(11011 place in the Real Estate owners in Ethel during the last few days. \Vin. 11111 Mrs. Ward have moved into G. Dun- 13)1''5 house, 'T. and llrs. Vo(1deu are in their new lmme purchased from (leo, Addy and Wm. and bit's. Slennnon have moved into their new 110nro bete. f UN}Tft:n Cofnacx Ax'uvggs,uav .t l48,Ar', SUCCESS. -The 881011 ll Aniliver- s8sy Services and Hot Fowl Sapper of the United Church was Held on Sun- day and Monday and from evety standpoint were a big success, The Sunday 80191008 were conducted by Rev. A, 1V. Barker, of Brussels, ass sisted by Rev, D, M. Guest, wito Was also able to be pie5entfor the services. In the morning Rev, 111'. Barkee'8 theme was an urgent call for Cense• rration and Ohli5tlan Service, wit1) fitting and to101)109 reference to the "Altlniet.iee" ocea81011, In the even- ing he delivered a powerful sermon to no0ngregatioll that completely titled the ehutclt, taking as hie subject "T110 Knight of the Road," Special and ap. propriate 05111410 was provided by the choit of over 20 members in two well rendered Anthems. They were aesist• ed by Mrs, (Rev.) Barker Who Sang a delightful solo entitled "Morning, Noon °"11 Night,," b'4 Cav'ie Jnoobs 13011(1, Phe 19(105' trio of Brussels THE LADIES OF KNOX. CIIURCFI Cry. nbrook Are holding a Sale of Sewing, Knitting Fancy Work and Home-made Baking T L1 I :� LONG'S G'.5' HAI L Wednesday, Nov, 28th Doors open at 2 o'clock There will also be a Fish Pond for young and old.. C. + 'i Come and buy your Christmas Gifts at reasonable prices United Ohnrrh rendered two nut(( here, "Jesus Rose of Sharon" end •'\V hen I survey the \Vanden((, both of which were rxceptiont1ll3 ' well given and (Burn enjoyed tree day 670111tlg the et lnvd began to gel el' at an early hone Int the Hot Fowl Sapper and although 111e weather w118 not at all favorable r.tlppr1' was set 88(1 to the largest number that have b -en present for a similar function for ,4 long time. The usual sumptuous 10• past wax served 14161 which a (pi11(lfd program 1888 preeer(tod to an audience that filled every available space in the 1. Personal Paragraphs 1 Jack 13rawu was a visitor in Toronto last Week, 14 Dobie spent T1180ksgivl0g at hie home at Auburn. I), M. and Mrs. Scott, of London, Wet•e week. end vibitn(8, (leu, I1uh0etulr, uI Glintou, (vas tt itoi ii, ton•n 1(4s1. Tillll'el1Qy. Will. and Mrs. 11110111.11 spent tile I'ha,kseiving holidays 141. HHnfl'alo, Miss Mattie Downing, of''r.r1ntn, [vas a holiday visitor at her 101110 is town, P Niles e ' , >• I 1(l Id, I nnripal rd' B. C. S. Tent '1'hlulksgivill1 at her bntne 155 I'llelpb. Mise 11411e Mitchell 111uttled 11,1nt (1.,' Sr est heat tselk ((tt.1•1 a p181(88nt visit. miss Lvl Brown. of '1',r•,,no ,, is the nest of MIS. \V. 11. Kesrat River..rde, Villa. Clifford and Mo., tic•eiulgeour, of tit. 1ntfntd spatli the ludid,ty 1('116 Lone slid Sirs. Tutvey. Mrs. R. .1. M,•Laurhlin Inc t1,1 ed Ut London last 8E:tutday. IJr..1. S'. Russ 10111( tied with her. bilk. M. Yolleck and family. t t' Tor- i'l111u, mutated till fol the week-em1. We were glad 11,1100 tlretn, Leslie Lowry, of Toronto, spent the ' tveek.eodWide1 paled al roof with Mr. George and Mts. Lowly 1' .1185 � ' V,irr t t Galbraith Who 19 at• lending the Toronto 1 nto Conservatory of 11ush:,1('a,+ here for (11e holiday. J. B. and Air.. Ballantyne and Mise ' Dorothy spent Thanksgiving with Rev 1,1,11 Alis. Keo,ody tit Mt Biydgee, Misr Jean Fergukun, Who is attend. ing 'nmol(, Conservut my of Music, [las h1n,01 for the Thanksgiving I1uli- daye, J. R'. Al mstt c'ng and (181(13111- 81, JOY c8, 'I'(ln(11n, s1101-11. Tuesday le town, ro(uhininghu.,ioess With pleas - 111 0. leas- 1110. 1(111.586 I'heltnu and E5,a Burgess, of 1'nrtlnto, were 1n town (1vet the Week- end at their patent:al home, ,las. and Alts. 54111 141,S5. i 111 S. W, 1-1. Kerr and leergrand•daa- Otter Miss Vary Helen Kerr were 91511,os (11 1'01'001.0'T 0 0800 thehanks- 1wing holiday, Mts. R. '1'. tit 114030111 and Mrs, Ida Lowly wore in London last week, at - 1, riling the SVetuen' IIIStitntes Oon• 8811i(n while thea e. Fi1(la, Satnis of theS'honl of O.lm- ((.etre. Toronto: was a we.k-end visit-. 1.! 11 the parental home ivitll George 1101 tilts. Santis. A. 1l, and Mrs L,Inlnnt, Hiss Isab- • el and blaster i)o,,((1(1, 81, Mas -ye. spent Thanksgiving hnlidny with relitives lit 131 neeel5 and („ ey. 141nest E. Campbell spent Thanks - g. ring With hit. sou, 115tH, al orillia, %t here the latter /5' e8gu, ed as teleg. • II ph npelator for the C. P. R. `'1,1t .124 at the 1 'speel one :/indite,ium of the church. A five -piece Orchestra 1888 i11 atten- dance to provide teal good untsie he- , fore the program and again (luting the rendering of the 1111rnb0rs. This orchestra included Misses McNair and Speiran and 1188018. Bari ism], Mame and Mende, end while WP 111198 not learned the name in tclich they ap- pear we are taking this plivilego of ' ntlliog this muSirttt nrg(I llz(tli011 '"The i 1S'vel-1 end Orchestra." Piano 11(1111(1• men tall Wel a also given by 11158 Shir- ley Blackwell, of Gowanst,wn. Shir- ley is 8 fdvo.y0110-0111 tnusieitur of lamb promise and alteady by two appPat- an088 before an Ethel audience she has became a very Putnam. entertain- er. We were fortunate indeed ill 40- entlog the'.8rviees or11.1, 411,15(1 of veru considerable front in the persons of Miss Adeline Mooney and Orah (lrawford, rf 131 ploy. lIr. Cia1F, rd delighted the nndiehre with the r0u- doting of 900 (al writ -,'11(,44011 1161 RCMP 81.1(24. 11 i.. Ni nosey, Ri pie) 's noted sop( atm solni.1, in p(lawi1 0, m111Iit'r 1111(1 vnir•e, deli¢h(Pd t10 11,8010(5 01(11 the tendering of (8,0 5r•In uutu111'(11. 3Inv t(1 Gee'r 11(t1i (deo n n n i it 1 111 1l 1- e rt duet (111111110141 in Which their v0ir0(1 i,leutlrll p141fretl). Among' tip, 0nter•r.liu0rs w1.10 5.114,, bit,' antra ncn.irinna ilia( r.erled nn 11111.14l1(01. 1101 1 (1 lit. Rl bel andien,',• 511(1 in (11010 1110 ❑vn113,' . 1 110 814914111' R01 - (1101.a. usmll delighted evetpole and resnondt'11 er' v revel °Indy nigh e1. coosnsdid 111e other old et1,iuerson the nl''.greni, 1l isav•lge «lu1 i•: aim) nn E'"rntil'rlist ' t ,t id ,0-15111 (rune, 88118 8.1 1119 11881 1,1 -8861111 81001'1,011i ng 11(1111(,815 8111118 an ,-(1f 1110 I, y..13,,'.v- 6d '.14111 11l l4o117i1,3f the Saxap11c ne and gate tt 0111(011' (1f 44,11,+. A,1dt•ea5e9 (00 16 34191.0 (,y R6v. 1}. \V, (Vi(11,,l is f \it. 11,ydee4 and Rev. It, W. hart of Trnn•bl idg0 who in 11(111(010n, rem. at1(, Wen nppinnl' and ale( we( 0 list- ened to with' 1n11l'lt attention ((5 they each appl'l'pl'ie((1 message along the line 01 Armietire and gelleral'ITutnks- lav1ng. l)r. 11 6 01 18110 8 o1 Tornnl appeared on the program in two solos and was much enjoyed. The accompanists for the evening were Miss. Mooney, Miss V. Crawford of Toronto and Mrs, R, Wilbee while Miss McNairn and Mr. Savage each accompanied their musical groups. Financially, this Anniversary Occas- loin which has passed into history for another year was one of the most , success ful• the proceeds from the Thannk Offering and Supper nine minting to $350,00, BLUEVAiE Eldon McKinney of Toronto was Koine over the week -end. A. H. Coombs was at Wellesley on Monday for a game of quoits. 1 A number from here took in the owl supper at Gerrie Monday night, John Underwood of Saskatoon arrived on Monday with a carload or cattle. Charles and firs, Coutlees of Lis- towel spent Sunday with relatives herr.. T. G. Hemphill of Wroxeter ship- ped a ear of turnips from here to Cleveland. Alex and Mrs. Cooper of Petrone silent the week -end with Whitney 'anti Mrs. Stewart. Gordon and SQits. Hall and family spent Sunday. with Hugh and Mrs. Sinnamon at Wing'hani Jct. L. H. and Mrs. Bosman and Art- hur and Mrs. Shaw spent the week- end with friends at Hanulton. Charles and Mrs. Enright and fa, slily of Toronto spent the week -end with Andrew and Mrs. Holnles. Harvey and Mrs. Messer of To - rants, spent the Thanksgiving holi- days with the foriner's parents, J. F. and Mrs. Messer, lire. Ross nest the week -cud wet 8Hr. 1. Vernon Rase, of London, and Dr. Geo. and 111,. Buss, of SVinghoni. 1105, Jno, Sharp and fondly, Noma, \lrt,oll, Il I l e, rind 1;10:,1 nrre 01s - .s nt8( 1110 111511k,giviog 110111313' 51 lilt. 18,101-1 Nits (-1,t Lowt7. ;sirs, (91,:111 r 1ei ( - lit 1 wtPr 111 t tlL t !5 - 1 ( Ps , Alts I) C. Id d 1 and 11 Gifford Swayfulnt, we( o 1000•0 LI,I 1' with Koch.,.' -t fri.•1,1, 14.. la 1._0 kre 15 'hin,siey !hi.; Week to ti'luti Lookout whelp S.r.uLassn i, lor',alt•d 00 Ih.• air 501810e 11 W.. Cravacill"t lural Th.. \Villi. and I,v •1111111.011. 1411.08 Iuul Jock, end tire. lila \('illi'., , 1' 11,11-,ei., (Lod V.tuce vied \hs Sandec'ou, of R'ine;lutn4. woo wlek-end t'sil('(1 to 1Io,,,,t hope with II. 11, ;u d Abs. rinhv r0 ant 81119(11 l'ilIv. ia-Ii,•eve W. IL Lobb, of Gode- rich Townsh!p• gay,. Thu Post a eall on Tuesday. 4\'m Strettun, of Fort William, n, . •1 guest with his brother, Frank (4.t.,,non, during the past week. Misses Jean 81888er and Rose Drohvn, of Toronto, spent Thanks- ^iving with the furrier's mother,. Moe. Annie Messer, Flora Street. Rus, and Mrs. Zimmer aand child- ren and Miss Mabel Zimmer, of Tor- onto, spent the holiday at the home of .4. C. and Mrs. Dames, The lat. for is extending her visit. Wm. and Mrs. Logan and W. A- tund Mrs. Logan, all of Toronto, were visitors over Thanksgiving with IL J. and Mrs. Anderson. Mrs. W. A. Logan is a daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Anderson. Mrs. John Kealey, Fred and Mrs, Campeau and son. Junior. of Sag- inaw, Mich., were visitors with Mrs. Florence Russell, town, and also friends in Grey. Township over the week end. Dr. Margaret C. Calder, of Wing - ham, was a visitor in her old home town this week. lir. Calder expects to take a World Cruise tills winter - Her office will be closed from Nov. 29 until April. Thanksgiving visitors with Dr. and Mrs, Ramage were: Mrs, 3',, Bruce,. Toronto; James and Mrs, MacKenzie and daughter Kathleen, of Mitchell, and Dr. and Mrs. Curtis, of Mar - more. Misses Ethel and Viola Mathew were home for Thaanksgiving. R. (,miss has finished up th a s- ing for the season and James Thy'nne will be through in about a w('ok. HURON COUNTY George Phi ppeti of L'wer SVinghate.. 11118 a freak Angora rabbit, The ani. 111111 having hat 0110 ca whirl Is almost Minuted. on rite front Jif f,hti heed. The heart 510019 1, 0 he nomas[ but with no ether «peeing for the cae. The ('81)111114 nearly full grown end it in a healthy eonditi01(,