HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1928-10-31, Page 741
1.'1"r ER BUTTER
We are now prepared to Grade your Cream honestly,
gather it twice a 1':4011 and deliver at our Creamery each they
we lift it. We gather will covered truck to keep sun off it.
We pay a premium of 1 cent per ib. butter at for
Specials over that of No. 1 grade, and 8 cents per lb. but-
ter -fat for No 1 grade over that of No. 3 grade,
The basic principle of the improvement in the quality
of Ontario butter is the elimination of second and off grade
cretrrm. This may be accomplished by paying the producer
of good cream a better price per pound of butter -fat t•usn
is paid to the producers of poor cream. We solicit your
patronage and co-operation for better market.
n,>,7iWe will loan you a can,
See our Agent, T. C. McCALL,
or Phone 2310, Brussels,
The Seaforth Cr .:amary
A Man To
His ale
Illustrations by
II Win I'ilycrS
Crpyrit ht Bettis twat -rat Ca.
. tz yG"x O, -..",,,O, ziGW'11Ca's^y c,:.'szs+'F1K"R1rs�Th•.vutS
11Is snarl bed thanLed to tt ::aIle,
511,1 he S01Hirtti to "1101' sldiity 'un-
trolled himself. '1'1,t girl limeed at
both of thein gild slowly went into the
But H s Gun Was Out. AG He Raised
it Rainey Dripped With Him..
captain's room. Carlsen wheeled on
Rainey, his face once more a mask of
"I'll put you where you belong, you
d—d interloper," he said. "What In
h-1 do you mean by asking her that
"That's coy business."
"I'll make It mine, And I'll. settle
yours very shortly, once and for all. I
suppose you're soft on the girl your-
self," he sneered. "Think yourself a
bora 1 Do you think she'd look at you,
a beggarly newsmenger? Why, she--"
"Yon can Imre her wt of It" said
Rainey, qui, thy, ",1s far you, I think
you're n dirty hhtekgunrd," a
C5 1 5 a
arisen' until hat l ck to his
pocket as 11100'0 est flashed through
the opening and caught hitt high on
the jaw, sending hint sniggering hack,
crashing against the partition and down
Into the cushioned seat that ran
' around the place.
But his gun was out. As he raised it
Rainey t:rannfee with hien, (.•arisen
And all kinds of Business
Stationery printed at The
Post Publishing House.
We will do a Job that will
do credit to your business.
Look over your stock of
Office Stationery and if it
requires replenishing tail
Us by telephone 81.
The Post Publishing Nouse
1111110(1 trigger•, and (1,, i,uIlet seeeev'
Jewell the skylight shove Il of %viii
' Rodney foxed up has aril twisting
Mewls with both hands until the gat.':
fell on t1,, seat.
81uultilneotlely the girl and Lund
Gun -play?" remitted the giant.
"That'll he you, Carlson! You're too
fonts of shooting oat' that gat of yores."
Rainey hod stepped buck al" the
girl's exelalnaticn. (:urlsen ,yeeee'et
his gar toil put It away, while Peg:,'y.
Storms advaneed with hiezlag eye's.
"You c•uward 1" she :rale. "1f 3 had
tbuaght—oh 1"
She trade a gesture of utter loath-
ing, ut wldeb ('arisen sneered,
„I'll show you whether I'm a cow-
ard nr net, toy lede." he said, "before
j Ieta eeattial with all u:.' you. A.n;i
111 tell you one thing: `rhe eapuiin's
lift 1s in lay hand., -inti he tori I are
the only navigators aboard this vessel,
except a foul of a blind maty" he add-
ed, tis lie strode to the door of Shunts'
eaten, turned to look at them, laughed
dcliherately in their faces and shut
the dour on then'.
"11',1l7" asked Lund, "what. err you
gain' to do about 1t, Rainey? Stick
with me, nt line up with the 01'01 of
ort. work yore pitssage, an' thank 'em
for nothing when they divvy the stu12
un' leave you out?"
"You havn't said out'Ight what you
ore going to do yourself," replied
Rainey. "As for me, I sewn to h • be -
ween the devil and the deep sea. (brl-
•en has got some plan to outwit the
pen, It's inconceivable that he'll he
'[lung to give then equal shares, And
:e has no use for me,"
"You hav'ei't salol nutrtght what you
bis before he did," seed Lund. "Heel
.ut you out of the way if he eon, but,
ow his temper's bi'led over a hit, hell
of shoot you. Not afore the gold's in
,le hold.
, "As for me," he went on, his volee
deepening, "s found this gold, tan' they
didn't, 1: don't have to divvy with 'en,
an' I won't. If enny of '0111 thinks he's
my equal all he's got to du is say so,
an' I'll give, him a chance to prove
Feel these arms, matey, sire me up.
Ilan to man, 10'11(1 1,0'1111 cony three
of 'em in half. Put me in a room tido
puny three of. 'eni,'an' the door locked,
au' one 'ed come out. That 'lid be me"
This wee not bragging, not bluster-
ing, but calm assurance, and Rainey
felt that Lund 'mealy stated what be
believed to he facts, And Rainey be-.
lieved they were facts, There l e w'as a
confident strength of spirit aside from
Ilia physlcittl coalition that eulluletel
from Lund as stent comes front a ket-
tle. It was the sort of strength that
Iles in a steady gale, a wind that one
can lean against, tau elastic power
with big reserves of forte. But the
conditions were all against Lunch,
though he proleoded to put thorn
Tian to coal," he repeated, "I end
heat '0111 Into 3m uburg steal An' I've
got brains enough to fool ('arisen. I've
outguessed him so fu;"
"Hes got the gun," warned Iielnc'y.
Neve' mind his gam: I nine untied
of .his gun," Ile nodded with sn011 en-
prelrle ebllheletice that Rainey felt
himself suddsnly rere ath g
the doe-
tor's possession of the gun to the
background, "If his gun's the Wily
thing tr-ubblin' you, forget lt. You an',
me got to know where we 311001. Ws
up to you, I w'on't blame you for
shiftin' over. An' I can get along with.
ant you, if need be. But we've got
1 along together tine; I've took tl notion
to you. I'd like to see you gat a wheels
of that gold, an' all tate devils in h-1
tan' oat of 11 ain't goin' to stop me f1'otn.
gittin' itt"
Ile talked In a low voice, but it rune
bled lute the distant rortr of n hull.
Rainey looked at the indomhteblel jaw
that the beard (Multi not hide, art the
great barrel of his chest, tlte bough -
like artus, the swelling thighs and
calves, and tespottded to the sugges-
tion that Lund could rise In Berserker
rage and sweep aside all opposition,
"Carlsen. saes that the skipper's life
is In his hands," he said, "What do
you lube of that?"
"I don't know what to make or
answered Lund, "If It 11 God !help the
skipper! I reckon he's in a bad wny.
iunnyhow, he's out of it for the time
bele', Rainey,"
"There's the gtri," said Rainey. "I
tion't believe she wants to marry Cart-
"If site does," said Lund, "sire ain't
1110 ktttd inc 110011 worry 00001, rr
You're iulereeted about the 11111. Relu,y,
an' I hake it you are, 1 ru tenet' yeti
that (,tu'Isen'll marry h r If 11 men, his
1,0,de 71' 1t (11,11'1, 1,0 w1, u't. A11' if he
wins 010, he'll hike hoe w•Ittua't 1/0110
,•tin' 111,1,01 very '-hunk;' an' oorr'tno-
nies. I know his breed, .111 pion ere
more or Jets selfish ml' eh.), op morels,
in slretids 11101'e or less 1110, belt Hutt
ttarl pr's just plain skulk. 1'lit 113
=mint, hut, so lung tar 101111 k„ep w•ig'
guhn', thore ain't t'011y hunter or sea-
man coin' to harm a d,rv'nt mil. 'That's
aa+Uler way- they ain't 111 Neal,
Rnlaey. tiavvy? Nor is 1'urlsz'n.
Thea- 1110'1 enough real manhood in
111111 ('nrlsbn 10 grease a skillet. (tow
abonf 11, ltalnee are your lilted up
with me?"
";lust as ftp' Re i 'en go, Lund. Pm
with you to the limit,"
Lund brought down his hand with a
meetly siring and melee 111 Jtibret''s
,n aid -a11', gripping it 1111 Rainey bit
his ilps to repress a try of pail.
"You've got the ruts:" 'tied the
glant, ehcelting the loudness of bis
voh'e abruptly. "I knew It. It ain't
all gola' to go as they like It, Watch
my smoke, ,Now, then, keep out of
Caretee's way all you eau. lie luny
try a1,' pick a row with you that'll put
you (11 wrong all around. Go easy 011'
speak easy till land's sighted."
"What do you think Carlsen's grime
is, 11 it goes through?"
"lie's fox enough to think up a
dozen ways. Run the schooner ashore
Somewhere In the night. Wreck her.
Git 'ecu to the boats with the gold. In-
side at a week, Deming an' one or two
'there would have won it. Then—he'd
have the only gun—he'd shoot the lot
of 'em an' say they died at sea. He
ain't got envy more warm blend than
a squid. Or he might land, and accuse
'em ata of piracy. Whet do we care
shout his plans? He ain't goon' to put
'em. over."
Rainey had to relieve Hansen. He
left Lund primed for r'sistanee against
Carlsen, against all the crew, if neces-
sary, resolved to save the girl, hut, a5
Lund stayed below and the time slid
by, his confidence 0000/1 011 of bin,
and the odds assumed their mathemat-
ical proportion,
What cupid they do against so
many? But he held firm In ails deter-
mination to do what he could, to go
down with the forlorn hope.,
The Karluk was bowling along
northward toward landfall and the
crisis between Lund and Carlsen at
good speed, The weather had subsid-
ed and the half gale now served the
schooner instead of hindering her.
Rainey turned over the wheel to a sea-
man and paced the clerk. Ltmd's mys-
terious hints were unsatisfactory. He
could 1101 believe them without some
basis, hut the giant would never go
further than vague talk of a "joker" or
card up its sleeve. And they would
need more than one card, Rainey
He wondered whether they could
win over Hansen, who had spoken for
Lund against the skipper, and had
then kept bas counsel. But be dis-
missed Hansen as an ally. The Scan-
dinavian was too cautious, too apt to
consider such things as odds. Sandy
was useless, aside from Itis good -will.
lit was coved by Deming, scared et
Carlsen, too puny to do more than he
had done. give them warning.
Tatnnc711? Would he light for the
share of goad he expected to come to
him? Lund had described him as neu-
tral. Rut, if he knew that he was to
be left out of the division? At any
rate, Tentacle might provide him with
a weapon, a sharp -bladed vegetable
knife if nothing better. He could not
class Tamada as an unimportant fac-
tor. Thele was no question to Rainey
but that Tamada was, by caste, above
his position as sealer's cook. It wIlS
true that a Japanese 'considered no
means menial if they led to the proper
Was that end merely to gain posees-
siol of his share of the gold, or did
Tamada ha*e some deeper, more com-
plicated reason for signing on to run
the galley of the Karluk? Somehow
Rainey thought there was such a rea-
• Tamada Talks,
It was an hour from the third meal,
of tbe day. Tunmda was juggling the
food for three nesse'anti he
was do-
ing it with the calm precision of one
who has every detaii well mapped out
and is moving on schedule. The boy
Sandy was not there, probably en-
in laying the table f11' the hunt-
ers' mess, Rainey hnagined,
Tamada regarded biro with eyes
that did not lack 0 certain luster, as,
a eloeberry might hold it, hut which,
beneath' their hooded lids, revealed
neither interest, nor curiosity, nor
TTighest lancet price
paid for your Piens
Yo lick
"You Are Not Hating Me Because You
Are Californian and 1 Japanese,"
He Said.
friendliness. They belonged ie his un-
w•rinkled Nate they were altogether
'neutral. Yet they seemed covertly to
suggest to lhtiney that they might, on
ort'ttwist, 11unu' kith wrath or hatred,
or show the hurling light of high in-
"'1'aumrht;" lie queried, "you think I
mit your frh'ni1, that I would rather
lent you than utherwisea"
"I think that—yes?" answerer: the
'apa'res1- ', lthenit 1,es11,1110n and with-
out uer'vlNly. '"lou are not hiding rue
because you are Californian and I
;Japanese," he sal), "I know that."
There was little time to spare, and
there was likelihood of iu;errtlption,
to Rainey plunged tutu his subject
without Introduction.
"'they promised you a share of this
treasure, Tttmadu?"" he 1010(1,
"Thee promised me that, yes"
"They do not Intend to give it to
Free 1'ott may have guessed this, but
I ant sure of 1t, I, her, and In'omised.
sone of the gold, but they do not in-
tend to give 1t lo me. They w'DJ offer
Ili', Lund only a small portion of what
101(3 originally arrttuged, the sante
amount us the rest of them are to get.
lie will refuse that tumt0•ruw, when
a meeting Is to be relied. ed. Then there
kill be trouble. I shall stand with
Mr. Lend. If 'we w'ID 3.00 Will get
your share, whether you help us or
not. II' you help ns I can promise you
Ili least twice tlie amount you were
to gut."
"How cam I help you? If tits 1s to
be talked over at a meeting I shall
not be allowed to be present. I do not
think it will help you for me to Join.
I do net see how you can win. 1f you
can ;how 501110 way out I will do what
I eat. Ilut I like to see way out"
Ile mollified the bold acknowledg-
ment of his neutrality, with a little
bow turd a hissing -in breath. Bach of
it all was a will that was Inflexible,
thought Rainey.
"It' Inc lose, you lose," he went on
itunely, lie had conte on a fool's er-
rand, he decided.
"I think 1 shall get my money," said
Tantndn. The Oriental gave a swift
smile, that held no intrth, no friend-
ship, rather, a sardonic appreciation
of the situation, without rancor.
"'!`hey are vet'y foolish," he said.
"They melte hue cook, they eat what I
serve, They say Tamada is very good
cook. But he is lap, d—n Mee Sup-
pose I put sontethlug in that food,
that they would not taste? I could
send them all to sleep. I could kill
theta. I could do it so they never
suspect, but would go to their becls—
and never get up from then, It would
he very easy. Yet they trust me."
The statement was so mntter-of-fact
that Rainey felt his horror gather
slowly as he stared at the impassive
A thought suddenly flushed over
111m. Was Tatuada in league with
Carlsen'? Had he mistaken' has man?
Did (.'arisen plan to have Tanmda un-
dertake a wholesale poisoning to se-
cure the gold himself, providing the
drugs? Was it a friendly hint from
the Japanese?
When liabley's watch was ended
and he was Closeted with Lund In the
latter's cabin, the giant promptly
quashed all discussion of Temada's
"I'll put no trust In any slant -eyed,
Yellow -skinned 'tee eater," he an-
nounced emphaitiuttly, "They're
against us, race an' religion, They
want Calleornilt, or rather, the Pncific
must, tut' 111'y think they're golu' to
get it. They're no more ah111 to us
snake s 1 cousin to col,
than t 1. 1 e an t
t t
They're net of our breed, en' ,you can't
mix the two, 1'11 have no deal with
Tantalite beyond gettin' dope out of
hhn. If he helped us it '1111 he, only to
further his own ends. Not that he
can do mntrh—unless—"
Ile lowered his vette to a husky
There's one thing may slip to 0311'
gold gettin', maier," he staid—"Che
Japanese. 1 doubt if this island is set
down on Aau'rical' or British charts,
But P11 bet i1 Is on the Jupmtese.
They don't know of tate gold, or It
Wouldn't be there, Rightly, the island
may belong to Russia, but, since the
war, ltussla's hi a bad was', tan' enny-
thing loose from the mnhlland'll be
gobbled by Japan,
"What the :hips genii they don't let
go of, If they sleeted suspicion tis of
gitttn' geld off envy isihnd they c'ud
trump up to call theirs, if they found
gold on its at 1111, it 'nd be tail off with
us an' the Karluk. We'd be dumped
inside of some Jap prison an' the
schooner. confiecated,
"An' if things go right with tis, are
we over sight the smoke of n Jap gun-
boat admin' our way, the first thing
P11 be ant to do will be to scrag Ta -
made or he'll blow the whole propose
floe, whether we've got the gold
aboard 0r not. Even If he didn't want
Lo tell becoz of his olvlt skate, they'd
1111 11 0111 M' 111111 41t11t we was 1Utt'r-
"Eaer play tanto+ at It is?" he went
mt. "i'lu3 for yore hue red when SOH
clou't 1.11011 W1/01'0 10 1.111.11 for anotln t',
nn' lutve 1111 the '0011'(1 thinbiti 71(00
gntu' brolto as they 5113> 11 the play?
An' then Yon 011111 11111(1 a 0.11001 tti('3'10
1111 o001.100ke11 ap' lata' hr the other
ejlat11'> frier?
'Thele; whet 1'10 with' to 010 (c111
Carlson. I've {,f 11111 {1;11oa ect
Matey, un' I ain't men' to epoil 111y
fine by tellld 00011 yn4 1, 1;+1 11
thong') ,01'00 sly peat„'r hl, 110'4
gxnd-de. 11'0 111 L•n,ul+, lin 1'a rf>:.,•n's
en,ldonked it.”
Lurie 01,1011 1,'d hu `z•ly' a 110 mitt ed
himself .00111e wad: h+- 01 ,1 wnror,
211111107 refused a drink. 110 r 111 rw-
0115, bothering 0001 what the1111,'.+tor.
might be, and how be wee, 1:;100110
himself. Ile was 1101 11 I111 :.111'" ul' his
01011 grit, Thele was ra meet ' demo ea
to Itis own pr'ow'ess and hi:. pen 1'0111•
ago that kept (Popping up. A'•'I t!oi
state of mind !s not a pJ'•'h( uu 1111".
Rainey went over and over the situ-
ation as a squirrel night rave Around
the bare of his revolvieg eelliel'r•, and
Came to only one cnn'lusion, the in-
evitable one, to let the mutter develop
Itself, Lund's whoring "and be bed
bothered about until his 1,01111 was
tired. When he turned in at lust, de -
vette his determinetiln to fellow
Land's admonition concerning sleep,
it would uot come to him.
He was awakened at half -past seven,
got a cup of coffee after dressing
warmly, and went on deep. Carlson
and the girl had preceded baa. Lund
stood at the rail with hIs beak of a
nose wrinkled, snuffing toward the icy
crags that were spouting a dazzle of
wbite flame, set about with smaller,
sudden flares of ruby, emerald and
Tamada appeared and announced
"You'll be coming later, Rainey?"
asked Carlsen. "You and Lund?"
IIe started for the companionway
and the girl followed. As she passed
the wheel Rainey spoke to her:
"I am sorry your father Is so ill,
elids Simms," he skid.
She looked at him with eyes that
Lund Stood at the Rall With His Beak
of a NOW: Wr'unklod,
were lilted 51111 c 1111 s., that se,'tnetl
1ig111d with tears brave's. holt! bark.
"1 ant afraid he le 11711,,." rhe ate
3 ''1'r»[ inn Sony Yum', "Tlntrdt you fur
your Kyllliralky. 1- -"
She e1'30e,1 11 •0l10 SHAY( 8.111101
that f t.uey 011.1 nil '•a'rh 11111 110 011 NV
flab fr.^, of t zri a Iltw rl 111 1"e
Aitoli 1t of t 1,„ r 11 ,1011 11 1,1-• 1101011
0111,. n 111 it 0001 1l .,l, 1 1.110 WOWS t".'pg
t'rr � : ann111; leo. Ott 1,'•101 Ott n
1^cinttdtta n l 1"1' eIb'ti,n' g gi'•
!L. N1,„ 1.11'S"d d""u,
1.11/14 ",ape' , rto ali ,
••r'1' a wrolh„r, theytoll 111, %' he
said. pat's tmnsn i1. Veg V 1 1111' the
Alia hers three initel'.'d tan fifty 1111; v
of Ilea your, us lr rule. }+,1111 ne ace
ohgt:r land, whi'•h'll lz• lhalesea or
tlu•re:ch,1me 11,1(3.11 will baro' the
pewee Chneged. There's a t011410ra-
Hit deet of 1'11110, States revenue cut-
ters :,1' Unalaska. an, Carlsen w'on't
1,011 '1)07.1 l,ing 1101111 we're well west of
(here, t"'s pretty euel:y this mort-
la', Wal, we'll see."
There had always been a certain
rollicking goodthlunor about Lund.
Tads morning he was grim, bis face,
with its beak of a nose and aggressive
chin beneuth the flaming whiskers, and
ltls whole magnificent body gave the
impression of resolve and repressed
action. Rainey fancied whimsically
that he could hear a dynamo purrine
inside the glant'e massiveness. He
had seen bit 111 open rage when be
bad first denounced Honest Simms,
but the serious mood was far mors
The bag man stepped like a great
cat, iia head was thrust slightly for
ward, his great hands were half open.
One forgot his blindness. Despite the
unsightly black lenses, Lund appeared
so absolutely prepared and, In a differ
ent way, fully as confident as Carlsen.
A certain audacious assurance seemed
to ooze out of him, to permeate hie
neighborhood, and a measure of it ex-
tenders to Rainey.
()arisen, before he went below, had
sent a man into the fore -spreaders,
and now he shouted, cupping his hands
and sounding bis news as if it had been
a call to arms:
"Land -hot"
"What is it?" called Rainey back,
"High peak, sir. Dead aheadi
Clouds on It, or smoke,"
(Continued Next Week)
Physician and Surgeon
Office McKelvey Block, Brussels
Successor to Dr. White
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t .,
What Makes a Town ?
A prosperous rural population which demands a community
centre where may be established business, educational, relig-
ious and entertainment facilities. Where these flourish and
are active it is safe to surmise that the people of that section
realize and appreciate the value to them of such a centre.
hat rw "'al ^t tai ,s it ?
The towns are largely maintained by 1110 surrounding districtk.
But the organization, the direction, and to a great measure the
up -keep, of the in. ti'tntions in such towns are in the hands
f e business interests to 'ether with those direct! and in -
t1, >, g Y,
directly connected therewith. Without the active business and
professional men to supervise and govern these public install. -
Hone and undertakings no town could thrive.
' ho is ;,+•,ainly Affected?
Every citizen either in or about a town 01,,011(1 be concerned
in geeing to it that they do their part in carrying on any goad
cause which may be promoted, Wither by financial or active
support. Only in this way will any town prosper and develop
as it should.
Publicity is Revuired
In promotion work your local paper takes the leading part,
It is ever the champion of worthy causes and philanthropic
and patriotic undertakings. But to function properly, and
fully carry out 1115 natural prerogatives, it must in turn have the
financial support of the community it serves. When 'reeding
advertising or printed matter always first think of
The Post
Publishing House