HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1928-10-31, Page 1irreeessasaeaaaleeesaieeseteeisaatitiervaleistaireteeeressaAeesiselearteeK44.44134iEirilaseelearttte
The Surrounding District
ALEelse etelelitki !ielealltf'eeFr'7_F-.':!'i.; 341 4el alaaseet! lse 4444444,44: reassess
VOL, 57 NO, zo 82.00 per annum in advance
Mies ]Elizabeth Standerton is Spend,
ing a week in Toronto.
Mrs. Wm. Witsnn has been 8etious-
Iv ill during the past meek,
Harvey Plant, Port !Elgin, called on
old friends in the village Ines week
Kenneth Gibeen, Hamilton, spent a
few clays with his mother, Mrs. Thos.
G i b8o tt,
Mrs, George 13, Leckie, Loudon, is
the guest of her mother, 11118, John
Anderson and Mrs. Black, Toronto,
spent Sunday with the former'spm,
ents, I3obt. aud Mrs, Black,
Rev. D. 0. Paton, of'Ieeswtatee, will
eoad001 auoi versney services in the
United Church on Sunday,
Wm, F. Rae, Toronto, was 0 week-
end visitor at Lite home of his parents,
D. W. and Mrs, Rae, Howlett,
Week -end vieiters an the home of
Gen, Doubledee were W. P. and Mrs.
Quinlan and daughter, of Stratford.
The Fred, Brown Medicine Oo„ who
n series of concerts in the Town
Hall last week, have gone to Walton,
The Young Peepie's Society enjoyed
a Hallowe'en Sncinl in the school
room of the United Church Monday
The \Vomen'e Institute had a very
enjoyable meeting at the home of
Mrs, S. MCNangl•ton, Thursday after-
noon, when they had as their guests
tubers of the Gerrie organization,
Int 1 absence ofe r'
the bs ce t1( President, Mrs.
McNau *hton occupied the chair. At,
f, p
the conclusion of a few items of busi-
ness Mrs, R. Nay, of Fordwich, gave a
very capable address on "Garden
Lore," speaking particularly on the
+++++++,1 •(44.1.4+4 I'+4'4'++4.+++4
.,. SHOP d•
d- i•
f +
•% After Blacksmith Shop 44'
being dosed for the +
- past two weeks it is a
now open for business.
•i Thanking all for past ..11
patronage. +
fi Jno. Gibson
'1. .i.
e3'4Ai•9•d•-Fd-d•'b++++d'•J•d'++ +'b3••k-4'i-
culture of roans and preparing a hot
bed, Mrs. Nay, who Ilan 0 very pleas-
ing nuinnei', speaks front a wide ex-
Brier ' and .Ice n 1her talk ilk tuna much am
preeiated. Mrs, Crosby Botham, also
of Ford with, then very claval ly (1t'ur
onstratecl the tut of making paper
flowers whicl, proved most 1(11981-
1 vg to all. Tho roll call wets respond-
ed to by exhibits of industrial pro-
ducts of Wroxeter, a large variety of
articles being displayed, Community
singing was a feature of the after-
' noon's program, ea the r-Iose•of which
light refreshments Were served and a
social hour spent,
Misses Aline Hoy and Vera Gardiner
spent Sunday in \Viughuin.
Bliss Maud l?ergueon was a visitor
with her brother, George 5, Ferguson
nt Toronto,
Lawrence and Mrs. Cummings and
family visited relations in St, Thomas
over theeek-e
w nci.
Charles and Mrs. yellers and son
Clayton, spent the week -end at Lhe
former's father's, near Belgrave.
Mre. Joseph Johnston and grand-
daughter, Iona Johnston were recent
visitors with Colin and Mrs.Fiugland.
James and Mrs. Aitcheeon and
daughter Mildred, and Mrs, Mary
Aitcheson, of Roxborough spent Sun-
day with 0. and Mrs. McTaggart.
w. J. Reil-
ly, registrar-in•bankru to at Onode
P yOsgoode
Hall, last Thrtreday grunted an order
at Osgoode Hall winding up the Wal-
ton Farmers' 0o -operative Co, Ltd, E.
0, Clarkson wire appointed Custodian.
� snail All l,+E
friday Ev'gl Nov. 2nd
Under auspiees of L. 0. L.
No. 462
Steeper's Orchestra
Admission 50c
Prepare now for the
Cold Weather with one
of these warm Coats. See
the new Barrymore pro-
ductions we are showing
in Ulster, Slip-on and
}t Belted styles.
Navy Blue
Fawny Browns
Blacks and
Patterned Effects
Certainly they are
Swagger Coats
Priced :
$24.50 $2800 t l $45.00
Extra Special
Young Men's Slip-ons at RUN & $34.001 W
A New Scarf
for the New Coat is what Fashion decrees. See
our lovely Swiss patterns which are sure to please
$1.60 $2.50 $3.25 to $6.00
English Socks
Stewart Shirts
Watson's Underwear
Reid's Neck Ties
Brock Hats
Traveller showing Women's and Men's Fur
Coats, Scarfs and Ties
at our store Friday, November 2nd
!Sew Advertisements
Auction Sala -LO, Walker
1§ /tango formula -Phone Ii5
Wood for sale-li ,@1i Procter
D rhnm rante-James
n sYl oUlnr,amnlinga
PigsMur gage o -t.. Holt j9750
Mortgage Milo-klnPhorsmr Dinhlnx
Voters I lets-Towin up of Grey
Notion to Orodltors-Geo, pane:eon estate
Tenders wonted -Peter W Nana
tannin a end Daoae-13elgrava L. 0, L,
Harvest Hums-M000rieff Ohurob
Men's Overawe -mug Tiros.
A notion ',Mr -Genres W. Addy
Shop open-J..1in (11134(1
Mies \Vinifind Drager is';at present
visiting friends in Preston.
Wm, and Mrs, Stewart visited rel-
atives in
el-ativesin Deta'ni1clnring the pest week,
Mrs, William Elliot, Mitchell, visit-
ed her daugtlter, Mrs, Thomas Hack -
well, recently,
Jn1111'fyler nnderwe(1 an operation
for appendicitis recently, His many
friends with him a speedy recovery, 0
Thos. and Mrs. Young who have
spent the past two menthe visiting
relations in the West, have returned
to their home here.;
Misses Edna and Marjorie Reid at-
tended teachers' convention at Blyth
last week, They were guests nt the
house of Mee. Peter McArUihr,
Joseph Hnekwell and two daughters
Edith 1 and o' BePI11CP, and Mrs. Robert
Reid visited with Mrs, Reid's sister,
Mrs. McKinley of Stanley, recently,
Keep in mind the Box Social at Vic-
toria Hall on Friday evening of this
week. A'good program will be pro-
vided by men assisted by Harvey Mc-
Gee, comedian.
Harvest Home services will be con-
ducted in Moncrieff United Church on
Sunday next at 11 a. 10. and 7.30 p. in.
when Revs W. F. Smith, of McKillop
church, will preach special sermons,
On Tuesday evening following a hot
supper will be served Prom 6 to S, to
be followed by a concert at which the
Young People of Stella will present
the play "Who Kissed Barbara," and
the pageant "The Lost Church," See
advt. in this issue,
We are all glad to see our old milk
truck driver back on the job again.
Don't forget the Bazaar at Dunbar's
Hall, Ethel, on Saturday of this week,
under the auspices of the ladies of
Ethel Presbyterian Church.
A number of nor most enterprising
farmers attended the Ontario Agri•
culture sale at Guelph last Thursday
and report a very good time,
A. very successful meeting was held
Friday evening last in the school
house at which the bueiness of the
Field Day was wound up. A financial
report was given which showed a very
nice sum with which to carry on an-
other year. An Athletic Ct il
organized and the following wen officers
elected :-klon.•President, 1 L, id e.
Donald ; President, 13. Knight; Vire-
President, S. Nettle ; Sec.•Treas„ i.
Keys. Arrangements were also made
to hold glom moray Parties during
the winter season and it was also de-
cided 10 put on a play in the near fut-
Bliss Alma Querengesser has left for
Detroit• Mich, where she intends spend-
ing the wham,
A clearing sate of household effects
will be held on Saturday 111 this week
at the Lorne of Hugh Addy.
R- 13rexnuar was the first to enjoy a
sleigh ride this whiter. He opened the
season on Tuesday morning.
13e0. Hollenbeck and E. Speiran
held clearing aucti011 sales on llouday
of this week with gond crowds,
Remember Ethel United Ohuech An-
liiversnry services on Sunday, Nov. 11,
and hot fowl Supper on Monday
(Thanksgiving) night.
Aire. A, Bremner attended the Wo-
man's aliesionary Society meeting in
Ford with on Tuesday last 0s delegate
from the Ethel Society,
Rev, D. M. Guest, John Pearson and
Leslie Earl represented the Ethel OW -
nit at the Missionary Banquet held in
Mitchell on Monday of last week,
Don't forget the Bazaar to be held
on Saturday of this week by the ladies
of the Presbyterian Oharell in the
Dunbar Hall. Tea served during the
Why not epend Sunday evening in
the United °burets. Regular Service
at 7.80. The pastor will preach on the
subject "Climbing 'frees," Members
and visitors will be made welcome.
We were in error in out• correspond-
0(1ne hast week i11 reporting Wrn. and
Mrs. 310rnmon moving to the village.
We understand they are coming in a
couple of weeks. The error may be
that old saying, "The wish is father to
the act." AL any rate we wish them
bon voyage to our village when they
do come,
Babe Ruth may be the champion
"stoat" of American base hall but he
loses the respect of a lot of Canadian
admirers when he champions Al. Sm-
ith for President en the grounds that
Al. br0115111 Sunday base hall to the
front in his home state. It is hardly
to be wondered al that Al, pimudee8
to remove restrintione on liganr drink.
ing if erected, However in Ontario
we are beginning to see the evil of cat-
er'4ngto the browerie8 and dietilleri88
and Ontario tropes flint our 001181118
will not fail in their great testing time,
So we vote for Hoover for President,
On Friday evening last a jolly time
wits spent at 111e Parsonage when the
choir members enjoyed a Hallowe'en
social, Upwards of thirty were prem-
ent•0nd with the rooms carefully deo-
fully decorated in coal Hallowe'en
1 style every one was in the mood to
enjoy an evening's fun. The gho8tand
witch without which no hallowe'en
party Would be complete, were in their
-IN ---
Saturday,Nov. 3rd
1lld� d
Aprons, Towels, Fancy Ar-
ticles, Knitting. &c., also
Home-made Baking and
Farm Produce.
15c Tea served during the Afternoon
Come and enquire 0 the
Bazaar Pot Office for
your 25c parcel,
hors o t
en a 2 o'clock ock Star
Under auspices of Ladles of
Presbyterian Church.
placee while spooky games were eu•
tered into heartily in the light of
pumpkin mea, After games and con-
had been enjoyed u •
l y
d [nth was
served by the ladies with considerable
e 1 i
r1 has s on pumpkin s
p p p l pie a the chief
delicacy cm the menu, The party
broke up about 11.30 after a very en-
joyable time,
B td weather for farmers to finish up
their root
Don't forget the Box Social at Vict-
oria Hall Jamestown, on Friday even-
ing of this week. Harvey McGee will
tickle you with some of Harry Laud-
eies gongs.
Wm. and IV1rs, Kearney and son
Lawson, and Mrs. Frank Kearney
motored to Paris, Ont., and spent the
week -end with Harold and Mre, Kear-
ney and eon Ross. They report hav-
ing a good time,
Miss Ruth E, Johnston, R.N, of Van-
couver, B. C., epent a few days with
her cousin Mrs. Jos, Shaw, while on
bee return from a visit to Europe.
She had been on the Continent with
her Aunt, Mrs. W. A. Shaw, and son
Douglas, who are rcntitiuiug the trip
for four months in Egypt,
Recent visitors at the borne of Alex,
H. McNeil, 5111 line, was their eldest
son, John, and his bride, whowere un-
ited in marriage in St.Peter's Episcop-
al Church, Detroit, on Saturday, Oc.
sober 615, Bride was formerly Bliss
Lilian &ender of Poulson, Mich., ,and
the groom has been a member ofDet-
roit City pollee for several years,
Alex. H. and Mrs. McNeil attended
the wedding.
S0h001. R1.:roar.-Following is the
1 eport of S. S. No. 8, Morris, for Sep-
tember and October. Classes exam-
ined in Reading, Writing, Spelling,
Geography, History and Arithmetic.
'rheas marked with *have 111188011 an
exam, :-Sr, IV -Jean Turvey 78.4,
Jean Garniss 77 3 ; Tom Garniss 61,5,
""•*Dorothy Gall 30,4. Jr. IV-"Olar-
enre Stewart 42, Willie Black -. Sr.
III-h'enn Warwick 71.7, Elmer Set-
tees 41.1, Viola Gall, Charlie Mothers,
Jr. III-alsrgaret'Purvey 71.1, Isabel
Thynne 64.0, **Irene Ainent 27.3,
Douglas Black, Seoond Olass-li,ose
Turvey 60, Bettie Black. First Class
Stewart Arnenl.80. Clarence Gall.
ELVA J. HEXING WAY, `renaler.
THE LATH Mit. BAT1LS.-Silas H. Bat-
es, in his 73rd year, passed away at an
early heui Friday morning October 10.
at the residence of his niece, Bliss
Alice Fralick, following a stroke. He
was born in Oxford County and was a
resident nf United States for many
years. Hie wife predeceased him five
years ago last November, and since
then he has made his home with his
niece Miss Fralick, of Morris township,
except 6menths which were spent in
Michigan. Mr,Bat05 had seven broth•
ere and one sister, he being the young-
est of the family. He is survived by
one daughter, Mrs, Alex Cannon, and
also one brother,. Richard Bates, of
Hillman,Mich., who both attended the
funeral. The funeral was held on Sun -
ay to Brussels oementry and was larg-
ly attended. Service was conducted
by Rev, Mr, Fowler, of Brussels, The
Pallbearers were, Anson Shaw, Char-
les Forrest, Henry Dennis, Robert St.
raehan, Dougall Strachan, and Walt-
er Yuill.
Connell will meet on Saturday at
Mr. and Mrs. Campbell of Westfield
spent Sunday with Everet Hoover,
The W. 141. S, of Roe's Church intend
11(31r11 115 0 bazaar on Saturday, Nov.
24th. Watch tor 11015er particulars,
A, J. Stewart and daughter Patricia,
ofToronto, 'visited at the home of Jas.
and Meta Cummings, 14th con„ last
Dr noon , Tild Mrs, 141nCnilam and
children of Blyth spent Sunday with
Mrs, McCallum's parents, R. J, and I
Mrs. R. J, Hoover.
u 1028 voters' lists have been posted.
There are 1422 names in part I 500 in
partlt ; 102 in part III ; making a total
of 1726 names on the list. There are
1148 elegible to vote for Dimity Conn-
ei1 and there are 661 Jurors on the. list,
Albert and Mrs, McDowell of West '
field were visitor's with It, J. and Mrs
Hoover over the weekend. They ceme
to hear Rev. Mr. Armstrong of L181e,
owel, preach. The men were all old t
8011001 mates, so it was a Happy re -nn -
Narvest Home
Sunday, Nov. 4th
Services t I a. m. and 7,30 p,m.
Rev. W. F. Smith, McKillop,
In Charge
Hot Supper
and Concert
Tuesday, Nov. 6th
At 101(1(1 St,ffa Young People',
Society will pro+cot the Play
"Who Kissed Barbara"
Fuad the Pageant
"The Lost Church"
Supper served from 6 to 8
r isei
A !m con 50 and 25 cents
Rev, W. J. Maines, Mrs. F. 'Harrison,
Pastor, Pres. Ladies Aid
A LAST REM)Nrntn,-Box Social at
Victoria Hall, Jamestown, on Friday
of this
.11 good pro-
ram will be provided.
n Sat-
urday last asChartes Speedy,brak-
eman m1 the 0, P.R.train was boar-
ding it at McNaught, his foot slipped
on the wet platform and he fell be-
tween the platform and the rails with
the result that he had his head badly
cut by coming in contact with one of
the journal boxes. Charlie Leckie,
baggageman, who saw him slip and
roll down had the presence of
mind to reach tor the emergency
brake and atop the train, When Mr.
Speedy was taken from his perilous
position he; was lying across the rail
about three or four feet fn front of
a pair of trucks which surely would
have paesed over him in anothermnrn•
eut, Dr, ,Tyre of Milverton, was teleg-
raphed to be at Milverton station on
the arrival of the train there, Speedy
was given first aid while the train
was held for about twenty minutes
for the purpose and then he was taken
on to his home in Termite where he is
There will be a special meeting of
Belgrave L. 0.L., No. 462, on Tuesday
ev'g of next week, to consider baying
the Methodist Church for a uew Or-
ange Hall. All 5(90.191m are urgently
requested to attend
T11is district received a 8 inch snow
storm 0u Monday morning,
Mrs. T. 0001188 is at present visiting
her son, Charles, at Listowel,
George nuc! Mrs. Mashers spent
Sunday at the house of Jae, and Sirs.
\V, J. Duff is around again after
being on the sink list for the past few
Mrs. G. Snell has retur'iled home
after a visit with relatives tit Blyth
and .Listowel.'
Miss Janet Hogg and Robt. Hogg
of Se0forth, spent 3rinday with their
uncle F, 13. Scott.
Sliss Margaret Copeland, of Wing-'
halm, spent Sunday with her friend,
Miss Margaret Gltruiss,
John Joyut of Lucknow disposed
of a truck load of potatoes here en
Saturday, they ate reel good ones,
Thos, and Mrs. Dickson and son,
Oharles, of Seafood), were Sunday
visitors with R. F. and Mrs. Garniss,
Thos, Field shipped two cars of cat-
tle to Toronto on Saturday and Black
Bros, a Far of hogs rind 0118 of cattle.
Mrs, l4L Pulver, of Hartford, 00nn ,
and Dr. and Mrs. Stewart, of Wing.
ham, spent Sunday with relatives
Remember the Oyster Sapper in the
United Ohnrch on Monday evening,
November' 615, after which a good
program will be given in the Forest-
er's Hall. L. 0 L. is putting it on
and preparations are being made for
a large crowd.
The Women's Institute will meet
Thursday afternoon, Nov. 8111, at 2 80
o'clock, at the borne of Mrs, Joseph
Breckenridge, The report of the (1
Walkerton Convention will be given •
by Miss Beatrice Thornton along with
other' 1)01)825. Roll call, "A verse
from a echoed reader," Ladies sveh
The W.M.S. of Knox Presbyterian
church held an unusual interesting '
sleeting on Wednesday afternoon, at
the home of the President, Mrs Peter t
S.McEwen. The meeting opened by S
singing hymn 108 and the reading
of the Scripture lesson Matt. 14:23-33
by Mrs, R,. F. Garniss, after which
Miss Lovell lead in prayer. Mrs. t
Walter Smillie, 1
a _
n 1(n, de agate to the ec p
tional W.M.S. recently held in lion- 1
5al,non, sen'( a very enentlraging re- 1
port ,of the work being accomplished h
in the Presbytery. The special fes-
tui'e of the meeting was an address
by 1lliss Bessie Lovell, who has been c
doing hospital uvork ill Africa. Miss
Lovell is a very sincere, devoted B
worker and made an ernest appeal b
for assistance and asked that the ed
of a- c
Canada praya
people a earnestly for t
the ,people whom she labors a111eng. b
Miss Lovell favored the meeting by
singing a verso of "Jesus loves ane" in. b
he native tongue. The meeting n
closed by singing the hymn "Just b
as T am" and prayer by the President. f
FridayEu Nov. lad
Under auspices of the
Sunday School
Good Program
Provided by Men only
Mr.Harvey McGee, Auburn
Mr, Irwin, Violinist : Dougsld Strachan,
Soloist: Mr. Barwick and Son, Violin.
ists : Male Sextette ---B. Cardiff, 11,
Cardiff, C Lockwood, P. A, McArthur,
• T. Pierce mai R. Strachan,
Program at 8 o'clock
Ladies kindly bring cups in your Lunch y
Bus. Coffer Free. ji
and Mrs W.McGreat
1('11 4M
The Huron Old Boys of Toronto
held their first series of entertainln•
ants for the season in Ilygoia Hall,
on Friday evening last, anti the ac•
tondance exceeded the anticipations
f the most nt,tt n still•, and the event
was a most soca.; fur one from every
point of view.
Some 46 lades were ocenpied by
the euchre and bridge players and
very valuable prizes were awarded
to the success:tit ('manor tot s,
The social part of the programme
was functioned 1(7 the old r members
01 the t o-ic' ,(2 t1'd every body
At the co"'.h d i of the Lard
l5ames refrt,hm were a,:rva4 un..
I ler the able 61,10.-n l 11 1f' B1i».. D.
Thompson, e('1 ,, vi 111 rumnhfrr.
and 4 netsiid• , . the u
arrange -
merits were perloc't,
A Iter the retie: hments, the tables
wen, cleared away. and a number of
the o1(1 time dances tr ••,.. put on, and
('115)754 by nsor body, tourg• and
old• Music was ,1)5011 �4 by the Hu
Miles -Agar Orchestra, 0(1 it put gin.
gar and snap o t whole crowd.
The proceedings (+seed at •l.o'cloek,
The following are the names of
f some of these r, - nt'.... i •, and Mrs
R. C. Kraig and Thi -Flag Bir. and
Mrs. J. A, M"Lar..n, Mr and Mrs E.
!Moody, Mr and Mrs B. H. McCreath
r i ran Mrs
J. L. KERR, Proprietor
!John 1(n Bi
non _ and 111
a Mrs
H I Stowe,
1 Mr an Mrs
d B I . D
i •
Ii and
Mr A
s E. • r s
1r m
d 11, M.
Pringle 111 and M I act, I nu• dv.
Mr and Mrs T. E. MrTenzie, H.I_
Morrish and t'le Mises Morrish,
Morrish, N. II. Cohhledirk and the
Misses Cohbledick, Mr and Mrs. W.
Crarknell, Mr and Mrs Geo. E. Fer-
ghson and Hiss Ferguson,, (Walton),
Mr and Mrs W. A. Buchanan, Mr
and Mre C. 14IcA1iisser and Mrs J. E.
McAllister. Dr. H. J. Hodgins and Mrs
Hodgins, Dr. F. A. Cooper and Mrs
Cooper, Dr. F. A. Seller, Mr. Fred
McBrien, M.P.P. and Mrs MrBrien,
Mr Sam. Wright M.P.P. and Mrs
Wright, D. A. Eagle and Miss Fogle,
!Mr and Mrs W. Powell. Mr and Mrs
ill. Hamilton, Mr and Mrs A. G.
Smith. Mr end Mre 1\•, I.. Davis, Mr
1 and Mrs J. E.Dunlop, Mr and Mrs
F. 3. Senders. Bir and Mrs J. A.
'Perry, Mr and Mrs E. Byrne, Mr
John Rob h tion BIr Robt. Holmes,
Mr R. S Stannard Mr Err••'•t M.
Lee, Mr. G. Newton, Mr L. 3. Seort.
Mr J. - 1 eby Mr Thos. Brown,
lair 3, K Hughes, Mr R. I1. Mo1•rison.
(Winnipeg!, Mr W. E. Tinning, Mrs
;Fred Irwin and Miss Irwi», Mrs W.
Robertson Mrs C. H Armstrong and
Miss Armst:eine tied Miss Armstrong,
Mr J 4 Timm i' ar3 ... Misses
nn i
I Cl rttd d,
n n arta Wes
Chitt(nt n Mr .] ( Hawley, Mrs 1t.
' John ton Mrs J F Shaw, Mrs Ber-
g1on,', Mrs A. G. i r•.sey airs Geo.
Ryan, Mrs Vernon, Mrs Dodds Miss
; ^ a Mist 1 . Smith, Miss
M,re P ,'I, Mies Female P1' ,eons
Miss I. r,t;k, vJ- i„ Sic , Kis,..
Nast' P 1t. ,u, bis • Sl h Abbott.
Miss bi Pima. disc Otic resin.
(Wlllowdal , Miss E. Priem,. 31sa-
I,•t Williams 1\1r,lio del t Miss T. 1.., •h Pei ern ; o1 ,.tit., whoa'"
ream, •s could. nti_ b,, obtained.
Major i1 Bi i do ware near -
0i 1115ly absent :n , test' W, 1'9 very
mreil , -4.
:Mitis L lu Pat.l n line! an the
Winglhanl t ontirge1 t, and they came
in multitudes.
' President 1151 di td bete:1 the
various pi" :: in * earn .game; to
'the suerecful( competitors.
Fred Mc1t•i,'n says s tli:lt the T:rry
Picnics and entertainments here neth-
ing on the Huron Old Boys.
The Police Department, City Hall,
had four representatives, one of then'
being a Goderieh Township Ohl Gini
froom Tipperary,
"Allam and left", 2 grand right
},and left" (heard in the Balling off,
brought old time menl0ries to a name
bee' of those present.
Melville Church
A very successful fowl supper was
held by the Ladies of Melville even-
ing October 26th, when nearly 700
sat down partake rtrak
of h
repast that had been provided. Fol-
lowing the super a mese enjoyable
Progiannne was given in the Au-
ditorium of the church with Dr .C.C.
Rammage in the ohair; anthems by
Church Choir; chorus by six girls
from the Mission Band. Reading by
Nancy Jane Fowler; Solo Ibirs Rev.
Barker; several numbers by the ;;Male
Quartette of Melville Church; Read-
ing Mrs, Jno. Robb; solo by RPI".
Mr. Lewin; reading Andrew Lamont.
Greetings were brought from the
neighboring churches by Rev,
Messrs. Lewin, Barker and Goodwill
of Blyth.
Anniversary Services were concur -
acted in the United Church last Sab-
bath Oct. 28th., Rev. E.F. Armstrong
of Listowel occupied the pulipt both
morning and evening. In the morn-
ing his sunject was "God's Hospita-
lity" Pi
sir 23:`
o. '141 • cupt1(
Y1 u:t_1c
over". God who is the God of the
!overflow its not bound by necessity
but gives the overflow in Iife. God
Le en abounding personality. There
is the cup of natural blessings. The
cup of beauty which abounds and
overflows revealing to us God, the
Creator. The cup of providence
overflows. There is bread enough
and fo snare. We are only commen-
cing to understand the providinces of
God in Canada. The cup of several
blessing overflows. True frier l
ships never end. There is also the
overflowing cup of brotherhood and
goodwill. Then, there is the cup of
spiritual blessing. God does not
forgive sin with an exact measure.
The salvation that God gives us is
with an overflowing cup. It is up to un-
to give ourselves in an overfilowing
cup, sharing the blessings of salvation
with others. The pardon of God is
equal to all the one., of humanity- If
God is not bound by the rule of neces-
sity we should aim 10 be like Hint Li -
fes influence is measured not in the
full cup but in the overflow. How are
the going to help our cups overflowing
in the world? by keeping 'c11em al-
ways under the spring .of God's
mighty virtue. In the eVening the
subject was '"The sensitized! soul"
"Alive unto God through Jesus Christ
our Lord" Rom. 6:11. Some are
sensitized toward evil; envy, Jealously
avarice covetoresiners and such like
sins, yut when the soul becomes "alive
Unto God through Jesus Christ our
Lord" there evil desires are overcome
and he becomes sensitized to that
which is good because the is a new
creature 51 Christ Jesus. "Old things
lave passed away and all things have
become new. Large congregations
were) in attendance both morning an
evening. In the morning quite a
lumber from the Ethel United Church
were present having taken the op-
portunity of again listening to Rev,
11. Armstrong who was at one thne
pastor of the Ethel, Methodist Ghul'ch,
n the even ng the congregations of
t. John's and Melville churches were
Well represented. We are sure that
no one went away from either service
disappointed in the sermon as Mr.
Armstrong is an able spepalcer and
resented the truth in a pleasing fear-
ess, helpful manner. A chont of
hirty voices finished music of n
iglh class order, showing the skillful
trainislg of the 0lhoir leader, Miss
.1 -
by and the vocal ability of the
hoir members, In the morning the
anthem "Ohl be joyful in the Lord"
y "Gabriel" was sung; also ,a Solo
y Miss yLulu Proctor entitled "Rest"
Handel". In the coning the clhoir
wo anthems "Sound the loud Tim.
rel" by Attwater and "As the Hart"
Pearls" and a solo wets contributed,
y Mrs Barker "Consider and heaS'
le" by "Wooler". The clinrch was
eautifully decorated with ferns,
°liege and begonias.
Betz McCreath and Mrs H. B.
Stowe supervised the card games,
and did it systematically. Both are
experts in running. off a proramntr•.
Messrs Fred Marken, M.P.P. and
Sam. Wright, M.P.P. the two Park -
dale stalwarts, represented the Ont-
ario Leislature, and they did it well.
The old square dances are coming
back again and coming with a rush,
Good bye, Jazz Dance, you will not
be missed and you will soon be for-
Secretary Floody says that this is
a recordbrcalcrr by twenty five Per
cent., of any I:urc(lhe and Bridge
entertainment in the history of the
HOP. President J. A. McLaren, not
only donated the coffee for elle en-
tertainment, but he spent the whole
evening '1 "i,e.
en 1 h ti 11 to make the steeple
g tryIngt ]
happy, and lie. succeeded,
Geo. E. Ferguson, Walton 014 Boy,
wee the nfticial "caller off" and
whenever he called "swing your par-
tner" his voice could be hefted all
over the hall. 'Phis was his first at-
tempt since he left the old cou-
ntry but he did it to the King's
W. Powell, formerly of the "Ex-
pesi'cer" Seaforth, but now the big
t end publisher is ,critic on ing. dane-
He does not understand why
Walking round the hall and shaking
your shoulders, should be called
"daneili". And "Bill" 18 unusally
rigtht in bis idea, even Ifhe is a "Grit"