HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1928-10-24, Page 8WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1928
eixcaeo `tore
Border Print
Snap Shots
i))I)))))))1)i1i�1111111�tJ;l )'1
Bring in your Films and
have them Developed and
Eastman Films
Kodaks and
Brownie Cameras
Some new Snap Shot Al-
bums just received which
are good value.
Dennison's Crepe Paper
Orange and Black
20c fold
Fancy Caps, Candles,
Favors, &c.
Lunch Kits
Well finished Metal
Cases and each with a
Genuine Thermos Bot,
Separate Thermos Bots
The English prepara-
tion for voice and
throat. Removes hus-
kiness and tickling in
the throat.
The Winter
Pictorial Review
Fashion Book
is now on sale, Price
25c. Also see the com-
plete range of Patterns
in our large Pictorial
Review Catalogue.
Read "Unknown Lands"
Just commencing in November Cosmopolitan.
We keep all the most popular Magazines.
F. R, 1SMI T H
ze.g ,Stork
Druggist and Stationer
Local News Items
Dam Overflowering. Your Daily Paper.
With all the recent rains the mill We take subscriptions for all daily
dam is full to overflowering, and papers .and periodicals. You don't
Logan's mill has no need for steam need to do business of this kind
to grind these days. with strangers or go to the trouble
i of sending by mail. Pay us and we
Car Takes To Ditch. will be responsible for getting your
Wednesday evening last a coupe daily to you regularly.
took to the ditch near Sandy R re's '
farm just south of the town, and was Card of Thanks.
badly smashed up. The driver esc- I We wish to express sincere thanks
aped uninjured. to our many friends for their kindly
acts of sympathy, the beautiful
No Report To Hand. i floral tributes received during the
The report of 'the East Huron long illness and recent death of wife
Teachers Association which was !and mother. N. Chapman and dau-
held at Blyth last Thursday and ' ghter.
Friday, has not come to hand for
publication. 1 Coming To The Grand.
Paid Official Visit. I The following shows have been
Tuesday evening of this week Rt.. hooked for the costing season:—
Wor. Bro. W. Beacom, D.D.G.M , of (o October. •'
North Huron Masonic District, made 1 23,24= Beware of Married Men"
his official visit to St. Johns Lodge. , 20,27—"Chinatown Charlie"
:tinny visitors from lodges in the 30,31—Rin-Tin-Tin "Dog of Regi -
surrounding district were present. ment.
Ree -
Service Withdrawn, November.
2-3—Flying Romeos.
The evening service in Melville 6-7—.Sailor's Sweetheart.
Presbyterian church and also in 0 -10 --The Upland Rider
St. John's Anglican church will be le-14—Brass ,;Knuckles
withdrawn next Sunday avenin,; on t 15-i6-17 ltamona.
account of 'she anniversary Services
in the United Church,
Hit The "Dummy" Police.
Last Wednesday evening a Ford
coupe going South, dragged the
silent policeman from the Ford cor-
ner up to D. C. Ross' corner. Spe-
ctators on the street say it was some
racket that the policeman was making
on the journey.
Had an Enjoyable Evening
About 30 ladies of the "We want
You" class in the Brussels, United
Sunday School, met at the home of
their teacher, Mrs. Parker on Tues-
day evening and had an enjoyable
evening. Contests, games and music
helped pass the evening and a dainty
lunch was served at the close. The
party broke up with the class singing
"For She's a Jolly Good Fellow."
Huron Old Boys' Euchre and Bridge.
The Huron Old Boys' Association
of Toronto will hold their first enchro
and bridge entertainment of the sea-
son in the Hygeia Hall, Elm street,
on Friday evening, October 26th, 'co'
which all Huronites are invited. Good
prizes will be awarded and refresh-
ments (Huron style) will be served.
The latter part of the evening will be
devoted to a number of old-time,
dans, with an epert "caller -off."
Literary Society Formed of B. C. S.
The' Literary Society of Brussels
Continuation School has been start-
ed. The following are the officers
for the coming year. Honorary
President Miss Penfold; President
Jim Jobneton; Vico-President Agnes
;Davidson; Secretary Mona Hami-
lton; Treasurer Ruth Strachan;
Editor George Kirkby; Assistant
Editors Form 1 Wilma Lowe; Foriu II
Edna Franklin; Form III Jim Turn-
bull; Pianist Muriel Michel; Assist•
ant Planet Catharine Walker; Reco-
rding Secretary Jean Sanders; Rep-
orter Jack Douglas; Censor Mr. Da -
line, The next meeting under Group
1 of form III will be held Nevem'
ber 2nd.
20.21•. --Gensler, the Great.
22-20-24—Sorrell and Son. stay of two days. He swoops clown,
27-24 Rinty of theh Desert. literally, for in "A Dog of the Regi-
ment," Warner Bros.' latest, he
Married at Windsor. appears as a Red Cross dog in the
In the presence of immediate rela-
tives a quiet wedding was solemnized "enemy," an American who had for -
at Central United Church, Windsor, nnerly been his friend, he takes tot e
by Rev. E. Runnells when Mildred air in the most approved Lindy
Elizabeth younger daughter of Mr. manner, and does some astonishing
and Mrs. William H. Maunders 852 stunts, Tom Gallery, DorothyGul-
Delwal'e Ave, Detroit, and formerly liver slid Johl?Peters aro in the cart
of Brussels, became the bride of Me, and Ross Lederman ]directed. "A
Dog of the Regiment" is based on a
story by Albert S. Howson. It was
scenarized by Charles R. Condon.
Rin -Tin -Tin is practically re -living
Brussels [lilted Church
REV. A. W, BARKER, e, 0.
Anniversary Sunday
Sunday, Oct. 28th
11 a.m.—Public Worship.
Rev. E. F. Arm.nung. 43, D„ Listowel.
8 p.m.—Sunday School and Bible
7 p.m.—Public Worship.
Rev. E. F. Arm.trong
A 7•hane.effrring will he received at
froth services.
Tuesday—Y. P. Society.
Wednesday—Prayer Service
Friday 8 p. m.-
-Choir rehearsal.
Sunday, November 11th
W. M S. Services—Rev, R. P. M.
Kay, of Toronto• will hs the speaker.
BOYS' Sweater Found —Apply at
The Post. 19-1
CABBAGE for Sale. Phone 7.79.
Mrs. Catharine Oakley, Brussels.
FOUR Heifers Coming 2 years old
old for sale. Hugh Campbell. Lot
5, Con. 16, Grey. Phone 27-23,
PURE-BRED Oxford Ram Lambs for
sale. 1, 2 -year old, 1 yearling and
a few lambs. Registered or eligible
for registration. R. C. Campbell,
Brusesls R. R. 2, Phone 43-18.
FOR RENT—Large Garage for rent
or storage of cars ac Mrs. J. Long's
Property, Flora Street, 19-1
HOUSEHOLD Effects for sale, in-
cluding piano. Reasonable prices
at the residence of the late J. J.
Gilpin. Phone 18x 18-tf
FOR SALE—Fairbanks Morse Gaso-
lene Engine, 1% horse power,
with generator and batteries. In
good shape, a bargain. Apply to
Robert Bremner, Ethel, Ont.
Phone 85-18. -16-tf
FOR . SALE— Pandora . (McClary)
Range, in good condition. Apply
at Post.
Being Lot 3, con. 16, Grey. Build-
ings in first class condition. An-
drew Sloan, Phone 27-12. R. R.
No. 2, Brussels. 23-tf.
Don't Forget the Supper.
The annual Fowl Supper under the
auspices of the Ladies Aid of Mel-
ville church, will be held on Thurs-
day, Oct. 25th from 5.80 to 8, to be
followed by a high-class concert.
Don't forget tomorrow night at Mcl
ville church.
Supreme Court Business. -
Four cases are entered for the sit-
tings of the Supreme Court of Ontario
to be held here beginning October ]roue atter placesute. The floral
30thbefore Mr. Justice Fisher: Miller 1 tributes were rabeveeide.l and flori-
vs Hemphill, I
C o rho • eh
r u, ret al. Welsh,
Donaldson v. Mitchell et al., Jowett v, fied to the high esteem in which the
County of Huron. There will also departed was held. They consisted
be some criminal business. of sprat's, -pillows, and wreaths from
friends and relatives, the Ladies'
Guild of Sc. John's church; Masmrie
T.odge, T. 0. 0. F. Lodge, brothere
and sisters of Mr. Chamnan, Fisch-
er family; Aglow. Mr. Chapmsn and
Evelyn; wreath, W. McCann; spray,
Lawson Clouse, spray, 10 girl
friends, Business Men's Association,
Mr. and Mrs. Wilmot, Mr. and Mrs.
Castle, of Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs.
Castle, of New Hamburg. The
flower bearers were 8 girl friends
of Miss Evelyn as follows: Misses
Pearl Boeher. Eclna Edwards, Mee-
gery Campbell, Jean Stewart, Dor-
een Lewin, Adeline Burnett, Evelyn
Cunningham and Florence Oliver.
The pallbearers were Robert Bowman
Billie Little, William Gillespie, Fred
Hunter, Harvey Bryans and George
Muldoon. Relatives and friends
from a distance attending the fun•
oral were Mr. and Mrs, Harold
Barnmhan, Guelph; Mr. Burnett and
Miss, Burnett, Clara; Mr. and Mre.
David Walker, New Hamburg; Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Chapman, Action;
Messrs.Wesley and Elijah Chap-
man, New Hamburg; Mr. and MVS.
Jabez Chapman, Britton; Messrs.
Andy and Alfred Chapman, New-
bridi;e;Mt•, and Mts. W. Saunders
and family, Baden Me. and Ml's. J. 6 in r brewery stock in small lots 10 as
Saunders and family, Kitchener; many people as possible" was the.
William McCann, Brantford; me, statement made to the Star, by a
man closely in touch with the opera-
tion of the Liquor Control Aec and
the doings of breweries and distil-
leries, "It will be hard to make
Erigland dry because there is se mu•
ch brewery and distillery stock held
by citizens. Exactly the same plan
is being followed here, They hope
to get so many citzens owing bre-
wery and distillery stock it will en-
trenhe them for years to come agai-
nst any change in the law. They
and their friends will be a powerful
infuence in politics." There are new
38 Breweries operating in Ontario.
There are applicfeions pending for
the incorporation of 3 more, Such
incorporation may be granted either
by Federal or Provincial governments.
Sending Money
to Distant Points
yOU can send any amount of
money to any point in Canada
at a minimum of expense by
using a Standard Bank Money Order,
This method is the simplest, safest
and most convenient way to send
remittances by mail in the Dominion;
if the mail goes astray no loss is sus-
tained, Should you desire to send
money to a point outside the country,
a Standard Bank Draft will serve
your purpose for ferwatdmg money
to foreign places,
Manager, Brussels Branch
One Sure Thing. Flax Mill Now Running.
Citizens are sure of one thing I The Flax Mill commenced on the
every day --RAIN. season's crop this week and will now
be busy for some weeks.
Cars Were Bumped.
Tuesday morning as Reeve Backer
was driving up to the station a Ford
couple ahead of hint stopped- sudden -
13 and the Reeve went head-on dam-
aging both cars, Master George
Baeker, who was riding in the frees
seat with his father went througn
latest Half Holiday.
This 'Thursday 'afternoon is tithe
last half holiday of the season and
the usual Wednesday evening open-
ing of 'she stores will cease after
tonight. Brussels Chamber of Com-
merce stakes announcement in this
'the windshield, and received several issue.
cuts on the fate. George had better 1
stick to the Ford gas truck. i Provs Sunday School Convention.
I, The 63rd annual Provincial Sun-'
Womens' Institute, ' day School Convention will this
An interesting time was spent Fr Year be held in two sections — the
day afternoon of last week at the re- Western Section in Knox Presbyter-
gular meeting of the Women's Instit- 'fah Church, Galt, October 30 anti
uta. After the business of the day was Church1,] Ottatva,theasterNovnl a dinC2 rllThc
transacted. s. Thomson gave the Convention is held under the direct -
Current Events of interest to the i
ion of the Ontario Religious Educe-
Inscitute. Mrs. Strachan in a short g
talk stressed the value of Salads in ( tion Council, formerly known as the
the menus of to -day and''Mrs. Mc -
the Ontario Sunday School Association,
Lauchlin demonstrated several Salads the organization through which the
which were very tasty. There was:Sunday School forces of the various
also on extibitlon a number of sal- evangelical denominations of the
ads which were a delight to the eye i Province co-operate. These con -
and all were much enjoyed served ventions are open to all interested in
with a cup of tea. The ladiei were 1 Sunday School work. To Ministers,
'their donation of Superintendents and Teachers and
very generous in
fruit for th Country Home. parents they present a rare opport-
unity. Leading Sunday S ihool
Minor Locals, workers of the various iders,on ina-
The pullets that roost in trees un- tions will participate in the pro-
gram. Among 'cite outstanding
speakers will be Dr. Robert M.
Hopkins, of New York, who has re-
cently been appointed General Sec -
til show hies are not likely to lay
when eggs are at peak prices.
Send in your personal items and
items of local news as early as pos-
sible. Our phone number is 81. 1retary of the World's Sunday School
If the clothing catches fire, do not Association. At the afternoon ses-
run, but lie down and roll on the signs each day there will be depart -
floor, or cover with a thick rug or mental conferences when discussions
blanket to extinguishh the flames. will be conducted on various phas-
Divorce records indicate that many es of the work of Religious Educat-
e man discovers after marriage he ion; Children's Work; Girls' wol']f;
':ms been hugging a delusion. The Boys' work and Young People's
old, question, "How old was Anne?" work; also Adult, Home Department
has been replaced by a new one, and Leadership Training. The whole
"What model is Lizzie?", program is planned to meet in the
One of the cleanest cut remarks most effective way possible the re -
we bave ever heard is: "The nice gnirenterrts of tike Sunday Schools
thing about telling the truth is that of the Province. Tnforn-ation (rel
you do not have to remember what garding the Conventions can be se-
you did sag." cured from any of the denon;ina-
tional Sunday School offices, or from
The late Mrs. Chapman. the Ontario Religious Education
The funeral of the late Mre. N. Council, 299 Queen Sit. W., Tor;
Chapman was held on Friday after- onto. The cities entertaining 'these
noon from her late home and Rev. F. conventions are manifesting their in -
Lewin. Rector of St. John's church, terest by opening their homes to
had charge of the service at the delegates who register in advance of
the dates.
Rin -Tin -Tin Coming.
Rin -Tin -Tin swoops down on the
Grand Theatre next Tuesday for a
Clarence Louis Hollinger younger son
of Louis and Mrs. Hollinger, Morris
Township. The bride wore a gown
of sea green chiffon with black velvet
hat and corsage of sweetheart roses in "A Dog of the Regiment" his
and white sweet peas. She carried own life, for he himself was desert -
the gift of the groom, a French bead•. ed in a shell -torn sector of France,
ed bag. After the ceremony lunch- flaring the World War,
eon was served at the Prince Edward
Hotel following which the bridal cou-
ple left for a short honeymoon. Mr.
and Mrs. Hollinger will reside in Mor-
, ris Township,
Mrs. James Beattie Dead.
The funeral of the late Margaret
Ross, widow of the late James Beattie, Grand ' Theatre on Friday. In
whose death occurred at her home "Chinatown Charlie," which is from
in Bridgeburg on Tuesday of last 1 the pen of the prolific playwright, Gum, Preston; Mr. and Mrs. Snow -
week, after an illness of several Owen Davin the comedian is said to den, Baden; Miss Mason, London;
months, took place from the residence 1 give en exceedingly realistic inter- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dawson, Learn -
of W. J. Walker, Seaforth, Thursday, .pretation of a guide on a New York tngton; and Mre, W. Anderson,
to the Maitlandbank Cemetery, The I sight-seeing bus, a wax dummy, a Windsor. Deceased was born in
service was condue'cecl by Rev. W. D. Chinese mandarin, and a lover, The Yorkshire, England in 1885 and bad
McDonald of Egmondville. Mrs, Be- Ilast is not the least, for in order to been in falling health for the past
attie, who was 65 years of age, was Lwin the band of the heroine,,,portr- few months only being confined to
a daughter of the late James Ross, ayed by Louise Lorraine Johnny puts bed for seven weeks. Although a
This is the third death in the family up some fights worthy of a western great sufferer at times deceased was
during the past eight months, both ;villain, and performs the thrilling very patient and always had a raacly
her slaughter and husband having :stunt of walking across a human smile for all , She will be greatly
passed away during that period, The bridge—the bodies of five acrobats missed both in the home and by out -
pallbearers were Messers, Ross Sproat :swung together :from a second -story siders as .her cheery disposition and
William Sproat, Russel Sproat, Wil- fire -escape to the balcony or the kindly acts won her a host of friends.
palace, twen'cy-five feet In religion she was se devote member
lam Charters, John Nicholson and mandarin's
Httrry Charters. She is survived by 'across the street. The comedian re of St. John's Anglican church was
assisted in this riot of fun by Louise also a great worker in the Guild. She
two sonsRobert C Beattie, ttie of B- culotte, s rl L Anna May Wong ;Plana is survived by her husband and one
"Chinatown Charlie"
Johnny Hines, famous for his
comedy screen characterizations, is
said to surpass all previous perform -
mime in " Chinatown Charlie," his
latest First National Picture, pro•
decor by C, C. Burr, coming to the
W. C. T. U. Notes.
On -Wednesday everting, Oct. 17
th our Women's Christian Tempera-
nce Union was favoured with a visit
from Miss Rosenand Duff, field
Secretary, for the W. C. T. U. Miss
Duff is a splendid speaker and has
had a wide experience along Tem-
perance lines, and is always a wel-
come visitor eo Brusesls. She gave
a very instructive talk in the United
Church, Quoting Dr. Cadman she
told us that the President of the
Federal Council of Churches In
U.S,A.. says.—"Ninety per cent. of
permanent reform is purely educa-
tive; the rest is emotional or le-
Kiel/Save. The schools and churches
must redone their neglected task of
instructing the children and adole-,
seonts in their care, that drink is a
poison. Science is with- them, so is
experience, so is history of intoxicat-
ing liquors from its beginning. Let
us reassemble our forces and main -
Mild the outlawry oe the liquor tr-
affic. At persent 'there are five dis-
tilleries operating in Ontario and
five more opening at Port Colborne,
Sarnia, Kitchener, Lindsay and the
Niagara District. In September the
Government was selling beer from
27Breweries in Ontario. Quoting
from the Daily Scar of June 19. we
are told; •'"Llhat in Ontario of sell -
dgeburg and Ross 13eattie of Girvice May, Sojin, Scooter Lowry, Harry daughter, Miss Evelyn at home, and The Sunday School scientific Tem -
Saskatchewan. Old friends will use, Grilibon, Fred Kohler, George Kuwa, one brother, William Bailey of Peace perance Campaign will begin Nov,18
tends sorry to the two sons in the Jack Carlyle, Jack Burdett°, Betty River, Mich. The sympathy of the th and consists of twelve lessons to
yup Egan, Joy Lynn, and a score of other community goes out to Mr. Chapin -an run one a week in the "Northern'
loss of their mother. The family funmakers. Charles Hines directed and Miss Evelyn in the loss of a Messenger" and followed immediately
resided in Brussels for many years. the offering, good wife and loving mother. after by Written Examinations, Sen-
He 's Dry Store.
a i l r Iarga ins
Excellent values offered in Wall Papers as we are
cleaning up the old stock to make room for the
new r„- It will pay you to see them.
Golds - Eoughs
As 't is now the season for Colds, Coughs, Bron-
chitis, etc., we would suggest the following as be-
ing the great help in combating these
Parke Davis &Co. Creopho s
Standardized A Thee, P,uilder, and Remedy
Cod Liver Oil fel'
rc uovhs.
Extracted from selected and
strictly fresh cod livers.
One teaspoonful is equivalent
in Vitamin Value to at lease
one pound best creamery
Butter or eleven pints whole
mills or nine eggs.
Recommended by Physicians
For Bronchitis coughs and
colds, Gdves instant, relief.
Seated and Stubborn
Nyal Strengthen-
ing Tonic
Helps Build up Vim Vigor and
Nyal Pinol
An excellent Remedy for ir-
ritated conditions of the
Alien's Drug Store
Exclusive Agent for Nya1 and Penslar Remedies
Druggist and Stationer
Successor to James Fox
for and Junior; Senior 14-17 years,
Junior up to 13 years. The 12 weeks
course in the Messenger costs only
10 cents per scholar home. There
are over 1000 prizes including a few
Provincial and National Cash prizes
Miss Duff also gave a talk to the
pupils in Walton and Ethel Schools.
9100UAIG. At Wynyard, Sask„ on Saturday'
Oct. 18th, Sarah MCClualg, formerly of
Welton, aged 88 years and 10 menthe,
PATTERSON,—In Mullett township, on Oot.
201h, 1828, George Patterson, aged 88 years.
Auction Sal..
THIJRSDAY, OCT. 261'11.—perm stook, &o,
at lot 21, Con D. Grey, at 1.80 o'clock. Wm.
DoRN A. Michel, Prop • D. M. Snott, Ana,
HIILL� At 1260 Turner Road, Sandwich Eaet, MONDAY, OCT. 29th —Farm Stook, Imola.
onOetoberl8ch,1928, to Mr, and Mrs. Ar• menta, tCo., at Lot 26,Con. B, Grey. Sale tins
thur Bull, n son — William Alexander J �ervved atter Ao'clock. Ben Hollenbeck, Prop,;
ave. United Church Parsonage, Toronto,
on Wednesday, Oct. 1711,, by Rev. A. L.
Ranter, Mies W Ilhehttlne Leettn, youngest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Wnl, Wllldnson,
Morris township, Go Mr, Llayd hi. Rlanohe,
only eon of Mr, and Mrs. Louis Blanche, of
HU itedCh R—MAUNDERS,—At Central Use,
ChM ch, Windsor, by Rev. A. E. Run -
netts, Miss Mildred Elizabeth, younger
daughter of Mr_ and Biro. W. H. Maunders,
of Detroit, and formerly of Brussels, to
Mr, Clarence Lenin Hollinger, younger
eon of Mr. and 11re Louis Hollinger, of
Morris township.
HAMTLTON.—In loving memory of our dear
.husband rind father, Robert Wallace Ham-
ilton, tvho departed this life one year ago
ta•day, Oct 2,11,1, 1027,
pe knows how much we miss oa,' :
7tty mss,
l one knows the hitter we loin
W o have suffered since we lost yon,
Monte has never been the same.
In our hearts your memory lingers,
Sweetly tender, fond and tree;, ...
There is not a day, dear father,
That we do not think of you. o
We are trusting a fsw short yearn of evil
We will renoh the happy shore
Where deattedlvided friends 1,t last
Shall meet to part no more.
—wire, DADGaTEn AND SDNa.
WI9IBEN.—In fond and loving memo' of
Grace A. J, Spelran, beloved wife of Albert
J. Welber, who !mused away Oot. 28rd,
W itt ary uc,
WEDNESDAY, OCT, OICT, — Farm stook,
implements, &a 1,t lot 24, Con, 12, Grey, at 1
o'clock, Geo. E. Spetren, Prop. ; Jno, kraut.
er, Clerk • D. M, Scott, AUC.
oauas'DAY, NOV. tet.—Farm, Farm Stook
and Implements, at b34 Lot 28 and Pt 89, Con,
1, Morrie township. Pete at 1 o'olook, Mrs.
Chas Purvey, Proprietress; D. 81, Soott, Apo.
TUESDAY, NOV. BTn,—horn Stools and
Implements, at Lot 9 Con. 4, Morrie, Sale at
I o'clock, C. B. Wilkinson, Prop.; ans.Tay-
lor, Auctioneer.
Farm for Sale
West half of South half of Lot. 12, on the 17th
Concession of Grey, containing 60 norm and
the South half of Lot 12, on the 18th Conces•
Mon of Grey containing 50 nem. On the
premises is comfortable brick house, goocl
born end drive shed, orchard 2 wells, 12 acres
bush, alt underdrehted ; 8 miles from Walton,
Immediate possession. Apply on she prem.
iees. ALEX. NIOH01„ R.R.0, Walton.
18•tf Phone 07.8
for Bale by Tender
The undersigned offers her ill -etre farm,
lot 20, 000. 7, Morris, for sale by tender ; 40
norea good pasture land, bnlonae timbered,
some hardwood, 'Fenders received up no Oats
ober 1711i next.
Brussels P. 0.
For Sale or Rent
100 acres being Lot 11, Cort, 2, Grey town.
Ten years have Cone. ship. Bank barn with dements stables through -
But, Oh, we mise her still;' out, Frame home ' good oallnr • good ors
Never chair her memory fade, ohnrd. School on adjoining firm, Milk route
Loving hearts will always linger Moleeworth Cheese Factory, Possession Oat,
Around the grave where Grace is laid, 16th. For particulars apply to
SrsTma AND Bnamnioas, 16.9 13. MD00RMTiK, Listowel,
Poultry Wanted
Will pay the following prices for No. 1 Quality Poultry—
No. 2 at market value. Birds n'lnst be in starved condition or
deduction made for crops. Average number birds to coop.
Dressed Milk -fed abiekens must show white in Dolor and
free from titres ; 'back and pin bones well covered with meat
to command tole price ;--
Selected Milk Fed
Alive Dressed Di'eesed
Ohiekene, 0 Ib, and over 24 ,27 30
Chickens, 5 to 6 lbe
22 25 20
Chickens, 44 to 5 lbs 20 24 28
Chickens, 4 to 49 'be 18 22 27
Ohickene, 8t to 4 lbs ,17 21 25
Chickens, ander 3+ lbs 16 20 22
Fowl, S lbs, and over ,18 28
Fowl, 419 10 5 lbs, 16 ,21
Fowl, 4 to ee lbs .14 ,19
Fo-v1, 8 Cn 41bs ,18 .18
Fowl, 810 8}lbe................ .12 ,17
Fowl, 81bs. and under .09 .15
. Ducks, White .............. ,15 23
Ducks, Colored 18 ,22
Phone 66
Robt. Thomson