HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1928-10-24, Page 1) 4 VOL, 57 NO, 19 $2.00 per annum in advance BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, WE,DNE,SDAY, OCTOBER 24. 1928 erlr— J. L. xaRie, Proptietor MELVILLE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH - - - BRUSSELS ANN Al FOWL SUN ER Will be held in the Basement of the Church under auspices of the Ladies' Aid Thursday, Oct. 25th Hot Fowl Supper served from 5.30 to 8 o'clock and a program for a high-class Con- cert is being arranged for. Make this Your Big Night Out ! • Admission 50 and 25 Cents MRS. JOHN MEADOWS, MISS 10. LAMONT, President. Secretary. The Surrounding District tialielHakeHOSHOSOratitategtafetHEMEHESHOlat*RetHeW ... . _ ... HENSALL brothers, Mrs, Hugh McEwen and The funeral was held from ,he fam. Miss Jessie Bell, Hartsell ; Airs. E. A. Doan, Moretti, Alta; William Bell C.P. R. agent, McLean, Sask., and Dr, Jae. W. Bell, Harrisburg, Pa. ily residence, Friday after noon ot Dr, Daniel Bell, who was found dead in his motor car in Film, Michigan, where Dr. Bell had practised for years led to the conclusion dna his death was due to a heart attack, lie had complained of not feeling well and his secretary, Miss Young, informed the police that the doctor bad intitnated on the day of his death that he was going to consult with Dr. M. S. Chem. bees, of that cii ea Dr. Chambers stat- ed that he had advised Dr. Bell to take a rest. Interment was in the family plot in Hensall Union Covet- ety and funeral service was conduct- eb by Rev, Mr. Sinclair, of the United Church Hensel', Dr, Bell was born on a farm near Hensall and graduated from Detroit College of medicine 1902 and went to Flint 19 years ago, after having been for some time at McBride Mich. His wife died some yeare ago. Serving are three sisters and two CRANBROOK The W. Id. 5, of Knox Church met ou Wednesday afternoon Oct, 10th at the home of Mee. Robert Campbell, The president. Mrs. (Rev.) Williams was in the chair. The meeting opened with devotional exercises followed by prayer by Mrs, Williams. The Script - me reading was given by Mre. Keys, The Roll eau and Minutes were read by Mrs. D. Humber. Miss Margaret McNair gave an excellent paper on a portion of the Study Book and Miss Jean S01411E1011 contributed a reading. It was decided to hold annual Thank - offering on Sunday, November llth. A hymn was sung and the meeting was closed by prayer by Mrs. R K. MacDonald. Mrs. M. Engel presided Buy Your Fur Coat Here and be Sure of Satisfaction Furs are purchased usually on confidence, for there are few people who know the actual 'value of fur skins ; that's why it is so important to buy Furs from a dependable source where absolute satisfaction is guaranteed. Our long experience in both'Raw Furs and the Manufactured article enables you to purchase with confidence, the best qualities and workman- ship at the fairest of prices. The extra values we -have in stock could not be replaced today,.except at an advance of 15 to 20 per cent. Hudson Seal Persian Lamb Canadian Muskrat French Seal Fox and Squirrel Scarfs Northway Guaranteed Cloth Coats Visit our Showrooms and see the wide range of exclusive styles for Misses, Women and Children. • i,ernvNgherv• •kwayrrov Kayser Hosiery WatsontUnderwear lienio Corsets King Bros. THE STYLE CENTRE WINGHAIVI New Advertkiementis • • Iambs Per sale -R,, O. Campbell Haltom for Hale -Rush Campbell Cabbage feir sale-Dirs. On kley (Wage to rent -Mrs Long Sweater found -Taro POST Bazaar -Ethel Presbyterian ()bomb Box Hoeial-VIcitorle Hell, Januotown Stores open -Brussels Chamber of Com, Fall requirements-FarmersClub Hale of Pars -Xing Brea. Auction sate -Mrs. Chao. TurveY Auction Sale -Geo, l3.4peIrIsn Auction Hale -C, H, Wilkinson at the organ, The Ladies' Aid met immediately after and arrangements were made. lo,' holding a Mt velar 011 the 28th of November. A meeting of all interested in the organiziog. of an Athletic Club will be held in the school house on Ila id ay evening of this week at 8 o'cloek, At this meeting the business of the annu- al Meld Day, which was held in Aug - net, will be wound up. • HENFRYN Rey- 10. F, Oldhum, who has been rector of St, Alhan'e (thumb, Atwood, and St, David's Church, Hen fryn, for the past yesr and a half, has handed in his resignation to tbe officials of the chinch- The resignation w 111 not take effect immediately, This action of the rector comes as a, surprise to the community and many will regret his departure frau] the village, WROXETER Allan Munro was a visitor in Guelph on Feiday. Ira McLean has purchased a new Ford coupe. Mrs. T. Davey is spending a week at Shelbourne. Robert Anderson, Brussels, spent Monday in the village. Robert flemilton Torouto, called on relatives in this vicinity last week. Robert White bee returned from Calgary where he has spent five months. Thos. Hopercroft and family, Wood- bridge, visited friends in the village on Monday. • James Hoffman and family have moved to Thoe. Sages' residence on Sanderson St. MN T. Henry and children left last week for Dundalk, where Mr. Henry was recently transferred. John Hupfer has installed modern conveniences in his home and is now waiting for hydro to make his home like city homes. WALTON Mrs. H. K. Manning is the guest of Mrs. James McLaughlin at Dut- ton fox a few days, Samueland Mrs. Storey Jr., and children; W. J. and lean. Beirnes and Miss Eileen spent Sunday in Kitchener with Daniel and Mrs. Theal. Card of Thanks—Mrs, George Patterson .and family wish to acknow ledge their deep appreciation of the ;many kind experiences of sympathy in the loss of a loving husband and father, They will not soon be for- gotten. Word was received last week of the delle of Mrs. Sarah McCuaig, who passed away at Wynyard, Sask. on Oct. 13th, in her 88th year. The funeral was held from the United church at Wynyard on Tuesday, Oct. 1611h and interment was made in the Pleasantview Cemetery in that town. A grown-up farnPy sur- vive. Deceased was a former resi- dent of this section and well known by the older residents. George Patterson, aged 67 years, passed away on Saturday, after ail- ing all some]: from cancer of the stomach. Deceased was born in Tor- onto and lived in Hullett practically all his life, Besides his widow, he is survived by three sons and three daughters: Win. in Chicago; and Robert land Alex. at Thome; Mrs.. Rich. Pratt, of Moncrieff ; Hannah in Chicago; and Edith at home. Mrs. Wesley Searle, another daughter is deceased. Tho funeral was held on Monday afternoon and interment was made at Burn's Cemetery, Hui - lett. Rev. Dr, Barnaby, of Blyth, conducted the services assisted thy Let Us Have Your Order For Fall requirements of Screenings, Corn, Feeding Molasses, Oil - cake and Millfeed for November Delivery. Morris & Grey Farmers' Club Phone 46 CAR OF Pocahontas Expected this week J. H. Fear hone 22-14 ETHEL Come TO THE Bazaar IN DUNBAR'S HALL ETHEL Saturday, Nov. 3rd Aprons, Towels, Fancy Ar- ticles, Knitting, &c., also Home-made Baking and Farm Produce. 15c Tea served during the Afternoon Come and enquire at ate Similar Post Office for your 25c parcel, Doors open at 2 o'clock Sharp Under auspices of Ladies of Presbyterian Church. • • • O., di • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0. *1.d SO, • • • • • • • • • .1. I,. Rev. W. J. Maines, Walton, and Rev. Mr. Goodwill, of Blyth. The pallbearers were; Robt, Reid, H. Kirkby, Jno. Rowland, David Wat- son, Jno, Shannon and Wm. Staples. Relatives and friends from a dis- tance were: Alf. and Mrs. Coulteson Mrs. Barsota and Mrs. Joyce,.all of Toronto; Norman and Mrs. Patterson of London; William and Hannah Patterson, of Chicago; Wm. and Mrs McLean, Mrs, John Patterson, and Herb and Mrs. Patterson, of Wrox- eter; Theodore Norris and so, of (y Plaan.liserston. The bereaved have the eincere sympathy 21 the community. BLLIEVALE Miss Cora Jewitt is visiting Miss Lizzie Ross in Wingham for a few Mr. McLean of Knox College,°coup. led the pulpit in Knox Presbyterian Church Sunday, Mrs, P, Fowler, Wingham road, is under the doctor's care. Friends wish her it speedy recovery, J. Wesley Beattie, Misses Ethel and Florence, Mrs Harry Scott and Jim and Harry from Seaforth were Sun- day visitors et the home of F..B. and Mrs, Scott. The afternoon tea and sale was held in Forester's Hall on Saturday afeer- noon under: anspicee of Ladies' Aid of Knox Prespytenan Church was quite a success. Although the weather was not very favourable the early part of the day, the afternoon was fine and a good. turn out of ladies soon cleared out everything that was for sale, The exhibit of the 'most useful article ma- de from a white flour sack" proved very interesting and was judged by Mrs. H. 0, McLean, Mrs. Craig and Miss S McLean, of Wingham, and awarded prizes as follows ;-lst, a hunt ch'eloth made by Mrs. 0. H. G01'11188 ; 2nC1 an apron, Bire, Jas. Kit ton ; 8rd, wash stand and dresser., covers, Mrs. A118011 Shaw. Laundry bags, pil- low slips and clothes pin aprons, were among the articles shown. The ein- em) t realized from this table was nearly 418 00. The tote] amount cleared is over 850,00. Wain:axe- -A pretty wedding took place on Wednesday, October 1711, at high noon, at the home of Leonard and Mrs. Gates, Pickering, Out., when their: sister, Bernice Shaw, was united in marriage to Earl Heaslip, Oraig- hurst, Ont. Rev. A. J. Johnston, B. A., 13 D., Peofessoe at Victoria Col. lege, Toronto, uncle of the bride, per- formed the. ceremony, The bride wore en attractive gown of white georgette arid Venetian lace with tulle veil caught with orange blos- soms, and carried a boquet of yellow tntlrns, Miss Louie Patton, who was bridesmaid, wore a gown of Trianon georgette and carried 0 boquet of burnt mange mums, Miss Phyllis Gates, niece of the beide, was flower girl in nils green silk and carried a basket of Ophelia roses. Leonard Gates supported the groom, Follow - hag the ceremony a wedding luncheon was served, after, which Mr. and Mrs, Heaslip left on ,a honeymoon trip through Southern Ontat•io, the bride travelling in a navy blue georgette costume with navy blue coat, white fur and silver hat. On their return they will reside at Hilisdnle, Ont. MORRIS The threshing season is pretty well rounded up for this sesaon, The Post always welcomes newsy items. Just phone them in before Wednesday noon. Don't forget the Box Social that will be held at Victoria Hall, Jams - on Nov. 2nd. The entire pro- gram will be given by the male species, Soo advt. in this issue for full particulars. Marriott in Toronto.—Tlie mar- riage of :Rise Wilhehnina Letta, the yotingeet daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Wilkinannee,to Lloyd M. Blanche only son of Aar. and Mra Louis. Blanche, of Palmerston, Ont., Was 'solemnized on Wednesday, of last week at 4 p.m, at the parsonage of the Logan Ave., United chureh, Tor- onto, Rey. A, L. Hunter, offleiating. The beide wore a period frock of beige georgette and lace, with a be- coming hat of black velvet. Later Mr, and Ml's. Blanche left on a motor trip, to Hamilton and other points, the bride travelling in a coat Stores will be Open Thursday afternoons com. mencing Thursday, Nov. lst and will not be open Wed- nesday evening after this week. Closed Wednesday evening, Qct. 31st. Brussels Chamber of Commerce •••• • of black broad cloth with sable trimming over a gown of transpar- ent -velvet, with hat to match. The happy couple will reside in Palmer- ston where the gromeholds a pmi- %ion with the C. N. I( fangegerneet A imouncecl.-Mr. and Mrs ,C.B. yorrest announce the engag- metre of their niece, Christie F, M Leod, to Andrew 0, Turnbull, son of Mr, andiales. Olivet Turnbull, of Grey, the marriage to take place early in November, JAMESTOWN Don't forget the Box Social in Victoria Hall on Nov. 2nd. See ad. in this issue. Raymond Forrest, of Detroit, spent a few days with his uncle, W. S. Foresc, during the past week. Silas Betee, who suffered a stroke o paralysis a week ago, passed away last Friday and burial was made 011 Sunday afternoon in the lfamily plo as Biuseele cemetery. Deceased had for many years resided it) the States, but for the past few years had made his home with Miss Alice Ftalick. His daughter, Mrs. Connors, and brother, Richard, from Michigan, had been with him before he died. GREY Council minutes may be read in another column of The Post this week. See the list of auction sales in this issue. There are many sales on the program these days. The threshing machines are hav- ing a hard time getting into some of the farms, owning to the soft foot- ing. Don't forget the Bazaar under the auspices of tate Ladies of the Pres- byterian church, Ethel, to be helm in Dunbar's Hall, Ethel on Satur- day, Nov. 3rd. See advt, in this issue. Don't forget the Box Social that will be held at Victoria Hall, James- town on Nov. 2nd. The entire pro- gram will be given by the male species. See advt, in this issue for full particulars. Wm. and ittre. Gallagher, of Smith's Palls, have been visiting at the home of Telford and Mrs. Keifer, 7th line, during the past week, The former is not enjoying the best of health and they are spending n few weeks with Cousins in this locality. 0 X Mal ! I VICTORIA HALL JAMESTOWN friday fv'g5 Nov. 2nd Under auspices of the Sunday School Good Program Provided by Mea only Mr. Harvey McGee, Auburn Comedian Mr. [min, ; Dougald Stench:to Soloist .M, Semi& and Son, Violin. ists : Male Sextette—B. Cardiff, E. Cardiff, C. Lockweod, P. A. MvArthur, T. Pierce alai R. Strachan, Program at 8 o'clock Boxes 40c. Ladies kindly 'bring cups in your Lunch Box, Coffee Free. Bazaar—The Ladies of the Pres- byterian church are holding a bazaar in Dunbar's Hall on Saturday, Nov f Ord. Keep the date in mind. t IBELGRAVE A Community meeting will be held in theForester's Hall, on Tuesday evening, Oct. 3 Oth to arrange for a community Fowl supper in aid of the Cemetery Fund. MONCRIEFF F. Harrison and his mother and Mrs. A. Mann, motored to London on Saturday. A Hallowe'en social will be held in the basement of the church on Friday evening, Oct. 26th. Miss Annie Robertson nurse -in - training, returned to her duties at the Bruce Co. Hospital on Thursday last. Mrs, Martin Ferg underwent an operation in Listowel Memorial Hoe- pital on Friday morning. We hope for a speedy recovery. The United Church at Moncrieff are holding their annual Harvest Home services on Sunday, Nov. 4th. Rev. W. S. Smith, of the McKillop charge, will preach at 11 a.m. and 7.80 p.m. A hot supper and eon- cort will be toeld on the following 1 Tuesday evening. Watch for fuller ' particulars next week. Church Notes St. John's Church On Sunday, Oct. 28th, Rev, F. Lewin will he preaching Harvest Home services in Mitchell morning and evening and Dublin in the af- ternoon. Rev. R. C. Capper, of Mitchell, will preach in St. John's Church on Sun- day morning, Oct. 28th and in St. George's, Walton, in the afternoon. There will be no evening service 10 St. John's church owing to the an - I/ iversary services in the United (-humn United Church Bev, R. P. McKay, of Toronto, will be the special speaker to the W. M. S., on Sunday, Nov. llth, He will speak both morning and evening and a good attendance is asked for. The occasion is the annual Thank -offer - mg of the Society. Anniversary services will be held in the 'United Church on Sunday next at 11 am. and 7 p.m., when Rev. T. F. Armstrong, B.D., of Lis- towel, will preach at bo'ch services. A. special thank -offering will be re - Maitland Presbytery Sabbath School Convention, The first annual convention .of ; Teachers and Officers of the Sabbath Schools of Maitland Presbytery- was held in Wingham on Tuesday, Oct-- , ober 16th. The Rev, John Pollock ' of Whitechurch was the chairman ;both at the afternoon and the evening sessions. At the afternoon session Dr. Perrie conducted the devotional exercises and gave a modelf ! the devotional exercises at the reg- ular Sabbath School session, (los- mg with a brief address on the dev- otional part of the Session. Rev. F. G. Fowler outlined the objece of the Conference and the Steps lead- ing to the inauguration of this new feature, .After which the Rev. W. F. McConnell, of Paris, gave a very inspiring address on the importance of the work of the Sunday School teachers and officers. His message was backed by a successful career as a Sunday School worker. He was followed by Mr. . L. Posliff, Princi- pal of the Wingham Public &hoot who brought his class of boys and gave a very practical demonstration of how to teach the lesson to a class of boys. This was very instructive to those who have to teen boys. Mr. McConnell conducted the Round Table Conference, and answered many of the problems that the teac- hers found in their respective schools. A delicious supper provide.1 by the Indies of the Winghara Sunday School brought the afternoon session to a close, At the evening eesFtion Mr. F. 'J. Hill conducted the song services and was ably eupportetl .by the Presbyterian Charch Choir who gave several selections during the evening. The devotional exerciees !were conducted by Re. T. D. :decal- ! lough of Kincardine and then 110V. W. F. McConnell gave another in- spiring address on the chief fernures of Sunday School work, ttniphasis- 1ing the part it was play!rte in the development of true Chrktlan man- hood and womanhood. The Male. Quartette of Brussels Presbyterian Church, consisting of Vessels Lome W. Eckmier; Archie Ballantyne; Gibson; and Will .Spiers; gave two beautiful selections which were ;very much enjoyed by all. The Con- ' ference exceeded the expectations of !all who had planned it. Ther' were one huluired and sixty teachers and officers at the afternoon session, repr- esenting every Sunday School in the i• Presbytery. It was so successful i that it was decided to have another 1 Conference of the same nature next year. The following Committee was appointed to act as an advisory cient- enittee in conjunction with the Pres- bytery'sd' C Sun- day School works: Mrs. J. C. Reid, Teeeneater; Mrs C. H. McDonald Lucknow•, A. L. Posllif, Wingham; J. N. McKenzie, Ripley and F. E. Coombe of Kincardine. W. 111. Hem y,of Bel-Fravetomin- ent sheep In eeder, this fall attended the following fairs, Atwood, Mitcnell Luckinw, Teeswater, Ayton, Ford. , evich, Underwood, Wingharn, Grand • Valley, Goderirh, alildnetty, Sea- , forth, and Tiverton, winning 159 fir- lets and 40 seconds, 25 seconds being ' won by double entries, also several specials, and 15 diplomas. Bobbie Hen- ry also won fleet and second at Tees - 1 water for beet lamb shown by boy ! under 16 Me. Henry reports business exceptionally good, having sold nut of ! young stock. 1 • • Personal Paragraphs 1 Querin spent the week end in Kitchener, ee Mrs. John Otterbein, of St. Cath- arines, is here on a visit at the home of Jos. and Mrs. Querin. re• •ta tee e• Me. Fraser, who has been ealiev. ing at the Bank of Nova Scotia, re- turned to Toronto on Saturday, tee ee 1 Jas. and MN. Ari Flora street, are visitinroembere of their family at Actonand Toronto. George Hanley has returned lune after a pleasant week's visit with members of his famitly in Stratford, 40 .1. .1* st. 1 Mrs. W. H. Kerr and her granite daughter, Man: Helen Kerr were visitors inTorono a few days days last week. Clarence and Mrs. Anderson and Master Bobby, returned to Toronto after their holiday in Brussels with the former's pareitts. Harris Hamilton, of Toronto, and a former employee of the Standard Bank, was a visitor in town on Tues- day. Mr, Hamilton is now connected with an 6nvestment house in that city, C. ea ea John Gibson is confined to his bed suffering from nuritis in both arms, and is unable to even feed !himself at present. His many fiends will wish for a quick recovery. ree e• le ea Norman Scott of Ottawa, was a visitor with P. and Mrs. Scott and othei' friejids in toovn last week. The visitor is the oldest son of the late Walter F. Scott, a farmer well- known Brusselite. Charlie Zilliax, of Listowel, was In town on Tuesday evening. He is just getting nicely over a scalding on his right leg. A kettle of water fell off the stet:7:10m and gave his quite a burning. 'Mrs. john Lake is visiting in Wingham with her mother, Mrs. Ed- ward Boman, who is i 18 iher 88th year. Mrs. Rosman fell a Sew weeks ego and although no bones were broken, :ryas badly- shaken -up, ce 0.aa We are pleased to repent that Mrs. 3. L,Kerr is now able to sit up awhile each morning and afternoon at the hospital in Toronto, and we hone that the will be able to leniove to her home.lbere somt etinie during the nex ek ETHEL. Andrew and M111. McKee of.A.twoad spent a few days with friends here. W. and Mee. Simonton are moving this week to their home in the village, Beet Lake and family ate moving this week to their residence above the bake shop. Service in the United Church on Sunday nrxt at 7,30. Sunday school at 2 p. in. Everybody welcome, Will, Michel is holding a clearing sale of horses, mottle and other live stock on Thursday of this week, Remember the United Church Ann- ivet•sary services on Sunday, Nov- ember the llth, and hot fowl supper November 12th. M. J. and Mrs. Slewinnn and &omit - ter Clatiteeine and Ruth Franklin spent tifew days last week with Will - lam and Mrs. Slemtnota Mrs. (Dr) Wardlaw and Mee. Geo. Krautee attended the meeting of the Huron and Melee Branchee of the Woman& Institute held last week in Walkerton. .A.succeeeful meeting Yeas held last Friday at the home of Mrs, J. Wilson when the local branch of the Womans Institute met in their regular monthly session. An interesting program was presided over by Mre. MoMaeter, president, and re (lain ty luncheon was served by Mts. Wilson Mrs, Jae Brent - her and Mrs. Will Bremner, Belau jackson's many friends win be sorry to hear that he is giving up his chose% having accepted to position in Toronto, Standing Wheat to Biscuits in Eight; Minutes. The Regina Leader had the follow. ing intere.eting note r—From standing wheat to biscuits in the tecord time of eight minutes. With all proae rations made, the grinder ready and the cook stove hot, 0. G. MaeMillian, overseer of the village of Kelfield, tinned with Ms watch a pail of wheat which were threshed by a combine on the farm of Ed. Switzer from a eta- nthng field of grain, carried a mind- er of a mile to a grinder, thence to the cook and in eight minutes from the start several biscuits were baked. • Held Family Re -union. Tha Wingham Advance Times of last week contained the following item concerning a fanner well known Brussels family:—A pleasant family re -union took place at the home of Mrs. Jas Walker when her seven. daughters and one son spent the week -end together. It also being the tenth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. McIntyre of Toronto who were presented with a beautiful bridge lamp by the family, Those from out of tiown were daughters; Mr and Mrs. C. P. Carlisle and two daughters; Mr. and Mrs. A. Flerna mg and son; Mr, and Mrs. IVIeTntyre and daughter; Mr, and Mrs. W. 3. Rerr and son; Miss Agnes Walker, also Mr and Mrs. G. L. Baker and Mr, and Mrs. J. Welker and family Of town.