HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1928-10-17, Page 8WEDNESDAY, OCT. 17th, 1928
Bulbs for
Pali "`canting
Great Big Value
A Packa'g'e of Gillette
Razor Blades
and Large Tube of
Klenzo Shaving Cream
Both for 59c
The Care ofthe T
Requires a good
Tooth Brush
and Dentifrice.
Our stock of
Brushes offers
a good choice of
shapes and sizes
tw cps a 4,4h
4E3c 50c
25c 35c
Milk of Magnesia Tooth Paste
is one of the most reliable and effective dentifrices,
Containing a large percentage of Milk of Magnesia it
corrects acid mouth and tends 0) prevent decay of the
teeth. Milk of Magnesia Tooth Paste 25c and 50c Tubes
If you have Piperinq to do this fall
See our samples to suit different rooms in the
house, We aiso have several patterns which
we are clearing out just now at Greatly Re-
duced Prices.
� S'fGl'� Druggist and Stationer
Local News Items
Inspector Was Here
Mr. Edwards, Huron Co. Children?
Aid Agent was in town last Wed•
nesday on business.
Last week S. Carter and family
;.loved into the house recently vac-
ated by S. F. Davison.
Away Taking Stock.
S F. Davison was away at Nnr-
wich helping take stock for hie
brother, who has been seriously ill.
Will Hold A Sale.
Robt. The,d1 will hold an shinni ,n
sale at the old Electric Light pian:
of many articles on Saturday of this
week. See full list in this i cue.
A Correction.
In L •t w, li i ne of the Pr`:ze
Litt of the Brussels Fall Fair, we
hod an error. In place of F. Tali.
Alex. iiel.au •flit was elle winner
of the Special vial ),1• given for the
best three borses in Yi ' one teem.
ship, by the Agriculairal ci• y.
Uuncle Died Sunday.
till - N. H n.i ten reeelved word
on Monday that ter uncle, H.±nry
Jackson hn,d died on Sunday. and
Mars, Ni. H. We_.,:,> . who hod ,•o;ne up
from Lindsay to attend the funeral
of her sister, the late Mrs, Duncan
returned 'co Lindsay to he rersent at
the, fIDD,VNI of her brother. A oth..r
brothel pa -cd away some months
Funeral Held Wednesday. -
The funeral of the late 1Ire. Dun-
can was held last Wednesday after-
noon from the family residence, Thee
F. G. Fowler, minister of Melville
church, conducted the services at
the home and graveside. The pal-
lbearers were four sons, Harry, John
and Francis, her son-in-law„ N. Hain-
ilton and Dr. F. Lambie. Interment
was made in Brussels cemetery. Triose
from a distance were: Harry and
Jas. Duncan from Moose Jaw, Mrs,
W. H. Weese, of Lindsay, a sister,
Dr. F. B. Lambie, Mildand, Mich.; '
Nelson and Mrs. Baker, Thornton
and Mrs. Baker, of Exeter.
Gets Government Appointment.
The Melita New Era, of Oct, 4th,
had the following item which refer:)
to a former well-known citizen, Mr.
Dave Lamont: -Dave Lamont recei-
ved word Monday of his otljcal ap-
pointment to the provincial game
commission. This new body will be
composed of five members and it is
the intention of 'che government to
make it as representative as possible.
Dauphin, Portage la Prairie, Win-
nipeg, Melita will each have a rep.
resentative, while the fifth Member
will be J. H, Evans, Deputy Minister
of Agriculture. At the last session
of 'the legislature amendments to the
game act were made and it was inti-
mated that the matter of game pro-
tection in this province would be
placed in the aarids of a commission,
the formation of which has just been
announced. Formerly the game
protection act was administered sola -
]y by the deputy minister of agricul-
ture. The newly appointed zone -
mission will hold its first meetin a in
Winnipeg Friday afternoon, and it
Is generally agreed that sportsmen
interested in game
matcars wi11 appreciate the new ar-
No School Thursday and Friday.
Owing to the Teacher's' Convention
at Blyth on Thursday and Friday
of this week there will be no school
in 'che Brussels school,
F. R. Smith is having his block
brightened up with a coat of paint,
W. A. Lowry is having the Blas•
hill Block, done up in red for the
fall fashion,
Looked Like A Fire.
Friday shortly after 4, while work
men were: testing the piping for 'che
;:aeoline tanks at the Hudson &
FA.ei Garage, they took fire, but it
only lasted a few minutes.
Euvs House.
Eddie Henderson purchased the
hnuee that ;he has been living in Inc
the pat few years from Mr's Coleman,
Toronto. The property was known
es the ti._<il Mulloy property.
Second Crop of Raspberries.
H L. Jackson brought a bun.h of
r.t t.b )ries, a second crop, to The
Po:': on Friday morning. He state .1
tit he thought there were eneugn
berries on the hushe, to fill a berry
Brussels United Church
Sunday, Oct. 21st ;1
11 a.m.-Public Worship. I '
6th ie eie eerirs on "Life Culture" I 1
"The Culture of The Heart
3 p.m. -Sunday School and Bible 1
7 p.m. -Public Worship.
"The Centrality of Christ"
Tuesday -Y. P. Society.
Wednesday -Prayer Service
Friday 8 p m -
-Choir rehearsal.
Sunday, October 28th
Rev. E. F. Armstrong. I3, D., Listowel,
trill preach
A Th:wk.,dfcring will be received.
Sending Money
to Distant Points
OU can send any amount of
money to any paint in Canada
at a minimum of expense by
using a Standard Bank Money Order.
This method is the simplest, safest
and most convenient way to send
remittances by mail in the Dominion;
if the mail goes astray no loss is sus-
tained. Should you desire to send
money to a point outside the country,
a Standard Bank Draft will serve
your purpose for for•warliong money
to foreign places.
Manager, Brussels Branch
Is This A Record? Attended W.M.S. Meeting.
Prus cels )lain street can boast of ! The following ladies from Melville
having 12 gasolene tanks in two Church W.M.S. attended the seeti-
blocks. Nobody should run out of coal matting of Maitland Pi'esbytcr-
gas around here. pal held at Dungannon last week: -
Mrs. Chas. Davis, Mrs. John Robb,
Taking Over Hotel. Mrs. Bone, Mrs, Thomson, Mrs. Rant-
On Monday Edward and Mrs, i age, Mrs, H. Walker, Mrs. Wilmot,
i - Calton take over the Management Mi's. Strachan and Miss Jardine,
hotel and Mr. and Mrs. Lowry will Good Printing
board for a week before moving to
ExeterNow is the time to look over year
, l
HOUSEHOLD Effects for sale, in -
supply of office stationery -bill heads,
eluding piano. Reasonable prices Quartette Takes Part 1letter heads, envelopes, stationery,
at the residence of the late J. J. The male quartette of Melville etc., and if any of them are short,
Gilpin. Phone 18x 18-tf Presbyterian Church took part in place the order with THE POST
STRAYED from the Farm of R. S. the evening program of the Sunday printing' office. Here you will get
first class work at moderate prices,
Hamilton, sometime between Sat- School Convention in Wingham on
urday noon and Monday morning, Tuesday. correct as to names, etc., and no ex
two Long-tailed weather lambs. Any press charges and no extra sales tax
information will be gladly receive Will Brussels Have A Hospital, to pay.
ed, 18-1 It is rumored that the .brick house Head Story of 37 Years in Mission -
FOR SALE -Fairbanks Morse Gaso= owned by 5, T. Plum is to be turned ary Field.
lene Engine, 1 ds horse power,into a hospital. The local doctors Mrs. Petery Scott, Mrs, Thomson,
with generator and batteries, Iand Dr. McMaster of Ethel nein Mrs. Ballantyne, Mrs. Strachan and
good shape, a bargain. Apply to interested in the movement, It will Miss Jamieson, went to Seaforth last
Robert Bremner, Ethel, Ont. be a good thing for the town if the Thursday to hear Dr. Margaret
Phone 85-13. -16-t£
FOR SALE -A frame house and
acres of land on Thomas St., next
door to Jos. Querin. Mrs, Robert
J. Anderson. 14-4
HOUSE FOR SALE or to Rent -7
rooms, hard water and small hen
house, On Albert St., Brussels.
Apply to Mrs. Wm, Hoist. 14-4
FOR . SALE- Pandora . (McClary)
Range, in good condition. Apply
at Post.
Being Lot 3, con. 16, Grey. Build-
-ings in first class condition. An-
drew Sloan, Phone 27-12. R, 11.
No. 2, Brussels. 23-tf.
Card of Thanks.
The undersigned wish to thank
the neighbors and friends for the
many kind deeds and sympathy ex-
pressed during the last illness and
death of their mother. It was much
appreciated. .Mrs. N. Hamilton and
Duncan Bros,
Passed Away This Morning.
Shortly after four o'clock this
morning (Wednesday) Mabel Amelia
Dailey, wife of Nathan Chapman,
passed away, after an extended per-
iod of suffering. She was in her 43 j her ptu•ents being the late Jas. and
'ch year. The funeral will be held Mrs. Singleton of flat city. When
from her late home on Friday after- a young woman she lived in Newin-
noon and will be private. To Mr. arkct where she met and married her
Chapman and .hiss Evelyn, we esrend late ] b d J McCauley, Th
our sincere sympathy in their bere-
avement. A .fuller obituary will he
given next week•
rumor is correct.
Women's Institute
O'Hara tell of her thirty seven years
work as a lfissionry in India. She
was there addressingg 'the W.M.S. of
The Regular Meeting of Brussels the Presbyterian CClliurch at their
Women's Institute will be held on Annual Thank Offering Meeting.
Friday afternoon of this week in the Minor Locals
Public Library. There is to be et Half of October has gone.
demonstration of Salads conducted The leaves are beginning to fall.
by Mrs. A. Strachan and Mrs. R. J. School will be closed Thursday and
Friday of this week.
East Huron Teachers' Convention
atBlyth this Thursday and Friday.
A few took in the Wingham Fair
last Wednesday. They had a fine
McLauchlin. The Ourrent ; Events
to be given by Mrs. R. Thomson
Roll Call to be answered by a Shower
of Fruit for the County Home, A
cup of tea is to be served and a
charge of 10 cents made. All the
ladies of the Community are invited daTuesday evs dirty day with the all
to the meeting and enjoy a worth -
day drizzle.
while afternoon.
The Late Mrs, McCauley. Is In The Insurance Game.
The Clinton News -Record of last
The St. Marys J'ournal last week week refers to a gentleman, who it
had che following obituary of well- known to a great many in and
mother of Newton McCauley, now of around Brussels: Mr, D. A. Anierw,
he 5th line, Morris, formerly of wlio for some time as assistant agile
L'russels: A former well known St, cultural representative, was a resi-
Marys resident, Mrs. James McCau- dent of Clinton, has recently been
ley, who passed away in Foxwarren, appointed to the position of district
Manitoba on Wednesday, Oct. 3rd, Supervisor for the London Life Insu-
was interred in St. Marys Cemetery ranee Co,, with headquarters et
on Tuesday, the funeral being held Wingham.
rem the residence of her son, Albert ranee. Press Will Meet
McCauley, of James Street, :North. AlHuroCo.o.GoPress
on l Meet
Mrs McCauley, whose maiden name The fall mooting of the IItuon
was Susan Single con, was born in St. Co. Press will meat in Mika Hall
Catharines, seventy-seven years apo, at Goderich on Friday afternoon of
k t 1,30 o'clock. Following
this ncc a
is the program drafted out: --Address
-Lorne Eedy of Sc. Marys. l eport
a o ui an aures c�au ey, e of Convention at Edmonton; h. Mc-
youngg couple then carie to the 10 Lean and W. F. Naftel: Address --
until 190'2, When 'the moved to St. lYI, MacBeth of Milverton. How to
Y Meet Outside Competition in Com-
Mauws, Twenty you're ago Mr. Hoc- niercial Department. Round Table
th Concession of. Blmtsharl and coin- Discussion; The Best way to Indo
once Non-members to come in. G. L,
Hall and W. H. Robertson. Election
of Officers.
Will Meet in Clinton,
The fault:a annual convention of
the Huron County Educational Assoc-
iation of Trustees and ratepayers,
will be held in the auditorium of
Clinton Collegiate Institute on Satin
rday, October 20th. eatures of the
meeting will be, a public speaking
contest at 10.00a.m.,adclme(sses and
discussions= "Grants to Peel'ie
Schools," "Agriculture in Secondary
Schools," an "The Township School
Boards Bill." A cordial invitation ie
extended to all interested 01 educa-
tional matters to attend, also to the
teachers of the County. Sessions will
be held at 10.00a n., and at 1.s0:p,m.
Wm. Archibald of Seaforth, is the
president of the Association and llrs•
R. Davidson, Dungannon, is Secre-
tary -Treasurer.
Pr•ett October Wedding.
Heeon Old Boys' Euchre and Bridge, The United Church of Bi'ttsse1 ,
The Huron Old Boys' Association Ont.,formed a setting for
of Toronto will hold their fleet Eur -g °„ pretty
che and I3ridge entertainment of the autumn wedding, when, at high 11 0011
e1 1 (1)5 in the Icy era Hall, Elm St., on Saturday, Margaret Edna McCall,
on Friday evening, Oct. 20th, to only daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Thos.
which all Iturouites are invited, Good
McCall, became the bride of Jonat'-
prIzee will be awarded and refresh- hon B. ;Nelson, B.S.A., 01 Pettrboro',
np,ttt:; !Huron style will be served. only son of Mr. and Mrs. George Nel-
1'hc• latter part of the evening will son, Rockwood, Ont. The ceremony
he devoted to a number of old time was conducted by Rev. A. J. Mann,
dance 1, with an expert "caller -off" M.A., of Remick, Ont,, assis'cod by
Rev A.W. Barker, B.D., the former
Huron Presbyterial Will Meet having officiated at the marriage of
At Fordwich on Tuesday. the groom's parents. The bride. who
The North section of the Huron was given in marriage by her father,
uyterial of the United Churen was gowned in white satin, made with
will meet in the United Church, points falling over the hand. The
Fordwich on Tuesday of next week, veil of tulle was caught to the head
Following. is the program for the with a band of chantilly lace and
two sessions: -(see program -run in) bunches of orange blossoms. White
Morning Session -9.30. Chair tak- hose and silver slippers completed
en by Mrs, T. H. Gibson, Vice -Pres' the costume. She carried a shower
ident; Doxology and Invocation; bouquet of Butterfly roses and lily
of the valley. The bridesmaids were
becomingly attired in sleeveless per-
iod frocks of taffeta, Miss Leta Snaith
of Newmarket, in green and Miss
Florence Malcolm, of Galt, in yellow.
They wore black picture hats. and
satin slippers and carried yellow
chrysanthemums. Mr
M. R. Staples of Woodstock assisted.
the groom. The ushers were Mr.
Janes Oakes and Mr. Norton Nelson
of Rockwood. Mr. Bob Malcolm of
Gal's ,played the wedding music,, and
during the signing of the register,
Dr. C, 5. Gilbert of Newmarket sang.
Following the ceremony, a reception
was held at the home of the bride's
parents, Later the bride and groom
left for a motor trip to Noz'dh Bay
and Ottawa, the bride travelling in
an English green ensemble. The coat
of broadcloth was trimmed with
oppossum. The matching frock was
of crepe satin a1111 the hat of green
felt, She wore beige gloves, shoes
and hose and carried a green bag. nuation Schools -Mr. Norman Gat -
On 'choir return, Mr. and Mrs, Nelson and Mr, and Mrs. Newton McCauley. rut: volition
Schoaan. to -hers are Norman
will reside at 504 Harvey Street, Those present for the funeral in-
Pe'1erboro, The groom is well known chided 111r, and Mrs. Frank Seaton to change to other sections. 1.30p:Lnt
to many in this locality, having spent and Mrs. Alloway of London, Mrs, Literature in Public Schools
Devotional Exercises by the Gerrie
Auxiliary; Words of Welcome, Mrs.
Chandler, Fordwic3hl Response, Whi-
techurch Auxiliary; Minutes and Bus-
iness; Roll Call of Auxiliaries by
Vice; President, answered by short
roports; Music, Brussels Auxiliary;
Itoll Call of Circles by Mie Rsthei'
Hume, Secretary of Circles; Roll
Call of C. G. I. 1'. Groups; Roll Brill
of Mission Bantle and Baby Bands by
Miss Mary Clarke, Secretary; "Why
we should have Baby Bands" Mrs.
Bollingbroke, Wroxeter; Music, 131u-
evale Band; Offering; "The Financia:
Aspect of Om'Work", Mrs, Hogg,
Cl inton, Presbyterial President;
Hymn; Closing Prayer, St, Helens
Aux. Afternoon Session -1 to 2
p.m. Conference of all Secretaries;
2 p.m. Devotional Ekercise8 by Salem
Auxiliary; Reports of Presbyterial
Secretaries and Treasurer; Play,
"New Eyes for Old", Wingham Gil. -
;ole; "Our Missionary Monthly"r Mrs.
Willis, Branch See. for Missionary
Monthly; Address, "Our Work in
New Ontario", Miss Effie Jamieson,
1 Toronto, General Secretary of W.M.
S work; Music Wingham C. G. T T.
and all those 1
nenced farming, remaining their,
Cawley died and three years later
Mrs. Cauley went west to Foxwar-
ren to live with her slaughter. lairs
Wm, Tufts, at whose home she pas-
sed away. Mrs. McCauley had alw-
ays been a kind, industrious and sym-
pnthteic mother, having raised eleven
children. She was a staunch Pres-
byterian, a member of Firs'c Presby-
terian Church and a worker in the
Missionary Society. Like many of
the early pioneers, she was strictly
religious and took great pleasure in.
reading thescriptures. She was aiso
fond of flowers and though 011e had
much to take up her time while on
'che farm. She always managed to
have a nice flower garden. Her fatal
illness was of about three months'
duration from which she never ral-
lied. She is survived by four dau-
ghters, Mrs. John Lucas, St. Marys;
Mrs. Frank Seaton of London, who
has been with her in the west for
the past two months; Mrs. Win. Tufts East Huron Teachers' Institute
at whose home she died and Mrs. The annual convention of the Ea'lt
Leonard Wilson of Blenheim, Seven Huron. Teachers' Institute will be
sons A780 mourn her passing, namely held in Blyth Memorial Hall on Thu -
Albert of St. Marys, Newton of Bus' rsday and Friday, Oct. 18 and 19.
Day -
nets, nNijlof.n of Peace oxRlvern Di lets f Thursday's Program:-10a.m., Dav-
Burton otional exercises, Rev. Dr. Barnby;
Address of welcome; heading of
minutes; President's address; Regis-
tratlen and payment of fees. 1..30
p.m, ---"The story as a basis of 33
language teaching" Miss Ruth Barn-
by; School games, Mr.Norman Muir;
Circulars and Instructions, Dr. J.M.
Field; "Agencies for the Improve-
went of the Teachers' Status" Dr.
Pakonham, Friday, Nana -Election
of officers; "A Mediterranean Trip"
Miss Clara McGowan; Teachers' Con-
ferences in the Public School Primary
Miss Buchanan, Chairman; 1st Book,
Miss P. Johns; 2nd Book, Miss N.
Dickson; 3rd Book, Miss A, Snyder
410 Book, Mr, E. Crawford; Conti -
Ward of Foxwarren; Roland of Bue-
lah, Manitoba and Oliver of Alemeda,
Saslc, A short funeral service was
held at Foxwarren conducted by Rev.
Mr. McIntosh of the Angusville Pres-
byterian Church on Thursday and
another service was held here on Mo-
seley eonductod by Rev. L, 3, Stones
7'110 pallbearers were Samuel Bart--
Iotc, David Brown, William Matheson,
Samos Moore, John Crozier and T.
J. Glenn of Windsor. Among the
many floral offerings received by
the family was a pillow from the
family, sprays from Mrs. Annie Rob-
inson. Mr. and Mrs. 19, Blackleg
and friends in Foxwarren, a wreath
from Mr, and Mrs. Leonard Wilson
r. Paltenham' "II lane Teaching"
Grop; Report' of Resolution Coin- several months here four years ago, t, Wilson and son James of. Bien- D
rs, as c director o ejm, fine • "H
Mrs. Seobie Bel rave, in Agriculture. Windsor and 14Ir, T Ellis of Brussels, Lavery.
nii'ctee; Closing Words,. M Gibson; 1' t of theShort Course held h Mr, and Mrs T 3 Glenn of Dr, Milne; at Lunches" Della
rangeemnt, Hymn; Prayer, g
Allen's Drug Store
Wall Paper Bargains
Excellent values offered in Wall Papers as we are
cleaning up the old stock to make room for the
new.lw,lt will pay you to see them.
Colds - Coughs - Bronchitis
As it is now the season for Colds, Coughs, Bron-
chitis, etc., we would suggest the following as be-
ing the great help in combating these :
Parke Davis &Co.
Cod Liver Oil
Extracted from selected and
strictly fresh cod livers,
One teaspoonful is equivah'nt
in Vitamin Value to at least
one pound best creamery
Butter or eleven pints whole
milk or nine eggs.
Recommended by Physicians
For Bronchitis coughs and
colds. Gives instant; relief,
Creopho s
A Thema
for I1,•„tl
Puilder, and Remedy
Seated and Stubborn
Nyal Strengthen-
ing Tonic
Helps Build up Vim Vigor and
Nyal Pinol
An •excellent Remedy for ir-
ritated conditions of the
Allen's Drug Store
Exclusive Agent for Nyal and Penslar Remedies
Druggist and Stationer
Successor to James Fox
Visiors From The West.
On Saturday of this week S.J. and
Mr•s.Halliday of Brandon, were call- ,
ing on old friends in Brussels. 11
is 42 years since they left Brusse's,
and made a trip back about five
Years ago. Old friends were • glad
to see them again.
Coming To The Grand.
The following shows have been
booked for the coning season: -
16,17 -"One Round Bogen"
19 -20 -"The Noose"
23,24 -"Beware of Married Men"
26127 -"Chinatown Charlie"
30,31 -Rin -Tin -Tin "Dog of Regi-
INGLIS,-hl Listowel Memorial Bospitst on
September 8011, 1028, to Mr. and Mrs. Vol'
nice Inglis, of Grey township, a daughter
-Margaret Am Win.
NEL140N-MOCALL,-In the United Church,
Brussels ,n Saturday, October 18th, by
Rev. A. J. Mann, Al. A. of Keswick, 00t„
assisted by Rev. A. W Barker, 13.D , Mlsa
Margaret Edna, only daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Mocoll, 0f Brussels, to Mr,
Jonathan B. Nelson, B. S, A„ of Peter-
borc', only sou of Ole and Mrs, George
Nelson, of Rockwood. s.
CHAPStAN,-In Brussels, on October 17th,
Nebel Amelia Bailey, beloved wife of
Nathan Chapman, aged 48 years and20
Ilal`AULEY.-In Foxwarren, Manitoba, on
W ednedey, October 8rd, Susan Singleton,
relict of the late James McCauley, in her
77th year.
PABEES,-hi sad but ever loving memory of
our dear husband and father, Gideon D,
Parkes, who [departed this life October
1(ith, 1927.
The voice 1s new silent, the (heart is. now cold,
Whose smile andn•hose welcome oft met us
of old ;
We ales him and mourn him in silence un-
And dwell on the memory of joys that have
The love that we bore him Shell dwell 111 our
Till we meet him again in the land of the
-Wire AND SON.
Auction Sale.
THURSDAY, OCT, 19th. -Farm Stock, Im-
plements, etc., at Lot 28, Can. 0. Grey. Sale
unreserved at 1 o'clock, Wm. Ward, Prop,;
D. M. Scat, Ano
FRIDAY, OCT. 10th. -Farm Stock, Imple-
ments, &e., at N54 Lot S, Con. 16, Grey. Sale
unreserved at 1 o'clock, Hugh Campbell,
Prop,; D. al. Scott, Aum,
SATURDAY, 00T. 2019 -1. -Belting, cumber,
household effects, &o, at old Electric Light
Plant, BTUesela, at 2 o'clock. Robb. Thuell,
Prop. D. M. Soot), Ann.
TUESDAY. OCT. -Ord,-Exte,,sive sale of
Farm Stook, Implements, &o., at Lot 19, Con.
9, McKillop. Sole unreserved at 1 o'clock.
John Klein, Pro • Thoth Brown, Aua
TUESDAY, OCT. 29RD. - Purebred end
grade Ayrshire cattle at lot 8, Con. 2 Orel,.
(I.4 mile East of Jamestown), at 1 o'clock. T,
0. Wtlaon, Prop. • Jno Purvis, Auo,
THURSDAY, OCT. 251'n. -Farm stock, &e,
at lot21;Con 11. Grey, at 1.80 o'clock, Win.
A. hllehel, Prop. ; D, 111. Scott, Ana.
MONDAY, OCT. 20th -worm Stock, Imola.
month, &a., at Lot 25, Con. 5, Grey. Sale un-
reserved at 1 O'olook, 1Mn Bollen beck, Prop.;
lolm PurAna,
WEDNEvis.SDAY, OCT, 81s's.-Farm stook,
implements, &e, at lot 24, Con. 12, Grey at 1
o'clock. Geo,18. Speiran, Prop, ,; ,Iuo, Kreut-
er, Clerk ; D. 111. Scott, Atm.
Farm for Sale
West half of South half of Lot 12, on the 17th
Concession of Grey, containing 20 acres, and
the South half of Lot 12, on the 10th Comes,
cion of Grey containing 50 acres. On the
bpremises is n comfortable bride house, good
arn and drive shed, orchard, 2 wells, 12 acres
. brash. all nnderdrained ; 9 milds from Walton,
11010 edlnte DOSS0.8i011. Apply on Phe prem.
lees.8•tY LEX. NICHOL, 0.15. 8,P1Walton.
For Sale by Tender
The undersigned offers her 100•aore farm,
lot 20, Con. 7, Merril, for sale by tender ; 40
acres good pasture land, bnlenee timbered,
some hardwood. Tenders received up ooOct.
ober -27th next,
Bruseele P. O.
For Sale or Rent
100 acres being Lot 11, Con. 2, Grey town.
ehlp. Bonk barn with cement stables through.
out. Frame house ; good cellar ' Good on
ehnrd. School on adjoining farm, Milk roots
Molesworth Oheeee Factory. Poseeeslon Oct.
15th, For particulars apply to
15.8 13, MoOORMI011, Listowel,
Poultry Wanted
Will pay the following prices for No. 1 Quality Poultry -
No. 2 at market value. Birds must be in starved condition or
deduction made for crops. Average number birds to coop.
Dressed Milk•fod Chickens must show white in color and
free from tares ; back and pin hones well covered with meat
to command top price
Alive Dressed
Chickens, 6Ib, and over aa6 ,29
(Thickener, 5 to 6Ibs .25 .28
Chickens, 46 to 5 lbs .24 ,27
O(,ielceiis, 4 to 4i. lbs - .22 .26
Chickens, 35 to 4 lbs - ,20 .24
Chickens, older 85 lbs .18 .22
Ifo iv], 5Ibs, and over ,10 .24
Fowl, 4i to 51bs .17 ,22
Fowl, 4 to 45 ibe. ,. ,15 .20
Fowl, 85 to 4111s . .14 .10
Fowl, 8 to 81 lbs ,18 17
Fowl, 81bs, and udder .11 .15
Ducks, White ..,. 15 .23
Ducks, Colored ,13 ,22
Phone 66
Robtd Thomson
Milk Fed