HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1928-10-17, Page 7THE BRUSSELS POST '.1(NI:SDAy, OCT, ITtifl, 1023. ttj Crea Nil sews Irading 1'1'1'E R CREAM ETI'ER HU'I" .'IER Err ER. PRICES We are now prepared. to Grade your Cream honestly, gather it twill. a Welk and deliver at our eireamery each tete we lift it, We gather with covered truck to keep sun off it. We pay a premium of 1 cent per lb. butter fat for Specials over that of No. I grade, and 3 cents per lb, but- ter -fa' for No 1 grade over that of No. Z grade, The basic principle of the improvement in the quality of Ontario butter is the elimination of second and off grade cream. This may be accomplished by paying the producer of good t rclun a better price per pound of butter -fat 1.1'.l is paid to the producers of poor cream. We solicit your patronage and co-operation for better market. !^711Ji4'" We will loan you a can. See our Agent, T. C. McCALL, or Phone 2310, Brussels. The afrth Creamery A an To His 1 re.�la 6 q� W By .T. ALLEN DUNN Illustrations by Irwin Myers Copyright Bobes Merritt Co. ❑e smmmcn els nig est against the side of lite hunk so viciously that It 50(111ed to Jar the cabin. The blow was typical of the men, Rainey 1( v decided. lie felt fur Lund not exnct- ,'' 1y a liking, but an attraction, n cer- tain rontpelled admil'ation. The giant was elemental, with n driving force inside hint that was dynamic, mag- I nett,. What n megniticent pirate he would bas, made, thought Rainey, looking 'debts magnificent proportions and considering the crude philosophies that cropped 1011 In Itis talk, "I'nl In life for the loot of it, Rainey," Lund declared. "Food an' a 11 drink to tickle my' t,... -1/e an 1.11 11, belly, the w',uuut I l,tppen to went, an' [man' able to buy eunythine 1 set my fancy o1. The answer to 111t Is '(told. With it you an buy moot Pliny thing. Not all 1 1)01llee, I'll grant you that. Not the kind of woman I'd want for a steady mute. Titers nun thing I've found out can't he bought, 01y son, the honer of a amyl (women. AP' thet's the sort of woman I'm looktn' for, "This is my gold, au' I'm gotn' lc handle it. 1f enny one 1010, 10 swizzle me out of it len geili' to swizzle hack, "An' Thetis the Sort of Woman iA Lool:in' For." Letterheads Envelopes Billheads And all kinds of Business Stationery printed at The Post Publishing House. We will do a job that will do credit to your business. Look over your stock of Office Stationery and id it requires replenishing Ball us by telephone 91. The Post Publishing Nouse 1.11,11914 an' you can lay to Ileac. Not twee,'. tin' thele that slunk (y me•,,, Between Luud aid Sillies there ex isted a sort of armed 11101 NO open reference wax made to the ,1esei'tiul: of Lund on the floe. But Ruiuey Mule, that 1t rankled 111 Lund'; mind. The five, Peggy Simms, her father, Cnr!- sen, Lund and Rainey, oiltenslhly messed together, hill Itahrey's duti', generally kept Win on (leek until Carlson bad sutliclently' completed lib. own meal to relieve 11111. Ib' 110It time the girl and the captain 11111 left the table. Lund Invariably waited for 111 lnoy, Melinda kept the food hot for them. '1'o Italney, Tentacle seemed the hardest worked non aboard ship, 11,• Lard three 111•,,;es to roil: lied ire mile Imre frenl umll'nintt 0• ill Meet, eel- ('ient, tireless and ere( -tempered, '1'L•e crew, thong(( they eel:now'l, (heel hie skill, were Cailfornians, either by birth or adoption, and the racial prelpolco against the Japanese wine apparent. A week of good wind was followed by dirty weather, The persistrnre and i iereaeing ot+position of the storm $00111011 to have a rorrespouding effe't upon Captain Simms. lie grew daily more irritable and morose, even to his daughter. telly the•dottor appeared able to get along with him on easy terms, and Rainey noticed that, to Carlsen, the slipper seeuled conctlintory even to deference. Peggy Simms watched her father with worried eyes. The curious, tar- nished look of his tanned skin grew until the flesh seemed c•ontInually dry and of an earthy color; his 1111.. peeled, and more than once be shook as if with a chill. On the eleventh day out, Rainey went below In the middle of tete after- noon for 111s senhnots. In the mala cabin he found Simms seated in a chair with his daughter leaning over him, speaking to her In a harsh, com- plaining voice. . "No, yon can't do a thing for nu'," he was saying. "It's this sciatica. I've got to get Carlsen." As Rainey passed through to his own little stateroom neither of thea 11o11/.'ed 111111, but he saw that the cap- tain was shivering, Its hands picking 8111051 ronvulsively at the tablecloth, "Where's Carlsen, curse him 1" Rtttuey heard through his cabin parts. Wm. "Tell him I rant stand this any longer',' Ice's got to help me. (lot to, Got to," As Rainey appealed, walking heavily in his boots, the girl looked up. lier father ens slumped 111 hi ('11011, his fare buried on his folded arms. The girl glanced at him doubt- fu11y, apparently uncertain whether to go herself to find Carlsen or stay with her father. "Anything I can do, bass Simms? Your father seems quite 111." The hesitation of 1910 girl even to 8110111/ to 111111 10(1 very plain to Rainey, Suddenly she threw up her chin. "Kindly find Peeler Carlsen." she ordered, rather than requested, "Alk him to come as soon as lie con, I—" She turned oncertahlby to her tither. "Can I help you to get 1111n into the cabin?" asked Rainey, She thanked him with lips, not eyes, and be assisted her to shift the el - most helpless man into his room and bunk, Ile was like a stuffed sack be- tween them, save that his body twitched, While Rsiney took most of the weight, Ile marveled at the strength of the • slender girl and the Way In which sire ,`applied it. Simms Seemed to have fainted, to be en the verge of unconscicnrsness or even uttel collapse: Rainey felt hie wrist, and the pulse was abnest Itnperreptible, ' "I'il get the doctor immediately," he snid. I "Mighty funny sort of sciatica," Rainey told himself its he hurried for- ward, He knew where Carlsen wive In the hunters' gory quartos, playing pekoe. 1 "The skipper's Ill," sell 'Rainey. I "No jnllse, Almost 0nc0nsclous." Carlson 1(118811 his eyebrows. "Didn't know you were a phyeicttul," 11114 said. ".pest one of Ills Spens. 1"11 111111511 this hold, Too good to lily down. The Skipper can \salt, for .11111e." Tple hunters grinned as ('arisen ((jolt its time to draw has cards, melte bee bets and eventually wilt the not on Mee totems, "I- wonder (shat y'ea' real game le?" L•ilhey nsi:,'d 111[14x, if us h„ 1(1Teet_y$ 'The Skipper's III," said Rainey. "No Pulse. Almost Unconscious." to w"ttcll the play. According to his own annnnnvelnent ('arisen was de- liberately neglecting the father of the girl he was to marry end at the sante time slighting the captain to his own men. Carlsen drew in his chips and leisurely mute a note of the amount. The 18ptuin ltd not make Ills ap- pearance 1'o1' that day, the pest, or the next, Carlson kept his own eonn- sel, and Peggy Simms spent most of her time I11 the holt(( 1111(1(1 w111I her eyes always roving to her father's door. Carlsen was the (1pparent eon - troller of the schooner. Lund was quick to sense this. - "11'e got to Meek that ('arl5en's game;' he 'mid to Rainey. "There's a nigger In the w0ndpite somewherean' you an' 111(1 got to uncover him, 1111tey, , ufore we reueh 1tering strait, n' yotr an' me'Il Huish this trip sgtmttin' on the rocks of one o1' the four Mountain islands makin' faces at the gulls. "I wish you c'ud glt under the skin of that Jap. No use trydn' to get In with the crew or the hunters, They're agile' both of us—leastwise the hunt- ers are, The hands don't count. They're jest plain hash," Lund spoke with an absolute con- tempt of the sailors that was char- acteristic of the man, "They don't look on us two as mas- cots," went on Lund. "But to get balk to that Jap. Forewarned is fore- armed. Ile ain't over an' above liked, but they've got used to him gots' back an' Forth with their grub, an' they sort of despise him for a yellow - skinned coolie. "Now, Tamada nine no coolie. I know Japs• He's a cut above Ills Job. An' there ain't much goin' on that Tatnnda ain't wise to. See if you can't get nest to him. Trouble is pie's too (1—n' neutral. He knows he's safe, becoz he's cook an' a d—n' good one. But he's wise to what Carlsen's play - in' at. "Carlsen don't care for man, worn - an, Clod or the devil. Neither do I," he concluded. "An' I've got a card or two up my sleeve," The storm blew out, and there came n spell of pleasant weather. Simms was still 000110041 to his cabin. ICxcept for observations and the de- tails of navigation, ('arisen left the schooner to Rainey. They were well off the (oast, out of the fogs, appar- ently alone upon the lonely ocean that ran sparkling to the far horizon. It watt warm, there was little to do, the sailors, as well as the bunters, spent most of their time lounging on the deck. Lund bung over the rail, smoking, or paced the deck, always close to Rainey. The manner in which he went about the ship was almost un- canny. Except that his arms were generally ahead of him when he moved, his hands, with their woolly covering of rod hair, lightly touching boom or rope or rail, 11e showed no hesitation, made no mistakes. When the breeze was steady he would even take the w'11(el and steer perfectly by the "feel of the hind" on his cheek, the slap of it In the canvas, or the creak of 1110 rigging to tell him if he leas holding to the course. And he took an almost chIldieh delight in pro- claiming his prowess as helmsman. Tho booms were stayed out ngninst swinging In flaws and the roll of the $ort, and Lund strode back and forth behind Rainey, who had the whoaL The hatters were grouped about Carl- sett, who, seated on the skylight, ens teltlnq them something at which they guffawed at frequent Intervals. "Spinnin' them some of his sututty yarns," growled Lund, halting to his promenade. "Ball for discipline, nn' bad for us, He's the sort of fine - feathered bird that wouldn't give those chaps a first look ashore, Get' tie' be solid with 'em that '(vas' is & clad steer. Von can't handle a man you make a pal of, Wen he ain't yore reek," "Cnplain 4finnt8 seems to believe 111 diel," nnew'(red Rainey. I3e wondered holy much of ('arletees increasing dominance over the skipper Lend had noticed. "Sheers is Cnrisen's dog!" exploded Lund. "The floc's got sontethin' 011 him, mark me, Cerlsen's 77 had egg an', w'en he hatches, you'll see a buz- zard, An' vela wait till 110'(1 needed eat • 4 'I 4 111t Illalrk(tt price,; 1e:ice, paid (c'1' your 11,•11~ Yomm.mck e it tie .+itor cu .settee h:r' that 11arew 111,0'e n a few kind weeds or a (1e1; ora 11 11ot1L'.' 1lau1sea 01111. 111'5.,-ub1erilg to tftkP the w110"1. "They belie tedie to slime at tar - gots," he Nail, ''314,•1,1,1• 1'8141,11 he pet 111) prizes. For rifle au' seotgen. Thought you might like to emelt 11. ei r, Unities gave over the spokes and event to the+ eterbmtrd fall with Lund, n'ut'ldng the pl'eperetline between fore and main valets fer the vomited - tion, curl telling Lund what was lion - pelting. Carlsen gave mal Nu111P shot- gun eertridges from eardLonril Loses. twelve to e0eh of the six hunters. Suede, the roustabout, bell been requisitioned to toss up empty bot- tles, and those who ('tole( cursed hills for a poor thrower. A hunter named •r r Deming u¢uule no misses, and , i. u Pd first prize of tea dollars in gold, with a man named 110011' scoring two be- hind him, and getting half - that amount from t'lu'ieete Then (quite the feet with the rifles. 'rho 1Se1pol10 were all of (11,' Cance eal!ber, well oiled, and in perfect eon- (1!t!on. leneh of the hunters had s few shells b1 his pnaseseinn, het they lucked the total oe six Clown by a eouslrle'ufde 011115111. Carlson went below for the neces- sary ammunition while the terg01 WW1 ennlpleted and set in place, A keg had been riggers with a weight under - slung to keep it upright, and 1t tin can, pained white, set on a short spar ht one end of the keg. A 115111 line was hlthlr1101 to 0 hrlrlte, and the murk lowered over ih<' stern, where It rode, bobbin_ in the tail of the schemer's wake, thirty fathoms from the talrrel] where the crowd gath- ered, 11m'e bullets hit the keg than the ran, (ted Carlsen was often called upon e$ umpire. But the tin gradual - le because ragged and blotched where the steel -Jacketed missiles tore through. Beale and Denting both had five c15a1, undisputed hits, tying for first prize. Beale offered to shoot it off with sls more shells apiece, and Deming ronsenled, "Can't be done," declared Curtsey.. "Not right now, anyway. I gave out the fast shell there was in the mage - 0.100." "Denied funny," said Deming, "a sealer shy on cartridges! Lucky we ain't worry u' about Chet sort of a cargo." "Probably plenty aboard soine- w'here," said Carlsen, "but I don't know where they are, You boys have got me beaten on rifles end shotguns," he went on, producing from 1ls hip pocket a flat, effectIve-looking auto- matic 1110(01 of 110avy ett.liber, "How are you on small arms?" The hunters shook their beads dubt- onsly'. "lever use 'em," said Deming. ";;ever could do 11(11011 with that kind, etnyhow. Clive me a revolver, an' I might snake out to hit a whale, 1.1 he was close enough, but not with one o' them." "Not much difference," said (earl - sen. "Ally of you got revolvel's?" No one spoke. It was against the unwritten laws of a vessel for 5151/111 to be owned forward of the main cline. Beale finally' (11swere •• for the fest, "Nary a pistol, sir." "Then," said ('•nrlsen, "I'll give you an exhibition myself. Any bottles left? Beale, will you toss them for. Inc." where were eight shots In the auto- matic, and Carlsen smashed (01011 buttes ht midair. The hunters shunt- ed their upprechttion. "Break all of 'em?" Lund asked Rainey. "Bony bottles loft at n11?" r wn,d o erd the talTrall, ttd- (lreli$$i 115 1ik'11l'18ent. "(Cin you shoot by spend as well 11s by str;ht, Poe?" he c'Ictlleugel. "1 fancy not," snit! ('arisen. "if I Lal my eyes I'd snapshot ye for 1t hundred bucks," said Lnnd. "As it Is, I. [night tempt one of two. Rainey, have 501110 one run a line, head-111glt, 00' fix a bottle on It, will ye? T ain't got a gun 0' my 04011, Doc," he rmrtinued, "will yon 110111 1110 yours?" (01114011 filler( his clip ant( L411nd turned toweled llniney, who was rigging the target, "1:'11 wont 5011 to tap it with a stlek," he Bald. "Signel.11ag stall(( do fine." llniney got the slender bamboo and stood by. Lund felt for the cord, passed his lingo's over 111e suspended bottle and stepped off five paces, heft- ing the n 141010tte to Judge its bel. 8nce. Rainey tapped the bottle on the neck and It gave nut a little tinkle, lost Immediately In the crash of splen- tering glass as the bottle, hit fairly in the torn label, broke in half. "How much left?" asked Lund. '"wIlalf? Tech it up." Again he tired and again the bullet found the mark, leaving only the neck of- the bottle still banging. Lund a en en. "'1'.1,'1'1, nit." he "rcfd. "Je"t waded m show v" '1!''1 a blind neon van do, if h _s lots t: (t." lb re wits iltH,• 01,1:111:110. 1 11rlsen 1 ,+t. 14s 1 ltn 111 ',i(,n,', 1111 tuu:'e,l foi'- newt] with the 1(n t) ,1,,1 the on - Ir ',err', 111. t,,)lt•!1'l1 t r ,15, (1 fail?,, 1'.i sr tle.t 11!11'." (01 tori; ,1 11,1,; • 1•11:,.e. ,Fad Loral. "I 1'1:•.='n 'wsntw4 to mhos oft bis tome. ,heettn' Wal. 1'14 •Rewe 'e111 1 ,e,('1 '•Ili"'(l' wre('I;,•d. 1' 1 ;Jot 0,?*???. 1 ,lfpla,l 1(1+.1,'11 ,rue n, l ( , 4 (.,+: at lira1. `thine} 11111 111,1 11,101 1118 emir,• mea111101 and •111 ❑ 11 I,, 5,1(1 gat s -'i' e -m !li'• •fly 111••,,11 (110 she1LNY ❑,1:011 1.111,1, "A •-meet trick, tluatgh .1k aliJ , 1„ . i,• . Carlson Kut those 1111111, 1,• ,I- ", 1(111! Gro to t1(',' nway ever:.. shell Polled. 1, have t'nr'ard. It 11,:• Io;,. rin0'n empty, VII lee c 'lrl-.e n Leese where 111o.04. pleat. 1111'•, 1' - I,, qt.,• ('0(1' 1115(14(1 'out 1,1P1. 11.11 10, 11., > ('lues an' shotg.n(1. ei 119 no m„r•• it • 11mn sn ninny elide.- n1,1 in the hoot- er,. An' fur's 1'"1111(1 01.1 t10y 1111'( 1121/1 eu11y pistols. Ill: s Boot 4,11,. 111,' '!1/e, s 'e1,1 how 011815ht he 01+00-, eel i1 ease there $10411+1 be 1'(((t' trouble he'I'•,en '(1m, Ploys bnt11 enols to I11e+ ,indltl•., does Carlsen. Seek! Bat he ain't 07011 the pot. 1'lfey's a .1'du•r it this game. Alebhe he holds 11, nlebbe not." He nodded mysteriously, well Pleased with himself, CHAPTLeR IV. The Bowhead. Captain Shunts appeared agotn In tke eaten and on (leek, but 1(5 was not the sante 1111111. L -its lllees,s seemed 10 1lave robbed him permanently of what was left hint of the spring of man- hood., It was as if his ,tutees lied been sucked from his veins and arteries and tissues, leaving 11111 flabby, ir- resolute, compared to his former self, Even as Lund shadowed Rainey, so Simms shadowed ('14,(8,11. eumetlmes the girl would conte up on deck in her own waterproofs and stand against the rail, And presently Curlsen wm11d come from below or forward and stanch to talk with her until she was tired of the aleck. They did not seem 11111/11 like lovers. Rainey fanelerl, They lucked the little illt11111CIeS that he, though he merle himself somewhat of an automaton et the wheel, (multi not have foiled to see. If the girl slipped ('1010011 (4 hand would ent111 and steady her by the farm; never go about her waist. And there was no espeefal look of welcome in her face when the doctor carne to her. Onrlsen seldom took over the wheel. Rainey did more than his share from sheer love of feeling the 1'i, itrol. But one day, at a word from the girl, Carl - sen and she came up to Itainey as he handled the spokes. "I'll take the wheel a while, Rainey,” said the doctor, Rainey gave it up and went amid- ships. Out of the tall of his eye he could see that the girl was pleading to handle the 0(115, and that Carlson was going to let her do so, Rainey shrugged his shoulders. It was ("arisen's risk. It was no child', play in that weather to steer prop- erly. It took not only strength, but 0uh'hfuineSs and experience to hold (5(1' lours, 111 toe werer or (('1.18$4'4(N. I 1.011 111111 1in1110y :10"11 1/r,:(io'r by the weether.reti, 11 wee 11 Laine'^s 1150.10 wet h (wd 11 1;113 111' 1 hl ('u•1- 5(11 11(4,1(1 P410111/1,11 1!,,' c4'). ,•I to 11110 140 $'",11 (1,e rirl ;••t Hm4. Soddenly elesee semeicsi hole ('('0 ‚4014(1• n 0(111 :e, of [Lean. 1/l^IS,.IIn,'1 a>uf11,t the .11,,511100111v c•it1'1, 2^ttndy, lLr 1•uurr111,n11. .'11ho• (11.'1111,: off WobV 01.• :1,,.11 - 41(441, ..tat -.-2 rlul•etly ❑r 5•1(1 and rojs, to ..tel,Iy ]:nnnelf, 1111 --'1 r.iti1 , 1-. •n5ht• 4,1- 111.-.1 11'Ione'1 1111 I i -- "A bol- Inset. sir!" bn ,'.i..+1 a 111.1 he all:': Rl+tont' "1.111 1.111ers nf:,•r ',on! 2',1W,1 111' 14111 N1(: 141411 :" Jl, • ,c! the levee 11111,••. 01/111,' 1alhn0 of the ,;1141". 11,111 1011::1 I1:1`•0 1,01i1,,1,1 111 l' -lm• of tho int '04 1 fall 1,1,11- -a 11(.-.1, 1'11 1 (1i:11Z filo •- . •r' 11 ,•n,'' -1 ('1 i', •., ne. ;di ,ti"•e,.-:1, 111•!1' Ltw1 ,.,.,0111,,, u(11se, of in, fon, hunl'pg f r 11,,, gray bn 14'•11.11 wlufl0, to /111010 1)' I,n,nth o41011 111111 feast on the dell-. Joey 101 its living ('mgtle. Se Lund 1111,( him in swift 5eute1lees while 11,•y (lulled for the Whole 1'n 11+14(11. Rutley - 5(11''el aft. Shidy Ymd cooled Ills warning to ('tu'isen and the girl, mud now was ,lining ower the lee rail, kit edeep i1 1110 wash, try(; t1'. Ser snmPthhlg "f 1110 (nm - bat. Peggy Sunt11e (1111, fitnlre Otto 1eetiig to 01,' side as she, too, gazed ahead, though sho still !mid attetltion to. ler steering and hold the schooner well up, her face bright with erx'•ite- nlent, wet with flying brit, el'ps of yellow hair streaming free in the wind from beneath the 'lose grip of her woolen red taus -o' -shunter, "Bi-o-ows I" started the deep voice of a lookout, front where sailors and hunters had grouped in the bows to witness this gladiatorial combat be- tween sea mnusters, Pinged fittingly In a sen that was running wild. "Bi-o-ows1" The deep voice almost leaped an octave In a sudden shrill of apprehension. Others voices mingled 0'11(1 Ills 1n a clamor of dismay. "Look out! Oh, look out! Dead shoed!„ The ennrannlls bulk of the whale 1 eel nppear'•d, not to spout, but to 110 belly np. reeking on the surface with fins outspread, paralyzed with terror, (11(0 fly In the course of the Sarluk, (Continued Next Week) m -LOO1 AT YOUR LABEL W. D. S. JAMIESON, MD; CM; LM•CC; Physician and Surgeon Offiee McKelvey Block, Brussels Successor to Dr. White Phone 45. T. T. M' RAE M. B., M. O. P., a S. O. M. 0. H., Village of Brussels, Phyeloien, Surgeon, Aconnoheer Offloa et residence, opposite Melville Church William street. DR. WARDLAW Honor graduate Of the Ontario Veterinary College. DST and night oohs. Office opposite Plonr Mill, Ethel. Ir. e#Z. 8detl'a11 aria BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, NOTARY PUBLIC ECKIE BLOCK - BRUSSELS AUCTIONEERS TIIOMAS BROWN Soaforth, Ont Aria ',imbued aneleeneer for counties of Huron and Perth. Immediate ax' rurtgf111'1116 111 ;1111,• 41108 0a111 be n,11,1,, by cal 1: Th., Post, f Brussels, Charge.; 1: '10,1(1; , Satisfaction Guaranteed 00 no cila1'gc. 164. JAM"S TAYLOR 1.i d AtSee the County of lit ;11, l , if.i sited to in al' pent.,' of fie, .county. Satisfaction (iu:arfe((teed, or 01, eat,. Orders 1er't( ai The Poit prornp:tly attended to. Belgravo I'o:?t Office. 1110N140: Brussels, 15-13. North Huron, 15-629 • KEMP BROS. Auctioneers Auction Sales oi' all Iambs accepted and conducted. Satisfaction Guar- anteed and t. rtes reasonable. Phone Listowel we 121, 38 or 18 at our ex- pense. W. J. DOWD Auctioneer Orders left at this office or With Thos. Miler, Bruseels, Phone 16-19 Will ensure you best of services at right 'prices. Box 484 LISTOWEL Phone 246 D. M. SCOTT Licensed Auctioneer PRICES MODERATE For reference consult any persica, whose sale I Have efficiatd at, 61 Craig Street, LONDON C. C. RAMAGE, D.D.S., L.D.S. BRUSSELS, ONT. Graduate Royal College of Dental Surgeons and HIonor Graduate Uni- versity of Toronto. Dentistry in all its branches. Office Over Standard Bank, Phones—Office 200. Residence 65-14 Gorton House — — Wroxeter Every Thursday Afternoon WM. SPENCE Ethel, Ont. Conveyance, Commissioner and C. i'. Agent for The Imperial Life Assurance Co. of Canada and Ocean Accident Guarantee Corpora. tion, Limited Accident Insurance, Automobile Itti surance, Plate Glass Insurance, etc, Phone 2225 Ethel, Ont JAMES M'FADZEAN Agent Hulick Mutual Fire Insurance Company Also Hartford Windstorm and Tornado Insurance Money to Loan for The Industrial Mortgage & Haviags Company on First-class Farm Mortgagee Phone 42 Box 1 Tnrnberry Street. Brussels JNO, SUTHERLAND & SON' LIMITED !NSI ` RXCR exInemze 111 .t .` What akes a Town ? A prosperous rural population which demands a community centre where may be established business, educational, relig- ious and entertainment facilities. Where these flourish and are active it is safe to surmise that the people of that section realize and appreciate the value to them of such a centre. \{}ilg���f A� �y l� 1� �+ Ittp 1�, f, n a a t r ��,. z, i 9 W t a i a M s ■ 6c The 'towns are largely maintained by the- surrounding districts, But the organisation, the direction, and to a great measure the up -keep• of the in,titutions in such towns are in the hands of the business interests, together with those directly and in- directly connected therewith. Without the abive business and professional men to supervise and govern these public institu- tions and undertakings no town could thrive. ;,1 h 0 Is Mainly Affected? Every eitieen either in or about a town should be concerned in seeing to it that they do their part in carrying on any good cause which may be promoted, etcher by financial or active support, Only in this way will any town prosper and develop as it should. Publicity is Required In promotion work your local paper takes the leading part. It is ever the champion of worthy causes and philanthropic and patriotic 'undertakings. But to function properly, and fully carry out Rs natural prerogahives, it must in turn have the financial support of the eommmlity it serves. When needing advertising or printed matter always first think of The Post ' hin House Pub( zs °