HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1928-10-17, Page 4WEDNESDAY, OCT. 170h, 1928 (� ,.,s.ir o 10,9! t't.I;1i l , f their own local needs, ds, Plc bvttly l then adjourned to meet in \ istoria --- Street United Church Goderich, the WEDNESDAY, OCT. 17tfh, 1928 first Tuesday in December. CLINTON RESIDENT Program ?roar �9 �Convention SUCCUMBS ON TRAIN W. T. O'Neil Dies While Travelling to Winter Home in Florida, Clinton, Oct. 11 -Word was rt- institutes of Perth, Huron and Liver, r. , Meet in Walkerton Next Week.ceivt l h+'r, today from Valdosta, Go., that W. T. O'Neil, who left here on Trh'sdy to spend the winter uu>hths at his winter residence La Orlando,. l tlos F1 hail lei suddenly on the train last night. He was accom- panied by his wife and Miss Mc- Tavish, nurse. 7Ir. O'Neil would have been 77 tears cid today. 1 .l- sldes his; widow, he is survived by a son. Earl, of F1 tiifax, N. S., and four daughters, Mrs. D. E. Ross, of Los Angeles, Gal., Miss \\ _nnle O'Neil, of Clinton; Miss Della O'Neil of Toronto: and Mi. J .s •fe O'Neil, of London. Mir. O'Neil was one of Clinton's best known and most highly respected citizens. Ho con- ducted a grocery business in town for about 28 years, coshing here from Brucefield 35 years ago. He was born in Marksvillo, Leeds Co. Owing to poor health he gave up all active connection with the grocery business about seven years ago and has been spending the winters in Florida, his business being carried on by his daughter, Miss Winnie O'Neil. He was a member of the r United church, formerly a Presby- terian; an Odd Fellow, and in poli- tics a strong Liberal. The remains are being brought home but funeral arrangements have •not yet been completed. Mr. O'Neil died when the train on which he was travelling south was near Asburn, Ga., following a severe attack whicih the suffered during the day. T:ir PRESBYTERY OF HURON `Phe Presbytery of Huron, of the United Church of Canada, met in regular session in Queen Street Uni- ted Church, Blyth. on October 0th last with Rev. R. H. Barnby, S.T.D, in the chair After the devotional exercises and the reading of the min- utes the following new ministers were introduced to the Presbytery, -Rev, George Weir, Blyth; Rev. L C. White, Elimville; Re. J.W. Herb- ert, Holmesville; Rev. J.W. Johnst- on, Londesboro; Rev. James Anthony Thames Road; Rev. R. B. Cumming, Benmiller; Rev. H. Bolingbroke, Wroxeter . Rev. C. F. Clarke re- ported the satisfactory sale of Lanes Church on the Ashfield charge. A number of very interesting com- mittee reports were presen'te'd to the Presbytery, all of which aroused dis- cussion. Rev. J.M. Coiling as can- venor of the Religious Education Committee brought in several resol- utions looking forward to an incre- ased and more effective work among young people. Rev. George Wen' presented the report of the Commit- tees, on Evangelism and Social Serv- ice in which he emphasised the Gen, eral Council's tall to a concentration of the chureh's thought on the great central truths of the Christian faint He also emphasised the need for a more intensive instruction on ma'ctsr, relating to the use of alcholic liquors. - Rev. S. Davidson on behalf of the Home Mission Committee shade the welcome announcement that there Were now no aid receiving; ehal _:key in the Presbytery, Rer. W. A. Bre.. Inner reported a registration of 104 at the Goderich Summer School of this year. Mr. W. G. Medd. M.P.P., reported a balance of :383.00 int.to treasury for the year ending ;June Nth iat Following dinner served it base- ment of the church Rev. W. A. Been - inner presented the report of the ML ttonery and Maintenance Cera • critter• t which he urged cleat alt every member cama be underta• ken in every congregation and hies a more general -use of the duplex env elopes be made. He also caller] lapel Walkertot.. SIetlh 101. .1,.ethse interesting eoln•ention will by Isssi ttl in \\ assn t, next week, \ \ h l.y and Tilers, lay, Met. 17-1N. When t Wank:, hlu itntc fir lluron. I ut. cel 1111/e, 1anti, tvl inset hers. steer 200 +l reg at„i •tre exp,Aited nil p.n: ti are row being ni td Reaistration will take place u" until 1.30 p.m. \\ edne.,elay, when the lir-1 session will open under the t .... I manship of Mrs. L. G. Crosier, Com- munity iinging will follow, Mayor. Holladay will web:rope the delegates ,.ft, r which devotional =x- er(is,es will be conducted by Rev. R. Perdue of Walkerton. :IL's. S. F. Foster of Wiarton will reply to the Mayor's address of welcome. A vocal quartette will be given by lad- ies of Teeswater, Present Reports At 2,30 o'clock the following con- veners will present their reports - Mrs. G. Cruickshank, of Wingham; "For Home Economics;" Mrs, W. B. Moore of Lion's Head, "For Health; " Miss H. Bradley-- of Strat- ford, "For agriculture;" Mfrs. N. R. D. Sinclair, of Tiverton, "For Educa- tion;" Mlrs. S. Smith, of Shallow Lake. "For Inrnmigration." Discuss- ion concerning these reports will follow. G. Putman of Toronto, superin- tendent of W. I. work for the prov- ince will deliver an address on Hy development of its activities, and discussion will follow. A buffet tea will be served iri the I. 0. 0. E. room. Wednesday Program Wednesday evening's meeting will be presided over by Mrs. C. Craw- ford of Tara. The program, includ- es; Community singing, led by Leslie Hearts and address by Miss E. J. Guest of Toronto and a duet by Messrs Grunt and Fraser of Paisley. At 8.15 p.m. the Junior Institute program, in charge of Miss Langton of Toronto -sill commence. Thursday morning's session will commence at 9.30 with Mrs. W. B. Moore of Lion's Head, presiding. Reports form the following,conven- ers will be received -Mrs. M. Mac - Beth, of Milverton, on Community Activities; Mrs. William Abel, of Goderich, on "Relief;" Mrs. P. V. Smith, of Listowel, on "Legislaion." Discssion of these r, eports will follow. THE BRUSSELS POST Some Addresses W. M. Shaw, president of Canada Spool and Bobbin Co. of Walkerton, is to give a talk on !the subject'"Can! adian Industries." Mrs. J. W. Stone, of Bond Head, will give an address on "The Efficient Institute." Luneib. will be served in I. 0. D. E. rooms. In the afternoon the finial session will open with a fashion parade in the hall. Mrs. S. G. Baine, of Gor- rie, will act as chairman, Appoint- ment of Convention Committee and presentation of reports by the fol- lowing committees will follow: - "Resolutions" by Miss E. Hazelwood, n{' Wroxeter; "Appreciation" by Mrs. U. Wardlaw, of Ethel. An address will be given by Dr J. J. Fraser of Guelph, District Med- ie'al Health Officer, and Mrs., L. Knight of Fordwich, will give a read- ing. An address and discussion on "Efficient Convention will close the convention. ' An afternoon gown has a tiered black satin shirt and a blouse of white satin with a bold hand -printed cleei'gn in black running diagonally teras it. + Call it "Patou." "King," "royal" Call or "reW " bright medium blue pro - the members of Presbytery to press raises to be so popular this fa or the claims of the Missionary work of the woman who chooses a softer the church before their eongregat- darker color will be ions. Following this report Rev, very fieri and interesting, address on 4 Dr. S. W. Dean of Toronto :;ave a the world-wide work o fthe United + /e °�''ING Church. He called upon the Awl bytery to- support this work to thei + -IN -- limit of its strength i + Presbytery passed unanimously a ' resolution of sympathy with Dr. D. ! + Wingham Arena C. McGregor in his recent serious i + ---to -- accident. Mr. Wm. Bailie, Mr. W. I, G. Medd and Rev. J. E. Hogg who i + HAROLD SKINNER'S BLUE delegates to the General Can - i * WATER ROYS T leatr Last Time To -Night - Wednesday M � 1 1 l " � 'F, BLt jL its "Oneu Hogan" Friday & Saturday - Oct. 19 & 20 "Our Dick's" Greatest Acting Role ! Richard in "The -� l oose" Barthelmess To speak the truth meant his freedom. But lie preferred to cart •y hisgreatsecret with hila to the gallows ---I other than betray the honor of the panther he -never knew ! Tuesday & Wednesday Oct. 23-24 IF YOU��� WONT Married, Me "Beware Alf BEWARE - BE WARY ! 1� Starring IRENE RICH With Clyde Cook Audrey Ferris Myrna Loy Thursday and Friday - Oct. 26 & 27 More thrills than a trip through Chinatown! More mystery than a bowl of Chop Suey ! • Johnny Hines 'Chinatown Charlie' \\'hsib et be is escaping across a chain of human bodies or rust.wiWog the cells O'ieutals of New York's famous Chinatown. furnishes enough laughs to keep your funnybone out of joint and your ribs rattling every minute CAR OF Coke Coal C and Pochantos Expected this week J. H. Fear T Calves, 8 Two-year-old Heifers, 3 e ria Ulla` a ;,m half game, 21 Clwnkk.s, 1 ford li 9 6� dan ear, 1 I urdson Traitor, 1 cul- tivator and 1 plow, Sale unreserved as Barn has been burned l er n;. - The London Free Press W1 '1'hurs• clay last revived the old story of the appointment of Chas,R. Coultes10 Postollic•e of Brussels. However Mr Coultes was never appointed - he had been recomniendett by th'' Civil Service Commission (composed of t'onservatives) but ties Postmaster t- • „ h appoints ( not cels the {senoras would 1 11 meat, hence Mr. Coultes never had the appointment as the Free Press wails about. -i ,l 'n1 an of the Postal Of - At that time c e .ficins: got very busy on the job and wasremoved -from the district. Tho Post believes that 'co tho "victor belongs the spoils" and we will stick to that principle, 11 the Conservative party had not been asleep at the switch, for the few months that Arthur Meighen held power, a Tory would likely have been appointed, but Mac- kenzie King swept back into power and no appointment has been made. The Free Press ought to get to- gether and make all the appoint- ments -then possibly everybody would be satisfied, because they would 'be, Lasc Friday a notice was hung up in the Postoffice asking for applica- tion for Brussels Postmastershtp, so now the Free Press and the Globe had better get busy on the appoint- ment. to portray Nickie Elkins, the boy who so narrowly escapes the gallows, and is also the artist who can best bring to the misguideh youth victim of cir- cumstances and prey of gangsters. When "The Noose" comes to the Grand Theatre on Friday Barthel. mess will be seen in one of the finest roles of his career. His work in this Picture has drawn universal approval everywhere it lies been shown and is another triumph to be added to his long list of successes, including "Tol'- able David," "The Patent Leather Kid" and similar screen classics. The Phone 22-14 ETHEL Noose" is splendid entertainment, NEWSY ITEMS Free Trips to The Royal Winter Fair Word has been received that the "five Hundred Boys' Trip" to the Winter Fair which was inaugurated by the Ontario Government last year is to be repeated this year. Ten boys will be selected from each county through the medium of a special Live Stock and Seed Products Judging competition. This will be held in Clinton on Friday, Oct 26th, commencing at 9.00 am. Previous winners of this trip are not eligible but all other young men, farmer sons of residing on farms in Huron County and who are between the ages of sixteen and twenty three (Oct. 1st.) should hake it .a point to attend this competition and win a trip to the Royal Winter Fair. The Judging competition and cons- equently the selection of the ten winners wil be in the hands of the local Representative. of the Ontario Department of Agriculture. "Beware of Married Men" • Tuesday evening it the opening date for "Beware of Married Men." a Warner Bros.' production, star- ring Irene Rich, and including in the cast Myrna Loy, Audrey Ferris, Clyde Cook, Richard Tucker, Stuart Holmes and Hugh Allan. E. T. Lowe Jr., made thus sereen adaptation of Ohe story of Franz Jacques, and the production was directed by Archie L. Mayo. Besides its cleverness "Beware of Married Mn" is without doubt one of the most amusing films of the year, It has to do with the astonishing adventures of a philan- dering husband, Sheldon( by nem who inadvertently lavishes his siuperabundant affections on the bapper sister of a -worldly-wise Lacly who is employed as sceretary to Leo- nard Gilbert, divorce attorney. She- ]cdon's wife retains Gilbert 'co get her a divorce, and unbelievably ludi- crous complications follow in which the ways of the transgressor aro proven anything but easy. "Bows -re of. Married Men" is a comedy you should sea. "The. Noose" When ]First National Pictures sec - w v . 4 .> nein,' in Winnipeg each gave an in +Every Thursday Night during » tired Willard Mack s Sensations work of the. 4' . stage lay, "The Noose," for a rt of the e November � g p report I October Cresting p+September screen production there was no Council. Fordwich congregation COME doubt in the minds of film fans as to n to sell a vacant 1, Jitney Dancing he ieture, given permislo Y who would be starred in p was 1 the proceeds to ' Richard Baxchelmess is the ideal type ansnse and to apply No More Aerials. A new wireless invention makes an aerial unnecessary. It is known as an Acceptor, :uu1 is connected to earth by the usual methods and ac- cepts the earth waves net up by the broadcasting station. res.- ss,':•', t" conditions it is as efficient as the average outdoor aei'i.t.. Any set is made portable, provided, of course, it is• itself of reasonable di- mensions. All that is 1Urce.nnry. for reception is a copper ear.h-pin and a few feet of copper wire connecting with the Acceptor, which is about four inches square and one inch deep, Atmospherics and oscillation are greatly diminished, while selectivity is increased and lightning danger eliminated. and the star is surrounded by'an ex- ceptionally clever cast. The direct- ion by John Francis Dillon -is superb, and First National Pictures has given an entirely adequate production to the picture throughout. Did You See Bid's Nose? Last Friday horning Bid Bell went to crank old Liz, and the crank slipped and Bid landed on his nose. on the Lamp. The lamp was out a.t the time, but Bid's nose was all 111'. up.. What he said to Liz was words without music. To Organize Quebec -Ontario Division There will be a meeting at the King Edwercl Hotel, Toronto, on Friday, Oct. 26th, to organize the Weekly newspapers of Ontario sold Quebec, as a district. The other provinces are organized for purposes that are beneficed to all, To Our Readers Readers of The Post are invited to assist in malting the Town page interesting to all. Let us have the names of any visitors you are enter- taining; or if you or any of your friends are taking a trip we should appreciate it if you would let us know. Many people at home and at a distance read the Town page with interest each week. With the co- operation of all our readers it will still more interesting, FOR SHELVES Instead of lining china and linen closets with paper, that must be re- newed constantly, use the delicately bordered shelf oilcloth. The shelves are fixed for years then, as they can be washed whenever dusty and kept perfectly clean. s.esee+e-ssee ese+•e••o+4.+4•4,44+ +4 ark 4. + Enter Nov. 5 +Join the class entering 4• here on Nov. 5th. Our business training fits youfor business success. Central Business College + Stratford, Ont. +444-4441-14+++++.1.-14+++++++ 1-14•++4•++.1.-1+F+++++++ Stuns el' $1(1, luul uudu cash, over 1hst :ltlmlu1h• (L months credit ten on furnishing approved. joint notes with discount of 3 per cent off for t ash on credit amounts, Load owners 1'ol slcttrity D. M. SCOTT, .. Will. A. MIC lila„ Au1•tioneer Proprietor, Looping the Loop Record. A French aviator has created a re- cord by looping the loop 1,111 times without stopping and keeping it up for 4 hours 56 minutes. To test the strain of such stunts on fuselage and wings, Lieut. A, J. Williams recently made six outside loops with a motor -driven camera at- tached to his 'plane to record its stress movement as he turned over and over iu the air. Curious Japanese Signs. To attract the custom of the for- eigner Japanese tradesmen often put up signs in what they consider to be idiomatic English, Such signs con- tain amusing mistakes. One of the funniest is that exhibited by a Jap- anese baker in Tokio. It reads: A ICashiuuru, Biggest Loafer in - AUCTION SALE - CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock, Implements, Etc., AUCTION SAL OF Belling, Lumber household Effects, tC c. D. M. Scott, Auctioneer, his been hlstrueted to sell at Old Electric Light Plant, Brussels, Saturday, Oct. ollowinr:- 'r i ']t thef • woo it ( •LOtlt at t inch 6 lav also Yt ltt a '•-•-GO feet 18Inply; 10 inch, 1 -hell and 2 -inch Belting", Pulleys ---1 5211'2 Dodge Split; 1 18120 I)otlge Split, Lumber About 1000 feet, Hay Fork Rope, Good as new, 1Set Single Harness, 100 Kit- chen Chairs, 1 Washing Machine and Wringer, 2 Step Ladders, 50 feet 2 -inch Gas Pipe, 2 Screen Doors, Several Window Blinds, 1 Writing Desk, 1 Kitchen Stove, Other articles; to numerous to ment- ion. TE1ti'IS: Cash. D, M. SCOTT, ROBT, THUELL, Auctioneer. Proprietor. John Purvis has received instruct- ions to sell by public auction at Lot 25, Con, 9, Grey, on Monday,. Oct. 20th, at 1 o'clock, the following:l Clyde marc; 12 years old supposes to be in foal; 1 Clyde mare 11 years old supposed to be in foal; 1 general pgrpose horse 18 years old; 1 cdyde colt 5 months old; 1 Percheron colt 3 months old; 1 cow 9 years old due in Dec.; 1 cow 8 years old duo in May; 1 cow 7 years old clue Dec. 96; 1 heifer 3 years old, milking; 2 hei- fers rising 2 years; 1 steer rising 2 years; 1 sow due to farrow Dec. 10; 1 sow due to Yarrow Dec. 18; 2 pigs about 100 ills; 5 pigs about 75 chs; 101 pigs about 8 weeks old; 75 hens; 2 ducks and drake; 2 geese and gan- der; 1 Massey Harris mower 5 ft. cut 1 Massey Harris seed drill 11 hoe; 1 Success manure spreader; 1 2 - furrow crown plow; 1 walking plow; 1 set harrows, 4 sections; 1, 8 -inch grain grinder; 1 rubber tire top buggy; 1 cutter; 15 feet 1 inch pipe; 1, wheelbarrow; 1 DeLaval cream $o. parator, nearly new; 1 Daisy churn No. 2, nearly neve; 1, 30 -gal. milk can.; about 20 tons sweet clover hay; 200 bus.. barley; 50 bus. oats; 1 set Welsh, no -buckle breeching harness; 1 set driving harness; 1 mail box; 1 gravel box; forks and shovels; 1 l?ordeon tractor, 1 2 -furrow tractor plow, if not sold previous, Every- thing must be sold as proprietor is giving up farming. Tertns - All sums of $10 and under cash; over that amount 10 months credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes; 5%off for cash, on credit a- mounts, land owners for security. J. Purvis, Auctioneer, Ben. Hollen'beck, Prop, AUCTION SALE FARMO STOCK AUCTION SA1,15 OF FARM STOOK, I91' r1,I MI1N'r8, 00 -11. 111. Scott, Auctioneer, ling boon lnetructed by the undersigned bo ee11 at Lot 25, Con, 0, Grey, on Tburodoy, Oct, 18tH, at 1 o'clock, the following : 1 Psroheron noire 12 yrs old, 1 Meek horse 8 yrs. old, 1 black 1,544 yrs.. old 1 aged driving mere, 8 00110 supposed le calf ,1 Halstaln cow due Feb. 0th, 1 Holstein OM One June 21d1, 1 Derision cow tine June 10111, 1 Koleteln cow due 93ay 11 bh. 1 Hclitein cow due May 1711, 1 Holstein cow due Feb 21st, 1 holstein heifer rising 2 yr0 clue April Nth. I Dttrhnn, heifer 18 mos. old, 8 Spring calves, 1 Durham heifer, 1 pure bred heifer, 1 holoteln bull, 1 brood sow with litter of 5 at foot 0 :: eula old nt time or sale, 6 chunks about 150 lbs -,1 pr. of ducks, 1 pr of n and ;teese .•obbler,d12 Deering Metter 5.15ttcut, key Deering mower 5.1. out, manure spreader 10.11. rake, seed drill 15-rilso Me'oayHetrim cultivator, Fleury plow No. 21, twin plow, Cookahutt rid- ing plow, pr Diamond harrows 8•see , farm wngon nod box, gravel box, light wagon with pole included. Open baggy steel -ti red, top htig- unted ioable harnetet of ssl, set of .e. isle lateness, qmet bsess uantity of tiny, quantity of ants, 15 Htenke of corn, set of whlifiletrees, neeliyoke, Standard ocean Pepnrtltor good as now 9 milk calt0 and nniln. large strniner, washing machine, Happy Thought cook grove, 0121 healer, couch. forks, chains and numerous other nrrlal es. Sale mt- reserved BR the proprietor has rented his Penn owing to 111 -health Terms -sums of $10 and under cosh ; over thst 0mnunt 10 menthe credit given on furnidiing npprOved joint not. es with.diecount of 1 nor cent off for cash on credit amounts. Land owners for aecur{ty. WM. WA12D, Prop. 13 M, Scott, Auctioneer, has been instructed to sell at Lot 21, Con. 9, 1. 0 Thursday, Oct.25th, 8 Grey, T Y, at o'clock, the following: -2 Work Horses, 8 Colts rising 2 years, 1 Fresh Cow, 1 Cow due in December, 6 Cows supposed in calf, 2 Young Mort, than '23,00 telephone calla haul' Leen 'transmitted from Paris to No1'tll Allle riest since [. the inaugura- tion of the service m Match, During Oie t lnnulcr season in Eng- land many special airplanes Were chartered to take parties 10 conti- netltal resorts. RO'1'l( I) 'r0 ('itiCl)I'1'OltS le the Matter of the Estate of John Henry Hewitt, Late of the Village of Brussels, in the County of Huron, Barber, Deceased. it'l''8 10 'p 1,5 441 rn, put'sunnt to the Ret t.ed Statutes of Ontario, Chap- ter 1.J, a hitt all trait Lore and other's having dome against the estate of (let the said John limy Howitt who (keit . on or about the Thirtieth day of September, A. D 11128 aro required on at' before the old day of Novcul- hos• to send hy post prepaid ur de- liver .11 Brussels, Macdonald, t liver to A.IT. he i will 1 , 0., the Executor oft Islet sine teseam,.ut t t the deceased, their Christian •ti.tu and Surnames, add res0es and drscr1051(ns, the full particulars Of their chums, the statement or their 0ee01008 tuns Lilo nature of the secur- ities, 11 any, held by them. And further talus notice that of ter such lust mentioned dale the Lxectt- tot will proceed to distribute the as- sets of theet ceased, amongst the par - ; tins entitled thereto, lowing regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice and 1110 said Execu- tor will not be liable for tite said as- sets, or any part thereof 10 any per- son or persons, of whose claim notice 1 shull not have been received hy hint at the time of such distribution. Dated this 11th day of October, A. 1)., 1928. W. M. Sinclair, Solicitor for the Executor. AUCTION SALE of FA 11 8T00K, L91PLE. tl51.010 -D. 51, Seatt, Auctioneer, lies been htotrnoted to sell at N%lot 5, 1101. 10 Grey, on Friday, Hot. 10th. aG 1 o'clock, the follow• Mg property : 1 Clyde more 8 yeer0 old, l Percheron mare 7 years aid. 1 00W due to calve November 2101, 1 cow duo a'ebraury 22nd, 1 cow due January 24th, 1 2•year-old 11.iler dtie Mnreh 1201, 1 2•year•o.11 heifer due March 27410 2 -year-old due in the Spring, 8 steer calves, 8 steers 1 year old, 12 heifers 1 year old, 2hogs 180 Ilia, 00011. Poultry -150 young hens and pullets (White Leghorns,l•1 dozen White Rock pollute and cockerels. Impletnebte-binder, plower, rake, need drill, disc harrow, turnip sower, fanning mill, bag- ger, we'king plow, riding plow, set iron her. rove 8 0eatons, 2 lumber wagons 11 b x), hay rack, grovel box, pair of sawlog bunks, set of hob sleighs, t'ubher-tired buggy, cutter, robe; hay fork, oar and alillgs ; 150 teat 51 0058 rope, water trough, wheel barrow, Irish Cobbler metstler bii grain 20 single herees, ords sedoule a85ollars, blankets, double trees, single trees, large oak barrel, epode, shovels, scythes, crowbar, hoes, extension ladder 28 A. 2 cook stoves, Melolte creem separator, Daley churn, butter worker, shot gun and other nrtielo, too nameroao to mention. Sale unreserved as proprietor ling sold his fora -Terris-Sime of $10 and under oath : over that an-tonnt. ()months credit g1v en on furniahinu approved joint notes foment. able onept- nhle to bank, Discount of 5 per cent off for onoh on credit nmonnts HUGH CAMPBELL, Prop. AUCTION SALE -o f- Pttre Brett and Grade AYRSHIRE CATTL,E Notice to Creditors In the matter of the Estate of James Evans, lato,of the Village of Brussels, in tho County of Huron, Gdntleman, Deceased. Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Section 60, Chip. 121, of the Revised Statutes or On. t0r1o, that all persona having claims ngninst the estate of the said James Evans, who died nn or nbout the Twenty-fifth day :of August 1028, are required t0 send by post, prepaid, or deliver to John McNair, the Executor of the hast will mid testament of the 0019 de - coaxed on or before the Twentieth tiny of ()etcher, A. 1), 1948, their names and addresses with fall particulars in writ• lug of their e)elmo and the nature of the se. curities, (If any), held by thein duly verified by a statutory doilnrotion. And further take notice Ghat after the 20th doy of October, 1929, the said Executor will proceed to distr(bnbe the assets of the said 04tnte among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the 0lninls of Which he shall then have had notice, and the said Exeeutare shall net be liable for the maid assets or any part thereof to nny portion of whose claim he shall not then have re• col ved notice. Dated at Brussels, the 29411 day of Septem- ber, A.D. 1929. W.111, SINCLAIIR, Solicitor for the Excoutor, Jno. Purvis, Auctioneer, has been instructed to sell at Lot 3, Con, 2 Grey Township half mile east 01 Jamestown Tuesday, Oct. 28rd, at one o'clock, the following, No. 1 Ena's Busty King (102770), born June 13, 1026, bred by Ontario Agricultural College, sire, Victoria's Bunty Lad (65171); dans, Humes - ]laugh Ena 5th (72017), whose offici- al record, ,mature, is (10514) lbs. milk and 382 lbs. butter fat; No. 2 College Miss Bartley (85912), bred by MacVicar Bros., Belmont, born .August 22, 1923, due to calve March 26; No. 3 iviiss Bartley's Tootsie (106335), bred by Ont. Agricutluxel College, born Feb. 10, 1026, due No, 29,• No, ,l Bluebell of Walnut: Hill (25798), rod by W. G. Strong, Gerrie, born Dei. 81, 1919, due Jan lot; No. 5 Sunnyiholmo Snowdrop (9151.4), born No. 1st, 1923, due Jan. 2nri; No. 6 Daffodil (981.17), born No. 13, 1024, and bred on June: 16; No. 7 Sunnyholme Nancy (85957, born Oct. 15, 1722, due Dec. 24th; No. 8 Rose (0811.8), horn Dec. 27, 1024, due day of sale; No. 9 Redwing (106337), born Dec. 13, 1926; No. 10 Registered Hol- stein Cow, Tiny Abbekerk of Burn- side, bred by Ro-bt. A. Cleland, List- owel, born May 29, 1915, and bred July 4th; No 11 Grade Jersey, bred on July 28; No. 12 Grade Ayrshire - Jersey Heifer, Clue No. 15; No. 13 Grade Holstein, 10 years old, bred Sept. 20; No 14 Grade Ayrshire, Holstein, 4 yrs, old, bred June 2nd; No. 15 Glade Ayrshire -Holstein, 8 years old, bred June 23; No. 16 Grade Ayrshire, 8 years old, brad Oct. 1; No. 18 Grade Ayrshire -fiefs stein, 2 years olcl bred June 29; Nos. 19, 20 & 21 8 'Grade Yearling Hei- fers; leifers; Nos, 22, 28 & 24 3 Grade Calves; 4 Hogs about 160 lba,; 1 Pure Bred Yorkshire Sow bred by Ontario Agricultural' College, will be old enough to breed by time of sale; Number of Black Leghorn Hens; 1 8-h,p. Gasoline Engine only used a short time, in good condition. Terms, -sums of $10.00 and und(1+' cash; over that amoount 6 months credit given on furnishing approved joint notes with discount of 5 per cent. per annum off for cash on credit amo • ] ants, Land owners for security and all notes must be accept- able to bank. JNO. PURVIS, T, C. WILSON, Auctioneer. Proprietor. Notice to Creditors In the matter of the Estate of Joshua Gilpin, late of the Village of Brussels, in the County of Huron, implement Dealer, Deceased, Nctioe is hereby given, pursuant to Section 55, Chapter 121, or the Revised Statutes of Ontnrlo, that all persona hies in it claims against the eetnto of the said .lo hue Gilpin. deoeoeed, who died on or about the 'twenty-eighth day of September, A. D, 1928, are required nn or before the 20th day of October A. i deliver to 'A. H. hIncdo, to sendsq , Brussels Ontario, d v fllnodo If Esq , 2). GGil teE the agent for he W. L. Cpin, the Execrator of the oet Will and Christian E of the reoeand their Christian sed ularsi w and nddeirses, with full h futtic- er° nlnrs to writing of flair Mal int) and the nature Of that r securities (if nny) held by them. Alid further take notice tint after each last mentioned date that 00111 Executor will pro- ceed to distribute the assets of the deemed amongst the persons entitled thereto, roving regard only to pile 01 1111118 of whtoh he shall not be enoticeotnnd the said Executor will liable y person or persona for the said assets or nny part thereof of whose olhtm notloe shall not have been reoely- ed by hits at the time of shah rdistribu tion. Dated this 212 tiny of October, A. D. 1928, W. M. 0111(?T.01 5, Solicitor for the Executor Voters' List - 1928 Municipality of the Township of Mor- rie, County of Huron Notice to hereby given that I have transmit- ted or delivered to the per0one mentioned In Sections 0 and 0 of the Ontarlo Voters' hints Act the copies required by said sections to be so transmitted or delivered of tate list made, perm -Lunt to said Aot of all parsons appearing by the last Revised Ae8Oae11010 Roll of the Mutlatpatity, to be entitled 1.i vote at elec• tions for members of the Legislative Aseent- bly and 0t Municipal Eleotions ; and the said Hat 1190 first posted np in my ofHee in Morris, on the 10th day of October 1028, and remains there for Inspection. Electors are called upon to inspect the said list audit' any omissions or any other errors are Poland therein to take immediate proceed. Inge to have the Raid errors onrreated oeeord- bue to law Dated thio 17th day of Oelinber 1958 A. 800)011511, Cleric of Morris, Farm for Sale Firm known as the Dilworth )8 ritt, conn prising 1811eores mostly all cleared and in n viatat,l tattle cultivation, ul vation,i lots n of venter and mile to Ethel Village Will be priced rensonebly for quick enle. For further parts^ulnre, nOpply op prentiees to J. E. ROW LAN bel, Farms f•. r Sale The undersigned offers for sale his 100•aore Perin being NIS, Lot 26, Cent 7, Morris. Also 150oores being North }f„ Lot 20, nod EX, 27, (ton. 7, ltloris. Gnorl 11o1l8On end barna in first-olooe oauttition, Mho all good out-baild• bugs. Will melt with or without o•op. Rees• on for selling, poor health. For further part. touters apply to W. H. MoOtlTOHEON, Proprietor, B. RA, Brussels Farm for Sale A very desirable Moak form of 150 !ores, y mile from Brussels, Good buildings and equipments, 'cosy tonne to suit purchaser. For further particulars apply to A.R.MAODONALD, Brussels. Do Your FeetBother You ? Oh I the tragedy of aching feet, the mleery of painfully dragging ore foot after the 0th. er, the bitterness of watching othere step Moog without a foot ogre to the world. Foot misery con be avoided. I know, beenuoe I suffered for years, but I found a way to re• lie that painful' strain upon d vet oa n my weakens area s Now,' want to help others 1 1t yon area euiforet, please mention Tip Posy when writing, J. T. WOOD, 200Prosepeetat., Ham - then, Ont., or may be pnrehaeed ,et Downing Brow, shoe dealers, Bruseele. 4 or • nil 1'