HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1928-10-17, Page 2WEDNESDAY, OCT, 1028
Tim li'ASTUST fflEON
SIZE 334
I Children Love
I EMO'S Syrup
„t Fri MA
— — — ----...----- .....------ -,,s, ; rem life te give to the Lord? If it
\-9 1, net, we leive net ycl. learned the
meaning of giving. These Mac,:d.
onlans gave "not with a sigh, but
BY CHARLES G. TRUMBULL [ with a song.'"fhey did not give :tru-
(ecitee of Tee seed.), SehOal Tien e 5) i tk,111,41V t 11 Paul for other needy
t :nisei:ins; they fairly bogged him
-I 101 receive the gift and to pass it on
chapters have hardly a moderate sta• ; to others. •
I ,. .
- tettleat la the(...i
ta; almost every statem- . ving is a grace. We are to
21.--11, Corinthilitint itreme, Let us never b,, ! abound --that is to have in abounding
es ex
Sunday School Lesson
Sunday, Oct,
8:1 to 9:15
Golden Text.
First gave their own selves to
Lord. (II, Cor, 8:1)
Last week we studied about "Spi-
ritual Gifts," or that which God gives
us. This week we study Christian
Stewardship, or that which we give
God. The two lessons are in the
Tight orders;what God gives us comes
first, for we give to Him because
He has given to us. How much has
He given us? All He has! He gave
give nothing more - when He gave
Himself in His Son. How much are
we to give God? All! The Maced-
onians, noted for their liberality,
"first gave their own selves to the
Lord," There is no other way to
make acceptable gifts to God; first
what we are, then what we have.
One who reads these two chapters
straight through, as we should, finds
them crowded with words of a sup-
erlative sort. Paul ,piles up the
nous, the adjectives, the adverbs and
the verbs to show what liberal giving
really is, both toward man. The two
measure—everything that God gives
afraid of going to exreme, when 'We 1
1 US by His grace, for He never gives
are listening to God's Wordand doing
th,,, Ills will . grudgingly or by measure. And
Paul wrote to the Corinthian Christ -
The Macedonian Christians had ,inns that, as they abounded in faith,
been greatly blessed by the grave of I and in utterance, and knowledge,
God, and had as a result four von)" 1 and in all diligence, and in their
arkable experiences. They had "a love, iihey should be careful to "elm -
great trial of afflication." They had jund in this grace also." Are we con.
"abundance of joy." They had 1 „knolls for our liberal giving?
"deep poverty." And they had abu- I Perhaps we feel that we are not
ndingly rich liberality. When we } because we have not much to give.
are in great afflication and deep pov- I But that has nothing to do with it.
erty do our joy and our liberality Indeed, the .most liberal givers are
;thound? It is God's will that this ki,u,oly those who have least to give
should be the experience of His chi- , those who have most -to give usually
ldren; It is a part of the blessings. ' give least.
His grace offers us. I One of the greatest verses in the
What blessed paradoxes these are! I entire Bible is in Chapter 8. It is the
God delights to bring the impossible 'great, impelling reason why we shou-
to pass in our lives. When we are ; Id girt. "For ye know the grace of
suffering' a great trial of afflication . our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though
Ile will produce abundance of 30Y
He was rich, yet for your sakes He•
in our hearts; will" we are 10 de.1) . became poor, that ye through His
poverty. He will enable our liberal- !poverty might be rich." Having been
ity to abound unto riches. Men I made rich through the poverty of
cenno1 do this by their own efforts, ; Christ, WO are to give, "not grudg-
er by natural will power; only the ingly, or necessity; for God loveth
grace of God can work these mirach0. i a cheerful giver."
Is it one of the greatest joys of i The Sunday School Times of Oet.
6 1tzbIisIrather a 5t. rlit1.1 •
pagaill of illustintions 00 C'Arkilan What on Itappon In a Single 1-070.
Stewart-Ide, One of thos,•
not from the top of your pur,e, I The fastest thine that any Mita
!rat from the bottom of your heart." on do t, to wink hi:, eyo. The in -
Another quotes a wise Mil Gorman Stifle! h't, 1.5-tIt`t.101,1 Of 1 1 when 0
wl.0 said: "I like to girt. viiiimily; elliutor 14,0WS into tho *v*.In abou
'elVatb for 11,,ee pee -
when I gies villitedy it eejoys me so
giV55. teobile speeding 6' mil, ii, hour
not 'Jer shows the difference bet.,v- w111 Tn",rt 1,/ 1.'5'. A 1:t'l
tt0tttI Soelalism.
john.et ys; "Yoil must give 1 Z,Ola. IL) :t small id. d nf1 r 1,, ;
of ('h*itiy0ity," I mast11 befor., oon %%lug J.‘:.
sOM1' 15inv." "The first is
ihe ..p!rit of greed and gold, the 40- 80Int, 1111,110 • 1111“11., f 11
conl 1-' the spirit of gra,0. and Goa. nut 111,. !,
'itt' of i—me lei e- . i.. :-:•••.,.
A t,,I,,,h a „1111,,, „met irt.,•(,i, 1,,,1,,,„...1,,!,? ;,.1.-411t,!,1,, • :...11Tu, ii.„1:11..,: ,..,..1;tt.,„,,.,
us to ,, tiii,•g. ill their true ligd sw
ht. i aneii_ 1 1.
,1e: f. ii '-'1'. •: 1, ' ' L
SIII0C031, has written a hit of rhyme tcl4,111,,sii 1;!t,,,[1. ii,,, 1 i.,,,,: ::1,-;,i,it:10' 1,:[,.,':,,::,,tii;14
,lititled "Ilia lieut.” It runs.
"He dropped at nieliel in the Witte, 1'4" l'Y 1'4. 1101 "' ""Y""1' wi") 5.10
hil',11:he explaimilon is that Ow HI f i
Glad the w.Peltly runt was paid. .
For the manson in t)e skies," ' l';'..02!,,:(.....:,.:1,1 11,si.o:11.. ,114,1:1,:,,,,111,,,,,;,:.Itydi;l1,11t,ot
Paul Rader he, said, "You van't
to try to do so. The more we give order,s,rwtiiiii,...,1,,ii,,i,11.,,,,11:,... 111.1:1':11..-:,.'1,,'";:,s'i,,111,,k1::r;
tills Ittli1;;ItIvnli[;4..lile„n.t,..": '''',''.1" r"
heat God giving." It is a ,,afe riik
to God, the 1Y1Ore He ettn and Will
1111.11111:tiant, ;lad he 1.)1 pme,si in eqaal
give to us. Paul reminds ast 11.s d
which soweth sparingly shall reap at tigirrin714.'.:Iil'sandl"ILINOttlIT. baell:(1:11211711tlivi:-;
also sparinglr; and he which soweth been killed,
bountifully shall reap also bonntirei_ mi:stig,t,sodeit'i.iirli,:,:..rasn :.!,11li ,iia)fotnylip i et tliii at i it, tIcii(_-,
ly." So giving is sowing'.Y
et tree ,
giving never looks for any return. sigual, realize its meano6
Another of the great verses of the Ittit.)019.eretshsanthiiialfralatesZi:,euld.is Ian litthtulet
Bible is Clhapter 98. And God is
honlue;:.ea'oueffmtoravveel2lui'nft. That dm -
40 miles au
able to make MI grace abound tow -
rano represents the minimum mar-
ard you; that ye, always having all
gilt of safety the driver must main-
stitheiency in all things, may abound
taiAn to avoid. accident,
to every good work." Three "all.,,", s speeds increase no remedy for
One "alWayS" one "every." What the advancing number of acethents
will be found in stricter driving tests
more .do we want? And these two
oljniimproved ces
great chapters on great giving are warning Signals. Devi
Er found
speedier than
cloe w
sed with the of climax; the 1.=aiiZr
"Thanks be unto God for His un- One such pcissit4''3st
biillt:iTnine photo-
electric cell. it can react to a light
speakable gift." As we remember
signal in less than one ten -thou--
what God has given us, nothing can
sandth of a second Perhaps speed -
stop our continual and unmeasured ing antenna-41es ttnd aireraft may
some day he equipped with these
giving to Him, lightning -like electric eyes, so that
collisions can be avoided and spaeds
PERTH checked automatically before the hu-
(vTinhica,s Li int ea ifpoit;ehifsotre 11111u:by-
included in the approved hospitals. 0
Stratford General Hospital is now mtfi-anitalof thought
Th. '70th anniversary of Burns
Presbyterian Church is on Saturday.
George Riley, of Kinburn, who was
arrested on a forgery charge was
pleaded guilty and remanded for son-
M. C. McPhail who has been the
Co. Agricultural Representative for
the past seven years is being moved.
to York C. with headquarters at
Newmarket. He will be succeeded
by C.M. Meeks, formerly agricultural
representative of Carleton Co,
44" Mb—c.rw
per ib
Are proving to be the most
-5147 e :lag Profitable and Interesting
Live Stock for Farmers
Otiincrease this year was 4,8 pups per pair,
All are ralood. 0 pairs or Foxes routine no more
shill nor 011-,. limn 10 dal y cows,
1 have for sale at moderate prices some of the
finest Silver Black Foxes in the Province, all re-
gistered, pedigreed stock, Go -operation given
to new ranchers buying faxes, as to care and
treatmon 1,
North Huron Silver Black
Fox Ranch
Lot 5, Con. 14, Grey R, R. 2, Brussels
''';t 4'
te h6.
• Ail,. ,, Pother and what have you done
ii. with the money I gave you?
1 Son—Well, dad, I've spent about
' twenty dollars on drinks, lost twenty
.' five at poker—and well I suppose 1
:4 ti auust have spent the other twenty -
SI tt, 1.4r it:e1/4...4,, '1/4 five dollars foolishly.
p. 1
.1, ..
, i
"Why are ye wearin a black eye,
Hinnesy?" "Sure it 's mourning
for the man that gave it to me"
Doctor—"About nine patients out
of ten don't live through this operat-
¶leacher: "Willy, can you tell me ion. Is there anything I can do for
You before we begin?"
Dusky Patient—"Yessali. Kindly
the difference between caution and
cowardice?" Willy; "Yes, ma'am,
When you are afraid yourself, that hand me mak hat"
is caution; but, when the other fel- ; WONDER WHY
low's afraid, that's cowardice," j After a recent banquet, at which
a number of the diners had madeREAPEDoo,000.
HELP WANTED speeches. Brown -1.1Ids neigbor,
REAPED $100,000.
A certain bishop was considerably "John is quite a star as an after -
Government's Rake -Off In One,: Day ,
Prom Gambling.
upset when he received this note dinner speaker, isn't he?
fromthe vicar of a village in his "Star!" retorted the other; "he's
diocese; a regular moon—he becomes brighter
"My Lord—I regret to inform the fuller he gets."
you of the death of my wife. Can
you possibly send me substitute for TRY THESE
the weekend?"
From schoolboys' science papers—
The earth makes a resolution
CORRECT every 24 hours.
A witness told a magistrate that The difference between air and
More than $100,000 was reaped by
the French Governnent and the ad-
ministration of the Casino of the Fol -
set at La Touquet a the result of
the amazing night of play at the bac-
carat tables recently.
This sum, which beats every re-
cord ever made at Le Touquet for a
night's play, mac taken by the box
Into which is paid 5 per centof the
*winnings of the players taking the
The bets made during the night
by the bankers and the players bet-
ting against them must have amount-
ed to something between $5,000,000
and $10,000,000.
The casino's profits are vsed to im-
prove Le Tourquet. More than $80,-
000 has been promised towards the
construction of a branch railway
which it is proposed to build between
Le Touquet and Etaples, thus link-
ing the resort with Paris and
The casino is to help in financing
the construction of a harbor which
will permit millionlires' yachts to
anchor at this pleasure resort.
A. new 18 -holes golf course is also
to be constructed close to the race-
Nearly all the best villas, ror which
the rents average more than $2,500
for the season, have been taken.
Some of them cost more than $5,000
for the three or four months,
Collection of Odd Coins.
Coins and currency once valued at
millions of dollars make up the col-
lection of Cere C. Standford of Gre-
gory, S.D., and shown in London,
England recently, The currency is
'worthless now, except to collectors.
The most valuable piece in the col-
lection was taken from ruins at
PciOninPeellp.iece of Austrian currency,
worth at one time $500,000, is in the
In United States gold coins, Stand-
ford has $2 and 50 cents In single
pieces, a 60 -cent and 25 -cent gold
coin. H5. has U. S. Paper money in
BO -cent, 25 -cent and 10-eent denom-
A. silver pieCa in the collection is
one of three peace medals given by
tho United States to Indian chiefs in
1871. He has an Egyptian coin with
the pyramids stamped upon it, Money
used in Hong Kong has a Chinese
emblem on one side and Queen Vic-
toria on the °Ilion Coins from the
Philippines have Spanish inscriptions
on one side and English on the other.
'l`wenty-Four Tons at a Bite.
An -electric power -shovel with a
dipper that will gouge out nearly
twenty-four tons 00 earth in one bite
is to be used it the open pit mining
of coal in Illinois, United States,
Tho shovel boom la 120 feet long
and the dipper stick 82 feet long. Ma-
terial can be lifted to a height of
from 00 feet to 100 feet, and deposit-
ed over a radius of 160 feet from the
centre of operation. Only one Mall
is needed to control the shovel, which
is worked by throe hand levers and
one foot pedal.
Pettit In Briquet Perm.
Karl Hessel, a German engineer
who has devoted his life to the study
of fruit and vegetable chemistry, has
developed a method of preserving
Whereby fruits and vegetables are re.
ducecl to dry powder, which is press.
ed Into a briquet. In preparing for
IMO. the briquet Is dissolved in water
and the substance and taste are
1- I
he never knew what happiness was water is that le au can be
until he married. It was then too wetter and water can not.
late of course.
I We are now the masters of steam
and eccentricity.
RATHER MUSSED ' Things that are equal to each other
Policeman—"What did the house are equal to anything else.
look like when the burglar had left?" Gravity is chiefly noticeable in the
Lady—"Just like it does when my autumn, when the apples are falling
husband has been looking for some- from the trees.
thing he has lost."
She: "I bobbed my hair to show If the child sleeps habitually with
my independence."
his mouth open and is inclined towa-
He: "What did you bob your rds choking coughing spells, it would
skirt for?"
be well to have a physican examine
him and see if he has adenoids.
EASIEST WAY Another early symptom is a slight
13owdle—"What do you intend to
do when you get to Australia?" 1
Marks—"Take up land." i LITTLE TOUCH OF HOME
Bowdle—"Much?" , We cannot all afford cut flowers
Marks—"A. shovelful at a thne.' for decorations at all thnes, but we
GOING MUCH FURTHER can have just one potted plant in
our living room or on our enclosed
Young Husband --I always make
porch to give a homelike appearann.
it a rule to tell my wife everything
that happens.
Old One—Huh, that's nothing! 1 i RIGHT FROM THE START
tell mine lots of things that neverto WusheenaltilitcheyosnilivgeerstaenTdisdibilelgeir thitalgt
happen. the rest of the family use, it is time
TAKE YOUR CHOICE I to make corrections in the method
"What kind of a pipe, ma'am?" i iye usage. Then the child knows no
"I want it for my husband. Oslo other table manners than the right
of those nice pipes that drive away kind and future training .will bo un -
every care." neccesary.
Having been appointed Distributor for the
We offer Cars at i695.00 and up, including
six different models, viz. : Plymouth 4 ; De
Soto .6 ; Chrysler 62.6 ; Chrysler 65 6 ;
Chrysler 75.6 ; and Chrysler 8o 6. All with
the longest wheel base of any small car, also
hydraulic 4 -wheel brakes.
Come in and look them over,
Phone 9x