HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1928-10-10, Page 8'VVEDNgSDA:Sr, OCTOBER 10, 108 THE ERUSSEL.3 POST 1 The Bulbs for Fall Planting TULIPS DAFFODILS HYACYNTHS NARCISSUS Store Great Big Value A Package of Gillette Razor Blades and Large Tube of Klenzo Shaving Cream Both for 59c The Care of the Teeth Requires a good Tooth Brush and Dentifrice. Our stock of Brushes offers a good choice of shapes and sizes and Tooth Brushes 25c 35c 40c 50c Milk of Magnesia Tooth Paste is one of the most reliable and effective dentifrices, Containing a large percentage of Milk of Magnesia it corrects acid mouth and tends to prevent decay of the teeth. Milk of Magnesia Tooth Paste 25c and 5110 Tubes If you have Papering to do this fall See our samples t4'suit different rooms in the house. We also have several patterns which we are clearing out just now at Greatly Re- duced Prices. F. R. SMITH 74enom' esd Store Druggist and Stationer Local News .Mems Paid Brussels a Visit Poor Constable Whitesides, of Gocierich paid Brussels a visit on Fair Day. But things were very quiet. Supreme Court. The fall sittings of the Supreme Court of Ontario in Goderich will open on Tuesday, October 30th, before Mr. Justice Fisher. Fi h r . Convention nt a at Blyth. East Huron Teacher's Convent'on will be held at Blyth on Thursday and Friday, Oct. 18 and 19. Brussels teachers will attend. Hydro Off Noon Hour, Hydro was oft noon hour on Tues- day, which makes it bad for inc housewife, who prepares the dinner on en electric stove, or plate. Brussels United Church REV. A. W. EARKER. B. 0. MINISTER Sunday, Oct. j 4th 11 a.m.-Public Worship. Subject : 5th in the series on "Life Culture" "The Culture of Memory" 8 p.m. -Sunday School and Bible Classes. Evening service withdrawn for Anglican Anniversary. Tuesday -Y. P. Society. Wednesday -Prayer Service Friday 8 p. m.- -Choir rehearsal. Sunday, October 28th ANNIVERSARY DAY Rev. E. F. Armstrong, 13, D.. Listowel, will preach. OU can send any amount of money to any point in Canada at a minimum of expense by 11 using a Standard Bank Money Order, i 1 This method is the simplest, safest .l and most convenient way • to ;end remittances by mail in the Dominion; if the mail goes astray no loss is sus- a tained, Should you desire. to send i? money to a point outside the country, { a Standard Bank Draft will salvo !' your purpose for forwarding honey to foreign places. THE STANDARD BANK BANK ®FPa CANADA ESTABLISHED 073 G. H. SAMIS Manager, Brussels Branch GOOD Second Hand Baby Carriage, Victrola and bicycle for sale. Phone No. 40. 17-1 FOR SALE -Coal stove with oven. Apply to David R. Cunningham, Brussels. 17-1 6 Pigs, 5 weeks old, for sale.. J. W. Somers, Lot 15, Con. 5 Grey. Phone 41-17. 17-1 MANGOLDS For Sale; also Four head of young cattle. W. H. Baker, Phone 505, Con. 10, Grey. 17-1. CAR Marker No. 243.277 Lost. Finder please leave at Poest or. call Phone 43-13. 17-1 STRAYED onto Premises, 1 young pig, about 8 weeks ago. Owner may have same, by proving pro- perty and paling for advt. C. Hutchison, Lot 18, Con. 5, Grey, Phone 418. 17-1 IlDRESSMAKING Done in Your home, prices reasonable. ' Phone 10-9, Brussels. 17-1 WANTED -A few women to pin 1 chickens. Will pay $2.50 per day. Apply to R. Thomson. LOST -On Monday evening, ning,Oct.Oc 8 somewhere between the Presbyter ian church, Ethel and Dunbar's store, a baby's blue bopeep blan- us by Mr. Henry Livermore a former ket. Finder please notify, Mrs. resident of Clinton, when the Editor Ben. Hollenbeck, Phone 506. 17-1 was a resident in that town. The LOST -A brown leather suit case, the paper was well illustrated, and noted between Brussels and Harriston, town, expension in that sou,tern containing clothing, etc., also papers era insides. willshow name ho n m of the owner, Mrs. Chas. Cox. s. D. Finder will send collect to W. H. Lobb, Clinton, Ont. 17-1 Sentecial Edition. S p t n. We are in receipt of a special edi- tion of The Upland News published I at Uplands, Cal., which was sent to Good Printing g Now is the time to look over your supply of office stationery --bill heads, letter heads, envelopes, stationery, etc., and if any of them are short. place the order with THE POST . printing office. Here you will get first class work at moderate prices, correct as to names, etc., and no ex- press charges and no extra sales tax to pay. Is Relieving at Bank. Mr. Jas. Fraser, of Toronto is re- Heving at the Bank of Nova Scotia, while the staff have been holidaying. ' Lawson Clouse has returned from his holidays, and Miss Evelyn Chapman is now on her vacation. Will Speak Next Wednesday Night. ' Miss Rose McDuf, Field Secret- ary of the Temperance work for Ontario will deliver an address fit the United Church, Brussels, on I Wednesday evening of next week„' Oct. 17th, Her subject will be "The 1 Teaching of Scientific Tempe ranee." The teachers of the various schools are invited to attend, as are all others , who are in.terestetl in this moral and social reform work. Oliver-Ernstedt Wedding. The Marquette Mining Journal of Sept. 4th, had the following account of the wedding of an old Brusselite: -Miss Ellen R. Ernstedt, daughter ; of Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Ernstedt ; 217 Mesnard Street, was married to Frank Tytler Oliver, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Oliver, of Brussels, Ont. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. J. Thomas, in St. Mary's Meth- odist Episcopal church, at 1.30 o'clock in the afternoon, August 23. The attendants were Mrs. Francis D, Kelly, formerly Miss Ruth Johnson, of Marquette, and James L. Oliver, brother of the grooms The bride wore a gown of golden brown chif- fon velvet and snatching hat, Her shower baguet was of yellow roses and sweet peas. The bridesmaicl wore a frock of blue chiffron velvet with which she wore a hat of the same shade and carried an arm bou- quet of pink roses and sweet peas, Following the ceremony a dinner was served to the bridal party, the im- mediate fancily and a few intimate friends at the hone of Mr. and Mrs, Dan Picrron, 2400 Dalldwin Ave., Detroit. A large wedding cake topped with a miniature bride and groom, pink cathedral candles tied with tulle bows and golden yellow and pale pink soles formed the table de- corations. The Misses Nellie Sum- mersett end .Evelyn L'Huillle•, of this city, attended the wedding. Previous to her marriage the bribe was employed in the Detroit officee of the U. S. Veterans' Bureau. The groom is a cost accountant With the Murray Body Corporation of De- troit. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver have been visiting in Chicago and Marquette the past week. They left for Detroit yesterday. They will reside at 1766 Parker avenue. To Our Readers Readers of The Post are invited to mecist in making the Town page interesting to all. Let us have the FOR SALE -A frame house and 94 names of any visitors you are enter- acres of land on Thomas St., next Paining; or if you or any of your door to Jos. Que-in. Mrs. Robert friends are taking a trip we should J. Anderson. 14-4 n ;pre:ciete it if you would let us HOUSE FOR SALE or to Rent -7 know. Many people at home and at a distance read the Town page with interest each week. With the co- operation of all our readers it will still more interesting. Minor Locals. WANTED - Boy and girl or two girls to learn printing. Must have Entrance standing. Can learn to operate linotype. Apply to J. 13. Ballantyne, Post. FOR SALE -Fairbanks Morse Gaso- leve Engine, tae horse power, with generator . and batteries. In good shape, a bargain. Apply to Robert Bremner, Ethel, Ont. Phone 85-13. -16-tf The radios got a work-out during the baseball series. East Huron. Teachers' Convention evil be held at Blyth on Thursday and Friday, Oct. 18 and 19. Sunday School convention of the teachers and workers in the Sabbath Schools of the Presbyterian Church in the Maitland Presbytery will be held at Wingham next Tuesday. Central Hotel Changes Hands. Exeter Times. -Chester Lee has Supper and Concert. rooms, hard water and small hen house. On Albert St., Brussels. Apply to Mrs. Wm, Hoist, 14-4 FOR . SALE- Pandora . (McClary) Range, in good condition. Apply at Post. 100 ACRE FARM FOR SALE: - Being Lot 3, con. 16, Grey. Build- ings in first class condition. An- drew Sloan, Phone 27-12. R. R. No. 2, Brussels. 28-tf. Up -Town -Ticket Office. A.H. MacDonald has been appoint- ed up -town C.N.R. ticket agent. disposed of the intrlor furnishings of A big crowd is again expected at the Central Hotel and 'has leased the Hot Fowl Supper in St. John's the building for a term of five years Church on Monday, October 1513; to Edward 'Lowry, of Brussels. Mr. and everyone is busy arranging and Lowry gets possession the first of 'November. We are sorry to lose preparing for .it Last year about our citzen. At present we have not 6000parenjoyed the •Chickens, Ducks heard who will be in charge of the American Hotel. Monte Blue Coming In Big Fight Film. and geese and the Town Hall was filled to its 'utmost capacity for the Concert. The Miss Bessie Abel Concert Co, of Wingham have charge of the program and will be supplen- Only experts in the arts of mull- enters by a few, good local artists. flower ears and solar plexi will be A number of visitors said the seen in Monte Blue's starring Price should be 75 cents but the vehcle, "One Round Hogan." The matter of St. John's Church has latest of the leather pushing con- always been ``good value for the noisseurs to be 'signed is Tom Gal- money" and the price will remain at lery, well known as the match maker 50 cents which includes both Supper of the Hollywood Legion Stadium as and Concert. well as a very competent actor, Gal- lery will play the part of brother Driving Signals, to Leila Hyams, Monte's leading An innovation is noticeable in lo- , lady, and pal of Monte, who, in one cal automobile delving :methods, of the fight picture's exciting ring Heretofore motor Vehicle operators scenes, will knock him out. James when signalling their intentions to 3, Jeffries of international fame traffic in the, rear have been out to - annotate' in ,`One Round Hogan" as 'use but one signal to denote any one Monte's father, and, according to of three possible intentions -just the Director Heyward Bretherton, "Jim" hand extended to side, On recent days is as good an actor as he over was' a However, a change has been noticed. fighter. Frank Hagney has a very ,Drivers intending to make a sight - important heavy role, and ethers in !hand turn have been seen signalling the cast are the Texas KM, and :a right turn with the hand extended Abdul the Turk, well known ring andand moving in a clock -wise manner, theatre characters. Charles R. Con- ! a method insisted on in many States don adapted "One Round Hogan" 1 of the American Union, Whether or from a storybyF. L. Giffin.. The not the habit was developed while on Warner Bros. production domes to tour this past summer, it is an en - the Grand Theatre next Tuesday for eouraging signs to see such a raetha;l a run of two clays gained ground here, Attending Funeral. Miss Margaret McDougall, of the Public School staff is at Vanderbilt, Mich., attending the:.funeral of her cousin, the late Miss Yuill, who was killed in an aeroplane accident cm Sunday. The ladies were cousins. Miss Flprence Stewart is the supply teacher in her absence. Former School Teacher Dies Suddenly Word was received here that Mrs. George Davidson, of Woodstock, Miss Margaret Catley, had died on Friday last and was buried at Mount Forest, her old home on Monday of this week. Mrs. Davidson had buried her sister the Tuesday previous, and had returned to her home and on Friday her husband had found her unconscious and she died that even• ing. Mrs. Davidson taught in the Brussels School in 1885 and 1888, following Mrs. D. C. Ross on the staff. Ferguson -Turnbull Miss Marion G. Turnbull, young- est daughter of Mrs. John Turnbull of Galt, was married to Mr. Duncan C. Ferguson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Ferguson of Straford ill Central Presbyterian church, Galt. Rev. M. B. Davidson officated. The bride was given in marriage by her brother, Mr. Douglas Turnbull. She worn: a gown of white chiffon, em- broidered in pearls and brilliants, made in the Italian period style with long full train and veil with Juliet cap of rose point lace. Miss Grace Roberts of Guelph andMrs. Beverl Y Neill, sister of the bride, were bridesmaids, and Mrs. Laurie A. Morine of Toronto, sister of the gro- om, matron -of -honor. Mr. Laurie A. Morine of Toronto was -best num, and Dr. Gordon Grieve, Mr. Ross Mc- Leod of Stratford, Mr. Reid Hunter am Mr. Beverly Neill of Galt were ushers. A reception was held at 10 Brant road,and M •. 1 r and Mrs. Fer- guson s left on a wedding trip to be spent in Bermuda, the bride travel- ling in a black two-piece custom of wool crepe. They will make their home in Toronto. The many friends in town of the groom, extend hearty congratulations. Grant -Stevenson Wedding Wednesday's Stratford P,eacon- Herald had the following account of the wedding of a former Brussels and Esrey Township boy:- An event of much social interest took place in Knox Pre byterian church at half past two o'clock this afternoon, when Margaret Glenn, daughter of Ex - Mayor John Stevenson and Mrs, Stevenson, Ontario street and one of Stratford's most brilliant musical artists, became the bride of Norman Stewart Grant, B.Se., of Kenora, son of Mr. and 111x. A. D. Grant, Church street. The church was beautifully decorated with Easter lilies and the guest pews were designated with rosebuds tied with ribbon. Rev. George Rowland, eninister of the church conducted the ceremony and the wedding music was played by Henry Easun, A.R,C.O, the organist. The bride, who was given in mar- riage by her father wore a gown of cream liame with smart hat to match and a gorgeous white fox fur com- pleted her costume. Her bouquet was Sunburst rose and lily of the valley with several sprays of Scottish heather arranged in shower effect. Miss Ann Stevenson, sister of the bride as maid of honor wore n pretty frock of sleeping 'beauty pink skirt with silver hat faced with ninlc and carried Briarcliff aroses. Miss Eleanor Elborn was bridesmaid, wearing a gown of lovebird green georgette with silver hat with green facing and she carried a shower bouqu,et of Butterfly roses, Steweit Stevenson was best man and the ushers were Harold Elborn of London. George Stevenson, Dr. R. Linsley Clarke and A. M. McKinnon of Toronto. During the signing' of the 1p,gister Mrs. J. D. Kerr sang two solos, "Spring" and "Summer " by London Ronald from "A Cycle of Life."She was gowned in poudre blue georgette and wore a picture hat of black meline and a cross fox fur•. Mrs. Stevenson, mother of the bride was in a gown of black salome velvet and black hat and wore a corsage of orchids and lily, of the valley, 'Urs. Grant, the bridegroom's mother ware black satin with lace and a black hat and her corsage was Premier roses. The ceremony at the church was followed by a reception at to residence of the bride wlio wore a bl•• ack kitten's ear coat with collar and cuffs of badger over a dress of grey and a sequin hat in matching shades, Guests were present at the wedding from Leaden, Galt, Toronto, Phi ladelphia, Barrie, Detroit, Preston, Alisa Craig, Langton, North Dakota, Brussels, Port Huron, Ottawa and Stratford. Moving. Last week Jas. and Mrs. McNabb moved to Tillsonburg. Mr. McNabb was formerly at E. Cunningham's garage. Mrs. James Duncan Passes Away. An old reisdent of this dist,•'^ passed away Friday night, in the person of Mrs. James Duncan, at the age of 79 years. She had been in failing health for several months. Before coming to Brussels about 15 years ago, the family resided on the 5th line of Morris Township. Mr. Duncan died about 12 years ago. A family of five sons and one daughter survive: John and Mrs. Nesbit Hanli• lton, Brussels; Harry and James, Moose Jaw; William, Spokane, Wasn., and Francis on the homesteadi 'in Morris Township. The funeral will be held this afternoon (Wednesday) from her late residence and buttal will be made in Brussels Cemetery. The family has the sincere sympathy in the loss of their mother. "Wings" Coming Saturday. Besides marking a new era in motion, icture nelodrams, "WINGS" the Parambunt aviation picture, which will open at the Grand The - etre on Saturday has made stars of three young players and has made a name for the director, one of the youngest in Hollywood. "Wings" gave them their big opportunity, the chance' of a lifetime to display their courage, ability and a d personal charm and theyall a 1 carried on to success. When Paramount contemplated the production of this new film much thought was given to the cast, and for weeks studio executives delibe- rated. They wanted talent in the picture, but at the same time they wanted courage and plenty of 11. J hn Monk Saunders, the Author, ti announced at a s u4. tconference o that youth must he always evident. lcee st ry. So the search started. First, a Director was needed. Saun- ders suggested the same of William Wellman, who was one of his buddies in France. Wellman knew flying, and he knew aerial battle, having - whenhis his back broken okoh s plane crashed to earth during a machine gun engagement. He had youtn, to , and spirit, So to this unknown and untried director went the script and the biggest job of his life, Since his return from France, Wellnanl had played in pictures and handled tin megaphone on a few successful pro• ductions. iclatinee at 2.15, prices BORN DUNBAR,-In Grey t,wa,J,in, o,f Monday, 001.8111, to Mr, and Mrs. Alex, Dunbar, a daughter ;Mary Agnes.) LOWRY,-In Rnvenwood Hospital, Chicago, on September 20th, 1928, to Mr, and Mrs, Jame, S. Lowry, a Ron -James Stanford, DIED DUNOAN,-In Brussels, on Friday, Oct, Sth, 1828, Elizabeth Ann Jackson, widow of the late James Duncan, aged 78 years, 6 months and 27 days. h00OAUr.EY-In Foxwniren, Mad., on Wed. nesday, Oct. 8rd, 1828, Susan Singleton, relict at the late James McCauley, In her 77th year, ROW AND. - In Mo0iliop township, on Tuesday, Oct, 0th, Michael Rowland, aged 82 years and 4 months. Auction Sale. FRIDAY, OCT. 1201; -Faint Stook. at ,et 80, Oon. 1, Morris, Sale unreserved as barn has been burned, Mrs, Robert Hamilton, Proprletrer •- John Purvis, Auctioneer. SATURDAY, OCT, 18nr.-Household effects of the late Margaret Buchanan, at Lot 5, amt. 16, Grey. Sale at 2 o'clock. ,john 8, Buchan- an and A. H. Maedonnld, Executors ; b, M, Soott, 4eotionser. TtJscsDAY, OOT, 1,114'.--3;"" Stook, Im• plan ants, &a , at Lot , Co), Grey, Sale enreaerved nt l o'clock• W. Stemmon, Pro• prietor: Jameo Taytor, Auo� ` MOe dAY,007 16th. dOheod otcattleand 40 breeding Ewes. 0t 'O N. R Stool: Yards, Itruesela. Ste at 1.90 O'olook, mots Lowe, Proprietor: D. 7,1 Scott, Aeo, AUI6SDAY, OCT. 18th -Farm Stook, I,n• plementa, etc,,, et. Lot 20, Con. 0. Grey, Sore ;mireunreserved at 1&clock, Wm, Ward, Prop.; s= Soatt, Atm FRIDAY, 007'. 10th. -Ferro Stools Inc7ps1e- unrese monta, rvebra d, at N Lot 6, Con. 16, Grey, Sala at. 1 a'alaak, Hagh Campbell, Prop. • b, M. Scott, Ana TUESDAY, OOT, 20RD -Purebred and grade Ayrshire cattle at Lott, Pon. 2, Grey, t(1. Wilson Prop,a; Jamestown), Purvies, A1naa.aloak, T. For Sale by Tender The undersigned offers her 100.00r0 farm, lot 20, Pon, 7, Morris, for solo :by tender 1 40 acres good posture land, balance timbered, some hardwood, Tenders reoetved up ao Oct, ober 27tH neMao FLORENCE %RUSSTST.L, Brussels P. 0, For Sale or Rent 100 nares being Lot 11, Con. 2, Grey town- ship, Bank barn with cement stables through. out. Prone hones ; good cellar • good ar• chard, School on adjoining farm, Milk route Molesworth Cheeseactor Po0seselon Oot, 16th. For partloularo apply to 16.8 A, Mo0O11MICE, Listowel, 1�llen's Drug Store OH Paper Bargains Excellent values offered in Wall Papers as we are cleaning up the old stock to make room for the new. It will pay you to see them, Colds -Coughs - Hronchitis As it is now the season for Colds, Coughs, Bron- chitis, etc., we would suggest the following as be- ing the great help in combating these : Parke Davis & Co. Standardized Cod Liver Oil Extracted from selected and strictly fresh cod livers. One teaspoonful is equivalent in Vitamin Value to at lease one pound best creamery' Butter or eleven pints whole milk or nine eggs, Recommended by Physicians Creolixir For Bronchitis coughs and colds. Gives instant relief. Creophos A Tisa,• Builder, and Remedy for Tie,.;; Seated and Stubborn Nyal Strengthen- ing Tonic Helps Build up Vim Vigor and Vitality Nyal Pinol Expectorant An excellent Remedy for ir- ritated conditions of the throat. Allen's Drug Store Exclusive Agent for Nyal and Penslar Remedies Druggist and Stationer Successor to James Fox 25 for children, adults 50 cents and 1$1.00 and tax. Seats may be re - tax; Evening at 8.15, Rush seats 1 served at Theatre or Post Publish - 75 cents and tax; Reserved seatsing, The Tidesof Well at Fashion Demonstrated I,..Kinh 111 New Dress Goods Plaid Kasha Cloths, Wool Taffetta, Botany Twill, French Delaines, Velveteens, Silk and Brocade Velvets 95c, 1.45, 3.00 to 5.50 Fall Gloves Washable Cape, French Kid, Kayser Silk, Chamoisette , 750, 1.00 t:.: $3.25 Smart Hosiery Kayser Slipper Heel, Holeproof, Winsome Maid, All Silk, Cashmere and Wool Silk Textures ' 1.00, 1.50, 1.85, 2.25 Knit Goods • New arrivals in Suits, Pullovers and Sweaters -Blues, Browns, Greys and Greens 3.95, 6.00 to 14.50 Autumn Scarfs and Neckwear Very clever effect in these stylish Dress Accessories. New styles just received. Y 75c, 1.25 to 3.85 Dress and Coat Flowers Large assortment 29c to 2.00 Foundation 'Garments Nemo and Gossard Corselettes, Bandeaux and Cor- sets, No -run Silk Lingerie, Vests, Slips, Bloomers and Combinations 9:='c, 1.50 to 6.75 New Hand Bags - Purses - Parasols Coats and Dresses Big buying this week in Misses' and Matrons' Sty- lish Coats and Dresses. Get yours here and you'll know its right. 13.50, 25.00 to 95.00 King Bros. THE STYLE CENTRE WINGHAM