HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1928-10-10, Page 7Crea Means railing ETTER CREAM ETTER BUTTER ETTER PRICES We are now prepared to Grade your Cream honestly, gather it twice a week and deliver at our Creamery each day we lift it. We gather with covered truck to keep sun off it, We pay a premium of 1 eent per lb. butter fat for Specials over that of No. 1 grade, and 3 cents per lb, but- ter -fat for No 1 grade over that of No. 2 grade, Tho basic principle of the improvement in the quality of Ontario butter is the elimination of second and off grade cream. Thie may be accomplished by paying .the producer of good e ream a better price per pound of butter -fat than is paid to the producers of poor cream. We solicit your patronage and co-operation for better market, to We will loan you a can. See our Agent, T. C. McCALL, or Phone 2310, Brussels. The Seaforth Creamery THE BRUSSELS POST 1VJ:IDNg.SDAY, OCTOBER le, 192 (ttv )1 JU '• a1/77 s '-CGiatlrl t lticrbs errtllf C.D. YJfr. lgylyrTJ F4 They had deliberately kidnaped him; shanghaied him, because they 010 not choose to trust him, because they thought he might print the story of the island treasure beach in ]lis paper, or babble of it and start a rush to the new strike of which he had seen proof in the gold dust streaming from the poke. What were they going to do with him? Ile mistrusted the doctor. The man had drugged blur, He was a man whose profession, where the mind was warped, belittled life. Captain Binns had been charged with leaving u blind man on -a lnvhen floe. Lund wes the type whose passions left hien ruthless. The crew—they would be bound by shares In the enterprise, a rough lot, (hiring much and caring little for any- thing beyond their own narrow hurl - twos, The girl was the only redeem- ing fenture of the situation. e He wondered whether it ycee hltfi seen hint go abourfl the Knrlu11 with Lund—anyone who (could rema(nher It and mention the circmustauce when he was found to be nlfosing. Tilllt might take a day or tura. At the of - Eve they would wonder why he didn't show up to cover Ids 01411111, bertnlse he had been steady in Ids work. But they would not suspect foul play at first. Hehad no immediate 'null t i, v. And all this tune the Karluk would be thrashing north, well out to sea, Rainey would be a front-page won- der fora day, then drop to paragraphs for a day or so more, and that would be the end of it. But they had made him comtortnnte. He was not In a smelly forecastle, but in a bunk in a cnbil that must open oft the main room o,tile schooner. Why had they treated flim with such constderation? I•le dosed elf, for all his wretchedness, exhausted by his effbrts to untangle the snarl. When he awoke again his mouth ons glued together with thirst. His head ached Intolerably, Each hair seemed set in a nerve center of pain. But he was better. Re sat up in his bunk, fully clothed as he had come aboard, the door of 1d Whin opened 1 h s c p ed tri d t (: doctor ap- peared, nodded (molly as he saw Rainey moving, disappeared for au In- stant, and brought in a draft of some 'god ina long [Hilae. When He Woke Again His Mouth Was Glued Together With Thirst. "Take this," said Cllrlsen. "Pull you together. Then we'll get some food into you." The calm insolence of the doctor's manner, Ignoting all that bad hap- pened, seemed to send all the blood in Ralney's body funning to his brain. He took the glass and hurled its contents at Carlsen's face, The doctor dodged, and the stuff splashed against the cabin wail, only a few drops reaching Carlsen's coat. "Don't be it 0-0 fool," he said to Rainey, his voice. Irritatingly even, "Are you afraid It's drugged? I would not be so clumsy. I eoeld have given you a hypodermic while you slept, enough to keep you uuronseious for as man hours hoc — y lou s as I c o.1( of for- ever. "I'll mix you another dose—one I more—take it or leave it, Take it, and you'll soon feel yourself again after Tentacle has fed you, Then we'll thrash out the situation, Leave It, and I wash my hands of you. You can go intoned and bunk with the men and do the dirty work." Rainey felt that he had made a fool of himself, and he took the second draft•, whioh almost Instantly relieved Min, cleansing his mouth and thrnnt and, as his headache died down, clear- ing his braf11. "Why did you drug me?" he de- manded. "Pretty high-handed. I can matte you pay for this," "Yes? flow? When? We're well off Cape Mendoctno, heading nor'West or thereabouts.. Nothing between us and Unalaska but fog and deep water, Before we get back you'll see the pay- ment in a different light, We're not pirates, This was plain business. A million or more in sight. "Lund nllariy spilled tillage as it was, raving ilio way he did. It's a Wender some one didn't overhear him With. douse enough to tunable• Letterheads Envelopes Billheads And all kinds of Business Stationery printed at The Post Publishing House. We will do a job that Wil] do credit to your business. Look 'over your stock of Office Stationery and if it requires replenishing call us by telephone 81. The Post Publishing Nouse "I3ut ore (11011'1 1111114 hely 018118 (diet his blowing all', Ito night have dem' 11 nab ore before you hrou„111 111111 1114011 d don't I i It 1 Udall so. 1111( he (algia. Anil 811 night you, Inter,” 'I'd have given you 1113' word." "And meant to keep 11. But you'd have been an nucerluh1 helm', 0 11w111 link. You knelt too inuela Suppose the Karluk fought up 10 Kotzebue bay n1( 10 t, , andDowel' 1 n -t(,r,8els hang - log about, waiting 1'01' 115 to lead Wow to the bench? And we'd 1r,ae 111100(140 all the way up, 19( 11 yon 1( 80,. "1 dual snpl",sr, you0 salary i8 lunch ever thirty a week, Is it? New, thea, here you ere In for 11 t'aeh of real sol - venture, honer 1111111 gleaning bock gossip, to n red•hluoded luno, if we win-ytnd yon 8110 the gold.. you Will, \Vu expert to give you n M!tl'P. Shire (1(1111 voted 1411011 in tea yeare, likely, more 111(11 you'd be opt to save In a lifetime, We ltlduaped Son fo" your own gond. You're 11 leleoner do luxe, with the run of the ship," "I eau work illy pnssuge," 81114 Iteiney, Lie didn't trust the doctor, though he llumght he'd pity fair about the gold, Ilut It was funny, Ids as- ,Unting control, The doctor appeared to ills - raise the subject with some relief. ''Well," he went on, "are you °nett to reason --nod fond? I'm sorry about your friends and folks ashore, bol you're not the first prodigal who h114 come back with the fatted calf in- stead of hungry for it." - "That part of it is all right," said Rainey. There was no help 1'm• the situation, save to matte the most of it and the hest, "131st I'd like to ask you 0 question." "Go ahead. IIuve a cigarette?" Rainey would rather have taken It from entente else, but the whiff of burning tohaceo, as C.arlseu lit up, gave him tun irresistible craving for a smoke. Besides, it wouldn't do for the doctor to !know he mistrusted hint. If he 410(15 to be at part of the ship's life, there was small Meuse In acting pettishly. IIe took the cigarette, ac- cepted the light, and inhaled grlrte- fully, e\\'hat's the question?" asked Ctu'l- sen, "Tan weren't on the last trip. Yon weren't in 00 the original deal. tut I fled you doing all the talking, making me offers. You drugged me on your own Impuise. Where's the shipper? HOty trues he stand in this matter?" "You're asking a good deal for an outsider, 10 seems 1-0 me, Rainey: I came to you partly as your donor. But I speak for the raptaiu end the crew. Don't worry about that" "And Lund?" Rainey had gathered that the doctor resented! Lund. Carlsen's eyes narrowed. "Lund will be taken care of," he said, and, for the life of him, Rainey could not judge the statement for threat or friendly promise. "As for my status, I expect to be Captain Simms' son-in'iaw as soon as the trip Is over:" "All right" said Rainey. Carlsen's announcement surprised !him. Some- how he could not place the girl as the doctor's fiancee. He rose and berthed face and hands. Carlsen left the cabin. The main room was empty when Rainey en- tered, but there was u place set at the table. The mail cabin was well appointed In hardwood, with red cushions on the transoms and a creeping plant or so Imaging hero and there. A canary chirped up.and broke into rolling song. 31 1c1Is all 110111y, Innocuous. Yet he had been drugged at the same table not so long before. And now he was pledged a share of ungathered gold. It wile a far cry back to his desk in the Times office. A Japanese entered, sturdy, of white -clad figure, deft, polite, incuri- ous. He had brought in some ham and eggs, strong coffee, sliced carred pe(dlos, bread and butter. He served as Rainey ate heartily, feeling his old self coming back with the food, especially with the coffee. "Thanks, Tamada," he said as he pushed aside his plate at last. "Everything arright, sir?" purred the Japanese. Rainey nodded. The "sir" was re- assuring. He was accepted a5 a some- body aboard the Nortek. Yamada cleared away swiftly, and Rainey felt for his own cigarettes. Some one 10112 snoring in a stateroom off the cabin, and he fancied by its volume It was Lund. 1t w•05 a divided ship's company, after nil. Per tie knew that Lund, handicapped with his blindness, Would live perpetually suspicious of Simms. h hl' And the doctor (0118ft'1(atust hand. lluincu's 111'(4 position was a paradox, Ile started for the companionway, and a slight sound (1(11de him turn, to face the girl. She looked at 111111 ens - '00113 as Rainey, to his annoyance, flushed, "Good afternoon," sold Rainey. "Are you going on deck?" It was not a clever opening, but elle seemed to rob him of wit, to an extent. He incl yet to know how she stood concerning his presence aboard. Did she countenance the foreible kid. hating of hint as a possible tattler? Or--? "My father tells me you have de• eldod to go (kith m," she said, pleas- antly enough, but none too cordially, 1(5111ey thought, "You have not ,been well. I hope you are better.vliave you eaten?" Rainey began to think that she was - tgnotant of the filets. And he made up his mind to ignore theta, "Thunk you, I have," he said. "I was going to look up Mr. Land." The Sentence covered n sudden Change of mind. Ile no longer want- ed to go 0o deck with the girt. They were hot to be intimates. She was 4,h4•1.O+O'h!•h0+44+++4, .+0•h!3•i•F 1 h 4 O �1 4 Ilig-hest market Uric(; • •y. • • •h J I IA . WANTED •flick paid for your Hens ,,''MI6 ,Good Afternoon," said Rainey, "Are You Going on Deck?" to marry ('10.180(1, IIe 10115 an out - 1 5i(1(r. Ceriseu had fold him that, do she seemed to regard hint, Imperson- ally, without interest. It piqued hint. "Air, Lund Is in the first mate's cabin," 8111d the girl, indicating a floor. "Mr. Bergstrom, who was mute, died at sets last voyage. Doctor ('arisen acts as navigator with my fattier, but he has another room," 01110 passed him and went on deck. Cllrlien 1008 acting first mate as well Its sturgeon. That meant he had sea- manship. Also that they had taken in no replacements, no other men to swell the little corporation of fortune- hunters who knew the secret, or a Part of it. It was unusual, but Rainey shrugged his shoulders and rapped ou the door of the cabin. It took loud knocking to waken Lund, At last he roared a "Come in." Rainey found him seated on the edge of his bunk, dressed in his under- elothes, his glasses in place. Rainey wondered whether he slept in them. Lund's uncanny intuition seemed to read the thoughts. Re tapped the lenses. "Yate l:0 take them off," he said. "Light hurts my eyes, though the op- tic nerve is dead. Seems to strike through. How're ye makin' out?" "You know they drugged me," Rainey ended his recital of the inter- view he had had with the doctor, "Knoc•kout drops? 1 guessed It. That d0etor'5 slick. Well, you've not 1 11t. 'e Carl sen tin to find hate 7 ars n 3 C e talked sense, Here you are on the road to a fortune, I'll see yore share's a fair one. There's plenty. It ain't a bad billet you've fallen Into, my lad. But I'll look out for ye. And P11 need ye." IIe lowered his voice mysteriously, "Yo're a writer, Mister Rainey. You've got brains. Yon can see which Wily a thing's heading, You've beard enough. I'm blind, I've bin done dirt ohne aboard the Karluk, and I don't aim to stand for it ag'm. "I ain't got eyes. You have. Use 'em for both of us. I ain't asking ye to take sides, exsctly. But I've got cause foe bein' simpletons. I don't call the skipper 'Honest' Sinlms no more. And I ain't stuck on that doctor. He's too bossy, lie's got the skipper un- der his thumb, And there's some - thin' funny about the shipper. He tdn't 1110 same num. 31011110 it's his conscience. But (bat lector's ruunin' - ltlnr Ile's going to marry the captain's daughter," said Rainey, "Sinuus' daughter? Cllrlsen goin' to merry her? ITmp1 That may ac- cept -1E for the milk in the coconut" fare became crafty, and he reached out for Raliley s knee, found tt as readily its if he had sight, and tapped It for emphasis, 'That nnattes all the more reason for us looltln' out for things, matey," he went ou, almost In a whisper. "If they've played me once they may do It ag'ln. And they've got the odds, settin' aside my eyes, IBt,t I can turn a trick or two. Stick to lee, an' T11 see you git yore whack. "1'11 have yore bunk changedi, You'll conte to with me. An' wen put one an' one together, We'll be mates, Don't forget they fixed yore grog. I had not11in' to do •with that. I may be stranded, but, if the tide rises-" He set the clutch of his powerful tinkers deep Into Italney's leg above the knee with a grip that left purple bruises' there before the clay was o0er, "We two, , matey;" he said. "Now cut an' moll 1111, e a 400 or atilt(` 'mat ain't duptsl:' 1111 utuved alsonmutedihe111 110 e 111111 with an assountlitur freedout and sure, 11(4448, a hue l:ling 115 1(M handled 10,11114 and glasses end measured our the whisky and twitter. °r "11"en t'o're blin4," L14 said, ram. ming Ills pipe full of bh(ak tebaceo, "they's other thtnus (401(108 t0 704 I loony the run of this ship. hlin•!1'o(d, 3'ott might say. I OM go ai t iu It pinch, or Steer her. 310n•e f 11111 Htuuo, 1( .n*ed after lbe lir+•( glans, iltuagi, Lund emit un ion erhe4 the bottle w•ithoui apparent clic et. "10 3(100 It hit i.f a .,1101 P" tee giant asked ln'eeeuti3. "Ale r Yuu "11 nawigttle, 1 mug, (04 0•,0,1' ' "I hope to got u elat'- 10 le,,,a 1(r., the trip, lulstvered itaie 1 Aoo'1 tile genet)) prifielple s but 1 + • 4',')' hied tU itse ie 5(01(111, 111 ;. •isle '.'1 gel the Shipper to help. me 1101. 4'r ( arisen," "C'uriseu l !Chat ht 11--1 does e. dt .•- til' know about uavh:atiou?" tie:em l- er Lund, Rainey tied told bite what the girl hail said, and the giant grunted. "I 11000 my Qunbte whether they'd Mer help ye," he .8010, "Wish I could, But it gel be hard (without toy 14300, \n' I've gut no se'xt1,nt an' 110 book 0' tables, IL's tui, had." His disuppolntnrent seemed keen, and Rainey could u0t faluen it. wily had both Lund and Ctu•Isen seemed to lay stress on this nutter? Why was the (looter relieved and Laud disap. pointed ut Itis iuuurauee? CHAPTER 111. Target Practice. The Kellett was an eighty -live -ton schooner, Gloster i✓Isherinan type, wills a length of ninety 1111(1 u (leant of twenty-five feet. Her eu0rmoud stretch of canvas. spread to the limit on all possible oe((siens by Captain Sumas, was offset b3 the pendulum of lead that made up her keel, (11111 she could slide through the seas at twelve klMts 011 her brat 'Whit of sailing-. reucb --- 1 + h1 * l u wind k 1 her beam. After lttdney held demonstrated at the tvi 411.1 that he had the 41.tatery at her and hail shown that he possescetl sea -legs, Captain Sltums appointed him second mate. "Cie don't carry one us a rule," the skipper said. "But it'll give you a rating and the right to eat It the cubit," Ile had ant 100110ht 1111 tine subject of Rainey's kidnaping, and Rainey let it go. There was no (tee arguing about the inevitable, The rating and Ole cabin fare seemed of- feretl as an apology, and he was will - lug to accept It, ("arisen acted as drat mate, and Rainey had to acknowledge him effi- cient. He fancied the man must have been a ship's surgeon, and so picked up Ills seamaushlp, A sailor nailed Hansen was pronintect to acting quar- termaster, and relieved Rainey. C'url- 5eu spent most of his time attendant on tate girl' or chatting with the hunt- ers, with whom he soon appeared on terms of intimacy. The hunters esteemed themselves above the sailors, us they were, In in- telligence and earning capacity, There were six ]hinters and twelve sailors, outside of a general roust- about and butt named "Sandy," who cleaned up the forecastle and the bunters' (11lniter8, 4(•3114re 1(103' 11148SP.(1 apart, 1, au 1 /10•11444(1 Tantada, t1(( IN) Ilk, in the galley with ]tis 3411 11 1111(1 AlBhes. '"COrdlii to the ligreeo}em:' Land Fuld le Itaiuov ilo gold's In be ep31 1010 a 1101100th rluu•eM. Om, 11,0 each sailorrnatl, allthey 01111' ht for the boy, 'I'wu for 11' hinders. taro for the tool[, foal' for lirrg:.11olu, the 11051 Mate, Who died nt 8eu. Tw'epty for ''dip's share.' l"Iffy shores to he 8p111 between Idioms act' cue." "'AIM'S the •.ohi3 'i sir(1'e•?'" ask•'(1 -i epre4tvits calpilul inveatmen1, Matter of fact it belongs to the get," geld Land. "S t/1nls M101. her the Nur. Ink. it's in her mate ',riot the i118nr- tl tame." "T1,01/ he 1110 his daughter get tory-live 1(1(1),•08. snot you telly (10011- ty.tit,•y" eyrel gut It right." grinned Lend. " iewie Is 00 philanthropist. It So ca8y for 111e to git 0nny one to go !n with toe. soli. I ain't the limit man to cane Irallin' In 4.1111 news of a strike. An' 1 had nnihln' to show for it. Siut(('1• of f'ner, Jio1est 1111111118 was 1111. only one who didn't lair at me "nttr1g1t, "An' we had a hard an' tight agree- ment drawn up on paper, sighed, wit- uetsed an' reenrded. 'course it holds 1,1o1 as well as it holds me, hut In' gats the long cud of that sii('k. Wen I read, or got it read to me, in the Beattie News -Courier, that the Karluk was listed as 'Arrived' In Sal Fran. Cisco, It was all I eo0lcl do to gi1 car fare an' grub mney, I£ 1 bailee bin blind, an' 801110 00'+'11111010 -way luuttan to'ard a man wit1, his lights out. I'd never have raised it. "But I'tu ]fere an' I've got s0111e May- so, One thing, you're goin' to git Bcrgstrom's share. I don't give it (I--11 where the donor ('1111105 in. Ie 11e marries the gal he'll git her twen- ty shares, ennywu3'. Though he ain't married her yet. Aad I uin't through with Stlutns yet," he added, with at emphasis that was a trifle grim, Rainey thought. "It's Inc tui you ag'in the rest of 'em, 50r1118 (u 110', 1(1,11104'. Tile doe's ahuin' to be the Big Buss aboard tills schooner. Iie's got the skipper buf- faloed, But not Inc. not by a ,iugful." (Continued Next Week) r ►LOOK. AT YOUR LABEL W. D. S. JAM1 ESON, MD; CM; LM. -CC; Physician and Surgeon Office McKelvey Block, Brussels Successor to Dr. White Phone 45. T. T. M' RAE Al. B., M.C. P., dS. O. M. 0. H., Village of Brussels. Phy slolsn, Surgeon, Accoucheur Office at residence, opposite Maly Site Churoh, William street. DR. WARDLAW Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, Day and night palls. Ofnoe opposite g'lonr Mill, Ethel, TV. rte} . t 'ielt'GndvoLl' BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, NOTARY PUBLIC) LECKIE BLOCK - BRUSSELS AUCTIONEERS THOMAS BROWN Sea orlh, Ontario Licensed auctioneer for counties of Huron and Perth. immediate ar- rangements for Male dates can be made by calling' The Post, Brussels, Charges 1 easoitable, Satisfaction, Guaranteed or no charge. 16-0. JAMES TAYLOR Licensed `e tt( iu the i ns d A t nt 1(r 1'141 1.114 County of Huron. 01i11's attended to in all parts of the county. ,Satisfaction Guaranteed, or nu pay. Orders left at The Post promptly attended ta, Belgrave Post Office. PHONES: Brussels, 15-113. North Huron, 15-623 KEMP BROS. Auctioneers Auction Sales of all kinds accepted and conducted. Satisfaction Guar- anteed and terms reasonable. Photic. Listowel at 121, 88 or 18 at oar ex pease. W. J. DOWD Auctioneer Orders left at this office or with Thos. Miller, Brussels, Phone 16-13 will ensure you best of services at right prices. Box 484 LISTOWEL Phone 246 D. M. SCOTT Licensed Auctioneer PRICES MODERATE For reference consult any person whose sale 1 have officiatd at. 61 Graig Street, LONDON C. C. RAMAGE, D.D.S., L.D.S. BRUSSELS, ONT. Graduate Royal College of Dental Surgeons and Honor Graduate Uni versity of Toronto. Dentistry in all its branches. Office Over Standard Bank, Phones—Office 200. Residence 65-14 Gofton House — Wroxeter Every Thursday Afternoon WM. SPENCE Ethel, Ont. Conveyance, Commissioner and C. J. Agent for The Imperial Life Assurance Co. of Canada and Ocean Accident Guarantee Corpora., tion, Limited Accident Insurance, Automobile In- surance, Plate Glass Insurance, etc, Phone 2225 'Ethel, Ont. JAMES M'FADZEAN Agent Hawick Mutual Fire Insurance Cempanr Also Hartford Windstorm and Tornado Insurance Money to Loan for The industrial Mortgage & Savings Company on First-class Farm Mortgages Phone 42 Box 1 Tnrnberry Street, Brussels JNO. SUTHERLAND & SDP& LIMITED &WAN f%dt P7p ms Fordwich Fall Fair (Continued from Page 2) Agricultural Team—E. A. Fallis (T. Eaton Co.). Herd Pur - r e b e tilGiles Cattle—John Ca n (S. Bricker). Dairy Calf, fed on Royal Purple Stock Sptecific—A, Johnston (J. H. Rogers) . Pair Pigs under six months -0.B. Shoemaker ( Galt Chemical Products Co.). Pair Hogs, bacon type -0. 13. Shoemaker (Cooper & Hainstock). Dressed milk -fed chicken—H. P. Douglas (J. H. Wade), Dressed milk -fed chicken—H. IS Douglas (J. IL Rogers). Fatted dressed chicken—H. P. Douglas (H. W. Cook), Sheaf Oats—A, Schmidt, M, Baker It Armstrong (W, E, Patterson). Five -Ib crock butter—Mrs. W. Hainstock (H. Sans ern). Five -Ib. butter in points—Mrs. W. Hainstock (Dr. McInnis), Display home-made baking—John Wilkin (R. Simpson Co.). Bushel Derby Potatoes—A. Schm- idt -(T, A. Roberts). Buechel Northern ,Spys--R. J, Sanderson (M, Pries). Six Cabbages—A. Sclnnidtt (Ford Sothern) . .d • _- The expression "stony-broke" originated from the old custom of breaking a craftsman's stone bench when he failed to pay his debts, Radio's popularity is becoming world-wide. Demark, for instance, numbers 200,000 receivers in its homes, which places it right up in the front rank of European radio nations. • The spreading of a cotter pin should be done with cars, Open for Business Wroxcter Cider 1115 Will open for business MONDAY, OCTOBER 1st and will be ready to meet the demands of all customers Those from a distance of Io to 15 miles are kindly asked to arrange a date. Gibson Lumber and Cider Mills Phones 30 or 28 2 WROXETER 8't:: 1mut ! Having been appointed Distributor for the hrysler Corporation We offer Cars at $695,00 and up, including six different models, viz.: Plymouth 4 ; De Soto .6 ; Chrysler 62.6 ; Chrysler; 65 6 ; Chrysler 75.6 ; and Chrysler 8o 6. All with the longest wheel base of any small car, also hydraulic 4 -wheel brakes, Come in and look them over. E. Cr CUNNINGHAM Phone 9x .S•RUSSELS