HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1928-10-10, Page 4WEDNiSDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1023
trunuln Punt
Baso Again' Spoils air
(Continued from Pogo 11
Trucks, old, hied Cardiff, J. S. ltcow,1
Young, J. S. Brown, I Cardiff; pair
of pigeons, 3. S. Cowan, . 1iut 111111;
colleetiott 0i pigeons. S. !landfill, .1.
S. Cowan; best eolleetiott of poul-
try. T. Wil on, J. S Brown; best r;
bird brussels, Grey Moine T. Wil -
0,011, W, Scott; best pen, 1, Miller 1
and 2, W. Scott,
\\niter fall wheat, A. Schmidt; i•.•1
fall wheat,
A. vt Ito
t, l t
cntihy; barley 6 ruid A. Seim,
P, \ \I(ArtluD'; barley, 2 row i. (.•
Hemingway, I:. .I, Hom,,t•; whit,
•t'unidnghani. Iingh Lamont. 'Olt, eats!., A. Schmidt, R. J. hoover; 'rlin-
IJugh L ;no'1t, slang, mos..% I ethy seed, A Scent:dt.
Perri.- 4, tion; 2 year old >o1,1i,1;;• or 3111 1'1
filly, Roy t' inei•e„haltt; l gear ol'! T1,iir'• fns :T St, 11110,', J S..1rrn-
geldi'1,, o'• nllt, Fred 'Poll, Hugh lea- ;trau,�, Fs, j,,.•, (', \i n, •knee ,; K.in. ntont pan, Fred Toll, Fred C..trdi'1 1 ! '1 33 in; ('o., IL .1, Hoover \l Mans 1
Jr1o. 111 l,tou3 ut lir ._313 ng .ay .:Ja t'a ling , Mrs. T.. 1.lcicmi':1 „1'.'
ag'e, Fred Tell. j the un tiplla•, •1 Ma '-teelm 1 S.:tem.N
lic ivy Drought— Brood mare,
N. strong; 11. L (11111"n t Li. -.1S -
J. VI hni' ht e . „ht,.r,,l . i, CnLi,•i, 1 u , Jas. Sterling,
mare., Jas. Moses; colt, \. ill:::
Irayrle n, el. M. h slue 2 yr•:a1 ,ii,1 J. D Fcrkucon; Blenheim nt l tp;,in:�
Fred. Toll, Jas. 1' 1 .1"'•tit. 1•l.ux; 1,, S In Sa+' -t .
riding or illly' . ' 1111 t A\. Schmidt; Ontario,
1111 & 1013, Cl, Turnbull: 11331311 team, Alex. ,C
'3111.,ulc•hl:11 L. Armstrong; ma 111 'I••
' tit ' -• Ja ! r.•,• & on;
1V, Int It ,I, Sterling.,I. Itinil•-
tees- -1 rood x. 311Lsse, 3 11130 , , ,U„ 311 1 a', T 1 St, cling, ("• ,
Cau'r t , salt, \. McCauley; 1 t 1 Workman: l.il,aton Pie h,i•1-, 1't• ;
111d filly or gelding. Jos. Shaw; liturgy , Sterling, A' Schmidt (, lye•rt 1. 1
horse, G Fry J:_;, Smith, F. Ril,•y; 1 Schmidt. Jas. S;, rhe. ; Roxboro
gentleman's outfit, Jas, Smith. Russets, Jas.Sterling, 31-. L. 1•:1:- ,
PULE BRED CATTLE noel Gamed 1 l e ds, ( W 0rlmwn, Air. I
I , 1 clonicl C 1a uga he )streaks, W.
Short Boras-'-L1u11, two years, O.
Turnbull, Levi S. Parr; bull 1 year, i E. Brown; P.dlawatet, 111,x1 Cardiff.
IML H. Taylor; bull calf senior, M. i Cha:. Workman; Grlt 1131, ns, R. J.
Crich bull calf 'uviol; O. Turnbull Hoover. Maiden's Blush, C. Work -
I1 H� Taylor, :lt. Crich; best vial„ man; Fred Cardiff; Ycrwaukee, Jas.
any age. O. Turnbull; milch cow, M. StOlIlIl„ A. Schmidt; Igen Davis, Ja:.
Crieh 1 and 2; 0. Turnbull; mileti StOldenburg.,
rling, R. J. Ilonvdt, Duchess t
How: -
cow under 4, AT, Crich, 0. Turnooll; 'r; It ur , A. Schmidt, '.1 t
2 year old heifer. O. Turnbull. M.
er; '.ed astrachan., A. Schmidt; J
Crich; 1 year old heifer, 0. Turnbull oz. SPterling,
Jas. Sterling; (.rain,
1, 2 and 3; heifer calf -senior, M. tar. Sterling, R, J. tHerror; 5 Win-
Crich 1 and 2, 0. Turnbull; heifer
ter apples, Jas. Sterling; 3 Fall
calf junior, R. J. Sanderson, M. H. apples, C. Workman, Winter
Jas. Sterling;
Taylor 2 and 3; herd, M. Crich, 0. 6 varieties of W nter apples, Jas.
Sterlin • 6 varieties Fall and les, Jas,
Turnbull; best female, 3I. Crich; 3 g' p
animals get of one sire, 'AL Crich, Jae. St fall pears, A. l's, Schmidt,
O. Turnbull. AI. H. Taylor. Ste Starling; winter pears, Jas.
Grade Cattle—Milch cow, dairy Sterling, hHlil1 R.
J. r; plum:, R.
strain W. Yuill, A. McLauchlin, L. J. -es of spun, P., J. j.Hoover; 3 var.
Purr; 111111E cow beef strain, L. Parr ieties of ling.; lU J. McLauchlin,o1gip
1 and A. McLaughlin; year-o!,I Jas. Sterling; cluster of grapes,
W. J. Dickson, 1 . Brindle -
heifer, L. Parr 1 and 2. A. Yuill; 1 cnmbe.
year old heifer, A. McLauchlin 1. ROOTS & HOED CROPS
H- Lamont 2 and 3; 1 year-old steer early potatoes. W. E. Freeborn,
H. Lamont 1 and 3, A. McLanchl;.l;
R. J. Hoover, W. E. Brown; ince
potatoes, W. E. I?reeborn, A.
Schmidt. R. J. Hoover; collection of
potatoes, 0. Turnbull, A. Schmidt,
1.... Hoover; Swede turnips. W.E.
J. H b 1 ,
Freeborn,A. McLauchlan turnips
t ,
a.o.v, W. E. Freeborn, A. Schmidt;
white field carrots, Jno. Oliver, A. .
Scomidt; long table carrots, Jas.
Perri & Son; A. Schmidt; r
(.early horn
Atigleultirrd--•Dro0d mare, Roy 31.1121
steer colt senior, H. Lamont, L.
Parr 2 :And :1; steer calf juniod, W.
Yuiii, H. Lamont 2 and 3; heif,•r
calf me /
s L. Paris A. blcLaucnlin•
heifer calf junior,
tW. Yuill, L.
',. Yuill 1, 2 and 3; best
grade beef animal, L. Parr 3. and-.
H. Lamont.
—A ' ram,J. S. Cow-
ce G. nde 0 . carrots, A. Schmidt, W. IL Freeborn
shR. G. Sanderson, G. Brown; loo red beets, A. Schmidt, Jas. Bur-
shearling ram. J. S. Cowan, R. G. g
S. Cowin, ' R. G. Sanderson, G. gess; blood turnip beats, A. Schmidt,
Brown • ram lamb, R. G. Sanderson A.. W. McInnes;
barsli s,
R. J.
Hoover, or W. E.= n ioh-
• 1 and 2. G, $gown; ewe two shears, a 3 , wl tel rail.
RR. G. Sanderson 1 and 9, G. Brown; es, A. Schmidt, R. J. Hoover; sugar
shearling ewe, J. S. Cowan, G. mangolds, R. J. Hoover, A. ide-
Brown 2 and 3; ewe lamb, J. S. Laucillin; mangold wurzels, long red,
Cowan 1 and 2, G. Brown; pen, J. S.
R. J. Hoover, A. Schmidt; long ye:-
Cowan, G. Brown. low mangolds, R. 3. Hoover, A.
Oxford Downs—Aged ram, Jas. Schmidt; yellow globe mangolds, R.
Connell 1 and 2; shearling ram, S. J. J. Hoover, A. Schmidt; red globe
Pynn & Sons, Jas. Connell 2 and 3; mangolds, A. Schmidt.
ram lamb, Jas. Connell 1 and 3, S. VEGETABLES
J'. Pynn & Son • ewe two shears, Onions from seed red, Dr, 3.
Jas. Connell 1 and 3, S. J. Pynn & Grieve, A. Schmidt; onions from seed
Son 2; shearling ewe, Jas. Connell; yellow, Dr. J. Grieve, A. Schmidt;
S. J. Pyne & Son 2 and 3; ewe lamb onions from top sets, A. Schmidt;
Jas. Connell 1 and 2, S. J. Pynn & Hour -
Son; pen, Jas. Connell, S. J. Pyna
& Son.
Shropshire Downs—Aged ram, 1I.
Henry, W. G. Ross; shearling ram,
AI. Henry, W. G. Ross 2 and 3; ,a'11
lamb. M. Henry 1 and 2, W. G. Ross;
ewe two shears, W. G. Ross 1 and 3,
M. Henry 2; shearling ewe, ltl.
Henry. W. G. Ross 2 and 3; ewe
lamb, M. Henry 1 and 2,W. G. Ross;
pen AI. Henry. W. G. Ross.
Boar, over 1 year, D. Douglas, 0.
Turnbull; boar under 1 year, D.
Douglas; hoar under 6 mos.' -D, Dou-
glas 1 and 2; sow over 1 year, D.
Douglas, 0. Turnbull; sow under 1
year, D. Douglas, 0. Turnbull; sow
under 6 mos. D. Douglas 1 and
0. Turnbull; pen, D. Douglas, 0.
Turnbull; bacon hogs. 0, Turnbull,
D. Douglas.
Brahma:;, cock, 3. S. Brown, T.
Wilson; hen, J. S. Brown, T. Wilson;
cockerel. I. Miller, T. Wilson; Barr-
ed Rooks, cock, 1. Miller, J. S. Broson
hen, W. Scott, 1, Miller; cockerel, 1,
Miller 1 and 2; pullet, I. Miller 1 and
2; Reeks •1.0.1'., cock, T. Wilson;
hen, 1. Miller, T. Wilson; cockerel,
I. 31'11,•1', T. Wilson; pullet, I. Miller,
T. Wilson: Cochin:', cock, T. Wilson
1 and hen, T. Wilson 1 and 2;
cockerel; .1. S. Brown, T. Wilson;
pullet, .1. '1, Brown, T. Wilsor:
Donkin_,•', cods, T. Wilson; hem,
Wilson i and 2; cockerel l T. Wilson
1 and 2: pullet, T. Wilson 1 and 2;
Games, r cock, hen, arm•,'. -:"rel, ;;1.111 ,t
W. Scott 1 and 2: Or -t -t ton', sock,
hen cockerel, kerel, ltull.•t, 1. Wilson 1
and 2Minors cock, J. S. Brown
1 And2; hen 3.S. Prow:,, 1. Mille';
1. 14. Byrom 1 and 2 pul-
let, .3 S. Brown 1 :mil 2; Whits
Wyandotte , cock, I. 331'llrr, R, IG.
Sander,nn ; ben, cockerel and pit l t
1. 3111'1' 1 and 2; Wyandotte, 3.o.3.
hen, T. Wilson 1 and 2; cockerel, '1'.
Wilson, I. Miller; pullet I. Mills•.',
T. Wilson; Rhode Island Reds, cock
and hen, J. S. Brown 1 and 2; cock-
erel, R. G. Sanderson, J. S. Brown;
pullet, R. G. Sanderson, J, S. .Brown
Logllorns, whiter, cock and hen, 1).
Douglas 1 and 2; cockerel, D. Don.
glas, T. Wilson; pullet, J. S. Ilrown
D. Douglas; Leghorns brown, cock,
W. Scott; hen, W. S. Scott, T. W.11 -
son; cockerel, T. Wilson; pullet, T.
Wilson 1 and 2; Leghorn. a,o.v.,
cock, hen, pullet, T. Wilson 1 and L; titan Dr. J. Grieve; woolen mite, R.
cockerel, T. Wilson; Anconas, coc4 ,
Orel 1. Miller, Dr. J. Grieve; pullet, Brindlecombe, Dr, J. Grieve work- ,
ing shirt, Mrs. J. Whitfield, Miss M.
Livingston; fine wool socks, 3.Hem-
ingway, W. E. Freeborn; .J00ks,
coarse, R. Brindlecombe, W. E.
Freeborn; maple sugar, A. Schmidt,
W. Broadfoot; maple syrup, W.
Broadfoot Jas. Perrin & Son; 7 n S
in comb, t1M4rs. J. D. Warwick,
Armstrong; honey strained, Mrs, J.
D. Warwick, 3. S. Armstrong; grape
Wine, Mrs, J. D. Warwick; rhubarb
Last Time To -Night - Wednesday
"1, Reno Divorce"
Thursday and Friday - Oct. 11 & 12
66Valley of
with MILTON SILLS and a Strong Caste
Saturday (Matinee and Ev'g) October 13th
Greatest Picture r 9 , Matinee 2.15
Ever Screened , r .1 ` �L Evening 8.15
Matines 25c & 50c. Evening SOc and a few reserved $1.00
Tuesday & Wednesday - Oct. t 6-17
"One ou 1;` >d Hogan"
The Prize Ring Thriller with the Knockout Punch !
A plias ring romance that will .mash
right into the hearts of every man
with has ever fooghl and of every
wnrnall who has ever', 333141ed her Wan
WOULD tight—even if he bled a bit,
A knockout 14nve story of a champion
Who 1os1 his nerve, and of a girl who
James J. Jeffries
Leila Hyams
Frank Hagney - jam Gallery
Friday & Saturday - Oct. 19 & 20
"Our Dick's" Greatest Acting Role !
R cellar) in �G 9'
The ,, �� ;�_:se
To Speak !h• ti nth meant his freedom. But he preferred
to eat 03. his great secret with hien t0 the g01!ecvs—rurher•
36,(11 be, ray the honor of the loather he (lever Itifcw !
C 0 MJ1ii� • "Wild Geese"
Sorrell &Son Ramona
san; raspberry wine, ivirs .,ainis, of candy, T. Wi1on, Walter Broacl-
Mrs. 3, D. Warwick; elderberry wine foot; baking from batch o1 dough,
R. Thomson; dart( preserved fruit, Mrs. Jas. Canna^lean.
T Wilson 2nd; tomato catsup, Mrs. LALIES' WORK
Semis, Dr. J. Grieve; cucumber pick- Collection of fancy work, R. J.
les, R. Brindlecombe, A. C. Baeker; McLauchlan. Mrs. Savage, R. Brin-
mustard pickles, Mrs. J. Cainaehan, dlecombe; embroidered five o'clock
anions from Dutch gets, R. J. pot- R. Brindlecomb; club. sauce, T. W11- cloth, R. Brindlecombe, Mrs. Savage
er, Mrs, W. J. Dickson; top omens son, Mrs. W. Free; peaches and pears filet crochet lunch cloth, Mrs. Geo.sets, Mrs. W. J. Dickson; potato or Dr. J. Grieve, Mrs. Alex. Murray; Muldoon, Miss M. Livingston; drawn
ions, R. J. Hoover, Peter Stewart; raspberries and strawberries, Mrs, W work cloth, Mrs. Savage, R. Brindle
corn yellow dent, T. Wilson, J. S. McInnes; rhubarb and cherry, Mrs. combe; embroidered centre piece, R.
Armstrong; fodder corn, Peter Stew W. McInnes; orange marmalade,ana R. Thomson, R. Brindlecombe; enlbroi-
Thomson Mrs. Smnis; apple jelly, tiered centre niece in dark linen,
art, T. Wilson; table corn, Jas. Per-
rie & Son, A. Schmidt; collection of
corn, A. Schmidt, R. J. Hoover;
curled savoy, A. Schmidt; drumhead
cabbage, Dr. J. Grieve, R. 3 Hoover
oxheart cabbage, A. Schmidt, Jas.
Perrie & Son; Red Pickling cabbage,
A. Schmidt, Mrs. Semis; cauliflower,
Mrs. J. D. Warwick; pumpkin yellow
field, Jno. Oliver, P. A. McArthur;
pumpkin, mammoth, R. 3. Hoover;
squash, Jno. Oliver, Dr. J. Grieve;
Tomatoes, large, 3. S. Armstrong,
3rrs. W. McInnes; plum or cherry
tomatoes, A, Schmidt; butter beans
black, R. J. Hoover; white beans
large, T. Wilson; butter beans a.o.v
Jas. Sterling, Mrs. W. J. Dickson;
Mrs. Ales. Murray, Mrs. W. W. ;ref- Mrs. Savage, A4rs. W. W. Jeffrey;
fery; grape jelly, Mrs. Alex. Murray, table set, Mrs. G. Muldoon, R. Brin•
T. Wilson; raspberry jelly, Mrs. \V. dlecombe; cloth and 4 serviettes, R.
McInnes, R. Cunningham; canoed J. McLauchlan, Mrs. Semis; mount
corn, Mrs. Semis, Mrs. W. J. Di,ik- melliek work, Miss M. Livingston,
son; canned beans, Mrs. W. J. Dick- Mrs. Savage; hebedo, Mrs. Savage,
son, R. Brindlecombe; canned to- R. J. McLauchlin; hardanger, Jno.
matoes, Mrs. Samis, Mrs. W. Mc- Oliver, R. 3. MeLauchlin; wallacham,
nnes; canned chicken, Roy Cunning- R. J. MeLauchlin, Mrs. Savage; cross
ham, T. Wilson; pressed meat, '1'. stitch„albs. Savage, R. Brindlecombe
Wilson; 8 articles suitable for a French or solid, Mrs. Sande, Mrs.
working man's supper„ Mrs. W. J. Savage; braidwork, Miss M. Living -
Dickson, Mrs. Chas. Davis, Mrs, W. stun, Mrs. Savage; Italian cut work,
W. Jeffery; home-made soap, Jas. Mrs. G. Muldoon, Mrs. Savage; Irish
Perrie & Son; Mrs. W. J. Dickson. crochet, R. Brindlecombe, Miss 131.
BAKING, Livingston; fancy knitting in cotton
R. Brindlecombe Mrs. G. Muldoon;
Home-made bread white, Mrs. W. crochet work in cotton, Mrs. Savage
silver skin onions from seed, Dr. J.
Grieve, A. ,Schmidt; white brans Free, W. E. Freeborn; bread brown, Mrs.J. B. Tyumen; crochet work in
030011, Jas. Sterling, R. J. Hoover; P. A. McArthur, Mrs, Chas. Davis; wool, R. J. McLauchlin, R. Brindle-
a.o.c, beans, T. Wilson, Jas, Steel- 'bread currant, Mrs. Alex. Murray, combo; child's fancy dress, Miss M.
ing; citronsR. Brindlecombe, urs J. P. A. McArthur; buns, 4V. E. Free- Livingston, R. 3. McLauchlin; lady':.
Grieve; wat,ermelons, L. Parr; musk- born, Mrs. .JWhitfield; tea biscuits fancy apron, R. Brindlecombe, Mrs.
melons, R. Brindlecombe, Mrs. Sam- Mrs. P. A. McArthur;Mrs. Chas, A. Howe; tatting, Miss M. Living -
Davis; dark fruit cake, W E. Free- ' j• sten, Mrs. Savage; hand made hand -
is; pickling cucumbers, Mrs. Samir,
Mrs, J. D. Warwick; table' cucnn- horn, A. Lamont; light fruit sake,
here, 31r... J. D. Warwick, Airs. W. A. Lamont, Florence Gamlmage; ;vsedebiele, Mrs. E. McKelvey, Mrs, W.J. Dickson; kitc'hen apron, Miss M.
J, 'ripe cucumbers, R. J. or cake light, Mrs. W. Free, Mrs. J. Livingston, Mrs. J. A. Howe; laundry
.3, Dickson;lli•r, Mrs. Semis; embers, white, Carnachan; dark layer cake, Mrs. W. bag, R, Brindlecombe, Mrs. J, A.
3I00, J. 13. .yermlis Dr, J, Grieve; Free, Mrs. L. Eckmier; sponge cake, Howe; tea cosy in eyelet, Miss M.
,unflnw•nrs, John Oliver; collection R J. McLeuchlin, R. Thomson; an- , Livingston; Italian hemstitching, R.
of garden produce, Dr, J. Grieve, , gel cake, R. Thomson, R, J, Dtc-' J. McLauchlin, Mrs. Savage; pillow
cases, R. J. McLauchln; lamphade,
A, Sc';imidt, Lauehlin; oatlnehl cookies, W' ; Freeborn, Mrs. 3 Whitfield; conk -
DAIRY PRODUCTS les W. E. Freeborn, Mrs. W, Wf. 1M4rs, J. B. Tyerman, IS. J.: McLauch-
lin; butter, Mrs. W. W. Jeffery, Jeffery; doughnuts, Mrs. J. Carna.h- lin; fancy cloth 4 serviettes, Mrs.
Mrs. Win. Mclnnc,, Mrs. J. Canna- Jeff`..,• W. W. Jeffery; Scones, 3 11. i Semis, 12, BileI,a connbcr; bridge.
than; table butter an print,, Mrs. W. Mrs.
Mrs. P. A, McArthur;
cloth, R. J. MeLauchlin, Miss M.
W. W. •Jefrrt•y, Mrs. W J. Dickson, nut loaf, Roy Cunningham,L. Parr; Livingston; collection ofe 5 articles,
33 I . Freeborn; butter in rolls, 'v' drop cake., W. E. I•gham,lm, Peter ]ass than $1, R. Brindlecombe, R, J.
E. Freeborn, Mrs, W. J. Dickson, W. Stewart; gems or muflins, Roy Cun- McLauchlin; sofa pilaw, Miss M. Lio-
E. Brown. , tin ham, W. 1'1. Freeborn; short- ;ngstnn, Mrs. Savage; sofa pillow
DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES �r McArthur,W. Il. Brown embroidered in dark linen, R. Bien -
C 1 t quilt, Mrs J. D Warwick u`,' 1. Y. A.A McMurray, W b, dlecombe, Evelyn Harburn; sofa Pit -
elm 'node fir, Mrs. . c tu•ray,
Dr. J. Grieve; knitted quilt Dr. J. l A.
i 'vc W 'low quilted, Evelyn Harburn, Miss
(Iril�ce Mrs, J. 11, Tyermnrt; Batch- e• y rrav• lemon pill M. Livingston; table 111,
•s 1 .d. .Iu
Freeborn; pump m pie,
1 ra ti le runner, Miss M.
Free, M , A M,. L Ston Marron McCauley,
Mork c unit, Mrs. ,J. log. binTyquilt,
Free; tarts W. E. Freeborn g ”
! Mrs, W. ,
Des. J. Carnachan; cabin rltoi; Roy Cunningham; maple cream, T.1doz. table napkins, R. J. McLauchlin,
it '( Grieve,_ Dr, J.
Livingston; Ai s, Wilson, Mrs. A. Murray; collection ; Airs. Savage; work bag, Miss M. Liv -
W. W. quilt, Dr. J, Gri01' Airs, , mgston, Mrs. Savage; crochet tabl.rl
Liv -
W, W. Jeffrey; McKelvey;Kor tufted _- -- -_. —...__ 'mats, Mrs. Savage, Evelyn Harburn,
quilt, Mrs. I:. , Mrs.
bed spread e.ro,e a.1.,•.; ;..+ !baby hornet, R. Brindlecombe, Aire.
Msaucy stitch, Mrs. ok W. Jeffrey, 44 �r'r o v' S 4 r 1 1 0 `4' t 4 t' 4 ' J A Howe; beaded hand bag, R.
Mrs. [:. McKelvey; hooked mat, 3111, ;y, ` x>' Brindlecombe Mrs. Savage;
W. W. Jeffrey, Mrs. J. B. Tyerman;
useful article from yd. factory cot-
ton, Miss M. Livingston, R. Brindle-
combe; braided mat, Miss M. Living -
J, S. Brown 1 and 2; Hamburg.,
cock, J. S. Brown, T. Wilson; hen,
cockerel and pullet, J. S. Brown;
I-toudans, hen, T. Wilson; Bantams
clean, oink, 3. S. Cowan, J. S. Brown
lien, It. G. Sanderson, J, S. Brown'
cockerel and pullet, 0. Turnbull 2nd
Bantams booted, ooek and hem, 8,
]3urchill 1. and 2; cockerel, 3. S,
Cowan, S. Rine/hill; pullet, :1'. S.
Cowati., S. Burchill, Geese, old, N.
McCauley; young, N. McCauley, wine, Mrs. 3, D. Warwlek, R. J'hom•
(harm for Sale
Farm known nx (lu' 1010 ,011 Fnro1, nom'
prls'i5101 acres maeDy 1133 neared and 010
Rood xntte of ttltlt'alinn, 101" ne 01311.3' and
is 0Iun inline n'T 1: 14.1 x1atum �, agile to la h„
V,dngO 15.111 be prh•",l roaonubly Car 11010 1)
/11:011,01.),14010.101110,0 Wrtd•'110r0. appals as
S:unis Mies At, Livingston; marlin',
R. Urindlec0131be, Mrs. Sal a;,'+:
(lowers, Alis M. Livingston, Dv. J.
Greve; fru it, Mrs. Savage, D••• ,L
Grieve; animal life, Miss M. Living-
ston, Dr. 3. Grieve; portrait, bliss \l
1. ici n t.•stail.
\\ :der ('vier --Landscape, Miss AI.
Livingston, Mrs Snnis; marine, bliss
1I. Livingston \less Mckinnon;
flowers, Miss AL Livingston, Mrs.
Savage; fruit, Criss M, living:ten;
animal life, bliss Al, Livingston, Dr,
.1. Grieve; portrait, Miss 3L .Living-
ivin -
: tone, Dr. J. -Grieve.
('rayon Drawing, Miss M, Livn5'•
sten, Mrs. Savage; pen and ink
sketch, John Oliver, Mrs. Savage;
pencil sketch, Mrs, Savage, Miss AI.
Livingston; amatcpr photos, Mrs.
Savage, Miss M. Livingston; hand
painted china, Mrs. Galbraith, Dr. J.
Grieve; gland painted tea set, Mrs.
Galbraith; 1iain304 V850, Mrs, Gal-
braith; burnt work Oh wood, Mrs, J.
B. Tyerman, R. J. D'IcLauchlin; hand
painted china realistic, Mrs. Sam:
Mrs. Galbraith; hand painted china
conventional, Pr. J. Grieve, Mrs.
Galbraith; hand painted cup and
saucer, Mrs. Galbraith, Dr, J, Grieve
reed word fernery, Evelyn Har -
hurt; reed word basket, Evelyn Evelyn Hex -
reed work tray,
burn, Airs, E. MrKelvoy; wall napor
crayon colored, Miss A4. Livingston.
Table briquet, R. 3. Hoover, Mrs.
J. B. Tyerman; collection of cut
flowers, II, J. Hoover, Mrs. J. D.
Warwick; pansies, Mrs. Galalr'aith,,
Dr. 7. Grieve; plox Drummond, R.
Brindlecombe, T Wilson; Stocks, 13,
J. Hoover, Mrs. W. J. Dickson; Pe-
tunias, Peter Stewart, Mrs, 'W. J,
Dickson; Dianthus, Grace Stewart,
Mrs. J. 13. Tyerman; Gladiolus Spike,
It. 3. Hoover, Mrs. J. D. Warwick;
Verbenas, G. Stewart, R.J. Hoov: r
White Asters, R. J. McLauchlan, It, J.
Hoover; pink Asters, R. J. Hoover,
R. 3. McLauchlan; red Asters, Mrs.
W. J. Dickson, R. J. Hoover; mauve
or purple aster's, Airs. Galbraith R. J.
Hoover; collection of Asters, R. J.
Hoover, Mrs. W. J. Dickson; boss,
Gladioli, R. 3. Hoover, R. Brindle-
: J.
Salvia,A. C. Backer, II. cnmbe •
Hoover; perennial Phlox, Mrs. J. D.
Warwick, R. J. McLauchlin; cocks
r _
Mrs.J. v
Dr. J. Grieve,
of weet Peas,Meer.
' n
an collection m
Sanus, Grace Stewart; collection of
Nastnritun'is, R. 3, Hoover, Jessie
Little; collection of Marigolds, Mrs.
Galbraith, A. C. Baeker; collection
R. Br
' 1 R
s i Little, of Dahlias, Jessie
Bombe • collection of Zinnias, Mrs.
L. Eckmier, Mrs. W. J. Dickson;
Snapdragon collection, R. J. Hoover
Mrs. Semis; Geranium red, R. J.
Hoover; Geranium, any other, 13. J
Hoover, O. (Hemingway,
Begonia, R. J. Hoover; Rex Begonia
R. J.'Hoover; best Begonia a,0,'✓„ R.
Thomson, 0. Hemingway; collection
of ferns, R. Thomson, Mrs. J. D. War
wick; collection of potted plants, Mrs
J. D. Warwick; Fuschia in bloom, J
Oliver, Mrs. J. D. Warwick; best
Gloxina, Peter Stewart. -
Best pencil drawing of two books
and vase, P. Bryans, Donald McRae,
Alice Pope; best design school crest,
Donald McRae, P. Bryans, 3. D. Fer-
guson; best poster for foot ball ,game
N. McCauley; hemned towel, R.
Brindlecombe, Mrs. IL. Eckmier;
doll's sweater, Elizabeth Backer;
button holes, N. McCauley, Jessie
Little; hemming, R. Brindlecombe,
N. McCauley; darning, Jessie Little,
N. McCauley; patching, N. McCaul-
ey, Mrs. L. Monier; best dressed
doll, Elizabeth Baeker; knitted scarf:
R. Brindlecombe, N, McCauley;
block of quilt, N. McCauley, R.
4• Evelyn Harburn, R. Brindle -
combs, E y
combe; fancy towels, Miss M, Liv-
ingston, R. Brindlecombe; pillow
cases embroidered, Miss M. Living-
ston, R. Brindlecombe; underwear, 3
passes, Miss M. Livingston; night-
dress, Miss M. Livingston, Evelyn
•�-----to--- Harburn„ bed set, Miss M. L 1 6
+ton, R.. J. McLauchlin; lady s scar4f,
Wingham Arena
e HAROLD SKINNER'S BLUE s + Mrs. Savage, Mrs, J. D. Warwick1
4. WATER BOYS ' buffet set, white, Mrs. 3. A. Ilowe,
'1' I Janet Robertson • buffet set colored,
September October November + Jeffrey, infants p els R•
+ p Brindlecombe; guest towels,
a ambo
Miss M. Livingston.
Brindlecombe, lir ,Tithe
Br ,
Jitney r.
11414.44.4.440144-1.44•14.14.1•14.1.4-14 ' Oil painting Landscape, t. rs,
Every Thursday Night during Miss M. Livineton,gg Mrs. W. W•
' pi
cover, R.
Continuation Staff Special—Clara
McCall; Doreen Eckmier, Doris Gill.
A. L. McDonald for 'best Short-
horn bull, any age, 0. Turnbull.
Agl. Society for best three horses
in any one Township, Fred Toll.
H. 0. Walker and D. M. McTavish
prize for best four steers, H. Lam-
ont, A. McLauchlin.
Rev. F. G. Fowler for Essay "on
Life of St. Paul", Catiharine Walker
Agnes Davidson.
Dr. C. C. Ramage prizes for essay
"Cate of Teeth" Margaret Logan,
Marion McCauley.
McNaughton, for best lady
driver, C. Fry.
Mrs. W. H. Kerr, for bird houses,
3. D. Ferguson, Dean Davison, Toni
McFadzean; T. Eaton Co:, for best
Agricultural team, Fred Toll• -
S. F. Davison, for best pair dress-
ed chickens, Mrs. W. W. Jeffrey,
Dr. T. T. McRae, for hest 2 year
old Draft Co'It, Fred Toll,
The Post for best two loaves of
bread, Mrs. 3. Whitfield; and best
2 lbs. of butter, Mrs. Jos. Shaw.
Wilton & Gillespie, for best col.
lecithin of snap shots, Leonard Birt,
Margaret Logan.
Walter Scott, for best bird 111
show, I. Miller.
Robt, Ferguson, for best Draft
team, Alex. McLauchlan.
A, 0. Baeker, for best two loaves
fof bread, Mrs. W. Free,
The annnl1l ThankOlIering tweeting
of the Presbyterian 011nrdl, Oldnten,
will he held on Friday afternoon, Oet,
12 lt, at 2 80 o'clock Dr, Margaret
O'Hara, retutnled miseinuary, will be
the speaker, and it; is hoped that as
many les possible of the Preehyterian
ladies of the di0ttict will be present to
hent' her,
The annual W, M, 9 conference nP
the Milted (hui'eh will be held in the
United Church, Auburn, on Wednes-
day, Oct. 17th. There will be ttvo
sessions, at 10 a. m. and 1.80 p. m,
Mrs, Til, M. Rose, of Honan, Chinn,
and Mice A, M. Rennie, President of
the London Conference Branch will
be the speakers. Dinner will be sere•
ed by the Auburn auxiliary,
Notice to Creditors
In the matter of the Estate of
James Evans, lato_of the Village of
Brussels, In the County of Huron,
Cdntloman, Rocoasod.
Nodes iv tlerebv given, pursuant to i300(lon
On-tU Clothlotlof the Revised
stunttts or
hle, that al aaonahaving plaintssgnl
thecslnOur thereto! Cole givens, rhc died
n, of walla the iVeiny-fifth day :or .,.111(303
1948, are re/jotted lu 0001by 1/0+1, 11",1 led. ur
deliver to Jolla ;Palish, the I'serntor or
, „ '1..'
Ge 33101103
I t scl
6e 10x3 0111 and is
G t
evnsr•,I nn 1111 brl'nrq ;be 11v. n )ell iiar
Oron 1.1
d n ddu•�ses w111? hili pns1un1.08 in , their n�3(1.Di.
,11le11 ,,11),n" end tat 3I1101a,. 11,+.
run 1,",t 1.013). 11.1(1 l; 11.1,„ .luI 1,11110,
LY 11 enuu+''1 ,,,elan +" •,
And Cortina. tn1cn nntiue tout *nun. toe :nth
day of or3nbtr, 1010, the said Payout or
will propo) to distribute the assets of
th0 said e'tnte among the portion entitled
thereto, having regard only to the olain,o of
wlti1(1 he shall then have 110,1 notice, and
the said lIx,(nto,athan nut be limbic for the
snbi assets lir eny part thereof to any person
of whose o11dn1 he shall not then love re.
e,+lved flatlet.,
D100ot 0rnsseis, the 10111 day of Septet,.'
Ler, A.U, 1988• ev ➢7, (41N('1.Ailt,
solicitor for the 12x000300.
Notice to Creditors
In the matter of the Estate of
Joshua Gilpin, late of the Village
of Brussels, in the County of Huron,
Implement Dealer, Receas00.
Notion is hereby gl'ven, pursuant to 300tlo11
09, Chapter 121, of the Revised attitudes of
Ontario, that nllporaone hay log claims against
the estate of the saki o hos 011(3" )snowed,
vino died on 00 61,003 tilt 1We,1ty•el,,••1.11
day of September, A. D. 1928, are required
on or before the 2531, day of October A,
D, 1028, to send by post sold or deliver to; A. 13.
Mi dnnnld, Esq , 12rosaelx. Ontario, tete moot
for Alfred 'N. L, Gilpin, the Dxecutor
of the loot 35111. and Testament of
the 3 licensed, their Christian and
surnames and addresses, with fall portio
niers in writing of their chums and the nature
of their securities (1f amy) held by them.
Ari further take noolee that after 0(1011 last
mentioned date that said Executor will pro•
need to distribute the assets of the de0ensed
amongst the persons entitled thereto, laving
regard only to .the claims of which he shall
then have notice and the said Executor will
not be liable to any person or persona for
the said nssots or any part thereof of
whose 0lehn notice shall not haws been resew•
ed by him at t1,' time of such pdistribetton.
Doted this 2011 day of October, A. D.
w. M, 8INLAIR,
Solloftor for tChe Exeoitor
Notice to Contractors
The municipal council of the Town-
ship of Morris :u•,• a;kill)4' for tend-
ers for repairs on the Illyth Gre'k
Drain, to give an outlet to the Wells
Drain, Tender's will he considel•ecl
at the TownsltiJl HMI on Monday
Oct. 151h. at ;3 p.m. Spocificall'ms
and ettlll,,ite at th1, r13's resldenee,
- A. MacEwen, clsl•k,
Of II01I ''-bagel 1':11 13.11 of the lata
M11i'gal'•L 1111011811811, will be held on
Saturday, Oct. 111133, at 2 °'nine's, at
Lot 8, Con, 16, Grey, when the fol-
lowing articles will le' offered for
sale: ---1 Parlour sell ; 4 Inelm int
suits; dining -room bullet, table v14
ehaira; 2 stoves; sewing machine;
lamps; bed ticking; blankets, sheet.,
etc.; extension ladder, 38 feet;
rocking chairs; ;: kItclu'n table,, (,
number of kitchen tables; 1 sot din-
ner clishav- glass Ware bait 501111'11: ;
I 1 clock; post, kettles, pans'
and other
articles too 1lumerou: to mention.
Terms—CASK. D. AL Scott, A'.,e.,
John S. Buchanan and A. H, Mac-
donald, Executors.
�UC170N �A 1,1311'1+" (FARM tirOO13 "(1P -LE -
al (0,rs -11, al. ('rntt. Anotlonenr, hex heed
onxtruoted in tel) et . a* lot 5, t'on 18 U, 0y,
on Friday, OOt 11'11,. el 1 o'clock, 11,0 Ca110w•
Inc property 1 1 efl, de mare 8 yosro old, 1
Perciteroo mai e 7, mire old, 1 now due t0
calve Novena lir 11411,, 1 cow dna Febrttxry
2a.d, 1 now dot Il, ,miry 34th, 1 2 yoar•old
h -icer Ina March 11311, 1 v yearn d loiter due
Marrn 11 rold 0130
e SIhing,
steer calves, o t t'xl year old,1X n,,er,x I
year old, 2 e 180 tiPoultry-131
young hens end lis (White l
dozen Wlate . Reek pullets std cockerels,
1 optenlen3s-bin(ier, 11103* 0*', rake, seed drill,
discharrow, sower thinning
en Ing mill
ger, na king plow 31)10tplow, set Iron Ex •
rows ...enema, 2inabsr tw 1I Y x3 boy
rock, hex, nslr of sowingInnes rot of
Lab sleighs
ruhnOr•tbwtl bn;gy, nutter, rebs;
bay fork oar and xlings ; 150 Leet et new rope,
water trough, wheel barrow, Irinit Cobb:Or
Pongee,. 81nerds arn 1 r wood 20 grain bags,
"«t single hxfn«sx x113 double herntlne rolhuro
R e
borroIt s. cicnbia trees, alygle traev, blitrge oak
boreal,mads• o,'2031,s1 conk
n*ye',. ;LK, eh
ex ten x1011 ladder 28 et. «conk stoves. Melotte
croon; eeparotol', ((0)07 churn, batter worker,
stint tsunami other art ;Nes too nnmarons t0
mention. Saha onreervod as p«oprletor hos
xold his faun -term,--loos of ,$10 and under
cash ; nv,•r then 0moont. 9 months credit gA'
at nn furnishing approved joint notes accept•
able to blink. 1)Iseou or, of per cent off for
wash of credit amounts.
RU(tdi CAMPBELL, Prop.
Of 30 !head of cattle from 600 to
800 lbs. and 40 Breeding Ewes.. D.
M. Scott, Auctioneer, has been in-
structed to sell oat the C. N. R.
Stock Yards, Brussels on Monday,
Oct. 15th, at 1.30 o'clock the fol-
lowing: 30 head of cattle from 600
to 800 lbs.; and 40 Breeding Ewes.
Terms—Sums of $10 and under
cash; over that amount 4 months
credit given on furnishing approved
joint notes with discount of 6 per
cent per annum off for cash on
credit 'amounts. Land owners for
security. D .3I. Scott, Auctioneer,
Milton Lowe, Proprietor.
Jas. Taylor, Auctioneer, has been
instructed to sell at Lot 23, Con, 9,
Grey Township, on Tuesday, thel6th
October 1928, at -one o'clock, p.tn.,
the following:— 1 Aged Heavy Mare
supposed in foal, 1 Aged Gen. Pur-
pose Mare, 6 Cows supposed in
calf, 1 Holstein Cow due Feb. 0,
1 Holstein Cow due Mar. 28, 1
Holstein Cow due Max. 9, 1 Holste-
in Cow due Mar. '7, 1 Grade Aa' -
shire due Mar. 5, 1 Grade Ayrshire
due May 27, 1 Grade Durham Hei-
fer clue Feb. 18, 1 Grade Durham
Heifer due March 1st, 1 Holstein
Heifer due Apr. 18, 2 Heifer Cal-
ves 1. Brood Sow, 70 Hens, 1.
Massey -Harris 6 -ft. Binder, 1 Mas-
sey -Harris Mower, 1Massey-Harris
Fertilizer Seed Drill, 1 Massey
Harris Manure Spreader, 1 Corn
Sc•ufTler, 2 Walking Scufflters, 1
Land Roller, 1. Massey -Harris Hay
1:oader, 1 Massey -Harris Walking
Plow, 1 Cockshutt Plow, 1 2-Fue-
rowed Gang Plow, 1 Champion Cul-
tivator, 1 Disc, 1 Sot Diamond
I -farrows, 1 Steel Stoneboat, 1
Turnip Sower, 1 Farm Wagon, 1
Light Milk Wagon, 1 Set liob-
Sle3ghts, 1 Jumper Cutter, 1 Por-
tland Cutter, 1 Rubber -tired Bug-
gy, 1 Hay Rack, 1 Pig Rack, 1
Set 2000-1b. Platform Scales, 1
Fanning Mill, 1 Gravel Box, 1
Coal 011 Tank, 1 Water Tank, 1
Sugar Kettle, 1 Set Double Harness
1. Set Single Harness, - 2 Sets Whif-
fletrees, 1 Melotte Cream Separ-
ator, 1 Daisy Churn, 1 Button •
Bowl and Ladle, 1 Milk Can end
Pails, 1 Sausage Grinder, 1 Satts-
age Filler, 1 Copper Boiler, ' 1
Grindstone, 1 Imperial Oxford Ran-
ge, 1 Extension Table, 3 Dining -
room Chairs 1 Parlor; Table, 1
7X12 ft. Wilton Rug, Forks, Chains
and numerous other articles. Salo
unreserved as the Proprietor has.
Sold his farm, Terms:—Sums of
$10,00 and under cash over that
amount 12 months credit given en,
furnishing approved joint notes with
discount of 4 per cent. off for cash
on credit amounts. 'Land .owners
for security.
Jas. Taylor, .
has been instructed to sell atLot 30,
Con. 1, Mortis (about 1 mile South
of Bluevale) Friday, October 1231,
at 1.30 o'clock, the following:—
Hor,es-1 draught Mare 10 years old
supposed to be in foal. 1 Draught
Mare 7years old, supposed to he in
foal, 2 Aged Horses, 1 Gelding ris-
ing 2 years, 1 Gelding rising 3 yrs.,
1 Sucking Colt. Cattle -1 Pure-
bred Durham Cow, (rue Dee. 12t11,
1 Pure-bred Durham Cow due Nov.
1st, 1 cow due Dec. 31st, 1 Pure-
bred Durham due Feb. 1st, 1 Pure-
bred Durham due Mar. 15th, 1 Gra,1°
Cow due June 24th, 1 Pure -breis
Durham supposed to be in Calf,
1 Gracie Heifer due Mar. 1st, 1 reg-
istered Durham hull 2 year.; old,
5 Heifers 1 year old, 4 Steers 1 yr.
old, 0 calves. Hogs -11 Chunks
about 175 lbs, 12 Pigs 6 weeks old,
1 Yorkshire Sow, 1 Tamworth Sow.
Poultry—About 75 Spring Chickens,
About 20 year-old Hens. Implem-
ents, Sat of Harrow's, 1 Set
ant, & (.
Buggy, uantit • of
1 1
of Sleighs, by Quantity g
Barley. Everything must be sold as
Lawn has been Burned. Term,.--
Sums of `10,00
under cash;
over thatamount 10 months credi
given on furnishing approved joint
notes with diseou.ttt of 6 per cent.
off for cash on credit amounts. Land
owners e•ner for security.
The executors of the estate of
George Dickson, deceased, have ins-
tructed Thomas Brown, Auctioneer,
to offer for sale on the South half
of the North half of Lot 25, 14th
Concession, of the Township of Me-
Killop, on Saturday, the 13th October
1928, at one .o'clock, P.M., by Public
Auction, the following goods and
chattels: -1 driving horse, 1 heavy
horse, about 250 hens, 1 Tudor Ford
Sedan, 1 spring tooth cultivator, 1
cutter, 1 open buggy, 1 plower, 1
walking plow, 1 wagon and rack,
1 grain drill, 1 scufiier, 1 fanning
mill, 1 root p'ulpe, 1 hay fork ear
and slings, about 500, 3' inch title,
1 wheel barrow, 1 set harrows„ 2
chicken colony houses, 1,400 egg
incubator, 1 brooder stove; 3. Melot-
te cream separator; 1 set team
harness; 1- set single harn-
ess, 1 spray pump, 1, 23,z gallon
Fire Extinguisher, quantity of corn
in shock, 1 sideboard, 1 table and
articles too numerous to mention.
'Perms;—Cash At the same time
slid place: there will -be offered, the
South half of the North half of Lot
25, 1 4th Concession McKillop and the
North half of 24, 13th Concession,
McKillop. There are erected on the
first parcel a fine ]louse and barn
and outbuildings and the property
lies on the County Road loading into
Seaford) and Walton and is close to
Markets, School and Churches,
Terms of sale on the land. 20% of
purchase money in cash on day of
sago and the balance to be arranged
to suit purchaser. Further tenets
and conditions of sale will be made
known on the day of sale and may
be had in this meantime from the
undersigned, Dated at Seaforth,
Ontario, the 1st October 1928.
Thomas Brown, R. S. Hays,
Auctioneer. Executors' Solicitor
Farms for Sale
The undersigned offers to' sale las 1110•aore
farm being NS§, hot 25, Oen. 7, Morels, Mao
1511mores being North 5S, Lot 80, nod Ey, 57,
Oen, 7, Morrie. Gond hotlaes ,,n,1 barns in
drst•alass oonditla, also nil good out -build.
Inge. W111 sell with or without crop. Rens•
on for selling, poor health, For nattier pert,
touters apply to W. EI. MoO0'IIOBSON,
PrOprletor,12, 12.4, Brussels
Farm for Sale
A very deslrablo stook form or 150 acres, 1..4
Mlle from Brussels. Goad buildings sod
equipments, Itnsy terms to mit purchaser,
For further earth:oilers apply to
Do Your feet Bother You ?
0h I the tragedy of oohing Peet, the misery
of painfully drakkinit one foot nfter the otli•
er, the bitterness of w 8011)0g other8 step
along Without n foot care In the world. Foot
misery ono be evolded. I know, because 1
Buttered for years, but 1 found n Way to re•
Have that painful. Arran Upon my weakened
, cohes. Bow,/ want to help others ; if yon
ere n Barterer, please mention Tun Poem when
Wm. Stcmmon, writing, J. T, WOOD, 49 orosepeot et., Hain.
Ilton, nt„ or may bb purchased 04 DO nth
Proprietor, 1 'Bros:dibee dehlerib Brussetn, ll: