HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1928-9-26, Page 8WEDNESDAY, SEPT, 2tlth, 1928
Wall Paper
On Sale at Greatly
Reduced Prices
Now is a good chance to
have that room papered and
get the benefit of the Re-
decorating during the Fall
and , Winter, when one is
spending more time inside.
Every Pattern on Sale
is a Bargain
The New Public School ' Bcriptc Pencils
History of Canada
is here now. Price 30c.
Secure your copy before the
first supply is sold out.
Reprint Bucks
at 85c.
Popular authors, interesting
stories which provide a good
evening's entertainment.
A smooth writing, always
sharp, pencil. One of the
most satisfactory on the
market and at the low price
of 15c each.
Long Lead Refills 15c pkge.
O rex
Miniature Liquid Polish
Kits 1()c,
A chance to test it out.
Fly Tox sprayed in a room will
quickly destroy Flies
8 oz. bot. 50c.
The sti-Te.40..ez,Store
Druggist and Stationer
Local News Items
Mark It Down.
The first snow of the season struck
here on Monday, Sept. 24th, and
again on Tuesday, but it did not last
Plain Opens Up Saturday.
The Olen for the, fall fair concert,
opens up at Allen's Drug store on
Saturday of this week. Better get
your seats marked early.
Did not get Prize money.
Peter Stewart and Alex McIntosh
attended the• Horseshoe pitching tour-
nament .,t Seaforth Fun last Friday.
but diel not succeed in getting in on
the prize money.
Will Serve Meals.
A ehieken iihm,rr and snarler will
be served at the Huron County Plow-
ing Klatch to be: held in the field of
3Ir. Dave Boyd. Zlclillop townsldp
on Wednesday, October mrd by tine
Ladle Bethel - nl ofl:nited Church.
A Variety of Weather.
The last few days have seen a
varlet;,• of weather put on by the
weather -man, The sun can be out
one minute, and then snow, rain, hail
or wind van cause a stir in no time.
L.at's hope after this we will have
some real fall weathe.
Mayor Resigns
Mayor Taylor Pipe, elected by a
majority oL two at the annual Hail-
eybury municipal elections last Jan-
uary, has resigned his office, and 1
special meeting of the town council
will be called to consider what Steps
are to be taken with regard to the
prospective vacancy, His worship 13
emphatic that he will not run agan,
and the probability is that an acting -
mayor will be appointed and nominat-
ions called for at an early date. Ma-
yor Pipe, is a nephew of Miss Pipe,
of Town.
West Huron Teachers To Meet
At Goderich.
West Huron teachers' convention
will be held in Goderich on October
11 and 12. S. Pickles, of London
Normal School, will give two address
ses on manual training and Dr, H. It.
Kingston, of University of Western
Ontario , will represent that institut-
ion. Miss L E. Sharman, Goderich,
Ick president, and G. S. Howard, Exet-
er, is secretary.
Corning to the Grand Thaetre one
day only, matinee and night, Satur-
day, October 13th. A famous Bri-
tish ace, Captain W, G. Campbell, who
was credited with fourteen German
planes, rendered invaluable assis-
tance to Director William Wellman
in the filming of "Wings," the great
aviation spectacle. Captain Campbell
plays the role in "Wings" of a British
ace who receives a decoration for
valor together with Charles Rogers
and Richard Arlen, the two 'heroes of
to photoplay, Atmospheric touches
suggested by Such veteran birdmen,
together with the story provided by
John Monk Saunders, also a war pilot,
and the amazing stunt Eying executed
by the greatest aviators of the allied
armies, combine to make "Wings" a
malvelotis show for all who ever have
flown, would like to fly, or are inter-
ested in aviation.
An added Special.
Another Special has been added
to the Brussels Prize Lists. A. L.
McDonald offers $5.00 for best
shorthorn Dull, any age.
Many Went to Seaforth.
Many from Brussels were at Sea -
forth on Friday to attend the fair, but
the rain about 4 o'clock soon stopped
School Sports Thursday.
Thursday of this week the annual
sebool sports will be held, The us-
ual programs will be held on the Park
.the afternoon. The public is
I cordially invited to attend.
i Improving
We are glad to report that Mrs.
J. L. Er rr is showing improvement
at .V llrslrr Hospital, Toronto. It
ir.• few week; yet before she
b,• 4,1e, to s' torsi to her Home
Engagement Announced
Mr. and 1Ic Thomas C. McCall,
Br''iss••-ds, Ont., announce the engage-
ment of their - daughter, Margaret
Edna. to Jonathan B. Nelson, D.S.A.,
of Pet erboro, Ont., only son of Mr.
::mil Mrs. George N,.Ison, Rockwood,
Ont., the marriage to take place in
Tender Plants.
Brussels flower lovers who still
have blossoms nut in their gardens
which they cherish may prolong the
flowering season by covering• lightly
at night any plants they wish to
preserve. About this time of the year
often frosts sufficient to damage
semi -tropical growths visit this dis-
trict, afterward there is- frequently
two or three weeks of milder weath-
er. Care now may add many days to
the continued beauty of the flower
Gun Gospel For Three Nights.
Iien Maynard, the lovable and
popular star of "Gun Gospel," a first
National Picture produced by Charles
R. Rogers and which will be shown
at the Grand Theatre, on October 4, 5
and 6, a double show on the 5th
Fair night, is in constant training
for the daring stuntsthat he perforins
before the camera. Just as a mus-
ician pretties long hours to keep the
fingers supple and strong, or a run-
ner, boxer or swimmer keeps his
body in perfect physical trim, so does
a motion picture star train regularly
to be ready for the demands made
upon him, Maynard is famous for
the Glaring and thrilling stunts he
enacts, •Only one who trains consta-
ntly could possibly perform them.
He spends from two to four hours
daily with setting -up exercises, box-
ing, running weight pulleys, and, of
course, practicing new tricks and stu-
nts with Tartan, the wonder horse.
Charles R Rogers, the producer of
the Maynard series, has installed a
fully equipped gymnasium for his star
in connection with the traing stables
and anyone who follows the 3 tsynard
daily routine is bound to become an
athlete. "Gun Gospel" is the second
picture of tne. new Maynard series, It
wasdirected by Harry J. Brown, and
taken from the popular novel by W.
D. Hoffman. Marion Jackson made
the adaptation,
Brussels United Church
R.F.V. A, W. B.aARKER, 53, D.
Sunclayl Sept. 30
11) .t. ni.-•-Thr Samlav :;sis,] will meet for
rehear:al, and at 11 dclods will join the
,:engr,,iaminaunionservice. Ecery• -
body s,nue. The geeerill lh.•nte will he
'lasend G.. d-eeglh' The pulpit
theme will hc-
3—The Culture Speech
7 p.m.—Public Worship.
Subject :
'Housekeeping and Soulkeeping'
Wednesday—Prayer Service
Friday 8 p. m.-
-Choir rehearsal.
Sunday, October 28th
Rev. E. F. Armstrong, B, D„ Listowel,
w ill preach,
FOR SALE—Choice Fall Honey.. 7c
a pound. George Bone. Phone
126. 15-2
SHORTHORN BULL for Sale; also
2 -year-old driving colt. Earl
Bentley, Phone 454. 15-1
FOR SALE—Quebec Heater, large
size, in good condition. Phone 1
or 5x. 15-1
10 Chunks of Pigs for sale. Chas.
Cleaver, Phone 41-7. 15-1
FOR SALE — White Wyandotte
Roosters, six months old, Bray's
bred -to -lay, bloodtested stck, at $2
each. Miss M. Duff. Bluevale, 15-1
FOR SALE—"Long Sam" the pure
bred Registered Yorkshire Hog,
No. 2-118193, is offered for sale.
Call and see him, or phone, Wm.
J. Grant, phone 256, Brussels 115-1
woman who will take charge of a
farm home. Apply to Phone 18-4,
Wesley Searle, R. R. 3, Walton.
engage with a farmer to either
manage his farm or will work on
shares. He also has two sons able
to work. Phone 569, Brussels.
15-1. .,
FOUND—A number of ducks.. Apply
to the Post. 14 1
FOR SALE—A frame house and 34
acres of land on Thomas St, next
door to Jos. Querin. Mrs, Robert
J. Anderson. 14-4
FOR SALE—Three Hanging Lamps;
1 Mainline Lamp, suitable for Din-
ing room; 1 Hall Lamp; 1. lamp
suitable for living room:. Ail as
good as new. J. Harvey Bryans,
Phone 128. 14-tf,
HOUSE FOR SALE or to Rent -7
rooms, hard water and small hen
hou.•e. On Alirurt St., Brussels,
Apply to Mrs. Wm. Heist. 11-4
1 Have a Real Proven Remedy for
Rheumatism, unmatisnt Gout,Sciatica, Lum-
ba'o and Blood osi nincalled
Dicalac, being composed of,
preparation therfor harmless and
drugless. Rarely fails to relieve
and eventually restore to health,
Six weeks' treatment for $2.00,
Write for particulars to Sale manu-
facturer of Dicalac, Alfred English
Mount Dennis, Qnt. 13-4.
• FOR . SALE— Pandora . (McClary)
Range, in good condition. Apply
at Post.
QUANTITY Dry Wood for sale; also
good summer wood. D. McKinnon
Phone 23-16.
Being Lot 3, con. 16, Grey. Build -
Ings in first class condition. An-
drew Sloan, Phone 27-12. R. R.
No. 2, Brussels. 23-tf.
Coming To The Grand.
The following shows have been
booked for ,the coming season:—
25,26—"Life of Riley"
28,29—"Desired Woman"
1,2,3—"The Shepherd of the Hills"
4,5,6—"Gun Gospel" with Ken Man-
nar,. -
9,10—"Reno Divine"
11,12—"Valley of the Giants"
13,—Matinee and Evg„ "Wings"
16,17—"One Round Hogen"
19 -20 --"The Noose"
23,24—"Beware of Married Men"
26,27—"Chinatown Charlie"
30,31—Rin-Tin-Tin "Dog of Regi-
, mont.
Minor Locals.
September will soon be
Don't forget Brussels fair, Oct. 4-5,
Are you pulling for Brussels Fall
Sehool Sports on Thursday of this
Get something ready to show at the
Fall Fair,
The cool evenings serve as remin-
ders of what is coming later on, II
The best way to tell the vegetables I
from the weeds is to watch your
neighbor's chickens.
There have been issued up to date
436,601 permits in Ontario for the
purchase of liquor, 69,905 of which
were issued to tourists.
l DI11
The Bank
is an Agent
ll-iE Bank is an agent whose
duty it is to make the mar-
ket a thousand miles away as
accessible and- profitable as the
market which lies at your door,
This Bank maintains Branches
throughout Canada and agents
in every commercial centre ofthe
Manager, Brussels Branch
Harvest Home Services,
The annual harvest home services
of St. John's church will be held en
Oct. 14 and 15th, Special services
will be held on Sunday to be followed
with a hot fowl supper on the Monday
night. Keep the dates in mind.
Increase Power Supply.
A report of the Department of
the Interior indicates that during the
present year 550,000horsepower will
be added in new development and
additions- to existing power stations.
There are also many uncdertakinks
in the initial stages of construction
and others in near prospect, which
on completion will add a further 2,-
000,000 horsepower to the installa-
tion in the Dominion within the next
few years. This would represent an
investment of about $200,000,000.
We like to get the news.
The main aim of the weekly news-
paper as the name implies, is to give
news of its own district. It may
have other aims, such as to give the
merchants a chance to tell of their
goods in its columns or to try to in-
fluence public opinion through its
editorials; but first of all it must
give the news. Some of the news is
not easily obtained and no editor
can cover It all without assistance.
Especially is this true when you have
visitors. Many of the ladies think
that personals are the most interest-
ing reading in the whole paper. Your
visitors are usually glad to have their
names appear, so send them in
Sometimes people come in and give
the impression that they are asking
a favor when they want us_to insert
the names of their friends who have
been spending a few days with them.
No person need feel that way about
giving us news items, for we are glad
to get them all,
Irene Rich Scores in "The
Desired Woman"
To the accompaniment of the
primitive elements of the desert,
Irene Rich depicts the terrific battle
of the two most powerful kinds of
love which may possess a woman's
being in "The Desired Weman," her
newest starring vehicle for Warns•
Bros., directed by Michael Cut'tiz•
These are mate love and mother
love. She Is seen as a woman who
has left the luxurious, sheltered life
of London society to become the wife
of the commandant of an isolated
outpost in British India. After three
years of desert existence and associ-
ation with brutalized `nen she welc-
omes a young soldier fresh from home
Her husband is unreasonably jealous,
and in the process of "making a sol-
dier" of the lad almost kills him,
so when her ausband has taken the
garrison out op one of his raids on
hostile natives she persuades him to
leave, and he persuades her to accom-
pany .hint, The love which has
awakened between the two conies
to a climax in the desert when a
storm, forcing them to halt, gives
her time to think. Then it is that the
mother in her rises to dispute her
right to hazard his career and hap-
piness to gratify her infatuation and
save her from the desert. She is
older than he, old enough to love
him as a mother—young enough to
love as a sweetheart. In the outcome
of that terrific soul struggle lies their
destiny. William Russell, William
Collier, Jr., John Miljan, Douglas
Gerrard, and Jack Ackroyd Pa's in-
cluded ein the excellent supporting
cast. "The Desired Woman" comes
to the Grand Theatre next Friday
for a run of two days.
KNIGBT,—In Orey township,on Sept, 18th,
to ler. and I11re. Russell Knight, nson—
Rona Donglsa.
OAR..®Y —In Brussels 011 Monday Heut,17,
to Mr. and Mrs Alvin Oakley, a daughter.
woiIDlu'LIDlt,—In Grey township. nn ynnday,
Sept. 28rd, to Mr, and (inc. Gus, wheeler,
fl 0011,
JIDWICLt„-In Cleveland, Oldo, on Thursday,
Sept, idtb, Kiln Kearney, widow of the lute
tSr. Jewell,
Auction Salo.
MONDAY, 001', 1o1,—L'a`m stook, Imple•
manta So , ntLot11 bn, Grey. sale a , ( 2, G v n ten•
reserved at 01.0 oorvis, Marvin Bodges,
Proprietor: Jahn Purvis, Area,
TUBSDAY, OCT. 550, - (hearing cols ar
Thoro'•bred Short born andGc'ndaCattle, Reg.
lstered Leicester sheep and Draft Horses, on
the farm known as the ' Oharter,, L'nrm,” 8
miles west of Sonforth. Tarns -7 months
credit on bankable paper with 8 per omit off
for cash, Geo H. itllintt, Ano, ; Arthur brae'
on, Prop,. Ii, R, 8, Heaforth,
For Sale or Rent
100 acres being 7.ot11, Con, 2, Gre, town.
ship, Bank barn with cement stables throegle •
out Frame boiler : gond cellar • used or-
chard, Schnal an adjoining term, Milk route
Molesworth nese rectory. Posseeefon Dot,
lSth, Far particulars apply' to
16 8 0, 141o1i011MI0K, Listowel,
Minor Locals.
Brussels gall Fair dates are Thurs. .
day and 1',iday, Oct. 4th anti 5th,
Milverton Brass Band will supply
music on the second clay of Brussels
Fall Pah',
A girl thinks the sayings of Solo.
mon mere piffle when compared with
the smart sayings of her first. beau. ;
Even an old-fashioned girl hates to
think that a man merited hoc
for nothing but a talent for making ,
As will he seen by advertisement
in another column, the Federal De-
partment of Public Storks le asking
for tenders for the extension of the
mooring wharf at the West side of
Goderich harbor,
About 24,000 fatal accidents oc-
curred last year in the households of
civilized countries so that home is
not always the safest place.
Motorists are to be requested to re-
move any signs or stickers on the
windshields of their cars which would
in any way obstruct the driver's vis-
ion, according to a decree of J. P.
Bickell, of Toronto, registrar of mo-
tor vehicles.
• ..gin 1. t/.,^NY\YT'HVrtP.+,w,;
Got a Summons.
M. Yolleck was served with a sum-
mons for speeding in Toronto, but
summons had a different number
then what his Essex has. Somebody
has got mixed all right.
"Shepherd of the Hills."
When a novel read by virtually
everyone is produced as screen en-
tertainment, the film producer feels
the weight of his responsibility to
the followers of the novelst. Prob-
ably no novel of modern times has
been so widely read as Harold Bell
Wright's "The Shepherd of the Hills,"
which was not only a "best-seller"
for over a year after its publication,
but a consistently popular book ever
since. For that reason, the bringing
forth of its screen version is a real re-
sponsibility. Charles R. Rogers,
'sru St
Have you entered the
Lotus Lawn is the fittest quality
of linen finished Stationery pro-
curable at Popular Prices.
For particulars and e;llry blanks
erg:;are of
Allen's Dreg Store
Allen's Drug Stor
Exclusive Agent for Nyal and Penslar Remedies
Druggist and Stationer
Successor to James Fox
who produced the story in an elabora-
te film version for First National Pict-
nres, to be presented at the Grand
'theatre next Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesday, felt this responsibility so
keenly that he spent months in care-
ful preparation before a scene of the
film was shot, Albert Rogell, who was
not only a notable film director but
one enthused over the possibilities of
the novel as screen material, was se-
lected to direct, as the very first step,
Then an all-star cast was selected
with great care. Acting ability plus
fitness to the character type required
were the two qualifications that won
each player who appears in his role,
'Chen location, as many as possible
being on the actual story locate, were
mapped out. Meanwhile, the adap-
tation of the novel was being written
by Marion Jackson. After an Inten-
sive canvass of the entire film Industry
Alec B. Francis was selected to play
the title the approval of all readers
'of bhe role in "The Shepherd to fhe
'H111s;" Molly O'Day and Jon Boles
were chosen to carry the romantic
burden; Matthew Betz to play the
,villain role, and Romaine Fielding to
enact the part of the Ozark patriarch,
,"Old Matt." Other notable figures
'in the cast are Otis Harlan, Joseph
Bennett, Maurice Murphy, Carl Stoc-
kdale, Marion Douglas, and John We-
stwood. Beautiful photography that
enhances the entertainment quality
of the whole production was -contrib-
uted by Sol Polito and his staff of
cinematographers. Part of the pict-
ure was filmed in the Ozarks and In
,"AyfAs i10.. ' w l t�wi i1'%' � ''S
% Steil,Igoe
Prices in all Departments
t to,{,..':L
ost and
pportunity You
Should Not Miss
Come Sari and Often
Watch the Papers and
Window Displays