HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1928-9-26, Page 4WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 261.11, 1028
1,e Teirmirt5 xtl 1
•4V1. ItN1614P \i 'i'! 1 T. '?lith, 1
Beinwee, Sem.. I Four township
ttS1 4 1 t,Illn 411. of i Il nber1y_ Coe -
beet, it Hot 111 l •l1 „ ., 1, of 1 11!1 n..1'
and Geri ,.r met at 11..1-
2n01.,,, ,hi•.i'l....,v1tonn for the purpose
of oquai!rin.•^ the n:-+ •=.su, nt Of the
ditl'crent tn.vn•:ies . , the Delmore
tnllon scihoel ,eetions. The weer ndj-
:,imcnL 1<
1,.Ili,tw t'u•t 1'1, 1
Per rent, How eile 1'1 per cent;
Turnbeery, pi l'illreSS,1S
per come. Ne ehunxi• we, made :n
the former eemitizatior of eniiun
Schon 1 t' n 3 00'.11 No. 1 5, oil
the Carriek-Heiriek town line.•
S.LFick tl6,chan
Oribgtil by go q .g
Fire Broke Out While in Dock at
Goderich; Crew Escape.
Goderich, Sept. 24.—Fire of un-
known origin broke out :n the crew's
quarters forward on the .streamer
Saskatchewan early yesterday morn-
ing, doing considerable damage to
all wooden partitions, furniture, etc.
Fortunately the crew were awak-
ened in time to get clear with noth-
ing more .than a few burns, and the
ship's pump, were brought into play
to extinguish the blaze.
The Canada Steamship Company
lets decided to have the requisite
r+ pairs effected at the Port Arthur
'Iryjeek. .
rv?',: v, I c� acs n
,�-0 unitsuul. Ctl
P clad,i0'
Charles Turvey, Morris Township,
Killed on C.N.R. Track
Near Bluevale.
4S'!inghnm, Sept. 24.—An inquest
into the death of Charles Turvey,
prominent Morris Township farmer,
who was killed by a C. N. R. pass-
enger train between here and Blue -
vale about noon on Friday; will open
in the Forrester's hall, Bluevale at
10 o'clock on Tuesday morning. A
po.=t-mortem-examination was held
The inquest is ordered by Dr. W.
Are proving to be the most
72,41 Profitable and Interesting
a x� Live Stock for Farmers
Our hlc Io 1 e this year was 4,8 pups per pair.
All ale is .tai, U pairs of Foxes require no more
hill non oar" t:, .1 10 dairy cog': e
i !lave for ,alt, 11,t moderate prices some of the
ii '• Si Stieer ileyet Foxes in the Province, all re-
stock. Co-operation
1 ' Sic given
BC 1 ,.e . 'l I 111 foxes. d� to oars a d
North Huron Silver Black
FO77. Rs.iCh
G 74. 0. ..i LAKE, Frei?).
Let 5, Con. 14, Cry R, F. 2, Brussels
v:dend is 12 per rent. per annum end
the maker price of the share-: was
steadily advancing even before the.
:ler•:el. was mooted. To he sure, the
mot • money into other shaleholde.rs'
rockets, but surely that ie not utfl-
sumt reason for the disappearance of
a long-established institution, sound
and thriving. The merger would 1
leave Canada only ten chartered 11a-
nks, with the prospect that the circle
union with the larger bank would but
become narrower and narrower.
Canada's Experimental Farms—
The Dominion experimental farm
system of the Department of Agri-
culture stretches across Canada from
the Atlantic to the Pacific, and is
most comprehensive system of its
Mind to be found in the world.
Morris Council Meeting,
?i!'iotee of tin Mortis; Council
nu_ ting held in the: Townslr'i, Hell
n . ':u11ty. Sept. 171h, '10211
le Leta . all pre,,•t, the Ree-
( ling.
llinutos of 104 meeting were read
d •tm- 'a-: •=il.
There was t1 written reerest to
have the Grant Drein re)a'red 11:11
lie Drain In•oce•ror was i:lstrueitcd
to look into the platter.
W. T. Brydges was appointed Col,
Leet;`_, ealary 81 (0.00, 0101 ratepay-
ers are to' have the privilege of pay-
ing axes at the local ba ks, tit ai-
tor Brussels Myth,Ilelgrave. Vr'if';•-
ham. the Collectorto deposit a!
phonies In the Bank of Cclnmurce,
The Clerk was instructed to ad -
•1 _tile for tenders for repairs on the
Myth Creek Drain.
Tee following accounts were paid:
—Patrolmen — C. G. Campbell.
$22.50; Jas. Noble, 518.50; Frank
Shaw, 576.50; W. Craig, $5.50; Ed.
Johnston $.25; John Craig, $13.75;
Chas, Workman $40.00; Wm. Me--
3lurray $25.10; Jas. Anderson $18 -
50; James Kerr, work on Rintout
Drain 559.88; Dr. Stewart, 13. 0. H.
3. :Willie, of Blyth, coroner, who, with $257.00; A.. llaclewen, Peter Mc.Nab,
W. J. Henderson, I3. 0. H., each $3;
W. J. Henderson, expense:, to Clin-
ton $2.00; Earl Anderson, painting
stone school brigcle $28.30.
Next Council meeting October 15,
A.MacEwen, Clerk.
1)r. R. I,, Stewart, of Vvingnam, was
called shortly after the tragedy was
Mr. Turvey's farm is situated
near Illuevale, 'and it is understood
he was walking on the track at the
time the Toronto -Kincardine p0s3-
ellger train was passing. No inform-
ation as to how be came to be hit
!e: < helm available.
! : funeral of the victim was held
yesterday afternoon from the resi-
dence o1 the first line of Morris
'Township to Bluevale cemetery, and
was lar.'1'.ly attended. Service was
conducted by Rev. W. E, Wildon,
of the United Church, Bluevale,
Sur.ivin+r Mr, Turvey are his wi-
le dote tied three daughters.
No Need for Bank Merger
(London Advertiser)
The Finance Minister says the mer-
ger of the Canadin n Bank of Com-
merce end the Standard Bank of Can-
ada hits not been finally sanctioned,
and that public opinion may influence
the o";ieial decision. The argements
for tee amalgmmation may he stated
briefly. The Standard Bank hes no-
mereue branches in Ontario, but cem-
partitively few ehre h re. Ext n eee
ettn other provinces would be ecstly
mil as these field, are well oeuoitel
threads' by other banks there would b•:•
ore'lopping and wasteful dupleeti-on.
Such expansion could be conveniently
and economically obtained for the
Standard Bank'hy uniting with the
Bank of Commerce, which is nation-
wide. -
The influence is that there is no
'place in the Canadian banking system
for any bank that will not or cannot
Things Work Out
Because it rains when we '.vi;;t it
Because men do what they often
Because crops fail and plans go
Some of us grumble all day long.
Ilut somehow, in spite of the care
and doubt,
It seems at the last that things work
Because we lost when we hoped to
Because we suffer a little pain,
Because we must work when we'd
like to play—
Some of us whimper along life'::
Pur somehow, as day always follow;
the night,
Most of nue troubles work out all
110:00- 0 (in sot forever : anile,
het c We must trudge in t.h., dust
a While, -
Decale.0 we think that the wa • is
'ewe --
n.Surae of u., whimper that lilt: b•h
But somehow we live end our sky
grown bright,
And everything seems to work cut
So bend to your trouble and meet
your care,
For the cloud must break and the
scatter its branches over the whole ' sky glow fair,
country. To admit that is to admit :Let the rain Nene down
that the system is adapted only to and will,
very large institutions. The Standard But keep on working
Bank is neither large nor small, and 1 still,
its substantial and growing profits in- For in spite of the
dicate thatt
i quite possible for a , s'cand about,
1. s
bank to prosper without spreading its- ! Somehow it seems
elf over the Dominion. What interest out, ti
Is suffering under present conditions?
The bank must be giving satisfactory ! If cold light could be developed, 20
t Islight would be ob
e much 1 t
service to its clients. Their numbertimes as g
increasing and the volume of the ed from the same amount of electric -
bank's business is enlarging. The alae fitly as now.
It must
and hopng
grumblers who
all things work
Con. It,delioninolretu ted to \Valk-
veto0, last week, from a ten•days'
fishing trip (1.1)) North li.ty, with hie
's00,Joe. of the IaLter Intl. 011'80!
(Milt. with the red was tuhsuerd by
• hnding, the other day, a lei 111, bliss,
j the biggeitt of fav speells yet hoot 111
h, this Nurltt County.
Stint la; originating from a gasoline
' engine use 1 to pump w118t, iglutrd
some elraw ttbnve it, on Sslmany
morning, and euutpletely destroyed
the big 1).01 and 1111181 of the 4)08(11'4
0'.l oils of Andrew ''Tinel', cut the tnwn-
tline, just hast of ['hep+low Village.
Meinhere of the 111(11y had started
the engine which -wits located in a lit-
tle shed at the corner of the big b,11'n
Rod while in the lienee at Supper, one
nrIlion 1100,11 th.t. the end of the
11/11'11 was ill Hautes. The alarm was
sent over the telephone In neighbors
Nebo respn11ded 01 once, Aid was also
suumrl,ned from AVlalkel ton. A hund-
red o 111„1 i, ('111) 1ue1(0(1 to the scene,
and fat 111014 of the vicinity bided in
snviug 1111' hero:', a Pets yet (14 (1101 aunt,
gram falling prey to the 11 -teles
1,ritelically all the livestock nod inn•
prem"1118 wP(8 saved, The loss will
prove it best's,' (08 (41 over 87,000
about half of which 15 Po weed by in-
New System.
Telephone girls in Toronto, after
October 8, will say "Thank you"
«-1-0 they take a number and re-
ieta5 the phrase when the connection
ha:; been completed, a procedure
v:;:ich has been in vogue for some
time past in 0 large number of Can -
!ellen cities.
Rural Mail, on Increase—
Rural 10011 services in Canada are
steadily increasing. A maximum of
:1,800 rural routes has now been
reached, this representing an increase
of about 400 compared with a year
11.0. The most notable development
in the we -stern provinces, more de-
teands coming from there than from
other sections of the country.
Sales Tax On Sand.
Collectors of National Revenue
bare been advised that an Order in
Council passed on August 13, 1028
provides that crushed stone, pro-
duced -or manufactured by any
municipality exclusively for use in
building or maintaining its roads or
idewalks, and not for sale, and sand,
gravel, rubbie and field stone, be ex-
empt from sales tax, and further,
that the said tax be remitted in re'
spect of these commodities 'hereto-
inre produced by municipalities and
used for the construction of main-
tenance of municipal roads and side-
Yukon Parcel Post.
During the season of closed navi-
g,ation on the Yukon river, which
extends approximately from October
,l until May 31, parcel post to the
Yukon will be suspended except for
the post offices of Champagne, Car -
cross, and White Horse. Matter pre-
paid at parcel post rates and intend-
ed for other points in the Yukon
may be addressed to White Horse
and the addressee may make ar-
rangements with the transportation
company operating between White
Worse and Dawson to convey the
parcels from White Horse to, their
destination. As far as Brantford le
concerned, the winter system is ef-
.l'ective almost immediately as mat-
ter mailed now would not reach the
Yukon until around the first of next
The Goderieh Salt Co. have put in
an entirely new water system and an
e.dditonal brine tank during the sum -
now, and have recently placed the
drat act for foot new smoke stacks,
which will be et eared during the next
mom h,
(11'ri., Zink, 15, R. 3, Zurich, was
Heed 55011 and costs by Magistrate
Reid at lurleb, ;uuvicted of having a
still in his p:''.81sie1, A quartette 11.;
I, (]tats ;tic in the ,1 til at present, the
effeo8e being shelf of a drain of all
and (e quantify •-t' gas in the township
of 51.101' ' y .v(gal liquor and mot-
or valid•• 91.611,,5. s 0111.1) disposed of
by the Ninth the gest week
(11(1111 Pooe 1, urged 78, residing
with hie sen, ,• ..1 11"well, al Itxeter,
11, eke bis left : 111, its 1 :411 places below
the edh, w whet - 1 1;; out to feed
u el.ees. i1 --slimed on the hoard
'null: het 0, ('n , Ile 11 l ..o ed the chick-
en enep. '1'nie i; ' be 11 0.] time that
lin 10'11.. 11101, 11 inn ; 11,, below the
l Ilr' • e f 1110 T i,10 i•.. a n..i" nyed at.
pulling [lax fur ; h" (1t) 1I, 111 x tn!11 got
1111)' a i:5llil 1pttl(a •1 111.11 11 (0,'s esa
he. u'I, 1i, i•. reel1011e. '.l 1 tie much rub -
bine nlr,hnl, Ura •lnlge.. Pergnson
mad White locked up the 1 1., They
Inter appear -•d h-fol.0 \1eg(..tate Reid
and each fined 8211 and costs, Their
employer i+a hl the Hat's "ted i10 marl
returned to work.
M. Alexander, of Listowel, mod 1115
gang oi ((501111111 at 91088(111 drilling 0
well on the park 90onid9, nt Monit-
toe, The water 1s 111 be Deed foe
floodine; an open -lair skating rink -fen•
the venni, people of ibe vicinity.
The Ue• t'5 0011Th ehnh' of honk,
ton held (s suceeseful corn Toast in
Genrgt.list. woos (11chard, efnee tothe
village They bn111 n comp fire ander
the sha(0 of an cild apple 111e end
roasted the 0008 of 0nrlt. '110010 0 1
a 90' 5l'ltln of singing not 1111 by 1.118
choir' and 11 few spesel('8 1 y Ine,tl
men which WP1m much epptP11!(1' d.
A.II with (hwentlrotnevelIlleased 'iib the
eho'`1''s etltertaill►nent,
Frank Kelly, Listowel, has been ap•
pointed to 111e Provincial Police
Atwood United Church nuniveneer y
will be held on Sunday, Oct, 141(1, and
Donegal anniversary is being held on
October 21st.
440 of cheese fl om Blom and
137 from Newly were shipped to the
Ingersoll Peeking Go., last week, the
price being paid was 21, 13 lOe.
Several farmers in the district have
reported seeing deet' o11 their farms.
A. K. Hewitt, 2nd Onn., Blrna, land
Wm. Demmerline, Bed Gone Wallace,
have seen them on their farms.
The homes of Mrs. Geo. Spence anti
Mrs. McCracken, Listowel, whose
homes are side by side on York et,
were entered by petty thieves, recent-
ly, and 010 belonging to Mrs. Spence
was token,
On Friday evening of 1(1911 week, n
meeting of the Logan Brandt of 111e
Ontario Plowmen's Association '989
held in the town hall, Bnrnhoitn, end
it was decided to hold the annual
Mowing match on Michael Ilagarty's
farm, on Wednesday, Oet, 24th,
David Kholnleyer, of Northwest
Fullerton, had his tight arta badly
lacerated when an enraged cow, which
he was leash ng, crowded him along a
barbed wine 1 nce. He 0(15 at. once
tushed 10 a doctor's ogee in Mitchell
and it was found necessary to insert
stitches to close rip the wound.
At the last meeting of the Stratford
Presbytery, the resignation of Rev,
John Crawford as pastor of the North
Mornington congregation was accent-
ed, On Sunday, Sept. 18th, Rev. W,
J. West. Moderator of Presbytery.
preached in the vacant pulpit.
The carload of hogs owned by Jas.
Shea, of Dublin, which took first
prize at the 0. N. B., has been pur-
chased by the Davies Packing 00., of
Toronto, for lei cents per pound.
The carload of hogs which was shown
by W. A. McKenzie. of Logan, and
which got second prize, was purchas-
ed by the Schneider Packing Go., Kit-
ehen1r, Inc the same money. From
14 to 13 cents a pound was paid for the
other nine carloads of hogs exhibited
at Toronto Exhibition.
Last Time To -Night •- Wednesday.
Friday and Saturday - Sept. 23 & 29
.Mysteryo72omance of a Desert Outpost in India
'The Desired Woman
These ettger young cflierrs brought to Ln(1y Diann something
of the gaiety and r -4t 118 11 re 5011 hail be8n hers helot) she left the
sncinl 01114 of L011den1 to join her soldier•hushand in the desert.
His cruelty shrieked her, and, in mad re action, she Iles frith young
Li 0)11 ('(((1,1. Lo, 1 7 Trent , . , out into the Ineae01055tvastes of
sand, -
Paramount eek
Monday, � Tuesday �9
Wednesd Oct. 1, 2, 3
"The Shepherd of the Hills
Cone int() the 13eae1y Spot of the West 1 See the tragedy of
Mutton Hollow 1 All the famous characters of 141110ld Hell
\Vright's most 909e185. 110901 re•Pliaetilg the story that 10,000,000
1'5011018111.11 its his greatest ! '9118 srrert loniance or a beautiful
bltek•woode girl told a p 1111111VP hl''d•iil-tile hills boy 1 Tile fight
between )1011 ltusklee foe the light to be called the strongest 1111111
in the h!f181 A. six-lulwe tenni 011151ting ove5' ,the rnountain•side
with an avabtili,he of earth 1
Thursday � 1 friday & Saturday Oct. 4l 5i 6
(Friday -Fair Night)
"Gulf Gospel"
and his white wonder
horse TARZAN the equine
with human intelligence
When the Six -shunter was King ! There 1vas only one law in
Lorna Grande, I he law of the S!x•511nter 1 But Ben showed the
hell -benders a few tricks in fighting that made the hark of their
guns 908,1(1 like the whilto of a cm. !
CO Ming "Wild Geese"
b "Sorrell & Son" ((Ramona"
Saturday (Matinee and Ev'g) October 13th
Greatest Picture
Ever Screened
"WIN ,kST 9 watch for fur-
ther particulars
R Y L E Isms
mane .48m avr.�
o. b. Windsor, Ont.
t? TEE
Coupe . . . . $850
Roadster . . . . 850
(with rumble feat)
Touring . . . . 870
2 -Door Sedan . . 875
De Luxe Coupe . 910
(with mumble seat)
4 -Door Sedan . . 915
All prices f. o. b. Windsor,
Ontario, includingstandard
factory equipment (freight
and taxes extra).
Plymouth 2 -Door Sedan, 5875
Thousands of buyers, measuring
what others offer at or near this
price, find this newest Chrysler
product giving far more dollar -
for -dollar value in full size, in style
and in every phase of perform-
ance, than any of the few other
cars in the lowest -priced group.
For no other than the Chrysler -
Plymouth gives for style the new
chromium -plated slender -profile
radiator, the new type fenders, the
pleasing new arched -window sil-
houette. No other gives for com-
fort and elegance, such full-sized,
roomy, luxuriously upholstered
and finely fitted bodies.
No other gives for performance
true high compression through the
"Silver -Dome" high -compression
engine using any fuel; and for
safety, the surety and case of light-
action, internal -ex andin(r hydrau-
lic four-wheel brakes with squeak -
less moulded brake linings.
No other assures the sturdy de-
pendability and long life with free-
dom from trouble which Chrysler
Standardized Quality builds into
each and every Chrysler.
And these are only a few of the
features unique to Plymouth which
arc convincing thousands upon
thousands that the Plymouth is the
standard whereby to judgea values
in the lowest - priced fields — that
anything less than the Plymouth,.
givesisless than yourdollar'sworth.
E. C. Cunningham
,I. til, l2df11 Yo„ eau T1t) as- ..
.':ft�dj E$5l{dl clll'ed lel' 11 5118- q.
l l.i (10:,511 bus,lle,s '1•
' 31lleitEsS c.a tier, 11' Pott .j
ti un here. ,
.i, a)es are business leaders,:1,
Write te e.
. Central Business CcIPc a .f.
'1 Stratford, Ont, 4.
•1:+eteteeltetteetteteetetteeele4tlete( ire "-el.++
The Ripley mile I1u11 is re:n.1911g a
' min't
IZfIture,tuatlne18I pu(d Ibe;t• 11011 p..v(•.,
meat en 1llllI I ty night lust. A barge
crowd was 1111 11111111,
The 10011 or Walkerton has 1,1.51.11
out liability 1118uua,ee fur 1111y 1)11_
0.tll'll 1411,1 I. e11' 5(1'11(8.
Mr's, D Johnston, of fi'rvie, ronriv
ed weld ‘,1 the death of 1100' 11lether
0111111 ',omit ed in Cnlorotlo,
The North Bruce I3reedei,, are plan-
ning to hold a consignment sale in
Paisley the latter part of October,
T11' new pipe organ for the United
Church111011111 'I'080tVltl 101 (1.1(1 w,'t1 1111 t111'll-
day and it i5 expected 0111 bo ready
for G11, 0A 111 1 811 days,
Mee, Rotel, of Carrick, who appeal -
p(1 against. the decision of the magis-
trate, list her appeal and must. serve
three months in jail for violating the
L, A.
A large barn on the farm of 31111011
Hahn, no the 6th concession of Car-
rick township, was completely de•
stroyed by fire, together with the en-
tire contents. The cause of the fire is
The addition to the 'Truax Factory,
at Walkerton, which has been under
construction for the post the a menthe,
is practically completed, and is now
being occupied, Ample space (Otto
thus been provided for the increasing
busiitPee of the Truax firm,
'Phe three 131'uoe 00011ty hotel keep -
ens, who were found- guilty rimier
charges of violating the L. 0. A., wave
each fined 85110 (10 and costs. l3ert.
80111011t.s, of \lildnn1y ; J, H. Alosaek,
of Cargill ; and Alt's, Brady, of Ain-
berly, were the three.
1`h0 business or Knechtel Kitchen
Kabinet, Limited, of Hanover, is ex-
panding in Sllcll a Manner that mor e
room is 110811811 and to meet this ee-
quirelnent, an ndditinn to the factory
is now andel way. The addition will
be 84 x 80 feet, three stories and liege-
Green concrete, to harmonize with
nature, will be weed by cameron
county, Texas, in building $6,000,000
worth of roads.
19101) AND-ISIPLOsllNTs-JO1t11 Purvis,
Auctioneer, has been instructed by the tinder•
signed to sell by public auction et Lot 11, Con.
9,tirey, on Monday, ()ember 1st, et L00 o'clock
te following: -1 dra0ght mare 18 yerrs old
supposed to be in fool, l draught inure 11 yrs.
Old cup used t0 be lin foal, 1 Percher°. °Olt 2
Mc,•7th, 1 aged oow bred April 41h,r1 Durham
cow 6 years old due Dhsy 5, 1 Holstein oow 5
Years old due April 24, 1 Holstein 00w 4 years
old fresh, 1 heifer 2 years old doe April 17111,
1 blank oow 10 years old dee June 141(1, 1 Dor.
ham cow 0 yearn old One May 25, I part bred
Jersey 5 yenta old due May 5, 1 Durham fen
row cow 5 years old, 1 Durbeilh farrow oow 8
years old, 1 pure bred Shorthorn bull 2 years
old on Oct. 10111, 10 calves, 8 logs weighing
around120 lbs. 7 hogs weighing around 80
lhs , 7ltogs weighing [trauma 70 lbs.,1 sow with
10 pigs ready to wenn at time of sale, 1 old
ow due Nov. 20, 1 sow not with pig, between
40 and 60 hens, 0 ewe. 1 year old, 2 ewes 2 yrs.
old, i spring lamb, 1 8'rost & Wood 11 -hoe seed
drill, 5lnesey6arrls Mower 5 ft out, 6tltase •
Harris hinder 0 -ft. out, Perm wagon, hay reek,
set bnb•eleighs, cutter. buggy, fanning mill,
doekslintt plows, cultivator, set heavy team
harness, act of single harness, 200 bus barley,
170 bus. mixed grain, 000 bus. oats, numerous
other articles. Rverything ,,1ust be sold as
proprietor is leaving the farm. Terms -All
sums of 110,00 and ender 00011 • over that
arnonnt 0 months credit will be Riven on fur.
Making approyed faint note, Land owners
for security. Discount of 5 percent oft for
for cash. 21100117127 13.000E8.
Farm for Sale
110 acres, being W14 Lots 24 and 25, pot. 0,
Tnrnberry, 1 miles West of Wroxeter, On
the lend is a good barn built in 1011, dairy
house 1/111111019 driving shed, and a comfort,
01110 brick house. Witter in stable and river
at back of faun. 30 sores are seeded down
and 25 acres of hardwood maple, All 1s good
workable lend.
Will also sell the Wroxeter Dalry business.
For terms and particulars apply to
10.4 FRANK (012EE37,
Wroxeter P.O.
Farm for Sale
The undersigned oilers for stile Tot 20, Con.
0, Grey, eontateinJ 0080res of land, 80 00000
being wetl•dreinedl; fertile land, the balance
hardwood bush, Favorable situation, none
Ethan station and v111ng0 ' 8•roonned brink
house, (101(5(1 well, gond bar with under.stnbhrl silo and outbuildings. Priori reason•
able and terms to suit purolieser, For fart),•
er partlonl ars, apply to
W6t 87.16M510N,
Phone 837 11.151. 8, Brussels,
Farms for Sae
The nederslgeed offers for sale his 100•sore
farm being Ni‘, Lot 25, eon, 7, Morris. Atex
160101:res, being North l4, Lot 26, and sy, 27,
('op, 7, Morris, Good houses and barns 1n
i;rst•olase 001181 0,1 11150 all good out•1,plld•
lugs. W111 sell with or without crop, fleas•
en for selling, poor healon troy further pert.
Malays apply to Proprietor.l RIO TSOIBruss,
Farm for Sale
mileof very desirable (3000Obuildings ;sores,
equipments. Eney terms to suit purchaser,
For further pertioulars apply to
A. H. M 0l30NALD,
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Oh 1 the tragedy of welting feet, the misery
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Helm tet Pstrain np
h my
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ro sufferer, plana) mention Ti's POST when
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