HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1928-9-26, Page 1it
VOL, 57 NO. 15 $2,00 per annum in advance
.. sees. ... .. ... -.. __.__...-.-.,.
j. L. KERR, Proprietor
We Cordially Invite You
to call and see our
Parlor Piano Bridge
and Table Lamps
Wired complete ready for use
Also a nice assortment of
New mall Papers JusthtLd
You will find our prices right.
Phone 228
The Surrounding District
death of William Keith, on Sunday
Sept. 16th, Elma Twp. lost one of its
early pioneer citizens and one of its
most highly esteemed residents. The
deceased gentleman, who was in tris
90th year, had enjoyed good health
until a short time ago, Old age and
peritonitis were the cause of his
death. The late Mr. Keith was born
in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, on May
Pith, 1839. At the age of 15 years, he
came to Canada and settled in Elma
Township, where he had resided al-
most continuously until the time of
hi 'Leath. He was one of the out -
at tnding men of the township and
was a member of the Council and a
Justice of the Peace for many yenta.
In politics, he was a strong Liberal.
In April 1878, he married Jane Mc-
George, who predeceased hint 17 years
ago. Two daughters and one son
were born to them. Jessie was foully
Pla ers Pianos
Tuned and Repaired
atisfa t on Assured
J. C. Blackstone
Orders taken by
Walker ter & Black
elett.2«'aSHHetEi Fell
murdered 32 years ago. Two years
later, his elder daughter died and
eight years ago, his only son passed
away, Since that time, he had made
his home with his nephew, J. Keith.
The funeral took place on Tuesday
afternoon, 18th inst,, to Fairview cem-
etery, Listowel. The services were
conducted by Rev. J. Orawfovd, of
North Morniugton Ohurch. The
pallbearers were three nephews. Mese
ars. Roy Baird, Kitchener ; Arthur
Fellows, Brantford, and Norman Mc-
Leod, Olifford, and three life-long
friends, Messrs. Samuel Oorry, List-
owel, and Thos. Shearer and Robt.
Hardie, Elute.
Wm. H. Sanderson is spending two
weeks in Muskoka.
Wm, and Lorne Kaake were home
from Woodstock for the weekend.
0. D.. Simpson, Loring, Ont., called
on old friends in the village, on Mon-
Miss Mary Gibson has returned
from Muskoka, where she spent 3
Miss Margaret McTavish has return-
ed flout New Brunswick and is visit-
ing her mother, Mrs. D. McTavish.
Members of the United 'Workers So-
ciety enjoyed a picnic ab the Palace
Gardens, Formosa, last Tuesday after-
John Dickson, New York, who has
just, returned from a business trip to
England, spent a few days with his
F. V
airs. Whitmore,Whitmore,linrriatan ; Andel-
tre1 -
eon Black, Mrs. Little and Mrs. Pye,
of Toronto, and George Bleck, Wiig-
ham, were called home on account of
the serious illness of their father, R.
Black. John 731ack, of Ayr, a broth-
er, is also here,
New Advertixemeetr
131111 for hale -E, Huntley
Dancing at Wlichum Arens
Electric len pp -W, H, Love
Open for bustnesx Wroxeter Cider Mill
Farm for pile-13McCormick
Women wanted -P -1i Mille, Liptewal
Autumn Modes --King Bros,
Automobile iuppliex-Anderson's Garage
Wall Paper -F. H. Smith
For pale -Mks Al. Doff
Honey for pole --George Bone
Pigs for pate -Ohne, Cleaver
For enle-turn ,T Grant
Hester for sate --Phone t
Housekeeper wentrd-Wesley Searle
Experienced fernier -Phone 559
Auction vele-Arthur Meson
tttock•reduc}ng situ -W, G, Neel estate
Hans Rasmussen, London, is spend-
ing a fete days with his mother here,
James Rolston, sl•., James Rolston,
jr. toed John }Whiten, of Detroit, were
week -end visitor. with relatives here.
Friends of Robert Black will regret
to leau'n that he suffered a perltlytia
stroke at hie hnme here, early Sun-
day morning, and ie in a serious con-
The W. M. S. of the United Church
visited the Salem Auxiliary, at the
home of Mrs. 1J. Palmer, on Thursday
afternoon, when an interesting ad-
dress was given by Mrs, Walden, of
Under the auspices of the Anglican
Ohnrah Ladies' Guild, the young!
people of Belgrave presented the
play, "Deal 'Ent Over,' in the town
hall hers, last Wednesday evening.
There was a large attendance and the
different roles were well interpreted.
Proceeds were $65.00.
Ideal weather prevailed for the
School Fair held in the park and ad-
jacent rink building, last Wednesday
afternoon, There were six schools en-
tered in the various contests. For
the Strathcona exercises, Salem
School won fleet price ; Bluevale, sec-
ond, and Howick tic •
Grey School,
third, The cup given by the Bank of
Commerce for the best calf was won
by Stewart Musgrove and the T.
Eaton cup for the child winning most
points by Marie Doig, of Howick. The
prize list may be read on page 5.
Services at Ovanbrook Presbyterian
Church, next Sunday, will be held at
11 a. m, and 7.30 p. m. ; Preacher,
Rev. A. Forbes, D. D., of Teeswater ;
Soloist, H. Brian Jackson, Ethel,
A fowl supper will be held on Tues-
day, Oet, 2nd, supper from ti to 8 p.
m. Special entertainment by the
Caledonia Concert Party.
S. T. and Mrs. Bates and Mrs. Ed-
win Bates Loud son, Jack, all of Toron-
to, and Mee. Sanlield Empey, of Mer-
rickville, Ont„ spent the week -end
with with Mr, fates and Miss Fralick,
gravel rood.
Rev, A. W. Barker, of Brussels,
will address the Sunday School at
Victoria Hall, next Sunday afternoon
at 3 o'clock, to which all are invited,
This will be the close of the Sunday
School for this season,
On 'Thursday evening, Sept. 18th; a
nuutler of feiencls of Miss Evelyn
Turner [net at her home to do her
honor 10 a happy
1cowing r event. Aft-
er snlne time spent in games, Rev.
Ale. Hart called the people into the
diningroom, where a clothes basket
was well-filled with a miscellaneous
shower. Aft t
0'r a shnrt address, biles -
es Margaret Hayden, Eva Savage and
Eva Balfour proceeded to unwrap the
parcels and present them to the bride-
to-be, who thanked the friends for
«.+,«04.4.'+ »,:;w', ; 4.t +,«4:»:!+:44:»:,.+,«.',+ +: ; 44+; , r« 044+14. '$" 4 their kiudnese to her. The gifts were
one journey through life.
s, NlcSCOLSON-INNi+s. - On Tuesday,
V Sept. 18115, at 6.30 o'clock, a pretty
X wedding took place at thehome of W,
:to and Mrs. Suites, 314 Ross street West,
V Moose Jaw, when their only (laugh -
3, ter, Elizabeth Marshall Iunes, became
the bride of Donald John Nicholson
y only son of John Nicholson and the
Y late Mls, Nicholson, of Sydney Mines,
Nova Scotia. The ceremony was per-
formed by ' Rev. J. A. MacKe(gan,
pastor of St. Andrew's United Ohuroh,
The bride, who was given in marriage
by her father and entered the draw-
ing room to the strains of Lohengrin's
Bridal Chorus played by Mrs, T. 0.
1 May, Site wore a gown of coquette
faille taffetta trimmed with silver and
fS carried a briquet of American Beauty
roses. Immediately after, a buffet
supper was served. The table was
centred by the bride's cake in white
Presonting A tuf
1 ;;,
Now in our Showrooms
The New J. Et Cs Coats
Landsee knitted Wear
Beautiful Fax Scarfs
Certainly a remarkable collec-
tion of the season's Smartest
Wearable s awaits your judg-
ment here.
A wealth of styles and materials in the new
Fall shades -Navy Blue, Oak Leaf Brown,
Greys, Green, Red, Romany Blue, and'Black,
The fine fur trimmings have the approval of
every discriminating buyer -Wolf, Cocoa Fox,
American Opossum, Beaverine, Grey Lamb
or Alaska Sable. Prices begin at
$18.50 and range#to $125.00
Brocade Velvets Silk Velvets Velveteens
Pasha Cloths Wool Taffeta Scotch Tartans
A Complete line of Dress Silks.
King Bros.
both usrf$1 and ornamental, Ther
they all joined in singing "For She'e a
Jolly Good Fellow," after which
Y a
tact lunch was served. Everybody
wished the beide n happy and prosper -
tk..»4:01 . YNH14H4:4trt.[.40144.,3A4$4.S_FeHNVt. 2 .�.
Pwi:1Si�1 f\�
W anted
We have a number of open-
ings in our Knitting and
Sweater Finishing Depart-
ments for capable young
women. Excellent working
conditions ; light, clean,
modern mill, pleasant sur-
roundings.. Reasona b 1 e
board and lodging available
in our town. Those seeking
permanent employment on-
ly need apply. If possible,
apply in person to
The P i Listowel
Listowel, Ontario
The Palace
At Brussels Fall Fair
Grounds will be open
on the first evening
of the Fair
Thursday, October
from 7.30 to 111 o'clock
Admission 10 cents
and alive]. surrounded with silver vas-
es containing pink rases, Mrs, Innis,
mother of the bride, watt assisted in
serving by A11 -s. George limes, Mrs.
Charles Grieve, Mee. W. N'eclestume
and Ales. J. 13, tunes, Mr. and Airs.
Nicholson left ott the evening [ruin
foe Saskatoon aid points Weer and
will later take- tip their residence In
Shauntvntt. The bride travelled in a
rose beige 11ruudoloth roti1 trimmed
with Isabella fox, opening over a,
dress of beige crepe, with small model
hat to cotreepnn(l, Out-nf-town
guests were : Mrs. T. H. Ryder, of
Swift Current, and J, 13. and Mrs. In-
nes, of Shaunavon. 0Id friends join
in wishing the bride and groom much
Henry and Mrs, Muir and family
spent the week•emd in Kitchener.
Mies Jessie Miller, who is teaching
at Elmvilie, was home for the week-
Mrs. Harvey I.lulley, Who under-
went an operation for appendicitis in
Seaforth Hospital. is doing nicely.
Don't miss the humorous play
"Aunt Susan's Visit," which is to be
presented on Friday.evening of this
week in the Township Hall, Ethel, by
the young people of Bluevale,
John Grant is in a hospital, at pres-
ent, having utdet'gone an operation
for hernia, last week. We hope that
be will get along well and be able to
return home to enjoy better health
than he htts for the past few. months.
MATRIMONIAL - At high noon on
Wednesday, Sept. 19th, a very pretty
wedding was solemnized at the home
of Geo. and Mrs. Turner, when their
daughter, Evelyn Jean, was united in
marriage to Frank Chambers, ouly
son of Mr. and Mrs, Chambers, of
Langton, Ont. The bride, who was
given iu marriage by her father, wore
a beautiful gown of orchid georgette
crepe with jet bead ornaments and
grey kid shoes with hoes to thatch,
Her veil was of toile and caught
with orange blossoms. Rev. W.
Hart, of Trowbridge, officiated, The
marriage ceremony was performed
under an arch in the parlor, After
the ceremony, the guests, being only
immediate relatives, rep0rr•ed to the
dining -rooter, where the wedding din -
r was served. In the afternoon,
p e happy couF1e left cm a ntor trip
for Benin ton, Niagara Falls and Buff-
alo, The bride travelled in it navy
crepe dress, French broadcloth coat In
bottle green shade with grey fur and
hat to match. On their return, they
will make their home on the groom's
near •
farm n Langton.
The rains will soften up the ground
fpr ploughing,
Brussels Fair is next an the pro-
gram, 4th anti n�
October 4 the.
Sram Don't forget the Nrn'th Hum)
Plowing Match, near Leadbuty, next
We(17 es la ,Ott. 3rd,
Miss Verna McOutcheon, of 'Turin.
to, arrived home hest Friday for s
two -weeks' vacation,
\Ve ate all sorry to hear that Mee.
Geo. Kelly, 8th line, Morris, has heed
the misfortune to break her arm and
Wish her a speedy recovery,
Mrs. Crawford, who broke her arm
some time ago, is doingwell in fart.
remarkably well, for an old lady of
her age. Congratulations from all.
Dick Wallace returned to New Yotk,
N. Y„ on Saturday, after spending a
two weeks' vacation with his mother
and other relatives and friends in the
township. Old friends are always
glad to see hint.
Anniversary services will be con-
ducted in Ebenezer Church (Bluevale
Oircuit),on Sunday, October 7th, at
11 a, m, and 7.30 p. m., by Rev, D. M.
Guest, of Ethel. Everybody is invit-
ed to attend time services,
land Plain Dealer, of Sept. 15th, had
the following obituary, which refers
to a Emmet. Morris girl : "Funeral ser-
vices for Mrs. Ella Jewell, for fifteen
years the Superintendent of the Flor-
ence Crittenden Horne, will be held
to -morrow ot 8.80 p, m„ by the Order
of the Atoarantb, at the funeral par.
lore of Charles Melbourne k Sete,
12787 Euclid avenue, Many of the
girls whom she has helped when they
bad to start out to face the World
with a moveless baby will slip quietly
in with the friends and family who
pay their final tribute. Already, her
only sol, Sidney Jewell, with whom
she lived at 470 E. 109th street, has re -
calved many telegrams and long dist.
once cane from these girls, many of
whoa are now married and living in
happy hnnres, Mrs. Jewell eves born
m Morrie Township, where her moth.
er, Mrs. It Kearney, 86, is still living,
She was widowed eighteen gears ago.
She was very much interested in the
Order of the Amaranth, o£ which she
weir a member and of which her son is
grand lecturer for Ohio. Six of the
(Misers of the Order/will speak at her
funeral and the burial eervioe at Acac-
is cemetery will be conducted by Rev,
Mat ten Sto'gaord. Her sister, Mrs,
Elizabeth Forbes, of Belgrave, Ont„
and her two brothers, Jatnes ,Ifearn-
Til I:
Will bepresented bythe 'leen
People of Bluevale in the
Township Hall
friday Ev'g, Sept. 28
Under auspiees of Ladles' Aid
of Ethel Presbyterian
Play is Highly Recommended
Admission 350 and 25e
sy, of Bluevele, Ont., aid Frank
Kearney, of Brussels, will attend the
The funeral of the late Mrs, Wm,
T. Bowman was held ftum the home
of her daughter, hits. John Yuill,
Con. 8, on Friday afternoon last.
Rev. F. G. Fowler, pastor of Melville
Church, Brussels, of which the deceas-
ed was a faithful member, conducted
the services at the horse and grave-
side. The pallbearers were old ueigh-
bora and friends, W. Sellers, T. Bone,
0, Henderson, J. Shaw, W. Yuill and
J. Hogg.
The School Fair Prize List will be
published next week.
Mrs. Jas. Bremner and Billie are
spending a week in Seaforth.
Mrs. Robt. Bremner is still confined
to the house through illness, We
hope she will be better soon.
Jos. Engler is in the Kitchener
Hospital, where it is expected that he
will undergo an operation, this week,
Owigg to the anniversary services
in Cranbroolc, next Sunday, thele
will be no service in Ethel Presbyter-
ian Church.
A Communion service will be held
on Sunday next at 3 p. m., in Union
United 011urch.-Thankoffering ger.
vice in Ethel United Church Lo 7.30.
Rev. J. W. Johnston will have
charge ofthe anniversary se.rviees in
the Union United Ohara], mi Sunday,
Oct. 14th, 0.111 a, m, ana 7.30 p, itis
The humorous play entitled "Amit
Susan's Vieit," will be presented by
the young people of Bluer:tie in the
Tow s
n 1 p Hall, on Friday evening of
this week, under the auspices of the
Ladies' ' -I ,
a e Aid of the en e'
e Pa t t lie
church. The playis
highly tern
mended and nobody
shculci raise it,
The School Fair Prize List twill be
published next week
Jnr and eh 0. Dttt bol• are rtjel"it,g
0557' OW iu t iv:,i of a fine tot hp girt.
J. and Aire, BBuik, nl' 'i', ionto, i05
vioiloi, with the l.tl.tel'':,truing Jrts.
Mrs. Anderson, 5th i.,,t, Morris
Dant turd Mrs, (te/1d/ s have r,, meted
aItet ; a 1ae
nFudina'Cleat nit 10' irdav a It It
relatives aL NaI'tine 81,11 StraiiIt's
Fails. -
Amann McGowan and hie sister,
Miss Mary Al„ of Atni•y, Otegntt,
were visitors with ells. C. R. Clouiteo
and femile.
Mrs. Gordon, formerly of Teesa'at-
el, died veru soddenly on Tuesday
meriting, al, the home or her snn•iu-
and dun hie • nen.,
g r, 1 J. and Mts.
McGee, 10th line, Eat Wawai,oelt.
SX-iow'Elt, -A very pleasant tituP
n as spent on 'Thursday evening rP
last week, when to large number of
friends met: together at the home o1'
\V. J. awl Mrs, Geddes and presented
their daughter, Eugenie, with a mis-
cellaneous shower in honor of her ape
proaohingg marriage, The gifts wore
both useful and beautiful and carried
with them best wishes for het' tains
happiness, The bride-to-be thanked
those present for their gifts. Several
musical 0001nlhers and some contests
were enjoyed after which lunch was
Why not lay plane for a School
Fair, next year P Only a little pep
and boosters are needed,
Robert and Mrs. Shaw, Bluevale,
announce the engagement of their
daughter, Bernice, to )8at•l Heaslip;
son of the late John and Mts. Heaslip,
of Craighurst, Ont., the wedding to
take place in October.
'oVedueeday morning of last; week
about eight&clonk, fire destroyed to
bank been about 50x50, a two storey
driving shed about 30x40, the season's
crop ot grain and threshing outfit be.
longing to E. Palmer, Threshing op.
eratiols had just started, eleauing tip
a couple of stacks outeide, when Geo.
Thompson noticed a email blaze in the
straw oubside, no doubt caused by the
wind blowing the straw against the
exhaust pipe of a gasoline engine in
the stable used for pumping water.
By the time he had taken the car cut
of tho garage, the flames were roaring
over the ince., In lase than half -an.
hour, the barn roof and sides itad fall-
en in, A strong wind blew towards
the house and to save ib, a half•dozen
splendid pine trees, part of a hand-
sotne windbreak, were cut down and
pulled away, While about twenty oth-
Sunday, Sept, 30th
11 a m. and 7.30 p.m.
Rev. Dr. Forbes, of Teeswater,
will pleat( h
Fowl Supper
and Concert
Tuesday, Oct. 2nd
Supper from 6 to 8
Program by
MacGregor Concert Party
of Caledonia
Admission 50 and 25 cents
Splendid Program for Friday's Big
Show - Good Concert for Night.
Thursday and Friday, Oct. 4 and
5 are always red letter days for Brus-
sels, even if the weather man does
not favor us with good weather some-
The annual fair will be much im-
proved this year. On Thursday even-
ing, the Palace, which has been wired
for Hydro, will be open to the citi-
zens, to view the inside exhibits.
On Friday 'afternoon at 1 o'clock
sharp, the school pupils will march
from Victoria Park, headed by the
Milverton Band, which has been en-
gaged for the day. During the af-
ternoon the various schools will have
their drills to he followed by the
Baby Show and Hnreetehoe Pitching
contest. There will also be foitracc
for the boys end girls.
Three aneetrie,eente is will he inn
off. The 2.13 Trot or Pee"; the 2.40
Trot or peso; end n inial tent or
In the evenie,rt ,e C ,n Can r'rt
('nlrneny of T Teeeete.elle. min
' of their 4n,,:•, the 'lessen
Hill. Pim of holt for v•tserved seet,
• will omit at Allen', 1tree c, t,: , on
( a
Saturate! of t r•= t!• •a k. 5;?.... t ; ,t.
ague,( imll, inn+.1 ft„
r i t
Wingham Arena
F Every Thursday Night during
September October November
Jitney Datocine COME
Personal Paragraphs 1
D. Al. Start, of L ,mine. w'ts it visit„
or in tvwi', List Y1''"',
Will and AL•s. L ..v r3' '•f [, mden,
05000' week -end 5i0ta„ lir Hrnssels,
1''t'an4'I' Sti riehan, tot Chittigo, is vis-
iting with Itis mother, 51rs.'l'. Strach-
Airs. Donald evertor. of Bright,.
seem Sunday with Ituhert and Mrs.
W. J. Procter and Miss Lnlrh
have 1'eturned horn their visit to Tol-
edo, Ohin. -
Robert Deyell, Wieghatn. visited at
the home of James Williamson, or,e
clay earl. week.
Mrs .T. A. Felcnner and daughter,
Mrs. E. Palmer, are rleilitrg the form-
er's sister, Mrs. Duncan MacDonald.
Mrs. J. Johnston, of \Vieghare. is
visiting at the home of her father,
George Campbell, Graham's Survey,
Miss Rebecca Holmes was laid up
for a few days Inst week, hit is able
to he bank at her shop again, we are -
glad to say
Al re. A. McGuire was at Clinton, on
Saturday, attending an Executive
meeting rf the Huron County Temp-
erance Workers.
Jos, Guerin and Alec Coleman were
at Guelph, last week, doing some re-
pair work in property belonging to
the former in that city,
Wm. Heine, of ;Toronto, and the
Misses Brine. of Seufnrth, were visit-
ors for several day. daring the past.
week with P. and !fire. meat.
\V. J. Alc('racken aconlparlied by
Misses Amanda and bra Mel •raeken,
Airs. Ida Lowry loin Mise Florence
Tiuehamin were Sunday risilnrs in
Gen. ant} Aire. levee' and Hylvester
and Mrs Israel, Kitelumet:, and Wal-
ter end Mrs. Israel, of Detr.,it, were
neer end vision; with .1,,e. and Mrs.
Airs. Rusvel j't11111el' tired daughter,
'0''Pnt. t,0n, iter. b iliday 50010 000 at the
home ad' A. C.. nd '1rs. 1).n ws. Mr.
7,innu t n . here for a temple of days
ereeteete,,reel etre Relit.
e.ell 1
Iht• A ni "a t, : � a•n daring..
t Ile i,, -r w, t I.. 3,'t!.. ill i I,,.t return.
to Nl'itelser vi I ,
It 1. rt
ire v 1 \C I il:,., 'v. -Iowa an-
t y mom: 11 112 t litho, on
a� I t t r ; e• r.
t i t%� n r ,
i n, tin-
It lea 1 r ill 1 1 ( ��
ty 1
t lir' t --1a,
7 1 3 li i aWi 'au, r•n Fn ,
lu .Ire
Alt 11 m n: 1 timlle
d 3' .r the
will t, t !et Ithn11 ith, Ilan ..•• ft
r t>;,,eti,s, with her
t I( )l tin I t'r,n'p-12 )' ,•.,ti lid Ott, ""''''
rr seg s, h i t u •h„ 11 iu•01•.1nin
hn g
15'r nr.ul, rl rf rano rOh} acr0: 0011••0. (t \\ •lle,h v I11 p101 0 1, aceto. 50110
i h.,. rn-t-t'•tu1ur•d tool, ., mon! its in
} aiettil „ter tit..• ndditinnal
n nm( gt
t,.l:uuilw 011.0 has r..mo 00 thk lmun'
within it yeeit,
'r•. Jean Al,x', ret lee •r•epted 6
p.,,i'tot, with r he 1 .'••inn -l1 •rtold it
tel ruff etal, iter Li mu" to c, nnnehce on
tL!tohrr lel,
'fill annual ]l,trVest 'Thanksgiving
j service of St. Gem gee. Ohm eh, Witt -
ten, will be held next Sunday, Sept.
! 30111, tot 3 p. in. }rev. Maui ire F. 01d -
u m lector of Atwon
d ui11 he the
s eelal n'ea • er 1
i preacher, altanbers of p the
eongregatiou ate 10 meet, at the
clinch, on Saturday ttfternonn. for
the purpose of app: opt lately decorat-
itlg It for the tCCnsintl.
George (]hatters, ton employee of R.
0. McGowan, hist \Vawanosh, was
knocked down, apparently by a hit-
` and -tun motorist. on Saturday even -
tog, inti was picked up in an uticon-
scions contrition, Hs was injured iu
I the head, but Dr, Ross, of Blyth, utt-
tter whose care be is, is hopeful of his
recovery. Charters was walking in.
to Biyth when sttuclt by the motor
err, He was left lying by the road-
! side it}1 another passing motorist hap-
pened led a]nng and brought him. into
town. The victim was later taken to
the home of his sister, Mrs. Thomas
lotidlaw, in 111nrr'ig Township. No-
1h1ng11,l5 been discovered as to the
ideulit y of the ear or its dt•iver calls•
itee the injury.
Orangemen and To SP Blues to the
number of ahem. 50 from Blyth and
dinttiet atlarelied to Trinity Anglican
Ohtueh, last So Tidos., lune were ad-
dressed by Rev, W. 8, Hawkins, who
is leaving for Forest. IL was tot the
rt(111ns1of the brethren that the aper..
roto M10. Viet. wits teed, \it, Haw idtis
gave ton impressive address on the
traditions loud aim of the order, He
reviewed the eiget ivatit,',. dating
from the Battle of the Boyne, fond
emphasized that the Orange Order is
a religious ot•gaoizaticn and not poi -
Moroi, as 15 often I eputed to if Tts
g the tt Ilull(1•
ing of Christian ,rind les
claimed that the liherties pgained ut
the Battle of the Boyne ehonid be
greatly appreciated and carefully
guarded. Mrs, Iiawkitts toed Miss
Alice Rogerson ger on sang in good vejcs
Jesus Saviour, Abide with Ste. , Mr,
(Lia va , spending het vaeatinttat
her homo het e with het 1• irents, Itob-
010 ttou} tilt,'. ()liver,
\ t ss of the hotue of bits. M.
Cram het durin • the pest,
two weeks
Were Airs. ti Ohl.mpi,n and two
.nos, '!'nth and Percy, of Brooklyn,
N. Z. ; Airs. 13. Champion, of Linke
now John and Mre, Coutts, Corm„
and K. Patterson, of \Vhiterhut•ch.
Church Notes
St. John's Church
Rev. M, F. Oldhatn, of Atwood, wil.i
be the preacher in St, John's Church,.
next Sunday Morning, In the after-
noon, he will conduct Harvest.
Thankegiving services at Walton.
The rector will be home for , the even-
ing service.
The annual Harvest Thanksgiving
services of Sb.n
J he's Church, Brus-
sels, will be conducted by Bev. Mr.
Harrison, of Clinton, on October 14th),.
both morning and evening. The
choir is busy with special music for
the occasion. The members of the,
Ladies' Guild are busy In sparing for'
loot fowl supper to be held ort the
Monday following (October 15113), to
bite church beseut,rut. This will be
followed by to ronaert in the town.
hull tot half past. eight sheep, Ar.
rautgements tort: being made to secure
ftrst•(lnality net tete for the program
from 5V1oglaul and other places.
watch fo the ads,
Hawkins will ituld his fot•ewell se> vice
r-0, next lin00(1013,
,6 sees.
Our local 0; P. It, agent, Welling,
Urn Cowan, of West Mookton, has.
been successful in placing 50 English••
leen o, ferule in this district, The
farmers are well pleated with tile•
class of men coming el
a l e tt a u tg n
Pf lire'hunts in.
1vrtgland In work of the farms in Mtn..
oda, 'They have forted thPii help val..
thele in taking off the hitt Vest and
in general work on Ihc' fat no, The.
Partners are cnngralmlatieg Mr. Cnty-
an nn hie eueeese ilr I,1 iligirte nut the
right class of teen to work on thee,
iarme in Canada,