HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1928-9-12, Page 1VOL. 57 NO, 13 2,00 per annum in advance 133 USSELS, ONTARIO. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER I2, I928 S.eciaitispiay � ,n � � grosses Ladies Coats ail We have made arrangements for Special Display of Ladies' Coats and Dresses for Wednesday, Sept. 19th Come and see the Styles and get our Prices. J. Ferguson & Co. 3. - 44+4.4 b3.4.444i 14+ 4.44»E3»/: teIstel e$»I»:» 2»t»ti` r: dtT a reaIii The Surrounding District BLUEVALE John Smith took in the London Fair, this week. W. O. Smith finished decorating the United Church, Met Creek. John and Mrs. Hall spent Sunday at the home of L. and Mrs. Roach, Herb Shiell received and delivered a cat load of fertilizer, this week. W. J. and Mrs. Masters spent Sun- day at the home of Wm, and Mrs, Elliott, at Wroxeter. Quite a number from here have been at Toronto attending the Exhib- ition and report having a good tune. W. and Mee. Mathers and family, of Guelph, spent the week -end with the former's parents, Geo. and Mrs. Math. ars. J. Wesley Beattie and the Misses Ethel and Florence Beattie, of Sea - forth, spent Smndity at the home of their uncle, F. B. Scott. R. J. Henderson, of Kincardine, is relieving W. J. and Mee. Masters at the 0. N. It., while he is away for a couple of weeks' vacation, There was a good turn -out to the meeting of the Women's Association of the United Church held at the home of Mise Mary Collie. Lunch was served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. Goidott Hall, The many friends of Mrs. David Ramsay, who is undergoing treat- ment at Guelph, will be sorry to learn that she is not snaking much improve- ment and hope that she may soon take a t.11t'1) for the better. 1-1 THE ron Plowman's ,ssociati' ¢n Will hold their Fifth Annual Plowing Match on =i `y ednesday,Oct ct 3rd on the farm of David Boyd, McKillop Twp. 1I miles East of Leaclbury The field is in first-class condition for both fancy and practical farming, so have your plows ready for the big Match. $350,00 in Cash Prizes CLASS 1 -With high eat plows, in sod, Free-for-all. CLASS 2 -General Purpose, Wooden handled plows, in sod, Free -for all. Skimmers barred. Cut allowed, CLASS 3. --An open. class with w ide bottonxplows in sod w'tth skimmers" straight practicle p1 owing. No handling' al- lowed. CLASS 4-1.loys, 10 and under 19 years, in sod. Skimmers allowed. CLASS 5 -Boys, under 16 years, in stubble, with Skimmers. ed, CLASS 0 -Single .Riding Plows in sod. Flee -for -all. Skimmers allowed CLASS 7 --Tractors, open to men owning Tractors in the County. Class 8 -Heavy Tractors, with 3 furrow prows, 12" bottom in sod. Entries must be received by Sec.-Treas. by Sept. 26th Speciai Prizes Splendid list of Special Prizes, as yet incomplete, will 'be announced later. Rules and Regulations Competition open to Ontario. Amount of land l; plow, left for Committee to decide. Teams to be an grounds at 9 a.m. to start plowing at 9.30. Finish to be made at 4 p. m. Average depth of fbrrow _6 inches. No shaping of furrow after 2 rounds on crown, Judges' decision to be final No shifting of stakes after start is made. Each Plowman allowed one helper only, All' crowns to be finished before lunch. PIM -emelt to Gee 6 rounds en crown, Prizes to be paid on ground before leaving. Entrance foe, $1.00, except in n Class 5. Directors ';o be on grounds at 9 a.m., wearing official badges. All General Purpore Plows must have plane either Coulter or shier. Except in Class 2. RULES WILL BE STRICTLY OBSERVED PRIZES --There will be 4 prizes in each Blase, viz: -$1 5.00, $12,00; $10.00 and $8.00 -either cash or its value. Trader Class -- Prizes 620,00; $15.00, $15.00 and $10.00, There will be a beoth on grounds where plowmen can buy lunch. For Further Pariteu1 ars writs -L. E. CARDIFF, Secretary -. Brussels, On. irons, no cut, New aeverthseweuts Young women waatod.-f.istowelP I{ Mills rthee)natio (lure-Alfrt-,1 anghs)t Flame= for sitle-st stile-sCarter Pigs for sate --John t3 vtevea,eoo Hot Fowl supper -13o United i'tnrrh Special dlspiey John lrurgneon a; t '0. leen sllliinery Mtse Gertrude Anne/' Sealed tenders S E O'Brien Your Pickles -.F 11. Smith Piano Tuning -J. 0. Blackstone Si ea art and el! Wee Elliott were operated ou for the removal or their tonsils, at the \Vinghaiu Hospital, on Tuesday, Sept, 41h, Stewart is get- ting ttloig nicely, but Maxine has had a couple of heulnrrhages and is quite weak. Theis, to uiy friends hope they will snow he wnI1 again. :rhe peintisrg and decni•sting has been moil:Ined at the United Chnrelt bete and eeulbilled r'e.opening and an- niversary services will be held on Sim - day, Sept. 1.6th, when Rev, J. A. Walker, a returnee nlissinuary, will preach at 11 tt• ns. and 7 30 p, ni. A special Thank -elan ing will be taken, The Ladies' Aid and W, M. S. of the Knox Presbyterian Church met, in the schoolroom of the church, on Thurs- day afternoon, Sept. 6th with a gond attendance. The W. M. S. was pre- sided neer by the President, Mrs. Pet• er S. McEwen. The meeting was op ened by singing the first two verses of "fescue the Perishing," and the Pres- ident read the Scripture lesson, Luke Sth Chapter fro" verse 23, and prayer by Mrs, Cameron Adarne. Mrs, Roy Turvey read the chapter. "Guide Poste," taken from the Study Book, which deals with the work being ac- complished in the homes and schools for boys and gitle in the Canadian West and in Quebec. After singing the last two verses of hymn 594, the meeting closed with prayer by Miss Margaret Campbell, The October meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Rpy Turv,ey, GREY • Elden Wilson, 10th Con., has gone West to assist in the harvest fields, Jae. Ireland continues in a very weak condition, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. 0. Smith, Miss Willem Lowe, who took hon- ors in her Entrance Class, is now at- tending Brussels High School. Wm. and Mrs. Hudson and family, of Detroit, spent Labor Day at the home of Mrs. Hudeon's'sister, Mrs. A. Yuill. 3, J. Strachan and Miss Jessie visit- ed daring the past week at the home of their aunt, Mrs, Wm, Cameron, near Owen Sound. Miss .lean Turnbull, B. A., daugh- ter of Oliver and Mrs. Turnbull, 15th Con„ has accepted a position on the Kincardine High School staff, 'We wish her a successful year. CARD OF THANKS. - We wish re thank our neighbors and friends for their kind words and deeds in the death of nur father , the late Robert Carr. They will net be forgotten. Sox AND DMU(iITERS• HOT SUPPER, -A hot supper will be served at Roe's United Church, on Friday evening, Sept, 18t11, from 0 to 8 o'clock. This will be followed by n play "Deal 'Em Over," by young people of Br(grave Anglican Choreh, Keep the date fn mi„d, 'Phos, and San, Yudil, of Vander- bilt, Mich„ visited its the home of their heather, A. quill, also with Walter Yuill and Ales Peter McDong- ald, Yuill Bros. are very extensive farmers and own a large tenet of land and outside of their general crop, they have this year muter cultivation up- wards of 11)0 acres of potatoes. Sparks front the thl eshitig outfit of \V..1. Shorhreed, while operating on the farm of ,inn, Its, Deltaic]. 10th Cos., Grey caused a disastrous Hee,, on Monday morning about 10 o'clock. The hen house was the starting point of the lire and it spread with such rapidity that practically everything was ooneumed-large frame barn, out- buildings, entire season's crop, asrum- ber of pigs, together with the separat- or, Irl an endeavor to bitch a chain to the separator in order to remove it +4Now that the i Threshing Season sl « '=i is on you will =wanta e •_• Choice C�' 3. . Roast 0 1= Y , Bael�eir Bros. � s �, 5 iia(se 7 i 1or28 Jr Our Motto : Quality and Service r C Phones -81101A p6 a: L'. Players, Pianos Organs Tuned and Repaired Satisfaction Assured 3. C. Blackstone Orders taken by Walker & Black from the barn, Jas, Sltortreed was severely burned about the arms and back nl the neck, while W. J. Short. reed collapsed from over exertion, The loss will be heavy to both Mr. leiclh,nald and Mr. Shertreed and is only pertly covered by insurance. ENGAGEMENT. - George and Mrs, 1'nrner announce the engagement of their daughter, Evelyn J,. to Frank Chambers, son of I. and Airs. Chianti. ere, of Langton, Ont. The marriage will take place shortly. The funeral of the late Robt. Carr was held on Wednesday last, front hie late home on Con, 4, Grey, Service was conducted at the house at 2 p. tn.. by Rev. Mr, Guest, of Roe's United Church. The deceased was in his 8Lst year and had spent the greater part of his life in Grey. He had been in failing health for a number of years and during 'the past few years had been confined to the house. The de- ceased was a etaonch member of the former Methodist Church and for many years, he was very active in the work of the church, eepecially in the Sunday School, where be was leader for a number of years. Although un- able to take any part in church work for a number of years, he was, until the end of his life, interested in the spiritual life of the community and in his death the community loses one whose life was en example of Christ- ian faith and service. WROXETER Thos, Gibson, of Winnipeg, is visit- ing his mother, Mrs. T. Gibson. John Douglas and Allan Munro have purchased new Essex coaches. R. Laidlaw, of Detroit, was a recent yisitor at the home of A, J. Sander- son. Rev. E. F. Chandler, of Fordwich, preached in the United Church on Sunday. T. Smith, the new millet, has pur- chased Mrs. J. Hoffman's residence on Howieh street, Dr. T. Bali, of Harrietou, who re- cently suffered a fractured shoulder bone, is visiting relatives in Howlett. John Douglas has sold his hardware business to Alvin Moffatt, who was formerly employed in the store and is well told favorably known here. He will take possession in two weeks, A large number of members aid Mends of the Salem United Chorch met at the home of John alci Mrs. Gemini'', Turn berry, Monday evening for a social gathering, tinting which time hir. Gemtnill was made the re- cipient of a watch, knife and chairs, and Mos. Gemtnill a table cloth. They leave been moat active workers in the church and twill be greatly missed but prying to ill -health Mr. Gemtnill has, decided to leave the farm and wove to Winghturh this week, ETHEL Jas, Milne, of St, Joseph's Island, spent a few days at the home of his brother, D. Milne. Ethel's favorite past -time, these daye, is croquet, and no small amount or pleasure is derived front it, R. and Mrs. Maw and family, of Hamilton, spent the week -end at the borne of Chas, and Mrs, Cleaver. Roe's Church hot supper will be held next Tuesday, Sept. 18th. Good sup- per and program by the young people of Belgrave. Wilfred and Mrs. Dokinier visited with 0. Eckmier over the week -end. The latter returned with them to their home in Stratford. Miss Dorothy Franklin returned borne, of Monday, from Listowel Hosital, where she had been for a few weeks. We hope that she will be bet-' ter soon, At the time of writing, the Hydro men are joining up the hcroses in the village that are ready for hydro and it begine to look as if we may very shortly be passing from the dark age . to the light, in one settee at least. Arttong those who are attending ing High School in Brussels, we mn- derstatd that the following are rep- resenting our village : Doris Gill, 17d. ua Franklin, Dorothy Fear, Jack Sanders, Jean Sanders and Calvin Kcauter. Threshing is elle order of the day. On Satmrday last, there were no less than fore otttflte at work almost in the village, at the following farms : Jim Bremner, Ed. Rowland. Thos, Vodden told Quest Dobson. We won- der if there are as many machines at• the job elsewhere. On Monday night, the Hoadley r of Li towel tresented Concert, Pat s 1 y a splendid program, in the '.l.'ownship. Hall, under the anspiees of the local 'True Blue organization, The pro. gram was very interesting and ex- eeptionally well rendered, but the at, tendance was very small. No doubt, ofnumbers may in a wa be act - counted m m a y y counted fete by the buey sea96n among the farmers, but after every allowan- ee is made, there must kstill be very many who do not appreciate a good evening's entertainment, such as was provided and in thie regard, they are the losers, The Hoadley Concert' Party have, however, given ue some I IliOT Fowl thipper AND CONCERT Roe R 'S United �h�arch Tuesday, Sept. 18th Supper served from 6 to 8 Good program consisting of a play entitled "ileal 'em fiver" presented by the Young People of Belgrave Angli. can Church. Admission 50 and 25 cents idea of the line of entertainment they are prepared to give and we feel sure that when they appear again, they will have the inspiration of a larger crowd. Miss Ila Rogers, of Los Angeles, Oal., visited her cousin, Mee. Chas. Haneuid. Miss Rogers has just re- turned from a three•ntonthe' sight. seeing trip through Europe. On Sunday next, there will be no service in the Ethel United Church on account of the anniversary services in Roe's United Church. Hear Rev. W. D. McDonald, of Egmondville, at11 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Listowel United Church Male Quartette will furnish special music, 9 WALTON Geo, E. and Mrs. Ferguson and children, of Toronto, spent the week- end at the former's old home. Mrs, Jno, Tyler has received the sad news of the death of her sister, Mrs. T. J. Carroll (Beatrice), who died sud- denly in Grand Forks, B. 0 , on Aug- ueet 22nd, She left to mourn her loss a loving husband, two brothers and six sisters. BROTSEle PASSES AWAY, -The death of Robert Anderson Bell, 588 Downie street, Stratford, who had been ill for about five years, occurred on Monday morning, Sept, 3rd, at about 2 o'clock, at hie late residence, The late Mr. Bell was born 55 years ago in McKill- op Twp., but had lived in Stratford for the past twenty years, He at- tended the Latter Day Saints` Re- organized Church. He is s•trvived by hie widow, his paeeute,. 3, and Mrs. Bell, of Mitchell ; three brothers. James, of -Stratford ; Solomon, of Toronto • Edmond, Mitchell, and three sisters, Mrs. 11. Stilmore, of Walton ; Mrs. G. Richardson and Mrs. H. Irvine, of Toronto. and one daughter, Shit'ley, at home. The fuu- eral took place last 9Wednesday tate - noon. The remains were taken from the home of James Bell, 99 Water et., to - the Latter Day Saints' Ohui'rh, where the service wee held at 2 30 o'clock. Interment tools place in Av- ondale cemetery. • When word ryas received here, last Thursday night that William (1, Neal had passed away in Toronto General. Hospital, the community was greatly shocked. Mr, Neal had not been in good health fol some time and had n»ly recently returned to Canada from a trip to the Old Country. The deceased was been in Brussels 60 years ago and as a sinail lad came to Walton with his parents and grew up in the general store, Some years ago, be assumed complete control and dur- ing his life, he took an active interest in all matters pertaining to the wel- fare of the community. The body waa bronght home, on Friday evening and the funeral was held on Sunday afternoon. The servicee were con- ducted by Rev. W. J. Maines, pastor of Duff's United Ohurch, and 1115 offic- ers of St. John's Lodge A, F. 4i A, M„ Brussels, also conducted their service at the graveside. The pallbearers were : Bros, Gen. Watt, P. B, Gar- diner, A. McDonald, G. L. Badley, John Logan 'and John McDon- ald, Interment was made in the family plot itr Brussels cemetery. Deceased was the elder sort of )Mrs, Rebecca Neal and the late William Neal. Besides 1119 mother, he is sur- vived by one brother, Dr, F, 0. Neal, of Peterbnrn. The sympathy of the community goes out to thein in their sudden bereavement. BELGRAVE 0, R. Cnnites was in Toronto, 11, and Mrs, Yet le ate ttivay on their lloitdaye, Miss Gwen McDowell, of Stratford, was a visitor with relatives here, 3, 'Lana Mee, Coultes and* Albert oonites spent Sunday with relatives in Exeter, Roy Armstrong, of Windsor, is holidaying ab the home of his parents ie Morris.. Itarold and Mrs, Buffett, oflDetroit, were holidayiitors vsat the home of 0. R. and Mrs, Cnultee, ltliss Dorothy Brydgss, of Detroit, was a holiday visitor with her per- sists, and it J, as Al Br , T e hyd(fes. Mrs J,'F. McCallum and Mrs, Ilett Watson were in 13anilton \ts delegat. es to the Grand Lodge of the L, T, 13, A. FALL Openings Eeptemhcr 14 & 15 You are cordially in- vited to visit my Show Rooms. Gertrude Miller WALTON j. L. KERR, Propyietor (1. and alts, Wade spent a few clay in Tor onto. Henry Armstrong has returned to Windsor after spending a few day with his patents, W. I"l. and Mrs Armstrong, Mortis. Mary and Dene Van Camp, tvht spent the Summer with their aunts Mrs, J. T. °copes and Mrs. wit), have returned home to Exeter. .Miss Stella Nethery, who has been spending her vacation with her par ents. 3. and Mrs. Nethery, in the vitt age has returned to the West to re some her duties as teacher there, Mrs. Annie Cecilia 3'oran, Belgrave, aunouncee the engagement of her daughter, Mary Selena, to John Lew is McGuire, of Clinton, Ont., the wed. ding to take place in Sacred Heart Church, St, Augustine, Ont, on Wed. nesday, Sept. 26th. Oliver A. and Mrs. Hudson and son, Oliver, and Edward Meihke, of Jam• aica, Long Island, are visiting at the homes of Mrs, R, Proctor and sons and Wm. J. McMurray, The Hudson family are cousins of our residents and have spent several enjoyable vacations bere, Mr, Hudson, jr., and Mr, lsleinke are instrument wiremen for the General Electric Co. A Harvest Thanksgiving service will lee held in Trinity Church, Bei - grave, on Sunday, Sept. 10th. at 230 p. m, The special preacher for the day will be Rev, H. W. Snell, B, A., of St. Paul's Church, Stratford. Mr. Snell is well-known in this vicinity and is deservedly popular. Mrs. Hawkins will sing The Thank -offer- ing will be devoted to the Diocesan Budget apportionment. Come if you can. You are welrnme, CLINTON Joseph Copp it life-long resident of Huron County, passed away at his home in Clinton, on Saturday, the re- sult of a stroke suffered nn Friday,. He was in his 79th 7541'. The deceas- ed man was born in Huron County and throughout his entire life, be was an esteemed and respected resident of the community in which he resided, He was was a member of St.. Paul's Anglican Church and of Clinton Lodge No. 34 A.F. & A, 151, Two sons, Dr. E. til. Copp and Dr. J. 0. Copp, and two daughters, Mee. \V, Greig and Miss Clara Copp, R. N., sur- vive. The funeral was held nn Toes. day, under the direction of Clinton Lodge A. F. & A. M. Personal Paragraphs f Mise, Nein Mcllowell has been visit- in5lu Tor mitts ivitlt relatieee JIM Oliver, of Detroit, spent a few days with his parents, slur+, and Mrs, Oliver, A EV. I. Gilphl, of St. Lm5lg, wits a visuor with 3119 lethal, lima week fur a few days, on the (1. N.r 11. s t r is I tiCalt,v wits employed Fol S,uutay. Archie Stewltt� t, of Toronto, has been spending hie betide}, at the par- ental home. ( r rge and Mfrs, Dawson,of Ti vet' ton, were week -end visitin's in Bios sols itt the 1a2.: er'g 1,, tn+•. 1f. Ysiteak d» in'Perontn to attend the .1'wis1i Chill ell li'Iislay, Resit Basilan% on Satin tiny. s J11,1, 01iv, t gr., tvn- t dieting with sales at 'I'ntunt❑ lexhinit.inn for the Dre 3, g-...151 '('urnlickUn, s T. D. Warwick, V. S., was down to . Toronto to see the (r'ottiug race with "Bat tie (ls'ace," on Friday last. Miss Edith Dunbar, North Ton- , awanda, N. Y., is spending a few daye at the home of Mrs. Jas. Speir. Mts. Schmidt (Nurse Henderson) and two (hither', of Pasadena, Oal„ . are guests of Mtss Addie Cardiff Mr, and Mrs. Timmins and Mrs. Mo- F'addeu, of Toronto, were week -end visitors with le, and Mrs. Walker. Baht, Anderson, whn has been em- ployed in Toronto for the last couple - of weeks, has returned to town. William Lane, ex,Treastn'erof Hur- on County, has left to vigil hie son in Vancouver for an indefinite period. Mrs. A,McGune retutned last week, after spending a month with her daughter, Mrs. J. T. Mason, atMerlio, Mrs. Alex. Cuthill and Miss Margar- et, of Winthrop, were visitors with the Misses Fulton for several days last week. Earl and Mrs. Ackeson, of HamiI- ton, and Miss Ada Gallaher were vis- iting with Gordon and airs. Gallaher, over the week -end, Fred and Mrs. Adams, of Toronto, and their daughter, Edith, who now lives in the States, were calling oil old friends in town, on Monday, Geo. Moss, of Gnderich, was calling on the Downing Bros„ last Friday. Fort}( -eight years ago, the visitor was wor.king for the boys' father in Goder- sch Ts(u Pose is very sorry to learn of the serious illness of Mrs. Win. Bow- man, of town, who is -at present und- ergoing treatment ie \Viugham Hosp- ital. Joe and Mrs,'Wnods, of Waterloo ; John and Mrs. Woods and Mrs, Jas. Facey, of Hanburg, were the guests of Frank and Mrs, Woods over the week -end, Henry and Mee. Hags and family and Mrs. Kiel, of Kitatiener, and Fred and Mss. Leirch and sou, of Atwood, spent Sunday et the home of Joseph and Mrs. Querin, W. J. stud :ties, Bunter, of Oshawa, were visitors, (.luring the pegs week at the fo mer's hems do Oranhtook and with the leiter s ei"Oi', 15)19. J. B. Behan tyne, Bsu cels. Mrs. Ed. Matthews and son, tch0 have spent, the past six weeps at the 11"015 of file fernier'. mother, Mrs. ' Ida Lowey, retained 10 their hone its Forest, lastThut'sday, Mrs. (Dr.) tried Bryan., of Toronto, 1 motnreri to Ditisaels,. on timidity, and • het• mother, arts. (tit 1 M,Keivey, who has tree" spending the'$ton trier • here, 15111111e11 with 1151'. II'stidsy visitors with Mrs, \Vilmnt were , Mrs. D'•renny, Haileybury ;. Mr. and Mrs, Riellads, South Poh•c- Opine ; Mee acid Sirs. Coulter, air. mid j Mrs. Hein mots and family, Toronto, I ann. Lynn, of \Vatkerville, was a v'sitnr et. 1Ise twine of P, and Mrs. Auient for a t:ouple of days last week. Mrs. Lynn and l'buldten, who have � spent the past month ht tide locality, returned home tvitfi ]tits, on Sunday. I. 0. Rithe •ds, of Glendale, Oal,, and Cline. Richards. cd Toronto, were netting on old friends in Brussels and locality. over the week -end. The former has spent the greater part of the Summer on his fruit farm in Hamdltnn, John Brawn, of Wroxeter, has tak- en a position in the Allen Drug Store, succeeding Martin Hanson, who has been here for some months. Mr, Blame is no stranger to Brusselites, being a well-known catcher for the Brnssele Baseball team, iu former days. We welcome him to town. J, L, .Kerr and Mary Helen and Mrs. W. H, Kerr returned from Toronto, of Friday afternoon for a few days, returning to the city, on Tuesday ev- ening. Mrs. J. L. Kerr undergoes a se.cnnd operation, on Wednesday meeting. George Sanders, of Battle Creek, Mich;, Superintendent Genetat Bridge and Buildingo'1'erminal and Ohirago Divielon of the G. 7, R.. was visiting in Btnssels, last week. He was a former resident of this town and is a' half-brother of Wm, 15liiler, town. C'loderfeh Signal : "Rev, 0. F, Clarke, Mrs. Clarke and Miss Mary - Clarke returned last week from Musk. oitn, where they had been holidaying. Stanley Clark, who has spent most of tin Sommer at Windsor', also return• ed." Will. and Mee. Pearson and John anti Mee. Chapple, of Harniiton, were visiting Mrs, Ed, Bryans and 'Mrs, Dan, Dedman, Mrs, Chapple and Airs. Bernie are sisters and Mrs. Pearson and Mrs, Denman are cons. ns. JAMESTOWN Miss Gel ttncle Payn, of Listowel, was a holiday visitor with het par- ents, Frecl and Mrs, Fowletr anti sons, Don and Rnse, spent Sunday with B. and Mrs, Pnyu. Jack and Mrs. Smith, of Saginaw, Mich, were visitors at the home of Mr, and airs. Pnyu, 1511'. Smith Is the ]attar's heather. Ir is twenty years since he visited Canada. MORRIS Belgrave School Fair is on Monday, Sept. 24th. Miss Florence Eclrmier has retro ned to her school at Biveh Cliff, Toronto. Mrs. Brown is a gaese at the home of her parents, Joe and Shaw, 3rd Con, J, and 'Sirs, Taylor, of Auburn), call- ed nn W. A, and Mrs. Cunningham, oti Sunday, Mee, W, A, Cunningham has been visiting friends do Toronto, the past week, and also took in the Toronto Fair, Some Morrisites on the North Grnv- el have had hydro installed and nee now waiting for the juice to be turn - "Soni ypathy is extended to Wm. and Mrs. Speir, A baby was still•bnrn, on Sunday, and Mrs. Speir was in a critical condition for score days, Dr, nod Mrs. McCutcheoi, who have been spending their holidays with relatives and. friends in the township, teturned to their home in Wilkesbarro, this week. Kenneth, 10-year.old son of Jas. and Mrs. Leech, 4th line, fell nut of an apple tree, no Sunday evening, and broke both his wrists. The boy will have a long enforced holiday, Arthur and Mrs. Bayne and (burgh - ter, Alma, of Hamilton, and Donald J, and Mrs, Austin, of Buffalo, were week -end visitors at the home of Rus- sel Currie, 4th lino, Mrs, Kelly, of Landnn, Dakota, who 5555)9 formerly Mies Elizabeth Mc. Lnnehiin, la visiting her brother, A. MoLrtnehlin, Ili is 18 yeers slime she last visited here., lint is very nnreln de- lighted to meet so many friends, Mrs. M0.Lenn and little gra nd daugh- ter who have been vis tingg at the home of.e 1In5i'S slater, Mts. Vitro, Moses, returned tn Detroit this week, dM aipess .Bessie Moses ac5o npan ied the m and i11 visitWends for fete 9 t Bert Meintyte was a Toronto vieit• or, last Friday, Mrs, Clineof Sc t and son, Jim, of Calgary whn heap agent the pent btiree months at the home of the forme et''s parents, A. and M1frs. Strachan,' left en Monday day aftertlnoh art their homeward trip. Mr. Scott, who is ati inspector in the Western division of the Standard Bank, will meet theta in Winnipeg,