HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1928-8-15, Page 4WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 15, 1928 IN SPOTLIGHT irmim?ii Foot WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 15, 1023 W HILL opnueing interests main- tain the Wheat t Fool.- are re- sponsible for the drop in pica of wheel in ( I/ ti't. 1 delegation. from Ilam taro h t. a rnt to the Wt to i study rL ,.. clued of the prairie I f,ve...eie, le hale'ting an+I • i t - a. :.1 tut. 1 it. t are, ye. Lieul r ' . in tee Pool I Mee.. .,., ..l „ the attacks of it i'taol is going on steadily, Tae.. tate, of the or t t,s.A-' tet ,i� .0 ale ,td as tit trt...„3 tne t .rail t. ;i h l< t(:ort all the wny from Rumania to see :tie•". works. THE BR USsELS POST ESLIE licipeneeeee111 neon 1 lint r t. t 1• fact that he is .t i:.n_: tel: For years, h. int- thrilled American au- diences wish hi! artistry. Now. planning a visit to his native land, he lees the truth he known that it is! Sir Henry Drayton who es taking such. There are perhaps ninny who ; an aggressive part in the campaign will condemn the artist for this eon- I against liquor exporters in the Win l- cealment, and the fact that only sur border area. once, to a private audience, has he I played in Canada. Yet he , is not al- 1 together to -blame. He has evidently bound to arise. But they are not in - not tried himself to bring his art to I surmountable obstacles. We want the Canada, but he has had the opportun- People in Canada. They want to be here, else they would not conte. With proper understanding the newcomers should make excellent citizens. a sti August 16th Till they are all Sold ains effieele Y r* Ar 2r;.;" ain.s Cars in this Lot Conducted by London Hudson -Essex Sales o un - ity of watching the attempts of other Canadian artists. , OVIET Russia deserves all the credit that is given her for ef- 1 ]'KITED STATES gangsters have feeling the rescue of the eight Italian . received another rude jolt to Artie explorers, from the treacher- their aspirations of including the ons ice floes of the north. It is un- Canadian field among their opera - fortunate that Malmgren and Pomel tions. When Canadian po'ice scoop - la died on the ice before succor came. ed in a band of persons, charged with The men of the Soviet icebreaker holding up the Toronto mail train on Krassin have been pursuing a dogged June 20 last, another illustration of seareh for the survivors of General the working of this Dominion's laws Umberto Nobile's ill-fated voyage in was demonstrated. Swirt, sure and the dirigible Italia, Having rescued Punitive justice is the one remedy the the eight Italians, the Soviet men will bandit gentry dislike to take. aid in the search for the Amundsen ` ` ' and other lost Italian parties. The OTH •Smith and Hoover leaders Ituselans sera) to be 'the best hope of LOare making great promises to these distressed men. The world l the farmers of the Middle Western usually looks askance at the Soviet. I States. After listening to the When Russia does perform something i oratory the rural population of the section will feel all their troubles could be solved if only they could find some means of electing both Do you :chow your Canada? Pro- men, and having each implement his bailey not. It is one of the chief own and his workers' promises. But patriotic duties of any citizen to study after the ballots have been counted, the past history and present condi-I1 and the shouting has died down, the tions of his country. Everyone should farmers will disever that whoever is in the White House cannot do much have ready at his hand the source of to help. The troubles of the farmers such easy ledge, particularly when it cannot be solved entirely by legisla- is so easy to obtain as it is in the Do - ton. The difficulties are ones of minion. The new Canada Year Book growing and marketing that must be is out. It contains the latest statis- tics dealing with the resources, trade, mastered by the farmers themselves. population, history and institutions of i Win his scientific advances, WHILE man goes steadily ahead Canada. Besides this, there are spec- ial articles on various features of TY Na - Canada's development, written by tura continues to laugh. She is a long specialists. This sounds suspiciously way from being conquered. The like an advertisement. It probably is one, but the volume is a product each year of the Dominion Bureau of Statistics, and is distributed for the mere cost of paper and binding. It should be in the hands of every citi- zen. creditable, all honor should be ac- corded. s S+ g..;. ANADA'S original citizens have to once again paid signal honor to a representative of His Majesty, the King. Lord Willingdon has been made a chief, with all the ancient ritual of the Indian race. Since His Excellency's arrival in Canada many honors; have been heaped on him, but of none should he be more proud than of this latest one. Any honor paid a white man by the Indians is undoubtedly sincere. These people haee a long and glorious history, with much of the tragic in it. For many of the acts of the white men, Kota French and English, in bygone tiers, they have little cause to respect: and love their conquerors. Yet nowhere in the world is there a more loyal and peaceful race of conquered peo- ple. Paying homage to their man• arch, th''y still retain their old pride of rare. Snub an investiture from them is something that is not to be taken lightly. VERY newcomer to Canada i, Le welcome as a prospective Can- adian citizen. When the immigrant comes to this country to settle, he is expected to try to accustom himself to Canadian ways as quickly as poss- ible. It is naturally understood that be will have a warm spot in his heart for the customs of his home land. Yet these should not be allowed to take precedence over his Canadian- ization+ The recent wearing ,of Ger- man military uniforms by Ukrainians parade at•Yorkton- Saskatchewan, aurora borealis, one of the most closely studied of all phenomena, ties up telegraph service most of the way across Canada. It was necessary Msome cases to disconnect the batter- ies and open the circuits completely in order to prevent the burning out of the instruments. This is only one of the things Nature does in definance of mankind, Man cannot yet con- trol weather conditions. Despite claims of various inventors, rainfall cannot yet be summoned or dispelled at will. Perhaps it is as well that these problems remain unsolved, for a little time yet at least. If the day should ever come when man conquers Nature entirely, it will probably mean a cessation of effort which will amount almost to decadence. The great skill and acumen are always .brought into play when there is some- thing to cnnlhat. TT is a .good omen for a frmer prominent federal Conservative to be taken from his seat at Ottawa and placed at the head of his party in one of the provinces. Honorable Dr. Simon Fraser Tobnie, Y.S., premier - elect of British Columbia, is the third Conservative to leave the House of Commons and brad his party to vic- tory at the provincial polls. Dr. Tol- mie is a former federal minister of agriculture. Two o'cher prominent Conservative federal members are now provincial premiers. They are Colonel, the Honorable John Babing- teFi Macauley Baxter, 1 . C., D.C.L., P.C., premier of New Brunswick, and Honorable Edgar Nelson Rhodes, K. C., HA., L.L.11., premier of Nova Scotia. Mr. Baxter was minister of Customs in the ill-fated Meighen cab- inet of 1921. MT. Rhodes was speak- er of the House of Commons from on 1917 to 1921• Both Mr. Baxter and is an unfortunate instance of a sec- Mr. Rhodes led their provincial Con - rets of newcomers trying to props- setvative cohorts to victory in the too seriously in the new country general elections of 1925 Some idea the habits of 'the old, It presents a si'tuation requiring firmness, but also diplomacy. These occurrences are gate of the fighting instinct behind Mr, Baxter conies with 'the knowledge that his great great-grandfather, Simon AUGUST 1 6 th TILL ALL ARE Y rr k 116:.'0 .,: 1 t.yg. tiff * },a, ,r ss til .eiNeilleereireee, Notice ! Having gone West for cattle, I will be in touch with all the leading stock markets. - I will fill orders for carloads or small lots, and will be pleased to give you any information regard- ing same. Phone or write M. Pries, Fordwich, and information will be forwarded. Sheldon Bricker, Fordwich, Ont. Baxter, was condemned to execution by forces in the American Revolun- tionary War. He escaped and came to New Brunswick. Bruce Man Is Killed by Lightning Bolt; Helper Paralyzed Crops in Paisley District Destroyed by Heavy Hail. 13telt>klr+?;,;10?.a„i rel .r t�ee : `leele'el e tesetetl.':'' Tr aims SOLD SCANDAL i Is the after -celebrations on the Main street necessary after the dances? If they are the Council had better employ a special Constable and let the Magistrate decide the cases. It's a funny thing that these wise young fellows have to slake such a racket after midnight and disturb those who reside on the Main street. There is a certain lady in town who had saved some precious seed for several years, and this spring had planted them in the flower bed. The neighbors were all guessing, ,as the , stalks come up, what kind of a per- , ennal it was — but they were all wrong. ,They 'turned out to be sun - 1 flowers, of the old variety. II .. i John E. Ruttle,lighthouse keeper !at Point Clark, was scabbed by e masked man, supposed to be an In- dian Cargill, Aug. 10.—Conrad Krohn, a Brant farmer, 35 years of age, married, was instantly killed when struck by lightning while hauling in wheat on his farm on the eleventh concession of that township, four miles northeast of Cargill, about 3,30 o'clock this afternoon. Edward Rody, a brother-in-law, of the victim, who was assisting the latter in harvesting operations, was badly injured by the bolt, one arm being completely paralized. Krohn's entire clothing and shoes were torn off by the lightning and his body was burned badly. Horse Also Killed. The load of grain and wagon on which the victim was standing were burned and one of the horses killed by the lightning. Krohn was building the load while Rody was standing on the ground a few Peet from the wagon, pitching up the sheaves, when the storm broke. They had almost finished the field and were about to ,proceed to tee barn when the fatal flash came. Krohn leave, a wife and family of two children, a girl seven years of age and a boy five, his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Krohn, of Brant, one brother Paul, of Chesley, and one sis- ter, Mrs. Rody. of Brant, Terrible Hail Storm. Paisley, Aug. 10—This town and district was visited this afternoon by the worst hail storm it many years. Scores of windows were broken in the town and vicinity, while grain crops were completely. destroyed in the surrounding county. The storm lasted about half an hour and was accompanied by severe lightning and a gale of considerable in'censity. Strong Wind at Walkerton. Walkerton, Aug. 10 — A severe electric storm passed over Walker- ton this afternoon, accompanied by a strong gale and followed by a heavy downpour of rain. There was no damage reported other than trees uprooted and branches broken in or- chards and on trees along the high- ways ighways leading to the town. IIn court in Walkerton, on Monday. R, C. Armstrong, of Teeswater, was fined $30 and costs of $5 for keeping a stallion for service without it being enrolled.. The information was laid I by R. C. Harding, of Otterville. BLUEYALE Mrs, Robt, Hamilton and (coolly ; Will. and Mrs. Hamilton and family anti Cecil and Mrs, Eoktnih'e and Billy were at Stratford, on AugnstGth, tak- ing in the Diamond Fre-Union. Miss Ruby Duff, R,N., of Toronto, also Ross and Mrs. Douglas and dau- ghter, of Toronto, are spending their vacation at the home of Miss Duff, Rev. Mr, Walden and family are on vacation tee their cottage at Kin- cardine, and Rev. Mr. Matheson will have charge of the services on the Blucvale circuit next Sunday. Thomas Haddow of Brantford, who is at present visiting with his dau- • ghter, Mrs. A. H. Coombs, while cross ing the bridge on his way home from church on Sunday morning, met with a rather painful accident. Mea. Coombs stepped on the end of a board ' which caused it to fly up and trip Mr. I Iladdow, throwing him on his Head, which gave him a badly discolored face and his hand was also cut on !the nails in the board. As this gm- tleman is in his 85th year it is lucky he was no'c more seriously hurt. He is in good health and wonderfully ac- tive for his age. The United Church services were GOING Tab PINS CAR or .srnm../ �v 1,1 LOW mice 11/ 'A'HRN a car' wins success as quickly as this new Oldsmobile, there is only one conclu- sion—it must be good! And the facts confirm this judgment. Its magnificent new bodies by Fisher reveal the surpassing beauty and craftsmanship for which Fisher is world-famous, Its great 55 h,p. engine provides high -compres- sion performance without special fuels, Its silenced chassis embodies every principle of fine -car design. Its complete equipment shows exceptional concern with owneresatisfaction. Four Lovejoy hydraulic shock absorbers, easy - acting positive four-wheel brakes, radiator shut- ters, bumpers front and rear, gasoline gauge and temperature gauge on the dash—in fact every- thing that contributes to comfort, convenience and easy riding—are included in its low price, So the evidence rolls up—until your own good judgment tells you . "I must see this Oldsmobile, I must drive it myself. There's no denying, it must be goods"' a-11.3.200 2 -DOOR SEDAN $1165 AT FACTORY, OSHAWA, ONTARIO Government Taxes ,ed Spare The Extrd General Maori own delousedpayment plan . , GMAC . . affords you Ow simplest and roost economical may ol buying your Oldsmobile on time.' 41* E. C. Cunningham BRUSSELS - ONT. BILE ®� sees sees 1111E ZINE CAR OF !.OW mime SPEAKER AT STRATFORD four WOVkS seesaws will be held in the hall, • George W. Spotton, M. P., for North Huron, one of the Principal speakers at annual Derry Day cele- bration ab Stratford on Saturday,. held in the C. 0. F. Hall on Sunday as the decorators are painting and de- corating, the church. A new asphalt roof is also going to be put on the church as the old one is beginning to leak. Mr. Smith, of Brussels, has the contract of painting and decorat- ing. Howard Stewart of Bluevale. has the contract of putting on the new roof. For the next 'three or Teacher Wanted Experienced Proteetmlt Tenoher wanted for 8. S. No. 2, Thompmn. Salary 8800,00 per annum, Apply to G120. BEHARRIItf.L, Seo -Trees. Demi Lake, Ont, Notice to Creditors In the matter of she Estate of Mary Elizabeth Robb, late of the Village of Brussels, in the County of Huron, widow, Deceased. Nobler 1s hereby given. pureunnt to Section 58, ()limiter 121 of the Revised Stntutea of Ontario, that all person having claims against the estate of the Naid Story Elizabeth Robb, deceased, who diel on or about the srd day of Augast, A. D. 1928, ere required en or before the lath dray of, leptenher A. 0,1928, to send by post paid or deliver to A, H. Macdonald, Brussels, one of the Executors of the lest Will and Testrun etlb of the deceased, their Chriebinn and surnames, laid nddresves, with full portio. Mars in writing of their ailtims end the nature of their 00ourtttes (if any) held by then. And further take notice that after such last mentioned date that said Seeeltnre wilier° oeed to disbribnto the Italete of the deceneed amongst tate pereon0 entitled thereto, lumina !regard only to the alarms of which they shell Mien have notiee and the !mid Beattie ea will not Ula liable to any person or pene0n8 for the avid nsoete or nny part thereof of whose claim notiee shed) not have been ready - ed by them at Ole time of Inch dlotrlbutlon. Doted Ohio 14th day of August, A. D. 1828' W. 12. SINCLAIR, Solicitor for Albert R. Mills end A, H. , Macdonald, the Executer of deceased. Notice to Creditors In the matter of the Estate of Edna Bernice Franklin, late of the Village of Ethel, In tho Province of Ontario, Widow, Doceaeed, Notloe is hereby given, pursuant to Section 00 Otto. 121 of the Revised Statutes of On. curio, that all persons having elnitne °gemut the estate of Edna Bernice Franklin who died on or about the Twenby'itret day of ,Tnly A.D. 1928, ere required to Bend by poet. pr°mild, or deliver to l2, Vnnstone, Winghnm, Ontario, sotlaltor for the Administrator, on or before the 10th day of September, 1028 their names end addresses with full particulars 111 writ. Ing of their claims and the maitre of the se, ouritlee, (If ',eyehole by thein duly verified by n statutory doeIaretlon, And further tale notice that after the 10th da of Sept„ 1028, the said Admtnietreter Will proeoed to distraint° the /Mots of the said estate among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the °lairds of Which he shall then have had notiee, and add AdminIOlrntee shall not be liable for the Hold Resets or any pert thereof to any person of whose elnlm he shall not then hove re, feel vod notice. Dated at Winghnm, the 910 day of August, A,13. 1028. R VANSTONE, W Ingham, Ontario, Solioltor for the Administrator, AUCTION SALE A 11 (1 >'nN `;A1,17 (Ye lit tUSlcttOL .D t•nt is tow, Rtrrrt,r, 01,-.1).of , `rrnrt, tnet I °neer, has been les1111et d to et) at ea. re 1 sth,teret, oce-..e., NI tffiturtiaty+ A11g. lath, of 2 0'0,0.0, th a fot'uwIlll 1 ce•idrro r,ng4•, lute,141001 ,uoy1h, 1"�,pt bi te11101 ri 1 r 11011 of hooter, 10„nrh 1 Pu•Ior ills. ". rocldng halts, be I t .ode uua+t s nod s•puogs.1 mutt, oak dininn.rfonn table, na n.sorl uncal , t,1 1c cne1110nasil 1 m111. 1 in. 0.,, s1a X11,10.1. ,ehv tnggp, 1 lin ,y'< ir!gh choir, 1 0, c 1 bn'l.er churn, I i•tercli, nth, sniulry furnishings, In 11 riii1011 of11,1,12 Irr'', ions end other numerous other niticlr' Term l'neh. M. Yt1Ll+lit'li, prop, Voters List _ 1928 MunicipalitCounty y of tVillage of Brussels he of Huron Heti,- e, heroics cryo n rhat 1 have transmit• ted or delivered to t i, it Winn inn iii eltlourd in esentiunV Band9 „t the onion. Voters' Lists .A et 11t t°it rriiniredry said dans to bo sn treirpuitted or aiiirered a no. list made, bursunt t to sold 01.4 d nil! e,1dim-firing y the Int Itinilniid Aniiii,i111,d11 1:1111 of the Mmllcitelfty, to be entiti fa. 1 tuts nit °leo• idoes Inc members of illy 1.rt.phttti'e A swum. Ole and nt Munhrlpal El eetinns : and the said Bat won Rrst posted up 1 , my Miler in 10010se10 on the 14th day of Atignst 1988, end remains eetion. 7 there eaGnnrInss are nnllad upon to inspect the said Hat and if any omiastnns or any other errors ore found therein to take immediate proceed. 11100 to have the said errors corrected Accord - jog to low, Dated thio 15th day t 1928. A O3.f MAtCDONALD, Clerk of Brnssets. Notice to Contractors The 1luntcipnl Council of the Township of Morrie is asking for tenders for the oonslrees- ion of the Blackhall Drain. Tendere will he considered at the Township Hall, ll 0t 8 p. 11>. on Monday, Aug. 20th, 1928 lacntiousmay heseen A te. alaaSWENecl eeke Tenders Wanted The Mnntcipel Council of the Township of Grey will receive tenders Inc the work to be done on the 14th t'nneessimt Drain, until Thursday, the 28rd tiny 01 August, next. Pian08nd speeilt cat ions may be 88011 at the (lark's office, Ethel. A certified cheque for 10 per cent of the amount of the contract pride must accompany the tender. The lowest or nip tender not necessarily nrcented. d. H. FEAR, Clerk. for Sale by Tender The 100•noro farm, being 1714 Lot 20. ('on. 8, Morris, is hole offered for sole by tender, which will be received up to September 1st, A snap for Homebody. Inc''further inform - Don apply to A RCBTE HOLMAN, 8.4 Ph enc 297 R. I2.2, Brueeels Farms for Sale The undersigned offers for sale his 100.nore farm being N14, Lot 20, Con. 7, Morris, Alao 100 mores, being North 34, tot 28, and EH, 27, (ton, 7, Morris. Good hawser and harps 1n iiret-olase condition, aloe all good oat-balld- Ings. Will sell with or without crop. Ream. on for selling, poor health. Nor further pert. tattlers apply to W. H. llte(1UTOREON, Proprietor. R. RA, Brussels -- Farm for Sale A very desirable etook farm 0 150 neree, 35 mile from Brussels. Geed buildings and equipments, Easy terms to suit purolla0er. For further particulars apply to A. H. lI ACD0NALD, Brussels, ilo Your feet Bother You ? 011 1 the tragedy of [soilingfeat, the misery of painfully dragging one foob niter the oth- er, the bitterness of watching othere step Moue without a foot care in the world. Foot misery can be avoided. I know, because I euffered for years, but T founts n way to re. sieve that painful strain upon my weakened arches, No0, I want to help others I It yon are n sufferer, plena° mention Tu a Poem when writing. 1. T. WOOD, 221) Prosapeot Ht„ Ham- ilton, Ont„ 01 may be purchseed at Downing Bros., trhoe dealers, Brus°els. Popular Stallions ROUTE FOR THD PORE BRED CLYDESDALE ST0T.LION Royal Buchlyvie 20210 Enrolment No. 2200, Form 1, MONDAY—Will leave his own Stable, Lot 12, Con. to, Grey, and go South and East to Neil D. McNair s, Lot 21, Con, 14, Dray, for noon; then South and East to Jos. 111eNay's Lot 82, Con, 18, Grey, for night. 7Tit19SDAY—Will go North and West to Geo, P, Sporran for noon; then North and West to Ole oWn stable where be will stay until 'Thursday morning. TITURSD AY—Will go North and West to Louts Frain's, Lot 8,. Con. 4, Grey, for noon, then South and East to his own stable for night. FRIDAY—Will go by Ethel and North to Sohn Pearson's, Lot 22, Con, 4, Grey for noon; then East and South to has own stable for night, SATURDAY—Will go West through Brussels 10 Elston Cardiff's, Morrie, for noon; titan South and East by Cranbrook, to his own stable until the following to morning, TERMS—$payable F, , 1229, All accidents12,00 at owners riskeb, 1 R. L. M005MALD, Owner and Groom. Thee Imported Clydesdale Stallion Nutberry No, 23218 Enrolment No. 850, Form A. 1 Premium No, 154 JAMES LEIPER, Prop. MONDAY—Will leave his own stable, Lot 10, Con. 11, Hullett, and proceed North to Thomas Laidla°is Morris for noon; thence East to Wm. Sholdice's, Grey for the night. erESOA"Y—Will proceed South and West to Herbert Kirkby's for noon; thence West and South to his own stable, !This route will be continued throughout the season, health and weather permitting. ITL,'RMS—$16 payable Feb. lret4 1929;.all aocidents at the risk of the owners of mares. V : i”' 110 IJ k - as _�— v he: Vii: ers 1 $ . no - s��:.' i t' .'t t I ."�r+1�, !'it — «'^�_ --t4.- � 1I 1 Tab PINS CAR or .srnm../ �v 1,1 LOW mice 11/ 'A'HRN a car' wins success as quickly as this new Oldsmobile, there is only one conclu- sion—it must be good! And the facts confirm this judgment. Its magnificent new bodies by Fisher reveal the surpassing beauty and craftsmanship for which Fisher is world-famous, Its great 55 h,p. engine provides high -compres- sion performance without special fuels, Its silenced chassis embodies every principle of fine -car design. Its complete equipment shows exceptional concern with owneresatisfaction. Four Lovejoy hydraulic shock absorbers, easy - acting positive four-wheel brakes, radiator shut- ters, bumpers front and rear, gasoline gauge and temperature gauge on the dash—in fact every- thing that contributes to comfort, convenience and easy riding—are included in its low price, So the evidence rolls up—until your own good judgment tells you . "I must see this Oldsmobile, I must drive it myself. There's no denying, it must be goods"' a-11.3.200 2 -DOOR SEDAN $1165 AT FACTORY, OSHAWA, ONTARIO Government Taxes ,ed Spare The Extrd General Maori own delousedpayment plan . , GMAC . . affords you Ow simplest and roost economical may ol buying your Oldsmobile on time.' 41* E. C. Cunningham BRUSSELS - ONT. BILE ®� sees sees 1111E ZINE CAR OF !.OW mime SPEAKER AT STRATFORD four WOVkS seesaws will be held in the hall, • George W. Spotton, M. P., for North Huron, one of the Principal speakers at annual Derry Day cele- bration ab Stratford on Saturday,. held in the C. 0. F. Hall on Sunday as the decorators are painting and de- corating, the church. A new asphalt roof is also going to be put on the church as the old one is beginning to leak. Mr. Smith, of Brussels, has the contract of painting and decorat- ing. Howard Stewart of Bluevale. has the contract of putting on the new roof. For the next 'three or Teacher Wanted Experienced Proteetmlt Tenoher wanted for 8. S. No. 2, Thompmn. Salary 8800,00 per annum, Apply to G120. BEHARRIItf.L, Seo -Trees. Demi Lake, Ont, Notice to Creditors In the matter of she Estate of Mary Elizabeth Robb, late of the Village of Brussels, in the County of Huron, widow, Deceased. Nobler 1s hereby given. pureunnt to Section 58, ()limiter 121 of the Revised Stntutea of Ontario, that all person having claims against the estate of the Naid Story Elizabeth Robb, deceased, who diel on or about the srd day of Augast, A. D. 1928, ere required en or before the lath dray of, leptenher A. 0,1928, to send by post paid or deliver to A, H. Macdonald, Brussels, one of the Executors of the lest Will and Testrun etlb of the deceased, their Chriebinn and surnames, laid nddresves, with full portio. Mars in writing of their ailtims end the nature of their 00ourtttes (if any) held by then. And further take notice that after such last mentioned date that said Seeeltnre wilier° oeed to disbribnto the Italete of the deceneed amongst tate pereon0 entitled thereto, lumina !regard only to the alarms of which they shell Mien have notiee and the !mid Beattie ea will not Ula liable to any person or pene0n8 for the avid nsoete or nny part thereof of whose claim notiee shed) not have been ready - ed by them at Ole time of Inch dlotrlbutlon. Doted Ohio 14th day of August, A. D. 1828' W. 12. SINCLAIR, Solicitor for Albert R. Mills end A, H. , Macdonald, the Executer of deceased. Notice to Creditors In the matter of the Estate of Edna Bernice Franklin, late of the Village of Ethel, In tho Province of Ontario, Widow, Doceaeed, Notloe is hereby given, pursuant to Section 00 Otto. 121 of the Revised Statutes of On. curio, that all persons having elnitne °gemut the estate of Edna Bernice Franklin who died on or about the Twenby'itret day of ,Tnly A.D. 1928, ere required to Bend by poet. pr°mild, or deliver to l2, Vnnstone, Winghnm, Ontario, sotlaltor for the Administrator, on or before the 10th day of September, 1028 their names end addresses with full particulars 111 writ. Ing of their claims and the maitre of the se, ouritlee, (If ',eyehole by thein duly verified by n statutory doeIaretlon, And further tale notice that after the 10th da of Sept„ 1028, the said Admtnietreter Will proeoed to distraint° the /Mots of the said estate among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the °lairds of Which he shall then have had notiee, and add AdminIOlrntee shall not be liable for the Hold Resets or any pert thereof to any person of whose elnlm he shall not then hove re, feel vod notice. Dated at Winghnm, the 910 day of August, A,13. 1028. R VANSTONE, W Ingham, Ontario, Solioltor for the Administrator, AUCTION SALE A 11 (1 >'nN `;A1,17 (Ye lit tUSlcttOL .D t•nt is tow, Rtrrrt,r, 01,-.1).of , `rrnrt, tnet I °neer, has been les1111et d to et) at ea. re 1 sth,teret, oce-..e., NI tffiturtiaty+ A11g. lath, of 2 0'0,0.0, th a fot'uwIlll 1 ce•idrro r,ng4•, lute,141001 ,uoy1h, 1"�,pt bi te11101 ri 1 r 11011 of hooter, 10„nrh 1 Pu•Ior ills. ". rocldng halts, be I t .ode uua+t s nod s•puogs.1 mutt, oak dininn.rfonn table, na n.sorl uncal , t,1 1c cne1110nasil 1 m111. 1 in. 0.,, s1a X11,10.1. ,ehv tnggp, 1 lin ,y'< ir!gh choir, 1 0, c 1 bn'l.er churn, I i•tercli, nth, sniulry furnishings, In 11 riii1011 of11,1,12 Irr'', ions end other numerous other niticlr' Term l'neh. M. Yt1Ll+lit'li, prop, Voters List _ 1928 MunicipalitCounty y of tVillage of Brussels he of Huron Heti,- e, heroics cryo n rhat 1 have transmit• ted or delivered to t i, it Winn inn iii eltlourd in esentiunV Band9 „t the onion. Voters' Lists .A et 11t t°it rriiniredry said dans to bo sn treirpuitted or aiiirered a no. list made, bursunt t to sold 01.4 d nil! e,1dim-firing y the Int Itinilniid Aniiii,i111,d11 1:1111 of the Mmllcitelfty, to be entiti fa. 1 tuts nit °leo• idoes Inc members of illy 1.rt.phttti'e A swum. Ole and nt Munhrlpal El eetinns : and the said Bat won Rrst posted up 1 , my Miler in 10010se10 on the 14th day of Atignst 1988, end remains eetion. 7 there eaGnnrInss are nnllad upon to inspect the said Hat and if any omiastnns or any other errors ore found therein to take immediate proceed. 11100 to have the said errors corrected Accord - jog to low, Dated thio 15th day t 1928. A O3.f MAtCDONALD, Clerk of Brnssets. Notice to Contractors The 1luntcipnl Council of the Township of Morrie is asking for tenders for the oonslrees- ion of the Blackhall Drain. Tendere will he considered at the Township Hall, ll 0t 8 p. 11>. on Monday, Aug. 20th, 1928 lacntiousmay heseen A te. alaaSWENecl eeke Tenders Wanted The Mnntcipel Council of the Township of Grey will receive tenders Inc the work to be done on the 14th t'nneessimt Drain, until Thursday, the 28rd tiny 01 August, next. Pian08nd speeilt cat ions may be 88011 at the (lark's office, Ethel. A certified cheque for 10 per cent of the amount of the contract pride must accompany the tender. The lowest or nip tender not necessarily nrcented. d. H. FEAR, Clerk. for Sale by Tender The 100•noro farm, being 1714 Lot 20. ('on. 8, Morris, is hole offered for sole by tender, which will be received up to September 1st, A snap for Homebody. Inc''further inform - Don apply to A RCBTE HOLMAN, 8.4 Ph enc 297 R. I2.2, Brueeels Farms for Sale The undersigned offers for sale his 100.nore farm being N14, Lot 20, Con. 7, Morris, Alao 100 mores, being North 34, tot 28, and EH, 27, (ton, 7, Morris. Good hawser and harps 1n iiret-olase condition, aloe all good oat-balld- Ings. Will sell with or without crop. Ream. on for selling, poor health. Nor further pert. tattlers apply to W. H. llte(1UTOREON, Proprietor. R. RA, Brussels -- Farm for Sale A very desirable etook farm 0 150 neree, 35 mile from Brussels. Geed buildings and equipments, Easy terms to suit purolla0er. For further particulars apply to A. H. lI ACD0NALD, Brussels, ilo Your feet Bother You ? 011 1 the tragedy of [soilingfeat, the misery of painfully dragging one foob niter the oth- er, the bitterness of watching othere step Moue without a foot care in the world. Foot misery can be avoided. I know, because I euffered for years, but T founts n way to re. sieve that painful strain upon my weakened arches, No0, I want to help others I It yon are n sufferer, plena° mention Tu a Poem when writing. 1. T. WOOD, 221) Prosapeot Ht„ Ham- ilton, Ont„ 01 may be purchseed at Downing Bros., trhoe dealers, Brus°els. Popular Stallions ROUTE FOR THD PORE BRED CLYDESDALE ST0T.LION Royal Buchlyvie 20210 Enrolment No. 2200, Form 1, MONDAY—Will leave his own Stable, Lot 12, Con. to, Grey, and go South and East to Neil D. McNair s, Lot 21, Con, 14, Dray, for noon; then South and East to Jos. 111eNay's Lot 82, Con, 18, Grey, for night. 7Tit19SDAY—Will go North and West to Geo, P, Sporran for noon; then North and West to Ole oWn stable where be will stay until 'Thursday morning. TITURSD AY—Will go North and West to Louts Frain's, Lot 8,. Con. 4, Grey, for noon, then South and East to his own stable for night. FRIDAY—Will go by Ethel and North to Sohn Pearson's, Lot 22, Con, 4, Grey for noon; then East and South to has own stable for night, SATURDAY—Will go West through Brussels 10 Elston Cardiff's, Morrie, for noon; titan South and East by Cranbrook, to his own stable until the following to morning, TERMS—$payable F, , 1229, All accidents12,00 at owners riskeb, 1 R. L. M005MALD, Owner and Groom. Thee Imported Clydesdale Stallion Nutberry No, 23218 Enrolment No. 850, Form A. 1 Premium No, 154 JAMES LEIPER, Prop. MONDAY—Will leave his own stable, Lot 10, Con. 11, Hullett, and proceed North to Thomas Laidla°is Morris for noon; thence East to Wm. Sholdice's, Grey for the night. erESOA"Y—Will proceed South and West to Herbert Kirkby's for noon; thence West and South to his own stable, !This route will be continued throughout the season, health and weather permitting. ITL,'RMS—$16 payable Feb. lret4 1929;.all aocidents at the risk of the owners of mares. V : i”' 110 IJ k - as