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The Brussels Post, 1928-8-15, Page 1
VOL, 57 NO. 9 t)2.00 Per altit14na in advance S'h'USSELS, ONTARIO, JVEDNESDA 1', A UG UST 15. 1928 k,VOt.++3i t »T4.114 I:x, :«444..4.4 :44414`4 :441 ; .44::44.2'»3++.Vit• «IWAd$i ;`"2 r.7Ltitl New Ative't1semener Morey lost --Phone 778 Chlotrens for sole --Phone 718 Flutter male -Jona onOW-Mstuw Ueinss College Sala of U.,,•d (tars of hnaloi'lit (lhotoe !welts - Hooker )rer 8rns. Nubian to Credttota--sirs. Tranklin eetato Voters' List-tiritssols Counnil Farm formic -Wm. Mammon Mid Rummer Nnln^-Jr. A. Hon tar Notice to (•reaitora--sire. Rohl) este to Fly Tox eta. -P, R, Smith The Szzrroundz11 g Dzstrict :I lathe +Sti3:. eeiesei 2» 9I rete 'Theta eekdetesteeee eeteeeit isei ne Tyler see t$ttette nt ej1t+ chic WROXETER Dike Mary Harris is visiting frier) its \Val ton. Alien J, Howe le spending tt wee with rOaf .ires iu lfiantrot tl. ed and Airs, Kitchen !aft la week for a visit at Loantingtun tw Dt'ttoit, George Hazelwood, AVittnlpeg, is visitor at, the home of Ales. W. 0, Ha Aehtoo and Mrs. Mmrison, of S (lnt.hnrines, are guests of Mrs, Joh Morrison. !Elisa bather Dovey, of 11 emitter) i 11 guest at the home of her brother, Fred Davey. Mrs. 11, Little, of Toronto, is spend- ing two weeks with her parents, R. and Mrs. Black, Passer) AWAY. -News of the death of Mrs, John Adams, at her hour here, no Sunday evening, was learne with deep regret. She had not bee in rugged health for some time and weeks ago, she sulfated n sligh stroke. This was followed by conA er, on Sunday to which she sinecure ed, Mrs, Adams was in her 85th yea and was a native of Leede 00,, con ing to Howiek Township as a beide She had a quiet, unassuming manse and a sweet and pleasing dispositio which endeared het to everyone, Sh was a member of the United Worker and the Women's Missionary Snciet of the United Church, also of the Wo men's Institute, where she will b greatly missed. .Surviving are he husband, one son, John, and o) daughter, A'ltre. Peter Milligan, of thi 1111 k at d a village. Interment took plaice in the. Wroxeter cemetery, on Tuesday aft - sermon, Mrs. I;. tenon and children, of Lon- don, are holidaying with tate cm111Pt''s rather, J Heim One g. Rev. A. A. aunt !Mee, OW ea and Micet IA hoes, Clinton, called nn aid friends til the village, on friday, !toss and Airo. Siert 1, of Bowman - vine, were recent visiteis with the fnrtuer's sister, Mrs. J. L. Mrtl+elver), •lurnbetry, 11 \Vallate and 1‘1114. Edgar and little i daughter, who have spent several $ weeks iu this vicinity, left. on Mon- day for their home in the Petters !Baer Dietrkct. They are going all the way by motor, e a n 2 1- b- 1 - r n e a y e r e a • • • F a,nCirig� -TO- * Harold Skinner's $ Blue Water Boys -IN- Win gham Arena Every Thursday Night ++• ++++++++++++++++++++++++ 4. MONCRIEFF Harvesting is well under way, Quite a number from here attendee} Field Day in Ethel. Joe McKay lost a valuable horse, last Thursday night, Will. and Mrs, Flttrrison and family spent Sunday in Winghttm. Miss Ada Burns, of Lneknow, is visiting her uncle, Me. Pratt, Richard and Mrs, Pratt spent .Sat- urday and Sunday with friends in Brantford, Mrs. George McKay, of Abernathy, Sask„ has been visiting with relatives in these parts, Miss Myrtle Gale has been holiday ing with her grandmother in St. Jac. obs, the last two weeks, The Men's Softball team has been playing several interesting games with teams ft'orn Stratford. Frank and Mrs. Harrison with their family motored to Niagara Falls, where they spent the weekend, a Anold A1eKny, of Flint, Mich., spent t Sunday with itis patents. Old Mende M are always glad to see lArnold back h again. R, 0, and Mrs, Rothwell, Mrs. Spar. el ling and Miss Elsie wet nailing on old v friends in the village, on Sunday aft. H ernoon, re Our Boys' Softball team strely did well at Ethel, last week, The final el game was so exciting that no one not- d iced•the mosquitoes. h Mies Rhea tMinehull, of Loup Oity, AI Nebraska, has been visiting her sister, Mrs, Frank Harrison. On Saturday, (n the Harrison family motored with u her to Guelph, Betttnsville and Niag- th ora Falls, from which point Miss Mine. ki Trull continues her trip to New York, dt \ t 1 �l sl i it inn I) . 0. and t' • gIt fore going borne. Richmond be. GREY The harvest ie on now, Have you gut your weeds cut yet ? Don't forget to telephone 81, if you have a newsy item. Many took in the sports and con• cert, et Ethel, feet Thuredaty, Andrew and Mts. Jaeltliu and fam- ily spent Sunday at Point Ohu'k, Airs. Roderick McKay, 4th Oon, had the misfortune to break her right UM, A.11 roads lead to Cranbrook to- morrow (Thursday) for their Field Day. Alicia Elsie Querengesser, of Detroit, is spending het holidays at her home, 10th Con, Miss Minnie Smith and Mise Bertha Smith, of Wroxeter, ace holidaying at Oliver Smith's, 8th Con. Master Leonard Lamont spent part of his vacation with his uncle, J. 3, Lamont, at Kincardine. Mrs. Ray parr and daughter, Dor- othy, of Toronto, were recent visitors with Miss Jessie Strachan, Graham and Mrs. Ballantyne and children, of Toronto, were visitors at Jas. Ballantyne's, 10th Con. Henry and Mrs, Dayrnan, also J. and Mrs. Norris, all of Brncefleld, spent Sunday with David G. and Mrs, )lark. Mrs. Tyndall Ritchie and son, Stew. rt of Win }tan > spent r few wda ea he home of her father, Robert Oarr. r. Carr is not enjoying the best of ealth. We regret exceedingly to report rat Walter Broadfoot's health is not ery satisfactory, at the present tune, is many friends hope for a speedy °every. Jno. and Mrs. McKinnon and four Meet), of Fort William, motored own, last week, and are spending a oliday with the fot'mer's mother, re. John McKinnon, 9th Cnn. Mrs. Harry Wells, of Wingham, ee Miss Elva AleKay), who recently nderwent an operation, wishes to auk neighbors and friends for their nd inquiries and flowers sent her Icing her illness. Commencing Wednesday, Aug. 15th, Special Prices on all lines will be given in order to clear out the balance of our Summer Merchandise. Ginghams and Prints Wide widths, regular to 35c per yard for 24c Ladies' Silk Hosiery t.5o line pure silk, full fash'd 1.20 1.85 line pure silk, full fash'd 1.50 1,0o and 1.25 lines for .85 Hand and Tea Toweling All lines at discount of 20 p c House Dresses All lines, short and long sleeve, reg. from $1,©o to 3.75 20 p c c'l Silks, Flat Crepes and all Dress Goods Discount will be given of 20 p c Auto Rug's 9 Wool Rugs, regular $'5,00 for $3.50 Men's Overalls & Smocks Regular $2.5o for 2.15 Regular 2.25 for 1 .95 Men's Work Shirts Regular $1.65 for Regular 1.35 for 1.19 .95 Men's Fine Shirts All lines, separate and collars at- tached, discount of 20 p c Men's Suits Regular to $32,00, including Plain Grey and Navy Blue, at 24.50 20 p c discount on all other lines. Men's Trousers In Summer and Fall weights 20 p c discount Curtain Materials All yardage material and made-up Curtains 20 p c discount These are just a few of the many lines and in order to stimulate during the Harvest season we offer Special a business and compare prices whether you wish tbyor riot. on 111 lines, Give us a call yornot, Phone 61 F. A. HUNTER BRUSSELS 1 Mises 11ilrltt Qnerengeseet' )las re ed home after spending tt few del Mitebell nod Brodhngsn, Afiss Pilary 16. Prneter, nt' Listowel, bite been engaged tis teacher Inc S. S, N,, 4, (Trey, ler the corning year'. Aiise Alrtut Oldham ttnd Mies Lillian Pi1elsellanil, of Toronto, tine spending their vaeatiott at Win, 0. Steveuson's, hits Onn, Arthur mid Misa I4lety Muctre, thew York, are spending a couple -of weeks' vacation nt the home of their' nousht, P. A. McArthur. On Sunday afternoon, at Union ap- 1011tmmu:, allies Aturiel Brothers, Ie- turnea rnissiouar'y from Ioditt, will give tau address, Sunday School tviil he heiti at the nt uttl hour, Ernest Speiran, of Dettnit ' Mies Berton Speiran, Listowel, and Mies Dorothy Jtwkson, of Ripley, were Vlsitnrs,last week, with Airs, Geo. E, Speiran, 12th Con, They left on Sat- urday to spend a week at Bruce Beach, MPs Thee, Slavin, of Kendal, Seek„ and Mrs. 1', Gillis, of Niagara Falls, and t 3+ t nt•r) ysaCl t� F were Sunday visi tore with ,Ins, H. Mra, Felton, 10th Oon. Tltey are tens of Alr, Fulton, Andrew Br Mrs. Jno. nh ' D .art . and r > Y Mrs Jto,P too (their mother) accompanied th P'l'ed Ford Miss Hagan Ford and Pool motored from London, on S urday, for Mrs, Fred Ford and e Wallace, also Mrs. Albert Ford a Junior, who have been spending th holidays with David G. and M Clark, 18th Oon., being nieces a nephews p ales of the former. They all 1 on Monday. HEMIINGWAY- FIDLIN REUNION The ninth annual re -union of t Hemingway-Fidlin families was h on Wednesday. Aug. 1st, at La Sa Park, near Hamilton. Gtteats nu bering 160 sat down to a bountiful d tier to which all did justice. T President, R. A. Marshall, Ourri then took charge and the followi officers were elected for the cored year : President, Oliver elemingwa Brussels ; Sec'y,-Treas„ Mies E1 Hemingway, Brussels, Jas, Davi son, Hamilton, was appointed Co venor of Sponte. Table Committee B. and Mre. Borham, J. and M Pritchard, 0, and Alrs. Cornwell, and -Mrs. Boyce. An afternoon social intercourse and sports was too oughly enjoyed, extra prizes bein given to George Shepherd, Burlin ton. aged 89 years, for being the of est peregn present ; to little Dore Fidlin, aged 8 months, of Sinicoe, h ing the youngest, also to Airs. Ea Hodgins, of Holyrood, for enuring the longest distance, having come 118 miles. Guests were present from Simeon, Normnndate, Vittonn, North- field, Norwich, Burlington, Water. down, Hamilton, Curries, St. Cathar- ines, Brussels, Teeswatee, Ingersoll and Si, Williams, It was decided to hold the d next re•uninu, at Mohawk Park, Brantford, nn the first Wednes- day in August 1929. MORRIS Tar Pose, welcomes the news fro the township. The hrnn of the threshing machin will soon be heard. Many fttrntrta tare going to do sour shingling, this Fell. Council meets nn Monday next, tt the Ta,^• ephtitt Hail. Mrs. Thomas Taylor, and E. C. an bins, Taylor and daughter, Arline are visiting here from Canton, Ohio at the home of Win. Wilkinson, 4t line. b MOLESWORTH The chopping mill, flour and feed store and dwelling belonging to W. A. Lamont, Molesworth, has been sold to Alex. Cadwell, of Detroit, Mich, Mr. Cadwell will take immed- iate possession of the mill and possession cd' the house will be given October 1st, as the Lamont family intend' to remain in Molesworth un'cil that time, ETHEL Mr. Currie, C.N.R. agent, is on his holidays. Bet • ! t� .F +t s+ 3+ Threshing Season r is on you will +_. want a 3.. Now that ,+ the i« 01- ern, 3' F. at - 13. nd sir re, nd eft he eld Ile m- in - he es, ng patronized. In the evening a con - ng cert given in the Presbyterian y, church shed by the Brunswick Trio Ya_ of London, and while an excellen aprogram was rendered, the crowd wa n- not large, many prefacing to stay Choice if Roast Our Motto : Quality and Service Baeker Bros. _• Phones -Shop p 6 p ,' Ste House 71 or 23x g+.www.g„F,a: 2+ ;y e ,a, ;:t1I!*f e t rs, over at then park, The Park Come mittee are well sa'cisfied with the of day's proceedings, g CRANBROOK se. At Cranbrook Presbyterian church en in the absence of the minister, Rev. e- H. W. Jackson preaches at 11 a.m. rl Fisher -Ward Wedding --A pretty wedding was solemnized at the Manse Cranbrook, Wednesday, August lie when Ethel J., eldest daughter of Arthur and Mrs. Ward, of Grey Twp. became the bride of Wilford C., son of Jnp. and Mrs. Fisher, Cranbrook, Rev. Mr. Williams officiating, The bride looked charming in a dress of white ifac silk crepe with sheered skirt and large georgette collar, het shoes and stockings to match. She was attended by her only sister, Miss m Gladys, who was dressed in chin -chin blue silk crepe de chane with !rat to e match. The groom was suppor ed by his brother Will Fisher, Follow- s ing the ceremony the young couple returned to the hone of the bride's parents, where a sumptuous wedding d supper was served by the bride's mother, assisted by Mrs. George Hari ' of Atwood, the tables being prettily h decorated with flowers and centred with the bride's cake. In the evening a large reception was held in which a program consisting of bagpipe selec- tions by Archie Mann; solos by Geo. and Mrs. Evans; highland dancing by Jean McFarlane; insturmentals in- cluding violin, banjo and piano by Archie Mann, Orval Harrison and Mrs. Hart were given. After which dancing was enjoyed. Later in the evening the bride changed to a dress of valencia silk crepe de ehene. The young couple received ninny and beautiful gifts showing the high es- teem in which they are held. In the wee small hours of the morning the guests.,tieparted, wishing Mr. and Mrs. Fisher a long sail together oyer the matrimonial sea, WALTON Miss Edith Dane, of Niagara Falls, is visiting at her home here. James Ingles, of Listowel, is the relieving agent at the C. N. R. stat- ion. Cranbrook Field' Day is on Thurs- day of this week, Agood time is ex- pected. Hydro Meeting -All citizens are requested to meet at the Clerk's office tonight (Wednesday) at 8.80 'co discuss the street lighting ques- tion with hydro. Come out and ex- press your views. At the Presbyelerian church next i Sunday, Rev. I3. W. Jackson, preach- les in the afternoon. In the after - es in the afternoon, In the evening under. -,auspices of Endeavor and the Women's Missionary Society, Miss tanMuriel Brothers, a returned Mission- ary front India, is expected to give .address. Special music; collection,, for missions; all are welcome. I Successful Day -The Field Day last Thursday was a big success and the ' Park fund will have $106 added to i 11, There was, a big crowd present both afternoon and evening. There wore 14 sofc ball teams entered in the tournament and in the Girls' ser- ies the Cranbrook Oaks won fleet* money; Gort•ie second and Myth 8rd. In the boys series, Moncrieff was first; Llstewel second; and Wroxetor third, There was 710 prize given, though one was offered for the lar- gest family present on the grounds. In the slew auto race. Ian McDonald won first in the gear shift ears and John Patterson was first with! the T lords. During the afternoon and 1 t evening the dance pavilion was well � here The regular monthly meeting of the W. M. S. and Ladies' Aid was held at the borne of Mrs, Kirkby, on August 81h. About thirty.flve ladies were present, Mrs, E. Bryens presided and conduced the devotional exercises, Current• events were given by Mrs. Wm, Murray, Mts. Manning read a 1 paper on "The Negro." Mentality of elle colored race is not as low as we think. She gave definite examples of elevernegroee-and they nee always proud to be negroes. Leaflets were read ; one dealing with a call for more ntrrsee. 11 was decided at this meeting to invite Mrs Wilford, of Blyth to address the next meeting, g which will he held at the home of Airs. b Bruce, Meeting was closed with e prayer by 'Airs, Campbell, it I 'e Grand Concert in Evening + at 8.15 sharp Program pruvided by ie• The Kenney Concert Company f 3 of Toronto ';�s Comic Songs, Humorous Selections,Punny i Stories Dramatic Sketches, impersooa. +f tions, Classy Costomes-Refinement and 1i, cleanliness in it all, 3 + Dancing Pavilion on grounds with A I f Orchestra in attendance, ' General admission 35c; Children 20e ete Proceeds in aid of Park Fund Cli + �'+� 3t. ++.l+.I �.+ �+.�1 V,. YH.«i"tt } ft•.�HINi+.�.+�t,�t Ni • Gran.brook J. L. KERR, P9'ojriehr Ilo ward ttnd Jltt, Ham y, of Lone tl it, were Sdod.ty vittltnrtt at the Me- er.ehe.n home, rs Steph••tmon, of Toren!. 0. spent the eettk•end with Iter sister, Alrs. ID. ;2• , Mts 't9elav It 1 a ,s++ ii Ovnurillrtl' Jolttr Hewitt is in ascr- S d ;- irnls runditu,u tu. l,t r�eut and shuuiteg,7 4 ..r i nni[nprnv'nput Nat g .( ,u. b, Elrtot 1 wp, ler, + t y gptY 4{ !les. T. C. iervids[itt, Bt•tisaels, i fUi dy, Aug! 16th it : ' prrsent roti it g tits. Russell Irekm :e se Alts. Lecky, of Herschel, Saak,, was` +. the guest. of het' consfn. Airs, 1). 1R. Y } MnTaFisli, itt.l week. �t« M1lts.. Ala A 4t y t mste•ung, Fhora 11: . is vi liltg Iter hrnlht't. Jitn, at S+ rn y, who has here t.i, k.S,Ins. anti11,',,. u,.,t,,spanft t} Itutetbrtl t'()Ithl'i\\'W A4t,,. Sus punrtut is nut itrtpr•1 as het' nt.ty old f,•ie,.,1+ would IS Hee, but e•e all lit tie f,.r a changLMrs•Uecil Baker and dnnrI Owell yn17id}finest.,atliteDradtnanht,me, str..Hobbs and daughter, 1AV' _+ i of Toronto, are visit;,". n•tth alta >♦ fortter'e sister, Min. Ed 13 ,•wee, (: +;&� Alt'. rend Mre, Pridh"rn tu•cr I' 1, Of Tn['ont[i, s ant a Ye Mere; w a d sat the y 3 Afternoon - 1,30 Sharp +2f SOFT BALL TOURNAMENT +=i 4 B, ss T'r.t,ts---Frites $12 X$8 1' 4 Girls' Teethe- f .,s $12 & $8 Foot Ball Match a% Married Men cc. $agie Men Tug-of-war Horseshoe Piteh'g SPECI.AI. • FEATURE 2F Pillow Fight on Greasy Pole +s Relay and other Races Suitable Prises I we,'li-enti e tee ,eitl, at ,r. oodstnnk, eltat'e n have 'e home of Will and Mrs. McQnnrt Miss Edith Headmen, e 1 is. t Co means, Chin, is visiting at the old home and +; will also visit her sister at -Battlesee. Mrs. Jno, Meadows was in Hibbert, Met week, attending the funeral of her cousin, the late Mr:. Wm. Chap- pell. Bert Lett, 13. A.. has had ebatge of the services et the Clifford United Church, at Clifford, for the past two Sundays. Mrs. McCutcheon, of Toronto, is spending a few days with her mother, Mrs, J. W. Kerney, at the home of Ars, Jas. Speir. Archie Ballantyne sang "One Sweetly Solemn Thought," in the Presbyterian est r' to tan y Church, Se Sunday morning, aforth, last Mrs. (Dt'.) Freeman and children ea- eontpanied by Mies Edith Deadman, left this week for the former's home at Battlesea, nett Kingston, Harold end M: s M»rdet, of Win- nipeg, were calling on Brussels friends, last Friday afternoon, They left for Stratford en rotate to Toronto and and other Eastern points Will. and Mrs. bong, of N:,rth Bay. are spending their hnlidttee at the home of the fernier's mother, Mrs. John Long, Flora et. Mr Deng is on the staff of the Bank of Nova Scotia in the Northern city. G. A. and Mrs. Care ie end daughter, of Toronto, have beer, t•in'tnra, during the past week, at the home of J. T. and Mrs. Ross. ;tire. Oert'ie will be better known to Brus+elites as Miss Mae Dowding of former days. The many friend, of 1;.'v, Dr. Jnhu Ross, Toronto, regret 1,, learn that his health is very remelt irnpttieed, et pres- ent. Ere is vet y t,iferri noat°ly re- membered hymany in the Pteehyter. ian Chtttrh here, where he lahnred s0 long among then, • Personal Paragraphs 1 C i Mr. Hansen returned 'on Monday ev- ening from hie vacation, Gordon Best, of Detroit, has been the guest of his mother, Mrs, Geotge Best. Douglas Walker, of Buffalo, is spending Isis holidays at the parental hotr)e, Mra. S. J. Allis, of Toronto, is visit- ing with Mere, W. I3, Kerr at River- side Villa. We are glad to know that Mrs, Ed- ward Buena is improving after her recent illness, J. L. and Mee. Kerr and Mttry Helen spent the week -enol at Tornnto, Ham- ilton and Oakville. Mts, Alex. Bryens and Miss Ina, of Toronto, are visitiug.a.t the home of Airs. Edward Bt'yans, Rev. a ti� and Mrs. s. Fowler, Miss Nancy Jane and Master Joh c have re. turned from their vacation, Aliases Bernice anti Jeanette Joynt, of Seaforth, were Sunday visitors with their aunt, Airs, Parrish, Mrs, A. H, Macdonald hasa•etitcned bonze after spending several weeks visiting friends in (keen Sound, Walter and Alre, Thomson and 11ttl eats, Donal!}, of Stratford, visited ave the week -end with Brussels friends, Miss Marie And Master hilly Kit, have been in Hautiltort visiting thei gtatndperente, el r. and Airs, McCall, W. H. and Airs, Mel kliuger, of Hat: over, were weekend vksitnis with th lntt.et's parsti l.s, i.\T, 3' and Alt's. Oc't•rv. 6lt'+, Httrty St clean cad family, of the West:, are concluding their' visit at the hone of A Stewart, Queen st Alts, Weiss, of Lindsay, eu'rive here on Tuesday owing to the serious illness of her sister, Nile. Jas. Duncan. Frank and Mrs, Graham, of St. Louis, Mich., were calling nn Gen. E. and Aits, McCall last week. The ladies are COn'*ine, David and Mrs, Hulse, of Toronto, ore holiday visitm'e at the home of Mrs. John :Long, The latter is a niece of Mrs. Long. Thos. E. and Mrs. Shells, nf.Detroit, Mich.. were recent visitors' in Bette - eels with the hatter's sister, Mrs, Pat• rash, Reeve Baeker attended the funeral of Reeve Frank McQuaid, of MaKill• op, at St, Oolumbas R. 0, Church, on Monday morning, Ars. Robt, Johnston, of Toronto, and son, Ivan Johnston, both former residents of Brussels, were calling on old friends in town, last Friday. Miss Jack Lytta and children, of Walkerville, are visiting with her parents, Philip and Mrs. Amen t. Air. Lynn was here over the week -and, Mrs. Aliingbnm and daughters left net week for their Wesee•n borne in Saskatoon after a month's visit with her parents, N, F. and Mrs, Gerry. A. \V, L. and Mrs. Gilpin, of 51, Louis, were called here owing to the illness of the fortner's father, J. J. Gilpin. They arrived on Monday night, J. J. Gilpin has not beeu;,in extra and health and is now confined to his ed with a nurse in attendance. How. ver, Tuesday night he was ehowibg; npt'nvement, m. of e�troit, were tive k�eud tb And son, sewith re'former's brother, 000,teillor Jno, ewitt,, It is 47 years since the foy- er left Walton to make his home In n American city, andrs Ma tted erPeterswereer 1eAnse Alice visitors,, lase Kwerr at Mrs, eTurner wilof l better known toeBrusseiites es Fernie Alain, AIr, Tura t motored up for Sunday and the fa nine returned with him. A. A. L� turned home olast Tltnrsday�from' a' holiday of two weeks at Gaylord, A:fioltigen, They were accompanied by A. D. and Mrs. Lemont, and Miss Isabei and Master Donald, of St. Marys, The trip wee trade by. motor, OttJ annual in e.unioihof thteeended the Carrtpbell families. Ait+s Mare',u',t Kerr, R. N., efVan- roil vete eldest daughter of AIr,, (Rev.! e 1V, R. Kati•. of Oakville, re"ently won r n scholar•hip valnt•d nt 11.200 sod trill taste a year's roll'ne in New York. g ; The Feting lady taint this (nurse white • a't.teroling to her anti.'s as school (Un ca on Vireo river Island. The Beard of Educlt(inn has given her e e ! year's lenve of !diet!^e, BELGRAVE cl 1 The regular meeting of Belgrave Wonieo's Institute will bt' held al the home of Mts. J. A1, Ct» 1tes next Tues- day afternoon. Miss Martha Arm- strong will give a paten, entitled „When a Dollar was n Penne," and Mts. Finlay McCallum will give a reading. Rev. Mr. Pinnock, of Toronto, will occupy the pulpit of Knox Unite/ Church on Sunday, Aug. 19117 BLUEVALE Mrs, Gordon McKay is visiting rel- atives in Dunnville, Alex, Mowbray commenced thresh. ing operations, this week, Mies Florence Hall, of Wroxeter, is Visiting with relatives have. Ml's. Joe. Robb, of Stratford, spent tt few days with relatives here, Alts, Wm. Brewer is having A short Vacation tvitlt friends in Stratford, Mies Lnt'entt Hamilton is spending a two weeks' vacation with het Hunts in Hareiston, A very heavy electrical storm pass- ed over here, an Friday evening. There was a heavyrain end amine hail, Russel McKinney eettu'ned to 'nor- , loot Saturday, after spending Ivo weeks'holidays with relatives , D 11 H m th A program of unusual interest was listened to when thirty ladies of the W. M. S. and Aid of Knox United Church met a's the home of Mrs. J E. McCallum. The C. G. I. T. girls had charge of the devotional exer- cises and opened' the meeting with song followed by the Lord's Prayer its unison. A piano duet was ren- dered by Miss Ilett McCallum and Dorothy Vincent after which Helen Grasby read a, chapter from the- girls study book, followed by a solo from Miss Pi si'jorie Hamilton, also a read- ing .from Edna Vincent. Mrs. Albert Vincent, vice-president of the W. AI, 5, then tactic charge of the meeting in absence of President and the Us- ual business was dealt with. The chapter of Study Book was given by Mrs, Jas. Anderson, telling of. our obligations 'co the foreign, not only physically and socially, but our re- sponsibility in the League of Nations, fn safe guarding the workers by limit ed working hours and Sanitation. Alt's, Jos. Clegg led in prayer, A vote of thanks was tendered Mrs, Mc- Callum fur the use 0f trier IJotne. Lunch was served and a social time enjoyed, The next meeting will be hold at the home of Mrs. Stapleton. on Sept. 6th, Rev. Dr. J. W. Melvin, 13. A., B. D„ a native of Teeswater, who has been c in charge of the Anglican-Ohureh at Portage La Prairie, has been relied to the Wesley United Church at Leth- hhidge and will aesttme his duties in September:'. the h ghway arey'near So liaks eepe nye rt on two cone weeks State trand ee a nt,eritiii the Oe n- eral Hospital, at Stratford, is getting along nicely, and strong hopes are held out for his reooveryt