HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1928-8-8, Page 8WEDNESDAY, ACGIeST Sth, 1928.
Road Maps
Official Government Road
Maps of Ontario 5°c
Fountain Pens
Tooth Brushes,.
Tooth Pa 'te
Vac tie i [i
Preserde the memory of
them by taking pictures of
the good times.
Fresh Kodak Film—the kind in
the Yellow Box for
good results
Only a few left
of the New Model
1\lillion Dollar•
While they last, given
away free with a purchase
of $hod's worth of Auto -
strop Blades.
Fivers, French
Azurea Sofranor
Flnramye Le Treile
Powders of Distinction
in beautiful packages.
Price $ i.00
Salicylic Acid
Rubber Jar Rings
Fresh Pickling Spices
All sizes of Corks
The Store
Druggist and Stationer
Brussels United Church
Sunday, Aug. 12th
10 a.m.--Sunday School and Bible
11. a.m.—Public Worship.
Rev. S. J. Arlin, of Toronto, will
occupy the pulpit during
the month of August.
7 p.m.—Public Worship.
Rev. Mr, Arlin
Fridley, 3 p. m.
Meeting of W, M S.
This Equipment
Is at Your Disposal
MI-iE Standard' hank it ccluip-
ped to make collections locally
or through its agents in every •
town and 'city in Canada, This cur -
vice should b(, of value to you. The
Collection Department of the Stand-
ard Bank offers you the assistance o£
n highly developed orgaihi'sution
that is specialized to a fine degree In
this most important branch of busi-
ness practice.
Hereford cow strayed on Lot 7, Con 6
Morris, last Sunday night. Owner I Noble, R. R. 4, Brussels. 7-1please phone Blyth 80-4. Jas, E.
I FOR SALE—Three York Brood Sows
—one due to farrow and other two
I in about a month. J. P. Mclntosh,
Phone 556;'Lot 21, Con. 12, Grey.
LITTLE Pigs for sale. Apply to
Simpson McCall, Lot 18, Con. 7,
Morris. Phone 457. 8-1
10 Pigs ready to wean, for sale. Ap-
ply to Harold Neabel. Phone 29-9
26 Little Pigs for Sale—Earl Bent-
ley, 7th line, Morris. 8-1
LOST a small grey cow.. Any infor-
mation will be thankfully receiv-
ed. H. 0. Walker, Phone 105x,
Brussels. 8-1
FOR SALE—One good cow due to
freshen any day now; also ten
chunks of pigs, choice Yorks. Ap-
ply to Wm. Gorsalitz, Lot 29, Con.
6, Grey. 8-1
16 Pigs, 5 weeks old, for sale.. Wm.
Hollinger, Lot 13, Con. 7, Grey,
Phone 34-6. 8-1
Local News Items YORK Sow for Sale, due to farrow,
Aug. 25th. Apply to Kenneth Mc -
8 -1
Attended Races at Goderich.
A few from Brussels attended the
races at Goderich on Monday.
Will Hold Court Friday.
The Police Court was adjourned
from last Thursday to Friday morn-
ing of this week,
Times Flies.
August dth, 1914 war was declared
by England and soon the Canadian
boys began to enlist. One would
hardly realize that 14 years has pass -
Won Jitney Match.
Owing to Monday evening, being
wet, the Jitney was postponed to the ,
following evening and P. Stewart we:
high man, with A. Strachan, D. C.
Ross and W. Scott the other winners.
Will Go To Seafortb.
Two rinks from P. ues le will t ke
part in a jitney at S safer h tonight I
They motored over last Thuesday
evening, but it started to raid juee
after they got there.
Globe is Right for Once.
Thexe are few weekly papers in
Ontario which present a slovenly ap-
pearance. They are clean. keen and
interesting, and their good qualities
seem to increase with age. They
have found that service to the com-
munity pays.—Toronto Globe.
Won Challenge Game.
S. T. Plum one day last week chal-
lenged Alex Rutledge to a game of
bowls and Mr. Plum picked his team
with Walter Kerr, JI. Bowman and
N. F. Gerry. Alex had G. Muldoon,
Jno. Logan and W. Scott and after
bowling nearly all night, the Queen's
won by a majority, of 8 shots,
Warning About Money Orders.
Another Storm.
Last Thursday evening thi ssection
had another severe electrical storm,
fortunately no damage was done in
this section.
Met With Good -Success,
i President Jas. Burgess and Secre-
tary McTavish made a canvas of the
!business section of the town on be-
half of East Huron Fall Fair, and
met w tell a liberal response.
+Garden Party Friday Evening.
, Dont forget the Garden Party on
Fries evening of this week at River-
side Villa. The Seaforth Band will
be present and provide a musical
Bowlers Were at Hanover.
A rink of bowlers, J. Logan. N. le
I Gerry. C. Baeker and D. McTavish
attended the bowling tournament at
1 .urn, r on Monday but did not get
in oe 'di,: prize Donee,
Made a Short Turn.
Sunday- horning, a young fellow,
driving a horse and buggy, made a
short turn at the Post corner, and
'the hale slipped and fell on the
eros m, Many helpers were soon
Post office officials are warned in
the latest bulletin issued from the
postal 'department at Ottawa, which
contains the announcement that sev-
eral money orders have been stolen in
the United States. The serial num-
bers are given with a request that
they be not cashed if presented.
Editor for Fifty Years.
M. A. James, Bowmanville, cele-
brated his 50th anniversary as editor
of The Canadian Statesman last week
and although he has not been on re-
gular duty for `three years, Mr. James
still writes editorials, using the fam-
iliar hcadina' Tho Editor
He k to • st in ne r
takes a ten interest
work and reads a number of the "ex.
changes" regularly,
A Welcome Visitor.
A number of friends met at the
Iocal depot last Wednesday evening'
to welcome Miss Muriel Brothers„who
was returning after a stay of about
9 years in'India where she has been
under the Baptist Mission Board.
Miss Brothers has had charge of a
Boys' Mission School in India and
also has dome Evangelistic work.
During this last year Miss Brothers
has been taking a course in English
at Oxford University, England, and
for the next year purposes teaching
English in Lindsay Collegia"te. Miss
Brethers is a grand -daughter of the
late Mrs. James Wilson, and is wee -
corned back by many old friends.
Farlane. Phone 7-19.
HOUND Strayed on to Lot 1, Con.
12, Elma. Owner call at house or
phone 26.5, Brussels phone. Lorne
Stevens, Atwood, R. R. 3. 8-1
FOR . SALE— Pandora . (McClary)
Range, in good condition. Apply
at Post.
11 Pigs, 5 weeks old for sale. Phone
42-23. J. A. Nichol 7-2
FOR SALE -1 Indian twin -cylinder
motor cycle with side car, license,
lights, three speed gear shift, and
speedometer in good condition.
Price $42.50. Also one single cyl-
inder Indian motor cycle price
517.50. 1 Chevrolet touring car;
1 grain chopper; 1 single -barrel I
shot gun nearly new. Apply to
John ocking, R. R. 3, Phone 5011
1 6. 7-2
FOR SALE—Gasoline Engine 210
hsps, complete with pump jack, and
as good as new. Will sell at half
price. Telepl
THRESHERS' Steel Tank, 12 -barrel
capacity, for sale. Apply to Chas.
, Pope, Brussels Machine Shop.
QUANTITY Dry Wood for sale; also
i good summer wood, D. McKinnon
Phone 23-16.
there, and the horse was soon on hist Being Lot 3, con. 16, Grey. Build -
feet and no Annette done. There are I -ings in first class condition. An -
several crossings that are too high for drew Sloan, Phone 27-12, R. R.
a quick 'turn. No. 2, Brussels. 23-tf,
Telephone Meeting.
Seaforth News: — On Monday a Lost at Gorrie.
meeting was held in the Town Hall, The Girl's Soft Ball team lost at
Seaforth, when Mr. McEwing, Chair- Gerrie last Friday nigh'` by a score
man of 'che Ontario Railway and of 8 to 6. It was a real snappy
Municipal Boreed, and Mr. F. Dagger, game.
Supervisor of Telephone Systems,
were present re the appeal of McKie- Minor locals.
lop Telephone Co.. to increase rates Toronto Exhibition comes next,
of charter subscribers from $12.00 Dance at Pavilion tonight (Wed -
to $15.00 and of Tuckersmith Tele- nesday).
Some are talltsing of going to the
circus at Goderich on the 17th.
Afew visitors were in town over
the week end, It was Civic Holiday
in all cities on Monday.
Ethc. celebrates tomorrow (Theys
day). A good program will be pre-
sented. •
United Church Garden Party on
Friday evening of this week at the
home of Mrs, W. H. Keri', "Riverside
phone Co., for an increase in rates
from $1L87 to $16.00 per year.
Messrs, Eckert, Snell and J. M. Gov-
enloek spoke on behalf of the Mc-
Killop system, while Messrs. Matt
Armstrong and C. H. Holland spoke
opposing the increase. The repre-
sentatives of the Railway Board ex-
pressed themselves favorable to an
increase in McKilIop, but the matter
would have to come before the Board,
Tuckersmith appeal was refused and
another hearing will likely be held in
Amusement Tax Inspector Was Here.
A. Hill, Inspector of Revenue De -
usual peri-
ismake his u. a
odical rounds en inspection of amuse-
ment tax and we gleaned the follow-
ing facts. He stated "that any or-
ganization }folding entertainments of
any description, whether for religioyul
patriotic or educational purposes,
were subject to the Amusement Tax
unless application be made to -the
Revenue Department, Parliament
Buildings, 10 days previous to t+he,
date of entertainment unless appli-
cation for exemption be applied for
and granted. Note that this includes ,
garden par.'cies. It has been noticed
on his tour of inspection that persons
are under the impression that be-
cause, the tax from 25c down, was
taken off on Nov, 1st, 1927, that they
are nee subject to a provincial lic-
ense, but such is not the case, they
require one.”
"Simple Sis," is 0. Henry Part,
0. Henry would have loved to
draw a character like- "Simple Sis,"
' the wistful and unconsciously amus- '
ut laundry girl in the picture of the
F, Yh
same. name, which Warner Bros.
bring to the Grand Theatre on Friday
for a run of two days. Thousands of
girls likeSteexist, and Miss Fazen-
' da's portrayal is so glowingly human
Iso ludicrous and yet so pathetic that
, it deserves to rank among the very
great characterizations of the screen.
Clyde Cook, as the diffident lover is
the last word in rough -neck comedy.
In the cast are Myrna Loy, William
Dernarest, Billy lcent Schaeffer and
Cathleen Calhoun. Herman hay-
maker directed. "Sihnple Sis" is the
sort of charae'cer that one puts away
mentally with "Mi'irely Mary Ann"
and "Levey Mary." It nester laughs
at, but always vette!, "Simple Sis"
is a little tale out of the hearts of
the poor, You'll laugh immoderately
—but . ,
Manager, Brussels Branch
Dance Tonight.
Another street dance will be held
tonight (Wednesday) at the Pavilion
next Post office,
Held Street Dance Saturday Evening.
There was a dance at the Pavillion
on Saturday evening. Steepers or-
chestra su pplied the music.
Inspectors Were Here.
The Inspectors of the Bank of
Nova Scotia were here last week
checking up the books.
Death of Mrs. William Robb.
The news of the death of Mrs.
William Robb which occurred at her
late home Friday evening, August
3rd, came is a shock to her numer-
ous friends in town wee community.
Mrs. Robb took i11 three weeks ago,
her death being due to progressive
paralysis. She was a patient suffer-
er and during her illness never seem-
ed to forget the comfort of others.
Deceased, whose maiden name was
Mary Elizabeth Mills was a daughter
of the late James and Eliza Mills,
and was born near Bradford, in Sim-
coe County. In June 1891 she was
married to the late William- Robb
and came as a bride 'co live on Mr.
Robb's farm on the 6th concession of
Morris Township. Disposing of this
farm they purchased a farm near
Walton,' and selling it after a few
years, came, nine years ago to Brus-
sels where she has since resided. She
was a member of the Presbyterian
church and was faithful in attend-
ance upon its services, her seat being
seldom vacant. She was also an
active member of the Women's Mis-
sionary Society and Ladies' Aid. Mrs.
Robb wag a kind hearted woman
whose pleasant face bespoke to a
large extent her character. Her
many acts of gaminess and kindness
are well known, and she will be
greatly missed by a large circle of
friends. firs, Robb is survived by
two brothers, Albert 'Mels, Super-
visor of Public Schools in Fort Wil-
liam; Edward, of Medoru, Man.; and
three sisters. Mrs. Brandon, of Fro-
bisher. Sask.; Mrs. Owens, of Men -
ford, and llrs. Lyons of Bond Head.
The mcatnbers of her family are
deeply ,symmpathized with in their
bereavement. The funeral was held
an Monday afternoon and the ser-
vices were conducted by Rev. Mr.
Mchay, of le alkerton, who is tak-
ing the s, nhcos et Ale] ville church,
gave the address and Rev. Mr.
Lewin, Anglican minister gave the
prayers and conducted 'che service' et
the grave, Inte'nrent was made in
Brussels cemetery. The pallbearers
were: John and George Robb, Jno.
Work,Wm. McCutchoon and Harvey
McCutcheon. Among the floral tri-
butes were: Pillow, from brothers
and sisters; wreath, I. 0. 0. F.; sheaf
of roses, Jno. and Mrs, Work; sheaf
Easter Lily, Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair
Mills; spray, Women's Missionary
Sooietg of Melville church: spray,
Mrs. McQueen; Easter Lily sheaf,
Goo. and Mrs. Robb and Miss retry
Robb; sheaf of gladiolus, Miss Clara
Anderson and W. A. Logan; sheaf
of carnations, Mr. and Mrs. Mac-
lioth; sheaf of roses by the following
neighbors: Mrs. R, Anderson, Mrs.
Jos. 'Querin, Mrs. A. C. Baeker, Mrs.
W. J. Wilton, Sam. Wilton, Mrs. R.
Douglas, Mrs, J. Bowman, Mrs. J.
Rhodes, Mfr's. Messer. Among` those
who attended the funeral from out
of town were: Mr. and Mrs. Lyons,
Bond Head; Mr. and Mrs. George
Robb and Miss Fairy Robb, St. Cath-
arines; Mrs. Owens, Meaford; Dr.
and Mrs, Bannerman and Miss Helen
of Owen Sound; Mr. and Mrs. Alex.
Malcolmson, Moorefield; A. R. Mills,
Fort William; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bran-
don, Bolgrave; Mr, and Mrs. Sinclair
Mills, Schoniberg;'Mr. and Mrs. Dave
McCu'cchoon, Saskatoon, Sask.; Mr.
end Mrs, Warwick, Belgrave; Mir. and
Mrs. Moody, Mr. and Mrs. McQueen,
of Bruceficld•, Mr. and Mrs. Reid,
Walton; nil. and Mrs. Wm, Lands•
borough and Miss Marion Drey, of
Brucofield; Mr. and. Mi's. MacBeth,
Mr. and Mrs, McMullen, Mrs. Mary
J. Clark, end the Misses Clark, all
of Guelph; Mr, Rutledge, of Brueo-
field; Mrs, Richardson, Listowel.
Exeter is building a two -room ad-
dition to their echooh
Mrs. A. B. Pentland, of Dungan-
non, has broken the record so far this,
year for' large hollyhocks, Some
Measured reached the immense height
of over 12 feet, Mrs, Pentland's are
of both single and double varieties
and of various colors, and pia;sent a
very beautiful and attractive appear-
ance, Their height and size is so
Positions Guaranteed
This is the time that ambitious
young people must reach a decis-
ion as to their life work. If ft is
a profession, we are of little ser-
vice, but if it is the greater and
unlimited sphere of business, we
offer you the best. Every gradu-
ate and many undergraduates ,of
last year have been placed in ex-
cellent positions. Let us give you
the names and addresses of our
graduates of the past thirty
years from your vicinity. You
can write them. We are satisfied
to be judged -by our graduates,
Enter any time, a position for
every graduate, individual
teaching, also University
traiued terebene. Lady graduat-
es of last year drawing from
thirteen to fifteen hundred per
annum with raises every three
months. Business concerns of
Canadian and Ameticau cities
eagerly Beek our graduates.
Write to day for particulars to
(Toronto's Greatest School of
NESS College, (College and Spa-
ding. Toronto), or to THE
EGE, Winghatn, Ont.
young Duna youths of Jamestown,
decided that instead of going to
church on Sunday morning that they
would go in the river on a raft., The
trouble was 'chat there happeied to
be some young ladies and gentlemen
watching the scene. One was cloth-
ed in a pair of glasses and the .others
in their birthday suits,
Is George Spotton, M. P., keep-
ing his el ction promises? We say
a big NO. Last Monday at Goderich
we asked him if he would change a
fla'c tire for us—but he had to see a
"feller" the other way. It would
likely have been different, if an elect-
ion was on the go. George you
know you said a Grit or Tory could
ask you any favour, and this was our
first request—and see what you did!
Those small "she" card parties are
on the program, both afternoon and
evenings. One afternoon at a home
in "Brooklyn" the one table was be-
ing annoyed by the children ringing
the door bell. The last time, the
hostess got up and with a determined
look on her face, was going to stop
this annoyance for all 'cline, Afraid
that her opponents. would examine
her "hand" while she was at the door
she took them with her and upon
opening the door, it happened to be
a minister's wife—and there were
'she cards in her hand. She led trump
and asked the visitor to come in, but
the visitor decided that a friendly call
would be made some other clay—arid
then the, hostess 'discovered she had
the cards in her hand!!!!
great that poles are neefeed to which
to tie them in order to keep thorn
front breaking.
Lueknow Bowlers will hold their
annual tournament on Aug. 16th,
ADDY,--In Ethel, on Wadnosdny, August let,
1028, Etmna Wilson, beloved wife of Hugh
Addy, aged 78 years, a month. Dud and 10
Roam—in nrnssels, on friday Angnst 8rd,
1028. MN5 E, Mills, widow of the Into
William itohb, aged 08 years, 1 ,nonth and
9 days.
Moe,EOD In loving memory or Pte, James
Edmond Molsod, No 684600, Who felt in
Franco. on A ugust I th,11,18.
Jenne, while our hearts are bleeding
O'er the apetla that death hae;won.
Wo would et this soletm, meetin1
Celeste say "Thy' will be done,'
Motherandsinter, NUB, .704114 E. Mo
t,000 Alin Mas, JOHN ti, l te0nbbe.
F44,,tt,Mo At.
Guard against the ravages of summer winds
and hot sun by using
Persian Balm Lotion bottle 35c
Nyal's Witch Hazel Lotion 25e
Apply either of these at night. You will be
delighted with its soothing and healing effects.
For excessive Perspiration, -\Totes
and the chafing, irritating
sensation resulting from it, Mayflower
the following talcums will
be found wonderfully Persian Balm
soothing and refreshing.
Eas'em Unsurpassed for tired, aching, sweaty
feet 25c bottles
Kle-New clothing without leaving removes staina ring
25c bottle
Nalco Health Salts
Try it during the hot weather to tone up
to stomach 20c can
Alien's Drug Store
Exclusive Agent for Nyal and Penslar Remedies
Druggist and Stationer Successor to James Fox
Auction Sale.
SATURDAY, AUG.Household effect.
,Paas, at the home of of the the proprietor, Brussels.
Sale at 2 o'clock. M. Yolleok, Proprietor; D.
Notice to Contractors
M. Scott, Auo.
The Municipal Council of the Township of
for Bale by Tender
Dlcrris is nuking for tenders for the construct -
ton of the Blackhall Drain. Tenders will be
considered at the Township Hall, nt 9 p. m.,
on Monday. Aug. 200h, 1028 Pians and spec -
Mentions may be seen at the Clerk's residence.
A. N,ioSWEN, Cleric.
The 100•aere faun, being N54 Lot 20, Con, 8,
Morris, Is being offerees for sale by tender,
which will be received up to September 1st,
A snap for somebody. For further informa-
tion apply to ARORIE 610LEAN,
Te riders Wanted
8.4 Phone 207 R. R. 2, Brussels
The Municipal Council of the Township of
Teacher Warted
will ronetve tenders for the work to be
done on the kith Coneesaiou Drain, until
Thursday, the 28rd day of Annual', next.
Plans and spentacation, may he seen at the
Experienced Protestant Teacher wanted
for S, S. No. 2, Thompson, Salnrq 4002.00 per
anntun. Apply to
SecoT'reas, Dann Lake, Ont,
Clerk's office, Ethel. A oerttfted cheque for
19 per pent of the amount of the contract price
must accompany the tender. The lowest or
any tender not novena; its accepted,
J. Icl. FEAR, Clerk.
rts�r ,,,, - .
Friday and Saturday - Aug. 10 & 11
66 't�f �y t
, � ,, '
The aceam of all comedy teams in a picture that testis with
screams 1 Louise teazend'le as boisterously awkward as
ever, and Clyde Cook, the greatest exponent of horse laugh
fun, in a hilarity upheaval of comic howls and action thrills,
A great, giggling comedy of a lovesick girl and a lovelorn
boy. Love in a lauudreey� leads to blissful romance as the
would•be siren turns a temid truck driver into a galloping
Romeo. The funniest tale of farcical romance ever filmed,
the story of a girl who wanted, but couldn't "get" a man,
Friday & Saturday - Aug. 17 &•18
WARNER BROS. present
t1FE !.
r, .
� 'f
� �I
M O N T E ' L U E
Based on the Story by Arthur Somers Roche
)During August the Grand Theatre will be...op en
only on Friday and Saturday evenings.