HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1928-8-8, Page 7ee *141...11rIt.r. Crec rading Means ETTER CREAM Err I3U1'rER J1"1' LR PRICES We are now prepared to Grade your Cream honestly, gutter it twice a \teal: and deliver et our Creamery each day we lift it. Wo gather with covered truck to keep sun off it. WE' pay premium of 1 cent per lb. butter fat for Specktls over that of No. 1 grade, and 3 cents per lb. but. ter -L' for No 1 glade over that of No, graae. The 1;asie principle of the improvement in the quality of Ontario butter is the elimination of second and off grade cream. This may be accomplished by paymg the producer ,10 0 4,4 Et,•1. ;wive per pound of butter -fat Wan is paid to the producers of poor .cream. We solicit your Patronage mid co-opt:ration for better market, !j'. -we will loan you a carz. See our Agent, T. C. McCALL, or Phone 2310, Brussels. The S otib, aor f rth Creamery NEW SERIAL STORY. ;`. et Kee Am e pica (Alt rights Reserved) s ".".; .40(141'4.,0111.P U14,0411404440 "I certainly do not tell him every time I meet you at parties," Cecily replied. "But if he asked ale 1 would. He ought to know perfectly well that I do meet you, though ho thinks' Haddis may be trusted to look after me!" She laughed and Jack laughed with her. • "And how is that affair going 'co end?" he asked. "Oh, I do not know! I am not in the confidence of either Lilith or Haddis," Cecily answered more gravely. "Lilith is a little coward. I doubt if she will ever have courage to say openly, `I mean to marry this man!' But Haddis will not be easily beaten. However it Is no business of mine—I ask no questions as long rio Hedlis does not interfere with me." Then. glancing away from him down the pathway which led to the houSe, she suddenly started and changed colour. "There is my fa- ther!" she said quickly. "What brings lihn here? I thought he was out As a matter of fact Lord Lochfin- nan had been about to go out sailing, but at the last minute something had gone wrong with the gear of his Ude boat. As by the time the mishap was repaired it would be too late to start that afcernoon, he had been com- pelled to cast about for sortie better amusement, and it occurred to him that his son and blighter had gone to a tea-party at a house where his conscience told him he owed a visit. It was a good opportunity for him to pay this civility now. So he made his way to Mrs, Dale's villa, and was received by that kitty with—metaphorically—apen arms. "Mt, my dear Lord Lochfinnan, am so glad to see you! Your son and daughter are both here—or were a minute ago." She looked round the room as she spoke and saw that nei- ther of them was there. "They have no doubt gone into the garden," she added. Into the garden Lord Lochfinnan presently went in search of them, for he found no one very interesting to talk to, and his hostess could not neglect all her other guests for him. The first people Lord Lochfinnan saw *Len he got out into the gar- den were Haddis and Lilith sitting under a palm, obviously and unblush- ingly absorbed in each other, They did not see him, and after a moment's hesitation he passed on. "After ell," he reflected, "Haddis's love -affairs are no business of mine." Ile welted on towards the end of the garden, which was quite unfre- temer—seet------esees—teeeeees Letterheads Envelopes Billheads .And all kinds of Business Stationery printed at The Post Publishing House, 'We will do a job that will do credit to your business, Look over your stock of Office Stationery and 12 it requires repleniehing call us by telephone 81. The Pod Publishing House quented, and there he came upon his daughter and Jack Grandison. This appeared to a ve17 different case. His daughter's love -affairs were distinctly his business. He quickened his steps. Grandison and Cechy had risen, and awaited him. Cecily's colour was high, but she showed no fear --she had nothing to be ashamed of. Lord Lochfinnan took no notice of the young man's greeting, but ad- dressed his daughter in a cutting tone. "So," he said, "this is how you keep the promise yo umade rne — that you would hold no communica- tion with Mr. Grandison without my knowledge?" "If it is without your knowledge," replied Cechy coolly, "it is your own fault. You know every tea-party and picnic I go to. You should have known T was likely to meet Jack at all of them. Had you asked me at any time whether I did meet him or not, I should have told you at once." "I thought Haddis was looking af- ter you," said Lord Lochfinnan rather weakly. And Cechy instantly replied— "I don't acknowledge Haddis's au- thority. Besides," she added, with a slightly scornful smile curving her lip, 4Hoddis is otherwise occupied." • "So I discover," said Lord Loch - finnan grimly. "Well, I ani going home now. You had better come With me." "Very well," she said submissively. But she held out her hand to Jack. "I don't know when I shall see you again!" she said. Then she followed her father, who had not .deigned to glance in the young man's direction. "There must be an end to this, Cechy," said her father, "1 can't have you making yourself the talk of the place!" Cechy coloured, but she replied boldly— "I don't mind the talk. The whole world is Felcome to know that 7 mean to marry Jack Grandison as soon as—as I can induce you to give your consent—perhaps," she added, "before it if you delay your consent too long. I Shall give you fair warn- ing when my patience is exhausted." They were passing within sight of Haddis and Lilith as they spoke, and this time the pair looked up and saw them. "Haddis deserves a scolding quito. as much as I do," said Cecily, rio the two came towards them, with her ever -ready blush and Had- dis unconscious of any one's disap- Lord Lochfinnan, even if he meant to scold him, could not do so now. Ho merely said -- "Cechy and I are going home. We might see you back to the hotel if you liked, Miss Mansfield!" Lilith acquieseed, and they went together in search of their hostess, to take leave of her. "You are corning to my picnic on Friday?" said Mrs. Dale to Cechy, but including in her glance Haddis and Lilith. Cechy noticed, to her surprise, 'that Lilith crimsoned at this simple remark and made no reply. But her reply was not needed. Cechy herself answered promptly in the affirMative, and Haddis added— "I hear it is to be the best picnic of the year and to include the whole of Massie!" THE BRUSSELS POST "- WEDNESDAY, AUGUST gth, 1 ofas, "I think pretty nearly the whole of lenthintt. ;-;11, tern,: 'Ai Lord Loci, Alas+10 is coming," said Mrs. Ddle„ finnan, "1 suppose 1 d 11',' 114., l!''‘Ly.n wilt '1)) 0)' rte.: 1 1 I nt) "I thol'i, thitik I can 1., ist till ono." he answered courteously. "If ott ivill hive tit. 1 think 1 must ' Mrs. Dalt; w0( delizlit,d, and felt that, r,- far 0, Iter pie de wit( con- , )•),,.d, ;::,. had totildiey; left to wisl, fin'' wo:dbor, Wil.• not ,o doubtful a matter in Italy as in England. [tell I.oelffinette walked with 1.1111.11 as they went lo' (10 to the hotel. Ile WEN very fond of Lilith. 441141 not oceur to him that she deserved to be scolded quite as much as his own daughter for :dukes atone in quiet corner with a young man wit whom her natural guard ln ditl no wish her to hold any communica'cion He would have been rather startle( had he known the project to, whic his timidclinging. girl had committee herself, All unconscious of it, he talk ed to her in his usual kindly strain E'resently he said— "I want very much to see Mrs. Manqield. Do you think she could be induced to see me?" Lilith looked a little frightened. What could he want to talk to her stepmother abou'c? "I don't know," she faltered. "She has not left her room yet." "Oh, but on the Continent ladies constantly receive visitors in their rooms; 'chat would be thought noth- ing of here!" Lilith knew that this was so, and knew too that her stepmother would not think twice about receiving any- body in her bedroom if circumstances forbade hot' to receive 'ehem anywhere else. "I will tell her," she said. "Well, we shall meet at the picnic., on Friday," said Lord Lochfinnan when they reached the hotel. "I dare say you won't come up to the Villa Diamante before then," He meant by this 'co convey to her a gentle hint that he thought it un- advisable that she should come, and he took her sudden rush of colour as a sign that she understood 'the hint and the slight reproof involved in it; but Cecily, who also noticed the blush wondered if there could be any other reason for it. When they reached Villa Diamante Lord Lochfinnan called his son ante his study, and there told him of his sister's iniquities, "I trusted you to chaperon her and see that she did not do these things!" he concluded. Haddis reddened a little and made •his excuses somewhat lamely. "She would not be likely to mind anything I could say," he answered. "And since you must have known she would meet the fellow at all these places, I thought that perhaps you were abandoning your opposition." "I will never abandon my opposi- tion!" said Lord Lochfinnan. "And I understood that you were as strongly opposed to it as myse/f. Therefore I took it for granted you would keep the man off. I did not know how much you were otherwise occupied'," Ise added rather sarcastically. Haddis reddened again, but he an - swered with a laugh— "Yes, I confess that just as pres- I am otherwise occupied." "Well, of course that is no business of mine, my dear bon" said his father gravely. "But all the same I can't help thinking that you would show' better taste if you refrained from making love to Miss Mansfield when you know that her stepmother would so strongly disapprove of your doing 13.addis looked out of the window and idly tapped Ms fingers against the panes, Once he opened his lips as if to speak, but apparently chang- ed his mind. At length he- said light- ly— - - "Well, sir, as you say, that is my own business." "It is of course," said Lord Loch - finnan a little regretfully. "But wish I could persuade you not to Make her r011apiC110115. is very sweet, but she is also very pliant -- and she levee you," 04;424.424,04;42444.00440044444+0+04; $ 0 4; 0 4; 0 I 4; 0 • WA,N'T ED + * + 0 • + + ...— * Highest market price paid for your Hens t„ • M0 Yollick l' oltilefet+41+;044teeleitelteleO4444+40+4104 d[iig gifts If you have a Gift to choose for a Bride VIll' ()UR 1 FT Sior In our store you will find suitable Wedding Gifts New Goods Just In New China New Silverware Colored Glass Cut Glass Hew Fancy Slack and Tambour Clacks Diamond Rings Wedding Rings Call and see these lines. No trouble to show goods. Jeweler. ENDT • Wroxeter "Yes," murmured Haddis, "she loves me!" At dinner that evening Haddis an- nounced that he was ging to Genoa the next clay and should probably re- main there for a day or two. "I may not be back for Mrs. Dale's picnic," he added, smiling, "What do you want to go to Genoa for?" asked Cecily. "You were there only last week!" "You can't see all the sights of Genoa in one visit," replied Haddis in an expostulatory tone. "I wish you would take me with you," said Cecily, after a moment's pause. "I don't care for Mrs. Dale's picnic either, and I should like to see Genoa." "I can't take you this time!" re- plied Haddis. "I am going to meet a fellow there—" "And I should be n the way?" said Cecily, with a laugh. "Precisely; you would be in the way!" answered Baddis. "Besides the dad would never be induced to go to Mrs. Dale's picnic without you; and what would poor Mrs. Dal& say if he :failed her?" "I don't think I shall go to 'Mrs, Dale's picnic in any case," said Cecily petulantly. But she knew very well she would go; to see Jack, even under her father's eys, was preferable to not seeing him at all. Lord Lochfinnan had however a scheme in his mind by which he hop- ed to prevent Cecily from ever seeing Jack again. He awaited anxiously Mrs. Mansfield's answer to the mes- sage which be had sent her by Lilith. It came the following morning by a messenger. He tore the note open with exerordinary impetuosity. Would she refuse to see him? The little missive ran thus— "My dear Lord Loolifinnan--Your some what remarkable request has reached me through mY daughter, but, as she tells me she understood it was a business ieterview you, seek, I must overlook its unusualness 0111.1 ac- cede. If you will call this afternoon at half -past three I will see you. "Yours very truly, "Adele Mansfield." it pretty writing!" said Lord n Lochfinan to himself. "So unlike the scra ent da, that the girls of the pre- sy hand fo as 1 ask At th considersufficiently good r a latly1 Now, will she do ther,-I wonder?" e bottom of hie heart was an unackno not vel' whethernot, not. H Mrs. M motive importa wledged feeling that he did y much (etre at the moment she did as he asked her or o suddenly found that to see ansfield, irrespective of any for the visit, was the most nt thing in the world to him. CHAPTER XIX. The doctor had consented, with some reluctance, to Mrs. Mansfield's earnest request that she might be moved for a few hours in the after - neon to a sofa placed on the veranda mit4(1,, her 1,,,dsow12 winiloy'. 11 ,0/1 the reiling of the balcony, look - ea, a breed belcony that ran the ing dOWn 011 the eett. wiloie length of the hotel wi the. sea- •"rh,, Am.tui• says 1 am not to be and paw tboyotoyo • IdAirs. Mansfield, with to all those whose MOS (j() 0(1 011 another o,nIJ when she and Lori Jur,}iiiuttun had discussed for somo But, with the help of a temple of minutes oil ircuoltal rubjects, "ito Lilith and acting will rile you io come at onee 't011 o the v,11.1drS.t,311t 1(itnf,1 ,l's sic y0u,,, said itrivnbi 14)ith 'had Lord Loehlitinan, with prompt a1,ed- In:00 seen bee steinuoilier quite50 hen,',., "if you 0l411 44E1111 your necre., :,articular '101 1' her coiffure and toilet tary, young Grandison away from ehe we; that afternoon. A ilassio for the present." "When in invelid chooses to re. 1(1 i'. Mansfield lay beekon her ''1 i',' vkitors," slii obeerved, "ehe 00,4iiele.-; end laughed. should try to look as little like an 111-1 "You certainly have _plenty assur valid as possible," •ant". Lord Loelninnan!" she said, "You 110 't look much like an in- le is a very important matter to Lilith said, when all the pre- me," 81041 Lord I;oehlinnan, parations were complete and Airs, ing to take notice of her mockery, Mansfield had been very carefully "I tenet prevent him from hanging erted from her heel out ,,is to the bal. about lily daughter and L do not t.tmy anti ;•stabl;slied en the eorit be- mean to allow my daughter to marry hind the evieten, in such a position a penniless nobody such my he lee" that she could look over the 5011. In truth, she looked exceedingly hand- some, and her inners had lent- a cer- tain refinement to her fan' whieh, though it could certainly never have Why not take your daughter a- way?" suggeiced Mrs. Mansfield. "Because 1 don't want to go away from Alessi° just now," he replied. "From all I can gather, young Grand - 17n called voaree, it had rather lack- ieon is doing very little work for you, 1 as he can find time to attend every "Now, put that armchair there, so tea-party and picnic that the idle that Lord Loehfinnan can discourse people of Alassio are for ever giving. on his mysterious business without So you wouldn't miss him much." raising his voice too much. .And, "We/I," replied Mrs. Mansfield, "I Lilith, you had better walk up and don't approve of his marrying your down the balcony, so that you can daughter, I tell you frankly that I give us warning if there is any one want him to marry mine. I have my near enough to overhear what we are own reasons for taking a great in- sayiinligth"terest in him. If she marries accord - laughed a little. ing to.my wishes she will have a large accord- Lilith am I to know if other people fortune; if she marries against them are near enough to hear what you she will have nothing. It will then are saying unless I am near enough all go to an educational establishment myself—and I suppose I am not to for poor young ladies." hear?" She eyed him openly as she "No, I suppose you are not!" re- :yoke, plied her stepmother. She looked at "I am to understand, then, that Lilith rather scrutinisingly. "You stliotite.t look very well, child!" she d Indeed Lilith did not look very well. She was paler than her wont, and there was a curious strained look in her eyes. At her stepmother's words she coloured deeply and an- swered hastily— "I am quite well." Mrs. Mansefild was just about to make some reply when she was in- terrupted by the waiter, who an- nounced Lord Lochfimian. Mrs. Mansfield held out her hand to him with her most charming smile. "You see I have made an effort to receive you suitably," she added. "I think you must have been sham ming all this time!" he replied gal- lantly. "I never saw any one look more blooming!" Lilith, after shaking hands with Lord Lochfinnan, had moved away beyond the screens out of earshot, and was now standing with her arms you will SOcoib. to my wish and ban- ish Grandison for the present?" Lord, Lochfinnan asked, as if he had not heard the last words. (Continued Next Week) W. D. S. JAMIESON, MD; CM; LM.CC; Physician and Surgeon Office McKelvey Block, Brussels Successor to Dr. White Phone 46. AGCT1ONEP.RS THOMAS BROWN Seeforth, Ontario Licensed auetioneer for eountiee of Huron and p4•11,11, laulaanata ar- rangements for sale dates can be made by calling The Post, Brussels, Charges Ri•asonable, Satisfaction Guaranteed or Ito charge. 16-9, JAMES TAYLOR /Avenged Audit -new for the County of Iluron. Sales attelidiel to in all parts of the county. Satiefaction Guaranteed, or no pay. 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A prosperous rural population which demands a community centre where may be established business, educational, relig- ious and entertainment facilities, Where these flourish and are active it is safe to surmise that the people of that section realize and appreciate the value to them of such a centre. What Maintains It ? The towns are largely maintained by the surrounding districts. But the organization, the direction, and to a great measure the ap-keep. of the institutions in such towns are in the hands of the business interests, together with those directly and In- directly connected therewith, Without the active business and professional men to supervise and govern these public institu- tions and undertakings no town could thrive, ho aiiy 41, frected? Every citizen either III ol about a town should be concerned in seeing to it that they do their part in carrying on any good 1 cause which may he promoted,. either by financial or active Oupport. Only in this way will any town prosper and develop as it Shoeld. Publicity is Required 1 4 f In promotion work your local paper takes the leading part. It is ever the champion of worthy causes and philanthropic and patriotic 'undertakings. But to function properly, and fully carry out Its natural prerogatives, it must in turn have tho financial support of the community it, servea, When needing adverti4ing or printed matter a1wey 2 first think of The Post Publishing House