HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1928-8-8, Page 6WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 8th, 1928,
Builders' Supplies
B, C. Red Cedar Shingles
Asphalt Slate Surfaced Shingles
In Red, Green and Variegated Colors
Seaman Kent Hardwood Flooring
Cedar, Spruce, Hemlock and Fir Lumber
WE have a large stock of Flooring, Siding, Mould-
ings, Lime,. Insulex, Gyproc Wallboard, Doors
and Combination Doors on hand and can supply every-
thing required for a House, Barn, Hen House, eta,
i;i orders delivered an�rShort 7Notice �r 7P�h7enr, our expense, �f7orr,prices
R. J. �3 UE' 1..� T O1 9' & SON
Phones—Gerrie 5 ring 3 - Wroxeter 23 ring 9
dam,,.. �,am ...� ... ...
The Poultrymen of Canada spend
many hundreds of dollars annually
in purchasing chemicals and patent
medicines , which, when administer-.'
ed internally, are guaranteed to rid
their flocks of mites, lice, ticks and 1
other external parasites.
Attention is being drawn, in this
connection, to U. S. Department of 1
.Agriculture Technical bulletin No. 60 i
which embodies a very exhaustive
treatment of the subject of the use
of internal medicines in the control
of parasites. This bulletin by D. C.1
Farman, W. S. Abbott, J. J. Culver
and W. M. Davidson, is a record of
controlled experimental work carried
on over a considerable period and
dealing with a large number of birds
and g}eac variety of medicines. The I
findings are briefly as follows:
1. On the whole there was a loss
of body weight with the treated birds
as compared to the controls.
2. During the tests no improve-
meat could be noted in health or '
vigor of the treated hens, nor was
any improvement noticeable after the
completion of the treatment. On the
other hand certain of the medicines
used had a very deleterious effect up-
on the health of the birds.
S. No apparent dislikes on the
part of the parasite to feeding on the
medicated hens were noticed.
4. There was no adequate con-
trol of any of the species of lice from
the chemicals administered in the
tests. This also applies, and to a
more marked degree, the blood suck-
ing parasites ,ticks and mites.
The final conclusions derived from
the results of the test are "chat the
use of internal medications against
external parasites is detrimental to
the poultry industry in that it not
only involves useless expenditure but
a11ow., the parasites to continue their
ravages when they might be destroy-
ed by recognized methods.
Furthermore, it seems safe to con-
clude that any internal medication
for the control of external parasites
is without value for that purpose."
In view of the above results it is
recommended that the poultryman
refrain from using any internal
medicines for the control of external
parasites, relying upon the applica-
tion of recognized methods of exter-
nal treatment.
The :farmer is engaged in the fun-
damental business of feeling tate
world. Success in his chosen voca-
tion depends upon many factors, im-
portant among which is the extent
to which crops suffer from disease. ,
Serious losses are experienced in
Canada annually fro mthe ravages of
Plant Diseases; a condition which.
may be appreciably remedied by an
application of control measures, as
recommended by Plant Pathologists
of the Experimental Farms Branch.
Until recent years the farmer, in
ignorance of the nature of plant dis-
eases, suffered very heavy losses
from them, quite.unconscious of he
face that his crops were affected. ,
p e
if the presence of the disease was
known, the extent of damage was '
underestimated, In this way a loss
of forty our even one hundred bushels
of potatoes to the acre was often over
looked. Today fs is different. With
the aid of easily accessible literature
the farmer may. acquaint himself
with the symptoms and control of the
more serious diseases. In other
words the farmer's power over organ-
isms which injure cultivated .plants
was never as grea'c as it is at the
present stage of agricultural develop-
ment. One by one the life histories
and habits of such parasitic organ-
isms are being studied, and armed
with this knowledge the investigator
is devising means to prevent their
destructiveness. It only remains
therefore, for the farmer to acquaint
himself with the reliable sources of
information and put into practice the
recommenda'cions which are based
upon thorough investigations of the
plant diseases peculiar to his partical-
ar locality. This information Is
available at the nearest branch plant
pathological laboratory.
In appr.•eciacing the importance of
plant disease the farmer must know
that his responsibility does not end
until his crop is marketed in a sound,
disease-free condition. In these days
of keen competition and diligent ef-
forts 'co secure markets the secret to
success is the manner in which we
conserve the crops. This necessitates
serious efforts on the part of every
farmer to control plant diseases.
The London and Northwestern
railway has instituted in the Middles-
borough and Redcar aret a system of
payment of holiday railway fares by
We pay Highest Cash Price for
Cream. 1 cent per lb. Butter Fat
extra paid for all Cream delivered
at our Creamery.
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Brussels Creamery Co.
Phone 22
Aged Relative ,Explains 1,-lowever
That It Was Due to Whiskey -
drinking Law ,Partner.
Oklahoma Ciiy — Senator Charles
Curtis, Republican candidate for vice
President, is a dry, but—
"I always did tell Charlie that
whisky made him," insists Noah Eli
Curtis, S1 -year-old uncle of the Kan-
sas senator.
"It was this way, Charlie, early
in his career, had a law partner who
liked to drink hard liquor. He would
gel drunk in the morning and Char-
lie would have to do all the work a-
lone at the court house.
"Charlie got his big chance that
Uncle Noah, who lives part of the
time with a son near Parkingtown
aud the rest t ac the Union on Soldiers'
Home here, is a brother of 0. A.
Curtis, the nominee's father. He re-
members keenly the early years of
Curtis' life when "Charlie came to
live at his home,
"During the eight years he lived
with us the main thing he did was 'co
ride, and he was a good jockey too."
says Uncle Noah. "He started riding
races when the was seven years old
and he'd stick like a burr.
"He went to New Orleans once and
was paid $500 for riding a winner.
He caste home and told us he wet
through with racing for good. Sai
he was going to make something o
"I can remember lending Charli
a dollar for an apple basket so h
could sell apples to pay for his school
ing. He sold papers, too, and later
on studied law with the biggest law-
yer in Topeka, Heb Case.
"Charlie never would take a crook-
ed case. He used to charge a rich
man $500 and let the poor off for
nothing. Once I asked him about it
'and he said he believed in letting the
rich pay for the poor."
Uncle Noah has great faith in his
"I believe Charlie will carry Okla-
homa, Georgia, Alabama and the
north and northwest," he says. "And
New York and the southern states a-
lone won't beat him,"
A FORESTRY R11 10111.
United States to tiny 9,000,000 Acres
of Woods Land.
comprehensive program for the
purchase of forest lands by the Unit-
ed States Federal Govermneat, in- i
volving the eventual aequlstion of
0,600,000 acr>s of land tit an esti- 1
mated cast of 040,000,000, has been
approved by the National Forest
The approved program contem-
plates the ultimate purchase by the
Government of an additional 4,000,-
000 Acres of land within the national
forests hitherto established primarily
for the protection of navigable
streams and within which the Gev-
ernment has already acquired almost
9,000,000 acres,
These units extend along the Ap-
palaohian chain from the White
Mountains of New Hampshire to the
extreme southern Appalachians, in-
cluding also two forests In Arkansas,
A second feature is the purchase
of 400,000 acres within the Tawas
unit In the lower peninsula 0f Michi-
gan and of 700,000 acres within the
Superior unit of northern Minnesota,
where the Government now holds
considerable areas reserved from the
public domain,
A third feature is the proposed ac-
quisition of 2,000,000 acres in addi-
tional forests hereafter for protection
of navigable streams and reduction
of floods, while the fourth is the con-
templated purchase of 2,600,000
acres within new forests primarily to
promote timber production through
research, experimentation and de-
monstration whereby owners of pri-
vate lands may determine the means
and methods for making their forest
properties productive,
The Importance of acquiring for-
est land before private interests ob-
tain that which is most valuable Is
emphasized by a situation In the
Yosemite National Park. Here lum-
ber companies had bought land be-
fore,the park was planned and some
of it was so situated that It was well
within the park Itself and also made
the boundaries of the park undesir-
ably irregular.
Four Times the Speed of an Ordinary
Rowing -Boat.
No oars—no motor—reverse gears
—four times the speed of an ordi-
nary rowing -boat,
These are the features of a re-
markable method of propelling small
d boats invented by Herr Helmut
f Sauer, a German.
In place of oars there 1s a lever in
the centre of the boat which Is pulled
o backwards and forwards with no
Atwood Sept 21-22
Dayfield Sept. 25-26
Blyth Sept. 19-20
Brussels Oct, 4-6
Dungannon Oct. 5
Exeter Sept. 18-19
Fordwich Oct. 0
Goderich Sept 17-19
Listowel Aug. 21-22
London (Western Fair) .. Sept 8-15
Kincardine Sept. 19-20
Lucknow Sept. 27-23
Mildmay Sept. 18-19
Mitchell Sept, 25-26
Milverton Sept. 27-28
Palmerston . Oct, 2-3
Ripley Sept. 25-26
St, Marys Oct 4-5
Seaforth Sept 20-21
Teeswater Oct. 2-8
Toronto (0, N. E,) .Aug. 24 -Sept 8
Wingham Oct, 9-10
Zurich Sept. 24-25
Huron County
School Fairs
Following are the dates of the
Huron County School Fairs for this
11—Goderich Township
14—Colborne Township
17—Ashfield Township
18—St, Helens
26—Usborne Township
28 --Grand Bend
1 --Dashwood
8—He call
I -Clinton, town
5—Clinton Rural
more exertion than is needed for oars. '
But with the same amount of energy
the boat, it is claimed, Is propelled
nearly four times as quickly as when
oars are used. This is achieved by
a simple system of rotating a screw
at the stern by means of a friction
wheel and planet drive.
There are other valuable features
of the craft, including the fact that
the "oarsman" sits facing the bow In-
stead of the stern, and he steers with
his feet, thus dispensing with a
steersman. Then, by pulling a small
er lever, he can throw the boat into
reverse, thus avoiding collisions.
"Catching a crab" is impossible, i
and the merest novice can drive and ,
steer the boat with ease, while it will ,
turn in its own length with little ef-
fort. ,The inventor believes that in
time his method of propulsion will
entirely oust oars from ships' boats
and lifeboats.
Larger boats could be built with
any number of levers, and in speed •
they would rival that of motors
boats, while needing nq fuel and cost-
ing nothing to run. Finally, the in-
ventor claims that working the de- 1i
The verification of the genuineness
of variety names in the case of cer-
eal grains, as well as of the degree
of purity of variety, has come to oc-
cupy an important place Among the
numerous functions of the Cereal
Divisiort -of 'che Doimnion Experi-
mental Farms System. The need for
such determinations has become
more and more apparent as the im-
portance of using "the right sort in
the right place" has become more
fully demonstrated, The importance
of using varieties which possess a
high degree of purity (trueness to
name) has also contributed substant-
ially in bringing about an inreeased
interest in this matter.
Unfortunately many well inclined
people, as well as others who appear
to be less interested in or less in-
formed regarding the steeds of the
individual farm, advertise varieties
which are not always worth the
price asked. for them, In some cases
these "new" varieties are new only
in name while in others, the varie'cies
offered have not been sufficiently
well tested in companion with stan-
dard varieties, to permit a safe rating
to be made.
• According to the Dominion Seed
Act, it is now illegal for anyone to
advertise or offer for sale any new
variety until this has been proven of-
ficially. It is also illegal to offer an
old variety under a new name. In
order to make the law effective a sys-
tem of licensing has been inaugural-
ed, which system in turn places the
responsibility of making the necess-
ary determination, in the case of
grain crops, upon the Dominion Cer-
In addition to the work of verify-
ing varieties for which licenses have
been applied, 'fhe Division devotes a
great deal of time to verifying the
genuineness and purity of seed stocks
produced by members of the Cana-
dian Seed Growers' Association,
A, short description of the method
followed in these verification tests
might he of interest, Samples of the
stocks to be verified are -collected by
the Secretary of the above .associa-
tion and forwarded to 'clue Cereal Div-
ision, under variety name and Leet
lumber. All notes taken in the field
regarding 'uniformity, 'purity and
trueness to variety are recorded a-
gainst three numbers, Tn 'the labor-
atory careful scrutiny is made of sev-
eral hnnclred heads from each variety
under test, and if no "off heads"
are found the lot is passed and is re-
commended to receive a certificate.
If "off heads" or impurities are found.
these are analysed and if necessary
grown in the greenhouse or field 'co
see if any further "break up" occurs.
The numbers of the stocks in which
unpurities are found are sent to the
Secretary and the grower is notified
that his seed is not pure enough to re-
gis'cer. These verifleation tests while
Ivey entail a great deal of time and
minute study are considered to be of
great importance, especially in the
ase of "Elite Stock Seed"; since this
lass of seed is the basis of all Regis- i
crud Seed in Canada.
vice constitutes the finest aide to
physical perfection he knowsl
Contains Methyl Alcohol, Says Berlin ,
It's not nicotine, but methyl alco-
hol, that causes, all the trouble In c
smoking, according to the researches c
of Prof. Neuberg in Berlin, t
Experiment revealed that the nico-
tine content of tobacco varied with-
out relation to the strength of the
cigar as sensed by the smoker, and
that smoking continued to be harm- ,
ful in spite of denlcotinizing tobacco. I
Prof, Neuberg dlscovered that the
veins of the tobaeco loaf contain ' a
methyl alcohol, whieh fermentation 1
weakens b"ut does not altogether re- I s
move. The decrease is greater In
cigars than in cigarettes.
Burning does not destroy the
methyl alcohol. IP reed from the light-
ed cigarette, it unites with the smoke
and, inhaled, mixes with the saliva
instead of being again exhaled with
the smoke. Whether it Is possible to
remove the methyl alcohol from to-
bacco entirely is as yet undetermined.
Man's Heart No Pump. I w
The accepted idea of the heart as
an automatic pump sending blood to ; fi
all parts of the body may have to be
A famous German heart specialist,
Dr, Mendelsohn, says the heart is p
simply a governor to control the or-
derly Sow of blood, this current itself
being due to the constant intake and
outgo of liquid caused by chemical
action in the body cells, reports g
Gerting out a paper is 210 picnic.
If we print jokes, folks say we
re silly.
If we don't ,they say we aro too
If we publish original matter, they
say we lack variety.
If we publish things from other
papers, we are too lazy to write.
If we are rustling mews, we are
not a'ctending to business in our own
If we don't print contributions,
o don't show proper appreciation,
If wo do print them, the paper is
lled with junk.
Like as not some fellow will say
the purloined this from aeon er
We dict—and we thank him,
With George Young in training a-
ain under Jolmny Walker anel pro -
Popular Selene° Monthly,
Dr, Mendelsohn says the heart, a
small muscle the size of a man's fist
"could not possibly be capable o
driving the tenacious mass of the
blood through the entire body." He
cites invalids with "beasts so flabby
as to release scarcely'any energy, yet
they lived for years with sufaeiont
blood circulation.
klot Seats for Churches,
A church in i'errnsdorf, Silesia,
equipped with a heating system which
enables every visitor to heat his seat °
se much es desired, The tubes ritn
along the benches, and every seat has o
a switch for regulating the heat, y
pounced in as good shape as when
he conquered the Catalina in the
First Wrigley Marathon Swim, and
•.Ernst Vierkootter a sure entrant, the ,
world's championship swim at Vie
Canadian National Exhibition this
year has every appearance oe being a
"beetle" between these two noted
sears. Thera will ho others, too, who
ill be "in there," such as Arne Borg
Sweden; Mendell Burdett, of Tor -
Ito, whose performance last year
as outstanding, and Georges Michel,
f France, the runner -tip of last
ear, .
tri o
of i 'N ,�'-
Sales an
lLo, the people of the earth do me homage.
I ails the herald of success for men, merchants,
manufacturers, municipalities and nations.
1 go forth to tell the world the message of
service and sound merchandise. And the world lis-
tens when 1 speak.
There was a day long ago, when by sheer
weight of superior merit, a business could rise above
the common level without me, but that day has
passed into oblivion.
For those who have used me as their servant
I have gathered untold millions into their coffers.
Sell `r€r e Merchandise
per dollar of salary paid me than any other sales-
man on the face of the earth, The fabled lamp of
Aladdin never called to the service of its master
genii half so rich and powerful as I am, to the man
wlao keeps me constantly on his payroll.
Hold the !Business
of the seasons in the hollow of my hand, I com-
mand the legions of fashion, mold the styles and
lead the world whit'hersoever I go. 1 drive unprin-
cipled business to cover, and sound the death -knell
of inferior merchandie, Frauds are afraid of me be-
cause I march in the broad light of day,
hl,.::`.ver t a es
Their Servant
for life takes no chances on drawing down dividends
from my untold treasures bestowed with a lavish
I have awakened and inspired nations, set mil-
lion's of men to fight the battles 'of freedom beyond
the seas and raised billions of dollars to foot the
bills. Nations and kings pay me 'homage and the
business world bows at my feet,
I sow broad fields for you to reap a golden
Am Master Salesman attiv SaNie e
1 Am Advertisin
Waiting Your Command
The Post