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The Brussels Post, 1928-8-8, Page 5
F A 11 Fox- Canadian West THE BRUSSELS POST 44,000 �'liw� � ESTE el ta $15.00 Ise T© WINNIPEG plus tax Plus ?, cent per mile to points beyond, but not west of Edmonton, lvin-fend and Calgary, Returning $20.00 plus Am. tuz from Winnipeg, plus ri cent per Hole, etnrting point. to Winnipeg. 21 Aug. 23 31 From stations in Ontario, Toronto and east to Kingston, Smiths Falls, and Renfrew Junc- tion; Toronto to Sudbury, including line NIedonte to Midland, om ons in Toronto d inrOntariot on the Michigan Central; Ma rquette Windsor, B. sexd with Uand including Shoreall stations Grand .River, Lake Erie end Northern; and Toronto, Hamilton am! Buffalo Railways, From all stations in Ontario west of Smiths Falls and south of Sudbury and Renfrew Junction. Special cars for ladies and children. Pull information and liel.:eis frc'm H. L. JACKSON, Agent, Brussels e 'IAN PACU CIFIC ua+essIxaMUMIXE rte• ,vv, „ DRASTIC RULES TO GOVERN THE ADVERTISING OF UNDERTAKERS Professional. Card in Papers Only is Allowed; Its Size is Restricted and Also the Nature of the Wording it Can Carry. Toronto, Aug, 2—Drastic regula- tions with regard to "advertising" under the Embalmers and Funeral Directors' Act which was passed at the last session of the Legislature have been drafted by the Board of Examiners established under the act and now stand approved by the On- tario Cabinet. All advertising" the regulations read, "shall be conducted in a strict- ly ethical and professional manner, and in conformity with the practice of the learned professions whose duties bring them into contact with individuals or with families," 'fo emphasize this spirit the regulations stipulate that licensed funeral direct- ors shall use no form of advertising other than a professional card, -or an- nouncement which shall not be larger than two inches by three inches, and on which shall be stated only the name, the licensed standing of and 'the business address of the person, pa•tnerei:ip, firm or corporation, the telephone number and the name of same and e the address and telephone number of the manager, Ti, Appear Once Only. The same card must not appear in any more than.one place in any news-. I paper, journal, magazine or publica- tion of any kind of whatsoever, and further, the card designated must nec be attached to any calendar, souvenir or other object or device i "which might promote or increase its importance or its value for pur- poses of advertising or publicity." 'The sane spirit, the regulations state. must be expressed in signs out- • side funeral directors' parlors. I Other regulations to which the Govcrnthent has given its approval 'provide for the establishment by the ; board, itself, or ocher organization, l of a course of instruction in anatomy sanitary science, and the general pra- t dice of embalming and funeral dir- ecting, open only to articled students who have served one year with a 'licensed funeral director in the Pro., ( vince. For the time being, the student will be required to have passed the first form in a secondary school of education, but after Jan, 1,' 1931, a second form pass will be needed. Examinations shall be held at least once a year, Board FIas Wide Powers. Wide -r cation • lower Wide -reaching powers have also Eco „o m tcur ire n spew, atlas nnouncing the NEW UTILITYTRUCK -another Sensational Chevrolet Value 4 Speeds Forward* 4Whee1 Brakes NOW Chevrolet presents the New Utility Truck— a low-priced haulage unit embodying every feature of advanced engineering developed' through years of experience in commercial car -building and proved by exhaustive testing on the General Motors proving ground! Typical of the progressive design embodied in this sensational new truck are a four -speed forward transmission, powerful non- locking 'four-wheel brakes, full ball-bearing steering mechanism, front shock absorber springs, air -bound seat cushions and channel' front bumper. In addition, it offers all those basic features which have been so largely instrumental in Chevrolet's tremendous suc- cess as the world's largest builder of trucks—rugged rear axle with one-piece banjo -type housing • , semi -elliptic springs set parallel to the load , . completely enclosed valve -in -head motor with air cleaner, oil filter and positive action vane type oil pump thermostatic control of water circulation . . low loading height . . generous road clearance and countless other features of comparable importance. Visit your Chevrolet dealer and get a trial -load demonstration of this remarkable new truck1 It has been developed to meet the modern conditions of business transportation and body types are available for every type of business. e.4.11.2eso Price CHASSIS ONLY AT WALKERVILLE, ONTARIO Government Tarts, Sparo Tiro, Exmoor and Body .Extra. The G.M,A,C., Genial Motors' own de/coed payment pian affords the muse convenient and economical toay o/ buying your Cleevrofee on time. WORLD'S LARG>RST BUILDER OF ,'RUCKS FRANK WOODS BRUSSELS ONTARIO PRODUCT OF MINIMAL MOTORS OF CANADA, IMIX ' D been vested in the board in respe of applications for funeral direcco inspection of equipment a accommodation of any undertak listed under the act,^ and cancellati of license in event of a funeral d actor committing a criminal offen in connection with his practice. Licenses to embalmers shall granted os to holders certificates of qualific registered with the board and in good standing who have attained the age of 21 years and have sub- mitted evidence of good character satisfactory to the board. The fee for such license or renewal therof shall be $3. License as a funeral director shall be issued to embalmers registered with the board and in good standing whose premises, accommodation and equipment have been approved by the local board. •• Ten Good Heats WINS MORE HONORS Dr. Frank Allen, of the Mayo Cl n - lc, received the Honor M. D, degree et at the University commencement hist rs' month and was awarded the Starr nd ' Silver Medal, He is the son of Geo, er and Mrs. Allen, Wroxeter, and a eon - on sin of Ty. Alien of town. ir- se REV Fit O NLO be of ea KILLED ON CI NgRo at Goderich Races Carl- Private, Willis Gratton and Donna Patch Win First Money. Goderich, Aug. 6—The third an- neal Goderich stake race meeting, held here this afternoon, was a splen- did success, there being a large crowd of people on the grounds. The wea- ther was ideal and the track in good condition. The new grand stand was used for the first time and every available seat in it was occupied. Between the various heats the Gode- rich Citizens' Concert Band rendered excelle'n't music. The racing events ion the program were keenly contest- ; cd, some of the best horses in the province taking part. The 2.12 Blue Water stake was won in three straight heats by Carl Private, owned by A. Allen, of Waterloo. Willis Gratton, owned by Mrs. Edith K. Hodgins, of •� Stratiiroy, captured the 2.20 Golden Gate stake in three straight heats. The 2.30 class race went four heats and was won by Donna Patch, owned by L. D. Galbraith, of Appin. The results were as follows: 2.12 Trot 'or Pace, Brice water Stake .. Purse 51,000 Carl Private 1' 1 1 A, Allen, Waterloo Jean Petors 2 2 2 D. 30. Laughton, Armin Ideal Grattan 5 s 1 Dar' Rowe, M. P. Newton Robinson Billy Petah 4 4 4 James Price, Dunnville, Time -2,1231; 2,111/; 2,111. 240 Trot or rime, Golden Cate Stoke Purse 52,000 Willis Grattan 1 1 1 Mrs. Edith K. Ilodgins, Strathroy Peggy Allerton 8 2 2 Dr. J, B, 'Whitely, Goderich Teddy Forbes 2, a 0 Duseoith & Copeland, St, Marys Mack Te'go 0 1 2 R. J. Smith, Guelph Tial i,iodturn 4 5 4 IV. J. McManus, Codorich ward Brisae 6 a 6 W. D. GUY, Sea0orth Time -22,1414; 2,12333; 2.121/x. 2,3 rrrnt or Pneo, 5uspre 5800 Donna Patch ...2 1 1 1 Galbraith, Armin Lady Volen 1 4 6 4 O'Neil, Sarnia. Pearl Peter •,_ 0 3 2 2 aloe, Yearley, Crediton May Patch 4 2 4 8 -Bnwet, Bothwell Mal Boy s 7 0 -0 J. D. Shelton, Itineardlno Jerry the Tramp' r 5 ;2 6 Arthur Palmer, Blonhelm Bottle Grattan - 0 5 1 dr Earl Rowe, M, P,, Newton Robinson IIal Davis 7 dr • J, M. McManus, Goderich Winnie Grattan ' 8 dr 11 5, Litt, Mitchell Tlino ",1514; 2,163;.2,10; 2,18. Starter—S, Burns, Palmerston. 1 Judges—J. W. Smith, Gabriel); W. I3. Grosoh, Stratford; J. H. Fans - ,bottom, Walkerton, 1 A Shanghai paper inill is utilizing the reeds which grow in :profusion along the river banks as a raw ma- terial. Its capacity is about 46,000 reams a year. Former Clinton -Blyth Rector Meets Death at Princeton—Body Found Beside Tracks—Funeral to be Held Wednesday Morning at Woodstock. Princeton, Ont., August 0—Rev. Fr. James Hanlon, formerly of Clin- ton, London and Stratford, was kill- ed early this morning ,when he was hit by a C. N. R. train near his home here, Fr, Hanlon, who had been re- tired for the past few years because of ill health, evidently arose from his sleep and half awake wandered on to the tracks. I3is body was discovered by the crew of a freight train at 5.30 o'clock this morning. TJntil the find- ing of: the body he had not been miss- ed from his home. Though in ill health for some time he was in an unusually happy frame of mind of late, according to friends here. Last night he chatted with neighbors and was most jovial, Fr. Hanlon was 55 years of age. Inquest Opened. An inquest was opened this horn- ing by Coroner McKay of Woodstock and adjourned' until Wednesday night. The funeral -will be held on Wed- nesday morning at 10 o'clock with requiem mass at St, Marys Church, Woodstock. Interment will take place in St. Marys Cemetery, Wood- stock, Many of the, priests of the diocese will attend. Father Hanlon was a nacive of Ox- ford County and as a young man en- tered commercial life, being employ- ed as a clerk with the T. W. Grey dry goods store at Woodstock. Decid- ing to enter the priesthood, he en- tered Assumption College, Sandwich, where he remained six yearst' and then attended the Grand Seminary, at Montreal, for 34. years. On Dec- ember 22, 1900, he was ordained by the late Archbishop McEvay and his first charge was at St. Augustine, Huron County, where he built a church, He was then transfered to Clinton and there, too, he built a church. Blyth church is also attach- ed to the Clinton parish. From Clin- ton he was moved to St. Patrick's Church, Biddulph, but he was 'there only a few months when Bishop Fal- lon appointed him to the new parish, of St. Michael's in North London,, where the growing Roman Catholic population had made necessary a church. Father Hanlon undertook the work with his Characteristic vig- or and built not only a church but a house and a school, Sent to Stratford. As a reward for his efforts, Bishop Fallon appointed Father Hanlon to be Doan of Stratford and rector of St. Joseph's church. ono of the most important charges in the diocese. During his latter years at St, Mich- ael's in London Father Hanlon did not enjoy the best of health and he was sent to Mayo Brothers' Hospital at Rochester, Minit. This operation helped hint somewhat, but it has been said that during his cn'cire residence et Stratford he did not enjoy a single day of real health, despite the fact, on the bishop's suggestion, he should not overtax his strength, but leave the more active work to his two assistants, Finally the decided to re- tire and moved 'co Princeton to reside with rela'cives, Lattcly his sight be- came affected and one eye became blind. Father Hanlon was a mean of great executive ability, which was recog- nized by both Archbishop MCEVay and Bishop Fallon, This led to Weir WEDNESDAY, AL'.GUS'1' 8th, 1928, appointing! him to parishes where i building programs were necessary. These works he carried out in a nlo.t businesslike lino. w tv 11' was popular , with all c 1 t ia, of citizens and among hl closest friends in rho various parishes were men who wore not members of his faith, Ho loved his . fellow -men and was happy when fact was 'able to hying happiness to their lives. O1' the sick he was particul- arly solicitous. Dean Stanley and Father Ilanlon were elasarnate:t during practically all Glob* college carvers and were ptar- thoilat• friend., for many yearn. "Father Hanlon was a- man of the kindliest disposition and was beloved by everyone," said. Dean Stanley, "He was a man of ghat executive ability and an untiring worker, I fool I have lost a groat friend and thou. -ands of others will feel the ane. We will miss his happy, saint- ly person." Morris Council Meeting Following are the minutes of the Council meetings held iri the Town- ship Hall, Norris, on Monday, July 28111 : The members of the Council were all present, the Reeve presiding, The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. A motion was passed to pay for the tile on the ground for the Wella Drain, The agreement fir the por- ch tee of gravel pit from Bd. Pollard was accepten and signed. The con- tract for repairs on the McOull Drain w is given to Richard Alcock, jr„ at $75.40. The contractors on the Tip - ling Drain were paid $475.00 on the cin tract. The by-laws on the Blackhall Drain and the 511) Concession Drain were finally passed. The following accounts were paid David Wells, tile Wells Drain $775.- 64 ; 8. P. Davison, cement, for tile $2210 ; Thos. hillier, making tile $27 ;' Wallace Agar, tile Turvey Drain 521850 ; Rinner Wilkinson, bridge paint 85350 • Agreement, 1'e -graved pit $1.00 ; Beach Alcock, contract Peacock Drain $150.00 ; A MacBwpn, by-laws and fees Blackhall Drain $55, 5th Con. Drain $10,00 ; Greenwav and and Oleghorn on Tipiing Drain 5475 ; Patrolmen, James Noble $226 95 ; Frank Beirnes 8187 23 ; Geo, Kelly $116.50; Lewis Jewitt 5323.19; Rus, Sundercock 8223 85 ; Wm. McMur- ray $195.50 ; Wm. D. Henderson $205.90 ; Joel H. Sellers $258 31 ; Pd, Johnston $384.95 : Ohm. Workman 521.75 ; G. S. Procter 515.10 ; Frank Shaw 5216 00 ; Wm. Graig $167.25 ; LVm. 0, Thnell 5143 5S ; Jnn. Craig $245.62 ; Jae. Anderson 5135.25 ; 0. A. Campbell $223.63 ; Wm. Brown $122,63. [Ont,00u Get some e 1 ice about y urr 's "Air costs nothing—lack of it means miles off the life of your tires," MORE than half your tire troubles are caused MORE There's a correct pressure for every size tire according to its load. Two or three pounds under this will take miles off its running life. Near enough won't do. Use a reliable gauge and be -sure. Or, call at this depot once a week and let us look over your tires. We'll watch for bruises, rim cuts and embedded flints. At least twice a season let us remove each tire and look for inside fabric breaks. It will mean extra mileage—and dollars off your tire bills. A Dominion Tire will give marvelous mileage if you treat it right. DOMINION TIRE DEPOT E. C. Cunningham DEALER BRUSSELS 2UObauncil meets on Monday, August - land will celebrate Derry Day on Saturday, Aug. 11th at Stratford. Reynolds M. Hammond, 10 -year- old son of S. J. and Mrs. Hammond, Downie Township, was instantly kill- ed Friday, when struck by lightning while driving stock with his brother. The Royal Black Knights of 'Ire - Farm for Sale A very desirable stock farm of 150 nares, mile from�5 Brussels. Good nit purchaser, and equipments. r ie terms to suit pnrehsser, For further psrtlq¢lsrs apply to A.R,MACDONALD, Brussels. 0o Your feet Bother You ? ph 1 the trgost feet, erhof ainfullydaging one foot the ot e ong the bitterness on watching thegworld. Foot suffermisered for can reare s avoided. I ouknow, wbecause y to re lieve that painful strain upon my weakened arches. Now I want to hs;ifhyen itg0onanP.,awrin. T,W000,20ProsspcetHam- ilton, Ont„ or may be purchased at Downing Bros., shoe dealers, Brussels. (poktot\ Leader for Leadrship fie n Yirst Shong AY M Bi anch Dealer Sho*rooms - WHEN SETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT, MCLAUGHLIN BUICK WILL SVILD THEW' -