HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1928-8-8, Page 15 VOL, 57 NO, 8 2.00 per annum in advance BRUSSELS. ONTARIO, %VEDNESDA Y, AUGUST 8. /928 ($414i:pS"+4.44. .!IMyA•4c4+f444-0b'Rf:«i?iV4e0 stf 1H.4.3%i4913r+k%»d i stew Advertt,remen'M The Surrounding District w.A".,FASt-• tk*S .44:1 t'i^:N«.:J^1' ist f.1 44.s itfs ttat4e sfs.! f ttltsT+ i«isesaSsaf,«a BLjJEVALE The painters tine busy decorating M Ethel Garniss spent Sunday at 11) s Uoi1811 Chu' eh' her home in Morris. Miss Mabel Coupes, of Toronto, i, Johnston R; Black shipped a ear of I hoiue for a few wetacs' vacation with huuhs and hog to Hamilton. 1181' mother hare, Mrs. Rob.. Meliinuon anti ehildlet) have returned home often tt shed Ca Do n with relativss at Del,olt, The Laches' Ail] and 4V, Al. Si, of Knox Peesby111t'ian Dhuleh suet in the schoolroom oft he church, on Thut•s- Ila afternoon. 3 Aug, `led, The W. Al, S, was in twirled 1 ver by the Pvt • dent, Ales. P. S. Mriaverl, Aftersiog- ing I-lyrnit 73, Mrs. L. Rotten read the Scripture residing, Col. 3rd Chapter, 1 and Afi's. Jun, Mundell led 111 pr'Ityee, I Arrangements were made regarding the supplies for the bale. Miss Olive Gan'niss etntd aohttptel,front the Study u.,.o A. AicOal1, of Hamilton, called on old frietttle Mete, 1111 Saturd(ty• (30811011 and tilt's. Gallaher, of Brus- sels, visited with friends bete, last week, Gen. Dnnaldsnn bite leturned horse to Toronto ' atter 1 a pleasant I t anantion her e, Ft tusk and Mre. Fair, of Ancast.er, spent a few days with Geo, and labs; Thotntoo. D J. Fatcotrer is now in charge of the afore which 11e purchased from, Rohl, Shaw, Misses Grace and Helen Masters; of Toronto, spent a few (lays with rel - 0. ' Airs, Clegg has returned home afte spending the past tew weeks with he daughter in London. Dt•. E. Coupes and Mrs, Coulter, of Philadelphia, are visiting with the former's mother here, at present, Mre. A. Lewis and daughter, Helen, of Landon, are spending a couple of weeks with AIrs Jos. Underwood, A. 0. and Mrs, Challacombe, of Tor- onto, are spending their vacation with the latter's parents,' Jae. and Mrs, Nichol. During the heavy electrical storm, on Tnureday night last, the telegraph instrutnents at the station were all burned out. Harry and Mre, Stowe, Mr• Hutch- eson and Mr. Donaldson, of Toronto, spent the week -end with Mre. Mary Sanderson and family, Leonard Elliott has purchased the house and lot from Howard Stewart and is having it fixed up. It will make a nice hone when completed, Reuben Garniss made a business trip to Waterloo, this week, He was accompanied by Mra. Garniss and Mies Olive, Misses Margaret Garbles and Olive Scott. Farmers are having a hard time get- ting Fall wheat cut, on account of the ground being so soft and flooded in places, The wheat is down badly in planes with so many heavy rains. Joseph anti Airs. Guides and family and Mrs. Rolph were at Mitchell at- tending the funeral of the late Mrs. Rolph, sr., who passed away there, on Tuesday of test week. The deceased was within two months of being 100 years old, c cleating with the social service r the church in the Canadian West, t, making special mention of the hoep- 1 ital work in South Porcupine. The next meeting will be held in the church, when Mre. Jas. Simpseo, Sec- retary for Home Helpers, and Mre, (Rev,) Pritchard, of Moleswon'th, wilt be resew t and d ad(h• P es a the meeting. g. trues here• ' hoeprtal and ute(1'cul supply wok of CAR LOAD OF esters CLINTON J. A. Irwin, who has been a dry goods merchants for the past 16 years, died on Friday last, He had been ill for only two weeks. Surviving him are three sons, Rev. Wm, Irwin. of Saskatoon ; Rev, Robt, Irwin, of Tor- onto, -and John Irwin, of Cincinnati, and three danghters, Bessie Irwin, of Thorold ; Ruby Irwin, at home, and Mrs, Ohas, Verey, of Fullerton, Ont. GREY Miss Doreen Glazier, of Stratford, is visiting with Oliver and Mrs. Turn- bull Miss Margaret Smith spent last week at Elora at the home of Mise Ad- eline Burnett, Miss Edythe Dane, of Niagara Falls, has returned home and ie spending her holidays with her mother, Alts, A. E, Dane, Ethel. Mies Pearl Jacklin, of Toronto, was a visitor at her home on the 81h line over the weekend. She came to see her uncle, Lyde 0 Jacklin, before he returned to his home in the West, On Friday last, Andrew and Mrs. Jacklin and the former's brother, Li. de, from the West, and Melville Law- rence and Mildred motored to Detroit for Amiss Violet. An enjoyable time was reported An auto accident happened on the highway about two miles South of At- wood, on Saturday evening, when a coupe belonging to Elie Ducklow, 111 Kitchener and a new conch belonging to Fred Tuck, of Grey Twp , enlli(lsd • S in passing, T3otit cars WPnt into the ditch, the eon pe being bad 1y damaged, while Ilr, Tuck's oar was damaged on the side on which it was struck. The oecupanfe of both cams were some- what shaken but not seriotsly ed, TO BE UNLOADED SATURDAY Phone 5 U, Backer -••I--1'+++•t•.1.4„2.4.4.f••t•'r+a•+++•t•a• tet•a••1• + • arlci TO 'Harold Skinner's Blue Water q -IN- BO s Y :; �••s �� ��•: Wingham Arena ▪ Every Thursday Night 1 ÷4-1-4-44+4-4-14÷÷++++++S-4-4.4.4.+4. i ?,s Notice! I an goingWest for cat- tle t-tle and I will be in touch with all leading stock mar- kets. I will fill orders for carloads or small lots, and will be pleased to give you any information regarding same. I will leave Aug. 14. After that date 'phone or write M. Pries, IF ordwich, and information will be for- warded. Sheldon Bricker, Fordwich, Ont. Special Announcement ! Having been appointed Distributor for the hrysl Corporation We offer Cars at $695,00 and up, iincludin six different models, viz, : Plymouth • De Soto ,6 ; Chrysler 62.6 ; Chrysler4' 65 . Chrysler* ,6 ' and Chr rsS } Lek So 6. All with the longest wheel set base of any small car, also hydraulic 4 -wheel brakes. Come in and look them 'over. E. n CUNNINGHAM Phone 9x. BRUSSELS (lrnnbroolr nem DHy (lows lost win. 0. Welber Notico—tslu,ldon Brloker Irigs our sole --,Kort Hound strayed—Lorne Steven Pigs for sole 'Harold Nenbel Auatlmt HEllo—Al Yolleck Hale by toetder Aronle McLean Notice to aonWaeto's—Ttvp, of lttorrls Westarn onto Alt, lineker Ptgster°nl 4in row, tternll P.es es u- Is A e, Iio d.. ger 1,..Hoty for setsKenneth.ucturin: 0 Western Valli, London I Tenders wnntee—Township of Grey J Pigs for sale --J. P AleTnti,eh I Rengefor sate -Tile Posr Geo, and Mrs, Kinlork and family I and Aire. Annie Chambers, of Deo oh, returned home ltftet' attending the fnnerta of the l'orm(et'o mother, who died lately, and Aliso Violet Jacklin t•e- tut'ned with them w, dpen(1 a week, Kenneth Madill and family with friends were guests o1' 111t•s, Telford Keifer', this week. Itis many Yenta's since the gueete Wete visitors here, Mr. Madill is an accountant for the Dominion Al an ufact rivers Limited, manufacturers of undertake/ s' sup- plies, and resides at Scarboro Bluffs, Ontario. The guests left for Dun- dalk, Ont, • WROXETER Arnold 'Edgar spent Thursday in Oshawa, Allan Munro left this week for a motor trip to Montreal. The many friends of Mrs, Jno, Ad- ams will regret to learn of her serious illness, Woodrow Wendt. of Windsor, is holidaying at the house of hie uncle, 3. R. Wendt. Merton Howe and family, of Toron- to, are spending a week with the former's sisters here. Mrs. R. Muton and little daughter, of Leamington, renewed old friend- ships in the village, last week, Wroxeter Girls' Softball team de- feated the Brussels girls in a league game played in the park here, on Sat- urday evening. The score was 19-7. MORRIS The harvest is on now, Council ,vitt meet on Monday, Aug. 60th. Council minutes may be read on an- other page, Quite a number attended the Angli- can 011urch Garden Party, 11041' Bei - grave, an Wednesday night last, Gerald and Harold Elden', who have been staying ,with their grandparents, W. A. and Mrs. Ouningham, "Sunny- side Farm." have returned to their home at neon burg. On Friday morning about 6 a'al barn of the 7th line of Morris aging to Beach. Alcock was bet lightning. No one WEts living is farts, but the building was a g e. to by th on in tv) of Int we A (la of ape Do v 1, Vit UV nye ter 011 Dud Rev of met nen ing eon T Ad last dee was Wit she life n bein en 9e:ve hes Add Rev. I Mr'. come Ethel Co Paxknity F® t del ) ay Thursday, Aug. 9 Soft Ball Tournament at i,31 Six Boy; 'felons Four Girls' Teams Good Prizes Slow luta bees foot Roues ,'luny other amusing ceoteds Admission25cC1 1(1,,a 15c Autos 25c, Big Concert in Evening In Presbyterian Church Shed the Brunswick Trio, of London in an entire change of program. Doti t miss hearing "Jock" Bldlantyne in his latest song hits and jokes. Admission 50c. ;Children 25c, 1300111 on Grounds, Dancing Afternoon and after Concert (See posters for full particulars) 0, store but no appointment has as yet been made, Mies Marie Ryan was succesful in her Junior Piano Examination of the Toronto Conservatory of Music, Mise Maude Ferguson is her teacher, Both are to be congratulated. A newspaper despatch from Chic- ago makes reference to Biehop Rowe, who is a cousin of•Mrs. W. W. Hoy, of Walton : "Two women and eight Wren have been voted the Cress of Honor of the Order of the Sangreal for "distiuglished service to the Epis- copal Church and humanity," Rev, Ir- win T. St. John Tucker, master of the order, announced. Heading the list of those cited is the Rt. Rev. Jahn Gardner Murray, presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church in America, The award was made "because under great pain and hardship he has offer- ed his life freely in the fulfilment of the heavy burden of his office." Aug- usta Martyn, founder of the House of Happiness, Scottdale, Alta., and Mrs. Edna Miller, wife of the late Bishop Alttler and, lead of the National- Oen- 0ek, ter for Devotion and Conference, Ra- be- cine, Wis., were the two women cited, sed Ralph Adams Oram, Boston archi. on teat, was voted the awatd because nod "he has -interpreted the spirit of Christ to the world in terms of archi- teature," Others awarded the cross were : Bishop Peter Trimble Rowe, who has been Bishop of Alaska for 83 111- years ; Bishop Charles Henry Brent, of Buffalo ; Bev. David w. Gib ETHEL '1Villilunson Rt Smith finished psi g the school, last week, J, H. Fear had the outside wo rlc of his house pnintet. Miss Elizabeth Fear is recovering ter her recent operation, Don't fnt'get Field Day at, the Ootn- uni[y Patk, on Thursday of Ude elf. lies Ruby Cleaver spent 0 fete ys at tree home, con. e, on Recount illness, Mrs, (Rev.) afford, lit Scugng, riding = W11 110 with Tiros, and M ughel'ty, Airs. Robert Pearson is apenlliu ile with her daughter, Mts. loud, at Donegal. fetor McAlastet' has returned ()pia after spending n couple eke with his brother, Dr. Marta he services in the Presbyterian troch, next Sunday afternoon and evening will 130 conducted by , H. W. Jacltsot. ()rite Hayden, of London, forrrneely thel, got into a serious predica- nt on Saturday night on Oou, 8, r Ethel, when the car he Was deiv- took a trip into the ditch with sideeable damage to the car. be funeral of the late Mee. Hugh dy was held on Friday afternoon from the United Church. The eased was in her 78th year and bora in Brantford township, h her huehand who survives her has Spent the greater part of her n G to . with y the past few env yenre spent the he p village. I; After rat months of failing health she ed away nu Wednesday hast at home of Use son, George and Mes, y. The service was conducted by D. M. Guest, assisted by Rev, Jackson, with interment in Ethel Eery. ,- WALTON las or od 1 t of the Cathedral Shelter, Chic- ago ; George Fyson, Chicago ; Rev, James O. S. Huntington, founder of the Holy Cross, and Rev. Dt•, Francis J. Hall, • I3ELGRAVE Miss Isabel Stewart: of Londesborn, visited relatives here, is Alr. Rountree, of London, visited rs with Joe and ales. Brandon fora few days. Dan and Mrs, Geddes r a, are visiting 6 with relatives at Smith Falls and Nap - 0)1110. to Alt's. Jas, Robertson, of Manitoba, 1 I of t°pent a few clays with her sister, Airs. a- J. A. Geddes. J. L. KERR, Probiriedor i 1 ` The BEST GARDEN PARTY OF THE SEASON to be held at Riverside Viiia The home of Mrs. W, H, Kerr i oda �t fI ufg 1 Rug. Good Program of Local Talent assisted by Talent from Toron to and London and Seaforth i(iit' lU Band Sandwiches, Coffee, Hot Dogs, Pie & Ice Cream served on grounds. Admission 25c and 15c Under auspices Ladies' Aid United Church. way, The grounds and the stage were decorated with flags and bunt- ing, The prettily decorated tables were set for 200 guests and they were catered to by happy and obliging waiters with all the season's variety of tasty viands to tempt the most ex- acting appetite. A friendly game softball was played between Beige and the Red School, resulting in Red School winning the game. program Was ender the managem tCranbrook? . 4=. - Day?? t? t Rata { LiursdayAug, �h h ;. l Church Notes f.Inited Church Services On Sln+day hast were con- ducted by Rev, 8, J. Allis, a Pot user "if.' t pastae, and new liviug int leronto. i' iffs subJect' fn the tnnrning was "The Afternoon - 1.30 Sharp 3 i Doti Ysogoodness2n 1, � Psalm 81 : 19, '(1). y SOFT BALL TOURNAMENT ! Krare, Hie prnvidenee and lL 3: 1. t�. ) Ir' ;,node••;+a as one • 4 B,; I o .els-1 sues 512 & 58 x: ns atpletige of tInnath l 1111, lsl'e oer tit . i 4 C iris learn. --Plias, 512 & 58 4 i enter life, '�•g \t ,and Airs. Procter, Mica L. Procter Foot Bail Match J and W. J. Al r.('raeken f"l'uied n guar.' • Ma,riedMen es. Sirgkm,,,, S let; ti wheseselectinit wastln accept-. • 7 i I able and pleasing feature of the scar - ' Horseshoe Plteh'g e` vire. In the evening, Mr. Allis re. SPi CIA[. ;FEATL'Rls ented'"The Life and Character ofAb- _, PllioW Fight on Greasy Pole i 1 e'tlraa'nt (1) The t ypical man of faith ;$ and adventure. 121 tile real worth X Relay and other Raees 8 oat !n het•(ls and finaks but in Itis ban- Suitable Prizes asap, goodness and lfindnesv of h i (41 His eegatd and coneiderationtof ;f, tx others, (4) The evidences of his Grand Concert In Evening trust in God's mercy, In the absence i F at S.IS sharp ! of the organist at the morning eer- y + ; Program provided 6y ;_ �iee, the organ was played by Mr The Kenney Concert Company %F :_ of Toronto ,t 1 • 4 Comic Songs, Humorous Selcctions,Punny > . C£ Stories, Dramatic Sketches, lmpersona- at tions, Classy Costumes -Refinement and 01, cleanliness in it all. 441 Dancing Pavilion on grounds with A 14 +: Orchestnt in attendance. ,z General admission 3501 Children 20e Proceeds in aid f Park F 4p o ar anti vy of `` aveI Personal Paragraphs the 1 The ent1 of the Kenny -Wilson Co.. of Toron- the ap- rty re - the re- d's in by is. ice al he to to, and was much enjoyed by large crowd, which showed their predation by good order and hea sponged to the noalause. The nyte cores.mere rnIn y second part of the program, they p Rented a short play, "A Husban Dilemma," which kept the audience roars of laughter, but dear, hub came out all right after many tris The booth was very buey serving cream and all kinds of confections Rev, W. I3, Hawkins, in his nail happy style, acted as Chairman. T congregation feel very grateful AIrs. Montgomery and her family w were untiring it) their work as well the hearty welcome extended to all theft' home. The Kenny -Nils Concert 0o. were a huge success Et will be welcome to a Belgreve 011 ien08 again. When everyone Wo' and all together is when the Wh turns merrily ernnnd. Dr, and Mrs. Hamilton and Air Bailey spent Sunday in,Clinton, Miss Mae Wood, of Chatham, was a visitor with Mrs. R. F. Downing. Geo, and Mrs. Thompson and fam- ily, of Toaoutc, were up for the week- end. Archie and Graham Stewart, of Tor - 0010, were home fon' the week -end holidMrs, Holmes and son Archie, are visiting with friends at Thormdale and Stratford. Mr. Lockwood, of Clinton, was a visitor, last week with his son, Chas, 1 Lockwood, Mrs. Bell returned to her home in ho Toronto after visttiug her mother, 119 ' Mre, Jas. Spelt. in 1 Misses Millie Grewrtr and Florence o Buchanan were sight -seers at fait- i lid j ener, last week. g 11-! Detective Rieke, of the Tolottte ! g ks' P1111z0 Puree, wits calling on friends in eel town, on Sunday. I Rev. and Airs, W. il, Matthews, of , ev Pnasonby, were vi,itOte WI /II 1, J. At d A t, and • I Mrs, Carey siey and Aiiss -Cor-' ( ey, of Toronto, have beets guests of J. � u IT.eudMts,Itoe.. Merrier and Mrs. Weeds, of Chat- w g loon, were week -roti Visitors with f1 I Mts, Jae. Ballantyne, S 111 Airs. Watson returned last week A from visiting frlends in \Viugharxt and 11 an and aroma) Hvlgrave, 1. a ek ti. sen. The congregations were good and the choir attended well at both set vices. Melville Church Hiss Muriel Brothers will give an adding at a meeting in Melville - Chuech, 00 Monday evening, Aug. 13rh at 8 o'clock, Miss Brothers has been engaged in missionary work in India for the past seveu years and has very intereeting things to tall about India and -her work in a boys' school there This is an open meeting to which everyone is invited,ai •.;,-y, W. M. S. -The regular meeting of e th Women's Missionary Society -of Melville Church was held last Friday afternoon, Mrs. Strachan presiding. The Scripture lesson was taken by AIes, McLaughlin and prayer by Airs. Robs, Oliver. The study, "The Royal Road," was most ably present- ed by Mre, 0, 0, Ramage. Miss Mur - lel Brothers gave a short talk ou her wank in a boys' school in India. Mise Brothers is a charming and intensely interesting speaker and it was a great Measure to have her back again in her home church after 7 veau'R of missionary service in India. The solo, "I ehelt not pass again this way," sung by Mrs. J. 0. Scott. was much appreciated, There was a large attendance at was closed with alt roe und tofgsentence players. CRANBROOK Rev, H. W. Jackson, of Ethel, w take charge of the service in the Pre bytevien Ohtlech, next. Sunday mot ing. Ft13LII DAY.-Oranbt•nnk ie hty�yj,lin a Field Day on Thursday, AngtThr i cote111rnrims at 1,311 sharp. There tui be a Suft Ball Tuurmamenl tar boy 111111 girls' tetany and a foot hall mato between the tarried and sfugl1' mei Races and other events will be run of It the beevening the Kenney Cance On, will Y ell give a hret•rlass pnngrann See Mot, to 1,1118 issue and ttlso hills Mark down the date-1'h'n'sday, Aug 0th, Grey Council Meeting Rev. 5, J, A1lin, of Toronto, 10 the nest of Mrs, W, H. Kel'r, Mrs. Maguire, of Ethel, was the ItPRt of her sister, Mts. D. C. Ross. Miss Molly Scott, of remote, was a eek.en11 visitor with Mts. D. Walk- (. (lupin, this Weelt. $lis a Ed an McCall is span<lirrg n few' aye with friends in Rockwood and Salk. Huth for. Bllaintc Manners-, is14,,sttvirlo this visit Iib IIA)' ane, titin, (len. 3TeKay. of Abernathy, ask , Woe a wt ek-end vi'sititer With L iso Margaret Flebin.son, Mrs, D. C Walker and Mtss Marion, f Regina, Were visitors With S. and ra, Walker, last week. n R h t and Mts. Pieason and Master nhetl. ,1+'•• were t r ith old fiend+ in litt•tinver, visitors 1411 o .lean Scott was the guest of 1• stints, the Misees Brine, at Sea - rill, during the past week, Mrs. W. D Rayner, Alise Mary Is - I and Billy, all of Petrous, are vis- ors with D. 0, !MCI Mrs. ROSS. sited with Mrs, Ashton 101(11 Mrs, MMlae- olald and family, on Tuesday, Master Walker Humphtiea of CUat- hatn, is spending his holidays with his grandparents, S. and Mrs, Walker, Mrs. T, Lundy has returned to her home in Guelph after visiting for the at two weeks with Mrs, (Dr.) Ham - I l ton, Mrs, Rus, Wheeler and Miss Gert- rude and Miss Marie Bowman, God- 11rich, are visiting with relatives in town, b e 1 the McFadden, uest of his aoolee ant? oauntg David and Mrs. \V n lket Burin the e paet week, ek Louis and Mrs. Powene and erns, Roes with Mrsd , Powers'of lsor, were Vie. brother, Chas, Lockwood, Rev, Gen, iing,g'stls 006 family, of Hector, Minn„ ea11Pd 0,1 Mr, Bailey and Dr. and Airs. Hamilton, during the past Week, Alex. and AIrs, Thompson and ehild- 1'P.II hove 1• ettrrned to t Ueit home in ora Falls, s ,N,i ., after and a n pie of weelcs with Arnhte end. Mre, ra 95011, armee and Aire, Anderson and. Bobbie, and Chas, and Mrs. Ad, home of Rohall of Toronto, t, and Mrsweee . ndersnn own. arotd and Mrs, Mordent and Miss y Shaw, 011 of Winnipeg, aril 11r Brnsselitee, left the Western by car, the end of last week, and tntnrir,g to Ontario; They will in I3t'tassels for a abort time, M, and Mrs, \''tltnot and Charier; tied nn Sunday from a rnotnr o Eastern Ontario, Mee, .Wil - sr,, aconmpanied b'p' her Ilieee, 14 [, McMartin, returned with Thee, A. Hawkins, acoom yore neplaeve' Iloury 011(1 M s, Orson, een, %leery 1Li1Ward, and Rachel, of Jauipetown,, New , were calling on friends in rims - on Monday tnnrning. Mrs, cine reports that rnr. A," is en. g the best of health, at present. nine yeale since they' vlo ted els friendsr Alis Cora Williamson, of Toronto, M r' . has been visiting far a fete duos With , her aunt, Aire, . G. Lowry. asp• R Miss 1 r Muriel Spading teas n guest at ty. ' I the (fray --Ainslie wedding in Knox l Church, Listowel, last week, he Airs, Messer', her son and his family, , fn of \Vuterlon, spent Sunday with the 1 A farmer's Iwo 1hs)', J"s. Qnelhn. abs Mrs, Ztpfeturd Murray and Betty it Lon, of Toronto, are visitors with the 1 I farmer's sister, Airs. R. Thomson, e J. L. and Airs, Kerr, 'Mary hielen ! Ij I Mrs, Richard d li 11 e s of I3ewnr d Soke ,wino , has i fu this locality bfoe the visiting s to 00th, was a visitor with Palmerston Fiends last week, Our rnttuy Walton reader's will be glad to know that Eileen McLaughlin, who has been attending flee Dutton Public School and who W('ote on her Entrance Examination there, pessed with lmtors, standing highest in her ' school on1 of a class of twenty and 81d highest in the County of Elgin, Eil- een gives a great deal of this honor ro Miss Mills, who laid so well the found- ation before.ele left S. 8, No, 7, Ale• Kiilop. Miss' Mary Sho'treed, who has been i, the I, F. 0, store for several years and who las been most efficient and obliging, has resigned her position and leaves about August 16th for Fergus, where she will enter the hospital as a nurse• fn. training. Mary's many friends are sorry that she is leaving Walton, but wish ler every suceees, A 0)111111er of applioatione have been received for the position in the The Misses Fitzgerald, of London, 1. were reeeut visitors with Thomas 011(1 Mrs, Shoebuttoin. Mr, and AR's. Byers and littledaugh• 0 ter, of Detroit, are visiting with Carl and Mrs, Procto,'. Alts, Scandrett has returned to her home after' spending a few weeks with her sister', Airs, AlRGowan, Miss Goodall, who has spent the past few weeks with her friend, Mrs, R, 7'uill, has returned to her home in Toronto. Rev, and Mrs. Scobie and children have left• on their holidays. They are ou a motoring tour which will take in Not'th Bay, Ottawa and other points. Congratulations are extended to Miss Margaret Ma nret Cook in passing , h • p her , g Printery�g•• ]7xar ninnti nus of the 'Toronto Conservatory of Music, Miss a pupil of Miss Safra Cole Belgtave, is A HANDY SHEEP . ane Ttaoclt. - Last week's issue of The Farmer's Advo- cate had the following note with a photo of n well-known farmer, W. M. Henry, of this section : "Live stock trucking is becoming quite cotnlnon, these days. Trucking to market, to the a isles t lid moving live g stock it 1 the everyday ' routine 0 y y f bui r y n and sell- ing have created a new teanspnrta• tion policy. The motor t103k is in de• man(l and the trailer is being com- monly used. 1V. 11I, Henry, Mast SVa- wnuosh Twp,, 'lawn County, to ex- 10nsively engaged in sheep husband• ry and has found tt truck necessary. He set about to assemble one and did so al: t n t nctuni malt outlaty of rfi24. The trailer is 10 ft. long, 6 feet wide and 4 feet high, On one occasion, he took in 28 efghtypomnd Iambs to Wiughoeml and carried 4 lambs and 10 mature sheep to the local Fatiits, loot Fall, 7'lte cage part of the trailer has a' plu'titicn Ser055 the centre, which keeps the sheep or lambs from crowd- ing or being precipitated food one aide to the other, on rouge rondo tv1101) the vehicle is brought to a sud- den stop," The 01)t1na1 garden party under the auspices of the Anglian') Church, Bel- grnve, was held on the beantfful 011 Following are the minutes of th nunail meeting held on August 41h The minutes of the last rneetf were read and (approved on motions F, Rowland seconded by Jos. McKay. Moved by Stuart McQuarrie second- ed by R. L. McDonald that S. (2. Mc. Pherson, of Stratford, be appointed as Township Solicitor for 1928, -Oar - teed. Moved by R. L. McDonald second- ed by Jos..McKay that the Clerk be instructed to advertise for tenders for the work to be done on the 14t1i Con- cession Drain, --Carried, Moved by Stuart Tann A is nor . Q rte and seconded h R .L,A McDonald anal d hs t at the rate of taxation for township purpos- es for 1928 be 8} mills of the dollar of as aetnetlt,-Oat', ied. �@ Alli t yeti by I , Rowland and seconded by Jos. McKay that the accounts ns presented and approved be paid, -Oar. rigid, nd see. 01 tied byoved R. Stuart L. 8000tlnirald tharrie t we ad. '00rtl n t moot on tet ober 1 1st o• i at the cell of " the Reev. Reeve. The J. L. herr, By -Laws accounts Om Drain 830,00, By -Laws Roderick McKay Drain *30.00, Debentm•e fortes *5,00 ; Dr, McMaster, expenses to convert. than 525.00, vaccinetinns and 13. 0, supplies X10.60 ; Roads *1,438,00 J. H, FEAR, Clerk. PERTH COUNTY Lisf.owei 15 holding n Talton on Wednesday, August 1501, 1000 mea in the Stratford 0, N. R. shops fare on a one -week's holiday, beginning Monday, Three other Stratford concerns, the Chafe Com- pany, the Farquharson•Gif'o'd Com- pany and the Imperial Rotten Com- pany are also closing for one weep, William Garth of Statfa, pleaded guilty before Magistrate Aiaktns, Stratford, to a charge of stealing 5185 1 from Witham Aiiller, of St if He remanded for sentence and in the antime an investigation win be e of his enact With a view to pos- e deportation, and AIre, W. Ft, Kerr were visitors in London, as :Chnrstiay afternoon. f 1 Mr. Hintz and family and Mr. Plunkett, of Stratfo td, were Sunday visitors with 305. and Mrs. Querin, Sidneyand Nr 8. Ward, d of IWere in town, last Thursday Sidney is an old Bruseelsite, but has been away from town for a good many years, Mre, R, 3, McLaughlin entertained her guests, Mrs. (Dr.) Rose and two sisters, at four tables of bridge, ou Friday evening, ni, g' Mrs. H. 0. Walker t hag returned t'il ed hams from hospital I an d p her a friends will be pleased to knows that she is improving. E. and Alto, Palmer, of Chico 0 have been visiting at Duncan Mac - Donald's and visiting Miss Muriel Benthere, Mrs. Palmer's cousin. Allen and Mts. Babcock and Mrs. Minnie Wray, of Sault Ste Marie, are visitors with n J ta, and Mrs, , iter• . ll n { , tan. Mrs. g Wray and ,alts. $ern- s inn are g sisters. Thos. and 'vita. Russell and family, of Saginaw, Aticlr,, were here 00 a visit at the home of Mrs, Alex, IRs: ell, town, and also visited friends in Grey Township, Police Magistrate 0, A. Reid, Orown Attorney Dudley 1101mes, Co, Coo- etahle Gundey and Prov. Police Otlic- er, Whitesides were 111 town, last Thursday for Court, Jen, Spefe and Are, Dunbar motor- ed lit Dn n gas, nn Snnduy, to visit lei• atives, They were accompanied back by Ales. Kearney Who, we are pleased to learn, is now enjoying gond health, Mrs, Jack Walker and daughter, Miss Mary, of Seaforth, and Mrs. J.) G. Cameron,,nf Regina, were calling on 131'nesels friends for a few minutes, on Monday, while en route to Wrox. eter to visit the Howe Ninny, Miss Nellie Jardine, acenmp anledrby tee sister, Airs, Frank Teasdale, and Mr,Peaedale, left this week for a trip to the Western Ooaet, They expect to visit Jasper and 'Banff, also the Coast cities and to take the triangle tour of Btitislt Columbia, apaoloas lawn of Mrs. Thos. Montgnm.l mea , ere and eons, Con, 10, East \Vatvan- mad osll, and was a grand emcees in every I sib! pa Nin r 11 Thn Ui Ron, ems the in t H Doll form City 11.8 Y visit F. relate trip t mot, Mies them Mrs teal) Rog MISS York sols, Rawl joyin It is Brass