HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1928-8-1, Page 8WEDNESDAY, August 1st, 1928, T ll 1 BRUSSELS POST rh Vacation Needs Road Maps Official Government Road Maps of Ontario 5tic Stationery Fountain Pens Tooth Brushes Tooth Paste Location Days ARE KODAK DAYS Preserve the memory of them by taking pictures of the good times. ROM BROWNIE CAMERAS Fresh Kodak Film—the kind in the Yellow Box for good results FILMS DEVELOPED AND PRINTED Store Only a few left of the New Model Million Dollar AutoatropBaors While they last, given away free with a purchase of $ I.0O'S worth of Auto - strop Blades, Fiore French Face Powders Azurea Sofranor Floramye Le Tretle Rosiris Powders of Distinction ui behutilul packages. Price $ I.00 Preserving :,Requirements Parowax Salicylic Acid Rubber Jar Rings Fresh Pickling Spices All sizes of Corks Fe R. SMITH fr, e Store Druggist and Stationer Local News Items 1 ,mJ Street Dance Tonight. Miss NIcNab Resigns. The street dance under the euspi- Miss Mary Mc\ab who has been ces of the Foot Ball Club will he held t:•c eh ng the second room in the Pub - tonight i;Wedn.;sday,) Iii school, hasresigned and the Benre it.,:c c t_a•gcci \its Zlarg-aret Secured Position. McD..ug'tll for tsar room. 11Iisa- Mr - Out of :12 applications for th•• ncsd- \ tb has been n ; epul.0 teacher with elies her young tion of i 1 l,b n, or :•r: to c t.,, 1 al d,. Gladys Piiws.on was cItu_eu. 15'c wish• Some Storm. her au, :_..• ! A ...v, • 1- •s', ;tent lilt Will Hold Court Thursday. ; town Ia.,: Friday lay morn t,,. Abut 3Iart.tro.: t'..a. I.Licl, iiia.i.11 nMin rht th,. iu>, no i oh out Old will ?e1,1 ,•curt in itrue . 1' on "1' ,.) - , tete d:. t11 r inn a ._ r a.1 storm was day niorelnei of de:: week. a J t r ; nn tis jurist aril. _Cu lcnua was h ruse. • the ruin to th.. G 1 i' A pati ars en arty, tag, t. Th Ladies aid of L art•rl ; Died m the West. Chervil are nt lkin- plans fes a G1 i John ;'lions e r cited word on den Party at Rivcirside Villa on Rik- I T't rl.t,: .,:t noon that his sister, day eveltillg, Au_. 10th, Beep r 'la ) B. Sandors. s, of Austin, Man., ! i s d away aftornes • all ills ex - data in mind. '' S c : c,r the past 'two years, De_ Gerrie Girls Won.d was horn in Wroxeter 52 Tor J i5 :• stn t:a' (inti t ' I Lund after her marriage has Soft Ball tr.:un c.nn, to B11.1:•::!s „a resided in the Weest. Besides her easily d f :ar,•d t 1, 1i•hil1 chu , h 't;u,f and and throe sons and two dau- iis by zt ere?,of 2 to 1 return 1 ht ahrr is -urvived by a sister, gam, will be played on Iri,lay nicht I Mrs. Wm. Patterson, Wroxeter, and at Gerrie. ! four brothere, John, of Brussels; George, of (ulroes Twp,; Charles W. On Saturday while Di is 1lcQuatite l (3f How•ie•lc; and 13. C. Simmons in was playing that old jack-knife ama, t Manitoba, Funeral will be held in : the the knife didn't flip the way it was i Weed last West. Mr.- Simmons took a trip intended 10111 flew up and jabbed hint l last stammer to visit his sister. in the eyelid, It was a close call for the eyeball. Dick has since decided to play other games, Signs Mean Nothing Here. bee, former well-known residents of The "Stop" signs and the "No Grey Township and Brussels, died Parking Here' means nothing to the , from injuries received in a car ac, motorists in this burg, but we expect I cident near Portage la Prairie on the the motor cop here one of these days 24th, The late Mr. Forbes was in the and then 'they will mean a lot. Cars contracting business and he and a have no business being parked on the workman had started late in 'che even road at the Bowling Green, as road is ing from Portage la Prairie for Win - narrow and dangerous for the public, nipeg, they struck some new gravel Use Motor Oil. and the car upturned. Passing motor- • Had Eyelid Cut. Died from Injuries in Car Accident. hirs, John Duncan received word from Winnipeg that James Forbes, a son of the late John and Mrs. For - Instead of trying to burn the nests of the tent caterpillar, one of our residents has been trying out a new method 'with good success. Binding a rag on the end of a long pole, he saturates the rag in used ofd from his auto and swabs the tent of canter - pillars. He claims that the oil kills the pests and does not injure the trees,—Mildmay Gazette. O.A.C. Alumni Members Picnic at Kincardine, lets brought the men back to the Portage and Mr. Forbes died 40 minutes after being admitted to the ' hospital. His wife and family are at present in California and be had ex- pected to go down this month and bring them home. Burial will be made in the West, A Western Reunion. A reunion of relatives numbering over seventy met for a picnic in the pack at Sour;,,, Man., on Sunday, A crowd of about 500 members of duly 220d. Among those present the Ontario Agricultural College Al- were: John and Mrs. Denbow and omni Association residing in the family of Delon, Man.; Robert Den - counties of Perth, Huron, Grey. and how, wife and family, of Brandon; Bruce assembled at Kincardine on Roher't and Mrs, ;Williamson, Jas. Saturday afternoon for the first an- and Mrs: Robertsou and family, of nuad reunion picnic of the. assosia- Carlyle, Sask.; II. A. and Mrs. Got. - tion.. There was a big program- of rell, of Oxbow,.Sask.; Wm. and Mrs, athletic events during elm afternoon, Hales, Mrs, J. W. Fogal, H. A. and A basket lunch was served in the "errs. Fogal, of Brandon; R. and Mrs. evening, •Gummett and family, of Carroll; Alf. Jamieson, of Dominion City, A Close Call from a Serious Accident Man,; Wm. Miller; (ion, and Mrs. While a number of children were Miller and family, Peter Cantelon playing at the Bowling Green on wife and family, Sam, and Mrs. Can - Monday night, Ileen IvIeQuarrie, dao- talon, of •Souris. It was indeed a ghter of'Wne. and Mrs. Mc'Qnarrie, happy hunch, some meeting for the ran out from a parked car and was knocked down by a visitor from Ham- ilton. Fortunately for the young lassie, the brakes on the car worked first time since bidding farewell a Brussels . many years ago. Many pleasant remembrances were recall- ed of olden times in Brusstls and vie - 'perfectly, and was stopped in a few inity, showing evidence of warm 'feet. Been is badly bruised but will ' hearted feelings for, earlier assocla- be o.k, in a day or so. tions, Brussels United Church REV, A, W. BARKER. B, D. MINISTER Sunday, Aug. 5th 10 a.m.—Sunday School and Bible Classes. 11 a.m.—Public Worship, Rev. S. J. Allis, of Toronto, will occupy the pulpit during the month of August. The Evening service will be withdrawn. t 101 What We Have to Offer ONE chartered Bank in Can- ada has •anything greater to offer thee business conuaunety than its contemporaries unless it be in the character of the service it ren- ders, During the halt century of its life, the Standard Bank hitt develop- ed a distinct individuality through the kind of service maintained in its dully transactions. The commercial Aspect of this individuality is found in the Horny unique-ervicc.s for which the Standard Bank is pectd- inrly equipped. THE STANDARD BADS OF, CANADA Y ESTABLISHED 1873/1 ft HEIFER Strayed on Lot 31, Con. 6, Morris, last Sunday night, Owner please phone Blyth 36-4. Jas. E. Noble, R. R. 4, Brussels. 7-1 LOST—Fountain Pen on Street last Friday. Reward offered. Leave at Post. 7-1 11 Pigs, 5 weeks old for sale. Phone 42-23. J. A. Nichol. 7-1 FOR SALE -1 Indian twin -cylinder motor cycle with side car, license, lights, three speed gear shift, and speedometer in good condition. Price $42.50, Also one single cyl- inder Indian motor cycle price $17.50. 1 Chevrolet touring car; 1 grain chopper; 1 single -barrel shot gun nearly new. Apply to John Locking, R. R. 3, Phone 50- 16. 7-2 WANTED—A good cook for the month of August. Apply to The Post or personally at Riverside Villa to Mrs. W. H. Kerr, Phone 32. FOR SALE—Gasoline Engine 2Tjb h.p., complete with pump jack, and as good as new. Will sell at half price. Telephone 31-19. 6 -tf. THRESHERS' Steel Tank, 12 -barrel capacity, for sale. Apply to Chas. Pope, Brussels Machine Shop. QUANTITY Dry Wood for sale; also good summer wood. D. McKinnon Phone 23-16. 100 ACRE FARM FOR SALE:— Being Lot 3, con. 16, Grey. Build- ings in first class condition. An- drew Sloan, Phone 27-12. R. R. No. 2, Brussels. 23-tf. Away to Seaforth Races. Many from Biu is are attending the Seaforth races this afternoon. Hydro Gang Here. The Hydro workmen are busy putt - in the poles from here to Ethel. Ethel expects the light on in the fall Won Jitney. On Monday night John Gibson Wo11 firet prize and W. E. Willis, Bert Mc- li tt and Geo. 3Iuldoon were alta: iith, r Wi71111.1.0 at the Monday night jitimy ,.t the Bowling green, Minor Locals. August. And still it can rain. The good old summer time. Street dance this Wednesday even- ing. Council will meet on Monday even- ing. One month more of vacation for the, school children. • Last time jtoright) to see Harold Lloyd in "Speedy". Seventy-five thousand harv_.esters will be required tp gather in the West ern grain crop 'this fall. If a woman does housework for 310 a week, that's domestic •servi;e. If she does it for nothing, that's mat- rimony. Assist us to make the Post a better local newspaper by seeing that we got all the local news, including your visitors. This is the season when thousands of citizens are away from home sell:- ing a thorough tanning. As a tan- ner old Sol beats them all. Mark Opening of Huron Tract, Sept. 3rd. Plans are rapidly going forward for the big celebration in connec'cion with the '100th anniversary of the opening of the Huron tract and those in charge are sparing no efforit to make the event worthy of the historic occasion which it will com- memorate, It has been definitely de- cided that the celebration will :take place on Labor Day, Sept. 3rd, and a meeting of the Central Committee, of which Mayor J. A. Andrew, of Stratft'd ,is chairman, was held in Seaforth this week to make further preparations: The Hon. G. S. Henry acting Premier and Minister of Public Highways,' has accepted the invite, tion to take part in the celebration, which will also mark the completion of the Huron hi hevay to Godorieh. Present indications are that the streCeb from Seaforth to Clinton, now being paved, will be completed at least a week before Labor Day and it is planned to have the ribbon cut at either of these two places with appropriate ceremony, In the meantime several more cairns in memory of early pioneers are to be erected and it is likely that a cele- bration will be held all along the road from Fryfogle's Conner to Goderich, G. H. SAMIS- Manager, Brussels Branch SUPPLY AT UNITED CHURCH Rev. S. J. Allis, of Toronto, and a former popular minister of the Brus- sels Methodist church some years ago will conduct the services in the United Church during the month of August. Coming to Grand. July 30 -31 -Aug. 1—Harold Lloyd in "Speedy" reed Yet Aug. 3-4—"A Million Bid." Here Neat Wednesday. Mr. Ileavely, the Rupture Expert, will be in Brussels at the American Hotel for one day only, Wednesday, Aug. ata, See advt on another page. Held Picnic at Baybield. The choir of the United Church with a number of their friends spent last Thursday afternoon at Jewett's Grove, P it tb•ld. An enjoyable after- noon was spent by all, Cut Noxious-Weeds— A Fine if you Don't. ' The Ontario Legielautre i7.4. the ses- sion of 1925 en11 ted this previsio•t: "Any Owl r r or occupant of land who contravenes the provisions of the Wend Control Act by not destroying all weeds on the property occupied or owned by bin,• or who refuses or neglects to obey any lawful order of chs inspector given under this Act, incurs a penalty of nut ]es. than $20 nor more than $00 for every such of- fence." A Former Citizen. The Toledo Edison Newt, publish- ed by the Electric Co., for the em- ployees had in the July number a picture of Joe Sharp, a former Brus- sels•odtl, boy, and a brother of Mrs. Ida Lowry, of town. Following was the write-up :—On a dismal rainy af- ternoon back in April, 1980, a young huskie walked into The Toledo Elec- tric Company's plant, then located oon the site of the present Rivoli Theatre, and told: the manager, Mr, Bates, that he wanted a job. Peering oover his spectacles, Mr. Bates asked the usual questions and found 'that this would-be employe could, among other things, climb poles, care for Thompson & Huston arc lamps, and that he had obtained some experi- ence out in the farm country of Ne- braska. No such help was needed, but one of the firemen was sick and the preelect could have that job un- til he returned, if he would shovel coal for 15c an hour. He took the job—and we will tell you right here that was the manner in which Uncle Joe Sharp was initiated into the my- steries of our eledtrical system. Alter his job as fireman was completed, Jos was extra trimmer, trouble shoot- er•, lineman, ganee foreman, and litre;l fibreman in rapid succession. His next :Keep brought him into the re- : sponsibilities of general line foreman. Here for 13 years he handled all line and trolley work, having sole charge of all linemen, trimmers, track bonder, troubleman, etc. We might go on to tell of the many changes which were made and com- pleted under Joe during this pioneer- ing period of our company, how from small motor -fan service in series with arc circuits, different lighting methods, and 550 Volt D. C. power, we have evolved our present system; but than can be found elsewhere and her we want to tell you about Joe, While general foreman he organized a tug-of-war team at the Line De- partment, that all the old-timers surely remember, How "Sim" "Ira" "Mat" and the rest of those 200 pounders licked overybhing in sight, including the police and firemen, - furnished many good times and leaves a lot of pleasant mammies. But then there's nothing strange about that, Positions Guaranteed This is the time, that ambitious young people must reach a decis- ion as to their life work. If it is a profession, we are of little ser- vice, but if it is the greater and unlimited sphere of business, 100 offer you the best. Every gentle - ate and many undergraduates of last year have been placed in ex- cellent positions. Let us give you the names and addresses of our graduates of the past thirty years from your vicinity. You can Tvtite them. We are satisfied to be judged by our graduates. Enter any titre, a position for every graduate, individual teaching, also University trained terchers. Lady graduat- es of Last year drawing from thirteen to fifteen hundted per annum with raises every three months. Business concerns of Canadian and Arieticau mites eagerly seek our graduates. Write to day for particulars to (Toronto's Greatest School of s' 1 Business) itleeF THE CANADA. � BUST• NESS College, (College and Spa- dina, 'Toroninl, or to THE WINGHAM BUSLvr1ESS coil.,- E(3E, Wiughatu, Ont. for Joe always leaves pleasant mem- ories wherever he goes. From the Line Department he jumped over to Engineering, end that's 1114 line now. He's up there keeping the wheels of the .Ilstittratiny Department in runn- ing order and passing smiles and in- formation out every day. The next thne you want 10 know somethin and don't know where to look, ask Joe—he'll sec yeti straight, Joe's philosophy (he doesn't call it that) is clear and simple He believes that a million friends are worth more than a million dollars and although he's not 11 millionaire, he has a host of friend-. Joe says the key to service and satisfaction is in delivering the best you have, and playing fair so that the other fellow will always meet )jou half way. Good luck to you, Joe, and may .you be with us another 38 years! Dolores Costello Coming in Melodrama of the Sea. Dolores Costello, celebrated in other great sea pictures, is again starred in a melodrama of stormy waters—"A Million Bid," a Warner Brothers' production, which comes to the Grand 'Theatre next Friday for a two clay run. In "A Million Biel," Miss Costello is cast as a poor little rich 01, the victim of her mother's selfishness. She is practi- cally sold to a middle-aged man of the world, and separated from the youth she loves. It is on the rich man's yacht, just after the marriage,. that the boolt goes down, bearing with it the mother, and, apparently, the bridegroom. The girl and her maid are finally rowed ashore. The youth, who is a surgeon, nurses her back to health, marries her, A child is barn to the couple, then happens the un- expedted. The sea gives up its dead. Again the fates whirl the two into alley of despair. Then follow the most dramatic sequenccgl of the tense glamorous tale. Dolores Costello has had no part which gives her such op- portunity Ito express the emotional depths and heights of her &emus as Dorothy 'Gordon in "A Million Bid." She has never appeared so wistfully lovely, so universally appealing. In her support are Warner Oland, greatest of Character actors, as the amazing Ticli, man, and handsome Malcolm McGregor, as the young physician. Betty Blythe, is cast as tlm mother, Sebrin gville pnstnf(ice ; and Lilt's garage were burglarized. • Little change is reported by beep - Red authorities in the condition of Rev, T. J, Charlton, farmer renter of Mitchell Anglican Church, who is oriticaliy ill et Victoria hospital, Loddon. Although Mr, Cherlton'a condition is sold to be dangerous, hope is hell for his recovery. —'r Former world's champi6n swim- mer, Norman Ross, U.S.A, is likely to be a prominent entrant for the 8rd Wrigley Marathon Swim at the Can- adian National l sehibition, Hen's Dru St re Summer Necessities Guard against the ravages of summer winds and hot sun by using Persian Balm Lotion bottle 35c Nyal's Witch Hazel Lotion 25c Apply either of these at night. You will be delighted with its soothing and healing effects. Talcums For excessive Perspiration, and the chafing, irritating sensation resulting from it, the following talcums will be found wonderfully soothing and refreshing. Eias'eni Unsurpassed for tired, aching, sweaty feet 25c bottles I(ie-Netiv Quickly removes stains from clothing without leaving a ring 2-5c bottle Nylotes Mayflower Persian Balm Nalco Health Salts Try it during the hot weather to tone up to stomach 20c can Allen's rug Store Exclusive Agent for Nyal and Penslar Remedies ruggist and Stationer Successor to James Fox t__ PERTH COUNTY Rev. R.B.Homier, pastor of M en- octal Baptist Church, Stratford has resigned and a split in the congrega- tion is coming. The coaching class, under the ars. pires of the Milverton Watuen's Itt- stitute, in ,judging of nutrition, house furnishings and clothing. with Miss Verna Betnbtitige, of the Department of Agriculture, as instructress, was held in the assembly room of the lib- rary, Six girls from Milveri n and nearby places comprised the class, This is an educational project to bet. ter equip girls and young wom"n to take part in the annual j idgiug core - petition at the Canadian National Ex- hibition. BORN EDC+Aft.—Os ?intraday, July 2811,, to ➢ir and tars Gladstone Edgar (see Mabel Hobert• son) end Con. Bowing, n non, a ERENGissEO. — P1, Grey township, or Wednesday. July ;18th, to Nr, and ➢tre. Lawrence Q,rerengesser, a yon (011fford Ervine) Auction Sale. •SATU6n AY. A Ua3 1lt)a.—Honaeheld effects ,kn.,at ilio tonne of the proprietor, Brussels. • sale at 2 o'clock. M. Yolleck, Proprietor; D. ➢I, Scott, Aar, • Teacher Wanted Experienced Pret..tnnt 'reacher wanted for 8, 8. No.2, Thompson. Salary 380U,0e per 1 minim, Apply to C;•EO. BBHAIO IELT„ Ben ;Treas. Donn Lake, int, heatre Last Time To -Night - Wednesday HAROLD LLOYD 6 IN peed HIS LATEST SUCCESS Friday & Saturday - Aug. 3 & 4 Dolores "A Million Bid" Costello in Sold to the highest bidder, she trembled in the arras of the man she hated—while her mother triumphantly displayed the wedding gifts, Thinking her millionaire husband drowned, she had married tt famous surgeon, If the millionaire's memory were rester, el, it meant an end to her new found happiness ; 0 gneetioi as to the legitimacy of her child , , Would the surgeon operate ? , , "A Million Bid." Friday and Saturday - Aug. 10 & 11 G60» �.), 4 S 5 with LOUISE and CLYDE FAZEn,, t',; A COOK The soma of all comedy tome in a pie) ire that' teams with screams I Lordee Fazemda, as boisterously awl(watd as ever, and Clyde Cook, the greatest exponent of horse laugh fun, in it hilarity upheaval of coruichowls and action thrills, A great, giggling comedy of a lovesick girl and a lovelorn buy. Love in a laundry leads in blissful romance ns the would-be siren tuna; a timid truck driver into a galloping Romeo. The funniest tale of farcical romance ever filmed, the story of a girl who wanted, but couldn't "get" a man. ) During August the Grand ' Theatre will be open only on Friday and Saturday evenings.