HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1928-8-1, Page 1VOL. 57 NO. 7
2:00 per annum in advance
.14.1 .d..:,«;« .;I 14,744:0 4441«++3»'s»i(v'a4 3.44,RdM'+'+:!+FA444,1441,!I«o,3»S,#+.3»; d':+t7 ,
The Surrounding District
e itt?ge018E0E ithrtties I IiVeleltero AAfe ettI sere �h ,_IwS.d ,..I« ltet!lele AA isene ?l
Wheat cutting is on the program,��"�
Markdown the 1(010—Oranbronks
Field Dray, Th overlay, Aug, loth.
Fuller particulars, next week.
Rev. Ll. W, Jal•.ksoa will have
charge of the services in Knox Pres.
by111111 Church, during August,
while Rev. 1V, A, Williams is on his
Mles'!'here)4& Swilo,Pt', who teaches
school at Grund Bend, had 7 pupils
write at: the recent 1.'ntrance. Ex(uns,
Six pupils )vele sneoesful Mid five of
the six Inik )lame). (Jath teacher
and pupils are to be congratulated,
Fred Davey and bliss Margaret. Dav-
ey are holidaying at Alliston,
Gavin Davidson, of Oohawn, is
spending a few days in the village,
Rev. L. and Mrs. Bolinbroke leave
this week fora three weeks' holiday.
blies:Eleanor,Bevington, of Cleve-
land. is visiting iter aunt, Mrs, A.
Mrs. Dottie, Ohesley, lea visitor at
the home of her nephew, Wm, Gib-
son, Tut'nberrq,
Ma's, Cochrane and little daughter,
of North Bay, are guests at the home
of Robt, St'ck1,
John Giteon, of Chicago, is spend-
ing 0 few days with hie mother, Mrs.
Thos, Gibson,
Rev, A. D. Armstrong, of London,
was in the village, last week, having
come to take part in the funeral ser-
vice of the late Thomas Gibson.
Gen, H. Harris, Saskatoon, who has
been visiting iris Mother, Mrs, Wm,
Harris, Turn berry, left for his home,
last week, He made the trip by mot-
A nnmhel' from here )attended the
funeral of the late Thomas Bolt, of
Wingham, a former well-known resi-
dent of Tnrnberry. Interment was
made in Wroxeter cemetery.
W. I —A delightful afternoon iwas
spent at the home of the Misses Haz-
elwood, last Thursday afternoon,
when the members of the Woolen's
Institute held their regular monthly
meeting. In the aheence of the Presi-
dent, Mrs. S, MrNanghton presided,
when as well as 6 visitors, 16 members
responded to the Roll Oall, the re -
Under auspices of
At the home of Mr. Thos, Kerr
e mile North of Henfryn
of Listowel, will render the (n•ngranl
which will consist of Bnchulor's
Quartette ; Orchestra Numbers :
Humorous numbers by Quartette :
Mrs, Clarlt, Elocutionist; Miss
Phylis Kilgoun Reader ; Ronald
Cos on the Cornet l Jack Wokcford,
Boy Soloist ; Comic Selections and
Songs. •
Supper served from 6 to 8 o'clock
Booth on Grounds
Admission 50 and 25 cants
IF weather is unfavorable everything will
be inside.
Rev, M. P. Oldham, Roy MCCreight,
Rector, Thomas Korr,
)pollee to which was given by muting
a cur'r'ent event 1)1 the month. At
the coiclneioo of several 111 0reeting
items of btu/Mese, the meeting took
the 111111 of a lawn party. Seem el in-
teresting centeses were 1101(1 into
which every ,joined heartily, Dainty
refreshments were served by the host-
Council cheers 00 Hat urd0y,
1Vheet is now ready to rat.
Send in 1110' news. Tax P4101' al.
Ways welcomes newsy items.
Crarthronk is going to hold a Held
Day, on Thursday, Aug. 16tH, Re-
m11n1bPt the date.
Oliver: and Mrs, Hemingway and
family will )attend the Reining way -
Fitt lin Pie -1110 at Hamilton on 1Ved•
nesday of tills week,
MIT, Jas. Edwards and daughter,
Grace, of Pasadena, Oalifornia, and S.
bI, Br'eekenridge, of Des Moines, were
visitors at 0, and MIS, Hutchinsnn's
631) line. Wire. Edwards and Mr.
Breckenridge are sister 14)1d brother
of Mrs. Ilutchinsoft.
Wesley'and Mrs. Cause, of Wall-
ace ; W. A. and Mrs, Lamont, and
family, of Molesworth ; 0. and Mrs.
Hutchinson, G. and Miss Balfour and
Eric Purvis, of Grey, were visitors at
Owen Sound, on Sunday last.
BROKN H>.a AWL—Little Irene Mc-
Callum, 6 -year-old daughter of Dune.
and Mrs. McOtallum, of near Blyth,
while visiting at the home of her
grandparents, R. J. and Mrs. Hoover,
011) Oon„ fell off the swing, a distance
of about two feet. and broke ]ler left
arm, Dr. McMaster was at once call-
ed, and on seeing the break, advised
to go to Stratford for an X-ray. Ab
Stratford, the doctor advised that
they go to Toronto to 0 bone special-
ist, as the elbow cap was off, besides a
small bone broken, Mr. Hoover held
the child going to the city and hack
and the ett•0.iu took a lot out of Grand-
pa. After an all-night drive to Tor-
onto arlcl her arm in a taste, the
young lassie is now beginning to run
around agai11. The specialist guaran-
tees a perfect atm.
!-lave you cut your weeds yet 1
Wheat cutting is the next Item on
the program,
Shertiif Caldbeck and son, George,
of New Liskeard, were calling on old I
endathis wek.
bliss Marealet Burgess, of Regina,
and i.liee
of P
'have been theFpleats or their cousin, R .T
Onlrtr.tt(r --Reference was trade of
the ((e)uh of Jewel Campbell, relict of
the lata Malt ((Ibsnfl, who pawed
away in }ler 91st year et her home on
the 211(1 con, 1)eeeesed watt horn in
Scotland in 1838 end left with her plat I
ems when 6 years oldand carne to
America, first d , r at Fetal iiJ 'r ,
I 1
It (e Is•
land, Emu years latIt ( i
er• the family
moved into McGillivray township,
nett)' Loudon. 65 y1'a)s ago in June
she married 1)01' partner in life and
they moved to Huron Onunty, settling
. os Lot 20, Oen, 2, Movie., wher0 de-
ceased spent the remishlder oilier l((1).
4. d.
TO —
Harold Skinner's
Blue Water Boys
Wingham Arena
$ Every Thursday' Night
.1.+++++++++ ++++++++++++++++
Special Anoovncement!
Having been appointed Distributor for the
We offer Cars at $695,00 and up, including
six different models, PI mouth ' De
Chrysler Soto .6 , Chr' I •y `
s 62,6 ; Chrysler 65.6
Chrysler 75.6 ; and Chrysler So 6, All with
the longest wheel base of any small car, also
hydratufc 4 -wheel brakes.
Come in and look them over.
New Adverttaemenis
Plaid Day et mem
Pisa for safe—J, A. Nichol
)rnr bale .'John hoo111op
Heifer ntra1td—Jen,P4 Noble
Tannin•r wanted—Geo. tsshnrriell
(garden Party-1100ryn Obnrnit
Garden Parte- ilnitrtl 411 1 tdiea' Aid
out Sow Thlatla—(} 11, Peterson
Vacation Needs—N. It. 01111311
)Pouatnla pen lost—T115 Posm •
Mr. Gibson died. 135 years ago, A fwn-
ily of three daughters sur viva a loving
and kind mother : Airs, Andrew Ynl.
lock, Carey ; Aire, 01018. Canning, Oar-
sonville, Mich., and 11119, Ben, King,
nn the homestead, The fmteral was
held on the 18111 and services were
conducted by Rev. 1111 fowler, The
petite/esters were 0h,ts, Simpson, W,
010Donal11, Soh). Fo11ost, 4V01, (loses,
James Moses and (V, S. Scott. A-
mong the many floral tributes wag a
pillow by the daughter/4 and one front
the grand-chil111en, Interment was
made in Brussels monetary. Deceased
had been a member of the Brethren
for 50 years ttyd was of fa kindly 11(x•
posit.inn and a great entertainer at
her home. .The family have the sym-
pathy of the community,
A meeting of all concerned to the
amn)tai Field Day will be held on Mon-
day evening, August 6th. A good
attendance is asked for,
Cecil and Mrs. Wheeler and Baugh
tees and T. Scandlet1 were week•en
visitors in London.
Rev, Me. Wtttt, of Longbranch, evil
occupy the pulpit to Knox Unite
Church rot• the next two Sundays,
Mee. Cole and daughter, Mary, were
visitors, on Sunday, at the home of
the former's daughter, Mts,Jas, Mich -
le, of Morris,
Rev. and Mrs. Scnbie and Mrs. Fox
and bliss Isabel Fox were recent visit-
ors with Roy and airs. Patton, of Luc -
The heavy rains lately are causing a
serious delay in haying operations
and aleo flattening the grain clops
McKenzie and Mrs. Webb and child•
ren, Russell 11n(1 Dorothy, also Harv-
ey Webb and Miss Caroline Webb, of
St. Helens, were Sunday visitors at
the home of C. R. Ooultes.
Ethel Co Park qty
FieL "$sDay
Thursday, Aug. 9
Soft Ball Tournament at 1,36
Sin Boys' 'Teams Pour GirK 'Team,
(food Pri0uti
Slaw Auto boos Foot Races
Many other amusing cordes))
Admission 25c Children 15r
- Autos 25e.
Big Concert in Evening
In• Presbyterian Church Shed
The Brunswick Trio, of Landon
in a 'entire change of program. Don't
01(3) hearing "Jock" Ballantyne in his
latest song hits and jokes,
Admission50c. Children 25e,
Booth on Grounds,
Dancing Afternoon and after Concert
(See posters for full particulars)
W. I.—The regular monthly meet -
1 ing of the Women's I1atitute will be
d held on Thursday afternoon, August
0th at 2.80 o'clock, at the home of
blrs, Alice Aitken. A paper on
"Hospitality" will be given by Mrs,
A. Mowbray and one on "The Value
of Fruit and Vegetables in our Diet,"
by Mrs. W. Stewart. The Roll Call
will be "A Verse about Summer."
The ladies of the Class are especially
invited to be present.
Miss Flora Alexander, R. N., of Tor-
onto, returned to her ))orae, en Fri-
day, after conducting a class in Rome
Nursing and First Aid. The course
consisted of ten lessons, Each lesson
1011811(0d of one hour for taking notes
and one hour fordemonatration evolk
There were twenty-five in the clan
with an (average attendance of twen
ty, showing clearly the Inter•08
shown by the members. On Thurs
day, the girls served afternoon tea t
the members and a few guests, and
very pleasant time Ives enjoyed by al
Robert Shaw has sold his store t
D. 1. Inalentler, who gets poeseeeion o
1. 1.i
been ban
1 in l )1191
allPcin (
t r .,1 years, aid lie ant
Y t
Mrs Shaw will naw take at we •t
ll le
entre( rest anti holiday t11p to th
Nest, where thev will spend a few
months with their daughter. Mr. end
dirs slimy have had charge of th
Postofliee here and have (31Wl%ys given
first -Masa ser'vice, and their• (nany
friends Extend to them their best
wishes. Mr, Falconer is at brother of
Wm n
, Falconer. v•
et We t t Inn
1raP Airand
Mrs, Falconer to the village.
Miss Mai Bartliff and John Smith,
of Stratford, were week'eud visitors
at the home of Ed. 11)111 Mrs. Cutlet.
A garden natty antler the auspices
of St. David's Church will be held at
the home of Thos, herr, 3 -mile N,uth
MF Hetl r
f CI
on Tl t
1Ptl 3
➢ r t
Aug.7 h
Y, {, t ,
'I •,
will b,.. served from if 1
m U n 8
L. p,
m. the Ilnadle'
Onneert 0o., of
Lietowel, will supply the program.
See advt. in this issue.
Russell Marks hoe had hydro in-
stalled 11) his 110w garage.
IV. R. ()Mien is At present relieving
in the Oa/khan t uh�ul
Bank of Commerce,
r P,
Wesley 0. Hack well motored to
Stratford on business, on Thursday.
Despite the rain, the street dance
was a decided success, 00 Friday ev-
ening 1)481,
John pi,11 Mrs. Bum man and family,
Brndhagel, visited with Mx', Beur-
nl11nnil'0 sister, Mrs, Dan. Steles, re-
bliss Mildred Moore, of D0blin, is at
(Resent visiting her aunt, Mrs, Thos,
George 1:, and Mrs. Ferguson and
Miss Jean, of Toronto, were up for the
Nurse Jean Ferguson had a pleas-
ant bout trip from Owen gound to the
Soo and return, last week.
Dr, 0. le Toll, dentist of Blyth, was
in Walton, last Wednesday, He has
opened an office in Walton and comes
every Wednesday,
Norman Rowland, who has been
working with Earl Harris ort the barn
construction gang, is spending la few
days at his home here.
W. J. and bits. Zneger and Carrie,
Laura, Louise, Pauline, Edward and
William, all of Newton were recent
visitors ab the home of F. and Mrs.
1411)1ee. Mrs, Edwin Miller returned
to Newton with them,
Master Russel Ferguson, who( has
been a visitor at the home of his
grandmother, Mrs. Robt, Ferguson,
for the past
ill has
P returned t tied
Toronto and will
scud August net n
p g G
Wasa o Beach.
F. Black shipped a car of hogs and
cattle to Toronto. last Saturday,
Mrs, S, Sanderson, of London, is
visiting at the home of her father, C.
13, Moffatt,
Miss Hazel Mundell spent Sunday
at the home of J. W. and )ties. Leg-
gett, 6 hi a ht r
V t c t ch.
g A gang of 0. N. LZ, carpenters have
been here making necessary repairs to
the depot and the stock pens.
blies Margaret Burgess, of Regina,
and bliss Lyle Burgess, of Toronto,
are vislt0(5 at the home of P. D. and
Mire, Ring.
Another heavy downpour of rain
accompanied with electrical storm 1
passed aver here again on Friday
night, putting down 10ueh grain and
hay which remained (moat. The
fields have been so 0111 of water that t
it is going to be hard to get Dail f
10115011 (1)11.
61he members of KIIOZ Prreebyter- f
iatt Sunday School presented John
Hutton, Bible ()lase teacher, with a 1
Book of Praise, at Sunday School, cu a
,Sunday morning, July 20th, it being
the occasion, of Mr, Button's 80th 1
birthday,- The presentation was 1
mhde by John Smith, Superieten(lont, t
1413', Hutton was completely taken by
surprise but ware able to reply in a
fete weti)•ehoeen words, is
to be held at
Riverside Villa
The home of
Mrs, W. H. Kerr
fridayEv' Aug. 10th
Good Program of Local Talent
assisted by Talent from Toron
to and London and
Seeftrth f<iitie Band
Sandwiches, Coffee,
Hot Dogs, Pie & Ice Cream
served on grounds.
Admission 25c and 15c
Under auspices Ladies' Aid
United Church.
Personal Paragraphs I
Miss Kate Deadman, of Toronto, is
holidaying in town,
Miss Mildred Whittard is visiting
relatives in Stratford.
Miss Lyla Rutledge visited James-
town friends, on Sunday.
Bishop Fallon is making good pro-
gress toward complete 1•ecnvely,
John Pugh, of Mitchell, was a visit-
or in town fora few days last week.
E. Matthews of Forest, spent Sun
clay at the home of Mrs. Ida Lnwry.
Rev. A. 1V. and Airs. Barker ar
leaving this week for a mouth's v(
Mrs. E. T. Bell, of Toronto, is visit
ing at the home of her mother, Mlr.
Jtt . Speir,
0 Bruce Hayden, of London, metore
in Brussels, on Tuesday, to spend h
J. B Nelson, of Peterhnrn, spent th
1 wP(k.etld at the home. of T. 0, an
bira blc01t11,
.xis. Harry 111011y Land Miss Elie -
abet t returned to Landon, 011 Mon-
Jtev, F. G. and Mt•s, FOWIOl', Nancy
10110 and Master John are holidaying
in Ohin.
Jas, Qeeriu was in (leit, last week,
oveeeeing the ,job of having 1119
1tn1140, in that city, painted. p
I Mee. (D,) Freeman and children, M!
Kingston, are visitors with the
farmer's father, G. A. Deadman.
. Armstrong
and r '
of'('11rontrl, are 01+1111)13 with the form -
WS mother', Mrs. 1Vm. Arrnetrnng,
' M)4 Alex. Thomson and growl -
thiamine'', of West Mniktnn, and
I f s
(, lir n of 1'oruoir,, have been the
guests of ')Miss Belle Walker.
Essex Prep Press : "Geo, R. Weller,
wile and mother left on Monday 011 a
motor trip to Trenton, their fanner
home, and other planes in the East."
i - Stratford 13eacnn•lierltld "Canon
and Mrs. '1'. IV Char, Mnriingtou st.,
returned to tite city after a delight-
' fol trip to 14I'101rea1, QuPbee City and
81. Agatha "
I Rex A. (hull, son of Canon anti :firs,
Cluff, of Stratford, aed all fanner
residents of Brussels, has resigned as
Secretary of Stratford Board of led-
neatinn, owing to ill -health. Old
friends will hope (hat he soon regains
1 his usual gond 1
Robt, Skelton, of British Columbia,
was renewing old friendships in town,
visiting Mrs. Alex. Smith, John st.,
and Mrs. Skelton, Queen st. It is 41
years since he left Morris Twp, for
Manitoba and 16 years ago, he went
to British Colombia, where he made
gond. His old friends are glad to wel-
come him buck,
L. KERR, Pro¢rietor
John Oliver was laic up again with
an attack of appendicitis,
Rev. G. 1Z, McKay, of Walkerton,
will ',teach in the Presbyterian
Chorrh, on Sunday at both services,
T. D. Allingham, of Kitchener,
spent the week -end with N, P. and
Mrs. Gerry, Mr. AI!Ingham is the
father of H. L, Allingham atM
00010 to ui usso[s to see his gold clolhild-
len, Pat, (Lnd ShLiu end dlulghter-in-
law, Mrs. H. L. Allingham, of Sask-
atoon, Sask.
Drtr-Ar(r•.n,--1'h,'nxas Bolt, one of
11)e. pioneer teside0ts of Tnrnberry
1'my/let my/letup find for pent" years a resi-
d0ul of 4V3ughsnl.'iie.l lh"re, ou Sat-
urday, at the age of I1 years, follow-
ing a brie!' illness, 111, Boit. Ixac1 been
1•eulatktably arrive for his age, un111
quite 1•4111)f l5, He wfte 111110 (n be ar-
ound, chapping wned being one of his
di VP/ Ono, 11uc1 he (1001d read without
the aid of gla,ses. Ile was born (n
Devnnehil•e, Eng,, on July 28111, 1838.
Coming to this locality (011011 a young
luau, he settled on a farm in 'Purn-
10115, 1011010 he spent 65 years. Since
retiring, he had lived i), Wingbam.
Mrs. Bolt ptedeceasetl him by about 9
year's, tilli'y1V171g ate 1)11e son and
three daughters Eli Edgar, on the
homestead ; Mrs. J. Gamble, Turn -
hero, Twp. ; Mrs. Ezra Merkley, of
London. and Mise U013 Bolt, at home.
The funeral was held on Tuesday from
the home to Wroxeter cemetery,
where Mrs. Bolt is hurled. The ser-
vices were conducted on the lawn by
Rev, S. Davidson, pastor of Wiogham
United Church.
1 An Auto Trip From
California to Vancouver
Pas Pose 3s 31111)11)113(1 to 1I1's. G. car. At un011, there was a prncesslon'
n the fo0omresident of Brus- of care dercrated 1llisIly 103111 cherry
wing 1(ccaunt of her ouches, In the 111.511 was the Uherry
011,101 trtp : Queen, then Same r,f the Pn .
e I We left Santa Monica on Jane 24111 1,(e 'Pipe
BaOci from VurlcutivPl' and last•, a
L' at 5 a. 10, on our 1,5(10 -mile ride with tribe of Indians in !heir feathers and
(aatf. and Aha. Long, Florence and. paint At one place on the street,
- Gerald. bits. Dodds was to go with they danced a war dance. Lots of
Mee i us, hut. as she wanted to be in Vail- clteroieo were being col,) in s
H. and Mrs. Row t 11
hit rf M,tnn
spent e W e1'
pt t th tv .k•end with A. C. cut
e 111 o, D,311)0'.
Alex, Stewart, Queen 911, iv vet
nitwit 3nlproved in health tale) has ser
inns illness,
Richard Lees, AI. A , of Peterhnrn
is renewing old friendellip13 311 and ar
timid 131' nssels.
Elmer aid 1Ir+. Ewan, aril child
'e (1 '''Men Irl the . 'i
I. II tI It [P .. 1.1
Il tisk VIN( (1'
, L t
with Mrs. ) Ftvan,
. t 1
Mics Maly 1)111)1119011 Ilan III 1.10013
harp Irmo her visit in London much
unproved it) health,
Mrs, Jon. E. Smith is visiting with
Walter and Alts. Rose, at their Sum -
11)10 1101230 at Point Clarlt,
Mrs. (Sep, Lowey is recovering from
recent fate in her 130301•, )viten she
sprained her left ankle and atm.
Leslie Lowry, of Toronto, is spend-
inghisvacatiomat Ole honte of his
pttrente, Gen. 0, and Mrs. Dewey,
Mrs, Edwin Matthews and baby
son, Raymond Lowry, are guests of
the farmer's mother, Mrs. Ida Lowry,
Mr. and bits. Pelwarden and Mast -
or Don, of Mount Forest, called on E.
A. and airs, Gmnmage and family, on
Sunday visitors with Ben and Mrs.
ZVhittarc were Miss Elizabeth H11t1(-
nese, of Stratford, and Fred illnrray,
of Mitchell.
Fred and Mrs. Wilkins, of Strat-
forcl, and Mrs, Agar, of 1111. Forest,
motored from Stratford, on Sunday,
and visited here,
Week -end visitors with A. 0, and
Mrs, Dames were Mrs. Zimmer and
bliss Tillie, of Toronto, former reei-
dents of Brussels,
0. and Mrs. Ramage, eon Peter, and
daughter, Miss Aliae, of Durham,
were visitors with Dr. bud Mrs, 0, 0.
on Sunday.
W.A Butte and
s babyson, l of
and Mrs.J
L. gailn
ban and
children of Belleville, are visitors
with their father, S. Wilton.
Rev. and Mea. Barker and Misses
btueiel Sperling, May Armstrong and
Myrtle (latter were visitors at the
Sumlta' r Sehool at Gntlerich,
Miss Florence and Master Tom Gam -
mage retire/led )tome, on Sunday, aft -
ter spending their vacation with their
sister, Mrs
s . J, A, Powers of
Mrs, W. Panner and'P1111ner and
Mrs, Somerville motored to London,
Mrs. Bruce Hayden and baby son re-
turned to town with them for a visit,
Mts, Will, Lawry end daughter,
Miss Reta, of London, visited relatives
in town, on Sunday, Rota, is assist-
ant editor of the Women's Page of
The Advertiser,
Hat•ry enol Mrs, Mooney and Lyle
and Mrs, Mooney, who were visitors
in town, left to male a short visit to
other points before returning to Bem-
iji,.Minn. (We hope to see 111801, next
'Walter and Mr's. French, of Torou-
to ; Frank and Mrs. Vannoemen and,
son, Fred, of Redwood, anti R. and
Mrs. Powell and son, Oherles, of God-
erieh, were 800(1ay visitor's with Rob -
set and 11Ire, Anderson,
Si„ Marys Journal : (' Pr3nr3pa( A.
D, Lamont and family are holidav+ing
on an auto 1113', through Northern
)Michigan, He returned home on Sat-
Imlayfrom Toronto, where be lead
beenrmarking exaMinatinn ))aper% for
011LVPr by 1110 10th of June to attend the streets, By the look of a zit nil
d the Grand Chapter of the Eastern, gall) hey rn [ ➢the trees
P ul(ie un ,I any
is Star, she went fly bus the week be- illy : 12` per 111, o IU lbs, (plans1.50,
P I fore. going in two days an( ten hours, Chiutse S"nth end of 3111' vi111(ge is
stopping only for meals alai passen- toed, The (Thinee1' do most o1'
engere. l the filth and hop i:i, 1' ,,.
)het day, ,
\Ve 'v1117131
ent h
va of Hnll nc y we reOn ed 1r
➢ w nl x
➢ [h1' fe •-
P Y T. t
r •_ tv 1
th l rr.
' plwsedtheLul,rtsalnttdhurt:�ttt ruv,•rur1ct ,
Uul 1
i. L1 olio, Lo
al audio& tvherP they n(11}•1"y 5 t111U ' 1 uulPlun al d Ariss Flth•
people, ghing 11y Pac311c 11111)1308)3, th( P a heaa (11)3
Y Julaid i':(1te, Before getting to Bak• hoose with a l'o (0 s court nrlrlook3ng
ersfield, 11)1310 11 s,'me f ll•nilllg. 111ey (1 w' I141•. 11.0 went to Unp,hura anti
were cutting bat ley and ((1111,1111, ball- tuniI w 11,ner ;u, mile..o rho tot)
'' ing the hu lel in (11 flo111, Thele 3s o1li1' o were up il,ti;w feet. Th,•re is
quite a lingo nil field. After (peel/1g r r{ 11 hotel tu,,1 p,u 11333 epar'e fop
and Ruing on to F'resin, wheat .art- 47U c u )vent, (u 1C;g1 ''-( inn, n
ting was genet al told crops were very 1)11 of :'.0 mite4, i,n..,.d ..,.rue very
I . , moor. tt hurt couurl y, 51.1 „hi el0vnh-1+, balsa plane
Miss Lucas is assisting MI's, Bain for
a while.
Quest Dobson spenb the weekend 311
A. S. Bain made a bositrees trip to
Stratford, on Tuesday.
bits. P. N. Currie, Helen and Bob
are spending a week in Guelph,
John Icing is as51eting George Addy
with the wheat crop, this year,
!rev. au(1 Mrs. Hart, of Trowbridge,
visited last weep at the parsonage.
Harold Love and•S, Howlett spent n
couple of days in London, last week.
Mrs, Robt. Bremner is spending a
couple of weeks with friends iu Osh•
Wesley and Mrs, Blackwell and
daughter, Shirley, spent Sunday with
Rev. and Mrs. Guest, ,
Mrs. Ray Carr and daughter, Dor-
othy, of Toronto, are spending the
holidays at the home of B, F, and
Mrs. Carr. 1
Misses Martha Johnston and Ella
Pearson spent n few days in Kincar-
dine with the farmer's sister, Miss
Mary Johnston.
An np•to•dnte Hydro shop
has been
opened in our village and is open to
the public in the evenings. A fine
assortment of fix
et t tures are display,
l ➢•
are sorry We a r1 to report y that Mrs.
Hugh Addy1
g y to qui 1 MCI under the
doctor's care, at the home of Geo. and
Mrs..Addy where the old couple were
taken last week, to spend a while.
Pulpits of Oranbronk and Ethel
Presbyterian Ohnrchee will be sup-
plied by Rev, Harry W, Jackson,
each. Sun day in August, during the
011cnt100 of Rev, W. A.. Williams.
.the work of preparing u
tea n'
p [ ) f.1
the Hydro is being rushed the (net
few days with a large gang of men on
0)0j/sit setting up the posts on the
road foam Brussels and quite a few
hones have leen wired.
Regular service will be held ill the
United 01lurch, on Sunday next,
There will he no services the two•foll.
owing Sundays • (August 12th and
0th), as Rev, and Mr's,•('laleet will be
on their vacation at Grancl Bend and
1Vm, and Mrs, Biennium wish to
hank all the friends and neighbors
or their kindness and eympatity rine-
rig the illness of Ales. Franklin and
ollnwing her demise, The gifts of
flowers were appreciated and the
n11uy deeds of helpfulness will not
onn he forgotten,'
The local branch of the IVomen's
nstitute held a enccessfnl stale of
tomemado belting and nn afternoon
ea, in them rooms, on Saturday after-,
noon lase, The Institute to a come,
m0nity orgenizatioat and deserves the (
upport of evey MI6 who is interested I
tl the welfare of the community,
er ;!!)aril. they ilav0
the Education Department "
good bUL It i
I h(1v111g runes of grape Held). They where't d electricity int flu• city is
we1P ',111111113 pi. at hes and plums, b t11 1 „rata I ,')'11 1 an the 1131181
cot ton and lice is grown. The behind the• pnwez' hoose, hevar(It
weather is very warm, being 03 dN• 1,01 . 18 welt staving at the betel for
gree). The elan at the gas elation flshitlg 114 ((((11 nr . 1'hcy get tine)(,
said that it had been 1(17 aleg)ees, the grouse, deer and ht'ar,
week hatnre, • Ttle 1,1,4 night, we were g,,ttiig
1 ready to I1). o 1t) the 10011)')) g, Intend -
au'r3ved at Sacramento and went ; iug to go to hob etu•[r w
to one of the auto Patti 110. where must I party of sante sixteen,., 1111 a13urpto d
of the tont•iste put up. There are vets , 1011(17 of them winging 011', i , 1 good
nine little etab)1)8 with their shower
' 11+13• things for
I 11- to rpt all the any 1•.m.e til we
b hall tuts , eat. 1)1(1(1 1Vtn, Long, who had been
tutdllwere awWe a grit.
6 an m. ed rtl 110 o'clock
to the station to meet Nee, Long from
y lol•(tnte. z11me in,
are paved, but where not pay- I We left at 7 a. in. for Naua1O), a
ed are very good, Iu some of the ; three hours' sail ; drove along the
towns we passed through, the 11111(11118 ' Malahat Pass 73 miles to Victoria ;
for cars is in the middle of the street, I went through the Parliament Indict. passed 0liu0, where I thought of in sand 1110901101; relied on a rnuein
my old friend, bliss Bry(1ml, who of nine from Srntlaud married there,
started the first San(1ay School there. also nu Mrs William
baths and garages, everything but 1 lrn1de•ed how Ive would et into 1 the
heddin • and (1181x130, We
1a g
At Redding, wegol,into the nxoun- Mrs. Wtn. Woods. sr Afters tea, we
tains, sometimes in the valley and went to 81Chart9 Gardens, and left
then up hundreds of feet ; a whole next morning far the ferlyat Stanley.
day wondering when we were going They took on 30 tourists' care. It wee
to get out. The road is wide enough a very pretty sail for three and a half
for two cars to pass. We got into hours, arriving at Ballingham at 12
Oregon, the second night. It is a o'clock. We had 110 trouble at the
great fruit country with some farm- Oustoms ; they only asked us if we
ing, Wheat and barley was being had whiskey. We are allowed 8100
There nee some large saw mills and w0101 of goods free Of duty,
forests of oak, pine and cedar. On Going back, we got. on the Redwood
nate farm we passed, the man had a Highway along the coast, It takes a
chicken hanging 11
g on the
bythe o Pacific
a tfiePickin offthefan feathers and and let- Highway, butwe wanted to aee the them fly ; always
learning new sen both ways, There are more.
ways of doing things. mountains, gravel roads and so many
The third night, we arrived in sharp turns that one cannot make
Waslhiughtoll State, Quite a lot of each fast time on the mountains•
fruit is grown, but there are mostly We were meeting so many corning,
salmon canneries, lumber mills and The Redwood forest is 10nudel£ul;
dairy farms, the trees are such a size, Tbote 3e
Arriving at Blain, Garf, got a per- a church near there built with the
mit ft'0m the Customs to stay for 80 wood from one tree, 1Ve then crass -
days. Hee
n sr
➢ is the Peace Portal
erect- ed in ther.
fere t0
San I
➢ran '
bytheUnited risco.
1+Lcd States and 0anad(i They took 011 63 ear's, It takes half-
to commemorate the 100 years of un- an -hour to cross, We drove two mil -
broken friendship. The Preece ]fiver es out of the city to the camping -
is °tossed at New Westminister, a place, We left at 5 a. m. by the San -
hilly town ; )arriving in Vancouver at to Clara valley, They were picking
2 p, m., three and one-half days from peaches and 31111111s, The grapes and
California and met Fanny at the Ang• - pears were not quite ready. As we
05 Apartments, whet•e we stayed two came near Santa Baeb11ra, there are a
weeks, We noticed the difference in great many fields of beans, This is 1t
the long daylight until 0 o'clock, while pretty town. The 11 011) street in all with us, itis dark at 7 o'clock. built up again since the earthquake,.
but nothing higher than two stories,
The old Mission is built up the same
Its before.
We came by tion Fernanadn valley
10hioh is very tvatw in Sutntner. We
were very glad to get back to the
hearth town, where we always have a
enol breeze from the sea; found ev.
et'ytlting in good shape, The neigh.
bore bed been e0 good In looking after
the chickens and the garden. '.Ching)
seethed In have have grown so 103141)1
in the three weeke, The golden 1vt4ti
a mass 1f brod(om,
George Dole cleave 0x'01. for Fanny
front Long Branch, We were lucky
e 1tad some (nee boat trips, one to
$quarnisll, a three )tours' ))tiling
among the tnonntains anis awn hours
in the train, winding around canyons
and rivers in three outside observe,
Hon ears, each holding about 100 per-
sons and all filled, They stopped 15
minutes to let everyone get oft to see
n waterfall, Al2 o'clock, we /thrived
at Alta Lake, elevation 2,200 feet.
There is a nice hotel, two etores, tea
rooms, Summer cottages and boats
for hire, Naas the had only an hour
to stay, there wpae nn time to do :cinch,
We got baeit to Vellemtver at 10 p. m,
On July 1st, Ve 100(131, 10 the Cheery
Fee(lval at Ohihlwaok, Wm, Long, We
boyand girlin not getting rain all the way, That
g going with ue in their made the ttip very enjoyable,