HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1928-7-25, Page 5THE BR JSSELS POST
Ifqou .lelbee
Think of Saving as Well
as Getting • • •
Systematic saving is the foundation of
prosperity. The Bank of Nova Scotia
invites your Savings Account. Interest
is compounded half -yearly.
Capital $10,000,000 Reserve $20,000,000
Total Assets over $260,000,000
J. A. McLEOD, General Manager, Toronto
Cummu Ity Pic-ric
lWaa Much Enjoyed
(Continued from Page 1)
in the pavillion.
Next year's picnic will be a hum-
mer if this one is any standard to go
Following were the Committee in
charge of the day's proceedings:—
Finance Committee—C.Baeker, D.
M. McTavish and C. Lockwood.
Publicity Conmittae—G, H. Semis,
J. Wilton, Bert McIntyre and F. R.
Smith. -
Sports Committee—N. F. Gerry, J.
Logan, Dr, McRae, R. J. McLaugh-
lin, Kenneth Ferguson, W. S. Scott
and 12. Downing.
Refreshments—Miss L. Downing,
Mrs. R. Thomson, Mrs. G. H. Semis.
Mrs, R. 3. McLcuchlin, Messrs. S. F.
Davison, F. M. Wilmot and J. Gibson.
Transportation—W. Willis, N. Chap
man, J. Hewitt, A. A. Lamont, Rev.
F. Fowler, W. Gillespie.
Many a back was well blistered by
Old Sol while the boys and girls were
in bathing.
All those over 100 years had a
pleasant afternoon recalling old times
with "Hogan" Walker, now of Sea -
•9 O•' 1�
Ty Algin gave a young lady some
"bumps" on the 'tetter -totter', but
'when the young lady jumped off while
Ty was in the air, he did an "Aus-
tralian crawl' Ju good fashten.
A positive feat that the Editor has
no saeiatica when he could win 2nd
money in the 200 Ib and over, foot
race. Somebody said we stepped it
in 11 seconds—but we are quite sure
it was faster than that.
ee.. •:•.
Did you get your dose of "Tarvia"
as Egmondville? We did and many
others got a touch, when they cane
around our Car.
IBayfield grove is an ideal spot for
i picnics.
Who said Noble Gerry and John
Logan couldn't keep the races going?
Billy Grower refused to go to the
picnic—as he said the sights at the
water made his eyes sore. Why go
near the water?
Next week—if all thep ictur'es are
I sent in, as promised—we will rival
the city papers for the bathing beau•
ties and other sights at the picnic.
;Jack and Mrs. Walker and Sas. and
Mrs. Henderson and Miss Eleanor, of
.Seaforth, took the day off to cele-
brate with Brussels friends.
Ex -Warden Alfie Erwin and Mrs.
, Erwin, of Bayfield, came over to the
grove to join the crowd. Mrs. Er-
win, was formerly Miss Mary Beattie
of Brussels.
s n s w
Who was the young man from
town who while disrobing in a coupe
to go in bathing, the curtains fell
down, and there he sat in his birth-
day suit?
The 1928 Canadian National Ex-
hibition will bear the title "Golden
Jubilee Year," this being the fiftieth
milestone in its far-famed and highly
useful career.
The record attendance for a single
day at the Canadian National Exhibi-
t bi•tion was made on Labor Day, 1927,
!when 260,000 people passed through
the turnstiles,
Exhibits from France, Cuba, Ber-
muda, Mexico, India, South America
and United States will be prominent
at this year's Canadian National Ex-
hibition. Toronto.
Olympic games contenders from
several nations have entered the Can-
adian National Exhibition track and
field events.
As in former years, reduced rail-
way rates will be effective during the
1928 Canadian National Exhibition,
Toronto, '
OU will find on our Bargain Table at least ten ar-
ticles of Merchandise at exceptionally low prices.
We are not listing our prices this week as formerly
but the ten articles will be priced on our Bargain Table
in our store which we invite you to call and investigate
before buying your Saturday Groceries.
With our 15 years' experience in buying Groceries
we consider we are on the ground floor as regards buy-
ing and have decided to give the buying public the ad-
vantages of our experience. We also specialize in Qual-
ity Goods.
Best of service guaranteed to our Patrons,
ice Cream Cured Meats Flour and Peed
Phone 2225 W. T. Spence ETHEL
Cash or trade for Butter and Eggs at Highest market priees.
WEDNESDAY, .J1JLY 25th, 1924.
Hon. Dr. S. F. •l'ohnie, who recent-
ly reaienr(1 Ms :;eat in till, Jlcu,;'• 15l'
L'nlliuu,:,. to
boil/1110 the Provincial
l.i nidi, 1 I,i l::u 1 l'(l (1'.1t(1%r• 11:1rty ill
1 ('itl.lh Columbia, wtts 01(03-•11 t, i3)(
1.0'ri.dntur,+ oi' 111.4 province and 1)11
his party in the defeat of the i.ih0r-
al yetivernmeitt, whiell has field office
tor i2 ;) a1'. .
Did Well at Camp.
'I'aa Huron Regimen,: won the chief
honors of the camp, being uwar.teti
the camp trophy for 083(31 r•v, nlart-
ncs in tent lines, and general ap-
pearance. The trophy', whi,h is a
challenge cup, is the gift of G v3-. C.
J. Armstrong, C.11., 0.M.0„ V,U., dis
trio 01111)1' comnuu.ling. A1) during
the ramp the Huron Rel;ipient was
outstanding in the neatness and or-
der of its camp appointments, r•ceiv-
iug most favorable mention in Me-
tric,: general start' orders. A special
honor crone to "A" Company ((lode -
rich) in being awarded then ilver cup
donated by Lt. -Col. Combe for the
most efficient company In 3-h- r.:gi-
ment. The cup was pre sensed aft. -x
church parade on Sunday, Lt, -Col,
Combe making a brief add0088 of
congratulation. The cup is 0.3 be wort
three tinges before becoming the pro-
perty of the winnig company. The
Duron .len also were the top -notch -
ors at soft -ball , playing six games
duri0g the camp and winning all of
then!. The Hurons took a fair share
of the honors on sports day at camp.
Believes in Advertising.
Barrie Examiner: A striking ex-
ample of the maturer in which ex-
perts regard the town weekly as an
advertising medium for retail mer-
dhandlising is seen in the policy of the
T. Eaton Co. adopted since they pur-
chased the Canadian Departmental
Stores. In every town where one of
its stores is located this eonlllany has
been carrying from one to two pages
weekly to broadcast its store news in
the towns trading area. One news-
paper, published in a town not much
more than half the size of Barrie, has
a year's contract with this firm for
two and a half pages every week.
No merchant needs to be told that
Eaton's are keen judges of values,
shrewd buyers and thoroughly in-
formed as to 'the most up-to-date and
efficient merchandising methods.
They don't spend a dollar -without be-
ing pretty well satisfied that they are
receiving value and will get returns.
The extent to which they are using
the local paper where they have
stores should convince others in the
retail trade that the opportunity af-
forded by the home newspaper in
putting their sales talks before regu-
lar and prospective customer's in their
trading territory is one that should
not be overlooked.
F. Black spent the week -end in Tl r•
W J mestere is on the sick list, this
/misses Viola and Ethel /gathers were
home over the week -end,
M05. J .r(OJ(se is vieitiug friends at
Bruosels and Atwood.
G J and Airs. Gallaher visited with
relatives here, m1 Saturday.
Robt and Mrs Musgrove visited
with Me', lit :miner, of Grey
MIS 3 0 Johnston and Aries Telldt
Geddes, of Saskatoon, spent A few
daye last week with friends here.
I. 0 R. a,ld MPS, Brinker and son,
Earl, of Sand nsky, spent r. -. fete (lays
with friends here, last w00k
John end Mrs Mes80r and Ray and
Mrs L11fol t and Lois spent Sunday al
the 1101ms of Rnht, and /tr8. must, live.
;,Ir and /n's 21 Ki e, of Urnwbe, and
el es and g•9. ],nrighl'., of T01'0010,
spent the Sunday at the home of A ld-
rew Holmes
Qu1te a number frntn het e attended
t1P special services held in the pant,
Wroxeter. nn Hnnday, When a ((111(1•'
bey of 3(('13 tn3)(193irs gave addres880.
(len Snettom M P , was also present
and gars +u? ar1lir, s.
Southampton's tax 1310 toolsa big
30ap of 8 mills, 111i1 year, it now, being
48 Mille on the dollar.
Robert (3. Dewar, 11 native of Pais-
ley, has been nominated as Liberal
nandidate in Victoria City for the
B001011 Coluwhia Legislature. Mr,
Dewar sawed for a number of years
on the 011;y Council at V101011a, has
ing twice in eucneseinn polled the
highest 1111 miter of votes in the 1nun•
13ip101 electinns.
Music lovers will be delighted with
PLM. Royal Air Force Band of Eng,
land, which will be in attendance
throughout the whole fourteen days
of the 1928 Canadian National Ex-
hibition. It is one of the premier
musical organizations of the world.
R. and Mee. Yuill trete in hod.
Met, week,
Jim, and ,Alpe. Stewart were visitin
ft Minis In London
13. W, Bolton i, hallaying agent at.
ll>0 f3elgrttve shales; at present.
Al08. Nelhet'y, sr., spent. 11 few /lays
wish her daughter, Mrs. 101eOill, in
111141 %VawanONIn
(ioinr111111lnl) will 111' 11114e1'ved 1
Knox United (.!lunch on Sunday, Jul
201.11, at 11 4. M.
1'110 regnhN•nleetiug of the JJelgrave
Women's 11(401tul (' Was held nn '1'IU's•
day af1Prrtnn( or Inst weak at the
house .f the President, 7314. F. Ale.
Callum. The Meeting was in elmsg
ul' ;SJrs, .Il'' Callow end at. the MM.
bl,ilnl of (f10 general business a very
10101e40fug paper tva1 give? by 111189
(1.111. Cowles. Mrs Joe (nogg shod a
s In whi 'h was 11111ell mil/rooks tell.
Th' woolil(0 olnv0,1 00[13) 1111'. N4.11111011
Anthem and cnuuuunJl v 811101)E
tvbinb Iuuch wits served i(y the ho4.
Loso, twsist.ed by Mrs. J. M Uoolle•.,
Tile roil call at this en suing w110 re-
sponded to by banding in r0ripos for
g"cklesltnd c,itsups. It is the inl0)1•
''3', the Institute to prepare it conk
Mud( of 1. steel roaipe0.
OoThursday1103.Ihe %V.M S. and
La 1308' Aid t•f Knox United ('lmreh
nim in the school -room of 1. he e}nn'eh,
Mrs. \Vilkioso11, Pr„4i,loii .of %V. Si
S , pr8sidinq. Snriptll)e 0011111.14'11108
3-03(0)1 by 1l -ii (R'v.1 Srnhie. 'L'he
ranter )11 Study 111,1(, given by Mrs.
A. Vincent, was very interesting,
12811 call was 4M11 Mine players. Mrs.
Jahn 10intmnl then took charge of
meeting and business in 01(11111.03101
with Garden Party was finished up.
It '1104 agreed to have joint meetings
to the elnse of the year. The next
meeting will be hold at the Mame of
1311'9, J. 1i. 11(10tin11111 When the 0. (4,
I. T. 14ir19 will take eharg,e of devotion-
al exel01909, Airs. J./MPS Anderson
010Eed the meeting %vit11 prayer.
Wellington and Mrs. McGill and
family, of SeekaLoui, visited relatives
Eat) Spafford hue gone to North
Bay where be will be employed ns 0.
N. R. operator,
Win, and Ates. Brigden, of Toronto,
grandson, (lorry, and niece, Miss Hine
of 81. Maty,, were 03310008 at the
1101n0 of A, 13. and Mrs. Oarr.
Douglas, Edward and Bertram Carr,
of Ingersoll, are spending their holi-
days with their grandparents, A. B,
and (Ates. Carr and other relatives.
Dr. John S. and Mrs. McGowan and
Miss Ethel, who have heal visiting
the fniiner'e Mother, It. 13. McGowan,
left for their home at cedar Rapids,
Airs. Arthur [Mayne, who spent the
past titres weeks visiting her parents,
Or. and Mrs. W. R. Carr, and sister,
Miss Betty, left on Saturday -for her
home in Frobisher, Sask,
Dr. W. R. carr, who spent the past
month visiting relatives here, left for
his home in Los Angeles, Cal, Mrs.
carr and Miss Betty will leave in a
few days and visit friends en ratite.
John Weymouth left on Wednesday
for Herehel. Sask., where he will
spend the next couple of months in
assisting his sister, Mrs. Henderson,
who recently lost [ler husband by
E. W. White, of 81, Marys, was ap-
pointed District Deputy Grand Pilaster
of South Huron, at the 73rd annual
convention of the Masonic Grand
Lodge in Ontario, being held in Lon-
K. B, Nicholls, who has been agent
at the Milverton 0, N. R. station since
F. L. Crawford's departure, this
Spring, has been notified that he is to
report at Oorbetton in about a month.
A promising young life wee cut
short, when Ray, the 13'year-old son
of David and Mrs. Jacobs, of•Morning•
ton, passed away after being i11 for
five weeks from scarlet fever, which
left his heart in a weakened condi.
Wm. Angler, near Monk ton, had a
barn raising, whioh took over 100 per-
sons to raise. Everything went well
and no person was hurt. Title speaks
well for the carpenter, J. Diel, of Brod-
began, who did the work. Mr. Ang-
ier gave the young people a dance in
evening. 150 people attended and a
most enjoyable time was spent. Mus-
ic Was fnrniehed by Walter Gill, Her-
man Liebus, Wm. Uniac and Bertha
a ,
A, F. Johns, formerly of Olintnn,
who has been Principal of the Vine-
land Public Scheel for the past three
veers, has accepted a position els
Principal of the 11bn(lthill School at
an inorea9e in salary.
Frank Oorrivent!, of Drysdale, had
the misfortune to lose a valuable
horse, last week, Seemingly, 0101
horee ant tangled in the wire fence
and bled to death before it was dis•
\Vhile Mrs, Win, Coates, of Exeter,
was ill the act of splitting some kind-
ling, elle had the misfortune (.0 cut off
Out top part of the thumb of the left
hand, Mrs. Onat.e9 w,13 11010ing the
stiolr with her left bend and the axe
strnclt the thumb just behind the nail.
Alex. MacKenzie, who for the past
23 years carried nn a 41170ssf01 hal'.
1008 flintiness in 1(ippeu and who sold
out to John Workman, last Fall, left
for.his future home at Anhl ,'n.
On the Friday evenitlg twine to hie
leaving, St, Andrew's (Murrill menta-
lities presented him with a beautiful
wicker chair find a nicely worded tug.
dress. Alan, his hrnliier 111tt0ntls of
the vi11ng5 tank this nppottanity to
present him with a gnld'hoaded cane.
Two sisters, who had not 50011 each
stater since their palsy girlhnnd sixty
years ago, mel the other day, when
Mrs. Edge, of 13allymnte, Ireland, av
rived at the hone of her siatee, Mrs.
Rebt, Morrison, Helical), mother of
IT. W. 141nrt'ipon, of Clinton, Nies.
Mo elsot, at the ago of eighteen years,
left Ireland sixty year8 ago this
month, thie sister being six years
younger, and they had never seen
each, other since. Mrs. Morrison is
now sevenro-eight and Mrs. Edge esv-
etv-two, The latter is 00 her way to
i3dmonton accompanied by a niece.
Aeeidenlal dont 11 ruga tile verdict, of
sips enrom'r'o jury, at the intir10.1 1111.
the death id WVilliltm A,odetene, held
i. No, 10 schnoll/ou»c, 81?t oJey '1'nwn-
ship, Alnuday efLerunon nl 1481 week.
%V111h1m Anders,,., Sr o u[ D, Muter.
•uu, ui Stanley, 11(01 ilia deal!) (18111
[3u1(110e.101, on July 71.11, when riding;
i•1 a eat' 1 wiled 111111 di ;von by Harold
Ta17101, n3' Varna, tvhtoll eo111ded Witlt
a standing taolok owned by Ernest
Epps. of Varna. The .jury agi eed
(hat Taylor 10)19 l8uipnl'arily blinded
by dust and (hal he had used :0 di nary
preeanlinn4. 'J'J1ecr,rnner, 0l .1. %V.
Shaw, of ('lint nn, preAtled art the in.
(Ieet and 111' jury ''1.10i 3,•(l 111 Harry
Corms, I'm entail ; G. Graham, Jn1in
iYleflewall, Arthur 0Vrull,y, [!'rink
Aikenl000l. ohn T. Graham anti
;hut 01,tiueen.
The •:' 11"olhrui':e W1(9 trot ,18(1 with
3'1381.1•. u)1d neighbor, .f )1.• J,orn
4a)14fa1'1i111 of
10',). r'x pros 0,1.
Council 11.0 on ,July 13.11, In the
Tlvp 11.111, pnr•u-:(nt In ndj-,u'10110111.
All mewl,: 8 wet present the 31'8('0
in e "IlIU).
AthI(nule8 of the last meeting is•1e
rend and 011 motion of Taylor and
Lenlia,-d iu ,''1cd.
It was ur)ved by LOuo+trd and T.ty-
lor that w8 II1Htl'nCl 0115• road snper)1r-
ten(1out tom ke a thorough exaulin-
Mien of the 1,1 tioj.h11 Mu11iaipal
Ui'ain no the road portion, more es-
pecially the portion Smith of the catch
baoin where the 13 ineil file join the
large tile. We recommend for 1139
consideration the advisability of lift-
ing some of the tile and having them
placed on lumber or Rohe .trier suit-
able 11a1.01ia1 to keep 1110111 from sink-
ing into the (nook ; the advisability
of replacing the 6 -inch tile with 0.inch
111,. ; the advisability of building a
catch basin near the Smith end to re-
lieve the Handed cuiditiun which uc-
carred last year and keep the road
water from flooding private 110uds.—
101nved by Hubbard and (amble
that the ft:Bowing aceotr1115 be paid :
Municipal World, Oollectnr'o rolls and
supplies 8
(3, W. \Vttlkec, express
Pete? D lig, gravelling from1:41001441.77010165,
(101). 9 and 3
R. Baker, culverts turd ncutting weedls
John Armstrong, gravelling til 25
R. Watters, gravel 11.'1.5
Geo. McKee, gravelling in Gorrie
234 67
Arnold Edgar, trucking gravel. 140,501
Chas, Mcliwain, gravelling an 101-
ting weeds 200.06
Walter Reddon, gravelling 0190
Wm. Boyd,, gravelling and cutting
weeds 13`3 00
0111±, Johnston making fill and c (ting
weeds 105.75
Geo. Griffith, gravelling out-
cu -
ing weeds 51,75
John Hyndmnn, tile 70.00
J. McOutcheon, gravel 80.30
Geo. Townsend, gravelling and
cutting weeds ...........,84 25
Wm. Doig, gravel 3
22 0"0
(heater Oook, cutting weeds and
cutting hill 50 20
Wm. B. Edwatos, gravellin
gravel 67.10
E, G. Denny, gravelling and gra •
el 07 45
Roes Bayliss, gravelling and grav-
ra -
el00 55
Harold Onok, nil and grease for
crusher 7 15
J, J, Elliott, gravel and cuttiug
weeds H 141 W Bd1y. 84,755
Lot Viney, work at crusher ..,13.00
Albert Haskins, power for crush
00 180 90
Bert Longley, gravel 120 20
L. Demmerling, trucking gravel
E. H. Strong, blasting stumps.. 475
Wallace Clark, gravelling, grav-
el and cutting weeds 283 40
Albert Patterson, gravel 45.00
A. Jacques, making fill, grading
and gravel 192 90
Wm, Lambkin, gravel 49 85
Everett Allan, gravel and. grav-
elling 247 80
0, W. Simmons, grading and
cutting weeds 18.50
Wrn, Boehler, gravel and grav-
elling 177 35
Wm. Poster, cone. wire fence. 8 00
Fred Mahood, gravelling 186 50
T. A. Roberts, advertising and
part pay on contract 107,50
Oliver Stewart, gravelling and
cutting weeds . 389 00
Thos, Grant, gravel, gravelling
cutting weeds 09,65
Ed. McCallum, gravelling and
cutting weeds 79 25
R. A, Taylor. grading 28,75
Burns Stewart, gravel and fixing
pit 54,40
Geo, Mosure, cutting weeds in
Fordwich 41.40
R, H, Carson, paint, oil and hard-
ware 9 95
3. l-1yndtnam & Son, power for
grader 175 00
R. H. ()arson, supplies 35.20
G. W. Welker, part salary as Clerk
1(10 00
Gordon Gibson, trucking gray161.111
!truest Ring, cutting weeds and
brash 12 50
Garnet Wright, cutting weeds.. 0 01!
John Montgomery, eutti)lg
weeds and grading 14.885
Peter F. Doig, ploughing show
roads ,4 00
Isaac Wade, pest salary school at-
tendance officer 31) 011
1i,. II', Edger, gaiety as Supt 57 50.
Thos. Inglis, expellees to OhOp-
stnwo r e• 1'08swat.er Drain ..33 00
J, I3) Rogers, license for T, Hall..800
(3. AV, Walker, Clerk's fees—
Tile portion Mum, Drain No. 10.0 00
Open portion Mutt. Do, No. 1050,00
Branch I3 MAUI, Dr, No. 10 5 00
Brandt (1 Mnu, Drain No. 10„10 00
Branch 1) Minn, i)t', No. 10., „10 00
Branch 11) Mini, Dt, No, 10 1:I 00
Branch G. Mint, Di, No. 10 10 00
1ranch 11 Mlun, D1, No, 10 ,,,,1000
Branches I and J Mum Dr. 10, , 5 011
Ilt'ancil 3 Mon, Dr, No, 10 ,.., 200
Ilranell A Mrttn. Dr, No, 11 6 00
Branch 13 Miutt. Dr, No. 11.,,,,500
Heerlen (J Mhul, Dr, No. 11 2.00
G. W. Walker, By•Laws—
Tile pertinn Men, Dr, No. 100 00
Open portion Mtn) Dr. No 10,5000
B trunk channei Mon, Dr. No. 10
Branch C Mun, Dr, No, 1010,00
The Firestone Gum -Dipping process strengthens the tire to meet the
dernandr of kill climbing, quick stops, sudden turns and 1,igh speeds.
The Firestone tread is scientifically designed to grip the rossd in emer-
gencies. You can have this extra safety on your car. Aslc your local
Firestone Dealer. He will save you money and serve you better.
Always pug a Firestone steam-wellded, leakproof tubs
in your Firestone tire.
G. s
Brinell 7) Minn Dr. No. 111 . il) 00
Branch N', and 1' 111n11. Dr. 10..12 00
Branch G Alun, Dr. No. 10 ....10.00
13r1,11ch H Mttn. Dr. No. 10 „•,10 00
Branch I 10 J Arun. Or, ]n ....6 00
Br110Ch J, Mon. Dr. No. 1)1 .,.,300
Breneh A MluII. Dr, Nn, 11..... 7.00
Bea)ah 13 Mum, Dr. No. 11..... 6 00
Branch C. Mlu0. Dr, No. 11. .,81)1)
F. A. Edgar, plans, prnllle, &e, in-
speetiun end al>sietauee on 1(118.
portion Mun, Dr. No. 10....7050
Gordon 0i11snn, Dart pay on culvert
Mun, Drain No. 10 40000
W. 0. Dimly—
Part pay open pnrrinn Dr, 10. 1.000
'file for Branch (4 Dr, 10 600 00
Tile no Branch d{ Mun, De 10200 00
Tile Branch 0 Mutt. Dr. 10 200.00
Gen. Aldrieh, 010011 ah'Pa.iy cnnstnint-
ed .nen portion AJ1u1. Dr. 1035 00
Leslie Knight, 1110111 already eon -
selected open portion Municipal
Drain No, 10 25 00
Atex. Gibson, fart. in hip. (mon por-
tion main Mun. Dr. No. 1045 00
It was moved by Gamble and Walk-
er that this Cnnncll do now adjourn
to meet ..gain on Friday, ,lulu 27th, at
2 o'clock in the 11ftel11no11, when tend -
I ere Will he received and opened for
M unicipnl Droit? Nn. 11.—carried,
(3. W. WALKER, Clerk.
1 •
Donald Munro, of Tiverton, left for
Port William, where he will enter the
i postafldce to take a preliminary course
I In handling His ,Majesty's mails before
1 going on the rend as a mail clerk.
IHanover 0, N. ft. depot and freight
sheds were burglarized sometime dur-
!ing the night, recently. Although
1 the safe was hrolten open, there was
, no money taken. Several tieing and a
quantity of other meat and also some
cheese Was stolen from the freight
sheds. Tools from the 0. N. R. see -
tion house were used in breaking into
the building.
t •.
I The Elute Cheese Factory shipped
391 boxes and Maitland 198 boxes of
cheese to Harris Abbatoir 00„ Toron-
to, The price paid was 22Me.
TO Ni E ”
,(NE of the great reasons for Oldsmobile's
tremendous success in every section of
the country is its ability to take all roads as
they come and to deliver the same fine, satis-
fying performance, hour after hour and month
after month.
Steep hills, rough roads, Ioose gravel, difficult
detours—they're all a part of the day's work
to this new Oldsmobile,
A great new 55-h.p. engine provides powet for
any need and speed to meet any emergency. A
new -type cylinder head of General Motors'
Research design gives the pep and snap of
high -compression performance without the
use of special fuels.
Fine materials and sturdy construction
throughout impart the stamina and brute force
usually found only in much larger cars.
And fine -car design—evidenced in such details
as four Lovejoy hydraulic shock absorbers
and deep -cushioned, form -fitting seats -- as.
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