HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1928-7-25, Page 4WI;DNESDA.Y, JULY 25th, 1928.
Mite Brus,ok'l.g feat
WEDNESDAY, SDAY, JUI.i 25th, 1.9es,
Exeter Girl Pulls Lad Out of L:.ke
Huron. •
I Exeter, July 20 Mire.? Merger it
Tainan, of Exeter, while bathing at •
+ Graud Bend, wont to the r wu of a
COLUMBIA and brou•>llt hhn to
IN B. `L.+�U���,� �drulvlilng lad
shore suceeesfully. The boy, who was ,
Elect 27 Members to Legal/Imre: 'n sun Of Major ,Allaur Catupheil, of.
Liberals Have Six and Labor One Parkhill,
hail gone down for th east!
With 14 Seats in Doubt, t nm beton Mies Taman!••a''hr t him,
h Iuul 6 »•n pleyine int the p'' e '(ltd
LATEST RETURNS fell into the 0. tui' after ito k ed 10,4 '
Vatl('out,'r, 11, C.--Karul000e r"ot"
the last doubtful riding, is elsie• j r
tic lily 1 nn .•11.•:1 to have ie )n:' Railway Crossing
The .-nrulin;r will
h. 111 the Host Hnu Crashes Involve
• Van:ion-en.. Jule leeel,Vhen Lieiath
Columbia ,eieetts. it ewinits the wee',
:vay. Haat, Dr, S. F to' r: t:y
l'aav cltoo,' . ., n,'w 1.x11" ":1 'NT
cabinet t'oli t ::z'1( th, !:'i1i i• ti _•d-
lz+-sdav In :which wee
power ever the leeerei: estie „ til'
to one teed. In''' t 11 r :' retire-
r:tI n\ to:h:;, FIlOwcA 27t. O L+ • -At:\
six I1b tale and one I.:diorite elierie
c''d, with 14 seat, in dou3,t.
Pendulum Goes Back.
7'S?' 1ve years ago, the petivietei
Motors Largely
Ottawa, July ':) -- .1u.01110,:1t:.>
...,• 1 .it 7.I5ni th,• 27 hie:eves' vee:,
n b•1:..
tfir.ieiout th Dem-
'n;l"1 reeistL'd to the heard r'I' l:aid- .
t.',,:ees1.,1:se.'ers during i.e. seeith
of .bre. in the 21 neetilents •it rt•
were 1.' 1)•.':at:" killed at.d ee, in-
jured. In al' bet two easie,, the
ere:eines were el shits as iieero-
tl•,g.:l, The total number of acid -
:lents of aid kind.- on raihvay,. during
June was 1:17. r(,iuiti ng in snot$ of
21 persigie and injury to 222 otih'o.,
swung from an alum t soil,! tot se- DEFER TRIAL OF
House into a 1110.‘t :Midi 1.11 -
Oral to`uaiu. Wednesday the nen I -
lum swung bark.'Hon. Dr. S. F. Tel- I
mai, fresh from thl.' federal `141 and
hi, pilo coal si S neemi cl tad Victim Still In Serious Condition in
Z istorta -eats, mopped un it dozen Walkerton Hospital. -
ridings on the mainland, split the '
cabinet. defeating Premier J. 1), Mac- Mildmay, July 20 — The tial of
Lean himself. and made heavy gains S}'ril I senin1 young Mildmay garage
elsewhere! on 'Vancouver I=ltvtd. Tel- meeleinie, who was arrested when his
E can. give you lots
of choice in tires—
lots of sizes, a range of
prices, different tread de-
signs. But every one of
them is a safe invest-
ment—because every one
is built by Goodyear.
That means value. It
Cords in every tire. And
it means the lowest pos-
sible price for the quality.
offreal service �yy��
wla " a"'CW,GSS'`r'�.'al'lf3 ln,R NEuF2np1 JSeRM "Mti}Ii a
retie himself was returned is his horns, cat e:'a,hod into 0 parked car ownr-•tlerra.,�P , ,,n,,,,u„ .Q,>*..�..�.'�a arcoconsmi•itrmar `' -'
by Georgie Henry. Cleveland, during
the old arum'.: celebration in Milrlty Ccinadutte for U. S.
two weeks : adjourned '' th
second tim p ,
outcome of the latter's injuries. The
date for the trial has now been set
for Tuesday, July 31.
George Henry, victim of th:: acci-
dent, is in a rather serious condition
in the County Hospital at Walker-
ton, suffering front 1 acerations of the
brain and other head injuries. He
ha= had spells f -unconsciousness at
frequent intervals ever since he was
admitted to the hospital following
accident. His condition is causing
alarm to the doctors in attendance.
who claim, however, that he has a
fair chance of recovery.
The injured man is a son of Peter
J. Henry, clerk of the municipal
court, Cleeland, Ohio. He came
with former Mildmay residents 'co at-
tend the old boys' and girls' reunion
here, Frank Henry, star pitcher of
the New York Giants, is a brother of
the injured man, while the latter him-
self is said to have been on the wait-
ing list of the New York team at the
time of the accident.
had swamped the opposition earlier.
The Tolmie Government will be the Fatalities Increase
20th administration in th epr'ovin ;e
since is joined the confederation in . 42" in Year
1871. The Government under Pre-
mier J: F. McCreight lasted one
year. The next one, under Hoa. A..
1)0 • Cosmos lasted two. The Walken
administration following survived on-
ly two years, as did that of Permier
J. Walkem. Thus in the first ten
.years of its provincial history the
province had six administrations.
Thereafter Hon. R. Heaven held offi-
ce one year, and he was followed
by the first four-year administration
headed by Hon. W. Smythe, who
gave way in 1887 to Hon. A. 1E. 11.
Davie, who sat as House leader for
only two years. Hon. J. Robson p1' --
sided over two provincial de°titties
for three years; Hon. T. Davi:) for
three; J. H. Turner fur three; C. A.
Semlin for two. In 1900 Hon, Jos,
Martin assumed the Prime Minister's
portfolio, but was succeeded dating
the same year by Hort. J, Du 1 uauir.
who officiated as Prime Minister fir
two year;, being followed by dims.
1'E. G. Prior, who held office fee a
year. In 1903 Hon. iiichard Mc-
Bride b, -envie first Mini: -tor and un- 1-i t o e- ,tel ,110,. but Cnr o 1 V ••' con- 1 •tentton to ship, when a permit w.11
der his administration the .int real trib lion wasresnonsihlo for only 21
an utterly crude :old c11'nmo;tlllaca!
Ii:' ;,1 ;:eieed.,, vet `l t5lr: 'i}te 'turni 1,* Teen( he issued free of charge if in>pert•
party stability came into being, 1,er oejlt of lir total in Ont:x , ton for commercial purposes ie not
retained alive uniil 1905. On Dec, •From motor rare the mut 0l ly n
die hay'., life. .in the motn'a rhe desired.
15th that year, !lou. W. J, Bev✓?er the principal c1tie.. last year was as wont on a lone to the rr,a'ivati, 0 and
rr 9' went baric alone .•io the white Shipments will be subject to 3n -
succeeded, holding office fora year fallMouthed, 12. inereeee 55.6 ',speedou for admieistrattive purposes
when in 1920 the 12 year Liberal per cent; Toronto, 87, increase tie.3 )1Het road loci to oblivion. Illy yrad the Dominion bruit Act. This
regime which ended yesterday was 4pee 1,e cent; Winr,im,g!, 113, the shone as 1 through manyvirissitud:fs to the
applies to all shipments of apples
inaugurated, H. C. Brews'cer, John the year before'; Va:icouver, 131, in -
to the United States, except quanti-
i' } 1' v 1 tion at Ka sus
riding of Saanich. Early today only
one member of the cabinet, Hen. Ian
MacKenzie hal been elected. Hon.
A. M. Manion, attorney -general. was
leading and probably elected. So
were Hon. W. H. Sutherland and Hon
T. D. Pattullo. Defeated ministers
were the premier, Hon. E. D. Barrow
and Hon. Dougald Donaghy.
History of British Columbia poli-
ties had followed an erratic course.
This had been mainly the result of
corruption in connection with rail-
way construction and other public
works. The electors have acquieed
the habit of switching their allegi-
ance sometimes with bewildering
unanimity from one party to another
in succeeding elections. Liberals
just defeated have been in Alice 12
years. Sir Richard McBride headed
a Conservative Government before
that. In his election che last term
before the Grits came in he absolute-
ly swept the province, leaving the op-
position only three or four seat. But
this Government lasted one 'term only
and when the next election came he
was defeated almost as badly as he :ego. was a lourncc .or the
; Vice -Presidency
v<_stordat ending the
Ottawa—Deaths in Canada due to
automibile accidents increased by
over 42 per cent, last year, accord-
ing to figures tabulated by the bur-
eau of statistics. The number of
fatalities attributed to this cause was
86)4, as against 606 in 1926; another
calculation is that deaths from this
cause were nine per 100,000 of the
population. Still the situation i3 much
worse across the border, where. 18
deaths due to motor accidents occur-
red per 100,000.
That the tourist traffic contribut.0s
to the death rate from automobile
artidents apear•, to be borne Out by
a ecmparison of the death rates in
the central provinces and British Col-
umbia and those where this 110111,' is
The Daily Toronto Star had the
following comment on the Republi-
can candidate for vice-pr,sidcent of
t1'e United States:—
Years ago, in the early days of
Kansas, a daughter of the chief cf
the haw Indians married a French
trader. They had a (laugh -et- who
married an immigrant Engliea horse
dealer. This couple had a seri.
The boy's father and mother died
leaving young Charles to the tender
mercies of his maternal and paieenal
grandparents. The father's relations
did not want the little lad with the
stain of Indian blood in him and sent
him away to his grandmother on the
Indian reservation.
The old liaw squaw came for the
boy and started for home with ?'int,
They camped out by night alongside
the trail and beside the camp fire the
two talked of the :future.
The old Indian grandmother urged
the lad ei' twelve to go ba•:Ic ro the
whit(:' .folks, not to go with her to the
reservation. She told him -that there
was no i'uturr• for hint with the. 1n -
Brit h litsColumbia had an aatosle• diauts but that he might make hie way
bile mortality rate of 73.4; Ontario, avid arl91eVe positial with 'the whit' in WaOs, for it Is run entirely by
12.1; Quebec, 11,7; New Brunsw •k, his shipment inspected he may do as
but in exquisite taste. She woe en
official delegate from a New England
Standing trembling before that
great mass of people in that monste'•
auJitoriu t a human atom in a mon'
ster throng, she said simply: "The
delegates from Rhode Island have
asked me to second. the nomination
of my father, Charles E. Curtis, as
vice-president of the United States.
Proposals for Superintendent of the
Children's Aid Society. '
Goderich, July 20—The Board of
Management of the Huron Coun'cy
Children's Aid Society met in Mag-
istrate C. A. Reid's office ha•e this
afternoon to deal with the applica-
tions for the position of superintend-
ent and inspector of the society. The
vacancy was caused by the resigna-
tion of G. M. Elliott, of Goderiob,
who resigned after many year's of
faithful service.
Thirty-four applications were re-
ceived and 14 of these were voted on
by the board. It was decided to rec-
ommend to J. J. Kelso, provincial sec-
retary, the appointment of one o' the
three applicants receiving 'che most
votes. As a result of the vote, Robt.
Turner, reeve of Goderich; H. T. Ed-
wards, tax collector of Goderich;
and J. J. Hayes, warden of Huron
County, were recommended for the
New Regulations Leave Choice to
Shipper—Permit May be Obtain.
ed—But Law Still in Force.
I{nett' Roti• to 1njt•(t Colors of V'ar-
ioua Sorts ---Product for 1/9/1111
W Ono Modern hiatal,
The servants of Tut -Ankh -Amen,
end 1. -'1111 n`• even more ancient
then they, made het ler glass than any
of the later elassulakers until the
caning of nu)de•ru seances and t
, It
Mete, to the old of t1t, art, according
- to Prof. 11. Neumann of the Technical
EMI. School at Iireslau,
Prof, Nelllllall11 1101 diode phemleal
and cltem111111 analysis of a large nuu.-
of aaltlul, a of ancient lit glees rang -
hie Yrrnu ' r1; of d'. fan I hl l tails
Roman times dues❑ t'1 f?aravonie
gl rases of uhr,ui 1:,0 A 1), inn tilt
ran through all tie' :nlr'' ul -I + 1 e,
th1, 1 11 in v.:twin e / . TIti wee 0
I somewhat t h.tl tau 11 11 lL ,11 e, allgnt in
111. mix, hh1 h route t1 1-,tldtiel 1.
• ,ti Its with lower 1.0101 nef to
Corrosion and .1.'10 1 001(111(M Ihal
(11111 1(01.e• •11 by Inodora gla3,ea.
This d,•1 , t eye the lormen in-
v,+st]g-aier. 10 mere or 1'••: limo olll-
aebh•, 1, ).,,• lite nee (11 11 gla11
in n.u•e•s e'ntl,l n11 tl :•.l,tiiel,.ui-
lr iti's;t 11ntal•r't'itt',0 dudn1 111'• 111.,11
, alkali een1,111) 1,1( 1 1,, be added it •_' 1
1!r in,. fedi'') t) 11( 110 11
q 'ty of th, t .' 1 1 of
",�ninr•d \t 11.11.'1 y ;wolx•tllanai to
its melting point. The Leyp Let
-;lass, which wits lit' beet, nod uo,l,-
in0 point of MI 111 , n deer, -, . ' a-
11 t't -, wttiit' 1.11,• pool 1. :amlall'. It
tiitii-ol.ntuly 10011.'11 r111�: hold th •
IthLo' regin(1, 1(4 . 11 to Molt at iJd
th ;rens,
Frout its e rli'•. i manufacture in
t''.ypt, 'Omit 111114)1) DX., until 1(9(1 0t
the beginning of the (-'1n•istia a '-1 1,
glass (('at 1150(1 1111!1`.'..1 Witol!\ 0
'e'lll-p l•o0i0110 stone, for (0111
The 0109015 could not. maks , el 110
"lils11 the nearest approech was a
light green. 'Phis was dm 10 natural
Impurities in the ineredi'11ts, lilt
h,.)' Itnew how to add eolnrs, and
uletic glasses ill darker greens, l"'t1',
bines, yellow, violet, blaek and
cloudy whit)
After thy. intention "f the blowing
tutee, the use of gl;t: ; rapidly b,, came
genIral throughout the ltolnan world,
10111011 rearhod from the Euphrates to
the 1111111 , and the improv 1(1 et in
gloss technique has beim Parried en
steadily in one part of the world or
another ever since,
Under a new Order -in -Council a-
mending the fruit export reenl,ttionss
of the Fruit Act inspection is option -
a1 on apples exported to the United
States. If the shipper' wishes so Have
"The laid of 11 Perfect Ilny."
How many people know who car -
rip Jacobs Bond is? Not ane in a
hundred. 13111 cvmrybody knows the
song which made her fortune. She
wrote the \vords and music of "The
End of a Perfect Day." Her 800011 11
husband flied when she wag thirty-
two and left her with one 1hi1d and
little money. Although she had no
capital or business axperieuee, she
started a business for publishing her
own songs. The business grew until
she had to enlarge hes offices 0ocause
the demand for "A Ptrfect Day"
alone was so great. It was written
after a day of motoring tln•oueli
beautiful scenery in Ca:1fc rnia, The
day closed with a most glorious sun-
set, and while she was dressing for
dinner cars. Bond felt the need of
expressing her thanks. "Almost at
once came the words of 'A Perfect
Day'," she says.
The Rust Menace.
Damage caused by rust affects
every department of life, including
the home, but It is most serious in in-
dustry, even though it has been found
possible with the aid of Science to
retrieve a good deal of the iron lost
as scrap.
Methods of protection of exposed
surfaces, particularly sten], against
corrosion are among the most r0 -
mark of recent developments in
Ten years ago the annual wastage
of iron and steel had reached thirty
million tons, as against a mean world
production rate of fifty ;million colts.
This annual wastage is rising stead-
ily all the time. But the enornluus
intensification of the research Into
the cause of corrosion and the pos-
sibilities of protection against it has
had results that are extremely prom-
The Sundial Gun,
Sundials are not the only instru-
ments that rely on the sttn to make
them of any use. There is a gun that
fires a discharge at twelve o'clock
every day, provided the sun is not
hidden by clouds.
It is a small brass cannon, built in
Paris In 1660. Its touch -hole has
been elongated into a groove running
in line with the north -south line on
the dial, A teaspoonful of powder
forms the charge, a little being also
sprinkled upon the long tough -hole.
IP the burning -glass lens held by
adjustable arms above the cannot is
set in the correct position, the con-
centration of the son's rays will make
the powder explode at midday.
All -Electric Village In Wales.
Llanuwchllyn, netts Bala, claims
that it is the most up-to-date. village
-8; 111'.•• Seatia end .\lberta, ,aero )l01)1e, but the matter is optional, The i•e-
5.7. Mont(' «(1 w1(- ru,nlo11 1111• for. 'Chu° 2ru• into the night the. old in-
e•ulationa require the exporter to
one -heir of the nutomohile d"al;h, +n taen Munn' and the little 1arc-IWIItt''
Inv s1(, grid taliccd and rlann :•i. Wl'.at ' notify the nc great inspector of his i''-
Oliver and J. D. McLean have hl the crease 5•I per cent; Hamilton '3n, in- ('pit 1 can coon en
meantime guided the party fortun"s. crease 1.5 per cent; Ottawa, J.7, { fol J ifc PurPoses.
Not all of the above l+adtl,nip crease 41.7 per cent; London, 0, in- Mous vote nominated as candidate p l i In Russia there' le a "language
changes signify a party change, as for the vice-preeidency of the United ' island," where about a million and e
g „awe :i0 per cent States. ' When tiro rims become ba,ily rn"t- half German-speaking people form a
the resignation of a leader was fres
quently followed by a cabinet re-
`� The climax to the tremendous ova- i ad rough particles of the rust tend community founded in the first case
of goyMysterious rattles about the ter tion there tendered him, and of this scale act Iike sandpaper on the inner by Catiterino tha Groat.
construction without a changeg
House theresometimes caused by loose tools romance, came When a slim feminine tube, resulting 1n a worn spot and a!
World's Ilar.gust Volcano.
ernment, In the last are
In the last elec. carelessly 'thrown in the toolbox. figure with unmistakable traces of .premature blowout, By cowing ':he Kilauea, in Hawaii, is the targeot
lion, there members, re, care es y
37 Liberals Keep the tools securely wrapped in Indian ancestry on her face appear- rim with aluminum paint occasion- active volcano le the world, The cra-
ter Socialist were returnednee p platform, quietly ally this can be prevented. fee 16 throe miles across.
one and nine Conservatives, a bag or kit. ed on the latform dresser! quienl
City, Kansas, where he was, by iman, ties of five packages or less, intended ,
in- [A "Language Island,"
electricity, Powe' is provided at
1l/e(1, per unit. Every cottage Is lnn-
Vidcd with electric light electric
conkers, electrical llnor-saving de-
vices, and the vi1I1 ge carpenter And
builders use Electric saws told pies.
Tho power -station is 111 a small wood-
en hut on the mountain -side,
What U. '3, Newspaper's Use.
The twenty-two thousand news-
papers and periodicals in the United
States using newsprint 10050mo three
utillton tens, or, for every working
day, a strip of paper thirteen feet
wide that would encircle the globe.
France is just taking up 1'1" use of
electrical refrigerators,
$111�(,IIIji1Il illiN�
J1� v
(1(1(0• nr 1,aulo.' w'rl,1 Nolen Srv(,e movo-
1nant, 1101! 10(00011 •hope, 1 111810o18, Im-
1,oed bmoeeper cugrnvetl cat', n good ro-
Iblbletlnlekocprhronlpl¢u• with aide ribbon
and '1(1(15.
The 11050 or Men•,, watch (0 0 Some anal -
((0 u0 •bore, with fancy teethe mild arras,
Either. of theme watches Riven ab.otutely free
for the 0,111 of n few bottle. 01 aur high-ewe.
p'•Inistle 191111 our 11101U017 Nal' elan.
, Baxter Agency Registered
6009 Notre Dame Street gest, Montreal
Twp. or Kincardine
Plans Earlier Election
Cargill, ,tan, 20—The Council of
Kincardine Township, Bruce l'otmt>,
i= planning to hold the ntunieipt:1 non(
Mations andelections
one 111011th
earlier, commencing thio year.
The by-law to annul the existing
bylaw is in preparation await(! 0 the
emutiuu of the Council at the neat
regular meeting, on August 6.
Kincardine is the first rural muni-
t•ipa]ity 111 tiro- County of Bruce to
indorse the early nomination and
citation date, while Walkerton is the
nuly urban municipality in the county
holding the civic elections in Decem-
Canadian Militia Now
Has `Brigadier' Rank
Ottawa, July 20 — It was an-
nouneed by national defense heed -
quarters today that the rank of "bri-
gadier," recently introduced in the
British army, has been adopt'.l in
'che Canadian militia, with the effect
from July 1.
The temporary ran]: of "brigadier"
is the substitution for the tempor-
ary ranks of colonel commandant and
colonel -on -the -stair. There will rot
be any alteration in the rank badge a
worn on the shoulder straps, these
remaining as now for the superior
An officer holding temporary rank
of brigadier will have precedence of
any command over all colonels.
Couple of Mitchell
Injured on Highway
Truck Driver of Galt Faces Criminal
Negligence Charge
Stratford, July 10-11. C. and Mrs.
Facey, Mitchell, are in the Stratford
General Hospital, and C. Rob-
inson, 98 Main Street, Galt, a tru':k
driver, faces a charge of criminal
Mr. Facey received severe injuries
to the head and possible internal in-
juries this afternoon when his car
was hit by a truck and hurled through
a fence. The truck was ditched. Mrs.
Facey suffered bad cuts and' bruises.
The Facey car was going east on
the highway near Shakespeare and
had just passed a wagon. The 'truck
came from behind their car and touch
ed it in passing. Both were badly
wrecked when they left the road.
Robinson was remanded in bail of
$6,000 for eight days, on the crim-
inal negligence charge.
Never throw •Way valve caps.
Screw them on firmly and prevent
air leakage here. The valve plunge',
El little mechanism inside the stent,
serves as an air lock during inflation,
but the valve cap is the secondary 1110
seal during usage.
The largest single exhibit to be
launched by any country will be that
of the Federation of British Inclss-
tries 1111(1 the Empire Marketing
Board, which will be seen in 'che Do-
minion Government Building at the
1928 Canadian National 'Exhibition,
Toronto, Ontario.
Farmer's' Sons
Any Huron Soy aolltetnplating attending
the Ontario College for the two•year or assn.
010(6 oouree is oldglbio to compete for the
combined Huron County and grasses, Pond
Scholarship, Pltrtlonlees of s0holershlp may
11e found e1asWho1`tl 114 111(1 l uper, Applies,
(tors should he attires/oil. to the
D19#AIIT01JONT OP A.131.tIcUf TUIt10,
Olinton,Oat, ...,.
Farm for Said
A very desirable stook farm of 160 (5)00,1,.9g
m11e from Brussels. Good buildings and
equipments, Nosy tortes to snit purchaser,
Icor further psrtAp014(0yto
, 0341,1),
Farms for Sale
The nnderalgenod 05501 for sale his 100•nore
term befog Ny6 Lot 21, Oen, 7, Morris. Also
160 pores being'1%orth ;!, Lot 20, and 14, 27
Oen. 9, Morris. Good {louses and barns in
ar,t•olaa5oondltion, rano all good out.bnnd•
lege, will sell with or without crop, Rene•
on for selling, poor health. For farther part
titulars spply to W. N.eMo10t RTO ot,BEON,,Ie
Do Your foot Bother You ?
Olt 1 the tragedy of 80111 Mt feet, the 11110ery
of painfullydragging11110 tont after the nt(,'
el., the bitterness of watching others step
ulong without a foot 000,11 a the world. Foot
know, Moonset
l r avoided i 1 W,
suffered can 1 / nv 1
sn111wnd for y0tu's, but 1 found 11 n•ay to r1(•
ltel'o list ottani strain neon my weakened
arches. Nov, l want to help others If you
are 11 sufferer, pleaee mention 1'111: POa9' when
writing. .L T, WOOD, '1"' Prosslee1 st„ halo•
oo.slol'fioesed 1(G nnwninglir,ndeas,lr,ielw
Penin w Stallions
.)')'.\X11.1111 111(1111 i I'A1.1,10N
King Patch 2nd
Pedigree No. 1101
elation r1 011 passed( In 1.101111 0, Bred
Eur Enrol -
Men No. 1091,
:\1ON11-' 111 leave his OW11 .1:11.10,
hot "7, Con,prey, and Prue'', d 'West
to •rh ('11'11''i 1orrla, for ul..01.
'T('11517.11 -1\'ill 4'o Nurilt In henry
Brant, n s, l;lnecnle, for noon, and
Immo for night
ThlT 1 tiD 11•- \\'ell go 14ast. and North
to 1', 1(tl,il Barn, Listowel for noon;
owl Itoine
Main uut11 thfollowing Mngp.
JAMES 001,1,1215, Prop.
Thorel -Bred Percheron Stallion
Iles°pe 1592
Enrolment No. 1251 PASSE!) Form 1
1121111)1,\tl N l' CIIIOTIl1C.\9'E
•regeist,a•,ed in the CanadianSPer-
,heron Stud honk as No. 11192, by Prank
Collins.of Ethel, 1t It, 1 Foaled in
1901, lois Leen enrolled under The On-
tario Stallion ,let, lncperted on the
"nth day of netn1or 1 !,.`7, and Poss0ll.
Ontario eta11100 Enrolment 110,1rd
P.oht. MellWen. R. W. trade.
Chairman, Secretary.
MONDAY -(Pill leave his own stable,
Lot 21, ('on, a, Croy, gn West and North
to Frank Balfour's for noon and West
to S. Bork's, ,lamestoWn, for night.
TI'rSD.\Y-Pulsed West and North
to O. hall's, Hlnovole, for noon; theft
South to 3rd Con, Morris to W01. Mac-
w•r•11's for night.
wmnsieS7?AS. - t) est lo 'Boundary to
rteorg0 Conk's, It-.lt-r11 ve for noon; and
back East to Thos Ellis' 4th line, Mor -
('is fm• night.
T(l'RS0\ Y• -Will proceed East to
his nt0n stable.
100110 \Y-'Vlll go North to John Me-
0nr,•r y's Inc noon; and East and North
to c 2- Ibe1 s. Wallace, for night.
S:\'11. 1 T1 0S -'Proceed East and South
to Win. Coates' lelma for noon: and
West by way of Trowbridge, hone for
night, where he will remain mail the
folln0•in1' Monday morning.
TEI:)1 S-st2-oe to Insure a mare In.
foto, Pa yal.lo Fete, 1, 1;,29, Parties dis-
posing of mares will be responsible at
time of sale whether in font or not.
1'11A NTC COLLINS, 12. C. AmyhS'rnONG,
Royal Buchlyvie
Enrolment No. 2205, Form 1.
MONDAY -Will leave his own Stable,
Lot 18, Con. 10, Orey, and go South and
Last to Nell D. MoNah•'s, Lot 21, Con.
14, Grey, for noon; then Routh and
Last to Jos, rleRny✓s Lot 33, Con, 10,
Grey, for night.
Tr'ESDAY-Will go North and West
to !'leo, E. Spei1.lut for noon; then
North and West to his own stable
whore he will stay until Thursday
TIiUItSD AY -110111 go North and West
to -Louis Frain's. Lot 0, Con. •1, (trey,
for noon, then South and East to his
own stable for night.
FRIDAY -Will go by Ethel and North
to John Pearson's, Lot 22, Con, 4, Grey
Inc noon: then East and South to his
own stable for night.
SATURDAY -Will go West through
Brussels to Elston Cardiff's, Morrie,
for noun; then South and East by
Cranbroolc, to his own stable until the
following Monday morning,
TERMS -312,00 payable Feb. 1, 1929.
All accidents at owners risk.
Owner and Groom.
ALPHONSE (12007)
is a dark gray, long star hind feet
white, .born May 6, 1924, bred by
John Innes, St. Annes de Bellevue,
Qnec. Alphonse (12007) was sired
byNatal (5043) he by Garrow (881)
(169734) (60755) ; dam Fairy 'Queen
(87). His dam was Heloise (6887)
sired by Pinson (2533) (63122)
(27211), dam Imprudence (1977)
(81934), Alphonse is a splendid
stamp of horse, typical of the breed.
Terms and conditions—$12 to in-
sure living foal, week old, all acci-
dents to mare, at risk of owners. Will
stand in stable, Lot 18. Con, 5, Mor-
Enrolment No 2080 Passed Form 1
Enrolment Certificate
of the percheron stallion Alphonse
registered in the Canadian Percheron
Stud book es No. 12007. Owned by
Stanley Marks, of Brutssels. Foaled in
1924 has been enrolled under the
Ontario Stallion Act. Inspected en
the 29'clt day of October, 1926 and
p080(14. The Ontario Stallion Enrol-
ment Board
Robt. Mclwcn R. Wade.
Chairman. Secretary.
The Imported Clydesdale Stallion
No, 23218
Enrolment No. 850; Form A. 1
Premium No. 154
MONDAY—Will leave his own
stable, Lot 10, Con, 11, Hullett, and
Proceed North to Thomas Laidlasy's
Morris for noon; thence Last to Wm,
Shaldioe's, Grey for the night.
1TURSDAY-Will proceed South
and West to Herbert Itirkby'-s for
noon; thence West and South to his
own stable.
iTlris mute will be continued
throughout the season, health and
weather permitting.
iTIRMS--$16 payable Feb. let}
1929; all accidents at the risk of
the owners of mares,