HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1928-7-25, Page 1VOL, 57 NO, 6
h2.00 per annum in advance
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The Surrounding District
A. oar driven by Blyton Verge of:
Monkton, crashed through a harrier
on the Mitchell-Monkton road, at Ken.
Ideon, and all but eucceeded in jump-
ing a 24 -ft open culvert, last Wednes-
day evening. It plunged into the 8 -
ft, tel
w on the n s1 side and
t p 4 tune
demolished. Two other oacupante,
Evelyn Melody and Mary Otonen, of
St, Columbian, were hurled out and
badly cut and bruised, Miss Malady
WaS uneoneeions and near drowning
in a pool of water' when picked up.
She recovered cenaciousnese early the
next morning. The oar driver was
Mies Edith Martin is holidaying in
Miss Daisy Stocks has returned from
Miss Ann Munro. St. Catharines, is
holidaying at her home here.
David Armstrong, London, called on
friends in the village, on Saturday.
Mrs. Trio. Hupfer and daughter,
Betty, are visiting relatives in Essex.
Miss Weller has returned to Leam-
ington after a week's visit with Miss
B. Howe.
Dr. and Mrs. Kidd, Atwood, were
Sunday visitors at the home of Milton
Stewart Sanderson and Jack Edgar,
of London, spent Sunday at their
homes here.
Reg, and Mrs, Pye, Toronto, spent
a few days last week with the latter's
parents, R. and Mrs. Black.
Mrs. Win. Carr, Edmonton, a form-
er resident of this village. is the guest
of her sister, afre. Thos. Brown.
Leonard Henning, who has been
visiting his parents, H. and Mrs, Hen-
ning, left for his home in Saskatohew-
an, on Tneeda.v. -IIS was accompan-
ied by his nephew, Rae Henning, who
will join hie father there.
Alvin Moffatt, who has been em-
ployed in Tito, Dmiglas' hardware
store for the pest year and a half, has
accepted aleimilar position in Port El-
gin, and left for there, on Monday,
Mre. Moffatt and baby follow in a
I PASSED CR.—Tills village sustained
a distinct lose when Thomas Gibson,
eldest son of the late John Gibson,
passed away at his home here, early
on Sunday morning. He was in his
07th year and Intel been a particular ly
healthy man, until overcome by a sev-
ereform 1
(fhe heart tremble
!b few mien A
ago, to which he finally succumbed
after being oonlined to bed i'or a
month, lair, Oilmen had engaged in
the sawmill and'luxnber business since
early manhood, originally here and
later at Winnipeg, where he moved
thirty years ago, returning fore, years
ago when he took over the business of
his brother, the late J, R Gibson.
He was a member of the present viii•
age Council and a splendid type of
citizen, ever willing to take his part
in what pertained to the welfare of
the community. Mr. Gibson was
formerly a devoted member of the
Presbyterian Church and later of the
United Church, where he held the
position of choir leader. He bad a
splendid voice and was passionately
fond of music. He is survived by hie
wife, formerly Miss Sarah Brown. and
six children, George, Elsie and Mar-
ion, of Winnipeg ; John, Chicago
Kenneth, Hamilton ; and Edward, at
home, (leo one sister, Mre. D, M,
Walker, of Niagara Falls, and his ag-
ed mother, who is now in her 99th
year, The funeral service was held in
the United Church, on Tuesday after-
noon, after which interment was
made in the Wroxeter cemetery, the
service heing conducted by Rev. E.
ty Patriotic Service was held on Sun -
lay afternoon at the Wroxeter Park
nd was attended by ahout800 people.
Rev. H', Bolingbroke presided and was
ssisted by several ministers of the
iettict. Rev. A. W. Barker, B. D.,
t Brnssels, gave a splendid address
n "Patriotism," taking as a text
'Righteousness exalteth a nation but
in is a reproach to any people." The
isiting minister, nutde a strong plea
or accepting the heritage from the
ioneers and urged the large assembly
o' place righteousneee as the Murales
ion and fabrio of national life. The
peaker urged for putting manhood
oto the brotherhood and epoire feel-
ngly of our present privileges coming
r A9 as a result nf British -tradition
ted principle unniple oP freednm, justice and
i tr
Mission n fir l
will hold a
Wednesday Ev'g,Ith Y 1
Admission 35c and 29c
444444-H4++ ++++++++++++ In+
tEtIDancing k
TO 4.
H4.arold Skinner's
$ Blue Water Boys +
I Wingham Arena I
4 d'
Every Thursday Night
pre Expert
Do you suffer from rupture ? If
so, your big opportunity has now
arrived. Mr. Reavely, the noted
rupture expert, will be at the
American hotel Brussels
for one day only
Wednesday, Aug. 8th
and will be pleased to give free
examination to any sufferer and
to demonstrate his famous ap-
pliance. This appliance will con-
tract the opening in 10 to 15 days
aril has cured cases in from three
to six months. This appliance is
positively demonstrated to you
right on your own person with-
out any charge. You do not
spend a penny unless you are
fully satisfied that it is the right
appliance for you. A consulta-
tion with Mr. Reavely will cost
you nothing. Don't let this op-
portunity get away from you.
Remember the date.
Special Aonooneement!
Having been appointed Distributor for the
We offer Cars at $69 ,00 and u including
5 pt g
six different models, viz. : Plymouth 4 ; De
Soto .6 ; Chrysler 62,6 ; Chrysler 6 5 6
Y Y 5 , •
Chrysler 75'6 ; and Chrysler 80.6. All with
the longest wheel base of any small car, also
hydraulic 4 -wheel brakes,
Come in and look them over,
Phone 9x
New Advertisement*
Money lost-Tna poet'
Street Danae-W, E. Wilds
Scythe lifted -Mrs, 3 Long:
Engine for sale -Phone 1111V
Rupture Expert -J. lteavea
Special nnugf nselnant—E. tJ. Cunningham
constitutional rights, Geo. Spntton,
M. P,, gave n short address in which
he stressed 111e need of lnaltidg Oen-
tide more British by letting irnruigra-
tiou authorities bring immigrants
from tral
1 Isles,The
flag we
worship under to -day brought us re-
ligious freedom and we will condone
to live under its fulde. 13. E., Conk, of
(3orrie, led the Community Cnnir,
The service was very successful and
the chairman Announced that the ser-
vice world be held annually on the
lst Sunday in July to help keep the
Dominion privileges before the people
of the district,
Samuel Willis, of Durham, is spend-
ing a couple of weeks at the home of
Lawrence Willis.
Mrs. Norman Ireland, Oiineax, Sask,
spent the past week with Jae. Ireland,
Mre. A. Otpakey is enjoying a holi-
day with her brother, Samuel Carter,
and family, at the Muskoka Lakes.
Despite the downpour of rain feet
Thursday evening 30 friends and
neighbors of Earl Anderson aesewb•
led at his home on the 5th line to wel-
come his bride to the neighborhood,
Some very useful and valuable pres-
ents were showered on them, suitable
replies were given and a social time
was enjoyed when cake and lemonade
were served.
Miss blargalet Clark. of Wingham,
is visiting her aunt, Mrs. G. Kreuter,
Mies Helen Currie is on the sick list,
at present. 'We hope that she will
soon be better.
Rev. Mr. Jackson took charge of the
Sunday services in South Kinloss
Presbyterian Church,
John King has been under the doct-
or's care with an attack of tonsilitis,
but is almost better again.
Mrs. John Stemrnon and Miss Oath -
mine have been spending a couple of
weeks at the home of \Val, and Mrs.
Alf. King took advantage of Civic
Reilid.ety to do same artistic work ou
Bert. Lake's bread truck and he made
a good job of it, too.
Mr, Smith, the expert painter of
Brussels, is dein the painting g job 1 at
the Public School rte1 •
P. IIs (deo trim-
med 1 the residence t
fJ.II Fear.
The date -of the annual Field Day to
be held no Confederation Park has
been fixed for Thursday, August 9th.
Watch for further particulars, next
John Siemmon was called borne, on
Sunday, from London, where he has
church organizations, She was the re
very efficient organist of the church , to
and In Sundae School, she took her do
eon taking a special Summer comae
with the Univereity of Western Ont -
tin. He will spend a while at his
mine here.
m 1 1 ,
Job King lost a valuable cow, one
ight last week. The animal being
f a sociable, nature wandered over to
neighbor's plane and entering the 1
ern, it apparently tried to reach the
uarters below by passing through a I
ole in the floor, The result was dis-
strous to the cow and meant quite a t
ons to bit', King.
W. L—The Women's Institute will s
ave a sale of homemade baking and
erve afternoon tea, in the Llstitute a
Dom, on Saturday afternoon of this
eek. Tea will be served from 3 to ti
'clock. Will all the members please a
ake note of this and if any person 1
wishes to help by donating any bak-
g, it will be much appreciated.
The sympathy of the community is
xtended to Mre. T. Keifer in the s
eath of her mother, the late Mrs. .a
acklin, The_ funeral was held on
Alonday from the home of Jos, Jack- t
n, Con, 4, Grey, The service was s
nnducted by Rev. F. L. Lewin, of a
ruseels Anglican Church, assisted o
y Rev. D. Guest, of Roe's United
hunch, S
OBITUARY.—Much gloom was cast f4
ver thie community, on Saturday L
st, when anxious friends learned of 0
e passing of the late Mre. Franklin,
tfe of the late Nelson Franklin, who
cased away about three years ago,
he deceased was tile
daughter er
William And
mon, below- a
residents of this community.
as born in Grey Twp, and spent the, t
rly years of her life here where she
on by her kind disposition and help- le
tel way a host of friends not only L
unong the associates of her own age
t she became popular with old and e
ung. alike. At the time of her mar-
age, with her young husband she e
owed to the vi •
vicinity of Brantford, Y
here several happy ni
years of tat
l Y married
e were spent and where the were of
eased with a family of eight child ft
n, seven of whom remain to mourn h
e loss of a kind father only about P
roe years ago and now left to cher- w
1 a fond memory of a loving, stung. A
ing mother. She is elect survived by
her parents, Wm. and Mrs. Slew. en
on, of Grey, and a brother, John in
etnmon, Preston. On the death of Ye
r huehan,l, Mre, Franklin re.
rned to Ethel, where she pntchased K
omfot'table home and during the re
st. three goers, she had been en• Ili
avoring to provide an abiding -piece In
her children. The deceased was th
srested in anything that Was gooal, en
e gave herself unsparingiy for the to
lfate of the oommnuity and was el- Se
ye interested in any wor'th'while ve
vement, She was a faithful and an
voted member of the Ethel United in
arch, and with' all her hone ties, en
c tilled many nfticee in the different Mi
plaint UN teacher of a Junior' (!)ase of
girls, as well as being active in Lad-
ies' Aicl and Wotnesi's Missionary
Society work. Th • funeral was held
0!! Tuesday aitet'n001! With a Memor-
ial service in the (hilted Church at 2
P. m„ canchtrted by Rev, l), Al, Guest,
assisted by Rev. 3. W. Johnston, of
Lonclesborn, being a former pastor
here, Rev. 1V; A. Williams and Rev,
Mr, Jaeksnn. The ayutpttlby of Ihr
community rat large so n'ell expressed
in the largely attended sevviee at the
chinch extended
a t
tin to 1 t.
the a( t
rowing ones in their sorrow at this
Go to church on Sunday. A. special
p1 ogram for the ye'tr has been c.1 rang.
ed by the pastor of the United
Church, A booklet is being dietribut-
ed to the different corrgregaticne with
the subjects for end) Sunday and it is
hoped that an added interest will he
shown by everyone, during the year.
Next Sunday will be "Visitors" Sun-
day. Come yourself and Weise one.
What will be next in plain disgrace-
ful eonduat ? here conies a report
that the Windsor authorities fell vic-
tims to some Chicago promoters and
allowed an Ontario city to be the
scene of such a foolish show as a danc-
ing endurance test. It does speak for
the wisdom of the Windsnrites that
the crowd was small. What we
would like to read about is that same
crowd or similar one entering some
worthwhile vocation such as a dish-
washing contest.
What might have been quite a ser•
ions mishap took place on Thursday
night last, when Oarl Ames with a
load of his friends were returning
from the picnic at Bayfield. When
near Varna, an approaching car driv.
en by a Mr. Taylor, of Stanley Twp.,
collided with Mr, Ames' car, As the
Ames car was 0n the proper side of
the road, the driver of the other car
admitted that he was to blame and
that he agreed to pay all damages. It
was fortunate 11181 no one in either
oar was seriously hurt.
Miss Blanche Jamieson is spending
a short vacation at Grimsby Beach.
Miss P. Hanna, of Toronto, is visit-
ing with her friend, Mrs. Archie Mee.
Miss Bernice Shaw and Miss Lonie
Patton were recent visitors in Goder.
Mrs, le, H. McKinnon and children,
Isabel and Spence, are visiting friende
in Detroit,
R. F. and Mrs. Garniss and Miss 01.
ive and Olive Scott spext Sunday with
tfo h .n
Seeforth Mends.
Mr and lire Jellono, n Toronto,
Jalo f
are td'n* t
t l eat their 'mention }, 1 at the
home of Jae, and Mrs, Nichol,
Mies Margaret Gentles has returned
after spending two weeks with coils -
ins at Huenu Beateh, deal• Sarnia.
Charlie Dickson, Seaforth, aria Dr.
John L. Hogg, of New lgrk City,
spent Sunday with their imele, F. B.
Adam and Mrs, IRbister, Bob and
Joan, of Toronto, are spentlibg a few
days at the home of 0, H. and Mrs,
Mrs, J. 0, Johnston, of Seekatonrn,
Sask., and B. and Mrs, Sauits and
arise Etta, of Goderich, were visiting
David Fortune has received a can-
oed of cattle. Cattle and hogs have
bnth been commanding high prices,
he last couple of weeks.
Miss Dnrnthy M&Vettie, of Wind -
or, and John Fowler, of Lnttdnn, are
holiday visito's at the hone of Peter
nd Mrs. Fowler, Blnevale Road.
Mrs, Fred Brewer, Misses Annie and
Luella and Charley motored to These -
Ion, Algoma, where they are spend -
ng a couple of weeks with relatives.
Miss Barbara Thynne has returned
o Palruerston and Gerry and Mrs.
Wray to their home in the West after
pending a few weeks with friends in
nd around Blnevale,
Mrs, Lansing, of Toronto, a guest at
he home of 3. 0. and Mrs. Higgins,
ang a solo, "There is a Green Hill far
way," in the Presbyterian Church,
n Sunday morning.
Geo, and Mrs. Donaldson, Mrs,
anderson, Mrs. Hutchison and Mrs.
race Snell were recent visitors at
istowel, guests of Oltas, and Mrs.
W. M. S.—The regular monthly
meeting of the W. M. S. was held in
he United Church, on Tuesday after-
n oP la week. e
0o et a There was
a good
ttendance Mrs. J. Fell and Mrs. s, Our -
a io as ste nes.
es acting ho s
Much interest is being taken in the
cturee given by Miss Alexander,
8011 afternoon, at the home of Mrs.
en. Elliott, She is here in the inter -
eta of the Women's Institute and she
ivee valuable facts on home nursing,
to. Quite a number of the ladies are
king in the 0001se,
S BIL.—O Wednesday IIOw b d ad
ay eveon
last eek a nae o
week, g number of
lends and neighbors gathered at the
nine of John and Mrs, Johnston and
Pt their daughter, Laura, who
he recently married, with a shower.
very enjoyable evening was spent
all present, and many useful grea-
ts were .received. Everyone joined
wishing Mr, and Mrs, South many
ars of happy married life together,
The T,ndiee' Aid end W. 141, S. of
nOx Presbyterian Church held their
miler meetings in the schoolroom of
o church, on'Vnesclay afternoon of
st week, and were presided over by
e President, Mrs, Peter S. MacEty-
. Several donations were received
wards the bale to be sent away in
ptember, Mrs, Jas. Elliott gave a
ry interesting paper. on "Indians
d the Presbyterian Olnurch," mak.
g epeelal monl'inn of the work ac-
tnplished by William Neehltt and 0
ss Tetley Baker. Olive Garn}se then o
Garden Party
Under the auspices of the
Anglican Church, Belgrave
Will be held on the Lawn of
Mrs. Thos. Montgomery
loth Cos. Emt Wawanosh
(11 miles North of Belgrave)
Wednesday, Aug, 1 st
Cald Meat Supper served from 6 to 6
Program by the
Kenny -Wilson Entertainers
Red School No. 9 vs. Belgrave
Played at 6 o'clock
Admission 50 and 25 cents
W. B. Hawkins, Wm. McMurray,
Rectos, F. Shoebottom,
"God Save the King"
er Smillie and Mrs, Peter Fowler act-
ed as hostesses.
Well I Everybody bad a good time
at the picnic at Bayfield, last Thurs-
Harold and Mrs. Currie, of Hamil-
ton, are guests at the home of Russell
and Mre, Currie, 4th line,
Mrs. Lewis Steles has returned home
after visiting with her daughter, Mrs,
Oscar Huehu, at Conestogo.
A Garden Party will be held at the
home of Thos. Kern', Henfr'yu, ou
Tuesday evening, August 7th, Watch
for advt. next week.
H. 0, and Mrs. Elder and family, of
Tillsonburg, have been visiting at
"Sunnyside Farm," the 11ot11e of the
latter's patents, W. A. and Mrs. Cun-
ningham, gravel road, during the
past week,
Mrs. A111110 Chambers, of Detroit,
Mich., daughter ltter i
t, late 1.I nh
Jac t! -lits came r home
Co attend the of father a iter a
shocked to and her father was barred
three weeks ago and the deceased was
her mother,
Mies Gertrude Steiss, of Gladstone,
Man., eldest daughter of Adam steles,
a one-time xesident of Grey township,
is spending her holidays with the
Stehle families and at lirndltagen,
Ilex school re -opens Ang. 20th.
CARD OF THANKS — We wish to I
thank aur neighbors and friends for
their kindness and sympathy in the
death of nor mother, the late Mrs, I 1
Elijah Jacklin, It will not be fo-
c'�,� t lAn
Friday Ev'g
JULY 27th
First-class •-•• Orchestra
4 Tickets for 25e.
Teeswater is planning to hold a re-
union in 1929. It is nine years since
they had the firet one.
Mrs. Peter McArthur, of Blyth, vis-
ited her brother, Herb Kirby.
Mrs. Wm. Hack well spent a few
days with her daughter, Mrs. Isaac b
Bolton. e
Mrs. Heitz, of Stratford, has been
visiting at the home of George and la
Mre, Clark.
Samuel and Mrs. Davidson, of W
nipeg, Man., are visiting relatives
cued Walton,
George Dunlop, Strasburg, Pen
is visiting at the home of George es
Mrs. McTaggart.
Satu•tel Somers, of Detroit, has be
visiting his brother -ill -law, Joilt Bu
ard,at Winthrop.
Miss Ina Rutledge, of Toronto,
spending her vacation at the home
John and Mrs. Watt.
Mas. Kells and son, of Satskatc
ewan, are visiting the framer's pa
etas, Archie and \Irs. Clark
John bel nt, of Chislt o has bee
Immo visiting at the h mr o
f Hugh tnnd
g Mr
uu tl 0 Con., Campbell, 1 th C r Grey.
} ..
Dr. and Mrs. TN. Kerr awl clang/
ter, Marion, of Elora, called Olt friend
and relatives in Walton, last week.
Mins Muriel Fargnharsnn has grin
to Egmnudville, where she has ,'ecru•- I
eti as pnsitinu with Wm. J. Finnigan. np
Mrs. (filbert Grigg, and family,
Regina, Sask., are visiting at th
inure 01 the former's brother, Geo
T . a Aire. Vrn nd Tt 'at
t P rplharsnn an
Kathleen and Jean visited with Mi
ear quharsot'ssister, Mrs. Britton, o
Kin burn.
Mrs, Wm. Farquharson and little R
son, of Provost, Alta., are visiting chi
Mrs. Feu quharson'ssister, Mrs. Walt. inn
Dttvidsnn, Ba
3. and Alrs, Barris and daughter, ter
Beth, and Mr. and Mrs. Murch, of we
Preston, visited friends and relatives
in this vicinity. tun
Harry and Mrs, Mooney and family, an
of Bemidiji, Minn., called ou friends Mc
in Walton. Mrs. Mnnney used to live
here and her father, Reuben Grumble -
by, owned a wagon shop in 'Walton.
J, L. HERR, Frobrietor
Personal Paragraphs
J. L. and YVra. Kerr spent the week-
end at Niagara Falls,
Mise Laura Arnent is in Toronto,
this week, Ona visit,
Mrs, G. H, Santis was a visitor in
Tot ant over the weekend,
Archie Ritchie, of Toronto, is the
neat o
f his '
g els
, Mre,
W. (•.
Mies Eva Bryans, of Toronto�le$
spending her holidays at her home
Bruce and Mrs, Hayden and baby
son, of London. were ie town, on Sun-
Mr. and ld Mrs, Geddes, of Belgrave,
rn"nr .y,t 11.11r,y with Jnhu and Mre,
On ver,
Gen1'ge Buchanan leaves tide week
for ()eloped() to sper:d the Summer
i Harty and Mrs. Iiia khy and daugh-
ter, of London, were visitor's in town,
LhiS week,
Miss Jean Se0tt, of Toronto, is visit-
ing with her graitdpatelate, Peter and
Mrs. Sentt.
Gen. and Mrs. Dawson, of Tiverton.
were weekend visitors with P. and
Mrs, Arnent.
Mrs. Matthews and son, Thomas
Matthews, of Guelph, are guests of
Mre. Jas, Speirs.
Rev, A. W. and Mrs. Barker and
Mrs. R. F. Downing were at Kitchen-
er last Friday,
Dr. Fred. Bryans, of Toronto, has
been in town this week owing bo the
illness of hie mother.
Mrs. Philip Ament has returned
from her visit at Walkerville with.
her daughter, Mrs. Jack Lynn,
Master Ronald Sinclair, of Miami,
Florida, is the guest of his grandpar-
ents, W. M. and Mrs. Sinclair.
Earl R. and Mrs. Ancient, of Pitts-
urg, Pa,. are visiting with the form-
r'e parents, Philip and Mrs. Ament,
Miss Dorothy Ballantyne returned
st week from a visit with her sister,
Airs. (Rev.) Kennedy, at Mt. Brydges.
n• Misses Florence Grant and Florence
ar- Oliver', Gen, McGregor and Chas. Mc -
Gavin spent Sunday at Eugenia Falls.
n., Lloyd 0. and etre. Jackson and little
td ( daughter, of London, ere visiting H.
L and erre. Jackson, parents of Lloyd,
en + Mrs. J. A. Leever, nf Flesherton,
11- and Mrs. H. B. Patrick, of Hamilton,
werp visitors with their brother, Geo,
is Manning.
of Mis, Walter Holmes and Atissd4fit-
Bred, of Brantford, are guests of Mrs.
h. Chas, Pope. It is 10 years since the
r• i visitor's resided here,
A 1.
I P inner
a rf Peek, OikPt
I 1k ill,
n Hawn and Mrs. Palmer, of Chicago,
s Imre been et .!
t tura s 'f Director anti udAl'
1 '4n
1 cDnnnld Jnhn street,
Palmer and Mrs. Somerville and
s Mrs, W. Palmer motored to Kilmer -
dine, of Snndey, anti visited the lat-
e tar's sister, \irs. (1, Rose, and family,
R. F, Dnwnitar, who underwent an
oration at tho .tCitrhener Hospital a
of new weeks ago, wee nlie to return
e home, nn Friday beet, and is recuper-
ttting at his home.
Dr, J. L. Hogg, of New York, was
d nailing on iernsse'is friends on Monday,
s, He MIR a former teacher at No. 8,
f Grey. His visit was too short to
tall his nisi friends•
es. T. le. lied Mrs. Kennedy and
Wien, of 1Jioint Brydges, were via -
re lest week with J. B. and Mrs.
ilantyne, The children are ex -
tiling their stay for a couple of
IS Beatrice Mrpolsld, of Moles-
rbh, is a visitor at the horde of Jno,
1Mrs. Orerar,
Queen s
, treat. Miss
Donald is a nurse in training ab '
Brantford hospital and is at present
on her vacation,
Miss Katherine Todore Shinlils and
Miss Helen 0. Fisher, of Pittsburg,
Penn., were guests of Philip and Mrs.
Ament during the past week. The
ladies accnnapanied Earl and Mre.
Ament to Brussels.
ODI'ncARY.—The death of Samuel
James Campbell occurred at his home,
at lot 25, Con, 3, Grey, on Saturday,
July 14th, in bis 52nd year, following
an illness extending over a number of
years. He was born o1 April 17th,
1877, ou lot 23, Con, 3, Grey, and had
lived in the township all his life. De-
ceased was a member of the Presby-
terian Ohurch, Ethel, and the funeral
held the following Monday was con-
ducted by Rev. W. A. Williams, past-
or of Ethel and Cranbrook Presbyter-
ian Churches. Interment was made
in Molesworth cemetery. The late
Mr, Campbell was unmarried. One
brother, Ivy Campbell, of Grey, and
two sisters survive : Mrs. Geo, Arm-
strong, also of Grey, and Mrs. Geo.
Wey, of Neepawa, Man, Mrs. Stan-
ley Dunbar, of Ethel, is deceased.
MOTHER 'PASSES Awns.—Folfow-
ing an illness of some time there pass-
ed away to her eternal rest, on Fri-
day, Mrs. Elijah Jacklin, in her 81st
year. The funeral took place on Mon-
day from the borne of her son, Joseph
Jacklin, service being conducted by
Rev. F. L. Lewin, of Brussels assisted
by Rev, D. el. Guest, of Ethel, In-
terment t was made in
Br s
u eons ceme-
tery. ter.
was torn In
Count and after her marriage arxia a ale
and her husband came to Grey town-
ship. About 14 years ago they moved
to Brussels. She leaves to mourn her
Loss six sons and four daughters. One
daughter passed away some years
ago, Among the many Hotel tributes
was a pillow by William, Joseph and
Edward Jacklin and Mrs, Telford leaf -
fee. spray,Elijah, Richard and Au
drew Jacklin and
Wm, Bled
spray O
f roses,Andrew p yew, Clifford told
Laura Jacklin and Wrlftid, Charles
and Ralph Keifer ; "Thertes +rtes Alar,"
by the Hall and Cardiff f Y� "es; and
many other finkedtribe Y,J by neigh-
bors and friends. Theibwee bearers
were Laura and Marie Jacklin, Hazel
Rayoard and Fred. and Halbert Kef•
ser, The pallbearers were six grand-
sons ; Joseph, Andrew, Clifford and
Melville Jaokfin and Wilfrid and
Charles Keifer,
fl', 0, Coombes, of London, has been
engaged as classical teacher by the
board of the Clinton Collegiate In-
Dorothy Burke, ten -year-old daugh-
ter of Mrs, Dorothy Burke, of Gorier.ich, suffered a broken right leg, last
week, when was struck by an auto-
mobile driven by Mise Elsie WViriter,
f Goderich. The accident oa0ot'red
11 the Prnvincial Jaighway at the` the
orner of Huron conal and Walnut st
ani a letter written by the Indiana
the church showing their apprecia-
n of the help received, Mrs. Walt. .e
Dorothy was ro
crossing the ad When
he was struck by the ear,
Community Pic-nic
Was Much y En`Q edgra
J sed
Big Crowd and Good Program was Mn
a Feature—No Accidents to Mar gra
the Day.
aster Joe Coleman, 10 -year-old
rldenn of Samuel Wilton, has pas -
his Intrnductory Piano Examin-
on of the Toronto Conservatory of
sic, at St. Joseph's Convent, Tor-
o. His mother is better known to
eselites se Elsie Wilton,
Mrs. L. A. Wright and children,
Betty, Helen and Billy, and Mrs,
Herbert Maher, all of Calgary ; Mrs.
Sabine and Alvin Sabine, London,
(and Miss K, Faille and Bruce McMurt-
ry, Toronto, were guests of Frank and
Mrs Stream),
on Sunday.
W. M and Mrs.
Sinclair a were in
London lust
week, to meet their son,
31 M. Sinclair, and his family, of Mi-
ami, Florida. He was bringing his
family up to Ontario for the Summer,
but he had to return et once and this
was the only opportunity he would
have of seeing his parents,
„ J, A, Crozier, of Los Angeles, arriv-
ed In town, on Sunday, for a short vis-
it i• "
w th 'Heinle s
ld here, e ,
He and
Crozier left rtn 1
n T reed
A Or a nth'
visit at his old home9fcm month's
ward Island, Afterwards, they will
go acmes Canada and back to Cal-
ifornia by the Pacific cnaet,
A Press despat,oh frntn Listowel, had
the following 1n say neat week ;—The
many friends of Miss Rhea Moore will
he delighted to learn that she ie get-
ting along nicely after her recent ser-
ions anrident, The broken leg has
been set and her arm is not ns badly
injured 41,5 wee at first thnught.. Stan-
ley Oohill, who twee' also In the ;tee
cidentand suatnined a broken nose,
is Able to be at his plane of husiness
drew Porter, Gnsi.oms Of>nner of
rich and Inland Revenue °Meer
Bron On , was in town, nn Thee.
along with Prier. Officer White -
and (1n, Onnetehle Gundry. Mr•,
Last Thursday was Brussels Civic
Holiday and a big percentage of our
citizens along with residents of Ethel
and Morris and Grey Townships,
motored toBayfield to enJo a day at
take. There were
i trucks special true to
take the 'ch'tel re d n
over free xee of charge
and they certainly had a day of re
at tare water.
During the, afternoon soft ball
games were played to be followed by
the following races. The winners are
given ea --
Boys and Girls race under 5 years
--Billie Coutes, Bil
he Kennedy,
Ver -
not S e it n.
Girls' race 6 to 10 years--Mar-
joie Riley, Jane Dundee; May
Boys' Race 6 to 10 years — Roy
Strachan; Eddie Routledge; Gien,
Gfrthl's race 10 to 1.1 years—Isabel
Sgeiran; Evelyn Reuther; Dorothy
Boy's race 10 to 15 --.Russel Far-
row; Russel Fox; Jim Iicrr.
Ladies Race—Viola Wilson; Mal -
Bred Pollard; Mona Hamilton.
Fat Man's Race—Tom McDonald;
J. L. Kerr; D, 4. Scott.
Men's Race — Archie Batten r1 •
Bert McIntyre; John Bowman, -
Free -for -all -.-Bert McIntyre; Toni
; John Mennen,
OfficialsRace—Noble Gerry; F. R.
Snaith; John Logan.
Peanut Contest -Dorothy sHeuther;
Marguerite Bolger; Mildew.' Pollard,
In the evening a dance 'was held
(Continued on Page 5)
for H
Porter gave Tarr POar a call, while
the oflieet's were 1.1)1ev aer''eing sum-
mons in and around lernseelu for all
0, L. A. case, 11tr, Porter is an old
printer orad still likes to come around
to emelt printers` ink,