HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1928-7-18, Page 8WEDNESDAY, JULY 18th, 1625,
Paris seen
1 ib. pkgs. 50c
Also int lb. pkgs.
Arsenate of Lead
These are the preparations
that are being used on po-
tatoes to keep them free of
bugs and blight.
We can supply them.
Border Print
Snap Shots
Bring in your Films and
have them developed and
printed with the new Fancy
Eastman Films, Kodaks
and Brownie Cameras
Pic- nic
Paper Plates, Cups and
Serviettes Plain white
or with pretty colored
Waxed Paper
Thermos Bottles
French Balm :5c bots,
Cold Creams
Cream 01 Almonds &e.
Gill NEalth Salta 50c
Wampole's Grape Salts 50c
lime Juice
Grape Juice
Gkovah Granular Orangeade
Rough Granular lemonade
Perspiration Deodorants
Rexall Nice
Odorono Mum
T"he Store
Druggist and Stationer
d oeFe«4"2 T»H»':_i'i :e.:: i 3 3»FEq«2 # •i Yom+
Local : News Items
Back from Camp. Sprained Ankle.
The soldier boys arrived back last Last week Mrs. Robert Andersun
Saturday evening from Tsneclon camp had the misfortune to slip on the P.
and all report a fine time: 0. step and sprained her ankle. We
hope she will soon be o.k.
Relieving Manager.
A. T. Cobb, of Toronto, is here To- Improvements. •
lieving at the Bank of Nova Scotia Peter Stewart has had his house
while F. M. Wilmot is on his holidays. sided.
Mr. Cobb was here two years ago in The woodwork on the 'house of J.
the same capacity and we are glad to B Ballantyne has been painted.
see him back again in town. The exterior woodwork of the
Meeting Postponed Bank of Nova Scotia has been re -
The meeting of the Women's In- painted,
stitdte to be held this week is post- 60 Years Married.
poised on account of Civic Holiday
on Thursday. Will all Institute Last Saturday's London Free Press
members kindly keep this annonnee- had the photo of W. J. and Mrs. Gil-
ment in mind. - roy and a notice of the celebration
held at Mount Forest of the diamond
Civic Holiday. - wedding oa this couple. They are
Tomorrow (Thursday) is Civic the parents of Fred H. and Mrs. Gil -
Holiday and the big Community Pic- roy, :4:rmer manager of the Bank
nic will be held at Bayfield. All the of Nova Scotia :here, and are ac -
business places will be cln:eri up for quainted with merry citizens here,
the day. Usual holiday hours at the Who extend congratulations ,to them
Posioffice. - upon this occasion.
Some Boys are Too Smart. Upholds Honor of School.
There are some small boys in Dru, Ken Ashton has much to be proud
sols and there are some from the of those days, when the Entrance
country, who are not acting the part rcum•ts were announced his 15 pupils
of gentlemen on Saturday nights. which wrote, all passed and 9 took
They have been annoyer; ladies en
the -streets, which will have to be
scopperl, o1• there will be tr:rub'e
in store for them, Letter take this
as a warning..
Bass Soason is On.
hnors, and to make it better, he had
M. Bryans and M. McQ'..arrie write
the exams, and they were only in the
Jr. 4th class, and Mamie lI.-Quarrie
(took honor;. Both teaihcr and the
} pupil, are to be congratulated. Fol -
The bees fishing season in Ontario I 1l°wing is the list of pupils;—
opeeed on' Dominion Day anri th • j M. Bryans
open season for bass netnews until 1 8, .Burchill (H).
September 30th. This year a rt,aw J. Douglas (H)
N. Fowler (H)
R. Fox (H)
V , Hamilton I r (He
J, McDowell
M. Mc'Quarrie (H)
G. Pawson
M. Roe (H)
E. Riley
M. Thomson
N. Thompson
S, Yolleck (H)
eeguiation is in effect regard::, bass •
fishing. The day's catch hue be re-
duced from eighttosix ,Iand ail
fish. 1
fish can ht must st be 10 1nr h •e, or
,ver, in length,
Galled to B. C. church. 1' '
Rev. A. C. Wishart, :low of Mc-
Leod, Alberta, and a former popular
pastor of Melville church, Brussels,
has accepted the call 'co Cooke's Pres-
byterian church at Chilliwac's B r
and will assume his new
pas'taral Normal Results at Stratford.
duties on August lst. Old friends in Following are the Huron pupils
Brussels will wish him success in his that have been successful at Strat-
new field of labor. I ter mNF Normal
IC assool and Certifiea Certificates;—Joan I,n-
A Quiet 12th. Alexander, Walton; Jeanette Arehi-
One Was reminded of the old bald, Seaforth; Evelyn Clark, Gode-
sebool poem last Thursday, that rich; Velma innigan, Sheppardtoll;
started, off --"Not a drum was heard" I Marjory Gibson, Wingham; Bessie
--with the use of the cars, the var- • Millen, Walton; Janisa Homut ,
ious lodges do not come to town and . Wingham; Hector Knight, Brussels;
march upto the station with Orange Margaret McEllain, Gorrie; Jean Mc
tunes ad drumming as in day's of I' Kenzie, Kippen; Ida Medd, Seafoz'eb;
old. dust another change from the Mary Moir, Wingham; Mary Moon.
Clinton; William G. McKay, Sea -
forth; Alice L. Oram, Goderieh;
Grace Redmond, B.:lgrave; Isabel
Ritchie, Walton; Louise Rose, Brus-
sels; Laura Snell, Londesboro; Ruth
old to the new ways.
Receives Honors in Music,
(Goderioh Star) .'Milss Gertrude
Wheeler, daughter of 1. R. and Mrs.
Wheeler, was successful in passing Stocks, Wroxeter; Matilda Storey,
iter elementary piano examinations i Seaforth; Grace Turnbull Grandllend
of the Toronto Conservatory of Mus• i Archie Walls, Fordwieb. Inter Jean
ia, which 'were held recently, Ger- Second Class Certificates Cede
truths has'' been receiving tuition from Ilrodie, Seaforth; Grace Jewell,
her mother, and her splendid attain- rich; Ethel Johnston, Bluevale;
trient in passing with honors is a are- Laura Johnston. Goderich;, Ethel
dit 'co both teacher and pupil --The Johnston, Bluevale; Laura 5ohnetoft,
young lady is a grand -daughter of Goderioli; Marion Middleton,
, Clinton
,Jas, and Mrs. Bowman of Brussels Edith Miles St. Col ,
and hor parents ate formai' resident' Peterson; YSeetorthtStevetti'lO1 tori. ee Scott,
of this village.
Brussels United Church
Sunday, July 22nd
10 a.m.—Sunday School and Bible
11 a.m.—Public Worship.
Subject :
'7 p.m.—Public Worship.
Wednesday—Prayer Service
Smoothing the Path
of Modern Business
IN EVERY business transaction
banking plays a part, To the ex-
tent that a Bank strives earnestly
to render the fullest measure of ser-
vice compatible with sound banking
practice does it merit public patron-
age. Over Fifty Years of earnest
endeavour have won for the Standard
Bank of Canada the invaluable asset
—Dominion Wide Public Confidence.
YORK Sow, strayed on Lot 25, Con.
4, Morris, about July 16tb. Geo.
Bone, Phone 129.
THREE Choice Young Pure Bred
Sows for sale. Select type. Rea-
sonably priced. Willia.n J. Grant,
Phone. 250. 5-1
WANTED—A young lady for posit-
ion as operator at B., M. $e G. tele-
phone office. Apply to A, H. Mac
donald, Brussels. 5-1
HAY FOR SALE—About 25 acres of
Timothy hay, perfectly clean.. Ap-
ply to H. Atwood. Lot 20, Con. 15,
I Grey, Phone 294. 5-1
HAY FOR SALE -15 acres of Al-
falfa and Timothy. Apply to Jno.
Barr, Nae Lot 26, Con. 3, Morris,
Phone 12-12. 5-1
For Sale -35 Acres of misted hay
standing, to sell to suit purchaser.
S. Noel, R .R. 1, Ethel. 5-2
LOST—A String of Gold Beads an
Saturday in or neat'-),3russels.
Finder please leave at Post.
FOR SALE— 20 acres of standing
hay ,by the acre. K. R. McLean,
Lot 28, Con. 17 ,Grey, Phone 46-
10. 5-1
QUANTITY of Hay for Sale by the
acre. Alfalfa and Timothy. Ap-
, ply to Thos. Miller, Phone 16-13.
FOR SALE—Three to ten inch the
on hand. Prompt delivery a'c rea-
sonable prices. Ralph Thomson,
Henfryn, Ont, -2
THRESHERS' Steel. Tank, 12 -barrel
capacity, for sale. Apply to Chas.
Pope, Brussels Machine Shop.
Maid Wanted—Apply to Mrs. W. M.
Sinclair, Phone 59.
QUANTITY Dry Wood for sale; also
good summer wood. D. McKinnon
Phone 23-16.
Being Lot 3, con. 16, Grey. Build-
ings in first class condition. An-
drew Sloan, Phone 27-12. R. R.
No. 2, Brussels. 23-tf.
Minor Locals.
Who said rain?
Civic Holiday on Thursday of this
The Glorious 12111" passed off vary
quietly in town.
Everybody is going to Bayfield o:1
Thursday. Join the crowd.
Don't fail to see "The Blaelt Dia-
mond Express" at the Grand on Fri-
day. and Saturday.
The Deserted Village.
With so ninny of our citizens away
attending the 13th celebrations at
Listowel and Lucknow and the usual
half -holiday the town was certain-
ly "the deserted village" last Thera -
Attending Summer School,
As previously announced the Unit-
ed Church Summer School for Huron
is being held this week at Goderich.
Seven delegates went from 13russels:
Mrs, A. McDonald, and Misses Doris
McDonald, Margaret Strachan, Lulu
Proctor and I•ielen Backer, also Geo,
Ice and Bert Lott, T
Pierce ere are a-
bout 0 h
0 students enrolled which is
an advance over last year. Word
conies that all classes are going very
Manager, Brussels Branch
Attending Grand Lodge.
St. John's Lodge, A, F, & A. M.
Brussels, is being represented by S.
Wilton, It. Bowman and F. 1I. Wil-
mot at London.
Many Operations.
Dr. Lackner, of Kitchener, was in
town on Monday, and performed
many operations on our coming citi-
zens, in ,removing the tonsi'.s.
Mission Band Picnic.
Owing to the rain last Saturday
the Mission Band of the inbred
Church, was postponed, but will be
hold this afternoon (Wednesday) at
the hone of Mrs. W. H. 1(111, River-
side Villa from 2.30 to 5.00._
Won at Jitney.
On Tuesday night at the, weekly
jitney tournament at the ;bowling.
greens, Messrs. S. F. Davison, A. E.
Gammage, D. M. McTavish and J.
T. Ross were the lucky prize win-
Pupils Passed.
Miss Mae Wilkinson, music teach
er, had two pupils successful in the
Toronto Goneervatory of Music
examinations held at Seaforth re-
cently. Miss Alice Pope 'cook honors
in her Primary piano attams, and Miss
M 't L was also success-
ful 111 the same exams. Both teacher
and pupils are to be congratulated
upon their success.
"Black Diamond Express."
Monte Blue, as Dan Foster, en-
gineer, epitomizes all that is fine,
strong and loyal in the railroad man.
His pride is that he is always in en
schedule, that he can put bread in
the mouths of his widowed sister's
children, 'chat he is in good standing
with his employers and with the men
of the Brotherhood. That the speed-
ing car of a joy -riding society girl.
should crash into his train, causing
the first accident identified with his
name, is a grief to hien, but -nib is
forgotten in pity for the girl. Pity
turns easily into love, and before he
knows it he is engaged to 4 girl whose
mother comes to plead that she can-
not stand poverty, The engineer's
brother goes to the dogs, and for the
girl's sake Foster gives her up. When
she marries the rich man, Foster is
the engineer on the express that car-
ries her private coach and bridal
party. Bandits hold up the train.
One of them proves to be, Foster's
arguers a ogan
Church Notes
Melville Church
The aulliveesary services in Melville
Preebyteiion Church, Brussels, were
marked by large contregatione and
iuspieing addresses tram Dr. James
iVileon, D, D„ of Brampton. On S.tb-
bath morning, Dr. Wilson's text was
Matthew 16: 18, '.Upon this rock will
I build my church. The speaker re-
minded his hearers that on annivers-
ary occasions it was well to call to re-
membrance the devotion and sacci flee
of one father's when they built our
churches, Though they needed all
their resources to build homes, yet
they built churches. If we could re-
alize what it has meant to this com-
munity to have a church, the would
count no sacrifice of the luxuries or
necessities of life too great to main-
tain it. Our church is the House of
God, where God meets with His
people and where His people meet
with Him. The tendency of today to
make the House of God a place of en.
tertainmeut 18 to be deprecated. Man,
cannot establish a chetah, but God
alone establis it. God is the head of
the church and each one has access to
the presence of God, To be an elder
in the Presbyterian Church is one of
the greatest honors and responsibil-
ities that can be bestowed upon a
man. The Ohurch of God the world
over is one and holy. The Ohurch of
God is indestrwctable. It is the
Ohurch of Goa and God has never
been without a covenant people. The
Ohurch of God is indispensable,
Itis necessary in the making of risen
and women of gond moral character.
Sabbath evening the congregations
of the Uni'ced Church anti the Angli-
can church withdrew their services
to attend the anniversaey services. At
this service Dr. Wilson's text was
Psalm 41:78 "They limited the Holy
One of Israel." In this Psalm tile`
writer is giving an account of the
experiences of the children of Israel
in their journey from the land of
Egypt to the land of freedom. In
this story we see the mar•rellous Pa-
tience of the Almighty with the epos-
asy and rebellion of the children of
Israel. They forgot the maraculous
deliveries „f God and cursed their
leaders and/ limited the power of God
forgetting that no matter what their
difficulties God could deliver them.
In our Lord's day we are told that
Jesus coulddo 110 tnig ty work be -
brother. Terrific are the adventures I cause of their. unbelief. They limit -
Ile goes through to keep his iloeur limiting the power of God. We limit
clean. "The Black Diamond Express" limiting the power of God. We limit
comes to the Granrl Theatre Friday the power of God to work ir. China
and Saturday of this week. and Japan. Our int rest in the
church of God depends upon our con-
ception of God. Wo limit the work of
God by our low conception of God
and by our meagre givinga. Our
givings are meagre because of our
narrow conception of God. We limit
God to his house just as the children
of Israel limited him to the temple.
We limit God to one day in seven and
are anxious that the Sabbath be over
that we may go 011 with our pleasures
and business. Wo limit God in our
conception of salvation. We limit
Him in our conception of truth, We
= tion f God
forgetthat our cone o °
s c tie eio We
be a growingo c
limit God in our c,ueeptien of his
love, If we believed that God loves
the Chinese, the Japanese and the
bushmen, we would be eager to pour
out the story of Rio love. Tho morn-
ing music was as follows -Procession-
al "Depth of Mercy" by )iVilson; Of -
County Offers Scholarship to
Student in Agriculture.
The Huron County Council at its
June session voted $,GO toward a
scholarship for a county boy attend-
ing the Ontario Agricultural Col-
lege. This amount will be supple-
mented by a similar sum from the
Massey Fond at the College. That
is to say the lucky student will re-
ceive $100 during his first year at
the College, This amount should to -
Present a large part of the first year
expenses of ab
boy attending
that at I
stitte. The conditions are briefly
as follows: (1) Applicants should be
farmers sons residing in Huron Co„
(2) Applicants must be 11, Years of
A New Star. age on or before September 21st,
Tom Mix and Hoot Gibson have 1928, the opening day at Coll/axe
always been strong western film ac- (3) Applicants must be those cent=
tors, but a new tnan, Fred Thomson plating entering the two-year course.
This is known as the assacia'ce course;
is now shoving them off first place. (4) Applicants should figbre on tale -
Ile appears next Trues., and Wednes- ins up farming a etileir vocation at
day in "The kione $Gout,"o0rre the conclusion of their college course.
need not pine for thrills in the latest (5) only•one scholarship Is avail-
Pafeenount picture starring Fred
Thomson in "The Pioneer Scout," able for the year 1928-20; ((i) The
total amount of the scholarship is
which will open an engagement at $100 payable part in the Fall 'term
nes ay an and part in the Winter term; (7) p
ins scenes seen here for some time other recommendations should be
the Grand Theatre next T d d ' A
Wefiriesday. Some of the most thrill- lieations along with character and
are included in the western picture,
and to the star's credit, it must be
said that his present offering is one
of the best western pictikres to be
shown here for many moons. Fred
Thomson. as predicted before, will
soon mount the pinnacle ofpopua -
mailed to the Ontario Department of
griculture Clinton, not later than
August 1sth; (8) If a number of ap-
plications are received it may be nett -
essay to have the applirian'cs appear
1 l r before a committee in order to de-
ityeide the winner. It is unnecessary
older with Young America, and 3u sof to dwell here upon the advantages of
folks fail to get a kick out of a course in Agriculture at such a well
of his yictuong there $e something known Institution. There should be
decidedly wrong with their mi," i ilia
tion. With "The Pioneer Semi," fife �O searcher of suitable
1. hardly ask for , Therefore, it is hexed that any boy'
lover of thrills could Y contemplating entering the 0. A. C.
more, as there rs one big punch of this fall will make an effort to win
ter another. The photography le also i a worth while scholarship.
striking- and the acensryt There is
only one Golden West in the World, :..:_.
and Paramount has succeeded in Delp
catching a good sample of It tri this , f31BSON In Morris totMns2lrs on Ally Eta,
attraction Omit* to the Janet Catonpben, relief of the late Matthew
Grand. ,. , .. . -.,:.w... , I Gibson, to nor 'ret roar.
BTi4Tlfli–AMES.–At the residence of the
bride's parents, Ethel, on Satnrdey, July
19th, by Rev. D, 11 Gtiest, Miss Lyle
Mande, youngest deaghber of Mr, and
Mrs. ereeph Ames, to Joseph teIrvi e
Ranter, of Oshawa, eon of the late Irvine
and Mre.Bunter, Oranbreok.
LOTT,—In loving memory of Flight Lietit, C.
Wilfred Lott, R. N. A.S., killed in notion
et the bland of Malta, July 2012,1018.
Ten years 1 Yet they still live, in
in their own immortality, in the mom•
ories of childhood, and in the f reedum
which they held for tie,
MI. AND MRs. G1401100 LoTT,
BREWER.-Inleend sister,ntar Duncaour
(nee 7Isabella Giadys Rowland) who depart•
ed this life July 10th, TM.
Dearest daughter, thou hast left us,
Here,atin thy loss we deeply feel,
Bat 'tie God that hath bereft as,
Re can all our sorrows heal.
Yet again we hope to greet yon
Whelt the day of life le fled,
.And In Bea'reh with $oy to greet Yeti
Where no farewell tear le shad.
'-'Meetion FAMISR,
Otelenta AND Bn050ERt1,
fen's rStore
Su tiler
Guard against the ravages of summer winds
and hot sun by using
Persian Balm Lotion bottle 35c
Nyal's Witch Hazel Lotion 25c
Apply either of these at night. You will be
delighted with its soothing and healing effects.
Talc umS
For excessive Perspiration,
and the chafing, irritating
sensation resulting from it,
the following talcum:,, will
be found wonderfully
soothing and refreshing.
N iTlotes
Persian Bairn
Eas' ens. Unsurpassed for tired, aching, sweaty
feet 25c bottles
ire -Ne' Quickly removes stains fxom
clothing without leaving a ring
25c bottle
Nalco Health Salts
Try it during the hot weather to tone up
to stomach ' 20c can
Allen's Drug Store
Exclusive Agent for Nyal and Penslar Remedies,
Druggist and Stationer
Successor to James Fox
fetory solo "Hold Thea My Hand"
by Briggs, Miss Jean Ferguson; an-
ther "What are these that are Ar-
rayed" by Stainer. In the evening
the choir opened the service with that
fine chorus number "Hallelujah" by
Simpson; the offetory number was a
solo by Miss Wilma Galbraith, "The
Blind Plowman" by Clark; just be-
fore the sermon the choir sang S'cain-
er's "God so Loved the World". This
number was unaccompanied, which
made the rendition very effective. At
the close of the service the male quar-
tette sapg an old negro slave song
"Steal Away". The choir are to be
highly congratulated for their fine
rendition of anniversary music. Our
organist, Mrs. King. also rendered
two 'beautiful offertory numbers
which were very much appreciated by
the large congregation. Monday
evening' a very, successful Garden
Party was held on the Manse Lawn.
Tenders Wanted
Tenders for installing new heating system
for the Stone School, S, S. No. 7, Morris town-
ship. Personal applications after 0 p. m. to
7 p, in., on July 24th. EO. H. COULTER,
R, R. 4, Wingham Secretary,
Tenders wanted
The Council of the Township of Grey will
reoeive.tenders for the nonstrnotion of the 5th
Concession Drain till Monday, the 28rd day or
July, 1028.
Plans and epeolfloatione may be Been at the
Clerk's of9ee et Ethel.
No tender necessarily accepted.
Also tenders for repairing the bridge on the,
9th Co11ce011on, till same date. Particulars
from any member of the Council or at the
Clerk's aloe. No tender necessarily accept.
ed. J. H, FEAR,
Clerk, Ethel P. 0.
To Contractors
The Municipal Council of the Township of
Morris Is asking for tenders for repairs on the
The program was furnished by the MoOnn Drete tib rot 28, con. 8, Morrie. The
Sandy McDonald Concert Co., of tenders will be eonaidersd at the next Cour•
all meeting, on July N8r OIA2RWEN, Clerk.
Brussels, E��
1' 1C -NC
o �
i Grp
r ,,
Soft Ball—Ethel, Brussels, Morris and Grey
Tug-'o-war—Morris and Grey
Swamp Golf (everybody can play)
Foot Races for Adults and Children
Balloon Races Peanut Races, Etc,
Attractive prizes given in each event.
lemonade Free
Not Water Supplied for Tea and Coffee lemo e
Bring your basket and enjoy a REAL DAY with. Friends and
Neighbors at the beautiful spot on Lake Huron.
—Chamber of Commerce