HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1928-7-18, Page 5Each THE BRUSSELS POST ay OU will find on our Bargain Table at least ten ar- ticles of Merchandise at exceptionally low prices, We are not listing our prices this week as formerly but the ten articles will be priced on our Bargain Table in our store which we invite you to call and investigate before buying your Saturday Groceries. With our 15 years' experience in buying Groceries we consider we are on the ground floor as regards buy. ing and have decided to give the buying public the ad- vantages of our experience. We also specialize In Qual- ity Goods, Best of service guaranteed to our Patrons. ice Cream Cured Meats Flour and Feed Moe 1225 VV. T. ,..Spernice, EDE Cash or trade for Butter and Eggs at ii igli est market priests. .ommoomoseromoontoaare•nmeao......eno•••••••vono .11.1.10(1/1101d111, 13.1/1111.10114.4110.01.1111.0/.1.11.11M01.11/11111.1151111.09111101.1...1911..11111.•pul. S S • No. 1.6, Grey ,eq, and other old resedents tileo 6poke. '-."‘ Walter McCutcheon, of Hamilton, ds Flowick lighted the audience with a bass solo. While some were listening to the (By Lida 13. Sperling, Secretary) program many others were watching the sports in an adjoining, field. Two A very successful reunion was heid softball tournament and a hotse. at the Boundary school, S. S. No. ehoe pitching conceet vere held. In 16, Howiek and Grey, on July 4th. shot pitching contest wo:e held. In Such a gathering as there was and the Girls' tournameme how the old boys and girls and ex- Cranbrook, Gowen and Wroxeter teachers did enjoy seeing one an- teams took -part, Gerrie se'nnninte. Tn other again. the Boys series, 'teams from Blue - Proceedings commenced at 1.30 Agile, Etiwi, Wroxeter and a home with a parade headed by the Mt. For- teatn played, Ethel winning first est Klan! Band from J. AteCreery's place. Messrs Elliott and Gueney of to the school grounds. PriZi,S were Wingham won first in horses:thee pitch meanie.' 05 follows :—Beet eesewl-- ing and Messrs. Muir and Edgar of 1st, Nellie Doig end Joan McDoneld; Wroxeter, second. 2nd Marie Doig, Dorothy Brown, At 5.80 nearly one thousand peos Ruth McLennan; best calithnMpIall, (ple sat down to a picnic supper and Alex. Brown; best comic, I.st, Harvey before the night was over many more and Everett Sperling; end, Geordie : came to share in the fun. "'Won; Old I'eehioned, let Margaret 1 in tho evening allot!) n' 'program Doig and Verna Barrie; end, Clar- ;was given when. Harvey Mie', wi- ener. and Stanley Grainger. tertained the audience. A dancing After the parade a peogram con- pavilion was on the grounds and sisting of musical seketinee, read- i here the old became young again. Ings, step dancing and sp., ..c11,s was I The school and school grounds given. Jaines Hardie gave an ad- 'WPM beautifully decorated for the dr..ee of welcome and i n flee:nivel W. E °evasion with flees and evergreens. Doig, who ably acted as c'Hirman One feature of rhe decontions which and reeellni some of his 0.-dy:riences won n tender rcaponsc in ti lwatts as a t, •s•l,r there. Mr. Doic;, ace- !of many was II "31011101'1A" a laws in Port !Imam, ..V16 iho t^ black and eontnininte 1.00 monee cher le EhiS W11,11 1110 preS,11l of thoers who have passed tn.the Crew school wa hinit fifty vt.aes aga, Tin Beyond. Old semi:tires the :cheol T. E. Dell, of lierriston, geve ail in- were hung on the 071111 rill 1,1:1:iy a teresting histo( y of the moc.on. lIr. hear( y laugh was had OV '1' 150. Fowler. of •Feeswater. an ex -re tcher Everyone in the socti,ta WOrkiiti salg,--;.ranmatomp--iimpaastrtmav 1-5 A 0 ILL CUMBER Just try it rtOIVIE drive this new Oldsmobile ks, yourself. Try it out on the longest, steepest hill you know. You'll be thrilled at the way its smooth, even flow of power carries you on, up and ovtr — without the slightest effort. For its amazing ability to take any hill, or any ntnnber of hills, with true, fine -car ease is one of the principal reasons for its tremendous, country -wide success. And this' Oldsmobile will pass every peribr- mance test you make with,the same bril- liant record. Its great new 55-h.p. engine provides speed, pick-up, power and .stamina to fulfill every motoring desire. And a new cylinder head of General Motors Research design adds all' the advantages of high -compression per- formance, yet does not require the use of special fuels. Thousands of buyers are choosing the Fine Car of Low Price for its beauty, luxury and style—for its conxfort, tie- pendability and handling ease_for its excellence in every perforinanceand, especially, because it is a born hill - climber. 0-/.7•2.0C 2 -Door Sedan §11,•;5 AT FACTORY, OSHAWA, ONTARIO Govorriostal Taxes and Spare rice Extra. General Maar? peon deferred 14ssment pion , ,Gf1C agar& YOU OW SiinPiat wed most economical way of bolting you; Oldsmobile on Mlle, LD Tel 13 PING CAA. ;IF IL OF Low mica E. C. Cunningham BRUSSELS - ONT. PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA, ••••-•1 1 Civic Holiday BRUSSELS In respnnse to a p.,titlon numerous - A, T, (eloper gave a little talk at ENTR N C E the morning. eervice on 1,0v eliforce- Several Willing, centriblitod letli 111.11111nT•4 (luring the ..`50005. 1.1.1/10)4•1.3.11 11(1i1 1Lp7 001' by the members of 111, level ridon 111 the basement of the.' SCAN1AL ly Signed by the business people of tile village asking' that WEDNESDAY, JULY 1817., 3.02 RE SULTS The following are 1 he id ts he Ern:ranee linceminatieris held at Mot. forth, Brussels, Ethel and Hanley. 1 At, eleaforth, Celestine 0'1,444d y and I Elsie I/rover stood highest with (ip) marks ('(1(7(1 nut of a total of 750, the 11.1!:irrinir;) L1111;81;11i1"."!ii:1:11. tti • )1 11 ir, . • . I 131114,0+14, (1,11(1(111 11,trin.oe, 8. M (-4:1 Thursday, July 19th be Civie Holiday for ussids, by pi iielaitu the s31110 11101 ((01 1 /11. ('11. :Z.111.1 10 011401 11 /114 s1(1.), A. C. ISA EK lent, Iteeve. jauris:iny menu: Road hog and traffic 1 es .1. ee Nora lot her bees emelensge„tos 1 meeting eat in a F01I, but can't rv. influlyT which Ford it 4. 3" If you eurs.ived late iridase tee A ()femiinity Ple•nie to 13,411..111, Wer,,t There are el more to forbid.. Itriisseh., ha Ind, 01 y easel Friday ((1(1,1 11)20. :Om ris, will be hold on absve date, -7.• hard to make this reunion t,.•e (keel - (..1 success which it was ard all de - One of rhe contestants 01 111, Ful- ton 86)001 • reunion named 111 pet serve a great deal of credit for their rooster Robineon, beentee, Auld it 44e-1 le it. The committee in charg,e `•'1.11801. felt well repaid for etheie trerble es es '5 when they s:tw the joy with whh h Canada is to have a Ilen week old clasentates met again, eome after for many yeers., from October 29 to November a and Letters were received from a great this will prove a fitting semi -windup number who could not attend. tor leap year. Among the former 'teachers pre- sent weee:—Wm. Doig, Poet Huron; 1/r. Geo. Fowler, Tertswater; Mrs. R. 3, Murphy (Olive Smith) 1Vansfielti; Mrs: H. W. Duvean (Hester Jicic- ling) Atwood; Miss E. J. Bowe, Wroxeter; Miss Joan Carliae, Toron- to; Mrs. J. Watson (Pearl Ashton) Myth; Mrs, W. E. Riektr. ls (Verve Eskmier) Toronto; Mrs. — (Merlon Allen) Detroit; Miss Annie Murray, Gerrie; Miss Jean Earls. Wroxeter. Others who registered from a dise tame. were—Wm. Skilling, Learning - ton; Mrs. Offord (Agnes Skilling). Stratford; Wm, Murray, Bothwell; MIS. J. A. Stewart (Kate Murray) Neepawa, Man.; Mrs. Thos. Cum- mings (Jennie M(7rray) Stratford; ,NIrs. C. Enact, (Christina 37ri ray) Mrs. Jas, Anderson (Nell Murray) Pinkerton; Mrs. Orjnishaw (Jenne Gibson) Detroit; Mrs. A. S. Talton (Emma Sharpin) Los Anitnee, Col.; Mrs. Carlson (Marinda Sh1U'pht) Kansas City; Ruse, De- troit; Mrs. M. Rollinson (Meted Mc- Kee) ; Mrs. J. Thompeon ( Mai fa Bennetts Detroit; John Knott; E. I,, Marnet. London; Mrs. Jae. Elliott (Ellie Grainger) Chieago; Panl Do150 ig, ".111•,,. -CV. McBride (NIncgae• t Meteanne1 Hamil)on; Miss ,1111' Mc- Ranuitim; Hugh Pat L111;111?0/".; Mrs. C. Di.11'111117,, lilt') Terento ; Mt' alc.Pavish and Mrs. H. IlfIrcfiti Clniirdiao MeTavkl) 'reward Grainger, Detroit; John L. '10(101)10 IIi klena•itt, Mint etichipfa; lndrow irelaad, Kingland, eek. Many others woro pre:seat from near -by places mid will !meg remem- ber the reunion of 1928. 61. HURON WCTU MET AT CLINTON Departments Report Satisfactory Re- sults; Mrs. A. T. Cooper, of Clin- ton is Elected President, , „ , . Clinton, July 14—The H111011 Co. W. C. T. II. hold its thirty-first an- neal convention in Ontario Street church, Clinton, on Tuesday, July 10, an eneouraseing number being present for the opening seesiori in the morning. The President, Mrs. A. T. Cooper, was in the elude; and the opening' exercises were taker, by Mrs. Beaton and Mrs. McKinley, which was followed by encouraging reports from the several department superinteedents. At tho afternoon session, Mre. Mc- Guire, of Brussels, conducted the de- votional exercises, the address of welcome was given by Mes. W. Hiles and was responded to by Miss M. Bailey, of Goredich. Reports from secretaries and treasurer followed, and Mrs. A. A. George, field secre- tary, conducted a question drawer. The election of officers ;followed, re- sulting as follows: Hon. presidents, Mrs. Davidson, of Goderich; Mrs. A. McGuire, of Mus- sels; president, Mrs. A. T. Cooper, Clinton; lst vice-president, Mrs. .A. E. Lloyd, Wingharn; 2nd vice-presi- dent. Mrs. E. Bender, Blyth; 3rd vice president, Miss J. Murray, Exeter; corr.-secretary, Miss E. Murdock, Exeter; 000. -secretary, Miss A. Pi Consitt, Exotoe; treasevr, Zee M.. Bailey, Goderieh; crY" secretary, Mise 13, Joynt, Winghain; L. T. L. secre- tary, Mrs, Geo, 'Johnston, Ooderich The devotional service at the. even- ing session was taken by Rev. 7, 11, w Hogg and Mrs. George gave an ad- 1 W dress,10 The memorial service at the morn- ing session conducted by Mrs, Lloyd w was most impressive, The names on the memorial list were: Mrs. J. sn, Mu es, Est tCI'( bit's. 3. A. Itwin Mrs, ?offevs, Clinton, and Ales. S. Blyth. io Varisus 1 g ne in by the reeolution committee, dis- cussed and adapted by the 'convent- /9 NEW BATHING SLITS REVEALS PERSONALITY —Woman's page headline. Well that's one way of putting t. o o When their wives are awag, mod- ern husbands don't allow the sink to become filled with diehes. They're accustomed to washing nen, anywey, ee is is .New York girl has been arrested for throwing a can of g,asolinst over her lover. She wanted him at least to smell Iiite a millionaire. ee se se "We're go euepicieus )10W(1,1(7,,'")10W(1,)10W()10W(1,1(7,,'"e, says a man, "We never knew when 0111' wife kisses us when we 07,11,f: in the bousei Is:bother it is done for 111'- 10711,10 or investigation. Wonder what Sthe motorist 'was thinking about when he '1)170ve tett) A ndereon'e garage and puOied 10 Car 1111'0 Ugh the hack door. Wall he rose gathering? Lost Sunday afteeemon Ford 11111' entered a local garage travelling at a lively seise foe a minor ('001;", 111111 the cleaver forgot to stop it until it went bang into the renr end ot an- other car driving it through the back door and emashing. things 11) in gen- eral. The driver was 11 stra»gee but no doubt the accident neve: would bave happened bad been e not blist- ening very attentively to hie Dries- sels young lady friend's interesting conversation. When they emerged from the \week the young. lady took uharge of the wheel. TW1 INJURED ON T H E ITCHELL- MONKTON ROAD Miss Rhea Moore and Stanley Cahill Are in Listowel Memorial Hospital —Auto Hits Culvert —Miss Moore in Serious Condition with Arm and Leg Fractures. Miss Rhea Moore, of Elma Town- ship, who 10781601')10781601')with Mier uncle Reed Moore, and is also a niece of Drs.mes jaMoore and M. H. Moore, for- mer residents of Brussels, and Stan- ley Cahilt, of Listowel, are in the Listowel .Memorial Hospital, the former in a very serious condition 118a result of an accident on the Mit- chell-Monkton road last Friday night when the car driven by Mr. Cahill steuck a culvert and turned over into the ditch. Miss Moore is said to have a broken right leg, a fractured and badly lacerated right arm, severe cut on the right cheek and an injured eye. Cahill's nose is believed to be broken and he suffered rikeety cuts a- bout the face, Mr, Cahill who is connected with the Red and White store at Listowel and Miss Moore went to London Friday morning and then over to Grand Bend later in the day, where they joined friends. In the even - g they left for home eind ie was Mile on the Mitchell-Monkton road. Welt is under construction, that the trident occurred. The car is almost a complete reek, 55 Western AuStralia has ()Rued 10 ize of $250 for best ode to tela - 'ole the centenary of that section. The Portuguese ,)lava a supersti. Us distaste for the mistletoe, and ver use it for decorative purposes. The blind population of Britain in 21 Was 4(3,822, No, 4, Morris, stood highest with marks, enirlte will be eent elm; tiv to int- Flinrmno.„ 1.1: vnlitlidnlen, Intl 0001' 1.11 1411e- monlidat Appeals 130 SOlit In 1110 10. spool or boron. )10. mithlh. 11;411,1, A fele ennos ('0(1" 71' 11Ittn..)41..13, 1.s Hoyans, 8, 11rvans, 8, 11)11 (11), J. Douglas (11), I). Draue.r, S 1411, N. Fowler (lib IL 1"44ss II 1 1. 31. liAmiltoo111). 0. Heinen) Oil, 1111.0)011, H. ,Jacklin. J. Kett (11), W. 11,011(11), 11, 71c,A.Ilistpr (IC, J. 30'. Call, .1, MoDoweil, M. MI QuArrio (11), 3. Murray ((1), (1. wi.on, V. Port) t' (11). 13, Riley, 13 ltoo (11), W. 81101'1- 1,461 111 I, Smith, NI. Thompson, N, Thompson, it. NV ittsen (11), E. NV ii• 111,11)5 (ii), C. Williamson (11), S. Yolleck (11), It, Beefier. G, Dilwneth, G. 011058, NI, Mein tosh, Al eKliY, 8, Neithel, 1-1 P111 (.8. Pear. son, W. Robertson, L. Whitfield, HANLIIT LT. Benet man, 13. Carlin (1'I), P. Onn• nolley, L. blekait (H), V. Eckert (11), G. Metter (II), L Koegier (11), A.. Man- ley, D. AleNiehol, E. MePherson (14 Evelyn McPherson (II), L. Ryan, D. Thornton (11), SHAPORTII R. Agar, Beattie, L. Beattie (H), E. Broadfoot, A, Broadfoot, J. Oardno (ft), E. Olutpinan (II), V. Coleman, 6. Ondmore (EH, B. Delaney (EH, Al. Del- aney (H), 31, Dodds, 3, Dotty, E. Drov- er (I1, A. 11101tert C. leckett, 73. Edger (11!, 13 Ferried, M, Marest (If), G. Free. 11, Hawkins, J. Holland, E. Hugill, R. Hugill (11), H. Kennedy (H), 0, Knox, R. 011111', Wm. Little, R. MacLean, R. McGcnigle, 1-1. Mac- MoSpaildot; (Fib R. Al 1.1116Y4 Li-told/1n, A. :McLeod (H), 3. McQuaid, 11 Not t, 11. Oke, 0. (./Leary (IC, 7 Pet- vick (11), (3. Perdue, V, Qoail (H). H. P. Reeves, M. Reid (11), H. Sclater, 10 Moolt, Nie. Shannen (lie R. Shinen, Somerville (11), B. Su 01) gat (11), 0. Stitling, I. Sunciercork, (4, '70y101, (11), Al. Taylor, Wilber Tre meet'. Wi [F)'ed 'Prettiest., NI, Wolub. Grey Council Meeting Following are the minutes of (Trey Twp. Council held 011 Saturday, 71:shit:mites of the last meeting w.'11' lead and approved en n1, tion of R. L. Mc Dotedd seconded by Jos, AleKay. Aloved by P, Rawl end seconded by Jos. NicElay that By -Law Nu. 13 known Se the 5.h 13011ei.ssinn 13y.7,AW as 1 read tided time be tinnily panned, —AC11(14.riilL ed. by Stuart. Mcguattiti second. ed by R. L. McDonald that we in- struct the °let k to refund the surplus on the 1351 (01) Drain to the partiee en. titled thereto.—Oarried, Moved by Jos. McKay seconded by P. Rowland that thie Council give a grant of 325,00 to the Huron Plough- men's Association, —Oa er le d Moved by R. L. McDonald seconded by Jos. McKay that this Onuncil give a grant of 3100 to the Oranbrook Park Committee in lien of the Red Oross money which Oranbrook nob re- cecideil bivied evby 81. 101.11. W. Rowland 011110 this ()min- uart iliclnuarrie second. give a grant of $100 to the Oran - brook Park Committee and that the property be deeded to the township, Moved by F. Rowland that the Clerk advertise for tenders for the construction of the 5th Concession Drain, alien for the repair of the bridge on the 4th Onneession.—Clattried, Moved hy R, L. MoDonald seconded by Jos. McKay that all accounts Pre- sented and approved be paid,—.0ar. tieleclOved by Jos, McKay seconded by Ft, L, McDonald that the Council ad- journ this meeting .113 that the nexi meeting be held on uguet 4011 or at the call of the Ree .—Ourried, Tlie following;ft aunts were paid RarronlDrain suimlus 32588 ; 1(0)clan Drain surplus 382,21; Roads 38,137 • 30. J. 17. FEAR, Clerk, BELGRAVE Mts, Jno, Cole is visiting friends in Hamilton. Mee, David Scott spent a day with friends in Sarnia, Rev. Mr, Irwin, of Centralia, was a visitor with J. A, Brandon, t4eoently. The Belgrave L. 0, L. and L, T. B. Lodges celebrated the twellthin Luck - now. Earle and Mrs. Anderson arrived home on 'Thursday from their honey- moon. Hugh and Ws, McLean and son, prntyedileoefe.Hamilton, visited with Mrs, Haery Brandon and daughter, of London, are visiting with Mrs. T. Shoebottom, Mrs, Burk, of Toronto, visited for a couple of days with her sweets, Jas, Andeeson, Morvis. Miss Wilson and Adam Geddes:, of Smith Falls, ere visiting with relativ- es 111 and around Belgrave, Mrs. Jack Johnson and eister, Mies *no, Geddes, of Saskatoon, are visit- ing with friends, in the village, W, t,. and Mrs, Brandon, T, and Mrs, Forsyth and J, .A. Brandon spent a day with Mewls in Drayton, Will, and Meg, Brandon and son, Rose, of Frobisher ; Simon and Mrs, Ferris and son, Geddes, of Almeda, tuotneed from their homes in Sask nhewan to attend the remnion at No, '7, Morris, and are visiting Mewls in ansi 1001100 B • . Mtenes—leloGurrtie, — The mewing° took plane on Wednesday, July 41 ef Ella M,, tinugh ter of John and Mr& meGuiee, of Belgrave, to R. Cecil Min- es, of Akron, Ohm, eon of W. A, and Mee, Mines, of Turnbeery. The eers emony watt performed by Rev, 5, Davison, of Wingham, in the pres. " ten 461'. ' 4 ' 1, HE Firestone Dealer's trained service men appy tiros and tubes right, and help you keep them in condition to get rnore mileage. They service every tire they sell. This is one reason why Firestone Gum.Dipped Tires are breaking mile- age records around town and everywhere else. Firestone builds in the miles—Firestone Dealers get them out for you. They save you money and serve you better. Always puia Firestone strairrnorigirri. kok-proof tube trt your Ftrosionr env FIRESTONE TIRE & RUBBER COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED HAMILTON ONTARIO BUILDS THE ONLY ence of the to hie's sister, IoM, and Mervin Richmond, lily th. The Wide 01019 10 rose geot gc.1.1 gown with gold lace trimming and hat of white (notel- et straw with peer! ta 'lament.. After the ceremony, the 111111121 9111 ly Motnr- ed 10 the 1111180 02 the In tile's parents in Belgrave, 011)57510 sllulpt imps 01 1'(). ding repast 0155801 tied. Arte,' spond- ing several weeks 17111 11 g frismis .tod )(datives in this 171(111(1( 37, Me, and Mrs, Mines will make their home in Aki on, where the grOnyn is associated with the Goodyear Tire Om - EXTRANnE REsuurs.—Total Ina] JCS obtaieatile 750, marks neeeSSark 10 pos. 45(1, with .IF loast 40 pet' cent on each subject. Fit et -class honors re - (tithe 5(32 malts and are 1(10121:56 (A). Seconti.elaee Mewl, Ile, t1 1125' are (01111 1.11) (.13) Wawan nOt--N,.. ttigan. Oera, T7 No. 2-17'• 117 g, Myr- tle, No, 3—Cronstf41. ( A) Foran, John (A). No. 4—Miller, Is- ! obel (A) ; Tmr, Mary 11 ,0). N. ! Cantu/len, NI. ; .0swe7, ; ell, 13 (A) ; Walsh, Den (13). N,,, 7 Cunningha)11, 71.11 wirer (11) Ne? 12— Bemmeis VI11111(A) ; Ramage, Mack • (A) St, Nlarie, 3751 0110)10 ;St, Marie, eessede No. Florence, No. 14—Farrier, Carmen (A). No, 15— i ChttrIll,i'y, Verna 7 Otaig, Arnold. No. 16--Tayini, Phy1ll, TsJ. No. 17-- Brydge-, ; litt•garet (if) ; Staibie, Mildred ; Wheeler, Val. (0113 (A) Don't forget the Anglican Garden Part y1,1 the helms 4,2 11 . Thos. Mont- goniery, on August 1,1. See advt. 11115 GOCIPritil 1111'1•9 will be held on Aug- ust 0.11. Farmers' Sons ATTENTiOls/1 Any Boron Bt.y oonitenntating siterding the On1acio,1lo-,,, fir •"?trTTr01" t; oi‘o f;ri 00mb1rei1"risToti11,iiinty and ',:ssaor Fund soli., 1,mM:en:ars of ,oholorship rosy 11,41,,iiiiiitge;,,or, Applies-. 14PArt'la;T AtI10IC0JLTIT,R13, Clisior; tint • 1007. IF you could have exactly the !duct of car yeti wanted, what are the features you would de- mand? Yon would want Performance . . stamina to stand long, trying trips. Then you would want Style, of course,—the latest trend in body design—long, low, racy lines,—the newest and most modish colorings. You would want the distinction of Body by Fisher. And you would like a Luxurious car . . one with wide, deep cushions that invited rest . with rich and beautiful upholsteries and fine interior appoint.. manta • , one with snug protection against the weather with ease and snioothness of riding. Last, but by no means least, you would denaancidr Quality . substantial construction . . refmeneente such as Four -'Wheel Brakes, Air -Cleaner, Oil Filter, Crankcase Breather, Vacuum -Feed Fnel Supply, Safety Gasoline Tank in rear and so forth , • de- pendability at all times and under all conditions These are the things everyone would like to hasre in a car . . and that everyone CAN have, for the first time in automobile history, at the low cost of ' the "Bigger and Better" Chevrolet. C•14,7•28C The G.M.A.C. . General Motors' onos deferred paystem gins SBOYIOMS ssost scorvelsioot and economical 1052 of MoYisse your Chtvroici on and. Roadster . . • ((625.00 Touring • • • • 625.00 C011Pt1 • • • • • 740.00 Coach 740.00 Sodee 835.00 NI Prate: of Foolery, Oshawa— Government Dasee,Bumpers and Span Tin &Ira. Imperial Sedan • •050.00 Convertiblo Cabriolet 663.00 Commercial Chagas. 470.00 Ronda,. bolivery - 05.00 Ton Truek Chorale • 653.00 Roadmar Express • 610.00 Ail prim al rectory, ()shame -- Government Tosns„.blempers and &pm Tire /Wm. ste ,4 LET FRANK WOODS BRUSSELS ONTARIO , PioDucr or GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA. LIMITED