HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1928-7-18, Page 11 fa
VOL, 57 1\7°' 5
$2,00 per nunum in advance
- • _
The Surrounding District
Ra0. Bothwell and family, comer
ly of Monctielf, have moved to Se
Marv: whP1P Birth well has put-
elearael a grocery busikledi!,
Miss Rona Van Veleor is holidaying
at (Nmo.
M. lialln and family, London, are
holidayieg with relatives here,
Mies Otetele Harris is bow feom
Taranto foe a two Weeke' varerte.
Mee, Wm iVilson ape»t several
days recently with telativee at
(Au pb
Res,. Alex, Sandersom Guelph, is
visiting his parents, D. D. and Mrs.
Thos. Henry and family leave thin
• week for a LW, tveek'n vacaLion at
\Viuuga Hiucit,
(3. Pleasance and little son, To-
ronto, are visiting with the foemee's
parenes, N. and Mrs. While.
Frank and Mrs. Sanderson and
daughter, Elleot, Tolman, are vleit-
ors at. the home of ritiSCI J. Ritchie.
Roba and Mrs. thriller, Tuvnberry,
have retuned from all enjoyable trip
to Detroit, Pontiac and Sault Ste
Mise Luella McOutcheon, Dett nit:, is
spending her vacation with het broth-
ers„Tohn and Charles McUutcheon,
near Wroxetev.
Wm, Smith, who has been visiting
relatives and Mende in this neighbor-
hood For three weeks, returned to his
home at Melita, Man., on Monday. -
John and airs. Bone, of the Ameri-
can Soo, accompanied by the latter's
sister, Mrs. H. Playford, of 011ie, Alta-,
former residents of the village, are
visiting relatives here this week.
Marjorie Waller, Florence Hall,
Norman Hall, Doris Musgrove, George
Brown and Margaret Durst from the
Weoxeter Public School were emcees-
ful at the recent Entrance EXaMill-
ations, the first four named obtaining
The July meeting of the Women's
Inetiterte will be held at the home of
Mrs, W. 0, Hazelwood, on Thursday
afteenoon, July 2601, when the sub-
ject will be "A Good Get -Together."
The Roll Call is to be answered by a
current event of the month. A full
attendance is requested. Visitors
The monthly meeting of the Wrox-
eter W. M. fe. VMS held in the 'United
Church with 30 members present. In
the absence of the Ptesident, Mrs. A.
Munro presided, The Seriptuve 198
San, passages showing how women in
New Testament days helped, etas rend
by Mrs. 8Lutt, Ws. D. Rae and Mrs.
Jack. This was followed by sentence
prayers by Mrs, Stocks, Mrs. Wilson
and Meg. Black, At the conclusion of
the business, the devotional leaflet,
"Jesus in the Midst, of Common Life,"
• was read by Mee, Black. Very inter-
• esting news of the vaeinue 011591011
embres was given by the heralds, Mies
Hazelwood, Ohina ; Mrs. Welkee, In-
dia ;-Mrs. Hupfer, the Indians, and
re ,
Mrs. McKercher, Japan. Several
'returns were sung and the meeting
was brought, 10 a close by prayer by
1 e Mts. illeKercher,
The London Free These in reporting
the 12th at Heiman had the follow-
ing : "Rerat OLD TIMIIRS-TWO real
old bienersparticipated in to -day's ev-
ents walking the 238th annivereary
of the Battle of the Boyne, 'rimy
were Thomas Stevens, of Seaforth, a
format. Letidnner, who is in his 00th
year, and Thomas Hemphill, whose
son conducts 1 he locel drug store, whn
hails lame Detroit and whn is in hie
80th year. Nile Stevens has 71 years
to his ceche as an Orangeman and Mr.
Hemphill a total of 60 years and they
have hath mined only one celebration
of elle faumue 12th, Me, Stevens first
•1's A community patriotic ser-
+ vice will be held on the Wee -
4' xeter Park, Sunday afternoon
+ July 22nd at 2,45 p.m, Rev.
+ A. W. Barker, B. D., of Brus-
+ sels, will epeak. Special pro-
+ grams will be provided for
ea the public. People of all de-
+ nominations are invited to co-
+ perate. A community choir
+ will render special mueic.
+ + .3 44 4. oe
Harold Skinner's t
Blue Water Boys $
Wingham Arena
Every Thursday Night
fel ned the Overige Lodge al, Se Johme
Just outeide Lite City of London, 71
years ago Loalay and after spending
some years in LallId011 , be IllOVLIII to
SPILl'OPIll, WIMP IIP 11/4/4 resided fin the
peat (14 Veale, The that newseaper he
read, be Butted, was the London Free
Press and he still reads its columne, IL
being one of the most impoutant daily
I am reale at. his hoine, Ile was in Lon-
, don a couple Or years P440 at the CLIII-
1 1.1,1I Ilial 010 Jeep,ettleinaticin and
1 some lour nt five. years agO, he eel-
; (-livered July 12111 at London with the
late Hem y Griffith then 105 years of
age. Mt. Hemphill was WO II ill III,
land. on Febutary teh, 1840, mune In
Canada when a young man and lived
1 for 36 YVal 9 it and allnlIld WI nxetel..
I He tette moved to nett °la where he
now resides with a son, In 1871, he
was inadvertently sent ou I/USIIIPS8 to
Chicago an July the 1201 and
could not celebraLe, that being the
/ only one he has missed in hie 00 years
I as an Orallgo wan. He joined the
' lodge in Durham, joining Lodge 370
Both these gentlemen are past mast-
ers several times.
Nal iOtiP, the 10 -year-old daughter
of Ward Schafer, sustained serious
head injuries in a motor accident, last
Wednesday evening, when she fell
out of her father's automobile as the
car was prnceeding along the high-
way. The little girl opened the door
of the ocr, a sedan, to throw out some
strawberry stems and in so doing, the
wind canght the door in such a way
that the girl was dragged from the
eat and thrown with considerable
force on the road. The excel extent
of her injuries cannot he ascertained
as yet.
Wordims been received that Will.
Neal has arrived safely in the Old
Wm. and Mrs. Woods attended the
family re -union at Kitchener. on Sat-
uvday, and had and enjoyable time.
Geo. E and Mrs. Ferguson, Misses
Jean Ferguson and Lola Ralph, of
Toronto, wert visitors with the form-
er's mothee, last Friday and Satur-
Harry and Mrs. Mooney and their
son, Lyle, Lyle, and his wife, all of
Bemidji, Minn., are visiting in and
around Walton. ales. Mooney was a
tomer resident of this section,
W. M. S. -The regular monthly
meeting of the W. M. S. of -Duff's Un-
ited Church was held at the home of
Mrs, L. teeming, on July llth. Miss
Simpson presided and Miss Bessie
Davidson read the Seripture lesson.
After the devotional exercises, Mrs. J.
McGavin and Mrs. Jno. Leeming gave
the topie for the day. Current Ev-
ents consisting of leaflets dealinglwith
"Community Centres in Ontario"
were read by Mee, A. °mitts and Mrs,
Wilbur Turnbull. The second quart-
erly report wee read by Mrs. W. Dav-
idson, Treasurer, showing that $112 -
46 had been fotevarded to the head
office, during tile past six months,
Arrangements Wale made to have out'
thankofeei ing service on November
llth, The meeting was closed with
prayer by one of the members,
Haying is now keeping the farmers
Council meets on Monday next,
July 23rd,
Don't forget the Community Pic-
nic at Baylield on Thursday of this
Miss Mina Wilk inf4011, Tom -into, iti
visiting at, her hone:eon the 4th line
Tenders will be opened by the Town-
ethip Connell on Monday, July .23r0,
for repairs to McCall DPIlin.
Chas. and Ales. Deeper and baby,
Ross Buttou and John Ewan were
visit:yea at, the home of August and
Mrs. Bier, Hanover, lime SuildeY.
The Trustees of 8. 8, No. 9, have ev.
gaged Miss Isabelle RiLehie, of Wel.
toil locality, for the coining year.
Miss Ritchie has her fli steelase cent ft -
mete and has just finished her Normal
13uninn TODAY -The flIlleVal Of
the tete Mrs, Janet (Merin is being
held to -clay from her late residence,
Lot 29, Oon, 2, 10 Brussels cemeteey,
The deceased hod only been ill a week
and Ives in her gist year, An obitee.
any will be published next, week.
Niles Dorothy MoPhedran, of Wy-
oming, has returned to her home aft-
er spending the past week with Miss
Mildred D, Pasemore, Miss MaPhed-
ron had motored up the Saturday be-
fore with Mies Mabel Gillatly, Alex.
Gillatly and Wallace Fisher, of Oam-
Much credible due Miss W. Frain,
teacher at S. S. No. 4, in having two
nut of three pupils pass their Entrance
Exams. at Brussels eentre, Master
Gordon Harman stood highest of all
those who wrote at Brussele with 643
make to his credit, Glen Smith was
also suceessful. Gordon is to be con•
gratulated Ivan his success,
Mrs, (Rev,) Walden, Paul and June
are spending a few weeks' holidays at
W. C. McKinnon, of Pore Arthur,
was a visitor with his brother, R. H.
Bus. Fryfogle and son, Jimmie, of
Detroit, have been visitors at the
home of Robe and Mrs. McKinnon.
R. H. and Mee. Holmes of Irit. Jew-
itt, Pa,, and F. R. and Mrs. Holmes,
of Kane, Pan motored up to attend
the school re 00101) at No. 7, this he.
ing a distance of 500 miles. R. H.
Holmes attended this sehool sixty
years ago.
New eeverteremente
r o
Beads lost -Teo Pose
SJw Htrayed-George hone
Bey torsale-A Itool
tiny for RH le -R. Atwood
Operator wanted -Telephone Co.
Sows for sale -Win. Great
Ray fir anlo-JV, It. McLean
Vermere' MOSS -DSO. of AV/coital",
Hummer Nernst -Mies -A lien's Drug Store
Paris Green, ote.-te. It Smith
tiordon Patty -Antillean rhumb, tielsrttva
Ititrrho-ty ease nee- Trewertere 111. Ctrele
Mr-, SLetvert Yining and Dimity, of
Tot mum al e spending few weeks at
their Summer home here.
The patrolmen 11(109 11 hunch ,,1 nett,
nut cuffing the weed,. Ritmo (he high-
wityn Whifill will make them look
mush better,
TIIP Ilitievale Brandi of thc Wil-
Institete held 11 itt egular
nweLing At the hotnit of Mrs. ohm les
El I let t. el i ee Oli vt, seett. lend a pap-
er, -Tip, NSW was
extremely inter etiog and Metrueltve.
The 11081 11989 Mi.. Elliott end Mae
Het heringto», PPPVI'Ll IL dainty l000h.
The meeting met both pletteant and
prolitehle. '1(1' meeting will
be held el the !Wine of Min. A
AI'VallIftql1PtIts have been made to
hold a sheep end 801 0' deentinet ration
on the farm of Jim. L. Maclevven nt
Peter elaclerven, on Weil nesday after -
110013, July 18th, Dr, L. Stevemem,
Provincial Zoologist, will be present
and will diernes the violate: int Prnal
parasites effecting the above classes
nt livestock and will discuss and dem.
onstrate the vet ante methods of treat-
ment, Alt sheep and hog owners are
cordially invited to attend, as much
valuable info, mat inn will be given.
Harvey Dobson is driving a new
Calvin Kreuter is working with
Will Campbell, Con. 2, Grey.
Miss Christabel spent the
week end with friends here.
• Miss Dorothy Franklin :s assisting
in Spence's store for a While.
Mrs. . Quest Dobson leant a while
at her home in Southaniptotr.
Victor Mel/faster, of Utopia, is
spending his holidays with his bro-
ther here.
Mr. and Mrs. Miller and daughter,
Olive, of Utopia, spent the week end
at the home of De. and Mrs. Mc-
Rev. and Mrs. Lucas and son, of
Trempeaulau, Wis., spent a 'week
with Mrs. Lucas' parents, C. and Mrs.
Go to church on Sunday to the
United Church at 7.30. The pastor,
101(11 preach on the suojec:, Follow-
ing Jesus."
Ed. and Mrs. Desjardine and fam-
ily arrayed home last Thursday after
spending a pleasant holiday in East-
ern Ontario,
Rev. D. M. Guest was on the Bel -
grave Circuit Sunday last con-
ducting Anniversary servieee at the
"Brick" Appointment.
Mrs. N. Franklin is still quite ser-
iously ill at her home here while
those in attendance have better hopes
now for her rccovery.
Raymond Knott, of Eemondville,
ie. spending a couple of month with
his uncle, Thomas Tenuearceity, and
assisting with the farm work.
Misses Jean McKee, Christrhol
Bishop and Edith Dane were visitors
in Ethel the latter part of lest week
to attend the Hunter -An -tee wedding:.
Rev. Jas. Scobie had charge of the
service at 'the Ethel United Chureb
on Sunday evening and preached a
splendid sermon to a large cougt'iga-
Miss Ethel McMaster, returned
home to Utopia, Ont., en Monday af-
ter spending a few weeks 1(10 at the
home of her brother, Dr. and Mee.
Joseph Ames is training a new
horse on the mail trip to the C. N. R.
having disposed of the "feithCul"
few days ago to some trailers that
visited this community.
Stanley Wilson underwent, an cm-
eretion at Listowel Memorial Hospi-
tal and had his toilet's turd adenetls
removed. The patient it progresing
Job King has purchaead "Jim" time
driver that has become such a famil-
iar figure on the station route and is
busy these days introducing him to
some of the mysteries a farming,
Ethel will hold their annual. Civic
holiday on Thureclay of this 'week
when every one will go to Hayfield to
enjoy a picnic with Brussels and the
townsHips of Grey and Morirs. A
large crowd is expected to attend this
annual outing.
The funeral of the late Samuel
Campbell was held on Monday after-
noon from hie late home on Con. 2,
Grey, and was largely attended by
many friends fro ma large section of
the township. The deceased who has
been in failing health for sortie few
years has always kept his cheerful
disposition and was a nighly respect-
ed member of the community in
which be lived. The service was eon -
ducted by RSV. Williams, of the Pres-
byteetian church.
On Friday evening ef battweeka
good time was enjoyed by a large
gathering of the congregation of the
United Church when a social evening
was held in the basement of the
church in honor of Mies Layla Ames
who was marirecl on Saturday last,
The evening was spent to games and
einging, after which refreahmente
were served by the ladiee. The bride -
elect received a miscellaneous shower
of many very useful gifts, as It token
of the respaet itt which he, it held
in the cdremunity.
Mission Circle
will hold a
Wednesday Ev'til Ang.1
Admission 35c and 20c
aliee alayt be Dane. Niageta Ftittc
wa at. Ethel for the Huntet-Atnee
w coding,
alisees Fannie Lee, Edythe Drum
and O. E. Westovet, all of Magma
Falls, spent the week -and ;vitt: felts,
A. hl Dane.
Wapiti:sue-At high noon, on Sate
ttrduty, July 14111, at the home of Lite
bride's p1119111, at Ethel, the marriage
ceremony 088 perfoi meet between
Lyle Maude Ames, youngest daughter
of Jos, and MPH. Attlefi, and Joseph
Franklin Hunter, uf Oshawa, One.,
son of the tete 'keine and Mrs. Hunt-
er, of Oraiderook. Rev, D, M. Guest,
pastor of the United Church, Ethel,
tied the nuptial knot in the presence
of upwards of forty attests, Mrs, Jas.
A. &8p8, of Morris Township, play-
ed the wedding music, The bridal
couple, standing under an artistically
arranged arch of evergreens [tanked
with flowers in pink and white effect
with beautiful bell, were attended on-
ly by little Helen Bateman, niece of
bride, as flower girl. The bride, who
was given away by her father, looked
lovely in a beige georgette dress with
silk net veil in cap effect with orange
blossoms and carried a hoquet of pink
roses. lily.or-the-valley and maiden-
hair fern. An unique feature was the
carrying, also, of a handkerchief sent
front England, said to have belonged
to Royalty. During the signing of
the regieter, CecirBateman sang, aft-
er which a buffet luncheou was serv-
ed. Six girl friend e of the bride acted
as waitreseee. The young couple left
on a motor trip to St. Thomas, Ham-
ilton and other pointe, the bride trav-
elling in a pine -needle green silk crepe
frock with hat and shoes to match
and a blue coat with satin trimmings.
On their return, they will recede in
Oshawa. Guests were present from
Brantford. Niagara Falls, Detroit,
Windsor and St. Thomas.
The farmers are busy with the bay-
Don't forget the Community Pic-nic
itt Bayfield on Thursday of this emelt,
Miss Winona Frain, teacher at S.
S. No, 4, Motifs, is taking a Summer
Course at Hamilton Normal
Harold Sanderson, wife and son, of
loronto, spent the week -end with
• ales. Saudereonat mother, Mrs. Wm,
Grey Coution will open tenders on
• Mondity, July 23rd, for the construe.
Hon of the 5th CoueeSSi011 Drain and
also for repairing bridge on 4th Con.
• J, McDonald, a former resident of
the 14th con„ was calling 011 nld
friends in this eentinn 1011 laweday.
McDonald went Wese in 1903, but
1,!HL. pas); couple Of petite hoe been 1.0-
siding In London. efld Mends wet e
• gine to see him
The following people were guests of
Rein. and Mrs. Houston for the re-
, rtnioA of S. 8, 8 Mrs Emily Oluff, of
Garden Party
Under the auspices of the
Anglican Church, Kelgrave
Will be held on the Lawn of
Mrs. Thos. Montgomery
loth om.
(1 mar, Neal
dnesday, Aug. 1st
0. e -
Cold Meat Supper served frrm 6 to
Program by the
Kenny Entertainers
Red School No. 9 vs. Belgrave
Played at 6 teeloel:
Admission 50 and 25 cents
W. B. Hawkins, Wm. MeMeeree,
Rector, F. Shoeleatem,
"God Save the King"
Toronto ; Mrs. Jean DouthilL De-
troit, 'Mich. ; airs. Jas. Montgomery,
Galt : Mrs. Hugh Young, Petrone ;
Mee. Jno. Olitiseie, Point Edward ;
George and Mrs. McMillan, Sarnia ;
Miss Florence McNaughtott, Betts -
eels ; Joel and Mrs. Sellers and Mrs.
Roy Sellers, Ord line, Mortis. The
first six ladies mentioned were sisters,
so it was a fatuity re -union as well as 1
a school -mate re -union,
Goderich Citizens' Band is peeper-
ing for the musical contest at Toronto 1
Beery Doerr, near Auburn, had I
part of his barn unroofed, in the re-
cent storrn.
Grace, 11-year.old daughter of W,
S. and Mrs. Finnigan, of Seaforth,
passed away, a victim of lockjaw,
Al Dungannon, on July 2nd, Rev.
J. A. Walker united in marriage ,
Laura Isabelle, daughter of John R. 1
and Mrs. Savage, of Dungannon, to
L. F. Stingle, of Toronto, son of Mr,
and Mrs. Stingle, of Oteriton, N. S. I
T, Cardwell, of Clinton, has had
some wild geese for some time and
this year, the goose laid five eggs and 1
set on the settee. Cant tunetely, how- ,
ever, norm of the eggs produced a
bird. The outcome was watched for
with interest by the owner and oth-
Mrs. Fred Hunt, of Godetich, met
w ith a most unfortunate accident,
She was putting up curtains at her
home, when she fell from a chair,
rtaetuting her hipbone. She is at
Alexandra Hoepital and IR doing as •
well as could he expected, but it will
be some weeks before she will be able
to he around again.
Maniere E. Dent, widow of Jennie;
Sethevland. died on Sun& y 8111, at 1
her home, Heileall, in her 93r0 year,
Surviving are one son and one (laugh-
ter George J. Sotherland, 11mq/1111st:1
er at Hensall. and Miss Hattie Slither -
land, also of' Revisal!. There ales env- i
vive two sisters, Mrs. A. Carroll
and Mrs. 3, F. Sentt, both of Wood-
stock, and a brother, H. 31, Dent, of
Mid -Summer
Spring and Summer
Now on at our
Millinery Parlors
Great Bargains
Come in and get one !
Prnirok LliplelrofTfet
itf iUWH
f. L. A'ERR, ProlVietor
Mre. S. Bell. of l'eeesvater 1
weekend with het' mother, Mrs. A.,
Mee. Eldridge, who IMP been Mak-
ing her home at Palle, wee in WWII
feta. few days this week.
30s. It A. Nixon and 80115. Winni-
peg, are vieiting at the Inane of the
fount:lee eister, Mrs. See's-peter Pox.
Tom anti ale% Aim -40)1w, of T'OP"
MILL , IlaVN 01,31 ors with 1 he Int.
ter's mother. Mrs, \V111. A111181 vong.
Athol erceeearrie, of Termite, is
epending ti few they reeking bie
hi other and batter 1 t, attd around Brute
Jeck aril Mee. Cmb
.:lio)] left for
renenn 11 eotiple ef
week. with Jetta, etet :ure, Arm.
`7. • ., 1 a. leurvia
rani '1,, lit, T.0I•01. of
'%'"T»Is' 0iO4tO10 81 HIS
I • . G1111
(1‘. 13 1,iP,1 Jelai Hewitt is cm the
ewe 11. 11,-. tetieettet, Nr..
het', le Irene. me eeetId 01 We hope
' that sv ill .4,4 0 41. it,
Personal Paragraphs
A. Lemont, of Teesivater, was home
for the week•end.
Mr.. Mery Sr/ILI ling has been visit-
ing friends 111 Clinton.
Barrister 11. B. elorphy, of Listow-
el, Watt in teavn, on Tuesday.
Miss inflated Sperling, of London,
is spending her vacation at her home
Dr. Fraser, of Sudbury, is visiting
with hie mother, Mrs. Fraser, of
mr. Lockwond, nf Clinton, was a
visitor', last week, with his son, Chas.
Mist] Mary Rose is visiting relatives
and friends in Carswell, Mich., and
Detroit, Mich,
Visitors with Geo. and Mrs. Hanley
was their son, George E„ his wife and
family, of Stratford.
Earl Hamilton and Mies Lorena
were visiting with Mvs. Ben Whit -
(810 00190 tbiewetk.end,
Miss Carrie McCracken is away on a
trip to Alaska and California with a
crowd of school teachers.
R. W. Ferguson has been confined
to his bed during the past week and is
still under the doctor's care.
Dune, McKinnon was visiting last
week with friend,, at Forest, Petrolia
and Sarnia. He is still single.
A, W. L. and elre. Gilpin, St. Louis,
motored to Brussels on Saturday, re-
turning to Detroit on Sunday.
Dr. R. E. and Mrs. Robertson, of
Collingwnod, are visiting with theist-
ter's mother, Hugh AleKinnom
Misses :leen Ferguson and Lnla
Ralph, of Toi onto, were week -end
visitors with ;Vise Mary Helen Kerr.
Dv. Lerkieer, of Kitchener, 111143 in
town performing operations, 011 Mon -
(ley, for tonsil trouble among our
young folk,
W. C. McKinnno, of the Bank of
Nova Scotia, Port Arthur, has been ,
vieiting with his mother, Mrs. Hugh
J, and Mee Crich returned
from their vieit to et. Louis on tearer.
der. TIIP weather wits very warm
there and they felt the sudden change
on :reviving! home here.
Mee. Onione and Maeter Patriek, nt
Toronto, are visiting et the home t,f
Chive and Mrs Pope. The laity was
a prize -whiner et (hp c, lee 1.3 last
year. Mr. Gnions ponies up for the
weekenule. •
Rev. A.. W, alto Meq. Barker were
Kineardine beret week. They ale.
vieited Femme Riteie•nee hos-
pital:, whets Wernher: t!f the Coiled
Chili elf Millers:nett totrions opera -
Heim, All pat 'elite ale dpiitg is
the favorable report,
Glee. end Mre rhein, t,f Mod -
ere, k, anti ei faith ()Hee lean, of
Chieetn . welt, r44...V141111tlays
with JOS anti eh- teeeit in.
ellee Elegem, Mend ne.111. S,'aforth,
and Mies Wilma Bele of Teeswater,
were recent visitnt with the Iatter's
grandmother, Lt'iiiittt
and MITI. %Ver.& and Miss
Ella Woe& attended the re -union of
the Weigle family at Kitchener, 00
Saturday last. They repeat,. splendid
Limaler.s. H. 3 Stewart and daughter,
Juanita, and 61,11, DPInIngP, of Battle -
ford, Sask., (LEP here on a visit at the
home of Alex. and Mts. Stewart,
Queen at.
Waiter. Mrs. Hese and Miss Louise
and Mrs. David Cunningham left on
Tuesday morning for the Lakeshore at
Point Clarke for a month's camping.
AUKS Rose expects to go later,
W. 3, and MIR. Thompson, of Au -
hut n ; Mrs, Clayton Matti!), from
Englehart Jno. and Mre. Thompson
and son, Hervard, of St, Augustine ;
Mark and Mts. Attnetrong and daugh-
ter, of Donnybrook, were visitors
with James and Mrs. Armstrong,
Plata et.
Rt. Rev, Meng. Blair, of Toronto,
and formerly Perish Priest et Bi us -
eels, has gone On a trip to England
and Irelaud, accompanied by his
niece, Miss Helen 8Lock, RN , to visit
relatives relict friends. We hope the
ocean voyage and visit will recuperate
Man., and Mies Ella Sharpe. of Win-
nipeg, daughters of R. J. Sharpe, of
Crystal City. Mire , were visitors in
town lest week at the home of their
uncle, Walter Sharpe. T be yoeng
ladies ale nativett of the, West and
this was their first trip Easteeand they
have had an enjoyable tie, Mr.
Shay e went West 39 years eo. The
young ladies also visited in
poi n t s.
ehel and
in Grey torvriship, with vela 'ems, bit -
tote going nn to Toronto a other
Old friends were glad to see Harry
end Mrs. Mooney and their son, Lyle,
told 1110 wife, of Eletuidji, Mbttmt, in
r l
emit it IP 010 (IVO: visit baric tO Brus-
SPIK. It it 24 yeas s ei nee they moved
West. The old boyo ROOM withered
around when tlmy heti t 0 that
"Buteli“ Mooney was in town. They
17111(1111t1.11:11,1t1e,k1 11(3 15111):i04111;(!'t L''171"11Plittiimrscl,
diry at Bay field to meet the old boys
eolhortis-- t'n..itteii gift held Courtaof
Revision, SD Jety ent h.
\Vto. 111.3sy, J.% br, bag been the
Prieeipal for many yVIII'S Of
3)301. PlIbliS Sehpnb, retired event -
t0, and was made the recipient of
1,ennt 1111 il, ritieg iret, Which was
111 c -t teti 1,. titit hy lno pupils,
School Re -Unions are Well Attended
y Old Pupils, Teachers and Friends
Stone Sohool S. S. No.
7, Morris
300 Old Boys and Girls Return for
A Happy Reunion- Many Letters
of Regrets - Book Donated by
Author to School.
POSS113LY one of the most success-
ful reunions ever held in Huron
was staged at the Stone School,
S. S. No. 7, Morris, on the afternoon
and evening of Thursday, July 5th.
The school is situated on 'the banks 010 Boys and Girls Reunen. The
of the Maitland river on the second school grounds were beautifully dec-
line. About 300 old boys and girls ()rated with fins and evergreence
with their families and friends and a The Reunion commenced with a
goodlet number of ex-teeehees met In parade led by the Mount Forest IDI.
happy reunion. There were many tie Baird followed by a dress parade
letters of regret from others who which was 'heartily enjoyed by all, af-
were unable to be present; these let- ter which a program was provided
ter were pinned up in the school. with A. H. Musgrove, of Wingham,
Special mention must be made of One acting as &airman. He remember -
from J.H. Cornyn, Mexico City, Mex. ed many of the old eettlers of tide
Mr. Cornyn's card and letter appear community and also gave an interest,.
in this issue. Mr, Cornyn very kind- ing account of the first school house
ly donated to the school a book "In- constructed.
dim", Hero Tales" of which lee is the Among the former teachers who
author. were present were. Alex. XacEwen,
Mexico City, June 28, 1928 Bluevale, S. Elliott, St. Catharines,
Mr. C. G. Campbell, Dr, Stewart, Wingliam, Mrs, Sterling
5, S. No. 7, Moms, ? Windsor, Miss Robertson and Mts.
Wieghani, Ont. Hastiegs, of Winghaut. Short ade
Dear Mr. Campbell:- dresses were given by some of these
'Tell the Old Boys and Girls et teaches also our member, George
S. S. No. 7 that 1 shall be with them Spotcon, Music was provided by
in spirit on July 54th next in their local talent and also from Winghane
Diamond Jubilee Reenion. I ani etters of regret from those who
(Continned on Page 2) (,C01051100d poPage 4)
' Powell's School, S. S,
No, 9 Turnberry
Many Former. Teachers Came Back
to Renew Froindships with Ohl
Pupils - A. 14. Musgrove, of
Wingham, was Chairman for Af-
ternoon Proceedings.
One of the most interesting fea-
tures occurred arc Powell's School, S.
S. No. 9, Turrtherry on Friday, July
6th, when a large crowd attended the
U. S. S. No, 16, Grey & Fulton's School, S. S.
Old Boys and Girls of U. 3. S. No.
16 Howick and Grey Gather in
Successful Reunion on July 4th -
Many Present from Lang Distance,
pE RHAPS Forestville has gone out
of the memory of many, but its
three anicent landmarks are still
fresh in the memory of che writer -
the little white Methodist church on
the farm of Joseph Armstrong:, the
Temperance Hall, across htc corner
oe the farm of Alexander Robertson
and the school on the farm of Jere-
miah Belden. These three, that stand
for the best in life, should ever have
remained as reminders of men's faith
in the supreme things. We regret
the removal of the two former.
changing renditions have long since
made it possible to do with less
churches, but the presence of those
buildings would do much to inspire
the present generation to emulate
the faith of their fathers in the
things that abide.
The gathering was unique in the
history of S. S. No. 16, Howick and
Grey, An ideal day, gay and plea-
sant surroundings, happy and smil-
ing *tees greeted you everywhere.
Each one was called by his or her
first name, though the memory had
often to be helped to recall the names
(Confirmed on Page 7)
No. 8, Grey
e -
Soft Ball Games Attract a 131g Crowd
-Old Time Football Matte% was a
Tie - Good Concert in the Even-
HE Reunion at Fultoa's School
was an unqualified success so
everyone says and to judge by
the happy fares and laughing people
gathered by hundreds on the school
grounds on Tuesday, the univcreal
verdict was true. In the memory of
the old boys and girls that day will
stand out as ono of the best days of
their lives, It can never he repeated.
There was sadness mingled with
pleasure too, for many old friends,
had answered the call of a higher
school and their absence was most
keenly felt. Many also hall wander-
ed so far from the old home that
they could not be pretent but all
were remembered that day.
No efforts were spared by the vat
ious committees to make the (ley a
success, and as one Old Boy said
"you knew it whenever gnu reached
the school, the decoratiny, told you to
at onee, the grounds look so inviting
and the greeeings by the people of
the section gave everyone a tense of
weleorne,". and the visitors quiokly re -
speeded in appreciation of the wele
come given, and Were glee to be ab
home Once Mote. Mlle feeling Of
(Continued 00 Nee 4)