HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1928-7-11, Page 14 :M VOL, 57 NO, 4 $2,00 15er annum in advcince BRUSSELS, ONTARIO. WEDNESDAY, :NIA' )' 1 I, 1g28 Melville Presbyterian Church BRUSSELS Anniversary Services Will be conducted by REV. JAMES WILSON, of Brampton on Sunday, July 15th at la d? p, m. Special Music will be furnished by the Choir GARDEN PARTY Monday Ev'g, July 16th On the Manse Lawn The Program will be furnished by The Sandy MacDonald Concert Co., of Toronto Consisting of the following :-SANDY MacDCNALD, Scotch Comedian, (the Funny Mnn free Giesca): MISS PATRICIA MacALLiSTER, Champion Dancer ; MISS MARGARET TAYLOR, Entertainer ; MISS EVELY BRAITHWAITE, Soprano. Lunch will be served REV. F. 0, FOWLER, Pastor. Admission 35c and 25c. A, A. LAMONT, Secretory. y .1;L+•;;$:3:«;«:1»bi:«S«k�rd«2!3�:2» 3 .w2 +.•!�27T:r +:=:�'o",='a_ii,+:rq»2»Ii.:,;:« 2»±:a«!:.t«5Y«!,�,:t«t.:t«; The Surrounding District . 0=2 atilta:dO rte... sta..4+I»P 44.4. k,f T ilairetTeersitteletsGetle JAMESTOWN Mee. McLean, from near Fort Will- iam, is visiting at the home of her 418 - Ler, Mee. Wm, Moses, Walter' and Mrs, McCutcheon, of Hamilton, were visitors at the horse of J• J, McOuteheon, 2nd lune, Mr. McOutcheol sang at the re -onion at Howick-Grey School, on Thursday of last week. WROXE.TER Atkin Ran n, Toronto, spent Sunday at his home here. Miss Florence Hall is holidaying with relatives at Leamington.Lawrence A1111111 told family, of Loudon, visited relatives here, last week. Robert McKercher, of Montreal, is spending a two weeks's holiday with his parents here. Stewart and Airs. Sanderson, Lon- don, were recent visitors with the former's parents, D. D. and Mrs, Sanderson. Misses Margaret and Isabel Davey are visiting relatives ab Alliston. Mrs, Rubt Rae, of Ardath, Sask., spent several days at the home of Airs, J, K. Rae, bins, Ray Lecky, of Herschel, Sask., Sask., is the guest, of her sister, Miss Mary Harris. Won. and Airs. McLean and H. and Mrs. Pattelnou wex'e (veek-end visitors at c4iagara P11118. The following item taken horn tin Mildmay Gazette refers to a son of D. \V. and Alrs. Rise, IInwtek : "W. (r, Rae, who has been Principal of the. Mildmay Public School for the past Lwo years has sent in his resignation to the Trustee Board. He has accept- ed a position nn the Toronto teaching staff at a salary of $1,050 per annum, and the Board, although exceedingly sorry to see hila go, Inas • accepted his resignation. Mr. Rae is a young man at geed principle, an efficient teacher and an excellent disciplinarian and is "as clean as a whip," The Board will ' havea difficult. time e toud another nothe• t Leitch ETHEL ler S*eci For One more Week only ending on the 19th of July Groceries Black and Green Tea, loose, reg. 75c for 59c P. & G. Soap, 6 cakes for25c Washing Ammonia, 4 pkgs for 25c Pure Clover Honey, 10 ib pail for $1.25 Eddy's Redbird Matches, 3 ;loxes for 25c Dry Dresses Silk Crepe, Fugi Silk, Broad- cloth Voiles to clear at .$1.98 (These are a real bargain.) Hats We are clearing out the bal- ance of our Ladies Spring and Sumner Haas, also; Felts at . $1.98 Chilclr,ns at . ... .... .....980 Men's and boy's straw hats.190 Shoes Children's Running Shoes, at per pair See Women's Running shoes, at per pair $1.29 Shirriff's Jello, 4 pkgs for 25c Corn, Peas and Tomatoes, 2 for 25c Seedless Raisins, 2 lbs for25c Sodas, 2 Its for .25c Ginger Snaps, 2 Ibs for, ..23c Eagle Brand Salmon, per can 37c Redpath Sugar, per cwt$6,50 Goods Staples Men's Balbriggan underwear, each . 59q Men's Merino underwear earl 89c Ladies Vests, each 19c Leather Label Overalls, special $1.80 Peabody's shirts $1.29 Boy's Suits from $1.98 to $7.95 Ladies Supersilk Hosiery, reg. $1.50 for $1.29 Ladies Art Silk Hosiery,..39c Towelling, 4 pieces, special per yard . 15c Prints, Ginghams and Chain- brays, per yard 25c Ladies and Childrens Oo'cton hosiery in black and sand, per pair 22c All Summer Dress Lengths Re- duced. China White & Gold Dinner Set, 07 English Clover Leaf Cups and nieces $23.50 Saucers at 15c. (Best quality made), !W. Come in and share the Bargains, , Highest prices paid for Eggs. Leitch t � e � Zia lr Phone 2211 ETHEL New A.dverilecment,, Hoy for ealn-Tho,. 01[nor Hny for 81118•-.11. T8811180[1 Piss for 851e -1t, J. N,•1 n'nneo Tile for sa!e-Be 1ph 'Thomson Tenders for p8anMIK-1811w] Pu bile School Tenders for dredging -11 11. O'Brien Auction Sale -George Ramsay Tenders wantsd-[}rev commit Trndernwanted-(Ian,H (leafier hurt summer sale -Mise 8h'gston unmmuulty Ple-nln-chamber-of Commerce Oivtn Holiday -Brussels 005961 principal of Mr. Ittie'8 rare type." Mrs. J. Gallaher has gone gone to Hamilton, where we hope that her health will be benefit d. John Grrnmill, Salem, suffered a paralytic stroke, Inst week, awl is in a 8400115 condition at his home, While working in his garage, Ar- nold Edgar had the misfortune to 1h'ar•ivdeany,e of his fingers badly hurt, on u CRANBROOI£ Many took in the re -union at the Fulton School, on TI1eShcty.' Miss Annie Steele is in Kitchener Hospital undergoing an operation. Mrs. Olmstead has been laid up with an attack of flu, but is progressing (favorably 0: W. Wm. tinct Mrs, Sm811don, Jackson, Mich,, spent the weekend at the foe- tner's home here, Mrs. Lyle Gordon, of Detroit, is spending a holiday at the home of her mother, Airs, John Hunter, Mrs. Harry Smallclon and slaughter, Edith, arrived horne last Wednesday after an 8 weeks motoring trip to Stratford, Galt, Burlington, Hamil- ton, Toronto, St, Catharines, Welland and Niagara Falls, also visiting Brock's monument. They had a good tune. MONCRIEFF TIIE MAGMA& RIs' UNION PIO 011 1Vednesday, July 4611, an interest• ing event took place at Bayfield when over 100 of the Machan relatives ancl friends rnet to enjoy a Re -union. The time was spent in feasting, sport con• tests, bathing, family conferences and social chat. Among those present was Airs, Robert Machan, of West Alonkton, who, although in her 85111 year, enjoys an outing quite as well as the young people. In honor of her p1454000 on t11ie 0101141011 she was pre- sented with a bottle of perfume. Dur- ing the day several photographs were taken of the group. A reunion of this kind leaves behind it many pleasant remembrances. Many happy returns of the dny. Scutum I(LroRT.-Fallowing is the f4e1111 111 PL•nlnntinn Socaminations;('ur S. 8, No, 8, (trey, Honors 75 vier cent, Pass 80 per rent, To JR IV -Mad- e -0u S ei S) 9 •Jennie aleKay y 2• Cynthia Meehan 78 ;Cee}I J lch- an 69 n fieebie Huffman 0.18 ; How- ard 111cNaught 83 , Russel (sole 58 ; Jeanie Harrison 67. To Sic III - Lindsay McKay 76 8 ; Dorothy Mann 67.4 ; Lillian Harrison 68 4 ; Marshall Harrison 58 6 ; Cecil Robinson 57.2 ; j Myrtle Gole-Promoted on account of illness. To JR. HI-ieonlyd Machan 60 ; Donald Riehl 60. To II -Louis Harrison 70 8 ; Everett Robinson 69 ; Mary Pratt, 70 ; Lloyd Machan 03, To I -Irma Hoffman 88 ; Wilma Har - 118011 35 ; Bettie Machan 85 ; Isaac Golgi (Promoted). PIIIMER-Charlie Harrison (gond), Steel Livingstone (good), Lloyd fond, Stirling Mond. B. 3. Roy, Teacher, GREY Percy Mulheron, of Brantford, in spending a holiday at tIle Purvis home on the 6111 con. Will. and Mrs. Ebliott, of Amherst. burg, are visitors 111 the home of Will. Cardiff, this week. Asneaky thief of Con. 9, Grey, stole a quantity of strawberries from his neighbor foe his Sunday meals, Edgar Hollinger, Detroit, spent the weekend with his fatter, Jake Holl- inger, and his aunt, Mrs, H. Speiran. Mo. and Mrs. Anderson and child- ren, of Peterboro, were visitors, dur- ing the past week, at the (tome of Mrs. R. Wilson, 10th Con. CARD OIC' ThANlcs - Wo wish to thank our friends and neighbors for the words and deeds of Mildness ex• tended to us at the death of our fath- er, Elijah Jacklin, We will never forget them. JACI{LIN FAMILY. Soaoor, REPORT. - Following are the Promotion Examination results for S. S. No, 8, Grey ; To Sm, IV - Honors -George Elliott ; Pass -Viola Turnbull, Norman Stevenson. JR, IV -Pass -Laura Reputed, Margaret Pearson, Eva Parr, Bert Rowland, SR. III -Pass -Ina Turnbull, George Hoy, George Pearson, Ralph Pearson, Hugh Pearson,JR, III -Honore - Jean Pearson ; Pss-Roes Stevenson, Jessie Pearson, Helen Rowland, Fred Keifer. JR II -Halbert Ke1Yer, SR, I -Lloyd Hoy, Bernice Parr, Doris Itaynal'cl. PRIMARY. ---Kenneth Wil. bee, Isabelle Turnbull, Cameron Som- ers, C. EV ANS, Teacher, 1444r1.4.4.4++4•d»1'4r•1+ •F1+4'•F•Nd•'84• Dancin .H -TO 3 a Harold Skinner's Blue Water Boys �Ip * I b Wingham Arena (1'liis fa1'18ara ate busy with the he ern 1), l'h 1028 thistle erop is going to be a good one along the sideroad. A new cement foundation 11(18 been pit tinder the barn of Harvey Hunter, lhli Con, Mins M. Livingstone, 'Toronto, is visiting at the home of her sister, Airs, A, Yuili. We are still waiting for the report of the Re.uuiou at the Boundary school. Don't forget the community picnic. at Bayfield, on July 191)1, Announce- ment is made in this issue, HAD A 1311/ Tam -The Re -union a Fulton's School on Tuesday was a hi success. A full cream It will appea l n our next 1es11e, MIS. Silas Johnston, 10th Com, i progressing favorably from an aper ation for goitre, at Kitchener Ilosp itel. Hiss. W, G, Far'gnhaesou and 11111 sou. of Provost, Alta„ are visiting old friends and took in the Fulton School Re-uniun where the former taught as Miss Kate Telfer, The funeral of the late Elijah Jack lin was held last Wednesday after •y ,1, COMMUNITY'S PATRIOTIC SERVICE 4. A community patriotic ser- :• vice will be held on the Wro- xeter Park, Sunday afternoon 4. July 22nd at 2.45 p.m. Rev, . 4. A. W. Barker, B. D., of Brus- • eels', will speak. Special pro4. - * 4. grams will be provided for g , the public. People of all de- • nominations are invited to• co- R• s S• perate. A community choir et • l S' will render special music. d• noon from the home 01 his son-in-law, Telford Helfer, 7111 1100„ and was largely attended. The pallbearers were six grand -sons :-Rohert Bird, Andy Jacklin, Wilfrid Ketl'er, Mel- ville, Richard and Jos. E. Jacklin. The firmer bearers were also six grand.children. Among the many floral tributes was a beautiful spray of roses from six of the grand -child- ren, Andy, Clifford and Laura Jack - lin, and Wilfrid, Charles and Ralph Keller, Interment was made in the Brussels cemetery. Deceased was born in Lanark Co., of English par- ent?, and carne to Grey township about 1864, and lived on the boundary and 2nd non, until 13 years ago when he and his par bier in life moved to Brussels to reside. Besides his wid- ow, who is in poor health, he is sur- vived by six sons and four daughters. WALTON The garden party held on the lawn of Wm, J. Woods, on Wednesday ev- enfWg, July 4th, was without question, the most successful of any that has been held so far, The total receipts amounted to about $600. A most sumptuous supper wee served by the ladies of the congregation of the Un- ited Church, Au excellent progtam was given by the Brunswick trio, of London, and "Jock" Ballantyne, the Scotch comedian. Every thus he ap- peared, he brought shouts of laughter from the audience. The program would not have been complete with- out the Seaforth Kittle Band, which 8485 in attendance. A refreshment booth 8405 on the -grounds and the Mission Band had a booth at which they sold homemade made enndy. MORRIS Haying is now on, The Stone School Re -union was a big success last Thnreclay. Misses Juneve and Elaine Hull, of Walkerville are spending a holiday with their grandparents, Alex, H, and Mrs. McNeil, 5111 lice, Mrs, E. McLean and daughter, Miss Hope McLean and little granddaugh- ter, ;foyer. Gorton, of Detroit, are vis- iting orae at the h of W. S ti, R. noses. The big community picnic will be held at Jowett's Grove, 5117081(1, on Thursday, July 10th. See announce- ment in this week's issue of THE POCA. STRI/ 00 THANES. - We wish to thanks our neighbors and friends for their kindness and sympathy in the sudden demise of their, daughter, El- va. It will 110t soon be forgotten, , DAYm ANI) MRS. RAMSAY. SCHOOL REPORT -Following is the result of the Final Promotion Exam- inations of S. S. No. 9, Morrie, as the classes will be next term : SR. IV - Tom Kirkby, JR. IV -Clifford Pease, SR, III -Beacham Alcock, Isabel Al. cock, Mae Shorteeed, J1t, III -Addie Bell (honors). Recommended to SR, II -Lloyd Alcock, Walter Bentley, Lloyd Pease. JR, II -Ruth Alcock. Recommended to JR, II -Jack Bryans, Bobbie Kirkby, Wattle Bewley, Marg- aret Bell, Sturrt McCall, Allan Searle, PRIMER -Brio Alcook. A, 0. M000wAN, Teacher. SO:Ioot REPORT. -Following is the report of S, S. No. 7, Morrie ; Classes as they will be in September : JR. IV -Velma Duncan 58, SR, III -An- nie Pierce 74 ; Dorothy Bone 82 ; Joe Brewer 56 (Recommended), JR, II- Lettte Pletee 75 ; Archie Henderson 69 ; Bettie Currie 67. SR. I -Ross Wheeler 72 ; Jack Wheeler 66, JR. I A -Ross Duncan 78 JR, I -Charlie Br•pane 81 ; Domie Currie 80 • dred Sellers 80 ; Mary Ireland (Ab. sent), Ammo PROCTER, Teacher. SCHOOL REPORT. -Following are the Promotion Examination Results of S. 8, No, 8, Morris r VTR OLASS-Edith Garniss S5. JR. IV to SE IV -Jean Turvey74; Dorothy Goll' 70 ; Tom Garniss 60 ; Jean Garniss 64. SR, III to 31s IV -Willie Black 67 ; Clarence Stewart 40, JR III10 SR III -Viola Goll 75 ; Irene Warwick 71 ; Charlie Mothers 61. SR. II to JR. III. -Marg. meet Turvey 73 ; Isabel Thynne 07 Douglas Black 61 ; Irene Ament 50. SR, II to JR, II -Ross Purvey (Zion - ors), Dorothy Stewart (Hou,), Beetle Black (11011.1. SR PR, to JR 1-01ar• ence Goll (Hon,), Elizabeth Hatbox's (Bon,), Stewart Ament (Hon,). Hon- ors '15 per cent, Pass 60 per cent. ELVR J. HEanienveA'Y, Teacher. RM•UNION, - Last Thursday, the Stone School No, '7 held a re -union and a big crowd mane hack to help elebrate. In the afternoon, Wm. Is- ister, of Wingham, and an old boy, was Chairman of the program, and N Every Thursday Night +++++++++++++++++44+++++++ t tiring the afternoon, Geo, $potion, M. P., Dr. Mary Findlater, of Wadi. ngton, Dr. Wesley Rowe, Philadel- phia, Jas. Moses, Manitoba, Welling - on McTaggart, Toronto, a former ember at the seh0ol 47 years ago, Thos. Reid, another former teacher, and John Elston, of Pelnee Albert, gave addlesses, 10 Ole evening, Dr, Rowe was Chairinan, The present school was built in 1877 and the form- er one was a log echnnlhnuee with a log dwelling for the teacher. The re- union will long live in the lives of the old pupils. Passim oN.-The funeral of the late Elva Remeay, only child of David and Mrs. Ramsay, 1st Con., was held last Friday from the parental home. Inter- ment was made in B usvale cemetery. The services were conducted by Rev, W. J. West, of Atwood, a former minister at Bluevale. The pallbear- ers included uncles of the deceased, The many floral tribunes were beaut- iful and testified to the high esteem in which Miss }22Iva had been held by neighbors and ftieuds. Among those from a distance to attend the funeral were : 12. and Airs. Crawford, Strat- ford ; Allan and Mrs Ramsay, Ches- ley ; Sarni. and Alt's. Ramsay, Wier - ton ; Dlr', and Mrs. Love, Atwood ; John and Mrs. Pugh and ale. and Mrs. Larkwnrthy, Mitchell ; Mis.s Cowan, Lochalsh ; Woods family, of Hensall ; Mr. and • Mrs. Nichol, Pais- ley ; Wrn, and Mrs, Wands and Chas, and Mrs, Woods and sister. of Tees - water ; Mr. and Airs. McK4r1S1e and Mrs, McGI•egtll, of Glamis. The par- ents have the sympathy of the enrn- n1Rnity in the loss of their only child. SISTER PASSES AWAY. -Following an illness of six months, there passed away to her eternal test, on Thurs- day, at Wingham, Mary Jane Phelan, beloved wife of Edward Fitzpatrick, in her 881.h year. She was born in West Wawanosh, where she spent about 20 years of her early married P Int sloes residing in Vi *i 1 n na � m. She was a staunch supporter of the Sacred Heart Church and one who seemed to have a good word for everyone, thus making many warm friends for her- self. Besides her sorrowing husband, she leaves three daughters, Loretta, Mildred and Delphine, of Detroit, also two brothers and four sisters : Joseph P , of Cincinnati ; John, Morris Twp ; Mrs, D. J. Mc0assy, Toledo ; Mrs. Richard Bloke, Clinton ; Mrs, Jae, Kelly and Mrs, Peter Healey, both of Morris Twp. The funeral was held from her }ate residence, ' e cit on Saturday morning, with service in the Sacred Heart Church at 9 a. ni. Mass was celebrated by Rev. Father W. J. Phel- an, nephew of the deceased woman, and Rev. Father McHugh, parish priest, was present in the sanctuary, Interment was made in St. Augustine cemetery. ETHEL W, P. Bray is driving a dos Ford coupe. AI 113s Buchart, R. N., of Stratford, is m attendance with Mee. N, Franklin, Rev. and Mrs. 8, W. Hann, of Kit- chener, visited febends here, last week. George Addy is re -shingling his barn, Ralph Rowland was assisting at the job. Miss Edith King. of Detroit, is spending a couple of weeks at her home here. Master Jack Lockhart, of Bonds Corners, spent a day with his aunt, Mrs. A. E. Dane. John and Mrs. Slemmon and Kath- arine, of Preston, spent a few days with the former's parents here. Rev, Jas. Scobte, of Belgrave, will preach in the United Church. on Sun- day at 7,30 p. m. Everybody wel. come. Mrs. Ed, Stephenson and Clyne have returned to Niagara Falls after holi- daying at the home of AIrs,A,E, Dane, Mrs. Ed, Stephenson and children, of Niagara Falls, are spending a few days with John and Mrs, Stephenson. Wm, and Mrs. Muir, also Wm. Lockhart, of Woodstock, have been visiting with their sister, Mrs, A. E. Dane, The Ethel Softball Tenni journeyed bo the re -union at U. S. S, No, 16, Grey & Flowick, last week, and were suocessf10 in winning first money, Mrs, Bella Stroh, Mrs, Jno. ;Stroh and daughter, of Niagara Falls, N. Y„ also Mee, Lewis Shultz, of New Emile, 12, Y., have been visitors at airs. A. Dane's. Joseph and Mrs. Atnes, Ethel, an- nounce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Lyla Mande, to Franklin Joseph Hunter, of Oshawa, Ont., son of the late Irvin and Mrs. Bunter, the marriage to take place on July 14th. W. I. -The regular meeting of the Women's Institute will be held on Friday afternoon of next week, July 20th, instead of Thursday, The Meet, ing will be held ab the home of Mr's. McMaster, The subject, "Iiints on Care of the Sick," ie by Mrs. McMast- er ; Demonstration, in charge of Mrs. McMaster, Roll Call-Dont's for the � Sick Room, Current Eases tit Will also be given. Mid -Summer Sale OF Spring and Summer HATS Now on at our Millinery Parlors Great Bargains Come in and get one ! COMCMO liingston Personal Paragraphs 1 v Master Billy Palmer is holidaying in London. Archie Ballantyne is holidaying in Detroit and at other points, Roy Brothers, of Stratford, was a visitor in town, on Thursday last, Master Jiro Palmer is holidaying on the farrn of his uncle near Cargill, Reeve A. 0, Baeker was in the Co. town on county business, last week. Vernon Clegg, of Pontiac, Mich., spent a few days in Brussels, this week, Miss Nina Rogers, of Mount Forest, is visiting with her sister, Mrs. A. 0, Dames. Russel Boyd Ferguson, of Toronto, spent Friday with his cousin, Mary Helen Kerr. Bruce and Airs. Hayden and baby of London, were recent visitors with Mrs. W. Palmer. Miss Dorothy Ballantyne is visiting with her slitter, Mrs. (Rev.) Kennedy, at Mount Brydges. Master:John Fowler was a visitor at Kitchener Hospital, last week, and had his tensile removed. Airs. Walter Scott, of R.nduey, was a weekend visitor with Jas. S. and Mrs. Armstrong, filth Con. Miss Ethel (Toots) Burton of Mar- ion, Ohio, who is now residing In the State., was here, on Tuesday, Misses Marguerite Rankin and Dor- othy Pliny, of Elora, are visitors with Mrs, A. McGuire, William st, Miss Winnie Long has returned home after a delightful holida in nDe- J. L. KERR, Proprietor Civic Holidayl BRUSSELS In responso to a petition numerous- ly signed by the business people of the village asking that Thursday, July 19th esa+. be Civic Holiday fns Brussels, I here- by proclaim the 88014 and ask the cit. ize1 S to cbeei ye it as such, A. 0. BAI;KER, Reeve, A Oommnrlity Pie.nic to Bayfield, to include Brussels, Ethel, Grey and Morris, will he held on above date. Al. Denny, of Buffalo, is in town to spend his vacation. A, 3, McLil1chlio, of Stratford, WAS ill town, on Tueeday. Robert G. Durk is improving a little every day, we are pleased 10 hear. Mrs. A. C. Baeker has returned aft - era 7.1811 at Burford, Tot onto and oth- er pointe, Mrs. W. H. Kerry was called to Dun- das, this weep, to attend the funeral of her cous}n, Laurel Kay, ycnngest daughter of Mrs. Kay and the late Prof. A, H, Kay. Mrs. Alliughaul and daughter's, Pat. and Shelia, of Saskatoon, are visiting N. F. ancl Mrs. Gerry. 14Irs. Alling- ilarn will be better r• membered as Miss Stellu Gerry. Mrs, It. F. Downing anti daughter, Miss Margaret, Miss Elizabeth Dnwn• ing, Mrs. Jas. 051111 it and Miss Addie Oat diff were at Kitrhenet, ors Satur- day, when It F. Downing had an op- eration. He is doing as well as can be expected, unci although ti." beat has been trying to the dent, we are i pleased to know that . "Bob" is !mid- i ing his own. ,lits. Dnwhing remain- ed 111 Kiteheoer, the rest of the fam- ily returnil:g Monne, en Satntday night. Will. Cardiff, Miss Elizabeth , Downing anti, Walter awl Mt 4. lir}Il. I ((115011 R'41'4 111 11 .118114,', f'I' ,. ality. The many friends 81000(1 town are hoping for a enmplete recovery. r// trait and other pCluts in Michigan, Airs 7f Pierson and Master Donald Robert spent a few days this week at• the home of the former at Pott Elgin, �+�} Church ®tee Mrs, Joe Wilton Was called to Var- na, last Friday, 011 account of a motor accident to her brnthee, Jim Taylor, Allan A. Lamont and sister, Miss Mary Lamont spent the week -end with relatives and friends in Kincar- dine. D. M. and Mrs. Scott and Mrs, Ester Dinsmore, of London, spent the week- end visiting relatives and ftiends in town. Wyman and Sits, Sperling, of Lon- don, were welcome visitors for a few days with Fletcher and Mrs, Sperling, Church st. Walter A, Lowry and sons, Mc- Curdy and Jack, were London visit- ors, on Friday. The boys tools in the Ciecus there. Mrs, Earl Cunningham underwent an operation at Kitchener Hospital, on Tuesday. and is doing as well as can he expected, Rev, and Mrs, Kennedy and child- ren, 01 Mount Brydges, wers guests alt the home of 3, B. and Mrs. Ballan- tyne, last week, M1s, Wm. Mitchell, of Toronto, is here owing to the fact that her father, Couneillnr Jun. Hewitt, has been on the sick list again. W. S, and Mre. Broadfoot and ➢Irs, A, Brnadfoot, of Tuckerstnith, were calling ml Robt. G. and Mrs. Dark, The ladies are cousins, Wilfred and Mrs, Parr and family and Mrs, T. Chamberlain, of Guelph, were here' on a visit to the formet's mother, Mrs. Mary Parr, at the home of W,.0. Smith. Miss Mary McNab is attending the Presbyterian Summer School being held at Knox College, Toronto Mies McNab was appointed as delegate from Maitland Presbyterial. Jack and Mrs. Elliott, of Amherst- burg, were calling on old friends in Brussels and vicinity, this week. They motored up, having left their children visiting at Stratford. Harry Laird, of Detroit, has been visiting with his oouein, S. T. Plum, at the Queen's, Mr, Laird left Brus- eels when he was 10 years old and therefore sees many changes in the old town. Henry and Mrs, Wieduttes, of De- troit, accompanied by the Misses Margaret and Mildred Maunders. were galling on old friends and relatives in Brussels on their return trip to De- troit, Mich, Palmer Somerville and wife, of Ebh• el, and Mrs. Palmer and Mrs, Taylor, aunt and grandmother of the former, motored to Cargill, of Monday even. ing. Mrs, Taylor will visit with bee son there for a while, Bayfield was the attraction, 00,800. day afternoon, to those who sought the lakeshore. Among those who were there from Brussels were Archie and Mee. MoDonald, eon and daughter ; J. Leslie and Mrs, Kerr, Mary Helen and Mrs. IV. H. Kerr ; George Pierce and Fred Stephenson and family, Mr. Stephetfeen took a weak snail at the wheel of hie car, Ov- ercome by the heat, bit was able to return bone in the evening, we are pleased to state. Melville Church. The regular meeting of the Wo- men's Missionary Society of meiville Church was held on Friday afternoon, fe. ,'tiaclIan presided and w88 assist- ed in the opening exerriees by miss I•tislop and alis. A, Smith. The study, "Tire Royal Road," was veryably tak- en up by miss 'instep anti Miss M0545. Miss Menzies gave the Review of Miss - 10115. The solo, "Trees," was sung by Mies Wilma Galbraith and was much appreciated. MI4. Ferguson, of Tor- onto, formerly a member, was present and closed the meeting with prayer. WALTON Thos, and Mrs, Mose and two child- ren, Ethel and Luella, of Milverton, have been visiting relatives in this vicinity, Oloyne Ennis had his left arm brok- en on Sunday, at Jewett's (Grove, at Bayfield, when the rope on a awing broke. He was taken to Clinton 1'in8pi1al for an X-ray, The other lad saved himeelf by hanging on to the tope and slid to the ground, ROWLAND-REYNOLDS. - A pretty wedding was solemnized in St, James' Catholic Mulch, at Seaforth, on Sat- urday morning, July 7111 at 11 o'clock, wl:eu Ma y Catherine, elder deugh. ter of Dominic and Mrs. Reynolds, of Seaforth, was united in marriage to Edward F. Rowland, son of atichael and Mrs. Rowland, of Walton. Nup- tial mass was celebrated by the past- or, Rev, E. H. Goetz. The winsome bride, who was given in marriage by her father, was beautifully gowned in blue and silver shot taffeta trimmed with silver lace and wore silver slip- pers and a hat of harmonizing shades. She carried a shower boquet of Lady Willingdon roses and lily-of-the.yall- ey, She was attended by her sister, Miss Eleanor Frances Reynolds, who was daintily dressed in rose georgette and cream lace and beige hitt and gloves, stockings and alines of the sante shade, The hridgroom was sup- ported by Thomas Flynn, of Clinton. The wedding music was played by the organist, Mrs, Frank Devereaux, the choir being composed principally of the girl friends of the bride, During the mass, a 8010 was rendered by Mre, Len Fortune and a duet by atlas Ryan,. of. Walton, and Mrs. Frank Devereaux, ,Joseph Dorsey and Gordon Rowland were ushers, At the close of Ole cm. emony, the bridal party and guests numbering about thir(y.fivo persons motored to the borne cif the bride's parents, where the wedding breakfast was served. I,rr, and MVP, Rowland left amid a shower of confetti and good wishes on a motor trip to Nia. gara Falls andcDetroit, The bride travelled in a dress of navy georgette trimmed with lace 8nd a goat of char. tnaleen with beige mouflon trimming. On their retuen they will reside on the bridegroom's farm near Walton, Prior to her marriage, the bride watt entertained at several the funetione given in flet honor.