The Brussels Post, 1928-7-4, Page 8WEDNESDAY, JULY 4th, 1928,
Fill Your Photographic
Sign of the Yellow Box
Kodaks, Brownies,
Finishing — You'll
Eastman line at our
Needs at the
Accessories, Film,
find the complete
Kodak Section,
Summer Vacation Needs
Thermos Bottles Bathing Caps Gauze Bandage
First Aid Emergency Kits Sheeter Skoot
Lotions and Creams to prevent and cure Sunburn
Talcum Powders Tooth Brushes Tooth Paste
Face Cloths and Sponges Bair Nets
Fountain Pens Stationery, &c,
Water Glass
Egg Preserver
1 lb. Ties 20C.
Thi., amount is su ,c tit
d101ng about it doe. egg,.
Clothes Gleaner
Removes oil and Grease
Spots, Tar, ote.
" d r l:tila1111,1 tbl?. it is mush
eiefer to use that many other
pteparations for this puree. J_e..••
1 lt1 tins 50e
R. � /� 'p 1,1 Com.
nim 7
A.i.'S i t.ribe
rite;,. -i .iL a
Brussels United Church
REV. A. W. BARKER, 8, 0,
Sunday, July 8th
10 a,m.—Sunday School and Bible
11 a.m.—Public Worship.
The Children's Story
Sermon Subject :
"The Manifold Blessings of the
Christian Life"
7 p.m.—Public Worship.
Theme :
"Our Little World"
Wednesday—Prayer Service
Friday 8 p. 01.-
-Choir rehearsal.
Thursday of this week (July 5)
Dr. E. W. Heels, London, England,
will ;give two addresses in the United
Church, at 3 and 8 o'clock,
!FOR SALE—Pure Bred Yorkshires
front 0. A. C. sows and Govern-
ment owned boar; sows, any age;
young boars ready to wean. Wil-
bur Turnbull, Lot 11, Con. 15.
Grey, Phone 28-1tt. 3-2 Steel Tank, 12 -barrel
capacity, for sale. Apply to Choc.
Pope, Brussels Machine Shop.
LOST—Tan grip lost between Brus-
1s +tat?on and \i'a1:on. Finder
leave et The Post. 3-1 his 85th year and had long r,'.4.i••,l
USED P t I frr gale.. Your choi-e on the ::ill con. of (trey Township, ro-
of a E4te,1 c, runb.•r tired. Apply tiring to Brussels about 15 years ago.
1L-1 adz.. an, Phone 42, Brus leu_.ides his wife he is surveyed by le
si1i;,u,,l.3.1 ons and four d ut ht:rs The fon, r.
HAY FOR SALE -2 lots of alfalfa 1'1 will be held to the Brussels (yew-
ye w -
i l 1 1,•t of tenon,. .•Neel,. to tery from the home of Telford lieffer
tete. Heist, 1,tuas l . son-in-latw, 7th con. of Grey, on Wed-
ne dsy afternoon. ,
To Builders
of Canadian Industry
INCE 1873 we have beer col -
ducting a banking business in a
L.,7 manner compatible with the best
development of Canadian industry.
This is evidenced in the success of
those whom we have served. To yon
who will be the leaders of to -morrow,
we oiler sound financial support and
counsel. Our local manager is ready
to discuss ways and means of assist-
ing. the new venture or expanding
the growing business.
Manager, Brussels Branch
Will Deliver Two Addresses.
Thursday of this week (July 5th)
Dr, E. W. Hughs, of London, Eng.,
will give two addresses in the United
church et 3 and 8 o'clock. All are
welcome. -
Auction Sale of Colts,
Nesbit Hamilton will hold an auc-
tion sale of a car load of colts, yearl-
ings and two -year-olds at his proper-
ty, ?n utile north of Brussels on Sat-
urday, July 7th at 2 o'clock. Seo
advt. in this issue.
Died at Hamilton.
Elijah Tacklin, an old time resi-
dent of this locality died Sunday in
St. Pear's; Seminary, Hamilton, to
which plate be had been taken only a
few tv' k. ago. Mr. Jaclslin w•:1:; is
:.•...,ter,. ,,_-.:�..� .�......:max.:ter_...-.__ry_,.�.-.s,� Fon :a^1.:, -6 -year-old driving Mara
„111141 and right. Apply to Frank
1•, .-tom :.-•:••.t..:.,;4.0..K.4 , ;.,;«»::, ,.,, r«te,114. 1 . 4»:.'»:»»°«'T»: r+ ,»: .r..4»..:�'r, NV 00ils, d;rnreals, Phone 71x, •
3 , e. t Maid Wanted—Apply to Mrs. W.
' P� SI'S
.1-terns fe. :, ..r lair, Phnrc 51).
Ty ��C; � 1,'Y Full Stock of Repairs for all Massey
ltd„; g,»»p,;,.,«.4,««, ,.` ..,., , _r: ,•o,•+:w:*•,«:»:»z»3.•-t«:»» w«:'»:«m•ti ;»:»;~', :»:>r+.:»;»p ITarl•is machinery is now carried at
the local wareroom, Brussels. Ern.
Won at Goderich. Away for a Holiday. est Careiff, assent. You are invlt-
The Bowlers from town who were r .,1 n11'1 Mn,. I:archill and family ed to come to the wareroon at any
at c ee,,eeh lest week •-m ,.The, 1, t on S!,tutd .; for Po nd.,au Beach, time and inspect the latest improv -
Spee ,l Event” the pile:._ being ell- eelleee thee will holiday for a fewed Ma -.'y Harris machinery. 53-2
ver bread tray,. w- '•les,
House Sold. Won Jitney.
Yrs. W. W. Harris h dl pn �l of The ;•u] t weekly J tneg was held
her brick house on Queen ,m.e t to on 1u ••ay eV( 'II and the winners
Duncan McDonald, who recently y; 1' J, Ir.._.tu, Th S. :sort, -a.
moved in from Jamestown. Possess- - ht .e?.an and t . Docker.
ion will be given shortly, ' Community Picnic July 19, 100 ACRE FARM FOR SALE:—
Heavy Traffic, Keep in iii, id cher Community Pic- Being Lot 3, con. 16, Grey, Build- and wknlesome, the actingcleverly
,,,,1, ' nic to be held at I:layfield on Thurs. -ings in first class condition. An- anpealing and the situations handled
The malar traflir. through Bra... day, July 111. Fuller aunuurceutent drew Sloan, Phone 27-12. R, R. with all the finesse of wihch the vet
was cert' heavy over the week end. No. 2, Brussels. 23-tf. grans are capable. Dix 'cakes the
The night train on Saturday was over :1°111 irr muse+r next week. 1:* role of an American youth, honest
an hour late, and train had m ny Lost to Monktoa. + and industrious, but temporarily
passengers for the various stations i \\ th a patched -up team the Eros- W. C. T. U. Meeting. downcast and in need of a job. kt
along the line, ser rot's held the ,llonkton foot ball The regular monthly meeting of this crisis in his life, he meets a girl
Were at Atwood. team to a draw the first half, and :the W. C. T. U. will be held on Fri- and. almost simultaneously, is un -
Two rinks of bowlers f.^ole the `had Just as much of the play as the day afternoon at the home of Mrs, wittingly induced to aid a clever
Brussels Club attended the tourney visitor •. Tn the second half, while T. McCall at 3 o'clock, All the mem- but good-natured crook in a bank
at Atwood on Monday, but as the ' not th+•ir checks the Monk- bers are invited to attend and dere- robbery. When he discovers what
seal was too hot, they deckled that ton boys scored two goals and the gates to the Co, Convention will be he has &Ile, he is in such a positi:r.1
they wooer not brio; any of the. ' Ilrucsel: bot after a ha]f•dozen close appointed at this meetin as to restitution difficult and
lees lame. ; calls got eau goal. They were 0n- embrarassing and those persons moss
pr' l
Minor ocas, interested in recovering titled to a penalty, but the referee Mig + th
e money
A Great Rain. tossed the ball. Next celebration is the glorious do all inn their power to frustrate his
12tHgood intentions. The part is one
pecculiarly adapted to Richaed Dix's
art. It is a fast moving action pro-
ducing part with a distinct note of
sympathetic humor which is easy to
understand and easy to respond to.
Supporting Dix is Nancy Carroll,
whose eirevious success in the pictu--
ization of Anne Nichols' Abie's Irisp
Rose won her a favored place on the
screen, • She increases her lead on
real movie five by her work in this
picture, A hill cast of well-known
actors portray characters avhich are
decidedly representative and appeal-
Long and Faithful Service
Fittingly Recognized.
Last Thursday evening the teach-•
cernoons, but parents are welcome at fortyeeight nations are represented in ing scall of the United Sunday School
The thirty-first annual convention any 'time, R. Faeroveeis attending her prison population, assembled at the home of Mrs, hands,
of theHuron Co, Womens Christian from Brussels. Brussels south. This little conference
Temerance,, Union will be held in
Ontario St. United Church, Clinton, "Resurrection” Coming Friday,
on Tuesday, July 10th. Sessions With "Resurrection" coming to
will be held at 9.30 a.m.; 2 and 13 p. the Grand Theatre on Friday as a
ne Visitors welcome at all sessions. film in which Rod La Roe ue is starr-
Mrs. A. A. Geo.gre, London, will ad- q
dress afternoon and evening sessions,
New Principal for Palmerston.
The Palmerston Continuation
School and Public School Board of
Education has engaged C. E. Powell,
as principal of 'ehe Continuati•',n
"Easy Come, Easy Go."
What premi e's to be one, of the
most enjoyable with that popular star
Richard Dix. in his newest offering,
"Easy Come, Eaey Go," on the
screen next Tuesday and Wednesday
evening at the Grand, Again Richard
Dix, whose recent farce comedies
have struck a new, high note in mot-
ion picture entertainment, moles a
decided bit, according to the New
York reviewers, in his latest farce
Brand New China Cabinet, also 3
comedy, "Easy Come, Easy Go."
new ferneries and other hand. Dix cleverly achieves a sympathetic
note during the picture, end the re-
sult is a story decidedly entertaining.
The latest Dix picture ie the screen
version of the Owen Davis play, and
the production is excellently staged
and developed. The theme is light
made artiel, e for sale at a bargain
Geo. Edwards, Brussels,
QUANTITY Dry Wood for sale; also
good sunnner wood. D. McKinnon
Phone 23-10.
Friday an all day rain passed over South Huron Boys' Camp. Dominion Day passed off quietly
this district, and in the evening tea Forty-five boys went into camp at in town,
flood -gates mutt have geen opene,i, Grand Bend last Mondaymorning, The soldier boys are off to London
To say "it poured" was putting it to enjoy a week's life ithe open. for 11 days.
mildly. The low lands suffered a bit, The camp is in charge of ten headers Many homes were decorated for
but the reet of the land soon absorle and a capable chef. Rev. J. M. Col- Canada's birthday.
ed the moisture. It would do a lot ing, of Grand Bend, is the director. British Columbia will hold a Pro-
of good. The program includes group games, vincial election on July 18'th,
Had Best Grass Score. aquatics, astronomy, athletics, nature A number of our citizens have
Last Wednesday afternoon it study and bird lore. Immediately af- been taking in Old Home week at
i't ter the opening of the camp the boys Mildmay.
Schools closed last week for sum-
mer holidays, to re -open on Tuesday,
September 4th,
Standard Reliance Asse'cs Corp.
on July 1st made their usual semi•
annual payment to stock holders,
Canada's population is rapidly be-
coming cosmopolitan. No less than
London dentists and district dent , e were ,given a thorough medical exam -
held a .very successful golf tourney ination by Dr. Weeks, of Exeter. The
at London and Dr. J. Vernon Ross, of camp has been organized on the
London, and youngest son of D. C. Indian Tribal basis with the director
and Mrs. Ross, of town, was a prize; being the Big Chief. Each tent lead -
winner, having the best gross score er is a chief, while one of the boys in
for 18 holes. each tent is a little chief. Visitors'
W. C. T. U. Annual Convention. days are Wednesday and Sunday af-
ed and Dolores del Rio featured, an-
nouneemer c was recently made that
Mary Garden would tour U. S. and
Europe in Alfano's opera, "Resur-
rection," also based on Tolstoy's clas-
sic novel. The film was made by Ed.
win Carewe and is presented by In.
school The new principal is a son of spiration Pictures and Carewe, The
the late Rev. E. G. Powell and Mrs. opera was sung for the first time in
Powell of London, and formerly of .America by Miss Garden at the Audi-
Brussef s. 01(1 friends wish him suc-
cess in his new position.
The Newmarket Era last week re-
ports a presentation .to Miss Edna
McCall by the teachers on the New-
torium, Chicago, New Year's eve,
1925. Unusual interest attaches to
the two names when it is revealed
that Miss Garden's own film appear-
ance in "The Splendid Sinner" In
1918 was directed by this same Ed-
win Carewe. Miss Garden's role in
market school stein— The monthly the opera is the same as that played
bridge party of the Public School by Delores del Rio in the fill. Jus'c
teachers took place sem the residence about the time Edwin Carewe was,
of Mr. Cornell last Monday evening playing the role of Prince Dmitri in
when advantage was taken of the a stock company version of "Resur-
opportunity for all the teachers on rection" in Kansas, a friend of Mary
'the staff to show their affection and Garden named Franco Alfano saw
esteem 'co Miss McCall, who has re- the stage version in Europe and get
signed She was presented with a about writing an opera based on the
Reunion of the MeArter Famly, had been in the air for some time and
An enjoyable afternoon was spent was really, the c;uartely ttaehers'
by the members of the McArtter fag, meeting with a bit of good tirne
ily on July 2nd, at the McArcer thrown in. After a splendid lunch,
of evhich everybody partook too
homestead, 7th con. Morris. Themmuch, but felt none the worse for it,
present of the family were all various items of Sabbath school in -
ford; as t, of
Harry, itonBof : tercet were discussed. It was cle-
ford; Robert, rs Belmont; Milton of tided to ,send two delegates to the
Brampton; Mrs, J. BrownBlyth;
Mrs. P. A. McArthur M1'5. Al. C. Bae- 1 Godcrich Summer School; also to
ker, Brussels; Mrs, 8, - Crerar and order fifty copies of "Inc Northern
Mrs. R. Work,' Toronto. .Relatives Messenger" on a trial offer, so as to
were present to the number of 75. promote Temperance education in the
An unique feature of the gathering Sunday School. To the same enol
was the presence of four generations Pledge signing is to be encouraged,
Mrs, Geo. Kirkby, Brussels, an aunt and finally a charge was entered a -
of the family, aged 88 years, Mrs, ' gainst the hostess of the evening.
Peter McArthur, Blyth, Mrs. Gilbert This indictment was read by Mrs. Ida
Grigg, Moose Jaw and the letters' Lowry and ran as follows:
three children, Ruth, George and Dear Mrs. Rands:
Ralph. The youngest member pre- ' When we were snaking arrarege-
sent was Baby Donald, four-month- menti to accept your kind invitation
old son of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Mc- for this evening, wo thought we
Atter, of Morris. The afternoon was would like in some way, to show our
la long term of service, and we feel
honoured to have you among us. As
a little token of our esteem, will you -
accept this rocker with our levee
This does not mean, Mrs. Rands, that
you are being superannuated. On
the contrary, we still need you, and
if possible, more than we ever '•',
because of your wide expeller: se 1
sound judgment. We have nee fur-
gotten that our men's Bible el— • .:a;
fires proposed by your good self. Now
aur reason for this little ceremony
is that, wi'th Mr Barker, we believe
in "laurels for the living," and we
wish you to be assured that we hon-
our and reeneet you more than our
nemarent indifference walilcl some-
times indiente. As you sit here pre-
nnr'ng the lesson for garb nnproaeh-
ing Seedev, yen will remember that
we n,w with you in spirit and theft
we are n11 Rtrivinl+.'. irr 'Flit help. -tt
'41n 'the T nrd'4 work.' Signed on no -
hall' of ORdeere end Ter.'hers of the
Breseel'= 1'nited `shad nv S,•hnel.
• 'The choir was pre;e'nt,••1 by .A. C.
TTe•'my, P,nerintnncL•nt. The ro'i-
n'et.t rmilird in n few 1411ohle ward-'.
Slip tierce trennire+v delielaerd ,n,d
e,inoll4' surmised. N,;t1r•r '.firs,
Reeds nor Pili 1141 ]+nn+d a whi:nm•
of what Ives beleg eleenr•d, whleli
weele seem to indicate that, ne. "1a-
iernlly nt least, women can 0111141"'
to keep n secret. The 011e1,, in nnee-
linn le rattan rocker. nicer• finished
in ,and and brown, and so vote£, +-
nide that i; will scarcely need n co -Il-
ion. With many ennrrntulatinns an d
gene wishes to 'their sewer ren-lebenr-
er. the company senal'ated, feelire,•
net the evening had been m, untts-
ually pleasant one,
St. John's Church
St. John's Church is closing down
• its evening service during July and
August. Thee Sunday Se ool at 10
a.m. and regular morningservice at
11. o'clock will be held as usual.
Melville Churcb
Matthew 6:13 "For Thine ie the
kingdom and the power, and the
glory, forever, Amen." was the tee's.
taken by the Pastor, Rev. F, G. Fow-
ler in Melville Church last Sabbath
morning in concluding the series of
sermons on "The Lord's Prayer".
This sentence of the Lord's Prayer
emphasizes (1) the permanence of
the kingdom of God and we can real-
ize that because it is founded on
Truth and Beauty and Love, it will
last forever; ,(2) The Power of
Christ . This power of Christ, which
is able to transform man and women
and make them a power for good in
the world, will last forever; (3) The
lasting quality of the Glory of the
kingdom of Christ. Earthly glory
will fade but 'che true Glory that wins
the approval of God will last forever.
The true glory is shown in the life of
Christ when he gave himself on the
WB000LIDR —In larey, on 'Wednesday, Irate
27th, 1828, to Id r, and tars. Stanley Wheel-
er, a daughter (stillborn,)
JAC&I1N.—In St,, Peter's Inseminnry, Paint!.
ton, on Sunday, duly 1st, IOlijah Jnoktln,
of Brussels, in 1rtt itch year,
RAt1SAY.—In Kincardine, on Ally 1st, 1228,
Riva Tena, only daughter of David end
hl re. Ramsey, aged 24 years and 1 month,
Farm for Sale
The undersigned offers for Sale his 100 sore
farm, being Lot 24, Con, 12. trey township,
On the premises is n good briefs house and
hank barn with water in both. rnrnt lain
firat•aleas condition and Is all otenred except 6
noes maple bath, Will sell either with or
without prop, Ill health is reason for selling.
For further particulars aupty to the proprle•
tor. WsCR UB R :cpmxLnAN,
8.2 Phone 5511 R.11.11, Brussels.
CarOlof ad
Yearlings and 2 -year-olds
spent in games and pleasant reco]- appreciation of your long term of Will be held on the property
lections of former days. Refresh- service in the Sunday 'School. For
merits were served at five o'clock. many ,years you have been one of Halfomile North bf Brussels.
After a vote, of thanks to the present our active and efficient teachers; and
owner of the farm and his wife, Herb the good seed you have so faithfully on Saturday July 7th
and Mrs. Kirkby, Auld Lang Syne scattered, yes, and which, praise
was sung, the company dispersed tak- God, you are still sowing, has and at 2 o'clock
beautiful Silver Meat Platter, ac- great love of Prince and peasant. ing with them memories of happy will bring forth more precious fruit Scott, Hamilton,
by thein best wishes for i Don't fail to se this film Friday and hours spent renewing old acquaint- than you will ever know, It is not V. M. y o , N
her future happiness. Saturday ail the Grand. • anoese many of us who are spared to such Auetioneer. Proprietor.
Allen's Druce Store
Soft Bal
The official 12•inch and 13 -inch Balls at $1.75
each. Also a cheap practice ball at 60c,
BATS The regulation size Bats at
$1.00, $1,25 and 51.75 each
GLOVES 75c each
Guard Against
The Spring Winds and Sun
Persian Balmusing A delicately fragrant
lotion, very soothing and healing 35c bot.
Persian Talc. You will be delighted
with its velvety smoothness 35c tins
11 aper
We would like you to call and look over the
many dainty and serviceable patterns that we
still have in Bedroom, Kitchen, Bathroom and
Living Room patterns at prices ranging from
124: roll up. Also some Remnants for small
rooms at greatly reduced prices.
Allen's Drug Store
Exclusive 'igcivrt for idyai and Penni..:c• Rerned-fes
Druggist and St;.,ticnlcr ticcl:ssor to James Fox
---r4 J
c.,e,rc�:..:e�a>a•aure:.w-._,xa _ma._a ... . .r-:�.; •x••.ar.....: r.__._...,_ . s _n..raa-�nmvn.,.n
cross. We toe can win some at' the tint was; free from hatred. The
glory by living the Christian life. Jews hated the Gentiles but Christ
The word Amots" at the doe(' of tete loved all se that he gave himself to
Lord's Prayer expresses our entire rave them. The r lie t enemy our
agreement with what we haw: been . country is faring today is the sin in
praying for. • our own country.
Peal 'A 137:1, "If I forget thee!
O Jerusalem, let my right hand for- AnOLESWORTH
get her cunning," was the Pastor's :
text at the evening service in ;peak- ! The annual garden party of the
ing on the subject of "Patrioth m", Presbyterian church will be held on
The Jews were in bondage iu Ba-; the church grounds or Tuesday, July
bylou and their own city of Jerusalem 10th. A good and varied program
which they had left had never seem- ; will he presented,
ell so dear to them as now. The best t
way to arouse true patriotism is by
adversity. Today Canada stances on
the threshold of an era of prosperity To Contractors
and we should consider what 'true pa-
triotism is. Christ showed that patrr- , The h1,,m ipnl Counnil of the Township oet
moro itrainnt Por tenders Por repairs. the
tinders will bntlotld dna. 0 Morris. The
tenders will he oonnldered at the next (Joan -
oil meeting, on duly 28rd at 2 p nt.
A. t1AMBWRN, Clerk,
otisee consisted not in love for our
country alone, but in love for all
nations and peoples. Christ'spatrio-
JUr . Bo
L, :l
Y1 t
1 iter
z ,
ti 11 �ipq®t�tl�t
1 Fulton's S SC ool Gr:y T991►13.
10 a, m. to Suit Coll B OnrnitMent T;r9i0ze,Os in
1 p. m.
Afternoon - 1.30 sharp
PARADE -- Good prizes offered for Best Float; Best -Amateur ,
Clown; Ox Team; Belt Decorated Car dr Buggy; Best Character
Impersonation; Oddest Means of Transportation; Best Ladies'
Make-up; Best Gents' Make-up.
RE -UNION PROGRAM -- Consisting of Addresses by Former
Teachers, Industries of Pioneer Days, Folk Dances, etc.
OLD TIME DANCING for Old Boys with Old Boy Fiddlers and
OLD TIME FOOT BALL — Old School Boys of 14th Con. vs, Old ,
School Boys of 16th Con. Sure to be exciting. '
RACES — For Boys and Girls of all ages; Men and Women; Variety
' Races.
SPECIAL -- ROOSTER PLACE — No' Entry Fee; Pace or Trot;
Hobbles not allowed. Prizes—$3; $2; $1.
Soft Ball Finals Grand Concert
The Duncan Cowan. Co.
DUNCAN COWAN, foremost Canadian Entertainer—the man Who
made Royalty smile in Music, song and story.
FANNY ROGERS, A.T.C.M. — Contralto.
FILED. ALEXANDER -- Canada's Premier Concertinist,
ELMA ANGUS — National Dancer—Winner of eighteen medals.
don't Miss this Rare Treat A First-class Program, Clean and Entertaining
Booth and Dancing Pavilion on the Grounds
Lunch Served at 3.30. Soo the Museum
Adrnissioi 50e and 25c
RUSSELI, RNIGHT, Chairman Executive Committee