HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1928-5-23, Page 8WEDNESDAY, MAY 23rd, 1928,
:EVERYONE is out -doors again enjoying the sun-
shine and rapid growth of this beautiful timeof
year. Keep the record of the good titnes with your
Kodak. Kodaks $5.00 and up
Brownie Cameras 2.2S and up
Good Prints come from good, Film—Kodak Film in the
yellow box. We have a fresh supply in all the sizes.
Films developed and Printed
Bargain Bundle iota of Wall Paper
The rapid selling of Wall Paper this last two weeks
has left some small quantities of certain patterns.
These we have put up into bundles, and are to be
had at just about half of the regular prices. They
are bargains if you can make use of them.
t'beSton e
Druggist and Stationer
w tei»;«lite_lete441,44ertefees +a•?+«2»1 *E4e =':i+t'_'Z tt'I t'S! I arkeeleel.
Local News Items
611160019 Caned Church
Ray. A. W, RARKEl . E, D.
Sunday, May 27th
11 a.m.—Public Worship.
Subject :
"Channels or Chalices"
8 p.m.—Sunday School and Bible
7 p.m.—Public Worship.
"The Life Worth While"
Tuesday—Y. P. Society.
Wednesday—Prayer Service
Beginning Sunday, June Srd
The Sunday School will be held at 10
a. m, through June, July and August.
jack i 3 Twenty -ono
Tai -day
JACK. is twenty-one In dee. glut ht+
has Unite than a Mali', yeee, to Ilia
et edit. lie has one thuueeni] dol•
Ian in the hank,
IG has grown with a praetie.a1 mother's
love, from the initial dep •at, cf nue dol.
tar on the 'fit st 111rLhday 211 yearn ago.
Youth and age alikee Ilene witt.eee to
the value of steadily hnildi„g a ,spurs
Rank Areomit, Year eland 11.nti1•i i6 -
Or, will attain a higher seendieg in the
emmoanity, family, or, niest inlpurtant.
in hie own entimatinn. Open a savings
accouut for the child.
PIGS FOR SALE -9 shoats wigh-
ing about 60 lbs. Apply to W.
Eckmier, Lot 29, Con. 7, Grey.
Phone 35-17. 41-1.
FOR SALE -45 pigs ready to wean;
10 pigs weaned, 2 weeks; 11
chunks about 100 lbs each; N?.z
• lot [9, Con. 2, Morris, Phone 10.1.
R. J. McLennan, Bluevale P. 0.
FOR SALE—Holstein and Durham
Calves; also a bunch of pigs. M.
Gilkinson, Lot 30, Con, 7, Grey
' Phone 36-16. 49-'-
8 Pigs, 7 Weeks Old and 9 Chunks
about 100 lbs. Leslie Beirnes,
Lot 17, Con. 7. Morris. Phone
45-8. 48-2
DAY- OLD -CHICKS, Barred Rocks
0. A. C., strain, May 15cc • S. C.
White Leghorns, Barron Strain,
May 14c. Also White Leghorn
Hatching Eggs. Dan. McKinnon,
Phone 23-16. 41-tf.
LEAVE Your Orders for Alberta
Coal with S. F. Davison, as the
railroad has only agreed to haul
for 3 months.
Duck Eggs. Chris. Rogerson,
Phone 31-13, Blyth. 44-tf.
Holiday Hours at P. 0. 1 June Session of Co. Council.
The usual holiday hoots will be ob- The
rlwill open 5ession of the
All p
served at the Post Office on the 24th. HuronCounty Councesday. June 5th.
laces of business will be closed.
Goderich on
Special Service Held. 1 On The Move.
A special service was held in St. John IVIcCosh, who has spent the
Ambrose Church last Thursday morn winter here, left Tuesday morning
ing by Rev. Fr. McHugh, it being { with horse and wagon for his annual
Ascension Day. i summer touring trip.
Successful Sale.
The sale of homemade baking at
St. John's church on Saturday after-
noon was a very successful one. Tea
was served from 4 to 7.
To Our Correspondents.
Every week we receive newsy
items after the paper goes to press
on Wednesday afternoon. Just try
and get it here Tuesday afternoon if
getpossible and it will help
it into for the saus me reatly to
Those Million Dollar Rains.
Brussels and vicinity was vii ted
with a warm rain on Thursday last
and again on Saturday that has add-
ed untold benefit to garden and farm
lands. The buds were soon bursting
out with blossoms.
The Ontario Home for Girlt.
The official opening of the Ontario
Home for Girls at Cedarvale Farm,
Georgetown, formerly the Armenian
Boys' Farm, was held on Friday May
1 Rth This home will be conducted
by the Board of Evangelism arca.
Social Service of the United Church
of Canada. -
Into Real Estate.
Goderich Signal—E. R. Wigle has
nurchase.d from Mrs. Jas. Wilson, of
Toronto, the building in which he
conducts his drug business.
41st Annual Meeting.
The forty-first annual meeting of
of the Huron Diocesan branch of the
Women's Auxiliary will be neld in
London, May 29, 30 and 31.
North Huron Liberals.
Blake Miller, M.P.P., for East E1-
gin, ad-
dressatlthe present
meeting ofive allorth
Huron Liberals at Wingham on May
Drowned at Vancouver.
J. H. Galbraith received a tele
gam on Monday that his brother,
William, aged 44, had been drowned
at Vancouver. Mr. Galbraith left on
Tuesday to attend the funeral. De-
ce,'tsed was born in McKillop Town-
ship and has been in ohe West :ha
some time.
Maps for Hunters.
With each hunting license issued
this season, the Ontario Department
Cadets Pass Inspection. of Fish and Game will hand out a
Owing to the rain last Thursday small map, with a view to n-. eking
clear the bounds of the areas refer-
red to in the game with respect to
restrictions. Certain game may be
taken in the area designated as
"North of the Mattawa," or districts
designated in similar terms, and it is
considered that a map on which these
bounds are clearly marked will pre-
vent confusion.
morning, the Cadets were tnspnrte
at the School grounds instead of at
the park, by Lieut -Col. Gillespie, of
Military District No. 1. The boys
went through their pace, in good
style and were commended by the
Going into Business.
Fordwicoh Record: — "Norman
Demmerling, of Listowel, has leased Died in Toronto.
the property of Wm. Demmerling, in After a few days' illness from
Gerrie where he purposes starting a pneumonia Prof. lsatz, died in the
garage business in the near future.
Their household effects were moved
last week, and Mrs. Demmerlinii 's
preparing their new home, while we
understand Mr. Demmerling is still
engaged in a Listowel garage." Mr.
Demmerlthe Fordrgarage heredlasteyle at
Huron Old Boys' Picnic, June end.
Extensive preparations are being
made fo rthe big picnic of the Huron
Old Boys' Association of Toronto at
the Exhibition grounds on Saturday,
June 2nd. The hundred paekagce of
tea, donated by T. J. Lipton Coe for
the "Lipton Tea Race" will be an at-
tractive feature for the ladies, as
well as the special prize o;6 the Can-
ada Vinegar Co., of two cases of
their choicest product. The J. A. Mc
Laren prizes of six pairs of shoes,
will appealto the boys a.td gulp,
while the "Lack Kennedy" prize of
an automobile trouble lighter will by
an attraction for the men. The An-
drew Wilson Co., are giving special
prizes of cigars for base ball and
tugs of war. President King expels
overt' Huron Old Boy and Old Girl
in Toronto, on the 2nd of Juno, will
do thir duty."
General hospital, Toro.ita, recently.
Prof. Katz is particularly well known
in and around Brusesls, he having
visited her several years profession-
ally. He had a wide reputation es
an optician and it was in this capac-
ity that he visited Brussels. Inter-
ment took place in a Jewrth ceme-
tery in Toronto. He is survived by
his wife and one daughter.
New District Deputy.
Walter Williamson. of Brussel,
was elected D. D. G. M. for the I. 0.
0. F. of the District. The other offi-
cers are: D. D. G. W. Bro. Fortune,
Wroxeter; D. D. G. I. Sec.-Treas..
Bros. J. Dodds, of Wingham. This
makes the 26th consecutive year in
which Bro. Dodds has hold the office
of Secy,-Treas. Considerable dis-
cussion took place on proposed legi-
lation to come before the Grasd
Lodge at its session in June. Bro.
Wes, Keehnie, retiring D. D. G. M.
who :had been the efficient officer for
the past year, was than presented
with a past grated jewel. Af1(;.r the
District meeting Wroxeter Lodge
assisted by visiting members exem-
lunar he served.
hird degree, after which
FARM FOR PASTURE — 100 acres
running water, new line fences;
Lot 12, Con. 4, Grey, Mrs. Hector
McQuarrie, Phone 39-19. 44-tf
(Culp Strain) for sale; also Hatch- Threw 'big trucks are hauling lois
ESTABLU51-1ED 1873
Manager, Brussels Branch
At Queen's Hotel
Tuesday, May 29
Will display a complete line of
Ladies' and Gent's
including Patent Structure
Advice on all Scalp Ailments
and the use of Ineeto Rapid.
Phone Hotel for Appointment
The W. T. ?ember Mares
ing Eggs. J, Harvey Bryan, Phone
12-8. 45-tf.
WANTED—Five Thousand Market
Gardeners to plant our hardy field
grown cabbage and Bermuda on-
ion plants. These plants will pro-
duce vegetable three weeks earlier
than home-grown plants. It is no
experiment. We guarantee results
or refund your money. Strong,
field -grown, toughened plants —Ethel, Brussels, Bluevale, Wing -
ready to set in open field. Will ham. Belgrave Salem, Wroxeter,
stand temperature twenty degrees
above without injury. Bermuda
onion plants and all leading varie-
ties of cabbage plants shipped A Real Melodrama at Grand
•promptly, 200 plants postpaid $1;
500, $1.75; 100, $3.00. Ship ex- "The Isle of Retribution, a stnry
press collect $2,00 thousand. Cat- of the frozen wastes of Alaska„ a-
alog and testimonials sent free. dapted from Edison Marshall's -fame
Carlisle Plant Farms, Windsor, our novel, stands out head and shoul-
Ont. 46-4
Being Lot 3, con. 18, Grey. Build-
ings in first class condition. An-
drew Sloan, Phone 27-12. R. R.
No. 2, Brussels. 23-tf,
W. C. T. U.
The annual meeting of the We.
men's Christian Temperance Union
will be held on Friday afternoon at
3 o'clock, May 25th, at the home of
Mrs. John Watson. As the election
of officers will be appointed for the
coming year, all the members and
those interested in the good wodk for
which it stands, are specially re-
quested to attend this meeting.
from north of Brussels to Godericn
What will the price be, if the lulnber
ever gets back to Brussels?
Soft Ball Teams Getting Ready.
The schedule for this district of
the Huron County United Church
Softball League will be published
this week. The following teams were
entered Saturday night: Men's teams
Switzerland is a wonderful exam-
s plc of Honey consumers. Imagine
17,000 subscribers for one bate
Journal. Nearly every one keeps
'bees and yet they never have to ex-
port any honey for apparently every
lone eats honey. •
They even have a sanitarium
where the children are given honey
1 as a curative. I believe however that
! Brussels and this vicinity probably
come a close second—anyway we try
and help you on by supplying a good
, article, looney back if you do not
like it.
Jim Ross, Will McCracken and
Mn. Ballantyne sell our honey.
Gorrie and Fordwich. Girls' team
—Brussels, Bluevale, Wroxeter, Ger-
rie and Fordwich.
Minor Locals.
Empire Day tomorrow (May 24.)
Usual holiday hours at the Post
Time to get out your straw hat
The lawn mowers have been in use
on many Brussels lawns.
It will soon be all over now —
the spring house-cleaning, we mean.
The dandelion is not quite as big
a favorite now among the spring
Don't knock the town you live in.
It may be the only town that has
ever heard of you.
Unclaimed balance amounting to
three million dollars remain in the
chartered banks of Canada.
Cheer up, about twenty years ago
a bumper crop followed seeding
done after the twentieth of May.
Victoria Park was rolled last week
and the grass cut this weeks Now it
is already for the foot ball boys.
The Village of Branford, Conn.,
naively hints to motorists to be care
ful, thusly:—Our friends drive with
care, tite law will take care of the
The metn;bers of the Dominion;
Parliament are agitating for mere
salary. There are plenty other men
job tas of$4year.
a ould like to $4,000have
Tho cost of having bills printed
plus the cost of distributing or mail-
ing same, plates newspaper advertis-
ing in a class of public servr-e un-
equalled by any other medium Of
publicity. Think this over.
ders over any melodrama of the b't-
ing northland of recent memory.
This unusual F. B. 0. production
crashes with big situations and hunts
with speed, according to critics who
have seen it at pre-release showings
in Hollywood, and it comes on Friday
,May 25th to the Grand Theatre for
its first showing in htis community.
Although Lillian Rich is the feature
star, the role which has been accord-
ed Victor IMc'Laglen is so magnifi-
cent and his performance in the ex-
acting 'part of "Doomsdorf” so ex-
ceptional that he is really entitled
to the honors—not that Miss Rich's
work is less but that Mr. McLaglen'
role is more. Such a character as
"Doomsdorf" has not been written
since jack London conveived "The
Sea Wolf." And what a fight stirs
the blood and brings the back hair
up all standing at the finish; with the
mighty "Doomsdorf" caught by his
leg in a huge bear trap and the
slight Ned Cornet diving in and leap -
Fire Engine Test.
The fire engine was out on Mon-
day for a test and the firemen were
testing out the hydrants. It was
found that the one at the Ford enr-
age corner was leaking, and it was
taken apart and a big crack di.seov-
' end. It is now being repaired,
Brother. Passes Away.
Miss Pipe attended the funeral of
her brother, who died near Ayr Last
Tuesday. Deceased had passed a-
way the Saturday previous in his
67th year. He is survived by his
widow and 3 children. Jas. Pipe of
Goderich, motored to Brussels and
took Miss Pipe and Mrs. Shaw, of
Grey, Mrs. Sngles of Belmore and W.
Pipe of Morris, to attend the funeral.
A fuller obituary will be given next
Mg out with short arm jabs, knowing
full well that his only chance of life
is to remain at long distance. Rob- who has been starred rn h•s own
ert Frazer is splendid as young Cor- 1 Western productions for years and
net, and bhe rest of the cast, which : who played the role of Buffalo 13,11
includes Mildred Harris, Kathleen I in McCoy's "Wyoming" is sean
Kirkman, David Torrence and Inez the role of a villainous trap;
Gomez is splendidly balanced. brother of the heroine.
Corning to Grand.
May 25-26—Isle of Retribution
May 29-30—Spoilers of the West
June 1-2—Return of Peter Griner'
June 5-6—Tea for Three
8.9—Mary Pickford in "Spar
15-16—Bitter Apples
22-23— Don Juan a
26-27—West Point
29-30—Winning of Barbara
"Spoilers of the West."
Tini McCoy, who has given to the
screen such vivid historical films as
"War Paint," Winners of the Wilder.
Hess," "This Frontiersman," "Cali-
fornia," and "Wyoming" has just
completed his latest American front-
ter romance, "Spoilers of the West."
which will be shown soon at the
Grand Theatre. The new film is said
to jbe by far the most thrilling titin
drama in which McCoy has been
starred. It i5 a tale of the Laramie
treaty with the Western Indians and
the efforts, of the army officers to
keep within the terms of the treaty,,
• which was being repeatedly violated
by the white trappers slaughtering
'the Indians' game for the fur mar-
kets of the world. McCoy has the
'role of an American cavalrymen
while Marjorie Daw is seen as the
• owner of an illegal fur post, built 00
Indian lands. William Fairbanks,
Everyday Prices at Bain
This product don't need
advertising, but we want
to let you know that we
leave it.
City Dairy
Ice Crearn
One Tried - You are Tied
Matches, 3 boxes for 25c
Jelly Powders, 3 boxes for25c
Yeast Cakes, 1 box for 7c
Corn Flakes, 1 pkg • ... ' , 43c
Postum, large tin
•Chicken Meddle.. large tin , . 255c
,Sardines, large tin
Puffed Rice, plcg .........18c
Soap Chips, 2 lbs for .25c
Soda Biscuits, lb, ........a, .15c
V~ i ' aper
We have an assortment of Remnants of Wall
Paper, many of them having as much as 10
rolls, most of which have borders. To clear
these out we are of i off regular price
fering them at
Come and see them. It will pay you.
Also we still have some beautiful and some of
the newest designs in Parlor and Living Room
Papers, also some very pretty and durable
Bedroom and Kitchen designs in prices from
10c roll up to 35c.
We will always Trim your Paper if you wish it,
3 �,rayiae
For spraying fruit trees and all garden plants.
Quickly kills all insect and bug life. Used
ieither in dry powder form or dissolved in
water. 60c Ib.
Used in Liquid form Kills Flies almost in -
is unequalled for stantly. k lb bots. 50c Fly To X
killing moths, etc. 11b bots. 75c
ilen's Dr , g Store
Exclusive Agent for Nyal and Penslar Remedies
Druggist and Stationer Successor to James Fox
Presentation and Address.
On Tuesday evening a committee
of the Trustee Board of the Brussels
United Church, waited on Mrs. (Dr.)
Hamilton, and presented her with a
silver tea service, as a gift from the
congregation for faithful service for
the past 23 years as organist. Mrs.
Hamilton has now resigned her dut-
ies. Following was the address:—
We, the members of the Brussels
United Church and congregation,
wish to express to you, and do here-
by place on record our deep appre-
ciation of your long, efficient, and
faithful srviees as organist of the
church. You were ever ready to
serve in that capacity, thus proving
yourself a valued member of the
choir in their leadership of the ser-
vice of Praise. Kindly accept this
gift as a token of the high esteem
in which you are held by the congre-
gation. We trust ydu may long be
spared to render service to the
Church and the Kingdom of God.—
A. W. Barker, D. C. Ross, R. J.
Hoover, on benatf of the congrega-
tion. Brussels, May 22, 1928.
Executive Met Here.
The Executive of East Huron Wo-
men's Institute met at the Public
Library on Tuesday afternoon and
made arrangements for the annual
meeting to be held at Gerrie on
Thursday afternoon, June 14th. Af-
ternoon tea was served by the Brus-
sels ladies.
Grey township, on May 20th,
to Mr, and Mrs. tieeil O. Bekmler, a sou --
William Charles.
RAYDEN.—In London, on Sunday, Way 20th,.
1828, to Mr. and Mrs L, B. Hayden (neo
Mnale Somerville) n eon.
MoLAOBLAN.—In Brownlee, Sask., at the
Narse'a home, on Sunday, May 18th, 1928,
Dark)) a eoand n—Olarenoe lliobert. lan (nee
BIIR'EPi—ANDERSON.—At the hoine of the
bride's parents, on Wednesday, May 10313,
by Rev. ens. Scottie, hi iss Violet Anderson,
R. PT., eldest daughter or :Woes and Mrs.
Anderson, Morrie, to Mr. John A. Burke,
DIDNNIn -In Vaginal) township, nn Sunday,
PortertA. end Mrs li DenBleanis, raged daughter years
and 7 days.
m Al
News of
ess s
see the New Dresses for
early Summer. Nothing
like them will come again this sea-
son. Every one of them is, in Fashion,
Fabrics and Color, the latest novelty.
Moderately priced at
$8.50 $13.75 to $19.00
Summer Coats in a Sale
that will save you Money
This is an opportunity to have your want of a
Stylish Summer Coat completely satisfied and
at a price which means,a Big Saving, Many
customers took advantage of the fine Coats
we had on sale the past week -end, and so for
you we have made another group of the Sea-
son's Smartest Coats that are regularly sold
at $38 50 to $35.00.
Friday and Saturday $ 19.00
l j