HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1928-5-23, Page 5'
lr " c
On Monday, April 23rd
we commence selling Gas at 19c per gal.,
plus 3c tax---22c--at our Garage.
jW(t °" Don't fail to buy our 100 -gallon
coupon books and save money.
Car Repairing -"
We are prepared to overhaul and repair all
makes ofcars and our mechanic, J. McNabb,
guarantees a first-class job.
For Sale Worth the Money
A couple of good guaranteed Used Touring
Cars ; also a good Truck.
ert tyre
Ford Garage BruS SO1s
Announcement of
Summer School
To Be Held in Goderich July 16th to
Trio annual Summer School under
the auspices of the United Church,
will be held in Goderich July 16th to
23rd this year. Among those who
will take part in the programs from
day to day are Rev. H. T. Ferguson,
of Leamington; Rev. Frank Lang-
fard, of Toronto; Rev. J. I. MacKay,
Toronto; Rev. J. L. Small, St.
George; Rev. Professor Davidson,
Rev. W. R. Alp, Auburn; secretary,
Rev. E. J. Wellston, Argona; treas-
urer, Miss M. Bailie, Goderich; re -
1 giatrer, Miss Mary Clarke, Goderich;
librarian, Miss Violet Sharpe, Dash-
wood; advisory board—Rev. C. F. I
! Clarke, Goderich; Rev. M. C. Parr,
' Goderich; Mr. 'George Baeciailer,
(loderich; Rev. H. G. Whitfield, St.
Helens; Miss Agnes Greason, Kirk -
tun; Miss Florence Marquis, Clinton;
Re . D M. Guest, Ethel.
A pennant will be awarded to the
pastoral charge (outside of Gode-
rich) having the largest registered
delegation at the school.
Foreign Missions will be studied
under Rev. J. A. Walker, of Dungan- '
non (returned from China), Rev. J.
E. Lloyd. of Angola, West Africa,
and Rev. W. A. MacDonald, of Won-
san, Korea.
The officers of the school are; Past
president, Rev. D. McTavish, Exeter;
presidnt, Rev. W. A. Bremner,
T3rucefield; vice-president and dean,
Very New Office Boy (who
has just handed long column or
figures to employer) — "Ive
added those figures up ten times
Employer—Good boy!
Very New Office Boy (hand-
ing up another slip of paper)
—"An' here's the ten answers,
®hi the Sky
at th S e sway
ea:} the $ ,:.oad
Lindbergh, Maitland, Chamberlin,
Byrd—all of the farnous flyers of the
clay—use engines employing the Valve-
in-Head.principle in their record-break-
ing flights.
Practically every racing car entered in
all the major speed classics of the past
twelve years, as well as every winner of
every important event, has also been
Valve -in -Head equipped.
The famous McLaughlin -Eliot: Valve -in -
Head Engine, developing more power than
any other automobile engine of its size, has
given conclusive proof of leadership in ail
elements of performance over a period of
twenty-four years.
Choose .McLaughlin-Buick—•powered by the
famous Valve•-itt-Head Engine—supreme in
the sky, at the speedway, on the road
lex. \nderS ;;n
p,.c:":}ij IN
-BUIC,1j fore
When Better Autoutobilca Are Built--McLaughlin-Brick Wi11 Build Theca
� .r ay 4,
WEDNESDAY, MAY 23rd, 1928..
OU will find on our Bargain Table at least ten ar-
ticles of Merchandise at exceptionally low prices.
We are 11111 listing our prices this week as formerly
but the ten aticicls will be priced on our Bargain Table
in our :tore which we invite you to call and investigate
before buying your Saturday Groceries.
With our 15 years' experience in buying Groceries
we consider we are on the ground floor as regards buy-
ing and have decided to give the buying public the ad-
vantages of our experience. We also specialize in Qual-
ity Goods.
Best of service guaranteed to our Patrons.
Ice Cream Cured Meats Flour and Feed
Phone 2225 ys:; To Spence ETHEL
Cash or trade for Butter and Eggs at llighest market prices,
'mid will ..peak on hel,aIf of the Suitt
:+ ear Scheid. Watce for furher par-
s _
Complimentary Banquet for Baxter July 20—Walkerton at Paisley
Aug. 2--Lucknow at Walkerton
Aug. 2—Paisley at Chesley
Aug. 2—Teeswater at Hanover
Aug. 0—Walkerton at Teeswater
Aug. 9--Lucknow at Chesley
Aug. 9—Iiineardine at Paisley
Aug. 13—Hanover at Kincardine
Aug. 14—Chesley at Teeswater
Aug. 16 --Paisley at Walkerton
Aug, 17—Kincardine at Lucknow
Aug. 18---iianover at Chesley
Ang. 21—Paisley at Hanover
Aug. 23—Teeswater at Kincardine
Aug. 24--Lucknow at Paisley'.
Aug, 28—Walketron at Kincardine.
Hon. John B. M. Baxter, Pre nier
of New Brunswick, is to be tendered d,ay, and delivered two very fine ser.
a complimentary banquet by his mons. Rev. F Lewin took the servie-
ftlends throughout the Province. es at Winghnnt.
United Church
Church Notes
1'1,14 (''uracil 8128-t 121 1111 1'wp. 111211,
(1, 111,', 0811 ;1Iay 111111, pur,uaut 8,, 2111•
j .181 111141.111.. All the )1l'71111(4) s wet!"
' 1.1V W In 111,' 14111211', 1'hl'
llilllneh 2111,1!11111,111;
,1 112.2, 111l'e LI tlg 2) 14 1^(1
14211 8)u 111141111111(1 8)l' l,enuatd 1(118)21 '11'a,1y•
101• wet a adopted.
It was moved by 11(1bbaul and
Leona: d th.u, the Council pay $6 per
tiny for l'u)MUM) and team, load to be
i one 111,1 one y„11114 _--Oartied.
It, was 21111v oil by Taylor and 1.171(1.
and that Gurdon (i111+e1,'0 teoder for
bridge opposite lot 23. 01104, 4 and 5
1111 Municipal Drab; No. 111 be a1111ept•
Kt, he CO 1114 all 41114 ivnr'k1 furoisl1 an
material and take eau, of all traffic
while the work is proceeding, for the
(;urn ni' $1,(100, erre eul1truet to be eom•
pleted 140(1 214ady for 1,141211143 by August
1st, 1(128.—(au gird,
Moved by Hubbard and Leonard
that Fred Edgar be instructed to pre-
pare plans tar culvert, lot 10 and I1,
Con. 10 —Carried.
It was ln'lved by Gamble and Leon-
ard the the following acconuL1 be
paid : I'll. McCallum, fur diegglug
$22.75 ; Hl. Allan, dragging and re-
pairs to culvert. $5,00 J. Montgom-
ery, dragging $4.50 ; Walter Recldon,
stagging $2 711 ; I3oss Baylis, drag-
ging li, and 0. Bdy• $8 25 ; Jim. Pat -
tet -not, di egging and raking Mouse
$7 25 ; J. W. (Am k, drugging and re-
pairs to culvert $18 46 ; Wm. Boyd,
dra;ging and raking stones $111 00 ;
Geo. (11i1I1 I.. shagging and snow
roads $15 9(1 ; 'Thos Grant, dragging
and snow roads $2120 ; It Baker,
dragging. etc, 11275 ; (len, Towns-
end, dragging and snow roads 112-
85 ; Cliff. Johnston, dragging $23 90 ;
Chester Gook, dr ,ggiug $18 45 ; Wm.
11121%Vat'ds, dragging and snow roads
$8 (]0 ; C. Simmons, dragging and rak-
1 ing stones y9 30 ; A. Jacques, drag-
ging $0 10 ; Wm.. Buhler, dragging and Winter toads $24 45 ; 400. Arm-
strong, Winter Inndv and raking
stones $7 411 ; August. Reid, ingnrauce
un T ivp, Flail $14 '21 ; R. F. Edgar,
salary as Road Supt. $42 (I(1 ; Canticle
Ingot Iron Co., grader $145 011 ; blun-
lcipnl Wald, supplies $280 ; G.
Wright, dragging and Winter roads
$1485 ; Thos. Inlis, expenses to Tees -
water $5,011 ; 12, \V. Olu'son, uncollcet•
able taxes $59 7U ; E W. "ea sun, bal,
salary as Colieetov $33 00 ; Provincial
Treasurer, Amusement tickets $9 74 ;
R Caudle, timber for culvert $200;
Joe Sandereon, Winter roads and
dragging 824 90 ; Ed, Henry, Whites
roads and dragging $I4 80 ; bred Ma-
hood, Winter roads and dragging
$22 50 ; Wm, Wilson, dragging $9.-
25 ; Oliver Stewart, dragging $1,05 ;
G W. Walker, part salary as Olerk
$100.00 ; Oleve Vittie, filling bole in
road 11.00 ; Ernest ging, grading and
Winter roads $2280; Harold Cook,
taking Mrs. Habertuehl $15 00 ; Philip
Stroh, expenses to London $500 ;
Clark Drain, tile $61.10 ; G. Heiple,
farm bridge Mun. Drain No. 8 140 00 ;
P. Zimmerman, ditch already con-
structed 16400; W. Hallman, farm
bridge Man, Drain No. 8 $43 00 ; Mun.
Howick Ditch already constructed No.
8 $16 00 ; W. Drury, part pay Mun.
Drain No. 8 $500.00 ' H. Behrens,
bridge and ditch alresdy constructed
Mun. Drain No. 8 $135 00 ; . I3 Kmeg-
er, ditch already constructed Mun.
Drain No. 8 $134 00 ; 3. H. ll.ngers,
statement Olark Mun. Drain $10 00 ;
1. H. Rogers. statement Littlejohn
Mun. Drain $10 60.
Moved by Hubbard and Lennard
that this Council do 8)0111 adjourn to
meet again on the third Wednesday
in June, in 11 ewitherick's rooms, in
Peed wioh.—0nr•ried,
G. W. WALKER, Clerk.
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, is to be
mapped from an airplane. ,
State railways in Latvia on last
January 1, totaled 16,200 miles.
St. John's Church
Rev. Mr. Snhe tier, of Wingham,
ennlducted the services, last Sun -
On Tuesday evening 15th inst.
BRUCE B. B. LF.AIUE tele first part of the Y. P. S. service
was aur appreciation of the spring
time. Mrs. (Rev.) Barker read im
address on the subject, which showed
a remarkably clear eye and keen ear
for the God-given beauties of the
out -8)f door. Mrs. Bark3r was assist-
ed 1b. Mrs. Rebt. Strachan and Miss
Lulu Proctor, The guest of the even-
ing was Rev. W. J. Maines, of Wal-
ton. Mr. Maines _presented the ques-
tion, "What is Success?” This, trio
speaker stated, is always relative; ,too
ratan is entirely successful in every
respect. It is not so much a matter
of what we have, as of peaking the
best use of what we have. True suc-
cesses lies in devoting whatever tal-
ents we may possess, to the service
of -ori and our fellow then. This
should be the guiding motive when
deciding on our life work. The
young man who thinks only of mak-
ing money is about fifteen years be-
hind the times in his ideals; likewise
the young person who cannot pray.
7ihe most sacred vocation to which
a young woman may be called is that
of becoming a home -maker. In what
ever we do, we should put Jesus
Chrustfirst and never be aseienen
of Him. Mr. Maines' address gave
evidence, of much Serious though:
and deep personal experience, The
society was unanimous in its appre-
ciation. Come again, hir•. Urines.
The service for 22nd inst. waa with-
drawn, indeed, there will be only
one more meting this season, which
will be held on June 120. On that
date it is expected Rev. W. A. Breves
nee, of Brucefield, wil' he present
The iouowing is the schedule for
the Bruce County Baseball League
for the 1928 season. Seven teams
have mitered, the same number as
last year. Allenford was tenable to
get a team together but their place
was taken by Hanover.
May 31—Teeswater at Walkerton I
May 31—Kincardine at Chesley.
May 31 Hanover at Paisley
June 6—Ohesley at Paisley
June 7—Luckna w at Teeswater
June 7—ICincardine at Walkerton
June 12—Paisley at Lueltnow i
June 14—Teeswater at Chesley
June 16—Walkerton at Hanover
Jane 21—Lucknow at Kincardine
June 21 --Hanover at Teeswater
June 21—Chesley at Paisley
June 26—Chesley at Lucknow
June 28—Paisley at Teeswater
Jame 30—Hanover at Walkerton
July 5—Kincardine at Hanover
July 5—Teeswater at Paisley
July 6—Walkerton at Lucknow
July 1l—Paisley at Kincardine
July 11—Walkerton at Chesley
July 14—Lucknow at Hanover
July 19—Iiineardine at Teeswater
July 20—Hanover at Lucknow
July 25•—Chesley at Kincardine
July 26—Teeswater at Lucknow
' Special low prices on Heavy Gauge
Corrugated Metal hoofing, guaran-
teed quality. Catalog of Building
Materials and Sale Circular Free.
Jac'ic,on St. East.
Your I lag and My Fl
What is the blue of our flag, boys?
The waves of the boundless -sea,
Where our vessels ride in their
tameless pride,
And the feet of the winds are flee.
What is the white on our flag, boys?
The Honour of our land,
Which burns in aur sight like a
beacon light
And stands while the hills shall
What is the red on our flag, boys?
The blood of our heroes slain,
On the 'burning sands et the wild
waste lands,
And the froth of the purple main.
--'Canon Frederick George Scott.
Do You Require
L m er1 Sfroingles, Etc
We stodt HOrIllock and Cedar Boards. Shipiap _
1)inirueinn in Psilortud It:u1;ths and sizes
Ars 1... --._-
Siding, Flooring, V -Match, Mouldir?,,ge
Hardwood Flooring
In Birch, Oak and Maple
Soo our Samples.
If you want to succeed In the
Hog 111080e021r
"Portable Hog Pen”
We have the finest POULTRY
Our Saw Mill enables u, to stock
up in 2x4 Hard Maple for Day Fork
Track; ',3;z and 3x3 Elm and Meech
rib,; for fiat rack or ordinary hay
rack; Choice Rock Elm for double
trees, etc., four to twelve feet long;
Iiirch and Beeeh Stoneboat PIank;
Binder and Wagon tongues; Hard
Maple Wagon Axles, etc.
Prompt !Delivery
Gibson Linder Yards anti Saw
Phone 30
Word was received on Sunday of
the death on that day of Agues Ow-
en, widow of Rev. A. D. SSicDouald,
1). D., a former pastor pastor fur 10
years in First Presbyterian Church,
Seafort.h, The death occurred in
Mouteenl, at the home of her daugh-
ter, Mrs. W, R. Diokie, whose !rue.'
baud, the late Rev Dr. Dickie, of
Knox Orescent Church, Montreal,
passed away Met October. The re,
mains were interred in the family
plot in Clinton, on Tuesday, the fun-
eral services heieg held in Willie
Church here. Bort) in Scotland, the
late Mrs. McDonald carne to Oaua(let at
the age of fifteen years and with her
family settled at Oakbank, Paris, Out,
During the pastorates of her husband
at Clinton, Elora and Soaforth, 0,21,
Mrs. McDonald endeared herself to a
wide cirele, Deceased was 90 years,
of age.
Wm. Johnston shipped a car of pot-
atoes to Listowel, last week.
Mr. Grant, Ont. Government Super-
visor of Orchards, and Mr. Patterson,
Agricultural Representative, visited
Mr, Oster'e farm, on Friday. The or-
chard is leased by Messrs. G. hi,
Chambers and Jas. Fairaervice, and
considerable labor has been put nn it,
these past few weeks, in pruning and
spraying. Inspector Grant stated
that this orchard was in the best
shape of any he had visited so far,
this Spring.
W. A. Logan and Archie Snorers
left for Burlington, where they will
commence a ditching contract.
GONE TO Itr.-RT.—It 28 our seed duty,
this week, to record the death of a
fine woman of this neighborhood in
the person of Matilda Paisley, belov-
ed wife of the late Jno. Ma uire,
which took place on Friday, May
11th, at the home of her daughter, 79
lihtrl Grey ltd., Toronto. Deceased
had been au Invalid for some years
previous to bee death. Mts. Maguire
was born at Smith's Full,, on May
31st, 1850, removing when 8 years of
age with her parents to the vicinity
of Wroxeter, where she resided until
her marriage, 58 years ago, then re-
moving to the 4111 line of Howick,
• where she remained until sickness
made it necessary for her tetneval to
the home of her daughter, She is
survived by 6 daughters and 4 sons :
Mary E, and Mrs. J. 0, l;iobertson, of
Toronto ; Mrs. H. G. Woods, of Fort
William ; Mrs, W. J. McLennan, of
Wroxeter ; Mrs. H, W. Dempsey, of
Stratford ; Mrs. W, Edgar, Wem-
bley, Alta. ; Wellington, Denver,
Col. ; B. J., of Gorrie ; J. T., of Cliff-
ord ; Dr. W. L., of Oonniston, also
one brother, W. J, Paisley, of Clin-
ton. The funeral took place on May
15th to the Gorrie cemetery, The
subjectof this notice was a true wife,
a good mother and a fine neighbor.
The family have the deepest sym-
pathy of the community in the pass-
ing of their loved one.
A 12112 BETTER. 0
4.,. is e::i! !, ..1 you.
h'ow w1, ' this �.iz was created and
how it wee.. _,1."..._.,..
It wes createa f:: whose
peefercnle is t; , It
Was developed .
0(1,1 13.19 that 111, (1,,,112 ;.e
price. It was 7.:.c,ac 1,y over a ., C,1 miles
of relentless too- i:ise Aa_ a! treat c.1
^-:,nounce::.303t, 1` io u.ld;-. to Jit 'i;.ri en-
joyed a rapidly greying recogni+ism as the
fine car of low price,
Its new hath cenee.c35101
ing the riasr; nee, :.n:;daseeM• : of cierrien--
provides true (i=ce .::r. sr;; ', i,rte::: r, and
speed. Its hamar, ed caseit end 1(_I:I:cod in-
teriors create beet line czar e:. 4r:ir:l31'.t. Its
Itlodish Fisher Bodies rove::'. a new (::1: ersioa
of f,:se car beauty; while such feat'tres as
Lovejoy Hydraulic Shock Absor'ner14 and
radiator shutters contribute the fleet touches
of fine car luxury.
Neutrally, all this in a car selling for $1,165
has kindled genuine enthusiasm among car
buyers of taste wed discrixrinetion. They have
inspected it—driven critically—and said, "You
oca buy a bigger car, but not a better one!"
2 -Door Sedan
Government Taxes and .Sparc Tire Extra
General Motors' own deferred payment plan
GIkL4C , , . affords you the simplest
and most economical way of buying your
Oldsmobile on time. 0•49-5.1ea
THE 1?I145
E. C. Cunningham.