HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1928-5-23, Page 4WEDNESDAY, MAY 23rd, 1928. tit' TOrmin WEDNESDAY, MAY 23rd, 1928. WHAT The Post would 15 :t to know is wiry these travelling gypsy bands, whic'h keep roami:1v the eolintl sick, and flim -flaming those "wise ones" get off with a fine? le by not a jail term, which any other white man would get. Or is !t that the police like to get added rower It's been done before. NEW YORK woman, separated ett from her husband for 15 years, leaves him $1 out of her $135,000 estate. Contrary to a conunmt im- pression, the small sum is noe men - toned in the will merely as a sort of a slap at the heir who is meant to be cut off, but to snake the: w 11 proof against court attack. It can- not be successfully contended that 1,4 y 'licks • Pure Barrio 'strain During May and June we will have 7000 Chickse.toil week. $10,00 par 100 These are big, strong Chicks from heavy -laying stock, We guarantee them right in every way, Walter Rose Phone 38x r4 Brussels to drawer of the wi11 forgot to pro- 1 l , vide fora worthy heel, when he is _ __ definitely mentioned. That's drew across the border do not seem to the phrase originates m Lneeara of have rt g01111S for public divorcing puhl "cutting hien off with a i i n.•." H oven a r'rem polities, rad ;o lie was a more effective way oe tutting tanning efficiency comparable with off an heir than by egeorieg hire al- that which may b: counted on under together, wi:o private direction, that is re- y URMtTRINGS in the Centso'va- `narked Crmala, The inevitable re- sult isthat puhlic utilities, which by he tire party of England a;aMet tt,k 1 "17 nature t monopolies, the extreme partisanship of Si: - extras1 laege ercelte from the Deckle. William Joynson- Hicks, Home See- In this country ..rtes are kept down rotary. in the Book of Common to t basis err urian only cast of o or - Prayer controversy, are beginning I ation, deltr,ziato:r wt and prbcis! to be heard. It is felt that et is hard- ' , ly right for a cabinet minister to for growth, where utilities are pu!•- 1!a•ly owned, and the people here take so active apart in an affair found public ownership good.. which the Bishop of London fear's, if carried to a conclusion, may drive EMPIRE D a frommthe Church of Englatld a con- 3j��,. sidorabie body of its members. "Jix" as he is familiarly dubbed by tl.e It is a wonnertut thing to belong electorate, has been n a good many rows since he entered the Baldwin to the ranks of thousands, nay mil - cabinet. lions, of boys and girls who will this week celebrate Empire Day, Some ° ` `'of the children who sing the song: THE Victorian Order of Nurses, is an old and valuable nu•.,iag of Empire, who march beneath the Union Jack, who dress with flowers organization. Bad health is a ter- rible calannity, and when it is coir the monuments of splendid men and women, will resolve as they do so to plicated by poverty the eufferer needs pity, and, more than that, real be worthy of their heritage. ay help. It is that real help that Vic- every one so resolve to be loyal to God and King and Right. torian nurses provide, in the way of It is twenty-nine years since Can - actual nursing where required, ad- ada first ,celebrated Empire Day, vice on diet, and service geneally ttte founded in this country by Mrs. Fes - in relieving misery and elevating the senden. In England it was the Earl health standards of the community. of Meath who first stirred up the ' Where the people served are able to people to set apart this great day, pay something, a small fee is charms , with its ideals of good citizenship, ed; if they can't afford the money the service free. Every large cam - inanity has its deserving unfortuna- tes who should be helped back to health and strength, and also ha: the ignorant who can be made more useful. healthy and happy through the educational and practical efforts of such well-trained capable nurses as the Order sends forth. Theirs ie not really charitable work—it h just giving a friendly helping hand the: will put self-respecting, not pauper- ized; folks in a position to oe self- supporting, will ensure the health of children coming into the world, and see that those already here era pro- perly nourished, for malnutrition is a common error. It's just good busi- ness to help the wok along. .; 0 s 0 DESPITE the prevailing attitude in the United States of opposi- tion to public ownership, an attituJo which it is charged has been foster- ed even in the schools by the nubile utilities companies which are nr,:rnIe- ly owned, the Federal Government !: on the verse of publicly ope_eting one of the largest power projeeee in the world at Muscle Shoals, Alaba- ma, and with it will enter product- ion of concentrated nitrogen. an ee- sontiral in the manufacture of :fertili- zer. The idea is th'at water power can be cheaply produced at Meech, Shoals, so cheaply that the electrical fixation of nitrogen becomes eco- nomically possible. Nitrocce'1 in the past has been largely obtained from its watchwords, of Responsibility, Duty, Sympathy and Self-sacrifice. of us will Then each andeveryone I be glad to remember Victoria Day, May 24, as the birthday of 'Queen Victoria, who died January 22, 1901. The lady who founded Empire Day, lIrs. Clementine, Fesaenddn, was born in Ancaster, Ont. Her home was in Hamilton for about 20 years and her death took place in that city on September 14, 1918. As the founder of Empire Day Mrs. Fessenden was known through- out Canada and the "Dominions be- yond the seas." In a scrapbook which she had made were newspaper clippings from many parts of the world telling of the observance of Empire Day in Australia, South Africa, Gibraltar and by Canadians in Japan. At one time in Sheffield, England, 900,000 boys and girls took hart in the celebration. May Need Photograph. In order to further regulate the 11.e of liquor permits end to pre- vent al ides of the same, Sir 'Henry Drayton. Chairman, of the Liquor t",antral brw,,•d, rimy summed the ap- rlieent far a gov,•.nment shop per- rh.- ing ti ltet vrkh praetic alto the :rine eonditiane a; obtain in m.ikin ' appliention for a passport Before very long it would not be surpr eng, it is reported, if all appl-canc.' for permits will 'have to pre sen; their photographs for filing with their ap- plications. The gross area of the United the nitrate beds of Chile, wh.rh n- States is 3,026,780 miles. deed have been the chief source of ,____-. -_-. --. revenue for the South American The Annual Meeting of country for many years.The United States built the Muscle Shoals plant Neth i largely for war purposes, and tri tried for 10 years to sell it, but ow- ing to the very vastness of the Association scheme. involving about $150,000,- 000, no bid has been received ta.it. t EFor both Federal and Provincial purposes) could command sufficient supper, in Wail ha held in the ;Congress to be aceepttd. Henry TOW N l l A L L Ford's bid of ' some years ago was rev Liberal probably the hest of any, but leis op- po ,ants were strong enough to pre • vent its acceptance and Mr. Forte withdrew, Various offers for cer- tain power rights have been made, bat capital has been shy about tak- ing over the entire project in view of the determination of tlbe farm bloc that it should largely be devoted to d t' Probably the WINGHAM Tuesday, Mi ay 29 THE BRUSSELS POST VetA' Me¢e> le Events hn the bra sorb orflae &Invi Chem/6.s arra.o. MAY 23 — DIVORCE OF CATH- verve he was advanced by the king ERINE OF ARAGON from one dignity to another until be i became Primate of the 1'Inglieh Three hundrd and ninety-five 1 Church, and it was in leis capacity year., ago, on the 23rd of May 15.33 of Ai•rhhishop of Canterbury that he St, David's hurc�� HENFRYN RECTOR Rev. Maurice F. Oldham. Whit Snail! - May lith 2 pare—S. S. and Bible Class 3 pen,—Evening Prayer Service. ]h utr t 111 ,;!•;u . Catherine of summoned Catherine to appear be- •--- Aragon, the hest of his six wives. fore a court convened by him at Queen C ttherine, who was the Dunstable in May 1533• daughter of the King of Spain, was Catherine refused to • attend the been in 1485, and when she was not Court, and it was in her absence mete te. sixte •n years of age she was that Crammer declared that her mare married to Prince Arthur, .the eldest riago to the King had been null and son of Henry VII of England, who void from the first, and that Henry's was almost a year younger than her- secret marriage to Anne Boleyn, self. File months after the marriage which had taken place in January the prince died, and the young widow 1533. was therefore legal. Gather - was detained in England by her ins we ordered to abandon her title father-in-law, who derided that she, of queen and style herself Princess should beeome the wife of his second Dowager, and on her refusal to cem- son, Henry, in order to avoid re- ply she was removed to a remote part of the country where she re- mained virtually a prisoner until her death in 1536, while her daughter was forced to act as nurse-• maid to the infant daughter of Anne BMoleynary . The king's definance of the Pepe, and hie assumption of the right to control the English Church, paved the way for the speedy establish- ment of the Reformed Faith in funding the handsome dowry he had received from the Spanish King. According t othe rules of the Ro- man Catholic church the princess could not wed the brother of her de- ceased husband, but in June 1503 the Pope granted a dispensation and she was formally betrothed to Henry, although the marriage was not sole- mnized until 1508, two months after the death of Henry VH and the ac- cession of Henry VIII. At first the elm,England, one of the greatest elm, marriage seemed a happy one, for , marking events in British history. Catherine was a good woman and devoted to her fickle husband, but he LAWYERS' NAMES was disappointed at her failure to FOURLAWYERS' provide him with a male heir, and he made this an excuse for wishing • to divoreedier, althoughttheiroaler'.al. son was his passion for Anne Boleyn Aro Debarred From Practising Their and 'e;he desire to make her his wife. Professions. Henry ba ed his claim to a divorce on the ground that his marriage to 1 The Law Society of Upper Can- Cetherine was illegal, and he antici- ada last week struck four names uated no difficulty in securing, the from the register, debarring four acquiescence of the Church, but the lawyers from practising their profes- Pope feared to incur the enmity of sion. They are: E. W. J. Owens, K. the powerful Spanish king and re - C., and J. A. Campbell, of Toronto; fused his consent. After prolong- H. D. Petrie, Hamilton, and R. G. ed negotiations the Pope agreed to McFarlane, Listowel. These men have the king's case tried in Lon - had been reported by the discipline don, and Cardinals Wolsey and coimnittee as having been guilty of Campeggio were ordered to preside Professional misconduct. at trial and report the evidence to Mr. Owens was at one time alaw- Rome for judgment. The trial took place in the historic hall of the yer M Clinton. Blackfriars Monastry, where the Alloyed with tin, lead forms solder; spirited defence of the unhappy alloyed with antimony, is used for queen, which has been immortalized bullets, type metal and the like. by Shakespeare , in hie play of "Henry VIII", gained her the sym- pathy of the British people. The trial rsulted in a definite re- fusal of the Pope to grant a divorce and the King then placed the mat- ter in the hands of Thomas Cram- mer, who had expressed the opinion that the union could be dissolved by the English ecclesiastical courts if it was shown that the marirage had been illegally sanctioned by The Pope. At that time Crammer was a lecturer at Cambridge University, but during the three years that he worked on the problem of the di-- 2214 - ETHEL STRUCK FROM LISTS Commencing at 2 o'clock Meeting will he addressal by Mr. Blake Miller M. P. P., Fast Elgin, and others, fertilizer pro l5lett. All interested in the Political issues of the day 'hesitation W1116 many AmCrlcans are invited to be present, Feel toward public ownership is Alm Porterfield, Gordon Young, retry Well founded. Our neighbors Setratary. President Caroi TO HAND Taking orders now for Alberta Coal J. H. FEAR Here's how you pay .for neglect N under -inflated tire soon gets into real trouble — broken side walls, a punctured inner tube — often a blowout. Under -inflation is one of the chief causes of premature tire failure. Tests have. proven that every 10% drop from the cor- rect inflation causes a 20% drop in mile- age. Call at a Dominion Tire Depdt and have your tires examined. You are never far away from a 0 1"f l®,yi; TIRE E OT Ea G. Cunningham DEALER — — BRUSSELS .211IMIONIMMIO M.1011.' Underwent Operation Rt. Hoy. Monsignor J. J. Blair, who was a former Parish Priest of Brussels, underwent a serious opera- tion the other day at Toronto. SCANDAL Straw hats are to be seen once more on the male species. Many people alive today can re- member the time when nobody caul.) tell whether girls wore faded garters or not. Prince Carol of Rumania has ewe wives and a "sweetie" -all the qua- lifications for crashing into NOW York society. r q..;. Are the girls of today drinking?— dry ginger ale?—one fell off the steps of a local store the other even- ing—and she didn't have a Mother Hubbard on either. Once upon a time. as usual fairy stories go, the daughter of the hoarse used to help with the housecleaning —now they take sick when this an- cient torture commences. WOMEN'S STYLES HAVE REACHED THEIR PEAK Headline. Peak, your grandmother. Eyefull1 • Fill this in to suit local conditions and circumstances: If your gold ia- terfers with spring gardening, house- cleaning, painting .or cleaning -up, cut on the —. •• Despite sudden changes in the weather we have had, we were shocked on Saturday morning to see a well-known farmer drive up the Main street seated in a cutter. That's got the Western changes beat a mile —however the cutter was in a wag- gen. Central League Teams Open Season May 29 The Central Baseball League will commence the season on' May 29th. The scheduled games are as follows: May 29—Neustadt at Clifford • May 29—Gorrie at Palmerston June 5—Clifford at Drew June 7—Palmerston at Neustadt June 7—Drew at Gerrie June 11—Palmerston at Drew June 14—Neustadt at Gerrie June 15—Clifford at Palmerston June 19—Drew at Neustadt June 20—Gorrie at Clifford June 25—Neustadt at Drew June 26—Palmerston at Clifford Jorma 29—Drew at Palmerston June 29---Gorrie at Neustadt July 4—Gorrie at Drew July 5 -Clifford at Neustadt July 9—Drew at Clifford July 9—Palmerston at oGrrie July 13—Neustadt at Palmerston July 1'7—Clifford at Gerrie. At the close of the season, second and third teams play off. Winners of sanul to play fnret-place team. Win- ner of the latter series to go into the O. 13, A. A. play offs, and loser to take trophy. PREPARATION "'Your taut was excellent, and so impromptu!" "I'm glad you thought so, I practiced it for two hours last night," Last Time To -Night - Wednesday T fie 13th 1Nlh 1 11ur9 Lionel Barrymore ac orifi I Gadsden Friday & Saturday - May 25 & 26 F you have a weak heart don't dare the suspense of "The 181'"-r ire, f tribution with Lillian Rich 99 Robert Fraser Victor McLaglen What Sinuationo ! What Power ! What Punch ! What Thrills and What Comedy Tuesday & Wednesday - May 29-30 'Spoilers of the West' Indian Raids ! Heart Raids ! Thrills Galore ! Thi+ un1.1aw he had been seat to rapture—a pretty gni l ! SRP gives him the slip and taken h heart along, in a filen that'll mike you dsnee with excitement Friday and Saturday - June 1 & 2 WILLIAM FOX"The crura presents �„�a• of Peter Grp may' H11-58'.S 1gre•atplinkedav in which 0011111 nee, pathos, suspense and comedy have been delicately blended by a 11/104101 1.•1.145. The cast includes one of the greatest of epimeres actors in hie greatest, ;mete need ,and two of the most lovable young playeto in screenland. The, film version outdoes the stage play and that's saying a lot, ALSO --A A Fox Come ygue A Regular Fox Bill COMING : Mary Pickford in "Sparrows", "Don Juan" 11.100/ W. F. A. Schedule for Group No. 2. NIay 28—Brussels at St. Columban une 1—Kinburn at Newton une 1 -1St. Columban at Monkton June 4—Kinburn at Brussels J n I ane 5—Newton at Monkton o une 8—St. Columban at Kinburn une 8—Brussels at Newton une 11—Monkton at Kinburn une 12—Newton at Brussels une 15—Brussels at edonkton une 15—Newton at St. Columban une 18—Kinburn at St. Columban une 18—Monkton at Newton ane 22—St. Columban at Brussels June 23—Kinburn at Monkton Juste 26—Monkton at St. Columban une 26—Newton at Kinburn June 2Q—St. Columban at Newton une 29—Brussels at Kinburn my 8—Monkton et Brussels. More than seven million London- ers supplied with water by the Met-' ropolitan water board. J J J• J' J J J J J J J J J AUCTION SALE —of— Car of Colts ON SATURDAY AFTERNOON, MAY 26 eft Mile North of BRUSSELS at 1.30 o'clock. , TERMS -4 months' credit on 'fur- nishing approved joint notes, land owners for security. D. M. SCOTT, N. HAMILTON Auctioneer, i'rnprietor Property for Sale Brick house and two lots, corner of Queen and Netnews streets, .13rtt•,0e1a, with stable, hen hon+a, eta Any reasonable offer noaspt- ed for huntedinte elle. Address all oonmmn• tentions to MRS. W• W. tARtil:a, 40.55 20 alulteuzle et , Galt. Notice to Creditors Meeting of Huron Co, Council The Council of the Corporation of the Coun- ty of Huron will meet in the Council Cham. bar, Goderiah, at 2.50 o'clock In the afternoon of Tuesday. the 6th de of Jun y e 10: y 8. Allnc- oonnta against the County y count be in the prude of she Clerk not later than Monday preceding the em GEO, W Council Goderlch, May 21, 1028. County Clerk, Court of Revision TOWNSHIP OF GREY The Court of Revision on the Assessment Roll of the Townnhiy of Grey will be helcPitt the Towns hi Hall, fOtttol. on Natnrday, June 2nd, at 10 o'clock a. m. All parties interested will please take notice and govern themselves accordingly. J. H NEAR, Clerk, Ethel, May 1451.1028. Court of Revision VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS The Court of Revision on the Assessment Ron of the Village of Brnanels will be held in the Connell Chamber, on Monday. June 4th, et 8 o'olook p. in, All parldov interested will I please take untioe and govern I ltvmnelves ,nc• aordingly. A. H. MACDCNALD, Clerk. 8russols, kitty 151h, 70.8 Farm for Sale 1118 n lies, being part lot gas 7th Can., and lob 20, gth 000., Grey Township, tlu•oe•gnarter mile front Ethel and school, Farm is known Its Dilworth Perm, For particulars apply to 80.15 11. E. 1ROWLAND. Da Yw. r feet Bugler Vuu ? Olt I the tragedy of nnhing fent, the miner)' • of painfully dram ging one foot after the otlt• er, the bitterness of watching others seep along without n fool care in the world, Wont misery ono be .avoided. 1 know, bemuse 1 suffered for years, bn I found n way to re- lieve that painful str in 011)oe Illy weakened arches, Now, I want to help others ; 1Y you are a sufferer, gleeful 111 ell bon 11111 POET when writing J. T, WOOD, 220l'resspnotst., Ham. !Ito,, Ont„ or may be purchased tot Downing Bros„ shoe dealers, Brussels, Farm for Sale In the matter of the Estate of ! mile afromesirab desirable farm of llclfitgo, MIId George McMillan, tato of the Vil- lage aqui mlonts. Easy terms to goat pn, of Brussels, in the Bounty of For farther pertioalnro 01)1)1)' to Huron, Deceased. 21•.1"1. OIACDONALD Notice is Hereby given, pursuant to Section 65, Chapter 121, of the Revised Statutes of 01 terio, that altper0005 having claims ngnins6 the estate of the said George hloMihnn, cleansed, who cried on or about the 20611 day of Tnnnary, A, 1)100, are rogn,red on or before the 26th day of May, A. D,1048, to send by post veld or dallier to Sim- nel Wilton, Esq. Brussels, the Executor of the last Will and Testament of the eeceasod, their Ohriat;an and surnames, and addresses, with full static - elan in wrl5htg of their Maims and the ttatere of their securities (If any) held by them. And further take notiee that after Duel, Inst mentioned date that said Exoontor will pro• need to distribute the assets of the deceased amongst the persona entitled thereto having regard only 16 the ela!ms of wldoh ire shall then have notioe and the avid Executor will not be liable to nn)' porsotl or persons for •the said assets or any port thereof 68 whose claim notlee eho11 not have been reosiv- ed by him at the time of such distrtbutlon, pitted this 6th day of Mny, A. D. 1028, SA Mtnille WILTON, TON•, Iteeoubor. nrnosole, House and Lot for Sale Tho undersigned offers for sale his ponce and lot on Albert street, Brnasels. House contains bath, furnace and is eleotrlo wired, Good garden and garage. Everythingin first'elnes repair. 86.55 JAB, HENDERSON, senforth, Farms for Sale The undersigned offers for sole his 100•aoro ham being Ng, Lot 20, Con, 7, Morris. Also 182 nores being NortLot 20, and 11%, 07, Con. 7, Morris. Goo houses and barns in flret•oiaee condition, also all good ent•bnlld• hags. W111 sell with or withoo t atop. Re06- fselling, poor hWeltoprt•ne s9pptV7. H. MOVTOHEON 0roprletor. R. B,4, Brussels