HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1928-5-23, Page 1-1l It VOL. 56 NO, 49 t i2,00 kr annum in advance t�1:1'�1 ELS. ONI�ft 1U. 1V7I:11ti'IiS:?..Y. :11:1Y 23 1(28 CAR OF rano iu Expected about May 25. Placa; your orders now, Walton Farmers' Eu-Flp, Phones : Brussels 904 Seaforth230r32 BRUSSELS Phone 4 CAR OF Wstrn (Iat No, i Feed, to arrive June 1St, also 300 11115. Fee Wheat e. At. the monthly neer ing Of the Um Farmers' Co-operativ New Advertisements meeting -Huron L un a %noel! sees pots t.,._ W 1 !dot n ken Western Dols lr nn , i;dnpnrntli' Ifodak I ay P. 13 nniltli Alberta 1i1 -Wotton lmmers' Co (1p. lhreei pegs"- Unton United ('torch Hair 31ondx-W 4' 1'otnbur New. or Now Dresses -•King Bros, Dain e-Otarua Wesenbers Piga fur sale --W, galrinire (?nivex for se le -di llkiason Por sal 1:.1 Mr l ennsn Auti,n'•n 1 It HnnU ton Pluannpl 0-1,, Welch ler Annual Meeting -N. Huron Liberal Assoc, Red SVnrkers til t.be United Chore h, 6 at \Vroxceer, n pies:dog part of the program 10ns 1he presentation to Mrs A. D. Armstrong of 31 purse of money by the, United Worketo and the Wo. mrtl'e Al is'.iolutry Hncie1 y. Tho ad- . dress 30(30 road by Mrs.'1'hos. Walker • an(l the presutelinn muds by Mrs. Wm, lvusnn. Mr8. Alinetrong ex• preened her deep appreciation of the gift and also her regret at leaving (30 many warm friend' made daring lltr four year,. in tVroxetee, Her line- bend,Rev. A. D. Ar'metronlr, has 1 een apex 111ted p.30toe of Beecher United Church. London, Many of the Women's Institute jwere gathered together un Monday evening to spend a social time at the 'Misees H,telewood's hone and honor Aire. U. Davidson, a former resident heroic leaving to take up her reel. dente ie Oshawa. All enjoyed the games and music. At the conclus- ion a very dainty lunch was served. The regular May meeting of the Wroxeter Women's Institute will be held at Miss Mary Pope's home on Thursday, May 81. Mrs. R. I3Iack, of Gerrie, will take the topic c D du- cational and Social Value of Flow- ers" and there will be an exhibit of spring flowers. Election oi: officers will take place and roll call respond- ed to by payment of fees. 0 BELGRAVE W. and Mrs. Colo and Saeta spent Thursday in London. Mrs. Osborne of London was a visitor with Mrs. R. Yule. Owing to the illness of 12,ev. Mr. Hawkins there bee been -to service in the Anglican church for the last two Sundays. We are sorry to know that Dan Ferguson has been confined to Clin- ton hospital for the past week 1111- dorgoing treatment for his leg which was injured in an accident in Toron- to some time ago and had not coin- pletely healed. Wu ]lope for an early recovery. �tnT •i27+.«. M.#t.'.«.� .«.*•:_a:::.•.«W�«: �«wspHWl...+, +#t..!3t+.Ft,«:;4!31«+12!..F!I!>..:i7I+i'+:o«1 The Surrounding Dista-ict ._ ���+ +I�k+i s!�+1"1!!'o isi!•`.+ai'!•i.'iwi7i:'�"i!i_''i'''..1�!?:,i«ili i7+ i��wM�i•!i ::I'+2t'i+i'+'�!L�!'.�'. ice'+ e!+i BLUEVALE ing along nicely. The recent heavy James Kerney was on the sick i:at rains letve helped everything and a couple of days this week. pl'ospeot:e are good for a bum,)er hay I'', Black shipped a couple of care and grain crop, of hogs and cattle to Toronto Satur- day. e. Anson and Mrs. Thornton of Gor- WROXETER lie spent Sunday at the 11001,1 qr Alt's. T. G. Hemphill ,vas a recent Wm. Thenton, visitor in Olinton, , Wilbert and Mrs. Mothers and Weldon feneledge, Brampton, called family of Guelph spent Sunday with on friends in the village, last week, George Matters, Mrs, Win. Weir has returned from Jos. Underwood spent Sunday with Vanleek Hill, cohere she spent the ' his brother George who is seriously tsi' ill at the home of his son Nelson 1VJtelnv. R•. S. ,fines and Fred Davey Underwood., attended the Synod, at London, last' , Gordon McKay has his creamery week. 1 completed now and made his first Jno, , arn is borne from the un- i ivereity, atToronto, 'u lc t for the Summer butteron Tuesday. I 2 ucs 1 Mr. Coombs ex- ' b5 y vacation, poets to have his creamery coti,plt't•• I The Young People's Society of i:he eo in about a week. , United Church gave their play, "'Tie Farmers are now all througa seed- 1 Path Across the Hill," in Walton, on ing, and the early sown grain is tom -Friday- evening, and they wets warn- Ily received. An enjoyable social time was spent d Seed at the home of the Hisses Hazelwood, J on klonday evening, by the -members Iof the Women's Institute, which met to do bonne to one of their ("embers, Mrs. G, Davidson, who is leaving for Go Pot" t ' Oshawa. She was made the recipient a. =* {of n dainty piece of china. Under the auspices of Clio Ladies' 1 Guild nt the Anglican Church, a corn - Place your orders now 1 pony of Clifford young people gave the play, "It happened in June,' in for your Seed Potatoes lthe town hall, of Wednesday even- ' ing of loot week. It was ably pre- sented and there was a splendid at - W. . J• McCracken 1 tenth -ince. A Clifford orchestra sup. Phone 43 BRUSSELS plied r eedewere 877 00 ecu Acts. The pro - i! ,g `3 }1 tl F 51f IN s' TIS s s We have left on our racks some 15 Coats, all new, up-to- date styles, mostly Navy Tricotines, some Satin trimmed, others trimmed with moleskin fur. In order to clear out these Coats to make 'room "for more Merchandise we offer them at very Special Prices. Ladies' Suits Of Navy Tricotine, all good styles, just a few numbers left, to clear at , - One-third off Regular Price Exceptional Value in tadies' House Dresses at 11.39 The assortment includes Ginghams in plaids, stripes, etc. Regular prices of all Dresses from 2.00 to 2.75, 32 Inch Scotch - Zephyr Shirting All new patterns, suitable for Boys' Blouses or Men's Shirts. Regular price 35c. Clearing at 29c A few Children's Rompers in light and dark colors. Regular $1.25. Special 49c. Several Webs 36 -inch Anderson Gingham Regular prices 35c. Clearing 1 the last at 25c yard Fugi Silk Broadcloth All the new Spring shades at special price of 65c Odd Line Ladies' Fibre Silk Hose All sizes, regular price 75c. clearing at 25c pair 27 -inch Gingham Some plaids and small checks. Regular price 25c. Clearing at 19c Our stock of Boys' Two-piece Bloomer Suits being too P g large we have decided to reduce the entire line at I 1-3 off Reg. Price, All sizes in the lot. Up-to-date • styles and new pattern tweeds, Boys' Two-piece Bloomer Suits S1100 Shirts in be or Khaki All sizes. Best values in the Market Hays Cotton Jerseys 29c All sizes. Regular price 440c, Phone 24 eielreeele lee 00040 a4` L N� Our Prices are always the Lowest _ 1y$ .1 ' )'u 4>i ...: The Lathes' Aid of UNION CHURCH are presenting the Humorous Play "Three Pegs by the Y. P. S Presbyterian Tuesday, at8p,m, in at Union, 74 of Atwood Chuz''rh 011 May 29 the Church Vau Can't Laugh, Don't Come Cast of Charaotors Emily Weldon, n wealthy mannan. In whose home the scene of the play is Iain Aunt Eu phone, Margery i3utn;:ga 1 llil, D11ax Weston's Aunt, who 1a very naerfering ,••................... aloe inglln The Thre, Peg.-- blorgurrlt.e, 3 Flapper, n :Antic., of Aunt Eupho lin Eileen Blnekwell Madge. )dirk delicate lit hex tall .. A. Dickson Peg, who trier to "lake everyone happy Sarah, the Idol) (look L mIllo west .Ahs Dickson Mrs. her sister, I the Maid Agnes n very Mrs. nd Conti, an Italian, .rho has been Valiance kind to Madge ly „ ... ton'sIsobel vallauae Mrs. Bark lev, a'uilly 11'raton'x 1+,7rnd D1ra, Gordan Hamilton Adults 350 Children 200 MRS. HARRY SPEIRAN, Proe. M. and Mrs. Laine of Fergus, were recent visitors with Mr. and .t41rs. J, 13randon. Miss Belle Sproat of Seaforth was renewing old friendships sinthevii• lege on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Griilith of London, •pent a few clays with Daviel and Mrs Scott recently. The regular meeting of the Bel - pave branch of the Women's l::st- itute was held on Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. Clegg, Morris. The president, Mrs. McCatiunt, had charge of the meeting. Arrange- ments were made for the next meet- ing when the speaker from the De- partment will address the meeting in the Foresters' Hall on June 13, Sev- eral other items of business were dis- posed of and then the election of officers followed with Mrs. D. Ged- des in charge. All the officers were re-elected for the coming year. Msis Edith Procter gave a very interest- ing paper on "The Importance of Being Punctual." Mrs. D. Geddes favored with a vocal solo ,which was much enjoyed. At the close of the program lunch was served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. Jesse Wheel- by er and a social half hour was enoyed by all. W, T. and Mrs. Brydges andBitty Beth motored to Rodney last week to visit at the home of Walter and Mrs. Scott (nee Janet Kerr, 3rd line Mor- ris,) Mrs, Nell. Bradburn and child- ren, Ruth and Audrey, and Miss Mar- garet Johnson accompanied them to London, visiting there and at llyde Park For a fell days. el Annum —- Thele was soletlallized on Wednesday, Mey 100, at high noon, at the home of of Jas, and Mrs, Andereon, 6th line, Morris, the ruse. tinge of their elder daughter, Violet Anderson, R. N„ graduate of Strat- Ford Hoepital, to John A. Burke, of Toronto, son of Mrs, and the late John iBurke, of Midland. Rev. Jas. Scottie, pastor of Knox United 011urci„ Bel - grave, officiated, The wedding was a quiet one, and was attended by the immediate relatives and a few friends of the beide and groom. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, looked very charming in her wedding gown of shell pink georgette over pink silk and carried a tnagnific- entboquet of pink tea roses. She was attended by Miss Mary Bareley, of Stratford, wearing a gown of beige georgette and lace and she carried red roses, The groom was ably assisted byl Earl Anderson, brother of the bride, The groom's gift to the bride was a leather hat box and a cabinet of silver ; to tire bridesmaid, a gold bar pin with diamond setting ; to the groomsman, a pair of green gold cuff links. After a dainty luncheon, the bride and groom left 011 the 4.15 0, P, R, train amid showers of confetti and good wishes from a boat of friends for n brief honeymoon trip to Northern Ontario, The brido!s travelling cost- ume was of navy blue silk with trim- mings of mother goose with hat to match. On their return, they will take up residence in Toronto, where the groom bolds a lucrative position with the 0. P. R. CRANBROOIC CARD OP THANES.—The undersign- ed wish to acknowledge with appre- ciation the many acts of kindness by neighbors and friends during the ill- ness and recent bereavement in the death of the late Mr. Raddatz, They will not soon be foogotten, RADDATZ BOYS. FIg0HER FAMILY. by Ladies' Aid of the St, John's United Churc Stratford Will be presented in TOWN HALL BRUSSELS Friday [v'q, May 25th Under auspices of Ladies' Aid Of Brussels United Church Oast of Characto,s Mabel Montgomery... Sirs. J. (3nllawoy Mx -y Ann (1'll'tunertp Dire. R. Ryerson Elmer L Fennel ,.,.,,... Murray t: xmiobell Abort Ren Noche NY Meg Pugh Virginia gEthel 0(Cot Jerry Arnold,..... Boss McMellen ,lack Montgomery.,...... dnc)1 w311nnaon Mr- ai%Nutt Lawrence Near Zuleike Dlr,. J, Hanley ACT I -Home of the 5l on tgomerye. ACT 11 -Senn a et„'re, one month Inter. AUT III -Mr.. Rridger's garden, three wseke Inter. Vire treat that you'll enjoy Curt little plat' And when you leave each ore of you will say A word to all goad husbands: Stay et home. Or if from fireside bright you'llhave to roam, Be sure and tell the truth -the very w"rat Were better than oar motto,to, "Safety D'irst," Admission Ad Cents GREY Crops are beginning to show up now. Send in the news or phone it in, We are always glad to have the newsy 1 terns. Mre, A. McBain, Airs. E. G. Cogh- lin, Duloie and Joyce, Mrs, M. R. Old- ham and Rev, A1, F. Oldham, of At- wood, visited on Wednesday after- noon of last week with Mrs. Whit- field, at the home of Mrs. Angus Brown, 14th Cott„ Gray. Hon. Jno. S. Martin, Ontario nein. later of Agriculture, is calling the at- tention of all municipalities to the new amendments to the Noxious Weed Act which was passed at the last session of the Legislature and is asking of them all possible co-oper- ation in reducing the weed menace to a minimum. Died in Saskatchewan:—Word was received on Monday of the death of Julia Frain, wife of James Hoag, of Lucky Lake, Saskatchewan, and a former Grey Township girl, having been a former resident on the Sad line. She had passed away on Sun- day evening and no further p irticul- ars have been sent yet. Deceased was a daughter of the late L. and Mrs. Frain and besides her husband and a son and two daughters, is survived by two brothers, Joseph, in the West and Louis in Grey; and two sisters, Mrs, Tyerman and Miss Wionna, of this township. Burial will be made in the West. Fuller particulars are expected by nett week's lame. MORRIS The hay is doing well now. The recent rains have indeed helped the crops. FORMER SUNSHINE TEACHER,—The death occurred at Blyth, on Tuesday morning of Inst week at 10 o'clock, of Richard Adams, aged 81 years. Six- teen years ago, be suffered a stroke, and partially recovered until he suffer- ed another stroke, recently. Bocn at Seaforth, son of the late Thos. Adams, he became a teacher, having charge of Sunshine School. A few years later, he bought general store at Londes- baro now owned by Juo, Armstrong. He lived-in Londesboro until retiring to Blyth, fourteen year's ego, Hie wife was formerly Mies 13'11)1010 Laith- waite, of Qodetich Twp , who surviv- es with two sons and one daughter Thos„ of Saskatchewan ; Howard, of Detroit, and Mrs. Boyd (Elva), Ohio. ago, He also leaves three brothers : Noble 'T, Adams, of Hallett ; Wm., Seaforth, and Thoe„ Saskatoon, Seek, The late Mrs, Fred Gales and Mre, ;los. Dorranoe and Robe Adams pre- deceased him, The funeral took place in Blyth, on Thursday, to Blyth cem- etery, A FORMER RESIDENT PASSES.—The home of !Anthony 1laggit, at Blyth, was bereaved on Thursday last, in the passing of Mre. Haggis, the 1eeult of Injuries which she received in an auto. tnobile accident, on the Saturday. previoue, Mr. and Mre, Haggit had been visiting in Detroit, and on Sat. urday, in company with a sot -in-law, Wm, Stiner, his wife and two daigh. tees, left to return to Blyth, when neat' Forest, the car struck a rut in George's last dance of the season M. E(aggid was Wetted tl a only lane severe. wr. ill be held in Longs Hall, on Friday; ly injured, and she was taken to the evening of this weals. Gnnd m081)1 Hone of Wm, Drew, rime hr, whet'e will he supplied by the Lanndy Leith alio remained until Wadnesdny even. twig Serenaders. See adv(, in this Ing, when it was thought tint she had servo, recovered sufficiently to continue the The May meeting of the W, 1k1, S, journey home, They arrived here was held in the Presbyterian Church, about midnight, but the patient seem, The Sot•iptttre leaou was read by Ml's, ed to have stdfeeed a relapse, as elm Matt, Oameron, followed by sentence passed away at 4 a. m. the following }5ravers. Mrs, Willi ams read d from morning. Is though1 thatshe had study book, 'Th RoyalRond„ and 1 thieved internntl The .r - beet e d e . J Y e a9 Mrs, Reo. Pritchard. of AJnieswortll, ed lady, whose maiden name was Lev. gave an 000011(11 of the Provincial inn Addley, wive born at Milton, Ont. Presbyterial held at Guelph, Del- in 1860, and canoe to Lomlt'sboro 58 (gates 08010 eppointlld to attend the years ago. Two years later, she was Presbyterial, at Teeewnt(:r, The married to Anthony ldaggitt, and for meeting' closed with prayer by Mrs, n 1-itn0, they made their home in Williams, 1Vhai:-will fIle house- wife be doing next week to Canning PHIEAPPL[ of Course Leave your order at [ck l i r'E rrHerY Phone 04 "SERVICE” ' OUR MOTTO t'rullsi'itvr= George's Last DANCE LONG'S HALL C RANBR' OK Friday fv g,1lay 25th Lundy Ludwig's Serenaders, Blyth, will furnish the Music Luneh Served. EVERYBODY WELCOME Personal Paragraphs M. Bleier )peat. last Suuti:ty 111 w� 'en ,,io&Ditl ei, ttnd airs. Yollerk spent the week- _..._ __ -_,._-.. ___.-_.. end in Toronto. W, S. Scott is hawk at the Post 1.. efii se after his illness. h Harvey Gidley, t i' Blyth, was a vis- e itor in town, nli Tlmeeday lift, Blyth 18 year', ago. She was a men her of Queers street C:,itch Chum it woman of kindly disposition, Sh leaves to mourn her loss, besides her husband, a family of eleven, namely : Ales. S. Taylor, East Wawaunah ; Mrs. Iiaylancl, Mrs, W. Stirrer, Mrs, W. Donley, inn, and Wm. Haggit, of Detroit ; Mrs, Chas, Wolfe, Renee!! ; Ails. Jas, Chesney, Trenton • Ja Haggitt, Windsor, and Albert Hag gin, Blyth. The funeral took plac on Sunday afternoon, with set'vic conducted bRev.I , Beenby follow ed by inteimeut in Union cemetery R9le pallbearers were: Wm. Mill, Jon Faireervice, Albert Taylor, E 0 Lauudy, Jno. Potts and Deices Tarn an, Miss Edna lialwerds has returned hone after a visit In Sttlttfal d. Fred Porterfield, of Milellell, was a vie;( or in town, on Tburoday last, D. M. Seott, of London, teas in town 1' a few (lays last week, net business, e, Mrs, Robt, Rose, Kincardine, spent the week -end with Mrs, John Oliver, e town. e Miss Annie Fergusntr, of Warton, 18 - the guest ofM •s A 0. Dames, this week. ' Walter W. anal Mrs. Burgess, of Mitchel), were visitota in towel, last Friday. Mies Kate Deadman has returned to Toronto, where she will spend the Summer, Harry Robinson, of Galt, was call- ing nn old friends in town, on Mon - clay, J. H. and Mrs. Galbraith and boys and Airs. Jac, Bowman wet week -end visitors in Tot onto. Aliltnn Oliver bas taken a position in the advertising department of the a Toronto Daily Star. R. J. and Mrs. McLaughlin were in Toronto over the week -end, returning with a new "Oakland." Cameron Strachan, of Thorndale, spent the week -end with his mother, Mre T. Strachan, Flora st. Mre. Gen, Roberton, of Clinton, was the guest, last week, with her sieter-in-law, MIs, Jas, Ballantyne, Mrs. Jno. E, Smith returned on Monday evening, after a four months' visit at Detroit, Chatham and Lon- don, Rev, T. E and 1elre, Kennedy and children, of Mount Brydges, spent several days last week with Mende in town. Joe Schwadron, of Toronto, was railing on old Mende in town, last week, Heels recovering from his re- cent illuees. Mrs. Wm. Palmer and nephew, Palmer Somerville, motored to Lon- don, on Sunday morning, and spent the day thele. A. and Mrs. Powers, of Aylmer, motored to Brussels, on Sunday. Mr. Powers returned to Aylmer, en Mau- dav, and Mrs. Powers is spending a few days with her parents, E. A, and Mrs. Gammage. Miss Jennie Budd left on Thursday of last week on an extended visit with friends in Winnipeg and other Western points. We wish her a pleasant outing and a safe return. Douglas Clarke, of (lnderich, and a former Brussels parsonage boy, who has been taking course in forestry, has been appointed to assist in some research work in Northern Ontario, during the Summer. Airs. Wm. Ainley, a former well. known resident of Brussels, has been seriously ill at her home in Toronto, during the past week, Mre, Ainley suffered a stroke of paralysis, about two years ago from which she has been an invalid ever since. ETHEL Gen. and Mrs. Bateman, have mov- ed to their new home on the Station road. Rev, Stanley Hall, who is graduat- ing from Victoria College, spent a few days with bis brother, Roy. Gen. A. and Mt's. McLelland, of New York, are spending a while with tb former'', father, Jae, McLelland. Mies Rhea AIcLelland, of Torontn, and Mies Edna lecLelland, Clifford, spent the week•eud at their home here. The Ethel Soft Ball Olub has been reorganized for the season, and reg- ular practices will soon be °owrnenc- Mrs, D, Milne has been under the doctor's care, and has been spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. F. Sleightholm. Mac Namara, of Seaforth, spent: a few days Net week, at Dr, McMaster's putting the finishing touches on the new vel andah. - The stork paid a visit to our village, ou Sunday morning, and left a fine big baby boy with Cecil and Mre. Eck- mier, Oongratltlatione. Miss Evelyn Stevenson is assisting Andrew S.in ingeneral the gene al store. and Galvin Kreuter is in charge of the new ice cream parlor. Mre. Hugh Addy, sr„ who has been quite ill, ie able to be up again, Airs, Uoatee was in attendance for a few days and served in her usual efficient manner. A good time was enjoyed b. a large number of ladies at the moutlly meet- ing of the Women's Instilut0, on Thursday last, when Mrs. Jas Brem- ner was hostess fon' the Society. David and Mrs. Milue celebrted the 60111 anniVel'eary of their wedd}ng, on Monday, at the home of F. n Sleightholrn, when a very pleasant• time was spent. We extend hearty congratulations to this coup have spent so marry years in o mnnity. Keep Mandnv, June 28th, open for the annual United Chinch garden party, Program will be provided by a concert party from Torooto. A special services will also be Sunday evening, June 24th, t mucic will be supplied by Toronto tal- ent. Watch for particulars Iater. WALTON v f ud Mrs, 10 who ur com- held nn aben the Foto B. Gardiner was in London, last week, on business. Jno, and Ales. Watt spent a few days in Toronto, recently. Miss Annie Ferguson is the guest of Mrs, A. C. Datnes, at Brussels. ,Fred Miller has been confined to his root" for a few days through illness. Wm. Shortreed, who underwent en operation acme time ago, is still con- fined to his bed. Quite a number people in Walton and vicinity have been suffering with a malady with sy(nptons in nature of flu. Jae, H. McLaughlin, of Dutton, Ont„ called on a number of old friends in the village, during the early pare of laet week. Miss Agnee G. Broadfoot, youngest daughter of Mrs. W. G. Broadfoot, of Seaforth, who bas been staying at the home of W, R. Broadfoot, has left for her home near See forth. Miss Jean Tulmbul, 13. A., of To- ronto, who was home attending her grandmother's funeral last week has returned to her duties at the Univer- sity of Toronto, This commnnity was sorry to Iearn that Sarah Eleanor, tho two-year old daugter of Porter A. and Mrs. Den- nis, passed away on Sunday •foUow- ing an illness of three weeks. The funeral s held o Tuesday aftti - 1 l WA C n 0011 and the set'vices were eonduct- d by Rev. Mr. Smith, pateer 0f mem church, Winthrop, Bineal as made at Brttssols c311tetsay. Be des the parents, five sieter survive, d il'ieends extend sym� athy toythe °leaved, n c 0 w sl 'lunette Auburn, Morrie, centime to 0 Will Neal is planing to take a trip to the Old Country next month. Miss Margaret Arinstrong of Sea - forth, spent the week end with Vera M. Gardiner. John and :llrs. McDonald were in Detroit for a few days recently and attended the graduation exercises of the St. Marys Hospital of which their slaughter, Mary, is a graduate, Mr. and Mrs. McDonald returned home on Sunday accompanied by Mr. McDonald's brother, Lewis, and sis- ter, Vera McDonald, of Detroit, , MONCRIEFF' Thos. and Mrs. Inglis, Annie and Grosert called or old friends at Mon- oriefl', on Sunday. "Three Pegs," a comedy play by tine Young People of Atwood Presbyter- ion church, will be presented in the Union United Chereh on Tuesday evening next under the auspices of tbeleadies' Aid. The play ie highly , recotumencle.d and no one should mise it. See Advt. y MILVERTON As the result of a heavy fog prevail• fag early Saturday inorning last, ROSS olemeue, of Alilverton, is in the Kit- elumer and Waterloo l oepital with painted injuries sustained when he was inns beneath ant 1' 1 hie s e p nr '1 I ttit , (/ ditch, near Heidelberg, The youth was driving to Kitchener, when he event. off the road Into the fog and the carovertut•ned, lie was tligovet'od by passeit:,lry and when examined IVO fennel to halm both itrtee broken, a broken elbow and severe cote about the face,