HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1928-5-16, Page 8WEDNESDAY, MAY 16th, 1in2e.
Two IVs« y Sp cia1s
A Kennedy's
Meth Bag with a
25c pkg.
Red Cedar Flakes
with Natothalene
both for 25c
Introductory offer on
Cara Nome
Buy the trial pkg of Cara
Nome Face Powder for 25e
use it --- Bring the box back
and we will allow you 25c o
the purchase of any Cala
Nome Toiletries, s
.31.00 or over.
ening for
for May 13th
Beautiful Designs and Words.
Cards have matching envelopes
most of them interlined,
10c, 15c and 25c each.
A refreshing powder in a very
new attractive tin. Price 35c
Autom • bile
Road Maps
Up-to-date and published by
the Ontario Government De-
part of Highways. Price 50c
Semi -Trimmed
Wall Papers
give the least trouble in hanging,
especially the Sun -Worthy pat-
terns are giving great satisfact-
We have a fine large selection
of these right in stock.
Wall Paper Book
If you have papering to do, ask
for one of our free sample books,
which besides showing a number
of good patterns, gives many
useful hints on papering and
` 4 Store
Druggist and Stationer
Local News Items
:$+1».«8�,«S_ea».zG't,?!j+��+F_3 e_:t+'+•.0 ,-1��!S»:=r.3 f F4 AO'd». d»`l+r.M,LK!A't
Went to Wingham. Had a Sudden Bath.
Some members of Western Star While Freddie Burchill was over
Lodge, attended Divine service on at 'his grandparents residence, he
Sunday with the Wingham Odd Fel- : l w`okell,b giro sghrthe o veri fortunatof e
lows. ly saw him, as he fell in, and he was
Were in Brussels. soon rescued.
The Gypsy crowd that got in dutch
up at Durham. were in Brussels, 111it Season Now Open,
as far as we can learn, did not get There were several small boys
any "suckers." wading in the river last Saturday,
despite the cold weather, and after -
Sale on Saturday. wards got a fire going on the flats to
Homemade baking sale will be held dry their clothes. We hope old Mr.
in the basement of St. John's church Rheumatism won't catch them.
Brussels, on Saturday. May 19. wet King's Birthday Will be
served from 4 to 7. Everybody g'
come. Under the auspices of the Observed on June 4.
Ladies Guild. A proclamation in the current is-
sue of the Canada Gazette declares
Card of Thanks. that the King's birthday, June 3,
The undersigned wish to thank all falling on a Sunday, this year, will
be celebrated on the Monday follow-
ing, June 4. The King's birthday in
Brussels is observed as a bank holi-
Annual Meeting.
The annual meeting of Brussels
Women's Institute will be held on
Friday afternoon of this week at 3
o'clock. The reports of different
committees, also Treasurer's report
will be heard and lection of officers
for the coming year held. Roll Call
will be answered by paying of fens
for next year, Mrs. Ida Lowry is to
read a paper prepared by Mrs. Har-
ris on "The Housekeeper and Home-
maker." As this is an important
meeting, the officers are asking that
a large number of members be, pre -
the neighbors and old friends who in
our sudden bereavement, did so
many kind and thoughtful acts,
which we appreciate very much.
Cameron and Knight Families.
Annual Lake Trip.
The Greyhound will make its an-
nual trip to Goderich on Tuesday
evening, June 5th, when the moon-
light boat trip will bo made, on the
6th, the boat leaves for Detroit and
returns on Friday, June 8th.
Executive Meeting.
A meeting of the Executive of
East Huron Women's Institute will
be held in the Public Library on
Tuesday afternoon, May 22nd, at
2.30 o'clock. Will all those interest-
ed keep this date in mind.
Old Boys' Picnic at Toronto.
Burns Proved Fatal.
The Toronto Brueeelitee wish to
remind its members of the annual Last Thursday evening about 6.30
picnic to be held in Exhibition Park Mrs. Jamee Cameron received such
on Saturday, June 9th. You won't terrible bruns, when the coal oil can
need your raincoat, umbrellas and exploded, she passed away on Fri -
rain checks for the picnic has access • day morning about 11. o'clock. De.
to building in case of rain. Reserve ceased was a daughter of the late
the elate now. John Knight, of Cranbrook and was
born in that village over 56 years
Does the Wind Blow? ago. Her maiden name was Ida Jane
Well, ask Donald McRae, if the +Knight. In 1891 she was married to
wind blows hard. Ile was just going her now surviving partner, and they
to get on his wheel last Friday night continued 'to live at Cranbrook until
shortly afteje six, when the Star, about 7 years ago when they moved
Weelcly got away from hien, and the to Brussels. Two sons were born to
pages all opened up, and comic, pic-
ture part and reading sections all
"blew up the avenue."
this union, Gordon, who was killed
overseas in 1018, and Wilfred, of
Brussels. Dr. W. J. Cameron, of
Palmerston, Is a step -son. The late
Cadet Inspection. Mrs. Cameron is also survived by
The School Cadet Corps, about 25 two brothers; 'Rev. John F. Knight,
strong has been undergoing intensive of Edmonton; and Arthur Knight,
training of late, preparatory to the of. Dresden; and four sisters, Mrs.
annual inspection this Thursday af- Wm. Alderson and Mrs, Lavinia Hay-
tornoon. K. Ashton is the instruct- man, of Toronto; Mrs. Wm. Huether
or of the Corps and has been getting of St. Marys, and Mrs. Byron Prang -
good results in teaching the boys how ley, of Dresden. The funeral was
to "form fours" and `shoulder, arms.' held an Thursday afternoon and ser-
vices were conducted by Rev. F. G.
Ethel Y. P. S. Entertained. Fowler, assisted by Rev. Mr. Barker,
The basement of Melville Church and Rev. Mr. Seymore, of Palmer -
en Tuesday night was the mecca of stun. The pallbearers were; John
a host of young people when the Cameron, Thos. Walker, Geo. Mc -
members of the Ethel.Y, P. S. were Nichol, Thos. Ritchie, Wm. Fluother
guests of the evening. The visitors and A. Kersey. Interment was made
staged a nicely balanced musical and et Brussels cemetery. Among the re -
recitative program, the numbers bef lativos from a distance were all her
ing interspersed by the lively con- ; sisters and brother Rev. J. F. Knight
tests, staged by Miss Fear. All had i and Dr. W. J. Cameron, of Palmer -
an enjoyable evening, a tasty lunch sten. To the husband, sons and
bring the closing event of the nicht. ' other relatives the sympathy of the
This social gathering concluded 'a community goes out to them in their
most ,active and successful seasons sudden loss. The many floral tribu-
of the Y. P. 5, of Melville church. i tea were beautiful
Brussels Belted Church
Sunday, May 20th
11 a.m.—Public Worship.
3 p.m.—Sunday School and Bible
7 p.m.—Public Worship.
"The Heart's Home Town"
Tuesday—Y. P. Society.
Wednesday—Prayer Service
"Business is Business''
But Courtesy Pays
(AIM busiueee friends thud yours
with whom we make trans.
actions, demand that precision
of efficient execution which is a part
of the regular service main tale ed by
any hank in its daily airiaire, To
merit your confidence, we 01051 go
fu rth er, The Standard Bank main-
tains a policy of personal courtesy in
its dealings, regardless of (heir te-
epeecive importance, which ehonld be
an asset In your business as well as in
��, CANADA r
8 Pigs, 7 Weeks Old and 9 Chunks
about 100 lbs. Leslie Beirnes,
Lot 17, Con. 7. Morris. Phone
45-8. 48-2
AIR Pump Found.. Finder may have
same by Apply at Test, 48-1
FOR SALE—Seed Potatoes, Early
Rose and Irish Cobbler. Both early
variety. Apply to
J. P. McIntosh, Lot 21, Con, 12
Grey. Phone 556. 42-tf
DAY- OLD -CHICKS, Barred Rocks
0. A. C., strain, May 15ce; S. C.
White Leghorns, Barron Strain,
May 14c. Also White Leghorn
Hatching Eggs. Dan. McKinnon,
Phone 23-16. 41-tf.
FOR SALE—White Blossom Sweet
Clover Seed, scarified and Govern-
ment tested; also Alsike and Tim-
othy seed nixed. 60% Alsike. No
weed seeds. M. L. Cardiff, Phone
42-16. 46-tf.
LEAVE Your Orders for Alberta
Coal with S. F. Davison, as the
railroad has only agreed to haul
for 3 months.
Clover Seed for sale. Free from
primary noxious weeds. $4.50 per
bus. Also some Timothy and
Alsike mixture, 27% Alsike, $5.00
a bus. Russel Dougherty, Lot 15,
Con. 17, Grey. Phone 37-19
Duck Eggs. Chris. Rogerson,
Phone 31-13, Blyth. 44-tf.
FARM FOR PASTURE — 100 acres
running water, new line fences;
Lot 12, Con. 4, Grey, Mrs, Hector
McQuarrie, Phone 39-19. 44-tf
1 Sow for Sale, due 9th of May; aiso
10 pigs, 6 weeks old; and 1 R. I.
Red Cockerel. Barred Rock
bed -to -lay and S. C. R. I. Reds
Eggs for hatching. 10c above
market price. R. A. Engel, Phone
42-24. , 44-tf.
(Culp Strain) for sale; also Hatch-
ing Eggs. J, Harvey Bryan, Phone
12-8. 45-tf.
QUANTITY of Carman Seed Pota-
toes fox sale. Wes. Stephenson,
Phone 58-12. 44-tf,
GRASS Cattle Wanted.. J. A. Nichol
Phone 42.23. 46-tf.
WANTED—Five Thousand Market
Gardeners to plant our hardy field
grown cabbage and Bermuda on-
ion plants. These plants will pro-
duce vegetable three weeks earlier
than home-grown plants. It is no
experiment. We guarantee results
or refund -your money. Strong,
field -grown, toughened plants
ready to set in open field. Will
stand temperature twenty degrees
above without injury. Bermuda
onion plants and all leading varie-
ties of cabbage plants shipped
promptly, 200 plants postpaid $1;
500, $1.75; 100, $3.00. Ship ex-
press collect $2.00 thousand. Cat-
alog and testimonials sent free.
Carlisle Plant Farms, Windsor,
Ont. 46-4
Minor Locals.
A week from Thursday is the 24th
drly)Cadet, Inspection tomorrow (Thugs
Sudden weather changes are still
no the program.
We want the town and country
news all the time. Phone or write.
but get it early.
"13th Hour" which comes to the
Grand next Tuesday and Wednesday
is one of the hite of the season. The
management guarantees that all will
get their money's worth.
Visit From the Grand Master.
Over thirty members of the Mas-
onic Order from Brussels and vicin-
ity were in Listowel on Friday night
on the occasion of the visit and re-
ception to the Grand Master of their
Order, Hon. John S. Martin. It is
estimated that 350 Masons sat down
to the banquet prepared in the arm-
ouries, the building being gayly de-
corated for the event and ,„a sold
evening's enjoyment resulted ,from a
slllondid repast. a hearty toast list
and real after dinner speeches. Two
of the latter by the Grand Master
and Grand Secretary Logan were
high water marks in oratory, in-
ttruction and humour, both gentle-
men being gifted with ,gn inspiring
personality, and the guests learners
much to the value of the Craft in
general, District Deputy Bamford,
presided as the genial host of cere-
Manager, Brussels Branch
Mrs. 3. Ballantyne moved back to
her home on Queen street, after
spending the winter down town,
County Council to Take Control.
On Friday morning last a confer-
ence between members of the county
council and the executive of the
Children's Aid Society was held in
Magistrate Reid's office, at Goderich
to discuss matters in connection with
the future management of the af-
fairs of the Society. As a result it is
likely that the county council will
assume the financial obligations in
connection with children's aid work
and will practically control the man-
agement by appointing a majority of
the members of the hoard. Capt.
Buckland of Toronto, inspector for
the Children's Aid Society, was pre-
sent and took part in the confer-
Alexander Smith Called Home.
On Friday last after a short illness
o ftwo weeks of bronical-pneumonia
Alexander Smith, passed away at the
age of 86 years and 2 weeks. He
was born in Glasgow, Scotland on
April 2Gth, 1840 and came to Tuck-
ersmith Township with his parents,
7tubert and Agnes Smith, at the age
of 13. As a young man the was a
good farmer in Hullett, next Harlock
where he was married to Miss Janet
Watt, of Hullett, who died a good
many years ago. In October 19th,
1911 Mr. Smith was married to Miss
Rebecca Jackson, of Morris, who sur-
vives him. There were no children
by either marirages. Mr. Smith wise
a Presbyterian all his days and al-
ways a staunch Liberal, and a great
admirer of Sir Wilfred Laurier. He
was an honorable, upright man, as
honest as the day was long, who
leaves a great many- true friends to
mourn his passing away. The fun-
eral was held on Tuesday afternoon
and was conducted by Rev. Mr. Fow-
ler, assisted by Rev. Mr. Barker. The
pallbearers were his three nephews,
Robt. Smith, Seaforth • Wm. Mason
and Robt. Beattie, Hullett; Geo. and
Menne Jackson, Morris; and Wm.
Fear, of Wawanosh. The latter are
three nephews of Mrs. Strath. Mr.
Smith is the last of his family as
Switzerland is a wonderful exam-
ple of Honey consumers. Imagine
17,000 subscribers for one Bee
Journal. Nearly every one keeps
bees and yet they never have to ex-
port any honey for apparently every
one eats honey.
They even have a sanitarium
where the children are given honey
as a curative. I believe however that
Brussels and this vicinity -probably
come a close second—anyway we try
and help you on by supplying a good
article, money back if you do not
like it.
Jim Ross, Will McCracken and
Mrs. Ballantyne sell our honey.
parents end brothers and sisters pass-
ed away some years ago. There were
relatives from Bay City, Clinton, Mi-
mico, Blyth, Seaforth, Bruce -field
and Egmondville who attended the
funeral. Interment was made in
Brussels cemetery. Sincere symp-
athy is extended to Mrs. Smith by
a large circle Of friends.
"The Thirteenth Hour" a Weirdly
Fascinating Motion Picture.
Mysterious and awesome, a movie
thriller as fascinating as 'any drama
ever filmed, is promised motion pic-
ture audiences in "The Thirteenth
Hour," a dramatic screen story of
adventure, robbery, intrigue and
murder and a romance which aids
in the brilliant solution of the puz-
zle. It comes to the Grand Theatre
next Tuesday and Wednesday, May
22 and 23. Lionel Barrymore has
the leading role, a mysterious pro-
fessor whose identity remains a
secret to the last scene. He is sup-
ported by an excellent cast including
Charles Delaney as a young detective
and his marvellous dog Napoleon,
one of those canines that appears
Fvrdy Prices
This product don't need
advertising, but we want
to let you know that we
have it.
City Dairy
Ice Cream
Once Tried - Yea are Tied
Matches, 3 boxes for 25c
Jelly Powders, 3 boxes for25c
Yeast Cakes, 1 box for 7c
Corn Flakes, 1 pkg 10c
Postum, large tin 48c
Chicken Haddie. large tin 25c
Sardines, large tin 9c
Puffed Rice, pkg 18c
Soap Chips, 2 lbs for 25c
Soda Biscuits, Ib. 15c
drew S. Bahl
,"OU are cordially invited
1 to -attend our
Spring Style and Fabric display of
+P C' '� r r.. ° 4•
Special Representative will be at
R. W. Ferguson's
Friday, May 18th
U RING the display only the DRESSWELL Rep-
resentative will show a limited number of Fab-
rics with which you get
Price $23.75 .
Soft Bali Accessories
With the approach of warmer weather those
of us who are interested in sports are begin-
ning to think of the equipment. that is neces-
Sot Balls We have both the regulation 12
in.'and 13 in. Balls at $1.75.
Bats An excellent assortment at
75c., 1.01+, 1.25 and 1.50
Hard Balls The regulation Reach Ball
Price $2.00
The No. 3 for boys at $2.75
hat Balls No. 5 at $5.,.0
Wall Paper
Now that the housecleaning season is here
let us once more draw to your attention our
selections of Wall Paper.
—We have some very dainty patterns in
Bedroom from 8c per roll up.
—Kitchens from 121c per roll up.
—Bathrooms, varnished tile, at 35c per roll.
—Living Rooms and Parlors—soinereally dis-
tinctive designs both in the ordinary Pap-
ers from 15c to 60c roll, also the new well
known Maximur Papers from 50c to 75c.
Formaldehyde You may save your-
self hundreds of dol-
lars by the use of Formaldehyde as a preventive
of smut. Let us repeat that our stock is absolute-
ly fresh and we are prepared to supply you with
this in small or large quantities at the very reason-
able price of 50c ib. bottle.
Alien's Drug t ;,,,,. re
Exclusive Agent for Nyal and Penslar Remedies
Druggist and Stationer Successor to James Fox
superh,, man in its intelligence. The
story o • ens with a murder and then
moves along at a fast pace to the
solution of the crime. There are
many hair -breadth escapes and
mystery upon mystery, piling up sus-
pense to the end. This is a guarant-
eed star picture.
Wingham Seaforth
Auburn Clinton
Goderich Blyth
Brussels Teeswater
Ripley Lucknow.
Kincardine Walkerton
CAME UN —In Brussels, on Friday, MIay
11311,193S. Ida Jane Knight, beloved wife of
Jnr. Comecon, aged 65 years, 7 months
and 11 days.
FtJ1 TUN.—Ia Walton, on Friday, May 11th,
1528, John Fulton, L1 tin 88th year.
R ADDATZ.—In Ornnbrnnk, on Monday, May
14th, Ferdinand Haddam, aged 82 years, 9
months and 28 days.
SMITH —In 9rusaele, on Friday, May Ilth,
1028, Alexander Smith. in 1)15 87th year.
TURS7IU1L,—In Grey Two.. on Saturday,
May 10317, 1928, Jane Oliver Smith, rehab of
the late Andrew Turnbull, In her Sind
King's Store - Wingham
:1r NEW COATS—Sam-
ples and Copies of Im-
ported models—no two alike—de-
i veloped in fine Poiret Twill,
French Tricotine and Kasha
Cloths. All bright, fresh goods of
the latest styles. On sale at an
immense discount from regular
prices of $ 28.5o to $35,00
Styles for Juniors and Misses.
, Coats of undeniable smartness,
and Chic, Straight-line and Belted
models, Throw Ties, Cape Effects,
Tuckings, etc. Extraordinary
buying for cash affords you this
golden opportunity,
Extra Special Seat Sale
® NAVY SUITS, cut in the latest styles from
the best French Tricotine, with Silk Crepe and
Guaranteed Satin Linings. Regular values $3o 0o to
$45.00. Every suit a picture—
r) n
and Saturday
ger. Many New/ Dresses have just arrived.
,,Kayser Silk Hosiery — Maybele Lingerie
Sov WQ igha