HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1928-5-16, Page 1VOL, 56 NO, 48 82.00 per annum in advance BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MA Y i6. 1928 DANCE ! LONG'S HALL CRANBROOK friday Ev'g ay 18th Barmen's 4 -Piece Orthestra EVERYBODY WELCOME Gents 65 Cents Moncrieff Ch o pping Mill Will operate Mondays, Wed- nesdays and Fridays until further notice. CAR OF CEMENT expected soon at McNaught Station. Special price off car. F. A. Harris - Phone 4723 414...t.444:?.4-37§44.2434.vivark-tiA.4.441-41 The Surrounding District sigeaaai-awamigic-witglawit-Acim-leht#A.44 3.4.,41+4K+1.48.1tIttk...*tl.:04.1:ta.tV MONCRIEFF Seeding is well under way in this Mothers' Day was fittingly observ- ed in the church heve, on Sunday aft- ernoon, A few cases of mumps are reported. The school has been closed, Miss Roy et present, having thew. We sympathize with Fergie, these evenings, when he gets all dressed up and has no place to go.f rtail 8 Mimi Annie Robertson has entered the Walkerton Hospital as probation. er. We wish her every stionees. Pelor to her leaving. the choir gave her a little remembrance. 700 Cockerels 7 Weeks Old About a lb. 10c each Are big enough to fry now. Get a supply and have chicken din- ners all summer. These are the cheapest meat you ever bought, THIS WEEK ONLY Everett Hoover Phone 2514 4:1 k, -tett a -*ti Carl McFarlane left on Monday morning foe Brampton, where be in- tends working with Mr. Riggin. HENFRYN Go to Henry's dance, on May 24th, Seeding is pretty wen advanced, in this nista ict. Wm, and Mrs. Eckmier have recent- ly moved to Atwood, Geo. Rutter], er,. is not as web as his many friends would like to See him. On Sunday, May 18th, Mothers' Day, the chole of St. David's Ohuech, fienflyn, was made up of mothers. They sang 2 anthems, diving the ser- vice, The church was prettily decor- ated with potted flowers m bloom. The rector, Rev, M. F. Oldham, preached on Proverbs 31 : 28, setting forth the dales of a viituon,, mother. • WROXETER Lawrence and Mee, Hislop, Listow- el, were Sunday visitors at D. C. Pone`e, • Gavin Davidson has sold his resi- dence on Howick street to Mr. Sellers, of Bluevale. Jno. McNaughton, of London, is visiting with his son, Stewart, in rnb irry. David Thompson has improved the appearance of his residence by the ad- dition of a verandah. Rev. Mr. McLeod preached in the United Ohnech, on Sunday morning, and in the evening, an address was given by Rev. Alex, MacMillan, of Toronto. $eW Advertisements tiourt of Revision—VI nage of linnets floney-.(4. A. Disulunin Dresswoll GlothIng—R. W. Ferguson Big red notions --.1 Ferguson 145 (Jo. Coat sato - King liPON Everyday prices—Andrew S. Hain Safety Pi rst—Brussels Milted (Indult Safety First—Walton Anglican Church Curt of Revision—Townshlp of Grey ty—Bluevale Presbyterian Y. P, Chopping Mill—E. A. Garrison DlittrIP et Crimbrock Demi—then y Vai,net man flookerols far 1.110-3veratt Hoover Pigs far Beirnes Send polatoes—J, to, McIntosh Air pump found—VI u teeter 0. 0, Simpson, of Loring, Ont„ called ne old friends here, on Wed. nesday of last week, Dr and Mrs. Spence,Toronto, were week -end visitors witthe latter's parents, R. J. and Mrs. Rann, Misses Mary and Margaret Gibson left on Monday for Muskoka, where they will spend several months, Harry Smith and family moved to Blyth, last week. Wm, and Mrs. Wade have moved to the house they vacated. Work has comniencecl on A. Ed- gar's new garage, which is being er- ected on Main street. Gordon Gib- son has the contract. 170: 8 ETHEL 1siiiiitPearoti halt been on the sick he with an attack of la grippe. Mrs. 0, Milne is under the doctor's care. WP hope to see her better SOOM Calvin Kt fluter has onto ecl the con- teet conducted by the Stratford pap- er. Mrs. A, P. McKee, of Atwood, is spending a few days with her parents, D. and Mrs, Milne. Go to church, on Sunday, to the United Ohurch service at 7 30 p, Everybody welcome. Jno, and Mrs, Slernmon spent the weekend with the former's parents, W. and Mes. Slemmon. Rev. and Mrs. E. W. Hart and fam• ily, of Trowheidge, visited on Sunday last, at the United Ohurch parsonage. Miss Ruby Grainger has returned to her benne near Molesworth, after spending several mouths with And- rew S. 13ain, in his general store here. A vet y successful Mnthers' Day ser- vice was held in the United Ohureh. on Sunday last at 7 30 p, m,, with a large attendance, The pastor spoke on "Lessons from the Carnation." A special choir of the mothers of the congregation led in the singing and sang an anthem. A duet was sung by Mrs. G. Michel and Mrs, S. Mach- an, of the Union United Church. A special feature of the program was the IFINPRIMICW rt. i,ee.'• "t ,•Vtakr 41,lisAlr'"ed'eNo,r t457e"trae,.'eti.kris: I N We have left on our racks some 15 Coats, all new, up-to- date styles, mostly Navy Tricotines, some Satin trimmed, others trimmed with moleskin fur. In order to clear out these Coats to make room for more Merchandise we offer them at very Special Prices. Ladies' Suits Of Navy Tricotine, all good styles, just a few numbers left, to clear at One.dhird off Regular Price Exceptional Value in Ladies' HOUSE Dresses at $1,39 The assortment includes Ginghams in plaids, stripes, etc. Regular prices of all Dresses from 2.00 to 2.75. 32 Inch Scotch Zephyr Shirting All new patterns, suitable for Boys' Blouses or Men's Shirts. Regular price 35c. Clearing at 29c A few Children's Rompers in light and dark colors. Regular $1.25. Special 49c,, Several Webs 36 -inch Anderson Gingham Regular prices 35c. Clearing the last at 25c yard Fugi Silk Broadcloth All the new Spring shades at special price of 65o Odd Line Ladies' Fibre Silk Hose All sizes, regular price 75c. clearing at 25c pair 27 -inch Ginghams Some plaids and small checks. Regular price 25c. Clearing at 90 Boys' Two-piece Our stock of Boys' Two-piece Bloomer Suits being too Bloomer Suits 1-3 off Reg. Price. All sizes in the lot. Up-to-date large we have decided to reduce the entire line at styles and new pattern tweeds $1,90 Shirts in Bine or Khaki All sizes. Best values in the Market Boys' Cotton Jerseys 29c All sizes. Regular price -140c. 1 Phone 24 Clo Our Prices are always the Lowest t ,r7r, oCt baptieiit RPI'ViPP. when six infante l'e• eel VOCI baptism, namely : Robert Den, itt lit twiner, Marjorie thee Doll- enheek, DIIVOthY 11/PM Esther Margaret Bain, G Peep Lawrence Daimon, Agnes Nebel Curclilf The C amobi was beautifully deeortited with blnom mid house plants, which wiled greatly to the succeee of the s twice, R'wemb V the (late of the comedy play, "The Rag Carpet, Bee," which will be presented by Brussels talent in the Township Hall here on Friday evening, May 18th, utuler the auepiees of the Ladies' Aid of the Presbyterian (attach. Sohn, readings, duets, etc., will also he rendered. Don't it, GREY Jno, Alcock, 14th Con„ has been laid up with the Hu, but is uow hit - proving. MIs. W. H, Patterson, of Listowel, has been the gueet, of her cousin, Mrs, Thos. Aloock, 14th Oon., Grey, who has been laid up with the flu, but she Is now able to he about again, Miss Agnes G. Broadfoot, who has made her home with W. R. Broad - foot, 15th Oon„ for the past 10 years, left this week for Seafoeth where she purposes residing in the fut nre. Special Mother,,' Day and Go To Sunday School services were held in Union United Miura, on Sun- day last. A mothers' choir led the singing and contributed two special musical numbers. In the Sunday School seseinn, the 00 To Sunday School program wee followed, and a pageant, "Gift for Mother," was well given, with the following taking part : Mre..1. Macintosh, Mrs, L Ritthwell, Wilda Bak' er Mary Macintosh, Glen Rathwell, Blaie Macintosh and Mrs, Alex. Speiran (accompanist) ANOTHER PIONEER GONE—Bius- sele district lost one of its best-known and best -loved pioneer figures, on Sat- urday. May 12th when the death occurred of Mrs. Andrew 'rumba, aged 91 years, widow of Lite late Andrew Turntmll, at the family home, lot 10, Cnn, 18, Grey, Mrs Turnbull had liv- e1 on the saute 'Calm for 59 years, and in the district for 02 years. During the difficult early days of settlement, she gave splendid .service as a volun- teer nurse. She nursed in practically every home frotu the Oth of Grey Smith, and her work 00 behalf of the et -Meting carmot be over.estim tted, When medical services were available, there were fewer calls Inc her, but un- til recently, she was always' celled to ,the homes of relatives visited bY death, when het sympathetic manage- ment of the last rites was much ap- peeciated, The funeral took place on Monday afternoon to Brussels cern- etery, when several hi -indeed Mende were peesent. The late Mrs. Turnbull was born in 1837, in Jedbni'gh, Sea. land, Her maiden name was Jane Oliver Smith, and she was the second ,itt is family of 11 children, her fathee ' being Oliver Smith. Her ttaining itt A PLAY REFINED and FIUMOROUS 'Aunt SIMS' kir Will be presented by the Young Peo- ple of Knox Presbyterian Church in Forrester's Hall, Bluevale Wednesday Evening, May 28rd, and Eadies' Church, Turnberry Friday Evening, May 25th Cast of Characters Aunt Susan, Soli but eccentric Mrs. Coombs alio. Tito, Tibbs, nephew Gordon hi sitser Mrs. .1 T Tibbs, ambitions, fashionable ...... Tibbs. daughter Elim both Robertson Rebecca ilv Alice Tibbs. daughter . ...... . Oltivne RGI?:•117InsYs The Honorable SernuelSint . . . ...... _ _ _ ....... 119 Mr, Grey 00e Marchmont (logics Reb.con's friend, A. D. StnIth dirs. onviston His bo n 41:1.:OF C)11 Mrs. Linda Tn Rily,1M1V"Stl 1iliteLi • MM rs. Pcvn .11,1 LirW e ., leer ......... l Air$1.8SCIfl.11 NMI °t. Miss 'leant) Hee, W. Orr Play to commence at 8,13 Admission - 26 and 15 Cents nce AT -- Henfryn 4,'• Mr- Henry Yannerman an- nounces to the publle that be will hold a Dance at his home at He n fry n Thursday Ev'g, May 24 Gad Mimic. Everybody Welcome Gents 50e Ladies 25c Luneh Free Proceeds to go towards er- ecting a new Community Shed at Henfryn. tfrt,g liftrott by Ladies' Aid of the St. John's United Church Stratford Will be presented in TOWN HALL BRUSSELS friday Ev'g, May 25th Under auspices of Ladies' Aid of Brussels United Church Oast of Characters Nebel Montgomery... Mrs. J. Galloway Nary Ann O'Finnerty MreB. Ryerson Elmer Finnnel ...... Murray Campbell Abort Bon Mocha Wesley Pugh Virginia Bridger ....“ Ethel Ingram Mrs Barrington.Bridger Mrs, Goetz Jerry Arnold ....... Ross McClellan Tack hiontgoinery ...... Wilkinaon Mr. McNutt Lawrence Near Zatelka Mrs. ,I, Hanley AOT I—Boine of the hiontgomerys. AOT scene, one month later. ACT III—Mrs. Brldger's garden, three weeks later. We tryst that you'll enjoy our tittle Play,, And when yon leave each one of you will ray A word to all good. husbands: Stay et home. Or 11. train fireside bright you'll have to rosin, 130 sure and tell the truth—the very 1 worst Were better than our inctto, 'Safety First," Admission 35 Cents mothering her younger brothers and sisters was a good preparation Inc her later community service, Her sister, Mrs. Alex, Stewart, of Brussels, is now the only surviving member of the flintily. Until four years ago, Mrs. Till nbull was a regular attend- ant at church. and until the last, her faculties wet P unimpaired, and her in- terest in het. family and Friends was keen. The end (mute quickly and painlessly. Mrs Turnbnll is survived by her three sons, Thos. and Or, Wm.,: of Winnipeg ; Oliver, of lot 10, Con. 10, Grey, and one daughter, Mrs. Jno. BM tong Vancouver. She also had 14 grandchildt en end four great grandchildren, The pallheareis were : Her three nephews, Thos. Turnbull, Thos. Knox and Edward &yens, and three neighbors. Oliver, Jtts. Bonet on and Jito. Ritchie. BOUNDARY AGREEMENT. — It has been announced that the diepute be - tweet: the townships of Grey and Bl- um, over payment for the mainten- ance of the township bormdary has been settled, by Mina agreeing to pay one-half of the cost of the mile end a quartec bouttulary as previously. The dispute was over 80 rods of road nn each of two concessions of Grey. of which the township of Eitna was ask- ed to help to heat. the cost, in viemv of the fact that the houndary reed ex- tends into Grey Twp. The dispute was to have ootne before Lite Ontario Railway and Municipal Board for hearing, at Stratford. WALTON Mothers' Day was observed at Duff's Church, on Sunday morning last. .A. special service was held. Don't forget to see the play, "Safe- ty First," to be held in A. 0. U, w, Hall, on Friday evening, May 1Sth. Ste advt. on lst page. WALTON RESIDENT PASSRS.—JOhlt Fulton, one of the oldest residents of this district, passed peacefully away Friday inoriiing, May llth. Deceased carne to Canada Lem Iretancl when only 10 years of age, and spent a num- ber of years in Blanchard Twp„ mov- ing later to Hibbert Twp. About, 21 years ago, the late Jim. Fulton with his wife and family came to reside near Walton, where for many genre, he was an esteemed citizen, always ready to help in every way possible the movements for the general el. ovation of the community life. Sev. enty years ago he married Jane 'Crawford, who enevtves with ti family of ilt Mrs, A. Bruce, nI Walton ; Mes, Dougherty, Grey ; Mrs E. Bruce and Mrs, D. Ohesney, Winnipeg ; Mrs, T. Sitivin, SaSkatchewan ; Mrs, H. Charters, Seaforth. and Mee. L. Siagara Faile, alto 8 sons, Jtio. T,'of Boston ; inc., 9th Oon., Grey, atid Lawrence D,, of Stratford. A son, Wilhelm tiled Rome years ago, The deceased is also survived by one sister, Mrs, E. Hewitt, 01' Exeter, std one brother, Hugh Fulton, MelCillop Boendary. At the last nelebration of the Orangetnen, held in Blyth, the de- ceased was Yegaedeti as the second oldest Oeangeman in the parade. and it was stated that he joined with the Oeange Order at the age of sitteen yOare. Deceased was a prominent member of the former Methodist Chttech, but a feW years ago, he eltit. braced the opportunity of the larger fellowehip of the 'United Ohorch. Rev. W. j. lVfainev, 13 A 13 0,, mt. - istee of Walton United Ohnrch, eon - ducted a very impressive setylest, at the home, and spoke feelingly of the fidelity and humble faith of the broth. er cleparteci. The sermon was very appropriate. The hynit of Ohrietian confidence, "Safe itt the Arms nf UR," MLA sung. Rev. F. W. Craik of Gerrie United Obureh spoke brit,fly, bearing tribute In the fellowship en- joyed vvlilt the deceased, when min - 'iter at Welton. The mewl:eta of the Orange °eclat, conducted an impress. ye 114Prellie, at the grove, The late A COMEDY PLAY 'The Rag Carpet Bee Will be presented by Brussels Talent In the TOWNSHIP HALL ETHEL friday Ev'g, May 18th Under auspices of Ladies' Aid of Presbyterian Chureh Cast of Characters Aunt Sally Maria Mrs. R. Thomson Boman Gibbs Mrs. Lowry Lena Gibbs Mrs, 0 Backer Mrs, Bolton WWI S. Downin g Laurin& Payton Mra, G. Semis Mina Minnows ...... Mrs.. 1. T Hamilton Sarah Simmons Mrs. Logan Nancy Vreeland Mrs. R.Strachan Mandy Vreeland Jessie Little There will also be SOLOS—By Mrs. (Rev.) Barker and Mr. borne Eck:flier, READINGS—By Mrs. R. T. Strachan and Mrs Parker, DUSTS—By Misses Nancy Fowler and Marguerite Logan, Program at 8 o'clock Admission 26 cts. - • - considerate of the needs of others, He was a staunch Orangeman ; al- ways in his place with the bretheen, when health permitted. With his wife, he was a constant attenditnt at the church services and loyally sup- ported his minister. The deceased will be missed from his htunble home in the village, by hie many friends, He was faithful in life and death, and was privileged to teach his 98th year. intetment was made in Brussels cem- etery. The pallbearers were : A. Blame, A. McOabl, M. Jackson, G. Jackson, J. Siinmous and D. Craw- ford. "Now the laborer's task is p'er, Now the battle day ie past, Now upon the farther shore Lands the voyager, at last." "Father. in Thy gracious keeping Leave we now Thy servant sleep - 8 The W. 7 1 , . ltd and I adies' Aid held thew May tneet,ing in the auditorium of Dull'e 'Milted Church, Walton, on Wednesday afternoon of last week. ttliss Simpson, the President, presid- ed. Following the opening hymn, them was a responsive reading from several leaflets. Mrs. Neal led in prayer. Mee. Arthur McClelland Mrs, ! Andrew Coutts had chat ge of the 511 I chapter of the study book, and Cur- rent, Events were given by Mrs. E, Btyans, Miss Broadfoot, Mrs. Shaw and MI:s. Knox. Mrs pKirbyvgave a i splendid `report of the eab7e held in Winglittni, a short tinearhll go, , The ininutes of the April meeting u et e read and a Op e( . The Ril Call was auswered with a Set iptural passage beginning with 101 J. The meeting was closed with prayer by Leonard Leeming. Mrs. Will, Murray presided at Lite Ls,dies' Aid meeting. Hymn 552 was sung, after which Mrs. McCallum read the 2.iith Psalm, Mrs. P. 13, Gardiner led in peayer, Fullowmg this, the business p rt of the meeting was dealt with. The anniversary services were dis- cussed, the date being set for the sec- ond. Sunday in October. The meet- ing was closed with praver by Rev. W. J. inaines, There were 25 ladies present, MORRIS Somebody is going to get into trouble if they don't let tip using rifles to the destruction of property, on the Pilo line, Metre windows have been beolten, not by mall boys either. BL1JEVALE George and Mrs. Quinn, of Inger- soll, spent Sunday at the home of W. Thornton. Don't forget the humorous play "Aunt Susan's Visit" to be presented in the Forester's Hall, on Wednes- day evening, May 23rd, and at Fett- les' church, Turnberry, 021 Friday, May 25th. See advt. CRANBROOK Don't forget the dance, at Oran - brook, this Friday night. See advt, Oranhrook °hutch servieee, next Sunday : 10 tt, ie., Sunday School ; 11 a in., preaohieg serviee, the triple be. ing "The Wnrehipper," the second tn the series, "Lights of Histoey," ANormett Proreitita PASSES. — Ott Monday of this week, fieeclittand Rad, adtz, who has resided le this section since 18013, passed away Ouse an ill - %less of four days, at the ripe old age of 8:' years, 0 month:gaud 28 ()eye. He was born in Germany, and was mar.. tied there, coining to Ontiada with wife and young son, Charlet:, to make their home, Deceased was a carp, enter by bawl. and worked for many years, throughout the township He WAS for years Superintendent of the Mothocliet Sunday School obi an offic., int of the church, Deneased is aur- vived by three snits, Ohne. and Onn- radj of Detroit, and ‘Vm., at Ver. m111011, Alta, Several daughters cried several years age, Mrs. Radclatz pee. autay 23 yenta ago. The funeral was held to -day (Wedneieley after noon), from the home TIr Jacob Plq(11(W, and was 0011(11101,Pa by Rev, W. A., Wil- liams, Preithyterian minister, into - latent being made in Orin:brook nen:- ter)'. Two 50118, Chittlet3 and (1011• 10,10,e:here for the funeral. Time, ;Ina, Fulton wits a man of splendid die e posithm, kindly in heart and Vet'y r j. L. _REAR, Iroptielor PLA Y FARCE COMEDY ENTITLED First" DANCE! tqrst Presented by Harloek Alert Club in the A. 0. U. W. HALL WA LTON Friday Ev'g, May 18 at 8 o'clock Under the auspices of the W.A. of the Anglican Church 0 Cast of Characters Jaolc montgomery, a Young Husband Stewart Beattie Jerry Arnold, an UttfilICelniffUl Fixer Bert Beacon Mr. moNntt, a De f eciTve Detective E. Knox Elmer Flannel, Awfully Shrinking L. Reid Abell Ben Mocha, a Turk from TurkeY James Neilans Mabel Montgom ery, Jack's Wt!e. Pity 13er I /natal ,Reld Virginia Bridger, her Toting Sister Amy Parsons Mrs, Berrington -Bridger, their Mother Helen MoRwing Zulefka, a tender Turkish Maiden.. hi, mewl Mary A un (Pifinnerty, an Irish Cook Lady Marie Rapson SYNOPSIS—Plaes: in the suburbs ora large city. Time: To.day. ACT I—Sitting in Jack,P IPI Same in the sub- urbs. What happened to Znellka. ACT II—game scene, one month later. Whet beacon ed to Jack and Join. AOT Bridger's garden. Three weeks later. What happened to Mary Ann, MUSIC BETWEEN ACTS Adults 35c Children 20c Personal Paragraphs Herb. Cunningham, ef Palmerston, was in town last week. Rev. Mr, Robinson, of St. Marys, was in town, on Tuesday. Mrs. S. Fear, of Mitnien, her sister, Mrs. Alex, Smith, Postmaster W. S. Scott been laid up with the flu this u P(1. D. NI. 'and Mrs. Spot ,•f Were visitors in town last Sat utility. The little SOn of Wm el 5 Mee. Pewee') has been quite ill, this week. Wendell Holm PR, Of London, rid to old Btuseels boy WAS 1,, tt,Wi , last week.r OOW II Attorney Dudley nolttn-v, nI Goderich, was a visite) in tt . ntl Satl1ililsrad'JuYean Seort, London, spsilt this week -end with her pareurs, P. and Mrs. Scott. Wyman Sperling of London. celled on his parents, Fletcher and Mrs, Sperling, this week, J. T. and Mrs. Mason, of me, lin, spent' the week -end with the latter's mother, Mrs. MeGuire, Dr, W. Pelee and son, nf Port Cred- it. spent the weekend with Thos. and Mrs. Ritchie Flill ett Pet. Rev, and Davienn and child- ren, of Wingham, were visitois with Mrs. McGuire last. Sit in day. Milty Rintnul and Geo. McOrusky, hnth nf Guelph, spent the week•e»d with Ed. anti Ales. C-lat ton and other frieuclein tonml G iA. 11PFIclnleave,, nn Thursday rif this week for Merlin, where he will lank after his apiary interests, during the Summer season. FL Bronke, Canadian Legion B. E. S. L., was in town, this rveek, con- chictieg eh ciliation campaign, on be- half of thea 11(1(117. Rev. DeWitt Onsens, an old Bens - Selo P1lethoilist Parsonage boy. and son of Rev. and Mee. T. Wesley Oosene, has been Invited to Pat'kview Church. 8tra.‘ tFNI7La. AGilpin, of St. T,ouis, was here for a few hones. Returning he was imeompanied by his father, L 1. Gilpin, and Mre. GLIM, who will speud a mob th bit St. Louis, Mrs. 15'. H. Kerr returned home on Tuesday of this week from Winnipeg, where she epent the past eight menthe with her sisters after the death of her step -father. the late 3. R. Orem. Mra. 14 Chapman was remoired 1,1 Witigham hoenital on Monthly where a Nerving operatmil was porfurilleci oil Ttuitiitty.Vsie are glerl to repot t the patient is doing as well tie rev be ex- pected. one by one, the cid °et tele] sr4 lhe township are paasii.{„ 1., 1.. /1( It Si, PERTH COUNTY D. A. A., mit.,, mime years ago. ss Master of St. marya uni„ gi P 10f:tints., usa been apt/Minted 1..• Hap. bord Collegiate inetitm e, 'retina°, to succeed Ont. E. W. Begat ty, who is retiring after long Her ire. Oonvictecl on a chai'g. ttf stealing and of attecupted hand, Jno. Tait,. of Slice Twp„ was smite/wet) to six mouths in the Ontario Reformatory and an indeterminate period of two years less one day, et the police court, Stratford, Alfred Reitopel, Rosetock, was eenteneed to six months with the gime hidetertninete petted, ou a chaege of attempting to procnre an abortion, On two charges involving failure to hand over fonds entrusted 1;0 bbs keeping, E. McFarlane, Lietowel lawyer, was sent tip foe trial, at the next, court of competent jurisdiction, A quiet wedding took place in the parsonage of Hey, De, Scott, at Ham- ilton. when Miss Ida Beth, daughter of II, A. and Alto, MuNtlegbl, Alnekton, hecatne the bride of Itev. John 0. Dislop, of Oaledo»itt. The wedding took place in Hamilton 0. ing to the ilinees of the bride's father. Tile bride wore an ensemble stilt of gears, with hat and shoes to tnetch,. Itute, stud Mt s, Hislop are taking tt. trip to Europe,