HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1928-5-9, Page 5• THE BRUSSELS POST On Monday, April 23rd we commence selling Gas at 19c per gal., plus 3c tax--22c—at our Garage. i, Don't fail to buy our 100 -gallon coupon books and save money. Car Repairing We are prepared to overhaul and repair all makes of cars and our mechanic, J. McNabb, guarantees a first-class job. For Sale Worth the Money A couple of good guaranteed Used Touring Cars ; also a good Truck. erLm ," is tyre Ford Galrage Brussels `•'i;"*„ lull• MOTHER'SDAY Nest Sunday will be observed as Mother's Day throughout North .America. Every person with a modi- cum of love for mother or mother's memory will wear a flower or some other token during the day in com- memoration. Tributes to our moth- ers are timely. Here is a list of bee- utifhl ehoughts by great men who value their mothers memory: John Quincy Adams—"All that I am, my mother made tae." Lincoln—"All that I am or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother." Napoleon in answer to the question of what France needed most — *`Mobhers, good mothers." Kipling --"If I were hanged on the highest hill, mother o' mine, 0 moth- er o' mine! I know whose love would follow me still, Mother o' mine, 0 mother o' mine. Andrew Carnegie—"I owe a great deal to my mother. She was e seam- stress, cook, washlady, and never until late in life had a se: cant in the house. Aud -yet she was 1 cel', vated lady. She kept up with the litera- ture of the day. When I was a little tot she used to read good books to me." Thomas A, Edison—"I ,lid not have my mother long, but she cast art i'nlluenee over me which has last- ed all my life. The good effects of her early training I can never lose, If it had not been for her apprecia- tion and her faith in me at a critical time in my experience. I should never likely have become an inven- tor. I was always a careless boy, ' and with a mother of different men- tal caliber I Should probably have turned out badly. But her firmness, her sweetness, her goodness were potent powers to keep me in the right path. My mother was the mak- ing of me, The memory of her will always be a blessing to hie." * LOOK AT YOUR LABEL POPULAR MINISTER PASSES Rev. James Hamilton is Dead at Goderich — Served Huron County Congregation for Twenty -Eight Years. Goderich, May 4.—Rev, James Ham- ilton, one the town's most beloved citizens, passed away at his home here, this morning. Deceased had been in failing health since December 1923, when he retired from active ser- viee. Rev. James Hamilton was been on October 60, 1860, the second son of Rev. and Mrs. Robb. Hamilton, of M ttherwell. He received his educa- tion at the Public School, Mother- well. the St. Se. Mary's ['nigh School, the University of Toronto and Knox College, graduating from the latter. in 1884 In September 1886, he twee or- dained in the Avon bank Church, c.f which his father was pastor for 63 years. After being ordained, he went to Manitoba., where he spent fear genre in home mission work. He then returned to Ontario and was set tied in the Owen Sound Presbytery, from which be cam) to Huron County in 1805, to the congregations of Lee. lnn'n and Union, in the vicinity of Goderich. Ile untiringly ministered to th'se congregetinne rm. 23 years. Failing health compelled him to COUP frn108tctive est vire. On I:he retire- ment cif Rev. Dr. McLean from the post of Olerle of Huron Presbyter v, Mr, 1Liinliltrn was chosen to 811 this vacancy, and he faithfully kept the e 111 unto the L'ormnticn of the Uutted 011nrnb of (1 node The late Mr, Hamilton ivas married in 1890, to Isabel Oliver, ofAvonlnank, who,;w'th two daughters, Mrs. Mw' - Henn, of Lineardine, and Mrs. fe, Iia Larkin. of Windom', survives hits. The deceased is also survived by two sisters and two beetha,'B, R. H. Ham Ilton, of ('bait ; Dr. W. F. Hamilton, Torolltn ; Miss Margaret Hamilton, of Norwich, England, and Mrs. J. L. Oheistie, of Boston. Thnse.in charge of the taking down of the Mildmay Separate School end the disposition of the material are having 11111(8 1npteaPant• experieneee. No matter how Aute a watch is kept, the lumber piles keep dieeinlshing. One pile of lumber which had been disposed of was carried away before the rightful purchaser had Eine to get 1t home, eti ;" ®re I ra- ge , There is magic in that word "Horne" which never can be forgotten. Did you ever stop to think how few homes would be secured .unless someone saved money? We invite your Savings Account and will arrange to accept deposits by strati uZ^,en required. (The (1) IF NI VA SC TIA, ESTABLISHED 1832 Capital $10,000,000 Reserve ;$20,000,000 Resources $260,000,000 .*615R SASKATCHEWAN ELECTION mein 1,.;.eeeer,,,,,, ,eleie,eele;. 1• Pahy Chicksi •4 S, C, Rhode Island Reds ✓'' Utility Bred -to -lay Strain,: 4: $1000 per 100 ; June de- M livery $14,00 or 14o each, * ✓r Jno. T. uncan :l: Phone 7x Brussels •ie ,--i4+-1,4•+++++++++++++++++4,-.-1. ------------ NEWSY ITEMS Premier J. . Gardiner has announ- eed the general election in Saska- ' GODERICH tchewan, on July 17tih. I High Constable Gundry and Provin- cial Officer Whitesides made a trip to McKillop Twp , and placed W. Heifer - man litkiPr arrest and brought him to Goderich i til. JI ffe•mnn is charged with theft and false preter)ces. • He is , said to have visited Kelly's store in Stratford and going by the name of %: McKay, he obtained goods. He is said to have ale() visited Raney's store at Hensall, and obtained horse collars. a1) He is also thought to have visited g Clinton and. Mitchell on the same d errand. He appeared before Mag• e. istrate Reid and was remanded for one ,f week. teer. MILVERTON r, Tbos. Moire has gone to Toronto to et' undergo an operation. 9' Chester and Mrs. Wessman have V. moved into the vacant house in the n 1 Kelterborn block. 'Friends of Harry Spencer regret to e I know that he has suffered a stroke n ! and is in a very critical condion, mem• ib bees of -his family having been sent Church Notes United Church The service on Sunday evening w under the auepiees of the Youn People's department, and include the Walton Society as well. The o ea81011 marked the last of a seti09 lantern lectures which Rev. D Darby, medical missionary in B. 0 has been giving throughout the Hu on Peesltytcry. Hey. Mr. Bark was assisted by Rev. W. L. Maine of Walton, and Dr Darby gave a vi id description or ,nl'wson work i Noethero British ()Mumble, and show ed what Ohristianity does for thee people. by rcnrtraeliog concfitiml81 Camel)) 00i ties where the gospel ha been pre ached with those in which fe not, known. 1Mch has been done, but thele is still much more to do, Y. P. S —The Y. P. S. weekly ser- vice was cancelled in fever of their Social evening', on Friday evening May 11th. See ad. in this issue. Melville Church Next Sabbath at the morning se1'- vice the Sacraments of Baptism an 01. Mrs. N. H. Honderich, Mrs. Mc - Beth, Mrs. Tye, Mrs. Logan and Mise L. Zimmerman motored to Palmer- ston to attend the school of instruct- ion of the Order of the Eastern Star. BLUEVALE d Alfred ,agar is visiting friends in The Lord's Supper will be administ ered. Preparatory service will be held Friday afternoon at 2.30 o'clock "The Kingdom of God" was the subject dealt with by the pastor, Rev l!. G. fowler in Melville church last Snbabth morning in continuing th series of sermons on "The Lord' Prayer." The words "Thy Kingdon Colne," incl "Behold the Kingdom o God i:: within you" formed the basi of thought. The Pharisees asks Christ concerning the kingdom of God. They did this not for the sake of gaining information, but so that they might entangle Christ in an ar- gument. Christ told them that the Kingdon` of God would conte within them by them development of their religious liven. All nations and ,peo- ples have sought the kingdom of God since tate day when Christ was here In the flesh, but they have too often made the same mistake the Pharisees merle. They have looked on the out- side for the kingdom of God and have failed to develop their inner life, We cnn each one do our part in bringing in the kingdom of God by submitting our lives to the lcadee ship of Christ and make us fit to re- ceive Hint into our lives. One of the best means of doing this is by developing the habit of prayer. II. Corinthians 0:2 "Behold now is the accepted time, behold now is the day of Salvation" was the pastor's teat at the evening service: Paul wl.en he had definite work to do al- ways diel now the thing that should be done today and in this we have the secret of his wonderful success i'1c life. Christ during his ministry on earth never gave way to the tem- ptation to put anything off to a more convenient season. Even when he was facing the cross and the tem- ptation was great to prolong tete conversation with the diseiidos he old "Arlen and let us go hence". When we begin to realize that our Attics are urgent we will do the thing that should be done today. In nor can ideration of the question of accepting Christ we ell intend to ac- cept Christ at some future time, but keep putting it oft' until conditions are more fevernl.le, Conditions are never -perfect and often we put off this Went decision until it is too late. We should remember always that now is the accepted tine. HURON COUNTY Oakwood, F, Black shipped a couple of ears of cattle to Toronto, last week. Rob`, McKinnon has over 990 chick. fine,ens out and they are coming along Mrs. Leonetti Elliott and children e spent afew days with relatives in s fCnr()nto. n A. D. S.rnith is painting the interior 2 of his store. This will give it a nice s I neat. app, arallce. d Mrs. I. Wilson has returned home to Toronte'titer spending the Winter I with Airs, Romer Oke. Everitt McGee has secured a poe- t `tion as Section roan with the extra gang working at Guelph. The sleek left a fine baby girl at the home of Alex and Mrs. Mowbray, last Thu rsd'ty. emigre, A. H. Oonnth+commenced his new creamery building, on Thursday, and will rush the work along as quickly as possible now, The many frienrls of WS. Snteitzer will he sorry to leiter1 thatshe is still oil the sitar list. Her daughter, Mrs. WV m. Dewitt, of Guelph, is looking trftpl her, at C,re5PuL. Play—A humorous play entitled "Tile New Parson" will be presented is the United Church, Bluevale, by the Young People on Friday evening May llth, at 8 o'clock. Solos will be rendered by Miss B. Thornton and L. Elliott; choruses by the Young People and music by the Vanstone Orchestra. Admission 25e and 15e. E,yrybody welcome. Grain carper' lire at riving at God- erioh harbor. A bus service has been cotnweuoed between Stratford and Goderich. New seats and new blackboards !Alive been installed in the Kintail School. Miss Olive Seheotnhals, of Clinton, , lata taken a pose Hon n1) assietn tit with the Cnnet -work in the office of the Oa. Reglsta'ate Wm, E. Foster has sold his fine 100 - acre faun, being int 7, Con. 0, Bab- ylon IlnP, Stamey Twp., to his neigh- bor, Chas. Stephenson, who will get nosseeainn on April let, 1929. ltir, ' Foster intetu15 giving up farming, this Fall. There passed away on April 1201 last, at; the home of her daughbe,', Mrs, G, R. Koehler, in California, Mrs, 3110, Headley, who was a sister of the late Wm. Truer/mer, of Hea• sail, Mee, Bradley was in her 72nd yea.. After completing more than 50 years in the teaching profession, more than 40 years of whioh have been at the Lisgar street Oellegiato Insti- tute, Ottawa. Robt, Stnthere, head of the histnry,.department there, is 1'e. tit ing frnrn actual teaching at the end of the present school year. Mr, Stothergie it native 02Asllffeld Twp. Jno. Gillespie, of Tnrnberry, upon whotn n Cine of $800 and costs was tin- ported upon conviction of having ligtt. o1) illegally, hell gofe to jail for six menthe in default of payment of the line. It was Gillespie's eeecnd offer Os, Scientists inl/APdeasate na COILD OAX peek Mile hlWbude Light ts Vis nearest Expositionsiiko, id'` -'--^-'cif'" 7 to dint - Son tiht Francisco •.w eaeitrilel 0 sts You�t�s��g to have this wonderful new Aladdin coal oil (kerosene) mantle lamp demonstrated tghiusretune sectlyoPn a cyou are prfe satisfied and agree that it is the best oil lamp you ever saw. Twice the Light n ;' ielf the '. it Recent tests by tiro Government andnoted scientists at 35 leading Universities prove the Aladdin gives moro than twice tho oath sathe bastsround hwictc,Aopen flame lamps on the market. Thus the Aladdin will pay for itself many times over in oil saved, to saynothing of the increased it quantity ri �i'e'sg, @�.. style forievery need light WNW Wig Be Given by the Mantle Lamp Company—the tars, est Coal Oil (kerosene) mantle lamp house in the world --to any person who shows the,n an oil lamp equal to the Aladdin. Would they dare invite such comparison with all other lights if there were any deUbt abort the superiority of the Aladdin? Let Us Call and Show Von This Grgat9st t tAll Yalghfis Jno. G. Speir Phone 166 Brussels kirasserreleasiftwenemovarerwsmmilesalleMOMPIIMINNI Prussels Public School 'Report ROOM II Impart for Mareli K IRI April, Jit 111-• Aleen Gibson $4 Kathleen (100180 ...... ..,73 lean Kiley 71 Irene Riley (17 Vera lrox 04 Llnyr1lirtrnagh'to (1'3 Billy Pelmet 611 Helen Douglas 6i Bert Burks 41 lien 81111118 40 *Jaek Farrow 27 Pr'esi',it. lu1' 3 exatnie--. Stella HeuderStnr 00 810, 11'-' (`all Plum 91 Marie King 81 MOUurdy Lowry 77 Earl Moore 74 Jack Backer 7i Bowman Galbraith 69 Mac s (19 m EdwardDeugles 0(1 "Harold Yolleck 483 Noreen Rutledge 63 *Mina 13ryans 67 Torn Strachan 03 Ned Rutledge 46 Present toe 8 exams— Lnuls Russel 66.3 EllwoodMcrrie 45 JR, II— Mar Geragie Rilld Gibseyon 81 Billy Stephenson 7572 Dorothy Ballantyne '70 Jim Palmer 63 Ieebel McTavish 68 Garfield Henderson 68 "Margaret Scott 68 Ethel Fox 61 Absent—Marjory Kerr and Archie Holmes. MART E. MCNAB, Teacher. ROOM I JR II—Examined in Arith., Read., Spell., Dep. and Daily Work. Bruce Moore.... . 87 *John Fowler 49 SR. II—Examined in same. Billy Eckwier 83 Hartley Rutledge 82 Betty Beet 81 Edith McTavish 80 Billy King 80 Tom McFadzean 78 Isabel Brigham 75 Irwa Riley 72 Omar Cunningham . 67 Harvey Gibson 61 *Kilmer McQuarrie 64 *Frank Rutledge 53 *George Galbraith 60 JR. I—Excellent — Mildred Whit- tar'd. SR Fit —Excellent—Virginia Plum, Addle Douglas, Frank Scott, Mary Davison, deck Lowry, Mary Helen Kerr, Mary Backer. Good — Mac Stephensou, 'Doris Pewee'', ^Buster Styles, *Ross Rutledge. 1Ner, PR, —Excellent — Allan Brig- ham. JR, PR.—Excellent—Jim Lock - wend, Hannah Russell, Mary Fox, Gilbert Riley. Gond—Jack Jamie• Holt, Free I. Buci1 ,, AN, Timelier. lIr. John Greig, a student from Knox College, Toronto, occupied the pulpit in Knox Presbyterian church on Sunday. Mr. Greig will have charge of the Bluevale and Eadie's congregations from now until Col- lege opens in the fall. illi. I4. Blake Jamieson, student pastor• of these congregations for the past two sum- mers has charge of a field in New Brunswick. The Ladies Aid and W. 111. S. of Knox Presbyterian church met at the hone of Mrs. R. F. Garniss on Thursday afternoon, May 3rd, with a good attendance, The W. M. S. was presided over by the President, lire Peter S. McEwen. The Scrip- ture Lesson, I. Cor 13th chapter, was read by Mrs. John Mundell, fol- lowed with Prayer by Mrs. C. Adams The President and Secretary along with Mrs. C. Adams and Miss Olive Scott as delegates, were appointed to attend the W. 111. S. Presbyterial to be held at Toeswater on Tuesday, May 8th. The Chapter from the Study hook "The Royal Road" was t k'n by 6Irs. Garniss. The meeting 'used by singing hymn and prayer by the President. CLINTON 31,1 phy Ledge, L 0 L. So. 710, was ole n'ti on Friday night, by a large delegation from Brantford L. 0. L. No. 742, who, under. Wor. Beo, Jas. McOretry, exemplified the Orange degree In a splendid manner, After the lodge was closed, a banquet was served, Wor. Bro. 61. J. Seltoelhttle presiding, Several Interesting ad- dresses were given. About 125 members wore present, including vis• iters from Blyth, Exeter, Seaforth and Bayfield. Clinton has lost one of her best- known citizens by the death of Wm, Oantelon, aged 89 years. For over 40 years, he was in business here with his late brother, Peter, in the firm of Cantelon Bros. Deceased was born in Goderich Twp. nearly eighty-nine years ago, and all his life, he has en- joyed the confidence and respect of the county. He was a Methodist and a Conservative and is survived by his widow and four children, W. A Cant- elon, of Hartsell ; W. F. Cantelon, well-known druggist, Toronto ; J. E. Cantelon, of Clinton, and Mrs, J. E. Brooks, Mitchell, BRUCE COUNTY. Kincardine will pave the main streets, Ripley bowlers have re -organized for the amnion, Kincardine is observing Thursdays as half•holiday, Teeewittee gets a credit of $604 50 on ite lath hill from Hydro. Bence County now has its third beer house, The new One was opened at Port Elgin, Walkerton and 'Wiarton are the other `vet spots with Formosa a9 the 10u01ain head, There will be a band oompetittoh in Walkerton, 00 30059111• Individual prizes will be given for clarinet, oor- net, baritone' and trombone solus with rano- p accompaniment, WEDNESDAY, MAY 96, 1928, Do You Require Lumber, as gie , Etta 'M/. ••_----,'mw�xt .rm,ui,9v - • • ®vmvw.0 tvgt.gv .+.-. M We stock Hemlock and Cedar Hoards, Shiplrtp Dimension in assorted It ugths anti sizes Al S,) Siding, Flooring,. Hardwood Flooring In Birch, Oak and Maple See our Samples, if you want to succeed in the Hog line see our "Portable Hog Pen" We have the finest POULTRY BUILDING PLANS to the country. Elouldirgs Our Saw Mill enables us to stork u:l in 2x-3 Hard Menlo for Hay Fork Tina; 2' < and 11x3 Elm and Beech I'M,: for flat rack or ordinary hay cork; Choice Rock Elm for double trees, etc., four to twelve feet long; birch and Beech Stoneboat Plank; Binder and Wagon tongues; Hart Maple Wagon Axles, etc. Prompt Delivery Gibson Lumber Yards am Saw Phone 30 NM MN WROXETER 111 Thieves entered the office of McLau- ghlin & Lloyd, Kincardine, which is also the office of Graham Bros. coal dealer's, and broke open a deek from which they Bemired a sum of money well over 8300. On Friday evening, the Crawford Cup, a beautiful trophy donated by 0. W. E. Crawford to the champion team of the Ripley and Huron Twp. Hockey League, was presented to the win- ners, namely the 12th Oon, team, The contract for the new School at Neustadt has been given to Jacob Fritz, of Clifford, and his brother Geo. Fritz, of Listowel. The size of the building will be 60 by 109 feet, will contain three rooms and will be built of red pressed brick. The contract must be completed by September 1st next. HURON COUNTY E. A. Harris and family, Pordevich, had a narrow escape from losing their home on the 2nd Con, Sparks Dom the chimney set fire to the roof, but fortunately, the blaze was noticed be- fore it had gained much headway. Wm. Spence, 4th Oon., Howick i Twp.. was informed by telegram of 1 the death, in Montreal, on April 23rd, 1 of Jno. Foster, formerly of this plain - y. The late Mr, Fester was hornet Newbridge, and after the death of his' parents which occurred when he wis quite voug, be went u> live with the' late Wm. Spence, sr. DECEASED —Tire funeral of the late I 1 14Ire, W. R. Smillie, whnsP death se- cured in the Geue,al Hospital, in Tur.1 onto, took place from her late resi- dence on North Main street, Seaforth, on Friday afternoon, Interment was made in Baird's cemetery, Stanley, The service was conducted by Rev. 14'. H. Larkin. She was a daughter of the late Henry arid Mrs, Mcllordie, and was born in Hallett 59 years sgo. Her marriage took place in 1869, and they resided on the London road, South of Brucefield, where they lived until 1915, when the family wei t to Seaforth, where they have since resid- ed. Two sons, William and Leonard, predeceased.her by a few years. Be- sides her husband, she 3e survived by. one son, James, of Olkahorna, and one daughter, Mrs. F. Dotvnard, Engle- hart, also four brothers, who have re- sided in California for many years. The pallbearers were : Jas. Rivers, Wm, Morrison, Donald MsoDonald, Robt. Stewart, WVm. Elcoat and Tbos. Elder, ogre -LOOK AT YOUR LABEL Ian McDonald BRUSSELS, ONT. Automobile ryryyyo�yy Ile Insurance Phone lIx 1 A NEW CREATIONS �I m NG1NI;RS CIIS new Oldsmobile is motordom's IL good news for 1928. It reveals new and sophisticated elements of style. It embodies new engineering features. It provides new niceties of appointment and equipment. It typifies the whole new spirit of the times—because it reflects the master touch of artist -engineers. On every hand, this fine car of low price is exciting admiration. And though you may have formed the highest opinion of its beauty . though you may have heard the highest praise of its perform- ance—we urge you to come in for a personal inspection. We want you to experience the silent, smooth performance of the new .55 h.p. high compression engine. We want you to revel in the comfort of spacious new Fisher bodies and in the luxury of easy driving and restful riding. You will be surprised to find so many factors of thorough satisfaction in a six that costs so little to own 1 General Motors' own deferred payment plan GMAC . . . alffords you the simplest and most economical way of buying your Oldsmobile on time. o•a.a-3sc 2 -DOOR SEDAN $1165 AT FACTORY, OSHAWA Government Taxes and Spare Tire Extra. BILE pF LOW PRICE E. C. Cunningham BRUSSELS - ONT. PRODUCT Oh GENERAL' MOTORS OF CANADA,,L1MITBD