HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1928-5-9, Page 4WEDNESDAY, MAY O1ih, 1928,
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01.0 TOrtissrls Post
WEDNESDAY, MAY 9th, 1938.
WIIITH The T. Eaton Co., talking'
over the 21 Canadian Depart-
ment Storesscattered around Ontar-
io, this firm is still further encroac7.1-
ing en the territory of the local mer-
chant. The only way to fight this
ceneetn is to advertise judicially in
the weekly newspapers where the
home -makers will always see your
store news.
Tis suggested that the Council of
the League of Nations may hold
a session at Ottawa, Canada being
particularly appropriate for league
meetings because the two principal
languages of diplomacy, English and
French, are the official languages of
this country. It is not decided that
the council shall meet in Canada, but
if it does it will make the League
less of an impersonal, far-off thing
to the people of this country and the
United States, anis so a useful pur-
pose would be served.
es is es •
ADETROIT gunman has been
sentenced, under the new crim-
inal code, to solitary confinement
with hard labor -for life. That is a
sentence to make criminals shudder.
Michigan has no capital punishment.
but to those who 'breathe the air of
freedom the thought of solitary con-
finement for life is nearly repugnant
as the quick expiation of the hang-
man's noose. The weakness of the
"life" sentence system across 'Tile
line, however, seems to lie in the
fact that the sentence so often fails
to mean what it says.
NOTHER member of the Senate
has died, the lion. George C. the latest Egyptian political crisis.
King, at the age of 92 years. The So continue the difaculties which
peaceful life of members of the red have arisen beside the storied Nile
chamber appears to have a most since the war, largely resulting from
salutary effect on their health. A over much talk about the rights of
few mouths ago another turned the nationalities. The Egyptains, at
century mark. It is questionable, 'least a proportion of their influent -
however, whether men of such ad- fol leaders. are determined that they
vaned age can add much to the shall no longer be under British sup -
deliberations of the Canadian Up- ervision, while the British driven by
per House, and no doubt the time stern necessity owing to the location
z av
Pure Barron Strain
During May and June we will
have 7000 Chiokseacll week,
$1 i E34f per 100
These are big, strong Chicks
from heavy -laying stock.
We guarantee them right in
every way.
Walter Rose
Phone 38x r4 Brussels
CANADIAN trade for the fiscal
year just ended has broken all
records with a total of $2,359,412-
763 -that is for imports and ex-
ports. Exports were somewhat less,
chiefly owing to a decline in the
value of grain shipments, while im-
ports rose greatly, largely on ac-
count of 'increased quantities of the
raw materials used by Canadian
manufacturers. The Dominion con-
tinues to grow in importance as- a
great manufacturing country and
while agriculture continues to be our
major resource in world trade, the
march of industrial progress contin-
ues satisfactorily.
se es RITISH warships been or-
dered to Egypt as a result of
%41'' ., 4, S •;41 ,./ ii`
HAVING engaged the services of MR. ]FLANK
HARR()1) of General Motors., we can now
assure Exert personal attention. No job too small
or too hard to repair.
Electrical Work a Specialty. _Amateurs Re -wound
Dominion Tire and Dunlop Service Station
See us for General Motors Cars
Gas C l Batteries Etc.
Cunningham's Garage
{{1 t; i ,r v}+5,, 51 N• s.' y;�"' , iy-�,�r+
i•h"K;-.? � W •, v•,u�+�v�, Itz.a.�,� 37d.. �O R
Car of XXXXX Red
B. C. ShinglesCar of ��
To arrive about May 20th
Special Price off car.
Alberta Coal
to arrive in June
Cheapest Fuel obtainable.
A Few Tonsof fertilizer still on hand,
Brussels farmers' Culp.
Phone 46
increases in tariffs, but it remains to
be seen if the governments will act
accordingly. If they do, the whole
structure of world trade will be re-
cast es a natural consequence. The
matter of tariff regulations, in the
great majority of nations, is always
en issue of internal political centre -
will conte, when senators will be of the Suez canal, vital to commune versy, and it is difficult to arrive at
automatically retired on reaching a cation with India, are equally deter- any definite forecast on what might
certain age, say 711 years. Certain- . mieed that the Egyptians shall not
ly men of over 80 would hardly be tent entirely lose. So many men -
considered suitable candidates for tries were carved out of the rear-
e -
el ctite public office, and there is no ,•xne `hent oi`�the map of Europe to
good reason w :y the requirements tee tune of high-sounding Phrases at
for the Senate should be foss string- the end of the war that the Egypt-
cnt. Even Georges Cleinenceau the .. , iwits stave neon the. vassals of
amazingly vigorous though. aged tl'lhr .`tons for thous:ti is of years,
French roan, has found it advisable gat the idea that they ton should be
to retire new that he ie in his eight- entirely self-governing. 1?nfortunn-
ies tidy. though, the fellaheen is hardly
,t capable of self-government, which
AI•w;HALL Juef Piisudeki, the ' sulci mean that rule: would Iii en-
ff (meetnr el' Pola:id who , zed tirely in the hands of a very small
cducnted minority, and the eorrup-
the Government with machine guns .
and bayonets two years ago, now ton of Eyptian politics has been a
wants to gir;e his country a govern- byword for hundreds of years. Bri-
nient similar to that of the 1 nited tain does not relish the prospect of
States, according, to Frank H. Sim- Placing her trust in a good faith
ens, noted tvcr eorr(pondcnt and whine, may not be so good, when any-
th:ug so vital as the Suez Canal is
authority on Europe, who has just
returned to New York after a visit concerned.
to Poland. Pilsudski also dreams of\ connection with se as es
the problems of
creating a Poland that will be the liEurope, it ta
has been asecained
centre of many nation il,ti n, a f:.(1. tits' all important countries, rtoinr-
erat5on after the L S. Ay h,, of Litlh- i•
lg, Argentina,' Austria. Canada,
naniane, White Russian -3 and C(kiain- ;l•nnnark and �tvrdrn, have higherfess. The chief; article On Pilsud.let s 'rigid rates than in 1923, the • ht..
program n' a- revizien of the Polishseese:ran;gin; from ri to nearly 300
C,:matitntion, embraving such of the rer cont. It is noteworthy that these
content; of the Amore ur ,hirci 1 nt.• •;;rd revisions have been mainly
The marshales purpose is to give the ; ,n manufactured goods, a factor af-
people a'd not the Diet the i ou r
i'•:cttng Europe to a greater d(q:c•e
to elect the President, and till I2.I.„
'"ren anti other liar' of the world.
sl)ecified nowt;s to the President and.:tf-determination of people and
his cabinet. shame rule were .strong talking points
y , i a ."i pertly after the war, but
MISS CORA HIND,veteran 01100- tl c placti.,il effect of endorsement
VI, cid editor of the MI:nnitnha Free , the appeals for freedom by cer-
Fres w dl u'.c d the fine fowl that tars races has been to fence off sev-
ean-.:le ',reduces, th.'e other day in a (,1;11 valuable trade areas. Thus, the
;tack to girls in Alberta, and repeat-( rection of. new states has added to
ed a remark made by Dr. James W, the difficulties of countries, such as
Robertson, former Canadian food (;'.eat Britain and Germany, in re -
commissioner, that ``Canada produc- ,,.aiming the ground they lost during
re the best food -stuffs in the world the war, for the new nations have
and the people are the worst fed." quite naturally followed the example
That of course applies to the cook-
ing and the choice of diet, and there
is something in it, aitllough to say
Canadian are "the worst fed," is an
exaggeration. Miss Hind suggested
that the girls might make a little
money and help tourists by serving
appetizing meals in the small towns.
Her suggestion was based on experi-
ence, for she has been forced to eat
in the Chinese restaurants of the
prairie towns, most of them ex..eetl y
alike and practically all with iden-
tically the same cooking, That is
said to be because the Books are
taught in one sehoel on the Pacific
coast, and naturally all cook the
same way. It would be unfair to
say that their food is bad. butit is
hot just the best in the world foe
a steady diet, And usually there Is
. no choice but to go to the one res-
taueant, for in many oases the hotel
+lo not serve meals.
set by most other countries and have
raised the greater part of the re-
venue necessary for administrative
purposes by collecting duties on im-
ported products. The World Econ-
omic Conference of May, 1927, de-
clared that the time had come to end
AA C 1-1 1 u ii
S. C. White Leghorns
Bred -to -lay
10c a
0 doz. above market price
Alex. Perrie
Phone 2515 Brussels
be reasonably expected to take place
it. view of world conditions. When
the voter; go to the palls the masses
of thrid have usually but a very hazy
idea of what the tariff is all about,
Taking orders now for
Alberta Coal
Phone 2214 ETHEL
Some "fellers" are great flower
gatherers on Sunday?
se e
Miss Agnes Mecphail bemoans that
women are still following the dic-
tates of men. Sat almost any day
one can see husbands out in the back
yards beating rugs.
se es
We thought we had a good story
to tell the wife at noon Tuesday,
but somehow, being Scotch, she did
not see the joke -at least the way
we saw it. The story goes: "You
know Chatham has a big population
of colored folk and Galt has a big
population of Scotch. How do you
account for it? Seeing that Chat-
ham is the older, they had first
choice!" Do you see the joke? We
thought it was an easy one.
Last Time To -Night ' Wednesday
Lon he
Friday & Saturday - May 11 & 12
E !'r, ,,,s E MissionariePirates!s !
The South Seas !
�'' "'� i t� A Surprise Attack !
t,„ .� r A F!ghtingi Clel;gylnan .
,-99 A Smashing, Gripping Climax !
g. And the greatest battle since
"The Spoilers"
All in PETER 13. KYNE'S magnificent Drama of the Java
Coast ---with Margaret Livingston, Ralph Ince and Doro-
thy Donbar.
Tuesday & Wednesday - May 15-16
"Body an So 1"
with Branded at Midnight
Aileen Pringle This 1`•, On the scra theeen ate.Tthescenes
climax over
nessel the
Norman Kerry tale of 0 girl sold by a seheirling father, bee
Lioite1 IiaYlynlOfe escape fit ev i{>7zvl
er foeced
marriage, teern,-Ihdtbreathless
11arval.ive you've seen in runny a ,lay. DON'T MISS IT 1
Friday and SaturdayMay17
& 18
BERalph Lewis, Viola Dana
a a
rid R
inceSEE I
- O P
r e
!n the greatest of Circus
er thv: s:
McLaughlin ung tyro - o,dui k workmanship
ars Just as rigidly maintained
in the .,o Hoot detail w In the
moat vital part of the car. Per-
fection Is the constant aim of
avicey McLaughlin -Buick crafts-
man. Banda parts you never
see am made to a degree of
precision Rad quality that
allows a wide margin of
security and durability.
THE deeply satisfying performance
f McLaughlin -Buick is the result
of painstaking attention to unseen but
important details.
The G. M. A. C. Deferred Payment Plan oilers many
advantages to buyers of McLaughlin -Buick cars.
WHEN Bh i t ER
Ie .. °: nders
hientottbie bren1$ in the -
he4>tortl offs E te-
4 eharfas Cor'
55 On the 9th of May
YEARS 1873 John Stuart Mill
A G 0 ..the famous economist
and philosopher, died at the age of
He was born in London on the
10th of May 1806, and his father,
James Mill, was a distinguished his-
torian and philosopher and a friend
and disciple of Jeremy Bentham, the
first and the greatest of the philoso-
phical radicals, whose fundamental
principle is utilitarianism, which aims
to bring about the greatest thappiat-
eec to the greatest number by a logi-
cal and scientific examination of ex-
isting laws and institutions and the
reformation of them.
John was educated exclusively by
his father, who not only tmbued him
with Bentiham's philosophy but
coached him so thoroughly that the
boy, at the age of eight, was an ad-
vanced Greek and Latin scholar and
possessed a profound knowledge of and in 1868 he lost his seat by his ed for ltn+eorUeta solo. Addrevoellcomo,an-
irutlnnsto 01Rii. W. W. )° ARRIH,
the history of bout the ancient and sturdy championship of Charles 4;.518 28 htarenate t1, (telt.
the modern world. Bradlaugh, the atheist. The last 5
When he was 14, John was sent to years of his life were passed :n
France for a year, and there he per- France, where he continued his pro -
sued his studies as assiduously as digious system of study and writing
when under his father's eye, adding until his death. 7+hn(tm(rtne Revisiiut on rho Assessment
fl knowledge of the French language . 11IilIs supplied Thos. Carlyle with R Htl or 111 Powwnahip oe to m•ris will be 1(8111 in
Tow whip Ftnt!o+ Mnndny, May 21.1, el2
8(1(1 several new subjects to his much valuable material when 'tile , alnek p. un. Alt hnl'111ia internam-1 will please
r•,In' (101X1 cod govern themselves according'
scholastic attainments. While in groat writer 1'i.18 compiling his his- ly, A, 51acI1WEN, Clerk.
Prance he rose at five in the morning tory of the French Revolution, and
tnuevl le, Aprit Ilth,ls:8
cued, with but brief intervals for food when the first part of le was com-
he studied until five in the after- Dieted Carlyle sent the bulky menu-
yso'ra,-D.(et. $sett, AOotioneer has re:
eeived instructions from the undersigned to
sell by public auction at her house, Tarnberry
street, on Sate, day, May 12th, at 1.50 0. in.
sharp, the following household effects : 11:
piece living room suite, side board, dining
table and chairs, leatherette covered couch,
oak bell benoh and mirror, Victor phonograph
and records, music cabinet, rocking chairs
writing desk, combination writing dock anti
a year. He was rapidly promoted boob naso, 2 riving 1005 rigs, bedroom suite,
and remained in the service of the bed oliet oei and airings, bureau 2 evnrdroh-
111 1, cup oar , kitch n ran80,, kitchen tab•
famous Company until it was dis- inert cupboard, kitchen range, pictures,
p Y on shove, 2 cool hooters, clack pietnres, also
solved in ,1859, when he was given a
life pension of fifteen hundred
pounds a year.
During the time that he was with
the Company Mill wrote a large
number of newspaper articles and
several books on philosophical and 100 ACRE FARM FOR SALE: -
Being Lot 3, con. 16, Grey, Build-
ings in first class condition. An-
drew Sloan, Phone 27-12. R. R.
4o. 2, Brussels. 23-tf.
For Sae
10.00 mower, wheelbarrow, grindstone, Ford
touring ear.2 auto rugs, cot. carpenter's tools,
ladder, garden tools, Hower stand, sealers and
other articles too numerous to mention.
ecmtomical subjects. His greatest
and well-known work -"The Prin-
ciples of Political Economy," which
was published in 1858, is still the
standard work on the subject.
In 1865 he became a member of
the house of Commons being elected ''hone, to wind 0p an .0(1110 in the Village of
ns Liberal member for Westnifnisiet Arteond • •,lute, 4•rulm et•nune ru,tage win,
uelhnr. klt0Lensnd wnn0.,h' 11,trunk, d •1111111
•• by a handsome majority over his and soft water. largo frame+:nld+', frult trees
sad small n'or ; also ndjAnmg (whet in
1 'tory opponent, despite the fact that, known nes the milt p: eperty) ' truly a ncnir,
he made no effort to conciliate the "}titnble for p'en'ny farm with bntlding ter
250 birds' 1"or Ynrther Nartirulnra, apply to
1 electors. In his election speeches J. Cecil Hamilton, UA0)o1.D PE `180. A[i m'r,
h°ncitm-, Atwood, R. R. N0 4,
Inc stated that he did not intend to Liet5wel, Phone fd, :1.2.
devote any time or labor to the
local interests of the constituency Property for Sale
and that Inc regarded the labouring
classes as "generally liars." He Brick house and two lots, corner of QOeei
made but little (nark im Parliament, aba hPmrhlewsors. treAreu,Ltilgeml,e whr nsotabplt
of Revision
TOWNSHIP OF 0001)018
Farm for Sale
noon. In the evenings Inc learned script to Mill for perusal. While in tUlinerea,heulgpnrttuts0,7iCuu., nacre'
music, singing, dancing and fencing, .hill's custody the manuscript disall- 211, stn tonom ., Girev Towship, (lam, awl
but none of ifnese were undertaken reared, and was said to have been n»ltjllwnrth(Irnr11111 For particulars supply to
for relaxation or pleasure, but shop- burned by a careless servant, who 15n•te 0. E, ROWLAND.
ltin(lie a fire, but there
ly because. the boy 'felt that it was
used it to
his duty to be proficient in them, was a strong suspicion that it hid
His father originally intended that been destroyed by Mrs. Mill, who
he should beeome a barrister, but was annoyed that Carlyle should
when Joint was 16 the idea was a- have been given the -- "
bandoned and he became a clerk in her husband had collected :for the
the London office of the East India purpose of himself writing a book on
Company at a salary of 30 pounds the same subject.
'Ian hi .1
f iThe Rattan factory at Walkerton
bag ennead bilui,leas after 30 years.
Teudtus are beteg Seiko t fon a con•
trete pavement on the highway be-
tween Clifford nud 13arriston.
The dogs in Walkerton mast hetied
up fee a few months, of if •on the
street, they meet, be ea a leash or nth-
erwise tinfier control. A byelaw was
peeled with a view of pesserviug pub.
tic and private Bowes. beds, gardens
and lawns,
Dr, Leslie Bleck, a framer pupil of
Clifford Onnlinaatintl School, who,
dlitsell two P
a r s ago,
has been on hospital staffs in Toronto,
is now in the Presbyterian Hospital,
New York City, having been fortun-
ate in nearing a two•yearsurgical ap•
pnintment in that instil.utinit,
The sudden passing of 1Vir's, Donald
Oantpbell ocou rted at the home of her
son, Daviel Campbell, at Arnherley
to hermany
shock y
came a8 a dove s
friends and eeletivee Mls,,Onmpbell
in the
oftlheeltl , Thel following mooting,
her little'graodson went in to see her,
as was his eastern, �end found
that se
shehad passed away, g
a stroke. Deceased was 09 years of
Notice to Oreditors
Bo Your Feet Bother You ?
Olt i the tragedy or aching feet, the misery
or painfully dragging one foot after theoth-
er, the bitterness of watching others step
along without n foot 50re fu 1110 world. Foot
misery can bo avoided, I lntow, because I
suffered for years, but I found n way to re-
lieve tont painful strain upon my weakened
armies, Now, I want to help others ; if yon
tire a sufferer, please mention Tug 50871 when
writing. J. 0, W000,220 Pros/Ape:t At„ 8mm-
ilton, Ont., or may be pttrnhneed at Downing
Bros„ shoe dealers, Brussels.
Farm for Sale
in the matter of the Estate of A very desirable stook farm of 160 norm
mile sesln. (toed bnildinen and
0Ooo MCMIllanRin
, tato of the VII- equipments, eyA.13. termMAOs to110onitNALD, purohneerlaseiac of Brussels, In the County of mor 'anther pnrtlanlarft'on IIrns 01/1/11 to
Huron, OoaaaBod, Rrfssels,
Notion is hereby gluon, pursuant to Section
05 Chapter 121, of the Revised Statutes of.
01 tnrib, that rill persons hpvin g enuring ageing
the estate of the said George McMillan,
deceased, who dtod o, or about the
25th day of January, A . D. 1020, aro required
nn or before the 21th day of May, A,
D. r tellver tOHnm-
t chic (
pet0'.8, to Rand by Dept))
0) Witton, Esq.Brun sad, the Testament Executor1
t the nkat 'will rad hristia, t OP
our reno01,11 their Christian and
surnames, and addrea0111051, Puli pnrtim
Mare in writingq of their clifirns and the antero
of their 550001ti00 (1 P an() held by thein.
And further take 1100100 that -after ouch lest
rnenti05111 date that ANd Exenetor will pec-
coed to dtetrihuteth8 nsoet5 oP the drneasod
atoOn at the persons entitled thereto, hnvinp
gat a hall
rngnlutvell to theot Ore of whfoh h t
Raid Itaeedioeter
then have notice and the sn d
th a bo tiebtn to any porami Or per1nne 80x
0010 assets or any part ,hornet of
ed by him the trineettnu01l,l(ott�ibuttouooly
Dated this 5th day of May, A, D.
1020• SAM1U111, 87(000N,14xooutor,
Souse and lot for Sale
=heundo'ei.n0d offers for Oslo his house
-.t t lotn Albert street, Brussels, 11.0008
end o t a ea Br e ,
contains bath, furnace andis8leotrlo Wired,
Good garden nn(1 garage, Everything in
firth -ohms repair,
155.88 JAS, RENDERSON, Seo)orth,
Farms for Stale
The undersigned offers for sale lits ISO-nore,
in Lot 2 i 7 Morris. Alan
(ant ho 5 00 s.
n N ,
being i5
I nor s bola firth ' Lot 2U and E 27
KU o, gLQ , , y„tri
Morris. our�t�y mem nr d bents Con. 7 Mor Geed t n
n[14..01009 condition, or atl good o0E•b(00)-
05lO WIII Ault with or without crop. 128nt-
on Par 0elling, poor health, Der further part•
loalnre apply to W. 13: McOUT0REON,
Proprietor, R, li,4, BrltaeelO