HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1928-5-9, Page 2WEDNESDAY, MAY 0th, 1028. "Orange Pekoe" is only the name even to a size of leaf- Some good, many poor, Orange Pekoes are sold --The most economical and yet the finest flavoured is "SALADA" Orange Pekoe -Sealed in metal ---pure—fresh -delicious -4.3c per --Ib. 289 Sunday School Lesson gy CHAR -ES G. TRUMBULL (Editor of The Sunday echooi T,mce) r1 JESUS ENTERS JERUSALEM and sitting upon hila is One bearing .Sunday, May 13—Mark 11:1-33. the name "Ming of Kings, and Lord Golden Text of Lords."The armies of Heaven Behold, thy King cometh unto follow Hien upon white horses. That thee; He is just, and having slava- will be the real triumphal entry; the passage in Revelation describes the tion (Zech, 0:9.) ' coming of the Lord at the Battle of There are five distinct and infra- Armageddon, after which He will rely significantoieteincidents, each carry. establish His throne in Jerusalem, ing itsf own verses in thin chapter. and Psalm 24, will be fulfilled, as The first isin verses ed the in the in- the gates lift up their heads "and lialet ordinarily called trimly- the King of glory shall come In." hal untry. The next incident is that of the But was it a etd to enl rJerentryAs barren Sg tree (vs. 12-14). The fig the Lorde prepared to enter Jerusal- tree is a type of Israel; bearing no em He sent two of his disciples to a near -by village to bring Him an ass fruit such as God has a right to ex - that they should find there, "and a Peet, it is under a curse to the end colt with her" (Matt. 21:2). Mark of the age. Then conies a foregleam of the explains that the colt was one "whereon never man sat." The Lord Kingdom power and the iron rule of carefully instructed His disciples David's Greater Son, who is not only hew to make sure of bringing the the Lamb of God, but also the Lion animal with them if they should be of the tribe of Judah. In stern challenged by the question, "Why righteousness Christ casts out of the de ye this?" The answer was to be, temple the traders and moneychang- "The Lord hath need of him." ers who were defiling the house of The disciples went and found the God (vs. 15-18). ass and the colt. They were chat- The result of the Lord's cursing lenged, they made their reply, they of the fig tree gives opportunity for to regard him as safe. But if he g were allowed to go their way. It has a lesson to the disciples on faith. If stays at the wheel in that condition been suggated that the owner of the only they would "have faith in God," we will have no sympathy for him" they might indeed be Christ's alit-• I It had come to his ears that the magistrates of the province were perhaps not enforcing the law with adequate strictness. In this regard it was possible that in future a drunken driver might suffer suspen- sion of bath driver's license and car license, Of late there has been an THE SCORE DRUNKEN DRIVER No Sympathy Held -- J. C. Martin of Hamilton Declares 2% of the Drivers Cause all Trouble, (Thursday's Toronto Star) Indictment of the drunken motor - :t. (Widen on the part of at least one newspaper owner to publish all mines of such offenders, discussion of crossing accidents, glare lights, faulty brakes, and the arrangement for choosing a committee to catty on nit aggressive campaign for safer motor driving, were the features of yesterday's meting at the parlia- ment buildings, called in the inter- ests of a safety campaign, and open- ed by the Minister of Highways. Mr. Henry pointed out that the number of serious accidents last year were due to the effect of increasing traffic, "With 800,000 or 900,000 motor ears using tine road of this province the accident problem has been acute. There are as many foreign cars us- ing our roads during the summer as there are cars owned in Ontario," said Mr. Henry. There seems, he said, to have bee an epidemic of fatalities, a gra many of them the result of foo 'hardy driving or fool -hardy pede trianism. The day of "minor" offences h felt, were past. The intention was administer the law as it was on t statute books. Brakes and lig must be kept in adjustment; no mo warning. but punishment would fo low breakers of the law in this r spect. "I may say that we have no sy pathy for the man who drives whi under the influence of liquor," said. "If a man gets that way 1 him lie down by the road and sle it off. If the does so eve will Inch t 1- s - to he fats re 1- e- m - le he et ep ne ass may have been a disciple, who instantly recognized the Lord's mese sage. And the riding peacefully on an unbroken colt, through a shout must be cleansed of unlove, forgiv- ing multitude, was a miracle. Plain- ;rte ethers seofs.lve, ly it betokened Christ's supernatural Finally comesfreely a lesson 19-26.) nu - power over the created world, melee- titFitp of Cbriet, and the theelme- 4: as well as wind and sea. (Mark • e s of those W''.to oppose and reject apparent falling off in the number of 4:37"4 our ITim. He is challenged by the rebel - As Lord rode on the colt into lions pHs is, scribes and elders: "By these cases, but it might be that this Jerusalem, the City of David, H•' , t.licit .iests, ty decal Thou these was due to a failure, of the magis- was greeted by many, spreading things?and who gave Thee this au- branches u_ trates to report. their garments in the way, ate ng thorny to do these things?" The People had complained to him that branch s of trees before Tiim, and King of Kings and Lord of Lorcls it was a "real punishment," to be were the their acclaim. But who asks them a single +;ttestjon. Was deprived of the use of a car that was were multitude? Luke die les I tis, baptism of John from Heaven or used for business purposes, nut his "The whole multitude of the disciples the men? Tbc•y did not know; and if reply had been that if it were not a began to rejoice and praise God with ; they did know they did not to real punishment it would not be im- a loud voice. . . . Blessed be the, er, They were afraid dare say posed. Ring that cometh in the name of the Mr. Henry, regretted that Sir John Lord; peace in Heaven, and glory in !that it was either from God or from Gipson, "chief safety officer of the elan, for they knew the consequences Province," could not be present to the highest" (Luke as n t the. enAp- of either reply. Being rebels against eralp parently, then. it was act ;;'en- God. the were cowards. Christ who speak. oral populace, but a great number of knew their hearts, knew this. In ter- i Irresponsible Character followers of or believers in Christ. rific condemnation ion He says to them: General Draper, chief of police for Math says they cried out, "Blessed Dvid, 'Neither do I tell you by what au- 1 Toronto, was -given an ovation w'iten that• he the moth oiii theear father David, thority 1 do these things." It was a I he was called on to speak. "ane:h in mama of 'elle "Ste far as the police force of this stiuc;ing rebuke: they were routed; Lord." bet rheas 1< a worse, judgment await- city is concerned they will co-operate It was a triumphal entry so far as int those men, and all who rejectto the utmost in anything which will thoee who recognized Christ were.Christ and defy God, at the - enhance the safety of the roads of concerned, but by no means any lei meat of the Great White Tluona, this (dee.," declared General Draper. uof. the Lord in relation to the „ "The one bigpoint which should be great crit, as a whole. It was the'1 III are, mere than 731.000 tett cn up e, lion ly ie the man who fulfilment of Ole prophecy in ,lou- miles of railroad track in the weal. . drives the car when to i$ intoxicat- ariah 0:0:• "It oleo greatly, Odun- Seventy-two per cent. of the c ct, I call him an irre.•ponsible char- ehtcr of Zinn; shout, 0 daueht,01 of verth surface is covered with :tete,. It is qucetionable whether •he Je_ru alem: heleeld thy Dins ceeih %yeti.can oven see prenerly when in that unto thee: He is just, and pacing .sal" Through a new French system, condition. Personal effort should be nation; lowly, and riding upon an ,totally illiterate people are being made to :;top this, the most dange- ass, and upon a colt the foal of an taught to read and write in ten, two- roue of all dangers to safety." has," The Ring had come, to the p„1,,, lc. eons• Another point brought out by Gen - royal city, hut not as a King;meek L': ing the Gregg method, a New eral Draper was the danger of poor and lowly, recognized only bya few ork law student of 21, won the brakes. They should be inspected by he peal onion to the e,itire nation world's championship for writing the owners and the provincial police that should have welcomed Hint, shorthand at 280 words a minute. and at all times should be in good The same King is coming again to The first trade unions in the Ifni- condition, he declared. the same city, but how differently! ted States were founded in New He warned of the dangers of The account in Revelation 10: 11-16 York between 1802 and 1807. They speeding and advised that -inter - should be read aloud in class; Ilea. were shipwright, carpenter and prin- sections in other towns should be ven is opened, a white horse corner, tee unions. watched by control men. e.„_____ J "Personal co-operation in all theee — things. is necessary to making lite traffic safe,” concluded the Toronto police chief. powered representatives en this evl world, and be able to work miracles even es their Lord. But their lives BRUSSELS POST, 110.11,91.4.,11111V 11.04.1N4.1.111.12. It Pays to use SO % PAINT N VAR 1 of special product,' for every purpose -for every surface S ate gEl40tlRCe' tosak Montreal koro klttLOG (aro00 I t WO%PURE PAINT For exterior or inferior MARBLE -ITE For hardwood floors forSaleby NEU-TONNE the flatwash- able paint VARNOLEUM for Oilcloth E&Lino/eum S. F. DAVISON BRUSSELS WOOD -LAC slain forf/oors andfurniture,, "One of these is the headlight, there is the dimmer and glare and both are supposed to be safe, but, as everybody knows lenses are not non- glare." -]ie added. Mr. Martin recommended an am- ber headlight as the only proper one. "It breaks up the particles of fog, wherets the white lights showed on the white particle, creating a glare and not permitting the driver of the car to see through the fog," he ex- plained "Now that a research de - 'Beautiful Silverware is eodern Necessil5 AND what better indication, of taste and refincinenr than a service of celebrated COMMUNITY PLATE The Tableware ]7e Dere By reason of our complete stocks this store is fast becoming known as bcadquattcts for this delight fel were. Prices Most Reasonable J, R. WENDT Jeweler Wroxeter -- Ontario R, A. Stapells stated that the On- tario Motor League has just held a very large meeting and representa- tives were here from a wide area of the province. The Motor League, he said, stead for courtesy and careful driving on the part of motorists. It has jurat vote() $800 for prizes for a school children's essay contest on the subject of drunken driving was well known, 3". C. Martin, of Hamilton, presi- dent of the Assoc. Board of Trade, was the next speaker. "I believe 08 per cent of all motor- ists are safe, but it is the 2 per sent. that cause the accidents," he declar- ed, "The whale question boiled down to two or t'aree things." type of accident to elimsnaae. i ,r" -a Adequate precautions in regard to The level crossings would, he thought, re- 1 T duce the accident total by 15 or 20 per cent. An Economic Loss. "I would like to see absolute pro- hibition of strong headlights with in the municipal borders of every city in Ontario," declared C. L. Bur- ton, president of the Board of Trade, who looked for a great improvement in traffic conditions with General {Draper at the police helm. partment has been formed by the "It sometimes is difficult to get government, I -think this is one of the through towns on the provincialt things that they should make a study highway, so congested are the roads of " with parked ears," said Mr. Burton. "It is an economic loss to these towns if they only knew it. It is the same way in Toronto. "There is no occasion for parking cars on through strgets. The ex- pense of paying men to mark park- ed ears is an economic waste. Cars ought to be allowed to park or not al lowed to park. If parking has to be restricted to ten minutes it should be "The thing next in order of dan- ger is the grade crossing," went on Mr. Martin. "At the bad level crossing there should be stop signs just as at busy intersections, and at all bad cross- ingsshould be signals. Thirty per g cent of the crossing accidents in New York state last year were eaused by motorists running into the middle of the track." restricted altogether. The board of T. A. Stevenson. speaking `er the trade and the business interests of executive of the Ontario Safety the province are behind this move - League cited figures that there has meat of safety education," been 422 motor fatalities and rev- Dr. H. M. Torrington of Sudbury, oral thousand fatal road accidents in said he wanted to critize the gov- Ontario last year. None the less he ' evnment's handling of the road ques- considered that with over a million i tion in the north country. "I see you tourists crossing the border in the spend some of our money on very course of a few months these figures good reads down here in the south - were tm indication that Canada led ern part of the province but what the continent in this regard. There WO are up against is our inability to were 57 level crossing accidents in get the northern developments ready the province last year, he said, and to eliminate death traps even at this was, to his mind, the easiest nominal cost to the government. I . dare say 310,000 would eliminate them all but we can't get the money. "If you swing a few votes sane- 1 where over the country around elec- tion time you can get money, but not for eliminating death traps." He hoped the government would be more generous in the future. Mr. Henry pointed out that this did not come under the direct juris- diction of the department of high - Car Owner's Scrap -Book ...(By the Left Hand Monkey Wrench) Adjustment for Lean Mixture. � heads must be removed, but hose A quarter tan of the adjusting connections will probably need re - screw is all that is necessary for a placing some time during the sum - leaner mixture of the carburetor mer if not replaced at an early date. during the warm months. If in doubt ae to screw to adjust, it is well to Postponing needed repairs of the drive the car into a service station car only adds to the expense bill. for professional attention. A Dangerous Habit. If the car is to be driven at ihigh Never fill the reservoir of an auto- speeds for a long period, slightly mobile while the engine is running. higher tire pressure will be benefi- Numerous fires and explosions, with tial, resultant injury to persons and dam- As an additional to age to property have been caused by dere, paint the underside protectionof each fen- thissen- dangerous practice, due to gaso- tion with good metal paint. after a hie spilling and overflowing on over- thorough washing. heated exhaust pipes and the ignition of gasoline fumes by backfire, I The use of oversize tires not only Inspection 'of Cooling System ' increase tire life, but car life also. When going over the engine at The extra size tire will cushion the this time of the year be sure to in- entire machine against road shocks. spect the water pump packing, hose connections and gaskets. Pump packing nuts can usually be tighten- ed. some cases new packing will be needed. Gaskets will usually be tigiht until manifolds or cylinder m Selentialeany e"t,,j'.aefSaaReiYsa`'r When Firestone engineers were developing the Balloon Tire they found it necessary to design a trend altogether different .from that re- quired by High Pressure Tires. The Firestone tread was not de- signed with large, massive projec- tions for appearance or to make plausible sales argument. On the contrary, the projections of the cross -and -square tread are small and the rider strips narrow, permit- ting the tread to yield to irregulari- ties and cling to the road, giving the greatest non-skid surface. This tough, pliable tread has the wear - resisting qualities that give thou- sands of extra utiles of service and save you money. Ways. J. W. Curran, editor of the Soo Daily Star, introduced the novel sug- gestion of placing a tag on all cats whose drivers had been convicted of driving while intoxicated. "That to my mind ought to show him up so that he wouldn't do it again," said the speaker. "I have been asked to see if the townships in aur district can be given the authority to stop joy -rid- ing on the soft roads in spring. It is badly injuring the roads in our dis- trict," said Mr, Curran. Wanted Railway Stop. Mayor Edwards of New Toronto, made a motion that the meeting go on record as favoring a law requir- ing all oars to stop at railway cross- ings. The motion was seconded, but met with little favor from the meet- ing, "That would only give pinhead i constables and pinhead magistrates Your nearest Firestone Dealer another excuse to fine the motorists; will gladly supply your needs and lye you the better service that goes 1 don't think it would be wise," said g with these better tiros. W •J" L a Bur Cton, advising that the matter be left to the minister, sug• gested that the motion be withdrawn, "Plvery time an accident -happened who would be to blame?" asked Hon, Mr. Henry. The meeting passed a resolution empowering Idr, Henry to select from its members a committee to Pireatonc Builds the Only Oum•Dipped'rites support him in a fety promotion, G. B. 1VV CInJt re Nearly one-third of Australia's (; 1Vl ,000,000 population liths ilia' the Dealer Brussels cities of Sydney and Melbourne, - FIRESTONE TIRE & RUBBER CO. 031 CANADA LIMITED Hamilton, Ontario MOST MILES PER DOLLAR sit CUM -DIPPED TIRES Cover all cracks and chipped spots around the lacquered surfaces of the car with some enamel before the moisture gets underneath and cracks off more of the finish. NO CHANGE Magistrate (to prisoner accus- ed of being drunk) Is that your full name? Jock McHaggis—Its ma whether I'm fu' or sober. ATHLETICS Father: "I got my letters in football, but Willie's a track man." Visitor (a railroad man) : "Wl t t' docs he work on? name 10 sec ion QUITE SIMPLE May: "You really made over that dress yourself?" June: Yes; you remember that orchid hancllderchief with the pink embroidered edge don't you? Well. this is it, A STRONG WILL Mrs. Jones—Your husband, I understand, has given up smok- ing. That needed a strong will. Mrs. Binks--Yes, I have one. ,ametgortmaireamercesorausoroonommetarmunammernzana*nmerems......,..e---- I Ts usunlly one done in a burry. by a eat -rate printer, who was not able to submit a proof to the buyer of the printing. The ',rice at which the job was done necessitated quick work and the minimum attention to detail. Rest/fit2 The customer uses the printed matter ninth against his will, and possibly to his detriment so far as his customers are concerned, all because the printing was done by a printer at a distance, and that the job was not checked before printing. n Proofs Your home printer will always gladly submit proofs of still work so that it may be carefully checked for errors 'and alt- ered for appearance if deemed advisable, while any desired additions or deductions may be freely made. This results in a satisfactory job of printing, and pleases all concerned. See that allyour printing bears the imprint of your local printer. The Post Publishing house, Brussels