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HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1928-5-9, Page 1Theei
Surrounding District t,
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VOL, 56 NO, 47 $2.00 Per anfaafnt in advance
YOU will find on our Bargain Table at least ten ar-
ticles of Merchandise at exceptionally low prices.
— We are not listing our prices this week as formerly
but the ten articles will be priced on our Bargain Table
in our store which we invite you to call and investigate
before buying your Saturday Groceries.
With our 15 years' experience in buying Groceries
we consider we are on the ground floor as regards buy-
ing and have decided to give the buying public the ad-
vantages of our experience. We also specialize in Qual-
ity Goods.
Best of service guaranteed to our Patrons.
Ice Cream Cured Meats Flour and Feed
Phone 2225 r,%. ® T. 8 pe` ce ETHEL
Cash or trade for Butter and Eggs at Highest market prices.
Geo. and Mrs, Jotdtan and Freda
ivero visitors in Clinton.
Orval and Airs, Graham, of Strut.
fotd, visited friends hale.
Miss Annie McDowell, of \Vawan•
osh, has returned after visiting in
Mrs. W, Nethery, sr., hire returned
to her home in the village after spend-
ing the Winter months with her
daughter, Airs, Jas, McGill, of Wa-
The annual meeting of the Bel -
grave Women's Institute will be held
on Tuesday afternoon. May15th u
the hf Mrs.
0me o Clegg, A.
paper on "The Importance of being
Punctual" will be
iven by(Miss
}Edith Procter. The Roll Call will
, he --Payment of fees and suggestions
1 for next yen's program. All ladies
of the ceeemunity are cordially in-
vited to attend and a special request
:.; nada members
l i to the ncmbers to be present
i at this meeting.
Ever dv rrLi at
Fancy Cookies, per ]b ..23c
Garden Seeds 3 for25c
• -Corn Starch, per pkg 1Qc
G. Bantam Corn, tin 17c
Prunes, 2 tb s for 23c
Tomatoes, large size tin 16c
Ginger Cookies, 2 lbs for 23c
Clothes Pins. 3 doe for 10c
Lux, per pkg 9c
Sliced Pineapple, tin ..........16c
A a drew S., Y8!.+'' a i n
Slew Advertleemente
seetenl May display—$lug Bros.
Two May spectate -1P. 1.4. Smith
Play—Ethel Peesbyterinn Church
Lumber, &n,--(3lbeon Snw 51111
Nudes to (lreriltore—Geo. McMillan astute
Bargains for bailders—Haillday 00,
Entertnlnment—Broasele United 051. V. P,
eivereeny prloee—Andrew S. Bain
Soft coal—John Logan
Piga for sale—Ben Bollenbeek
Pigs for sale—L. Bollinger
Flatter lost—Phone 41x
Baby ob)ekc—xtubert Tyerman
Chas, and Mrs. Coupes and Jim and
Mabel spent a day recently with Fred
and Mts. Reid, at Vatna,
Clarence and Mrs. Wade and little
daughter. Dorotisy. were recent visit-
ors in B'ordwich with the former's
Mrs. Walter Messer and children,
Luis and Vernon, spent a few days
with Mrs. Meeser's parents, W. H.
and Mrs. Armstrong.
W. M. S,—An interesting meeting
of the W. Al, S. of Knox United
Church was held in the echoolroonl of
the church, last Thursday afternoon.
Mre, (Rev.) Sophie gave a full and in-
structive report of the Presbyterial
helc1 at Wingliam. The Bible tread-
ing was given by Mrs. Jos. Clegg and
prayer was offered by Mrs. 0. B.
Wilkinson Mrs. Jas. Anderson gave
the chapter from the study book,
"Building with India," It was in-
deed interesting, as it told of cond-
itions in the silk and cotton mills, also
of the nnnl mines in China, Japan and
India. Mrs. A. Procter closed the
On Saturday afternoon, May 5th.
the Sunday Schoch schniers of St.
David's Olimed), Henfryn, name and
helped Li) clean rep the church yard.
They rtlade a splendid job of it, and
this speaks well for the children of
title church. They observed Arbor
Day in double fit:41Mo, on Friday at
their Public School and on Saturday
at their church.
Vernon Clegg, of Pontiac, Mich.,
spent the week -end et the parental
11nme, end also visited in Rrueeele.
CARD Ob TRANRs. — We wish t0
thank our neighbors and friends for
the Many acts of kind nese shown us
in the illness and death of our little
boy. They will always he remember-
SCHOOL REPORT.—following is the
repo) t. of S. S. No, 10, Morris, for
March and Aped. Funds were exam-
ined in all subjects. Those marked
missed one examination. JR. IV—
Jean Wheeler 78 : Glen Eektniet' 74 ;
Helen Eektl:ier 72 ; Donald Robert-
son 50,2 ; George Johnston 68.1.
III—Clinton Irwin 74; Stewart Mc-
Lennan 00.4 ; Howard Vancaanp
88 2 ; Charles ohnston 88 8 ; Ronald
Vancamp 60 ; Joyce Edgar 52
***Stanley Mustard 46. Sit. II—Rus-
sel Dennis 01. ht. II—*George Ross t
08 ; Dorothy Wright 58. I—Isahell
Mustard 80; Olive Edgar 85; ,Tanet
Stokes 81 ; Gnldora Dennie 80 ; Ruby
Dennis 50. SR. Pa.— Ileen Riley
(gond). JR. PR.—Lena Mustard (ex-
cellent). No, on roll 22, average at-
tendance 10. Perfect attendance—
Donald Robertson and Charles John-
at F. Am
Commencing Wednesday, May 2nd, we offer a few Specials
to stimulate business during the Seeding. Below are a few
of the many argains
Caftan nand Curtain Material Silks for &rase
We are carrying too heavy a stock. In
order to move we will give a straight dis-
count of ............ .. .20 p. c. on all
Ladies' Spring Gats and Dresses
A complete line still in stock and all -to
clear at practically Cost.
Ladies'' Cotton hose
Regular 35c 4 prs. 1.00
Children's Rib Hose .......,4 prs. 1.00
Nand Toweling
All Pure Linen in Light and Darla: Crash,
20 p c discount
Consisting of Crepe Satins and Flat
Crepes, 20 p. c. off, also 1 piece of
Satin Duchess, reg, $ r.75 for 1.25
Men's Overalls and Smocks
Pants and Bibs style, regular to $2.50
Clearing price 1.95
Men's Work Shirts
Carrying much too heavy a stock and to
reduce a straight 20 p c discount on all
Men's Suits
On all our new Spring lines a cut will be
made of 20pc
These are only a•few of the many Bargains offered for ono more, week.
Give us a call and compare prices.
Phone 61
Ston. Absent for one day—George
MAita,ueET L. Blaocvx, 'Reacher,
Next Sunday is Mothers' Day, A
special service will be held in the
Presbyterian Church in memory of
Mother, Special music by the choir.
Everybody welcome.
G. and Mrs. Davidson hare return-
ed from Oshawa.
Thos. Henry and family spent Sun-
day in Fleeherton.
D. and Mrs. McTavish, Brussels,
called on friends here, on Sunday.
Fired and Mrs. Hamtly and child-
ren were week -end visitoxe in Kitch-
Wm. and Mrs. Sanderson, Toronto,
visited this week with the for•mer's
father, W, H. Sanderson,
Rev. Mr, McCormick, Pricevil1e,
preached in the United Church, on
Sunday. In the afternoon, Dr.
Darby, a medical tnissionaey, of Bella
Bella, B. 0., addressed the Sunday
Master Jitn Speir, son of Harold and
Mrs. Spear 12th Con., has been ser -
lonely ill, during the past week.
We are glad to learn that Scott
Davidson, young sou of Roht, and
Mrs. Davidson, 12th Gone is now on
the way to recovery,
Mis. Wilfred Allbright and baby
have come hnrne from Listowel Mem•
()vial Hos )1 tel. The fornler's man
friends are glad to see her home once
SHnwgii —A miscellaneous shower
Ivae held in honor of Harvey and Mrs,
Hulley, at the home of Jnn, anld Mrs.
McIntosh, of Grey. when a large num-
ber of friends of the beide and groom
presented them with ninny useful
presents. The evening was epent in
claiming and playing cards until the
wee sine' hours, when they departed
for their homes wishing the bride and
ga'nom many happy years of -wedded
Making a c0rreetion of this item of
last week ; Many of the roads need
dragging and the rote filled up. It
hes cost the ratepayers ton much
money to practise any foolish econ-
omy. After the way gravel, clay and
black musk have been mixed up to-
gether with the scarifier, it will take
years of r
alefit management ement to get
them as good as they were prior oe
before the year 1027, Yours truly,
Wednesday 111nr'0ing, folic wing only
tt few days' illness of pneurnnnia,
Harvey Elgin, youngest sen of Rnbt,
and hire. Davidson, 12th Con., passed
away, aged 7 years. Besides his par-
ents, he is survived by three broth is
and four sisters, The funeral was
held nn Friday afternoon, and Rev.
10, G. Fowler rmttlucted the service at
the home and graveside. The pall -
heaven ware . Jon. Perris, K. 1'yer.
man, 0 Hemingway, W. Grant, W.
Miller and F. Glousher, Among the
relatives from a distance were : Mee.
W. Davidson, of St, Catharines ; Miss
Glatlye Hollenbeck, Detroit ; Jos. and
Mrs. Davidson, London ; Jacob and
Mrs. Hollenbeck and Mrs. Jos. David.
eon, Stratford. Burial was made in
Brussels cemetery. The parents have
the sympathy of a large els-ele of
friends in the loss of their little son.
HDLDEY—BELL,—A quiet, but pret•
by wedding was solemnized at the
Walton manse, on April 17th, when
Rev. W. J. Maines united in marriage
Clarinda Irene, only daughter. of Wm,
G. 13811, of Grey Twp„ and Harvey
Hulley, son of Mrs, Hulley, McKillop.
The young couple were assisted by
Miss Edna McDonald, of Monkton,
and Jno. Hulley, brother of the groom.
The bride looked charming in a gown
of changeable tafiebte in shades of
bridal rose and gray and hat and hose
to match. The bridesmaid was at-
tractively gowned in pomogranale
fiat crepe with shoes and hat td match.
After the ceremony, the bridal party
returned to the home of the bride's
parents where a sumptuous wedding
dinner was served. The immediate
Mends of the bride and groom were
in attendance, In the evening, a re-
ception was held at the home of the
ft :;, o .I
A car is expected by the
end of the month. Far-
mers kindly place orders
now for their supply for
John Logan
St, . David's Church
Rev. Maurice F. Oldham.
ith Sunday after Easter - May lith
2 pan.— S. S. and Bible Class
$ p.m,—,Evening Prayer Service,
Special invitation is extended, pm4in-
ulerly to Mothers, to anent! Church
on this day,
A Little of Every.
thing and a
ood laugh
"Marry for Money"
"The Prim Miss Perkins'
Monologue Songs Readings
Jolly time for all.
i el.
This is to be had in the Lecture Room of
friday Ev'g, May llth ss
The Londesbere' Y. P. S. will
present the program under the
auspices of the Brussels Young
People. This Entertainment
hes been given elsewhere with
great success,
Adults 25c. Children under 14, 10e.
geoorn's brother, Robt. Nutley, when
75 invited friends were present and a
goon time spent, The bride and
groom received many useful presents
and best ivishes,
Council )net here, on Salm day,
Mrs. N. Franklin has heeu on the
sick list tett!) nn et tack of ninnies.
.Mrs. A. P. McKee spent a few days
with her patents, D. and Alis Milne.
Max Raynard, Lut know, has been
staying with his parents, Claris, and
Mrs. Quest Dobson is home after
spending a few weeks at het home in
Miss Lillian Z. Sprague, lt, N., of
New York City, is the guest of Mrs,
J. T. Nichnlnnn.
Job King has been assisting Di'. Me.
Master with ht+ garden and other
Springtnnl pn5tituee.
Jos. Ames haat, been hnsy the last
few days preparing a number of the
gardens 1n the village.
J. 0. Howlett is tackling x fete tits1511-
ing touches to Dr. Meelaster's ver-
andah in 1a neat painting design.
Bert and Mrs, fake are moving into
the house recently vacanted by Cecil
and Mrs. 'internam Main street East,
Angus) F,rkmier is much improved
again, and has been able to be cute i,1e
a little, on these stony, Spring-like
Cecil and Airs. Brteman have moved
their household effects to the farm and
are living with the former's parents,
Gen, and Mrs. Bateman,
Mr, Hamilton, of Listowel, is work-
ing in Lake's bakery, and so great is
the demand for the Ethel bread that
the three bakers are kept busy.
Mrs, Isaac Clark is under the doct-
or's care at her home Con. 8, with a
serione attack of rheumatism We
hope that she will soon be better
The L. 0. L. No, 631 will hold a
special tweeting, on Mouday evening,
May 14th. Blue Degree will he given.
All visiting brethren will be made
Mrs, Jas. Bremner spent a few days
in Toronto, last week, attending the
fnneral of her little nephew, the late
Emereon Wegg, 2 -year-old son of R.
J. and Alt's. \Vegg, of Toronto.
Ethel Presbyterian Church services
for next Sunday are : 1 80 p. m„ Sab-
bath School ; 130 p. m., preaching
service, "Mothers' Day" ; 7 80 p. m.,
preaching service, topic, "'The Pion-
Rev. and Mrs. D. M. Guest attend-
ed the funeral, in Monk ton, on Mon-
day last, of the )ate Rev. Mt', Audel'-
sou, father of Rev. Eric Anderson, of
Monkton, Friends of Me. Anderson
here will extend sympathy to him and
family in the lose of hie father,
Rev. S, R. Johnston, or stimuli, hos
accepted an invitation to the Court -
weight circuit of the United Church
of Canada at a salary of 62,100, Air.
Johnston has taken services very an-
ceptrably at Ethel on several occasions,
and his friends here will be glad to
hear of bis promotion,
We are glad that Chris, Baynard is
on the way to recovery again, and if
he continues to improve as he hes
been during the past few days, he will
soon be out nett). Nurse J. Fergus-
on, of Walton, lane been in atteud-
ance, and as usual, has proved to be a
very efficient attendant,
W. L—The meeting of the Wo-
men's Institute will be held on Thurs-
day afternoon, May 17th, at 2.30
o'clock, at the home of Mrs, J. Brem-
ner. This will he the annual meeting
when reports of the yearis woek will
be read and officers elected for the
coming year. We would targe all the
members to be present at this meet-
ing, livery person is welcome at the
meetings whether metnhers m' tint,
Como and help make the meetings in-
teresting, and help the Insti'ttte along,
B. 7, Carr is recovering from the
result of an acttident which might
have proven much more serines for
the occupants of the oar, On Sunday,
A.prii 20th, with Mrs. Carr, be was go•
ing to epend the day at Wingham.
Nearing their destination, Mr, Carr
eptineently lost emitted of the car and
it )eft the straight and narrow way,
coming 1n contact with a post in the
way which he had chosen, The car
was somewhat badly damaged, but
Mr, and Mrs. Carr ()seeped without
Any real serious results.
'The Rag
Carpet Bee'
Will be presented by Brussels
Talent In the
friday Ev'g, May 18th
Under auspices of Ladies' Aid
of Presbyterian Church
Cast of Characters
Arent Sally Muria Mrs, R, Thomson
33)155.1 (}abbe Sirs.. Lowry
Lens Gibbs Mrs. 0 Becker
Mre. Bolton Mies E.Downing
Laurina Payton Mre. G. Semis
Mina Minnows Mra.N. Mamitton
Sarah Simmons Mrs. Lo g
Nanny Vreeland......... MrsR. Strsohan
Mandy Vreeland Jessie Little
There will slea be
SOLOS—By tire. (Rey.) Barker and Mr,
Lorne Eokmier.
READINGS—By Mrs. R. T. Strachan
and Mrs Parker.
DI7ET33—By Mimes Nancy Fowler end
Marguerite Logan.
Program at 8 o'clock
Admission 25 eta.
Andrew S. Bain is preparing to op.
en an up-to-date tee cream parlor in
the building next to hie butcher shop,
This is something tbnt is needed in
our village, and the public, no doubt,
will appreciatert vet
very much.
Miss Lamont, Yield Representstiv
or the Women's Missionary Society
will address the joint W. 51. 5. of i th
el and Crania cak Presbyterial
Churches, on Friday. May I8;b, at
230 p. ut. All women interested in
missions ate invited.
The Sunday evening pt'eeehing ser.
vices at the Preatryterian Church will
cnmmeuee at 12 bel, next Sunday ev-
ening ate 7 30 n eleek. The 0,1, ieter
will begin a special eel les of 0e1111005
on "Resenn Light. et History." A
ecrdiltl i),vitlttteu, is extended to ev.
erybody to attend these service:).
Mark down the date of the comedy
play,'The Reg Carpet Hee," n 111, 11
I Will he 1 1 e enl,.l by Brussel" tnl -111 111
the low ',ship Hall here on Friday
evening, flay 1811,, under the auspices
of the Ladies' Aid of the Plesbyteriaals
church, Soln., readings, duets, etc.,
will ale() be rendered. Don't miss it.
The regular meeting of the Ethel
United Church \irorneu'e llissionru'y
Society and Lodi'.' Aid was 11,10 at
the home of Aar+. 1(W, Amen, with a
very attendance. Plans were
made fun the annual garden party to
he held sr•rue time in June. The date
will be auu(1nnWed later and the pro-
g1aua ad vet Heed in detail. HP sure
and count on attending this garden
patty, as it is planned to snake it big-
ger and better than ever.
Next Sunday (Mothers' Day) will be
anittahly observed i11 the United
Clairol) here, when a special servine
will be held at the regular hour, 7 30
p. m. Special music will be provided
by a mothers' choir, and a suitable
message will be given by the pastor.
A baptism service will also be held.
Evervhody is welcome. It is Olen
"Go To Sunday Schnol Day," and ev-
eryone la urged to be present at the
regular session at 2 p, m.
J. L. KERR. I'roArietor
Personal Paragraphs 1
. Roe has been laid up with an
attackAlexof grippe,
W, A, Grewa' was to Listowel visit-
or, cm Thursday last.,
Airs. Wm, Jackson, of Blyth, w105 a'
visitor in town, last week.
W, and Mrs, Oriel:, if Seaforth,
were visitors in town, nn Sunday.
Alex, Smith, John street, has been.
very !ll and under the doctor's care,
Jen. Schoenhaic, of Clinton, gave
TEE POST a Call, last Friday morning.
Fred Hunter and M, Hansen were
visitors in London, on ThnrSday after -
B, J. and Mrs. Scott and Miss Jean,
of London, were weekend visitors in
R. Harris, of Toronto, spent the
weekend with his daughter, Mrs. IJ,
Mrs. {V. Bell has beets muter the
doctor's care, but we hope that she
Will soon be herself again,
Miss Penfnld was off duty for a day
oe so, owing to the cold. Mr. Roble
conducted her room along with ]lie,
Harry and Mts. Kirkby and. Miss
Elizabeth, of London, were week -end
visitors with Joe. and Mrs, QUetin.
Peter Scutt has been under the-
doctor's cafe, for the past few days.
His old friends hope to see hint about
11510111 soon.
{Ve ane glad to report that Mrs.
Parr and 'Mise Bertha Parr are ilex
able to sit rep vete) their ra cent illness
with the flu.
Nelsen and '11)s. N;nlinlsnn and fam-
ily from mete Moth, "pent Blinday in
town wit h their aid friends, Jae, and
Mee. W!Ilblmsen,
Kinnat dine Review . R, porter, last
week : ie\L-s. (Rev ) Bat ker el) oil ov-
ee1 the Ceek•ard !pre with
b her par-
ents, Thos and Mrs, Pull' c•lt,"
Aire. {Vultet S. Scottut derwent an
1 opeee:len fur app01ltiieit1•.. r'1) Tues-
day. \Ve are glad in h1tu• that She IS
dn;ng as well 51" run be •seneeted.
The Sri oes Trete , i,.1 1,,-.1)..! A etier•
Lean, °lire 'kW ,1, ;versle Pry •red 1' Pae
\Vrieht, of 1(':nrardlno, 91•-rtr San -
clay with Ree. tont Mee, A, W. Bark -
Ih• (emcee, ,.f Femme. Pen" lirt•P, nn
F. id,av to eonc1117.1- the p..1,t1i,11 111) S.
Carter. 11r. (arLc) was 1.persted on
fur gal, -1 nnss 11)1)1 500'1,01.•11 is, 15110
is p1 nett eieg nieely, has many friends
10)1 01011 rn lona,,.
11'ss 1 a
1 1 ) c Daci ri. rn, - win, hno,
valuing tui red, l,, and had tel)n n P(I
Lr) town rn .1)ter.d the fnr,P.•„t of her
r1PnhPt^. err.” tak,1' sedderlo- il5 with
9:teen:en:A last Ftidev t cl:', 11, 0 1s
under 1'111ee'e ear -11P t. .letter as
wall as eat) he . xperiI •i, 1• a aro glad to
Wm. Mann, who has been quite ill
and under the doctor's care, is im-
Mee. Marshall Harrison has moved
into the village. Her son, William,
has moved to tite old homestead, and
Forest and Mrs. McKay have moved
to Wm, Harrison's farm.
Rev. M. F, Oldham and H. Ander.
sou, of Atwnnd, Walled nu friends in
Brussels and vicinity, on Wednesday
afternoon of last week.
Wesley Clark! of Stratford, spent
the week end with his parents, Thos.
and Mrs. Clark.
Miss Janet Clark ,who has been
engaged in the millinery in Toronto
has returned home.
Leo and Mrs. Watt, of Harlock,
spent Sunday with George and Mrs.
McTaggart, Walton.
Mrs. Colin Fing]and is spending a
few days with her parents Joseph
and Mrs. Johnston at Blyth. '
Charles and Mrs. Robinson and
two daughters, of Goderich, spent I
Sunday at the home of Mrs. William
The farmers are getting well on
with their seeding around these
parts. The rain on Saturday some-
what halted the rush on the land,
Quito a number from Walton and
vicinity attended the "Sod Buster's"
dance that was held in the G. W...
V. A., Hall in Seaforth on Friday
Willianingm McAllister, of Port Huron
is at present visiting his sister, Mrs.
John Ritchie of the 17th con., of
Grey township.
John Fulton who has been very
poorly for the past week is some
what improved. Although nearing
his hundredth birthday, Mr. Fulton
has been very Active until lately.
Quite a large number of the mem-
bers of the Young People's Society
of Duif's *United church journeyed
to Brussels on Sunday evening to
hear Dr. Darby lecture and show a
Jorge. number of l.ntr-rn s'ide, on
the gr.•at mis:ionIrv, work that the
doctor is doing in British Columbia.
James Leiper has purchase:l the
Imported Clydesdale Stallion "Nut -
betty" from Wm. Jacob, of Strat-
ford. This horse is a real type of a
Clydesdale horse. He is a son 04
the famous Dunmire Foot print. He
was a winner at Guelph in 1926 and
his stock has been winning at Strat-
ford, Mitchell and Seaforth. This is
one of the best bred horses that ever .
crossed the ocean. He is a black roan
in color, white stripe on face and
white legs, weighs agout 1850 lb s
with the best of feet, legs and past-
erns. Enrolled in form A. 1.
W. H. Weymouth, the oldest Or-
angeman fn Hulled Township, died
on Sunday at the residence of his
son, Charles, at the age of 91. Mr.
Weymouth was born in South Devon-
shire. England, on June, 7, 1835. His
parents died in./that country and at
the age of 16 he came to Canada
with a friend of the family and set-
tled down near Rice Lake, where he
went to work on a farm. After sev-
eral years he moved to Cobourg and
took nn, fanning for himself, While
there he erected several buildings,
including houses and barns, which in
those days were trade of logs Land
lumber ,brick, being scarce. His
ocean trip from England was made
on a sailing vessel and took two
months. While. in Cobourg he join-
ed the Orange Order and received all
the degrees, being worshipful master
from 1883 until 1885. in 1880 be
married ' Ann Manning, of North
Devonshire, who Caine to Canada
soon after he did. In polities be was
staunch Conservative and in relig-
ion an Anglican. Funeral arrange-
ments have not yet been completed.
The regular monthly meeting of
the Council was held on Monday,
Reeve Baeker was in chair and all
Councillors present.
On motion of Councillors Hewit'b
and Little the Minutes of last meet•
ing, as read, were adopted,.
On motion of Councillors Bowman
and Willis the following accounts
were ordered paid:
J. T. Ross, soda p 1.50'
Tos. Wilton, Assessor 76.00'
eTno, Meadows street 5.00
G. McDowell, eatery . , . , .. , 75,00
Street lighting, April 135.25
Lighting Town Hall . .. 1:50
I0. Henderson ,filling well, , 2.00.
C, R. Henderson, teaming . 40.00
The Assessment Roil was returned
and Court of Revision will be held
on June 4th,
•Coiutoil adjounied,