HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1928-4-25, Page 8WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26th, 1927.
on now
We have a Fine Selection of Patterns
right in Stock to choose from.
For the Better Rooms
Sunworthy Papers, which do not fade — their
beauty lasts.
Medium and low priced Papers for Bedrooms and
Kitchens—New Colorings and Patterns,
Varnished Tile Wall Papers
For Bath Rooms, Kitchens, Pantrys, &c. Ten
good patterns to choose from.
Ceilings in White, Cream Grey and Buff
Math Prcvcrrtatives
CLOSETS, $1.00 a Gallon
F. R. SMI 'H
`slats Store
Druggist and Stationer
Local News Items
Half Holidays. 1 Improvements.
Commencing a week from Thurs- A new gyproc ceiling has been put
day, May 3rd, Brussels stores will in the Express Office
commence the half -holidays for the +Moved to Goderich.
coming summer season. Peter Rutledge and family moved
Atfended Presbytery Meeting. to Goderich on Monday. Mr. Rut -
Rev. Mr. Barker and Messrs. R. J. ' ledge has been working there for
Hoover and P.A . McArthur attend- several weeks.
the meeting of the Huron Presbytery
at Wingham last Thursday.
Will Meet Next Monday.
The Brussels Chamber of Com-
merce will meet next Monday even-
ing. All members and other citizens
are urged to attend this meeting.
Will Attend Funeral.
New Member on Staff. i Members of Western Star Lodge,
Mr. Hamilton, of Tavistock, same t 1.0.0.F., Brussels, will attend the
to Brussels last Wednesday, as one funeral of the late Bro. Bradnock,
Noble Grand of Blyth lodge on Wed-
nesday afternoon.
Conservatives to Meet in London.
Western Ontario Conservatives
plan to hold their annual meeting. in
London on May 11 when it is ex-
pected both leaders Hon. R. B. Ben-
nett and Hon. G. H. Ferguson, will
coming. And it was so. Very much be present and give addresses.
If It is True.
If the old saying "April showers
bring May flowers" is true, this part
of the country will be full of flowers
as there certainly has been the April
of the staff of the Standard Bank.
We welcome him to town.
Hit It Right.
J. P. Bowes, the North Grey
Weather prophet has been right so
far this year in most of his weather
forecasts. He told the skeptical
world that this Easter storm was
Somebody Going to Pay Fine.
The other evening a well-known
motorist, reported that he passed 7
buggies between Brussels and Sea -
forth with no light or even a reflect-
or on the back of the buggy. A
"cop" could get some easy pickings
on this road for a week or so.
A Drop in Milk.
Last Saturday morning the milk
wagon of Elston Cardiff upset, up
the end of Thamts street, and con-
tents were spilt around with many
Delivery broken. De 1 y was delay-
ed that horning, all right.
No Change Locally.
In the general timetable change on
the C. N. R. lines, which comes into
effect on the 29th of this month,
Brussels is not affected. There are
no changes in schedules so far as is -
known now,which will affect
Attended Meeting at Wingham.
Last Thursday the following ladies
from Brussels United Church, at-
tended the Huron Presbyterial meet-
ing at Wingham:—Mrs. (Rev.) Bar-
ker, Mrs. W. J. Proctor, Mrs. A.
McGuire, Mrs. R.obt. Downing, Miss
Jessie Strachan, Miss E. Downing
and Miss Marion Forrest. A full
report may be read in another col-
New Comedy Team Appear
In "Adam and Evil."
Theatregoers now have a chance
to witness the initial performance of
the new screen comedy team ---Lew
Cody and Aileen Pringle. These
two are to be co-starred in a number
of feature comedies, the first of
which will be shown at the Grand
Theatre next Monday and Tuesday.
"Adan! and Evil" directed by Robert
Z, Leonard, is based on an original
story by F. Hugh Herbert and Floe-
encu Ryerson, co-authors of "The
Demi Bride," and starring Norma
Shearer with Lew Cody. The cast of
"Adam and Evil" includes Gwen Lee
Roy D'Arey, Gertrude Short and
FXedda Heppe.
A Big Glass Nearly Wrecked. .
A large plate glass at Walker &
Black's furniture store, received a
shaking up last Thursday morning
with the heavy wind. The glass had
been cracked before, but will have to
be replaced' now.
Wins a Scholarship.
Congratulations are extended to
D. K. Perrie, B. A., son of Rev. Dr.
and Mrs. Perrie, of Wingham, on
passing his second year divinity
course, with honours, at Knox Col-
lege, and winning a $50 scholarship.
Afternoon Train Late.
Tuesday afternoon the 3.15 train
did not get down until 5 o'clock.
"Spark Plug" went out of commis-
sion near Lucknow and' and engine
had to be procured to bring the train
W. C. T. U.
u Women's Christian
The Brussels W e
Temperance Union will meet Friday
afternoon at 3 o'clock in the choir
room of the United Church, Special
business will be transacted and all
the ladies of the community are in-
vited to attend.
Attending Provincial Convention.
Mrs, A. Strachan is at Guelph this
week attending the Provincial con-
vention of the W. M. S., of the Pres-
byterian church, as a delegate from
Melville church Society.
Snow, Snow the 1*O IN l* beau-
tiful snow—another snowstorm hit
us Tuesday evening about six p.m.
and the ground was soon covered
with something we haven't seen for
the last. 24 hours—anyway.
T. H. and Mrs. Walker have mov-
ed to the apartments over Allen's
Drug store.
Jas. and Mrs. Burgess and family
are moving to their new Home on
William street.
14Ir. and Mrs. Pearson are moving
'to the house lately occpuied by Wm.
and Mrs. Styles,
Br1155016 United Church
Sunday, April 29th
11 a.m.—Public Worship.
Subject :
'The Wonderland of Compassion'
3 p.m. ---Sunday School and Bible
All are welcome.
7 p.m.—Publia Worship.
"The Temple Builders"
Tuesday—Y, P. Society.
Wednesday—Prayer Service
—Choir rehearsal.
Sunday, May 6th
11 a. m—Sacramental Service.
7 p. m.—Dr. Dart —a Rally of our
Young People, Walton Young People
will juin us in this service.
Doubling the
Argument of Saving
LL that lore bean said in favor of
Aopening a savings account in the
Standard Bank ;nay be repeated
with greater emphasis as regards a joint
Savings account. Joint accounts are
primarily for convenience of depositore,
but where two people are bound togeth-
er by common interests, the moral as
well as the practical value of working to-
gether, planning their financial better-
ment with the aid of a joint bank ac-
count is clearly evident. The Standard
Bank eoiicits your joint savings account.
baby Chicks for sale. Ready now.
Also white Pekin baby Ducks and
duck eggs. M. McCauley, Phone
51-12. 45-1
FOR SALE—Nine head of year-olds,
Lot 20, Con, 12, Grey, J. Pride,
Phone 55-13, 45-1
SIX Work Horses for Sale., Apply
to W. A. Lowry, Phone 25x, Brus-
sels. 45-1
LEAVE Your Orders for Alberta
Coal with S. F. Davison, as the
railroad has only agreed to haul
for 3 months.
10 Good Pigs, 6 weeks old for sale.
L. D. Frain, Let 3, Con. 4, Grey
Phone 385. 45-1
Clover Seed for sale. Free from
primary noxious weeds. $4.50 per
bus. Also some Timothy and
Alsike mixture, 27% Alsike, $5.00
a bus. Russel Dougherty, Lot 15,
Con. 17. Grey. Phone 37-19
Duck Eggs. Chris. Rogerson,
Phone 31-13, Blyth. 44-tf.
FARM FOR PASTURE — 100 acres
running water, new line fences;
Lot 12, Con. 4, Grey, Mrs. Hector
McQuarrie, Phone 39-19. 44-tf
FOR SALE — A mattress -covered
couch good as new, with adjustable
head rest. Mrs. Luke C. Speiran,
Phone 47-12. 44-t1.
SIXTEEN Good York Pigs, six weeks
old. L. Hollinger, Lot 15, Con. 8.
Morris, Phone 45-6. 44-1
ver Seed for sale, Government
tested. Ray Crawford, Con. 14,
McKillop, Phone 243-14, Seaforth.
1 Sow for Sale, due 9th of May; aiso
10 pigs, 6 weeks old; and 1 11. 1.
Red Cockerel. Barred Rock
bed -to -lay and S. C. R. L Reds
Eggs for hatching. 10c above
Manager, Brussels Branch
7 PIGS, 7 weeks old, for sale --Thos.
Alcock, Phone 42-5, 45-1
(Culp Strain) for sale; also Hatch-
ing Eggs, J, Harvey Bryan, Phone
12-8. 45-tf.
USED Heintzman Upright Piano, in
good shape, gone over by tuner
Apply to S. Carter, Phone 83 r 45 2,
FOR SALE—White India Runner
Duck Eggs; also Jersey Black
Hen Eggs. Clarence Clark, Lot
30, Con. 5, Grey, Phone 41-24.
TURNIPS for Sale—Phone 55-15.
Robert Locking. 45-1
FOR SALE—Four-burner coal oil
stove with oven; coal and wood
range; linoleum rug 12x9; 19
pullets and one cockerel. For par-
ticulars, Phone 106; Mrs. Walker
Apartments above Allen's Drug
Store. 44-tf.
WANTED—A number of farrow cows
Apply to Baxter Stevenson, Lot
18, Con. 13, Grey, Phone 42-26
QUANTITY of Carman Seed Pota-
toes for sale. Wes. Stephenson,
Phone 58-12. 44-tf.
Foot Ball Meeting Friday Evening.
There will be a meeting of foot
ball fans at the Library on Friday
evening at 8 o'clock. All interested
are asked to attend.
Room Closed.
Owing to Miss McNabb being ill,
her room at school has been closed
this week. While the pupils are
sorry that their teacher is ill—they
are not sorry for the holiday.
Coming to Grand.
April 27-28—Eomestruck
April 30 -May 1—Adam and Evil
May 4-5—Tom Mix—"Outlaws of
Red River.
May '7-8—Mockery
May 11-12—Breed of the Sea
May 14-15—Body and Soul
May 18-19—Bigger than Barnums
May 21-22—Thirteenth Hour
May, 25-26—Isle of Retribution
May 28-29—Spoilers of the West:
Should a person relinquish a safe,
assured niche in life to pursue a
market price. R. A. Engel, Phone dream? This question is answered
42-24. 44.4f, in Homestruck, starring Viola
HEAVE CURE— Will be at the Dana which is coming to the Grand
.Coremercial Hotel, Blyth, on Fri- Theatre Friday and Saturday of this
day, April 27, to sell a permanent weep Everyone cherishes some
Heave cure and for bad coughs secret hopes, but as Peter Milne has
for horses. Now is the time to shown in his story, where the oppor-
look after the horses before the tunity comes for the materialization
of these dreams. it o
hot weather starts. For particulars often proves that
they are fraught with cares and
apply to John It Maurer, Paisley, sriofs which had not been reckoned
Ont. 44-1 on. The theme is centered about
YELLOW Blossom Sweet Clover a musical comedy actress who longs
Seed for sale. Government test for a home of her. own, far away
ed. W. J. Parish, Phone 46-18 from the theatrical life. When she
43-tf. marries the man she loves and settles
FOR SALE—Thoro' bred registered down to a domestic life things do
York Hog 2r years old, bred by not go as smoothly or as ideally. as
Brethour & Nephaws, Burford. the little actress lad imagined, they
W. R. Stewart, Lot 22, Con. 14, would. The readjustment to the pra-
McKillop, Walton Po. 0., Seaforth ctical and down to earth course
Phone 243-24 48-tf. where her marriage leads her is a
RED RUG for Sale, 3 x4. Will sell marvelous bit of character develop -
for $25.00. Apply at The Post. ment, and Ralph Ince, the director,
43-tf. has brought all of the power and
FOR SALE—Yellow Blossom Sweet vividness of the rple' to the *screen.
Clover Seed. Grade No, 1, Free
from all noxious weed seeds. Con-
tains 1% Alsike Clover, Price
$4.00 per bushel. Also quantity of
Black llulless Barley. R. C .
Campbell, Phone 43-12. 43-tf
FOR SALE—Limited
choice Timothy See. Well clean-
lea -ed and free of noxious weeds.
J. P. McIntosh, Lot 21, Con. 12
Grey. Phone 556. 42-tf
QUANTITY of two -rowed seed Bar-
ley, also a Durham bull for sale.
John H. Stevenson, Lot 12, Con.
14, Grey, Phone 42-14. 42-tf.
WHITE Blossam Sweet Clover Seed
No. 1, Government tested, for
sale. T. H. Bolger, Phone 56-14
SAFE FOR SALE—The Council of
Twp. of Grey have a safe which
they are offering for sale. May be
seen at the office of John Kreuter
Ethel, Ont. 41-tf.
FOR SALE—Steel Garage.,. Apply
to Box 33, Ethel. 41-tf
FOR SALE—Quantity of good, clean
Timothy Seed. Joseph Hogg, 8rd
Line, Morris, Phone 58-18. 41-tf
DAY- OLD -CHICKS, Barred Hocks
0. A. C., strain, April 18e; S. C.
White Leghorns, Barron Strain,
April 16e. Dan. Meifinnon, Phone "Adam and Evil," a farce comedy
28-16, 41-tf.
YOUNG Calves for Sale. Arthur co-starring Lew Cody and Aileen
Ward, Lot 16, Con. 9, Grey, Phone Pringle and coming to the Grand
849. 414f Theatre next Monday and Tuesday.
The cast includes: Allan Brooks,
Tom Galley, Nigel Barrie, George
Irving and Charles Howard. The
continuity was written by Ewart
A'Ilnor Locals.
May will soon be here.
The next holiday2 th.
e t 1s May 4
Trout fishing opens next Tuesday.
We missed the usual Sunday snow
storm. Fgifetq `f
A week from Thursday, the half -
holidays commence.
The lawn mower will be the next
source of pleasure.
The high wind last Thursday cer-
tainly dried up the roads.
Although spring is here the coal-
burning season has not ,left us yet.
Cheer up l In a very short time
now the beautiful fall weather will
be here,
The Post is equipped to handle all
kinds of job printing. Try the home
office first with your printing re-
Do you like dancing and visiting
gay cabarets? If you do you should
have worked on the dancing sets of
Rloysand Girls,
Gel Busy ! I(
In last week's Post we offered a
5 lir pail of honey for a satisfactory
Slogan about Sandwiches made with
honey. We purpose going one bet-
ter. All can compete, but with this
difference— If you are a member of
"Just Kids Honey Sandwich Club"
you get a 10 lb pail, whereas if not
a member you receive a 5 Ib pail
of honey if your slogan is accept-
ed. No harm in trying. See last
week's Post about how to become a
Personal Paragraphs
Wm. 0. Smith was at Toronto last
Ed. Garton spent the week -end in
Owen Sound.
W. A. Lowry made a business trip
to Toronto, last week.
Mrs, (Rev.) Fowler has been laid
aside with a heavy cold.
Sirs, S. F. Davison is under the
doctor's care, at present.
Mies Lizzie Harkness, Stratford, has
taken a position in town.
00. Constable Gundry, of Goderich,
was in town, on Saturday.
A. J. Walker, Wingham, was a
caller in town, on Tuesday.
Palmer Somerville was in Hamilton,
on Sunday, visiting his brother, Roy.
Norman Geddes, of Belgrave, was
calling on friends in town, on Tues -
da Vm. L. Baeker is under the doct-
or's care, but we hope he will soon be
0. is,
Mias Pierson, of Port Elgin, is the
guest of her brother, R. Pierecu, and
bus wife,
Will. B. Strachan, B. A., of Toron-
to, spent the week -end at the parental
home here.
Mrs. Ida Lowry arrived home from
Chicago, on Tuesday night, after' a
visit with relatives there,
Fred Lowry, of Kitchener, is spend-
ing this week with his parents, 13. G.
and Mrs. Lawry, American Hotel,
Rev, T. 1✓. and Sirs. Kennedy and
sons, Jack, Billie and Jim, of Mount
Brydges, are spending the week with
friends in town.
Mies Wilma Galbraith was soloist at
the quarterly meeting of the Loretto
Alumnae Association, at Toronto, on
Tuesday afternoon.
Will. Lowry and daughter, Miss
Reta, of London, have been visiting
for a day or so this week with the
Lowry families and friends in town.
W. E. Willis, Jno• and Mrs. Mead-
ows, Mrs. V. Sanderson, Bert McIn-
tyre and Soo, Riley were Sunday visit-
ors with H. 7I. and Mee. Sullivan, at
lllotnit Hope.
J. H. Short, Toronto, was a visitor
in town with las. and Mrs. Area.
strong. Mr. Short had been at Ger-
rie burying a relative, so took a run
ever to Brussels.
Mrs. Jas, Spelt' lure returned from a
week's visit with her sister, Mrs, J.
W. Kerney, who has greatly improv.
ed in health since leaving Br•ueaele, a
conple of months'ago.
Gen, 13, and Mrs. Ferguson and
children, of Toronto, and Miss Annie
Ferguson, Walton, were visitore in
town, on Saturday, with Mrs. Ferg-
uson's sister, Mrs. J. L. Km v.
Milton Oliver, who was hurt in an
automobile accid nt near Port Hope,
during Easter week,
is spending a
short holiday set the parental home.
He is not able to resume work yet.
Church rentory, Harriaton, on Monday,
Apr, 10thr,1028, by Rev. Canon R, L. Weav-
er, Catherine Joan Dadswell, eldest dough-.
ter of Mr, Arden Doan, ell, Harriston, to
Mervin ,loeeph, ,eoond son of Mr. and Dore,
Robt. Miller, of Grey Township.
LAING.—In Brantford, on Saturday, April
14th, Bartholomew Laing, formerly of
Grey township, in hie 88th year.
Auction Sale.
THURSDAY, MAT 18.—At Lots 22 and 28,
Con. 4, Cairene township. 6 horses: 27 hears
of cattle headed by Dale's Beau,' the 451
Prize Sr. calf at Toronto 0. N. EL 1027 ; and 40
pure bred Yorkshire pigs, including 4 boors
and12 Rowe in pig,Duncan M. Keith, Tees.
water, Prop, ; JohPurvis, Auctioneer.
Property for Sale
Belek hobs° and two late, corner of Queen
andPrinoese streets, Brussels, with stable,
heft house, etc, Any reasonable offer aeoept.
ed for immediate sate. Address all oommun-
icntlonato MBS. W. W.SARUM
45.01 20 Mckenzie es , Galt.
Allen's D ' ci Store
Formalde t yde
For Smut in Grain
Guard against the danger of Smut in
your grain by using a
,Solution of Formaldehyde
We have just received a fresh shipment
which you will find fully up to required
strength and will be pleased to supply
your requirements for small or large
50c pint bottle
Wall "aper
—Bedroom Papers in the newest patterns
From Sc per roll up
—Dining and Living Room Patterns
From 15c to 75c roll
—Kitchen and Bathroom Designs in varied
designs including the varnished tile
at 35c per roll
Housecleaning Essentials
Fly Tu:7—Ki11s flies instantly 50e and 75e sizes
Formaldehyde Fumigators 50e, 75e & $1.00 sizes
Moth Balls 1100 lb. Camphor Flakes 20e pkge
O'Cedar P011011'250 & 50e Liquid Teneer 30e & 600... i
f"J We will appreciate your patronage when
you require any of the above articles.
den's Drug St . re
Exclusive Agent for NyaI and Penslar Remedies
Druggist and Stationer
Successor to James Fox
MONKTON—Public school open-
ed at Monkton, but only a small
number started back to school, as
there are a large number of fresh
cases of mumps among the school
PAISLEY—The annual reorgani-
ration meeting of the Paisley Ama-
teur Athletic Association was held
with a large attendance of sport
fans. The hockey 'business was set -
tied after a very successful season.
The baseball situation came up for
discussion and it was decided to
have Paisley again represented in
the Bruce Baseball Assoication this
season. It was planned to have the
athletic association put on one of
the largest Victoria Day celebrations
ever staged in Paisley. The program
will consist of baseball, soft ball and
horseshoe pitching tournaments,
calithumpian parade, midway at-
tractions, concert and dance.
For 1 week commencing April 21
IN order to clear some lines in Men's Caps, Shirts,
Braces, Ties, -Summer Underwear, Work Shirts,
Overalls and Ready-to-wear Suits and Top Coats we
will sell far below the regular price, Don't miss this
chance. We make mention of only a few lines :
—5 dozen Bath Towels, each .39
—Ladies' Silk Hose, regular $ii.00 .75
—Ladies' Celenese Rain Coats, all colors,
regular $8.00 for 6.50
—$40.00 MEN'S SUITS, Made -to -
measure, for one week 35.00
Cunninham's Garage
HAVING engaged the services of MR. FRANK
HARROD of General Motors, we can now
assure Expert personal attention. No job too small
or too hard to repair.
Electrical Work a Specialty. Amateurs Re -wound
Dominion Tire and Dunlop Service Station
Motors Cars
See us for General
Gas Oil Batteries --- Etc.
Cunnin -noxa's Garage