HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1928-4-18, Page 4WEDNESDAY, API,ZIL 18th;., 1923
i..be troacts
Brussels Continuation School
FORM 111
1Oar] Hemingway 723
213evyI (id 09
3 Irene W fleeter _ 821 I
4 Helen el,•N.rbtr... (its. S:
5 kLtcv'y ltutrnit, ilu tl
8 tiavvey lirytr•t, 10.1.
7 1relumJerrie!, 618
8 Helen Barker 81 2
9 tlarj;iaiet Strachan i0 8
15 Alvin Login 58
II Margaret ramitis. 45 3
12 Finlay `Sttluis 533
13 Rattle :McCall
14 Viols Wilsnu 111 2
15 Marie Huether 41 7
18 Dorothy Fear
I C.ara SleUall 76 4
2 Kenneth Jackeou , 72
3 James 'Turnbull 71 2
4 Margaret Downing 69
5 Helen Armstrung 6868 3
8 Doris (fill
7 James Johnston 05 8
8 George Kirkby 66 1
41 Emyteue Steiss 85.2
10 Ruth Stracbau 64.2
11 Jack Sanders 59 7
L2 Doreeu Eokwier 51 8
13 Dorothy Franklin 48
14 Laura Manning 87 5
'1 Agnes Davidson 85 8
2 Catharine Walker 85
3Jeau Caldwell 828
4 Ben Yolleck 72
-5 Leonard Walker 05
03 Viola Fox 01.1
7Ilelen Whitfield 804
S Jack Harilton 55.7
9 Mabel Bewley 55.2
10 Allan McCracken 51.7
11 Douglas Hemingway 50 7
12 geed Glassier 47.3
18 Florence Gammage 47.3
14 Alberta McMurray 44
lib Joe Querin
you buy
a Whippet
you buy a
car which has
stood the test of
more than 500
million milts of driv-
ing by its own 'rs—a car
of advanced design, with
such features as 4 -wheel
brakes, full force-feed lubrica-
Caach36955 tion,gastank inrear,sileuttilning
F.Toontory Come in and see the per fectedWhipper—now_ today
Sedan $760
F.o.b. Factory
Following is the prize list of the JACK LENNOX BADLY HURT
etlsall Spring Fair, held last week: i Wingham, April 10—An accident
Aged Clyde stallion—la and 2nd which might have proved fatal, oc-
John Miller, Exeter, Sweepstakes, Icnrred on Saturday at the corner of
Sohn Miller. Victoria street and Diagonal road
Standard bred stallion—Ellering when two cars collided. Alvin Smith
tun and Stewart, Exeter. of Bluevale, was travelling on Dia -
Heavy draft team, James Scott; E.
Wilbert; C. Truemner. gonal and Sam Burke, of Wroxeter,
Heavy draft mare in foal—A. and accompanied by Jack Lennox, of
J. Broadfoot, 1 and 2. Mown, was going up Victoria street
iThree year old filly or gelding— when the cars met at the coiner. Mr.
Alex. Sinclair; John Henderson. 1 Lennox was thrown from the car,
f,� Two year old filly or gelding,—A. landing on his head and shoulder,
Wright; H. C. Soldan. rendering him unconscious. The
Draft or agricultural, foaled in ' other occupants of the cars escaped
1927—M, Tiltney ; B, Edwards; D. :with little damage to either car. Mr,
Kilpatrick . , . <..r. ' Lennox sustained a very bad gash in
Agricultural team—R. J. Scott; D. hi, head, but today is reported to be
to; g favorable.
Melville Church
Luke 10 t 22, "\Vheu ye pray, say
tOuc Father," was the test taken by
the pastor, Rev. R. G. Fowler, in Mel-
ville Church, last Sabbath morning.
Prayer h is been a great factor in the
Christian religion and ie other relig-
ions. This habit has persisted be-
cause of the real practical benefit
which has been derived from it. It
.enables men to face difficulties and tt,
overcome them. We see the benefit
of the prayer habit in the lives of men
like Civet Orotnwell and Gladetnne
These mer owed ttrere great success in
life to their habit .it prayer. Christ is
the greatest t•xaoiple os the benefit of
player Christ had unlimited power,
and yet he found it necessary to pray
Iu the first words of the Lt:,d e P. ay
-.sr, we have tt new conception of ih
relationship between Gt d and tun".
Before the time of Christ. the concep-
tion of God was a great being who
could be approached only by the
;priest. This new relationship brings
With it new responsibilities, The first
of these is reverence. Christianity
•demands reverence .0 t•ard the name
of Christ. ';'his relationship implies
trait. It iso great thing to realiz •
thatGad's face is turued toward u
like the fare of a f ether. Fatherhood
implies obedience. Fatherht ad also
-implies a difi'ereut relationship with
our brothers. We must acknowledge
all men as our brothels. At the ee
ening service, the pastor took as his
subject, "Our Proper Attitude toward
the Rist and the Future," treeing his
thought ou T Thessalonians 5, : 21,
"Prove alt things, hold fast to that
which is good." There are three at•
titntles we can take towards the past :
+(1) Those who live entirely in the parr
and look back to the past instead of
going forward. (2) The attitude
which entirely ignores the pest with
its hallowed ttssaciatins. These wh.,
•take this attitude do not look hack
with reverence to the things of the
past. (3) Those who reverence the
the past mid feel an obligation to our
forefather_. for their contribution and
feel an ohtigation to the future. Ev-
ery Oivietian should be a builder,
ba !ding the Church of Jesus Christ.
We have received great material ben-
efits from our fathers, and have im-
proved upon them ; shonid the trot.
have spent as Mush tittle and thought
in developing the faith which nu
fathers have handed ,town to us as we
do in developing the metsriatl thlug�.
To develop our faith, we must level.
op our home religion. Our spiritual
like should be ennt.inual development,
and the highest point of our religion
must not be behind 119.
p ;•cess •n
Fotheriee:ltsun; A. McBride.
Agricultural mare in foal— Alex. °--"
Wright; Dr, Moir; Clarence Smillie.
Phren year old agricultural filly S .A. 1 %
or gelding,—R. Broadfoot; J. Gel -
Inas & Son.
Two year old agri<•ulttn'al filly or •
gelding ---Tilos. Butt; Dr. Moir. 1 The Safety Convention of the In -
General burpose team—W. Deck- clustrial Accident Prevention Asso-
er. dation will be held at the Royal
Single roadster—R. Mho•aren; J. Connaught Hotel, Hamilton, on May
Decker. jt'; Dr. McKay; Thos. Reit. 8th and 9th, The programme com-
Grattd championship, draft or ag- rtittee has not yet completed the
ricultural, mare or gelding—A• & J. final layout for the two days, but
J. foot; R. J. Scott; A
11. . Sinclair; ;those who have already accepted in -
R.. J. Scott. .t'itations to speak include V. A. Sit -
Township prize best three horses clair, K. C., Chairman of the Work -
from one township— Tuckersmith ;men's ompensation Board; A. C.
Township; Hibbert Township. 7+9880, President, Canada Cement
Burnie Silver Cup for best Clyde Company, Limited, Montreal; Dr. J.
mare or gelding—A. & J. Broadfoot. G. Cunningham, Division of Indus-
Geiger special for best draft stal- ,trial Hygiene for Ontario; Dr. A.
lion -5, 14Iiller; Oscar I ears special 'Leeming Carr. M.P.P., Hamilton;
for best draft mare, 3 years or over Henry Bernstein, Swift Canadian Co,
& J. Broadfoot; Commercial Limited, Toronto; and S. Horace Hotel,Dis-
Hensall, special for draft or stun & Sons, Philadelphia.
agricultural team coming greatest , In addition, the Committee has at' -
distance, R. J. Scott, Cromarty; Mrs, ranged for a safety play which will
Bertha Bell special for best lady be put on by the Essex-ICent Division
driver, i4'Irs. Ira Moir. ' under the direction of G. A. Kuech-
CATTLE trnmeistor of the Dominion Forge and
Aberdeen Angus bull, calved in Stamping Co., Limited, Walkerviile,
192"r—B. Iilopp; heifer under 2 and a demonstration on First Aid by
years, B. Klopp 1 and 2. the Hamilton Division of the St.
Shorthorns—Aged bull ,J. Wright John Ambulance Association.
& Sons; bull calved in 1927 M. Crich . One matin feature of the Gonven-
1 and 2; cow, M. Crich; W. Pepper; •
pion will be the Safety 'Exhibit and
M. Crich,
Butcher steel or heifer—William • bowing of practical safety devices
will be made. This will be open to
Pepper,the public in general.
Baby beef.—B. Peck; Bert lilopn
Dairy Cow—M. Crich; Wm. Pep- The Convention Committee, under
the chairmanship of W. C. Coulter,
per; M. Crich; M. Love.
Dr. Peck's special for best Short- has adopted as its slogan "1000 De. -
horn female—M. • Crich. legates from 100 Town;t and Cities."
United Church
The Y. P S. vnh; ct Iu .,defy evsu•
ing tv t "Decisions imus for Life Ser viae,"
and win teeth d in to original and
practical tnt'.unov by Dire, Parket•• Al
legititnete work is .honorable ; there
is really no +.nosh dittdnetion as the
"lower or higher" wants or life,, h"
gouts e,u'li d •peodw on 911, and all nu 1
each Yet, it behooves every yntnno'
petioli 81 to tits the tito;t of hie
aloe ; he roust. not nn ,.outset with
doing fine thing when ht. IA variable of
renaming better art vice Iti tltnin TOM
ditty u`t wpb rut, 1n lisd, tins m �nivt'
of Service i.n othors nitnnld Pe ttt.• I
princip'il one tlat,ertni tiitta ono', til'+• ;
work. In vett-linv this
he 1011+1, pray, reek advice froth 8'.:
eldest and Loose exp'.,iettned in 11,
particular 11 n of endNmVrn• cant >m
plated and do rt lot of elear thinkit+'+
for himself. If the way d„ not ire-
metlbit'tly noon hp, ono s) r,tl i al an. .
do the next b :I. thins, the arty titntr
est to heel, had t:hrrel>y pr•eput 1,8,, I
sell' for his ch coin wok when the
portnnity comes to take 8 np, But
the most important derision to to
"Seek first this Kingdom m t i (1. .1 •"
The to pin at the next meeting n 81 d-•. `
scribe tt oh lee of'tnisimtt work in Ar
•tirit and will be taken by Bertram
Henil ttgway.
f�AVTNG i:Itgnged the sty:virt'a ttf M R. FRANK
11ARRU1 . tut Gsent r;t1 Mnt;trs, - wt- can now
asiwre IIx kart personal. att.•nti,in. No job too snail
or tot) bard to rt'pt>ir. •
Electrical Work a Specialty, Arrnateurs Re -wound
Dominion Tire and Dunlop Service Station
See us f t•'r General M actors Cars
Gas OH Batteries Etc.
Cunningham's Garage
Long, low linea give grace and
beauty to McLoughlin-Bulcie Fisher
bodies, but without the slightest
eacrlSce of interior apace or head.
toom. Upholstery and appoint-
ments that rival the drawing -room
in luxury . . and a hand.
eemeneaa of porfotmanee no lass
than of appearance . en.
dear the 1928 McLau5han.Buick
to the discerning lady driver.
rHE unfailing feminine appreciation
of beauty makes McLaughlin -Buick
the most popular car in its class among
lady drivers. M-14-4.280
The G. M. A. C. Deferred Payment Plan offers many
advantages to buyers of McLaughlin -Buick cars.
cL, r
ALE `'it to A Df , •i
suspended sentence of 30 days on
condition he does not drive a car
for one year.
The young man was the driver
VEof the car which forced one driven
„£" by J, Walsh, Nelson street, Stratford
into the ditch on the highway, badly
R. KERSLAKE, SEAFORTH, FOR- damaging the car. and injuring one
BIDDEN TO DRIVE CAR FOR , of the occupants, Madeline Hutchi-
ONE YEAR son, who, -however, has recovered,
The sequel to an accident which
happened on the Shakespeare -Strat-
ford highway Good Friday night was
seen in Police Court at Stratforci last
Wednesday morning when R. Per -
.lake, of Seaforth, wits arraigned on
three counts before Magistrate J. A,
On the first charge, of being in-
toxicated, he was fined $20 and
costs; on the second charge of driv-
ing a car while intoxicated he was
sentenced to seven days in jail, and
on the third charge of failing to re-
turn to the scene of an accident, he
was fined $25 and costs and given
J. M. Best, of Seaforth, appeared
for the accused and made strong re-
pre,entations on his behalf, pointing
out his good character and stating
he hal not known the Walsh car had
gone into the ditch when he drove
' air. Restitution was being made for
the damages, he said.
"I don't know that a jail term is
any punishment to a young man for
such an offence," said Crown Attor-
ney McPherson. "1 believe the ends
of justice world be better met by
taking away his permit to drive a
Magistrate Makins concurred in
this and passed sentence accordingly.
mkiIt 0 A L4W�f��Gtl GH
having disposed of their
General Store, wish all out-
standing accounts to be
settled by the 16th Inst. as
the new proprietor takes
possession on the 18th.
Thanking all for past pat-
1 Bedroom set, solid % cut oak, 3
1 Bedroom set Cherry, 3 piece;
3 Springs and Mattresses, nearly new
Walnut Wardrobe
1 White enamelled iron bed
Extension Table and chairs
Rocking chairs
8 -piece extension ladder.
Parlor Set and other furniture.
F.R.C.S., Canadian poet, who has
been awarded the Lorne Pierce Med-
al of the Royal Society of Canada,
which repre: ants the highest liter-
ary honor a Canadian can win. He
will receive it at the Royal Society
meeting in Winnipeg on May 22.
General Chang has ordered 4,500
Bibles and 0,000 New. Testaments
for men and officers of his army.
Midland Securities, Limited,
serve Western Ontario with
an unequalled Investment
service. Government,
Municipal and C;. rponsation
bonds to yield fro'. 4.40%
to 6.50%.
May we place your name on
our mailing list? Complete
detailed informati:.in regard-
ing all classes of investment
securities is readily obtain.
114 Royal Bark Chambers London, Canada
Goderich, April 13 — Navigation
was officially opened here with the
arrival of the tug Florida, which
steamed into port at noon today from
Toledo, Ohio. As has been the cus-
tom in the past, the captain who
brings the first 'boat into Goderich is
presented with a hat and the cere-
mony was performed this afternoon
in the council chambers in the pre-
sence of the town fathers and citi-
zens. On behalf of the town, Mayor
55cEwan presented Captain Corn-
wall of the Florida with a hat. and
also a framed picture of the harbor.
The captain, in thanking the mayor
for the gifts, stated that this was not
the first time that he had been in
Goderich, but that he had been here
several tinges before when a lad dur-
ing the time his father sailed in here.
Captains Warwick of the Charles
Hubbard, and Lynn, marine super-
intendent of the Great Lakes Steam-
ship Line, a nephew of Mrs. Jane
hymn, of town, also made brief
The Florida left Toledo on Thurs-
day evening and trade good time on
Yam trip. No ice was encountered on
the lakes, with the exception of a
small bit in the harbor here. Im-
mediately following the presenta-
t+on, the tug left Goderich on the re-
turn trip to Cleveland, where she is
towing the Charles Hubbard to dry-
dock. The Hubbard lost her rudder
seining into port last fall.
Five thousand Honey bees weigh
one pound.
The first postage stamp were
used in Great Britain in 1840.
Court of Revision
The Covet et Boylston on the Ateewsnta'•t
Bohol tli,''1'own!.btp nt ,t 'mils will lit held In
the 7bwas1111, Hall on Notdey, lOty 210, at 2
o'clock p. m A11 pari i, 5,ne•.•."ti will please
tape notion and guve5. IAAOEW EN, Olerk,irag
lytlaevale, April17th,16 8
Farrfn for Sale
160 hires, being part lob lid, 711100n., and lob
16, shit eon., Gray Township, throe•qunrber
nn'e from illbhel and Fallout barn ie known
an Dilworth O'atvn, rot Vnt'ttnelmre apply to
08•tf 11 H. 11Ow LAND.
On Mr fejt Gomer You ?
Olt I the tragedy of aching feet the misery
of painfully dragging one foot alter the °th•
er, the bitterness of watching others MeV
along without s foot oars In the world, Itoot
miser,/ can be avoided. 1 know, becuase I
suffered for yearn, but 1 found R Way to re•
sieve Mist panful strain n on toy weakened
arches, Nuw,1 watt to help others ; if yen
are n sufferer, please mention !',run POST when
writing, 3, T, W0011,020Proepeutnt.,RAtn-
titan, Ont„ or may be uralntned et Downing
tiros„ shoe dealers, Bt tinsels,
Farm for Sale
A very desirable stock facto of 160 aures, Si
mile from Brussels. (3ond buildings and
tgttlantents, Easy tortes to suitpureheser,
b'ur fnrbher pnrti15MCDON
Nouse and Lot for Sale
'-Theundersigned offers for sale bin house
and lot on Albert street, lttaanele. Henna
contains bath, formula and is elsobriewired,
Hood garden and garage. Sseerythbtg in
llrst•elese repair.
66.1f JA S. UW I)31120N,Soafo•th,
iFarms for Sale
The undersigned offers for sale ole 100•anre
farm boing 1,11i, Lot 06, (Jon. 7, Morris. Alto
160neres being North Lob 11d, and 111,
Con. k7,
ot. 7, Morris, Goo oases and barns to
Aret•olass condition, also 511 good out.bniid.
tags. Will sett with or without oroo Remo
of for soiling, poor ltealtlt, rot further pert,
ieulnrs apply to W, f1. MoOlITOIIltON,
Proprietor, B. BA, Brussels