HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1928-4-18, Page 3rr
Never before has such tare D eau used in preparing
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This fiavoalltr, this ernlfaloiing deliciousness Is bring-
ing pleasure to millions.
Gl6.ANT6u1PlAAALtnYmtYtnoG:uJ^tuuWt_S7.^.!'1.1.i¢tW1[YJ-ii.'✓YWY.taJV.iCiJ' ••^••••ten Y10M1 mtartwo N...4
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Mensorablie Bleat
' org of Ilk Empire-
3s wilds 6bttwV
2611 On the 22nd of April,
YEARS 1662 the Royal. Society
AGO of London, the oldest
scientific association in Great Bri-
tain, and one of the oldest in Eur-
ope, was granted its Charter of In-
corporation by Bing Charles If,
The origin of the Royal Society
can be traced hack to the informal
meetings which had been held for
several years past, both in London
and in Oxford, by small groups of
:nen, who were keenly interested in
experimental philosophy, and who
mot periodically in each other's j
homes, or at some. tavern, to discuss
scientific matters. These informal
meeting, had been held in London as
far buck at 1645, and the Oxford
group came into existence about
three years later. The two groups
always ket in close touch with each
other's activities, and in course of
time, when a large number of the
Oxford men settled in London. the
r'.cientific enthusiasts commenced to
attend the lectures at Gresham Co] -
lege, where they rented 0 suite of
rooms for their own meetings.
The group originally called itself
s Philosophical Assembly, but in the
month of October 1661, when king
Charles I11 was enrolled as a member
John Evelyn, the diarist, referred to
the body as The Royal Society. a
name it has ever since retained. The
Charter of H)corporation, w;tich was
granted by the Kinte in April 1662,
end confirmed by the affixing of the
Great Se;il tliree menthe later, gave
the ns-oidation the title of "The Pre-
sident, Council and Fellows of the
Loyal Society of London for Improv
nig Natural Knowledge.
The first charter was speedily fol-
lowed by :Aimee, which extended the
aims and influence of the Society,
tu,d for several year's it was the nn -
le depository of scienee in Great
Britain. During the whole of its ex-
istence it has zealously and gener-
ously supported scientific research
investigation and discovery, and num-
erous valuable additions to the store
of human knowledge have been se-
cured by its instruments, its in-
fluence and its money.
The Royal Society has constantly
assisted the British Government with
its advice in connection with scienti-
fic enterprises of national impo=rtance
and the inumerable undertakings in
which its co-operation has been given
include the equipment of many
scientific and exploring expeditions,
notably those commanded by Capt.
"Cook and Sir James Franklin, the
management of Greenwich Observa-
tory, the change of the calendar in •
1762, the ventilation of prisons, the
prevention of corrosion on the cop-
per sheathing of ships by sea -water,
the protection of buildings and
ships from lightning, the establish-
ment of tidal observation, the re-
organization of the Meteorological
Depaartment, the prevention • of ac-
cidents in mines and the enquiry in-
to the most suitable illuminant for
lighthouses. ,
During the past century and a
half many other scientific societies,
such as the Royal Geographical, the
Linnean, the Chemical, the Entama-
logical, the ltoyul Astronomical and
the Geological, have come into exis-
tence, but the Royal Society still re-
-thins the foremost place in the scien-
tific world, not only from the large
number of eminent men to be found
taming its fellowship, but from the
close association with the Govern-
The official records of the Society
known as "The Philosophical Trans-
actions", which have been published
every month since 1664 and now
consist of over 200 hundred bound
volumes, present a complete survey
of the progress of scientific knowled-
ge during the past two hundred and
s.xty years. Election as a Fellow of
the Royal Society is the highest hon-
our attainable in the British scienti-'
fie world, while the office of Presi-
dent has always been filled by the
most illustrious of our scientists, in-
cluding ---Sir Isaac Newton, who was
I'reside;nt for the last twenty-four
years of his life, Sir Joseph Banks,
Sir Humphrey Davy, Lord Lister and
Lord kelvin.
MR. V. A. SINCLAiR, K.C., who
was the principal speaker at a spec-
ial dinner meeting of plant execu-
tives which was held under the aus-
pices of the Industrial Accident Pre-
vention Association in the Prince Ed-
ward Hotel on Tuesday evening, Mr.
Sinclair is Chairman of the Provin-
cial Workmen's Compensation Board.
The aurora boralis or northern
Lights aro most frequent when the
sunspots aro moot numerous,
We pay Highest Cash Price for
Cream. 1 cent per lb. Butter Fat
extra paid for all Cream delivered
at our Creamery.
Satisfaction Guaranteed
russets Cie
Phone 22
mery Co.
� ,0'641(It 11'',ilaikiry%'t,l til.141iA t'., 111 4, '•,i';11'10-
4+++++y 4":1�^p�
. 4.
/ MY * LADY'S +
1! 't di
a,} COLUM1d. 04
4, ww,. I/ yAp/
NA00 7-14 1-4,1-7., ''i ' 4 .: i 0
celebrated hili sixty-second military
anniversary on April 7, In 1806 the
now aged field marshal and President
of the Republic donned a cadet's
uniform and began the army career
which was to make him one of the
outstanding figures of modern his-
What appears to be far-reaching
amendments to the Canada Grain
Act in respect of the grades on white
wheat, oats and barley, were an-
nounced by kion. Janes Malcolm,
Minister of Trade and Commerce. A
bill containing the amendments will
be introduced at the present session
of Parliament.
It is explained that the new grades
on white wheat are made necessary
by a largo quantity of wheat of new
varieties being produced. Hitherto
this wheat has been labelled "No es-
tablished grade."
Oats and Barley.
In regards to the oats it is ex-
plained: "a large acreage is sown In
the western provinces with varieties
of yellow onts. These varieties are
yellow in color and for tats reason
are excluded from the grades of No.
1 and No. 2 Canadian Western Oats.
For a time one of these varieties,
Golden Rain, was graded as No. 2
Canada Western white oats, but on
aciount of complaints from millers
this was discontinued. For this rea-
son new grades for these varieties
are now being set up."
In regard to the changes in barley
grade:=, it is explained: --The present
definitions for Canada Western bar-
ley are obsolete, in that they make
no provision for classifying accord-
ing to variety."
A large number of varieties of
bailey are being introduced. A num-
bre of these are two rowed, but the
greater number are six rowed. The
two and six rowed varieties are
good malting barleys when the iden-
tity of each is preserves, but when
the two are mixed, or when either or
both varieties are mixed with the
non-enalting varieties, the combina-
tion is useless as a matting barley
and can be sold only as feeding bar-
Variety Classification.
This is just what has been and is
taking place under the present regu-
lations. Classifications according to
variety are essential before the indi-
vidual producers can receive fair
prices for their products.: Under the
variety classification the producer
.who ships barley of better varieties
and free enough from roreign mat-
ter will receive the benefit of the
better varieties, while the producer
who ships' barley of mixed variety or
of feeding variety will have to be
content with the lower grade and
consequently a lower price, This
will tend to the production of the
better varieties and cleaner barley.
Frost & W. od
and a full line of Repairs
will be carried at the
a N;ll= p' Machine
When you are in town ca]]
and see the new machines.
111101 crumb.; mule, 1, d, IL iuu;:
pudding by baking in a :;oft, cu. turd
m.11500011 with 1').=eon.; or English wale
eat.. Set di$h in water when bake
To nave a sticking wiulew, pull
the rope:; at each side down as far an
possible and let them go with a snap.
liepea, several tines.
Besides affording space for 30 to
40 hanger:s, a garment rack new on
the market holds tooth balls or other
chemicals in solid form to protect
the fabrics. A compartment in one
of the rods keeping the balls from
getting lost anti the fumes escape;
through openings
To decrease the likelihood of fires
from electric irons, a button control
has been added to an iron of recent
manufacture. As long as the button
is depressed, the current remains on
hut it is shut off as soon as the
thumb releases the button.
Operated by current from a house -
lighting socket, an electric spraying
outfit is convention for applying
paints or lacquers or for disinfecting
leteriors. It is easy to clean and
operate, and can be used satisfactor-
ily by an amateur.
Introduction of a kind of linoleum
that is almost incombustible, cheap,
easy to handle and durable, has been
announced in England, says Popular
A bird cage adds a touch of life
to a room, and the songster's sweet
melodies will give many a cheery
touch to the home. The cages can
now be secured in many finishes—
all of the popular celluloid type.
A reddish tan ensemble has its
circular skirt attached to a pian
crepe roma waist that has long sleeves
and a Chinese neck.
A fine pica strati; turban in black
has an unique decoration in a large
appliqued disk of shiny celtophone
straw, perched on one side.
1 no. Liaise, who fractured his leg,
same tithe ago, at (doggie, was taken
to Toronto foe fatther treatutent.
1Vingltatxt Bnstitess Sten have
agreed to observe the Wednesday
half -holiday this year, from May 14
until October 31st,
Goderieh was hit by an electrical
stns tn. The 200 h. p. sleet He pump,
which supplies water for the town,
was learned out.
Jas. Hyndinan has sold his 100 -acre
farm, 4th Con, Howick, to Geo. Top -
hem, the 2nd Son„ who gets possee•
s=on this Spring.
J. Ft. and Mee, Medd, former resi-
derJts of Bullet Twp., and now liv-
ing retired at Exeter, celebrated the
Both anniversary of their wrieriage.
Mary Ann Bleats, widow of the late
G. Merner, passed away on April 2ud,
at the home of her daughter, Mrs.
Win. Callas, at Zurich. Deceased
was the mother of J. J. Meitner, forty
er 11"1. P. for Sontii Moron.
Over 26.000 trees will be planted in
Perth County, largely for reforesta-
tion purposes, this year it is stated.
Rev. Neil M. Leckie, of Motherwell,
has been honored by election to the
Presidency of the Alumni Assooiation
of Queen's University.
Robert Knox, of Yorkton, Sask.,
paid a visit to Atwood last week alter
an absence of 40 years. Mr, Knox
taught school on the 8th con. west.
W. W. Love, manager of the Stan-
dard )lank at Mnnletim for the past 2
veare, has heen moved to Allsa Craig,
Mr, Stasford, of Watford, is the new
manager at Monk ton.
William Collins, Mitobell, is the
owner of a pure bred registered Jersey
that produced 6(li quarts of milk and
0f lbs. of butter in the last? days in
March. She ie only a three•year•oid
Sid. Bissett, Atwood, had the mis-
fortune recently to lose a valuable
horse. Ile was at the O. N. R. depot
with his team when the nil electric
err en the track went by frightening
the one horse so badly that it dropped
dead. ,»..M.,. n
A large walnut. tree within a hued -
red yards of the house 00 Hon. Nelson
Monteith's property in Downie, was
struck by lightning during the elec•
t.rieal storm Inst week and completely
ebslit.sre.d, This tree was planted by
Mr. Monteith himself some 60 years
ago., No other damage was done.
Adam B. Wilson, one of the pillars
of Olivet 'United Ciente+, Huron Twp„
died in his 90111 year.
Danskine tiros, have disposed of
their fine farm, boundary east of Tiv
erten, to West. Farrell. They will
shortly move into their bore° inTiv-
e s reprr entativr at Geneva, who
recently 11118 made proposals for the
safe -guarding of world peace by
cans of arbitration pacts.
Ontario Rural Trustees Voice Strong
Opposition — Refused Hearing to
Those Who Favored Bill.
Toronto, April 12 ---For another
year Premier Ferguson's township
school board bill has been placed In
the discard by the rural trustees of
the -province of Ontario, and again
the opposition to the plan has pro-
vided one of the noisiest features of
the meeting of this section of the
Ontario Educational association. It
had eleven supporters out of nearly
two thousand trustees assembled.
Their support, however, was strong
and they might have had convincing
arguments to put forward had they
been allowed a hearing, but they
were allowed none, and a consoli-
dated resoultion embodying the pro-
tests of several counties and school.
sections passed unanimously.
Later in the day, when this was i
brought before the truster-, and
ratepayers' ers' de artment the action of 1
the rural trustees was endorsed by
an unanimous vote of those pi'eeent.
Thirteen resolutions had been
placed on the order paper of the ...on -1
vcntion by those opposed to the hill;
together with a list of seven eountie,
who had voiced their opposition.
WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18th, 11128
A, Gi`tia11`6dsaIITini W ruet
Hese Com rucflo
Codi"^ting veiuntee sug;esticns on home planning
with Gyproc, Rochoard and Iutulex. Write for et,
r ee e 1Aa nyr3:7M AND ALALIA 5'iINE, Y.iMtTE1
Paris Canada
Fh epdeoo' Wallboard
of rd
For Sale By
Wilton & Gillespie - - Brussels, Ont.
S. F. Davison
Brussels, Ont.
. ow cocnaax..zr:vaemwn.m.em�usy.n.rsoAw,m. r
The consolidated resolution shely- WILL MAKE NO CONCESSIONS
ed the matter until next year's con- .
i' ntion when a "formal debate on
the issue" was to be arranged. In
the meantime the resolution demand-
er' that the Minister of Education
tale no further action.
It was the signal for an outburst
of disorder which last for nearly
half an hour. An amendment was
offered asking that the convention
torte a vote on the principal of town-
ship school boards, wh th was fol-
lowed by a sub -amendment demand- ' •
ing an immediate debate on the sub-
ject. This led to several outcries of
cppoeition though no one was given
a suIIlcient hearing to make himself
Plain. The mover of- the amendment
and the mover of the sub -amend-
ment, realizing the situation, tried to
withdraw these, but it was some
minutes before they could even get
this feign acrces to the crowd.
One delegate cried out that the
lite of their school :•eetions was at
Make, while another accused the pre-
mier of breaking his promise.
'The premier may mit this over.
but he won't :nay in power if he
does,,' oho iteda third. "We will
tear him at the next elet'tloe.'
Tauber worth nearly x:!50,000.000
ie imported luta Ettelaud every
FRANK 13. KELLOGG, Secretor!
of States, forshadowed that the
United States will make no con-
e scion of war as a weapon of ciwe
ternal policy in any parley with great
"Establishing a New Standard in Automobiles"
'INER . because of the exclusive design
of the Durant built Hayes -Hunt bodies .. .
the superior grade of upholstery materials .. .
the roominess of the interior and its easy riding
qualities . . .
Faster ... because of the studied refinements
of the already famous Red Seal Continental
"L" -head Motor . . .
See the new Durant Sixes .. , go for a ride In
them , .. ask your local Durant dealer why they
are "finer and faster" ... ask hint to compare
the specifications with those of higher priced
automobiles . . . then judge these cars for
yourself . . . on their merits!
neat by
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Durant "55" Sia Cadinder Special Four Door Sedan
!)n�t.5l•r ,, Jt ou,hii, tt,, ,t Ti.sj.t,o, &Otnn , OSM>'tul�CS 1,
Rugby Trucks, Foto' and Six Cylinders; Capacity 1 ton and 1f tots
°ogosszsisgssaii gsVisstt'tSt oma los aFii�3. !isid'Lf.GffRRRRS 4.4Trgis io t
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