HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1928-4-18, Page 2Vl1T)NESll1Y, ei'liil, ISth, 19'38
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L S7l Lesson t3Y C t1.4121.F.�+ G. 7`v;UtLd:3ULI-
(editor oe The sunday School T,mur)
Sunday, April2.--idark ID: 1-1'1
Golden Text
honor thy father and mother; w len
Is the thett commandment with
pronn.;e. (Eph. b::'..}
ell; home is not man-made telt
The Son of God, who is the Crea-
ter and Sevio(r• of mus, utters His
na] utt.anew,r;bla decree on the div-
.tc(. qu•st:,n. In a few crystal-
clear words He forbids any and all
divoreee ex :1't for ono cause. What
a din, ; •nt thing home life w mould be,
inoountless eases today. were Christ
TGod -made. A good many Ino 1` obey, -d! rho Phan' r; :mote 1Io-, ,:
ern writers talk about it as thouen a
it , a conventional thins:, an u. -end end r,r.a: d" Ott„ ,rho was b for,
M: ale legislation
cid(t.t :>t' custom something that nt n I :thi ih rn e et the
began and, therefore, .something that i 1 diene: r the Lords answer ,itgw;
(ler, can igntore or end if they will. the:. eliese to be trapped. For
Such moral rebels, or spiritual 'azar- '1 har.lne s(f your hart ho t Gos-
chist:. are in revolt against God anti ,• ) w ,et( yeti thi arecept.
deny God'i right to establish and + x. t +t tho incor'r "ibex hearts of
nuunta}h His laws. The next step is Iii own chosen people during the
atheism. Shore are many p rsors , • of law', d!roet(d Moses to c.tnb-
living today who have taken one reh certain r&gnl tion, of divorce,
step after another away from God, rttth(•r then that the people should
until now they are proud of the run to wild extremes without regala•
name athel,st. Vols. But Christ then goes war
In this lesson Christ goes to the }leek of Moses clay, to the Gordon of
heart of home life and human soc- Eden. as He quotes Gods Word con-
ie.ty as He deal.- with marriage, div- cerning man and wife, and they ehell
orce, and a blessed fact of child life. reeve father and mother and "they
The Pharisees, as usual, were try- twain shall be one flesh,' When God
ing to trap the Lord by a shrewd by the relationship of marriage, has
question. "Is it lawful for a man to made the two one, men have no right
put away h(•s wife?" they asked, Mat- to make them two again. Only adul-
thew 19:3 gives the question in full- try can sever the sacred union of
er form, adding the words "for every marriage established by God.
cause." Then Christ spoke a final solemn
Christ's answer was clear and cur- word as He declared that any bus -
equivocal. There is one cause only ,band and any wifle ignoring this
that can justify divorce, and that is God -ordained relationship, accepting
adultery. As D. M. Panton has point a man-made divorce and marrying
ed out, adultry is a sin that automa- another, commits adultery. These
tically destroys and dissolves the are searching words, convicting
marriage relation; it is itself an es- many today. But the final issue is
sential divorce and so the separation not one between human beings, it is
of husband and wife after this sin between the individual and God. to
is only the outward recognition of be determined at His judgment seat.
the separation that has actually tak- Children are of the richest bless-
ce place through the sin. Ings of the God-fearing home. Young
ti..ih . am att,•mot upon who,:e life is
..eoloreti to hare o eur1e.d at Milan.
Fiftoon ilo s°ns w(1e killed by in
eeplosion which
r P' h
a •l idt occurred
'•rival at a fair.
Farmers Roar.
It fiP1 (,r•••, however, 1 OA the La -
1) er; 4nd 1110 go.:41, percentage ,.e
t„p 111(., rte, Ii( f(At)It:
not t sola for aiy sin i poi y
'They ey —t,. 1t 1. 0? o (.:1' th r t 'vn
1 n 11, .i.ted t,:( 11 i 1 , 3:
444)51(114•+ 111.11 11,'1.1 011.11 01111 1:.1,, 111
0 e: :n 11:.1,1 :nd I'+ ''i'
4.,..,, 4 0.44. ,,,,.«: •...1w4444,:«,u.....,.,,..rw.....wmmX-,., b,..l,1: ,c:lljc, Thr, ball Of !lilt rant is
, 1111 meeto,ti natut•sll and 4,t trL•n}rllly the
'Tile � eQ��” x��'' o vy �a� � correct method of opt 1;•1•: the ac
v 111. left timid Monkey Wrench) rel a or. Ie this po.l,rou ee ./11111::
11.4 ell,Lr loot nr 1 , 4441 tie,•, ui4•r
_ w�.•e.•anrwea....40440.,4,4•440.44.444.40.41.1.
...s.,a,..s,. >.•'•°°,...°"..,."�m'°:wd ruu•k, / Bleu in tow 0111(1 posi-
SPEni) CAUSES STRAIN ON CAR ?1411100; this, i t 6o c ueful to „eta- !ion. fen` 11.•11e nisei 4,d p lhi On e-
1 h, r t.: •n 111 n .'r } 0 4480' w 1 se(,•t tete possibility or i.ht' (+r.;4a' 1111 (•d r:";,l ,:rc6, h( 1.444 r, is 0' ung,
•i.on?' 111 11 progression Its tit+, s1) ,1 1oat •usin4 to inn iitu,,,: h, 1)11114(4 tn.ej cod} a };sod huwe•e 1, ht' ting,
erne i4, aligv+nit ical pfut;'re ., tete whole car, or+u of t}ir now
• • r:4r 111 r:11 the I'xu:. . 110 tl la aC 11
„ :uri rl i. ,•im• to pi.t 411 hot,'. 1 ,11. 111 4,1.41+r 0 iels, the •41.:ti,1 of ,al ri•" 1 av:'1 (1111 the ear eve)) at, 1 15`11 411',?rue triihnut inti ic•. :#
."'1"."1 1 .,'4,,0, 'ei e 414,••,• -re.S!vieg a c• r• at •l0 miles an hour le the 1oi,lill., hea et.
i .i,. ,{ , 111 t' c• ,n 4, '.nd 1..• rou- Tour tiur,•s the ,./;tit• •n the ntaegme driving 1:4441 loo
pti r nlod'e •i4,„• r h.• t
1 1't''''''"01'""-' ' 20 miles an hour, , 1I tt 80 ia,' •, t,:, 4311, n lI TER. thtotth•.
au 1,
.b ,-1- , e " ''1 •,t, bout the :train i, ] t; tit(' a •ns '1111 oil 1111.•1', ,+.•'111 v hielt 1)11 mod.. -,�.._....._�_
,.1; of 1• '.'nv, i'aneart t 1 1..0,. ,),-;4t :r at :10 1111 stn h°t1r. . ern ears iter equipped, tomo:.:( 1•,t. 1 WORTH KNOWING
4, •111 r d.'oot h,•, n i , ,r(it. 11 con• pts tut :441 .:.law, x111; 4411?? oil 1,1 ? r "u l out. ill•, c1' Tho e:4,'+ d lrrtrl-
iderell to recent ((1 4?ot council:, RI NJ"tR•"I11 Is :P+ CT�i:S ita(11 t. ,r 4.4,,,,w,. 1114- 11 •411 p00- (11 a;1 (11 can he traced to the (1r
• ,i•, i:' •' '--. it le 4,o. letetood, to Clean reflectors, are 't big factor lcf!'x 4 liie for 41 • , ? n . cud fewer (
(,*•n •r'• 'u 't�•ct to h;tr'• ilio + „?a••
clinch 111'4 el:::: 00,•rh010 1, but to ••) i,/,,11111, '.' hint 4,1' the 14;:,110 ay' ell 411,./11 r, ;. After 1111` h'(rr has 4(0(•11 for reallju:l}e'(1 at 0 normal (h a ier'
deavoe, the: enrnem_" s1101ncr; to edo- :1 ialt, j• :ruler's rouge, dampened ./0.000 nibs,; of 'vv.'''. Ili illi„1}eg .late 11111111 the war>t of winr(r i;
ciao n,eu,•'.' :4111 proprietor,: of all v:140 :al('o1401 and 1(1101 d with a soft
to unit becomes clogged with trait and
over. 11 "hould Tee. 141104mhe? ' 1 that
t:+aria a,(141?. 1 111.4)41 to seeli 1e- ch:utu)is, will r(8101, the rellnetol oche 4'°0 '4ll matter lateen Ileo./ the the le.; 4ov(•)'0 tem�le1'i (4?,' 0111(11
'../141;1) In: dirn4 health in: , ccljnl of i1 original 1(1 11tnoss, Afte the ells and ceases to function props •'ly' , ptc.sae;e the (•((4)4(11;;' of s (4 r nese
tit:`}r N O tile./ by (ftc(tln in a o4,„1 he „ 1414,•././ 4,:, d, the reflector 'Che unit then 011x41(1 b,• 11 P18?. d. . 101• ca 1 a 00.11114” •n car ad 111 .l n(•uts.
sense, the 0'''y 0 11 11111 1 1+11 tete. depart „holds] 0e 414 a with a clean niece of { 111e generator is the trait that ;betted
in this eonnection. 'The generator
went i (11? 1e• to llreng about with rh00)01 . it stakes a noticeableforence in .the quality of „clil FEET A FACTOR IN DRIVING ; },o :anent the tie;./ to be (o4, ((1? 101
its permit plan.Good feet mul legs aro important
weak foot i often the cense of jerky
factors of safety het trate, A flat 11:(1 for a higher charging rate is
TEST THE CLUTCH SLIPPAGE i foot, one of the commonest of Phy- I t aaknrx under 0 great deal of pres-
et A ori 11 '— The The wades./ way to test for clutch sisal disabilities, does not properly 1r, , .and while it is built to with-
ITanmet, O 1 Vaud hea,,,4 strain it still requires
Central Baseball Lengne may reor- slippage is to simply try letting in the ' respond to clutch and brake move'-
.•• if
:owner t)0100
oof he
upon 'an t
`'e( t consideration be relied the (011~11
cannot 1 til
u -lts. :And do
and 1 f
'! in low i
gears l
• TPaI.
./111.4 perfect-
while c
- ran 4, elf(
ue t for softball only this season, clutch1 1 1 u to continue to function p
due to the fact that few towns in the engine i -i funning. Of course, ; respond with the quirk 1 trec:ision of- t
}y The danger of overcharging the
-this district are Prepared to enter the car must be standing still and the, ton necessary to avert an accident. I
, l.il(irsn were brought to Christ and baseball teams this year. It is hrako tightly set. Under normal When a driver has become fatigued battery is not great, but that of over
planned to have the following town= conditioats the engine should stall he l,y (onstant driving, his nerve intpul- working the generator is.
Iles dig(: ho presumed t . rebuke
t':crs0 who brought them. Strong t represented in the proposed league: (:',stent the pedal is back far enough s(s 01e slowed up and respond with 1
1 four Lord's anti- Neustadt Moorefield, Dray- to engage the clutch, 1f the engine loss certainty, and in this exhausted stt)d sharpe curve
tipplan e road istorounding
1 u ;nage 18 a r. o Ayton,
e toward Hie disciples: "He was ton, Grand Valley, Arthur. Mount continues to run without pulling the ; state he is not complete tette ie apt to perform
Forest, Holstein, Durham, Fardwi(h, car, or even shows a disposition to ; 1110 tent, incbrake and throttles For Anent thert toot to n e tootn, wait i agaht a to an-
e:esweter, Wing- make some headway against the liably on the ;molt
and listening too a warning from
Corrie, Wroxeter, T
haat./, Fergus, Palmerston, Clifford, blocking, it is a sure ilei./ that the this
monotony of a advisable
long ride breakbya 1 (t•neoming cat.
1. one 11,1 of God. me faith,
, one of unquestioning faith, Only •- —
th :::(• who 1(av1 this, child spirit of
n,tu„0tioning faith toward God and
Christ can • enter the Kingdom of
is it not significant that the cirild-
ltke spirit of faire and obedience is
hr 1? in such cortem.:t today? II-mo-
o:ace is laughed at. Sophistication is
1,11;.;1 wet itipt'e•d. Most people
w tilt to be "wise” with the wisdom
of this world, and by personal ex-
p rime . of all sorts of ' elf-expres-
.n" o) ;i)t. liven uuldren and
young people today are catching this
01.11•;,, and are old beyond their
years. Their natural faith is gone;
they glory in refusing to obey any
nue; they plunge ahead in the mad
quest for any new experiences that
promise a thrill or a "kick." The
Holy Spirit predicted that in "the
last days," in which we are now liv-
ing, many should be 'lovers of their
own selves, covetous, boasters, proud
blasphemers, disobedient to parents,
blaspphetners, disobedient to parents,
unthankful, unholy, without natural
affection, truce -breakers, false accus-
ers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of
those that are good, traitors, heady,
hig010inded, lovers of pleasures more
than lovers of God." (II Tim. 3:2-4 )
Only the restoration of the Christ-
ian home, with Christ at the head as
Saviour and Lord, where the Word
of God is read and mediated upon,
and all are serving Him and in honor
preferring one another, can solve the
problems of today.
Much displease l." Then, as He en -
sited the little children to Him, He
told why they should be allowed to
1.441( unto Him: •`'For such i, the 1Flildmay, Delmore and Hanover• clutch plates are not holding
liiontyo saintEkpertAcOceet
about Yo r e �r
"Air costs nothing ---lack of it means
miles off the life of your tires."
ORE than half your tire troubles are.caused
by under -inflation. There's a correct pressure
three pounds accordingsize tire load.
nds under this will take miles off its
running life.
Near enough won't do. Use a reliable gauge and
be sure.
Or, call at this depot once a week and let us look
over your tires. We'll watch for bruises, rim cuts
and embedded flints. At least twice a season let us
remove each tire and look for inside fabric breaks.
It will mean extra mileage—and dollars off your
tire bills.
A Dominion rira will give marvelous
mileage if )r4, {Petit it right.
Ym0 e 0 LHAM
FA q ,; ` RS
i." ED
Ontario's Government Drops Per-
mit Source of New Revenue --
Too Many Objecting — Plan
Was to License • All Taking
Lodgers for Overnight.
Toronto, April .10--- '(he Ontario
government has dropped --•- for chis
year at least—its plan to place. all
"over -night tourist stops" under a
permit system of operation. •
Nice Little Sum Sought
Prior to the recent session of the
legislature it had been the intention
of the department of health to intro-
duce regulations c(nupelli;14 pro -
Jitters of all "stops" to secure fust
n clean bill of health from the Be-
r•artn(•nt before. advertising their
uren1':,,•; by roadside signs or other -
:(s•. to the tourist traffic. The De-
,'1lu0lt had in mind, it is under-
'norl, that such a policy would} fur-
tiler minimize the possibility of
,.41r0100 of contagious; diseases, that
neop•le who kept -"dirty" stopping
,111000 would be eliminated from do -
'ng business, that tourists would soon
`eke themselves and their money to
iso "stops' 'approved of by govern'
1elent permit, and that public health
n general, tvou1d be, considerably
'mm'oved. It was also felt that in
•'''140--4') View of an in(leaee(1 bur -
'en of regular departmental inspect -
of the various "stops" --the goy-
rrnme11t (tight he able to charge for
the permits and thereby add a trice
Little sum to the treasury.
r(.t elrie(rrtS..'h' .: .•`w': .AV" r'.t•,:i1 •.'.:;F .31•es` '.n�i��" .(R x91';./"" 'ex:c(,`'
Vii. (s
o� �,is 1
This entirely new car surpasses the accepted
standards of Light car accomplishment; sweeps
aside all boundaries of price class; establishes a
new standard of acceleration, speed, power and
smoothness that heretofore has marked only
expensive cars as fine cars.
Make and Model Ford "A".
Four Cylinders—Bore 37/s";
stroke 41/4•"
Unit Construction
Pump and Thermo -Syphon
Pump, Gravity and Splash
Single Coil Distributor Igni-
Sliding Gear (3 speed) Trans-
Multiple 9 Plate Dry Disc
Dynamically Balanced Crank-
High and Low Speed jet Car-
buretor (hot -spot manifold)
Aluminum Pistons
Oil Indicator
2 Blade Aeroplane type Fan
Bakelized Fabric Timing Gear
Carbon Chrome Nickel Alloy
N.A.C.C. Rating 24.03 H.P.—
Actual Developed H.P. 40
at 2200 R.P.M.
4 'Wheel Brakes—Mechanical,
Internal Expanding Type,
with Automatic Brake
Springs — Transverse Semi -
Drive—Torque Tube Gears—
Spiral Bevel
Rear .Axle 3Aa: Floating
Full Crown 1 -Piece Ponders
Gravity Feed Fuel Tank
Ignition Wires Enc1o9ed in
Flexible Steel Tubing
Steering Gear (irreversible)
—Worm and Sector Type
Acorn Design, Nickel Plated
5 One -Piece Steel Spoked
171/2" Steering Wheel
Alemite-Zerk Chassis Lubric-
Body and Chassis insulated to
prevent noise
Wheel -base 1031/2 inches
Turning Radius 17 feet
Tire Size -30 x 4.5
Road Clearance 91/2"
Automatic Windshield Wiper
(closed cars)
Rear View Mirror
Dash Light
G,izoline Gauge
Ammo ter
Motor Driven Horn
Combination Tail. and Stop
Sun Visor
One -Piece Windshield
Thief -Proof Ignition Lock
Foot Accelerator
4 Hydraulic Shock Absorbers
Wide Range of Color Options
60 Miles Per Hour
40 Miles Per hour i11 Second
• Gear
Acceleration -5 to 25 M.P.H.
in 81/2 Seconds
30 Miles Per Gallon Gasoline
e Teal eamdicut Bi,T9°'
Vesete"k .7ttRE eagli4iF. reirese r. tie tseset zi :Tt:iYf H •y.'eelesas�tsw•sel' Ake
{>• 040:44,e`li' `,wn