HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1928-4-18, Page 1VOL,. 56 NO, 44 q;2.00 jler annum in advance '—
Saturday's Profit Sliarinu Sales
Pork and Beans, I 8 line Corn, Choice Golden Bantam
2 tins 30c 2 tins 35e
Raisins, Fancy Seedless Corn, M. L. L..........2 tins 250
2 lbs 25e Catsup 1 qt. 23e
Ladies t We have arranged to have a good assort-
• went of Ladies' Hats on display Saturday,
April 21st, and we feel sure that you will locate the very one
you've dreamed of, wished for -but could not find -amongst
this lot. We will be pleased to have you call and see them.
An re
tl:it.+ 4 t :1»t '.+a' .e'rt + ''..»+ 1 1.,• •«o ,49:
'..'+... o'tw., ,d .. ;f3t't:;:4`.»1'113/3#:'+tiYt'.«b%T~t«i:�a>".+a4i»:3~•:�ii
The Surrounthnu District 3
w 9+
a1 w«p isti:+_,ktw+rw.rXtat ;M 1421,it*Ii. titrraitt 1titetti tlet«i!�`"r t» ;1'4,1 )-A-i,
HENFRYN mer, Mrs. DayidRnn• Mrs. Jas. Law -
A haudsonne new Prayer Book of son had that] n of the Oureent 11v -
the large primer type has been per- Events, and the meeting was closed
chased for use 011 the Pi ay et. desk by idnging "JOS" Shall Reign Where-
of the Anglican Ohui eh, A laige e'er the Sun." The Ladies' Aid nheet-
hywn hook with the music bus „Iso trig was opened with President, Mrs.
been t pnrchn$ed for use on the Prayer Ramsay, in the chair and the singing
Desk. These hooks are of the best; of of a hymn. Mrs. Leonard Leeming
material and will be a credit to the led in prayer. Mrs, Wm, Murray had
butch. charge of the Scripture lesson, and
—o the minutes of the last sleeting were
WALTON read and adopted. The bnsitiess part
The regulm monthly meeting of the ol'the meeting Was then conducted.
g e 141iss Mary Srtlilhe Closed the meeting
W. M. S and Ladies' Aid Society was with prayer. Two delegates were op.:
held an Wednesday afternoon of last pointed to attend the Presbyterial, in
week, in the schoolroom of Duff's Un. Wingham, on April 19th- Lunch was
ited church, The meeting opened served at', the rinse of the nier-tir7g,
wit]) Mrs, Geo. Hadley in the chair ,,, Elton Hoist, of To/onto, who spent
and the singing cif •When I Survey the holiday with his mother, Mrs. 3.
the Wondrous Cross." Responsive Heist, of Whitby() has returned to
prayer followed and "There is a Green Toronto,
Hill Far Away"was sung. The lead- '4Vm. Montgomery, of Windsor,
er then read the paragraph as$nggest- visited his parents„ Jun. A. and Mr•s,
ed in the Easter program. This was Montgomery, Winthrop, for a few
followed by the hymn, "The Strife is days, recently.
o'er, the Battle Done." Miss Mary
Smillie gave a splendid paper on
"Japan and India." A report of the
first quarter was given by the Treas.
( Church
Rev. Maurice F. Oldham.
21d Sunday after Easter - April 22nd
2 p.m. --S. S. and Bible Class
3 p.m. -Evening ng Prayer Service.
Will bo held in
f r ,nn__N��!!
Apr, .20
Good Music Lunch Served '
touvxaRe,m0.1=.1+t a a..,spm1-J.T.C.S. u4enm1=n..m111.29 ermwrvmaS11n:mn crmaas+vV.MINISCvcno, 7. 6,4
On Mo nd ay, April 23rd
• we commence selling Gas at I9c per gal.,
plus 3c tax -22c -at our Garage.
Don't fail to buy our 1.00•gallon
coupon books and save money.
Car Repairing -..n/ral
We are prepared to overhaul and repair all
makes of cars and our mechanic, J. McNabb,
guarantees a first-class job.
h)erL. dme re
Foe -d Garage (£I^a,esse11s
Special Bargains
for Saturday,
April fist.
The following list
of Goods at
Chain Store Prices
Ginger Snaps, 2 lbs for 23c
Large Can Tomatoes, 2 cans for ,29c
Borden's ]flvap. Milk. 2 Cans for270
Banquet Sardines, 8 cans for .,23c
Hein's Cream of Tomato Soup,
2 cans for ,27c
Forest City Baking Powder
Quart ,jar 39c
Pint jar 290
Shoe Polish, Black, Brown, or
Tan, all at, per tin ... 9e
• Quick Shine, 'Stove Polish per tin 110
Pure Castile Soap, 7 cakes for - 23c
Formaldehyde, for treating grain
16 oz. bottle for 45c
Phone 2225
T. S pence ETHEL
Eggs bought for easlt or trade Highest Prices for Farm Produce
t:hUSS.h,LS; 01V7-l/au, TVEDN I 5Li/ /11'11,R x , 1g28
New Advertisements
For este—Phone 447
For sale -R, A Engel
send for sale -ling Oreerfnrrl
Roby I hiok(-•Wei, Mr Nsir
Th. Jives of bore -Duni Uhnroh, Walton
rinx land wanted -J. cd A ndersop & Sat
Tr,nter dmuon,ttn!itn-d W, Leggatt
44orlffnernlo-R, W Ferguson
Just gide Sandwich Chnb--(i, A Headman
}inrgain Sale -Ethel Presbyterian (7}iurolt
Cuuoh for sale -nig i.uke C. Hpeiran
coming -line's Anht•d March
S;,tn,•A •v uprcla s... W
bete-andrew H. Bain
Sweet clover seed --Russel Dougherty
. Piga for sale -1. Hollinger
El wave our0--John L•i. Matrar
For Rnle-(ehr1R, Rogerson
?nature farm -Mrs. Hector MoQ 'Kyrie
Goa 22c -Bert MrIntvre
Court of Revision -Township of Rtorria
Seed potatoes -Wes Stephen -son
Cows wanted -R. Htevellsott
Dnnoe-Geo. Weisenberg
Oar of salt-heaoh & Zeigler
Mrs. T. G. Hemphill was a Tor-
onto visitor last week.
Robert and Mrs, Black 'have re-
turned home from an extended visit
With relatives at Ayr and Toronto.
The young People's Society of the
'United Church are putting on their
play "Thr Path Acro,s the Bills" in
Fordwich Friday evening
le -Tile Anrvi 71Teeet sg of Lbs
Wroxeter Women's 1uetil.ute will be
held at Mrs. 0, Davidson's borne, on
Thursday. Apr. 26111, at 3 p. 1u, Mrs.
S 00k4 will take the topic, "Fond
V/Itis of Fg',.' and Wept of Serving
Them." Roll Call will be answered
by "A Poem that, hoe helped 7eI} rd Lire "
Miss Jean Sanders, Tavistock. spent
EL couple of weeks at her home here.
Mrs. Montgornety, of Bay City,
Mich., is spending a while with het'
father, Jno, Arises, who is seriously ill.
Mrs. Weir tetu"sed to her home in
Walkerton, after spending a couple of
weeks at the home of 1)r, and 141rs,
"Yimnry Yons0n's Yob" will be
presented by the young people of
Trowbridge in Roe's OhIlrch, on
Friday night of this week.
There W115 a 21111 house to see the
play, "Dees It Pay?" presented by the
Presbyterian Young people of Listow-
el, in the Township, on Friday night
last. L 3 • '4
Quite a few are:planning to attend
the Presbytery greeting and Women's
Missionary Society meetilig, 111 Wing -
ham, 00 Thursday of t•}]IR
v1 7eek.
Pearson 14 the official delegate from
themreult and r
u Mrs «'. Bremner will
represent the Ethel \V, Al, S.
Don't forget the "Betroth, Sale" to
be held by the ladies of the Pi esbyt.er-
irtn n}
nu•rh in llnnbar'1. 1-Inli, on Sttt-
nrday afternoon of IIlls week. 13e -
sides the sale of it large range of ur-
tielps and borne -made barking, there
will a9nhe'
141,51' l
nllnh se •1/31' ,
(1 during
the afternoon.
S4e advt.
1.'110 regular meeting of the 'Wom-
en's Institute will 1,1., heli) on 'I'hnrs.
day t aCte • n ,'
afternoon II's
Y u v( t •e
t the I.1-
Dirge rr nt
lilt ...3)n'1'ln ch. '
1'ha sub•
pet, "Spring Birds," will bt taker) by
ll}iss MeL"nuns, and roll cell will he
answered by "Hints on Horne Garden-
ing." Musical and literary prnpratu;
Everybody welcome.
Mrs. L. A. Wright (end Mrs, TI, J.
LMTahprnre visiting thole mother and
Mee. Pringle in Toronto. They will
return to Lite farm with theme.
Edgar Unllinger wets home front De-
troit: over the week- end, Edger holds
good pastas ) with the Hn(1s(m 50(1
14, -.seat Motor Oar 00. over there,
G. L, ICrauter, teller of the Bank of
Montreal, at Acton, Ont., got a mnve .
to he Bank of Montreal, H'tlibnrton,
Ont., as aroouutant•teller of that
branch, He is a son of M,. and Mrs.
Kreuter, 10L11 Ooni
Argos Smith (t& Son, 2nd inn., re-
t.nntly disposed of their Shoethnrn
herd eine, Millcraig Snow Duke ([tap.)
to L. Frain, Ooze 4. This is a choice
quality enimal, bred by A. G.• Ross,
Milicraig. Aloess, Scntland.
Tractor Demonstration
will be held at the Liv-
ery Barn
Saturday, April. 21
to which everybody is
J. W. Leggatt
Salesman Whitechurch
Flax La
Will lease a limited number
of acres of land for growing
Flax by the acre or ton.
For particulars apply to
JOHN MEADOWS, Brussels, or
"The Eyes
of Love"
Will be presented by the
Young People of Seaforth
United Church at
Friday Ev'g, April 20th
Admission 35 cents
Miss Floret' et. 1(cklier has returned
to Agineaut 1, where she 111(e reenmetl
her unties as teacher after spending
a pleasant holiday under the parental
Thnreday eveuutg, Atoll 12t1, about
00 ['riptide aid neighbors gathered at
the home of Harvey hTcC)tcheou and
presented Mrs, RubL, Scott with a
13111 tease, nnl brel la turd hand•sat.ch el
and Mac Scott with 1( lunch hex
fountain pen, purse and money. Mrs
Scutt made a suitable reply. The ev was spent in garne4 and socia
chat, This following address was read
by 14lr , lVtn. Bernard and the pre8-
euLation made by Mrs, Rubt, Nichol
and Tmnruy hillier :
lVe have gathered here to -night
to express our hope that may stay
!(song us and our regret of your pro-
posed removal from this community.
For many years, we have 200nd you
true friends, always ready to help
others, but our loss will be others'
gain. %Ve ask you, Mee. Scott„ to ac-
cept this suitcase, umbrella and hand -
satchel and Mac, tills lunch -box four.
talo pen, purse and money, not for
their material value, but as tokens of
slnee1e appreciation of your ninny
kind deeds. In parting, we with you
every worth -While blessing, Signed
on behalf of your neighbors.
DOUBLE \l7EDDINit,-TheSedgewick
(Alberta) Sentinel, of March 291h, con-
tains the following wedding notice
which will be read with interest by
many of our subscribers, as one of the
principals, George Clarence Crooks,
was a format' 15911.14nown Morris boy :
"Seldom is it possible hi one fitwily to
have two sisters marry at the same
c1u1nh, !Lb 1,110 Stuns hour and oo the
$!41)11. day as rho S!1 vet Wedding of
thteit'',avenue het this is exactly what
c( '
i l 1'h 1'5 �+�
u.dn l
t I tLP
ch ..,.nd
when 3li-s fuze May, e1dee!. (laughter'
of N. E. and Nye. hose, of Sedge(vir.k,
W146 1(111 H ill i
nt marriage e to Join) tAlex-
andel,fifth son
1111•. and Mrs, 1'a, L v-
q, a1'., of ('•aster, and bliss N.Ilen Al')!
('[' 10tsie), second daughter of Mr, and
lllrs, Rnse WAR united in marl iage to
George (lb(teons Crooks, of Set] it,
%rich, only 8011 of Al belt and the late
ales. ()rooks. of Brussels, Oct The
dumb!), wedding wits solemnized in tine
United Church, at 830 p. 111•, Rev.
Peter Dawson, the pastor, oftleittting,
beneath a trellised arch altietically
designed by friends, in white and
green with sevei tri white wedding
bells hanging therefrom, forming it
picturesque setting for tate assembling
of the wedding group, Other flower-
ing plants and ferns brightened nooks
and cornets. 141rs, Fred hunter play-
ed the wedding match tt8 the proces-
sion entered the (,hooch, preceded by
Miss icItllel Rose, the bridesmaid, mete
lily dressed in beaded (•oral georgette
crape and carrying a sheaf boquet of
pink carnations, accompanied by
William Rose, who acted as hest man
to bout bridegeomus. Miss Ellen was
a picture of (134101 1. ees in a most be -
tenni ng gown of Valentine crepe and
rich metallic lace, the sheltf boquet of
hothouse roses blending in pet feet
harmony with. her tre8s, which was
Completed with a spray of mange
blossoms aji the shoulder, a necklace
of pearls encircling he throat and a
orouet of orange blossoms enhancing
he rich coloring of her hair. The ser -
ice was most linpeessive and the re-
pou8es clear and audible. During
the signing of the register, Miss Or.
Ara lastly sang very sweetly "I Love
You Truly," Every available space in
he chetah was utilized to accohnodate
he large gathering of friends present
rem far and near to witness the mar-
itege of: two of Sedgewick's most pop-
linr young ladies, At 0.80, a reeep-
ion wive held at the home of the held -
s' parents, when about forty guests
reeved to offer congratulations to the
ewly wedded couples and join in the
vening'efestivities in 110(100 of the
erasion. The home decorations
ere confined to the palest shades of
Dinh: msec entwined with white, Wirth
Millar colored streamers and hells
rigbh0ned with the glowing lights of
he candles. The table of bonne was
work of art ; a dainty little white
itch. with two white doves perched
ti the centro, beneath which two
ink roses (enrbleOlnt:ie of the two
rides) were entwined, the arch reach-
r fans the Dna bridesc!(l(e to the
thee, the effect being very pretty.
nnmediatelyover the centro of the
title and hanging from the ceiling
as a bask etof pin I( roses with stream -
114 attacheddraping gracefully 1111 tit
caching eaolh guest's piece whore it
115 held clown with lighted cendlee,
hi(sh lit up the three-tier en.kes to
infection, these being iced and trim -
ed with silver leaves endconfectimis
nt crowned with ornamental teed.
ing rake flowers. A veritable deluge
f wedding gifts have reached the
omits of the. newly wedded e(hupplee,
s well as nearly two hundred which
ere eho4veeed ori the ht ides frone"The 1
argil gale
OF -----
Aprons, Rompers
Children's Dresses,
Quilts and other articles
Homemade Baking
;Will be held in
Dunbar's Hall
Saturday, April 21st
Under auspices of the Ladies'
Aid of Presbyterian Church
Sale opens at 2 o'clock
15 Cent Lunch served dur-
ing the afternoon.
Best Play of the Season
friday Ev'g, April 20
At 8.15 sharp
Presented by Y, P. S. of Trow-
bridge United Church
Come and have a Good laugh
Admission 35c and 20c
D. M. Guest, Pastor
Community Ship f I
v 1 �
u y np r, Love," which
ample evidence of the respect and e
a year, and we 11.I'e sr cry to pee him
f. L„ A'E'I.'I•`, Fraplietor
Miss Hdtnt HSI Wel d, iv the gt:,•ot of
in Stra!1',rd.
41;84 (r A. H,nt (((ed Betty Wet" vie-
1t•,sllrly r•lti,1*,1aslweek,
Geo. Anders, n ul' Lueknovf, %ails a
Vi4it01' in town (111 Tuesday.
141i Ella 14i. Faller spent part of
111.1' 1.713(1.11• vacation vleit1ug relatives
town, 11(4'ueo,'ray.f 111f. WAR heresee-
iu}; :,11(01. orders for Alberta coal,
,1oe A1l1eil, of Wlnn:p('14, Was can-
is;; nn'111 1')11(4(1,, in 1015:,, this weplc.
due 10011/3 as if 10.1001 the %Vest agree
1.1.17 15411.
\V1. are entry to hexer' that Mies
Stella Senderens here been 111 with
r he u111atie fever, foe some weeks. but
hem, that elle nifty be fully restored
to good 11401111 soon,
dos, and Mee. Whoosh and fondly
motored to Blamer -1i, last week, to vie -
it relativeR. '111ey (.111! 0011 to their
Il(1110 in Owe) Mound, on Saturday,.
ace"rllpaieJed by Mrs. 11eIntosh's
niece, Mies Her•(thy 11.31(14(1ge,
Mrs. Taylor 11411 t0 I{incardi11., on
Aire.tlity Gendnlldose, and llfarnier lly, She
expects to return to the home of her
de tighter, Mt. Wm. Palmer, town, In
Jno1. AVe hop1. Ilia. %h1 change will
in(pt nye her heel! in
tacit Ulirer, j1'„ left for Toronto, 011
Monday, having eerin01•d 0 p, chins in
a illag 04(11111(1( 1. ,1114,4 17:18 been en-
gaged in the Allen drug store' 1191 for
15. G. ANDERSON T& SON, , tt'
Lucknow tY
teem in whicl, they ate held in 11
community in which they have resid-
for wavy years. air. crooks, WI
Own8 the'3edgewiek chug slut e, h
made hie home here in recent vett
nod has won the respret and con&
Cance of all, during that time. Al
Irving 11as resided temporarily in n
midst while mi the O. P. R, stuff c
ope1ntois, and has many friend
Mention utast be made of the variou
groups of young folk who arrive
with musical i(tst)•umenL5 to 8erenad
the wedding party and cifec
feel 51.1w
th,s kle will
conal Paragraphs make gond whet ever he gnee,
W. A, Lawry was a vislt"1' 10 Tor
onto, last week,
to , Charlie Findley, of Winglntrn, visit
res' ed friends in town, m1 Saturday.
i1- 131iss \Vil,uifred McMillan is 111(
lues r '
t Mrs.
FI' Sullivan, Muune
n1' lies. A W. and Mrs. Barker were
f 15 '$(1)re hi Toronto, for a (ewcla e la
s,bug wHFk.
Disa Rhea
Rutledge e
has s )
ti .
d GndOrich, where she has accepted je
1liseitiM.ary Buekel' spent last week
- with bel mutt, Mrs. P. A, McArthur,
1t( Grey T'Wp.
1I. Iiitnsorr acrd Fh B. Allen were , ,
Sunday visitors at the lot Get 's hntlle P
Illations to the newly wedded pairs be
fore leaving on the ti11111 for Edmon
ton and Coast points for their wed
ding trips."
OFF. -At a farewell party and dune
given hitt by his general agent, G. A
F. Wood, and Mrs. Wood assisted b
their many friends, Jack '1'1)7,1( , pop
(lar 01d•tinle singing violinist, we(
presented with a handsome (1 Avon,
bag. Although taken completely by
surprise, 1411'. Thymic, in a neat. speeel
thanked his many friends for thei
kilduess. The party 05!re staged a
Sovereign Hall, where sever(1) bund
red of Mr. Thyme'$ Meade and ad
ruil•ets, including many sltow.fnllc (tilt
and mttslri,iuv, gathered t0 bid hill
u tl
to eve ,
of '�
h( de
mixture to his home near 13u:see11.
Ont. Alex Johnson, who ha, app. -r(•
ed before Rey,rlty, wns to""1, 1• , r' ser
011)0ntt s 14!1(1 1111.13(113'4 tu, n,
stti0n t
the atisf,u•tinn n1' vtrrcun
Morris Council Meting
Minutes of ins,:ting• held in 'he
T ownship Haft, on Monday,April 9,
112x. Members oil present, the
The minutes of the last meeting
read and approved,
The Assessors Roll was returned
111(1 accepted, and the Court of Re -
wedeln on the 11(111 will be held at the
Next COuneil meeting, May 21st,
92 ii,
The following accounts were paid:
\V. McKibben, fumigators, $4; Jno.
tilaso0, stationary, :1.70; The King's
teeter, St rtutes $1 5; H. Barnard,
04 tai: $2.38 Patrolmen - W.
Cr ale', $1.25; Fd Johnston $2.70;
e in Wroxeter. (i
Ted Grewar, who has been visiting
' his brntllet, W. A. Grewar, left. for 1 J-
Y Toronto, on Saturday.
G. A.)
s Headman arrived Mink int
' Bt ussels, lust Wednesday, lifter his 1 T,
s' r
visit t t 7 1'
Jnmuras,l Flee 1 ui a
r Cr. Lneknrr, of Kiteh4aer, WAR the �
t finest: fur a few Jay0 litst Week at the '
L Dame of J. lend 1I1,,, Frrg11,ou. 1
as. Nitble, $24.50; Lew Jewitt,
I11 1.43; +
T. S. F 10(, :u C. Rrnrlt-
t an $4 4.45; Jas. Anderson 312;
hos. 111111.1', rdad surierintendent,
t,ii; W. J. Ilenileascor, Good Iloads
A. AliteLieeee,
31i. end Mr.:. Fleming and Rev. D. (1,.,,10 eerily a +t ape.•„tile' ,'a Mrs.
13. 141eftee, of IA ns,lll, trete callers in ' 14,,.,1. 1h.gita:1111, 2, 1100 iy. ettee mien
i0tvuIrlsr%t,1.1,fora=hent time. I�7(lel7,wil,•,:f(' 1r t
1411,3. A, (,, i111e1(1L 1(::tl 3lester t'1'( y 1Cie i•t• Ral(-
1 Gen lin oo ' b, S1 T. , !.• s 100)111.,
1'„� n re
Genre,. visitors over 1 ,tell '
ads 0
11 Avon is �•
F i
- lvtth(h.•fntmr7',,isrelnTn)Olrto. lrc•uttritig /31111.p„...,..,”7^.:..Ir''itetitri
B.•rtmid Ali s. t41a}uryte al„i f1';
- toy •;hert ih,e s of n .o•. '.t1.
d,nlehh.r 1"./.• .. v(:el.•:ti v: ^1i/3 1 The late
t 7 at Ho.eu=h :.,, t1' in llillbe,r
.mil•io, ,ud+
. n
1 i ii
a d
i Tee.
,,.,i1' ,
Sulliv((,, at Mount H , -.:r Cr.t;:, rr•d was
1 liar J( 11 lit 1 f
jl7ltO Rf•nL71ti"n was rind(' by I''1' au!3 \t ll' rev' ,th C .uu: of> -p' n... 1i, s, Siliery. who %tt ul•'r1•a 1.�r• (the
y vVhile iu '1!)' lu Mr• evil i i, 1, r•• nn ren t,•ad.(1 van 1'•u iy se1! 11,1 , p,(tr f i'.1,'.1
ls rount-
TltyOo, with l\'. Il. Teroet"ll' the V1510 th+l (01tinily of (1.1, Tr. land. Th.' ty. .1+,.• w•ts is 13%1 ( lit yl:lt. and intti
original "Ukulele Bill," ch 1, •l1teti 1 .l t,71r of the late lits. Tte- reit t in 11 l b=id 1 r >(n(,o I7yunls,
au(1frnee4 at theatre clubs and lodges, 1'`11(1• and to+(ted bete Itb1411 13 clary m ( re when 1. her ifnshat:d funk
and in addition, br,adrio'ied 14)11(17 t:gn,!" a
prograin. front many local radio sta. ._
Lions. Mnew for the s(pn.,re dances ...
tuns provided by Walter Robinson, is and M1 ��
,•Heavy Hearst” and Mrs, eV. AMains, Vv'G eddi.rn _Anniversary
while the round dances Were play, d by
3 1501 Site
aplinge," assisted by 1Ie$srs. Oliver Christophe}' and Mrs. Raynard. Ethel
Celebrate the 60th Anniversary
soden and his "
AAlc0attl and Oliver,
weeping 000t•
HIiss Goodhall, of Toronto. is the
guest of Mrs. R. Yuill.
Willie Grasby was a visitor with
friends in Georgtown.
Miss Mildred 3e03ie was a visitor
with Mrs. Fox at Whitechurch.
Mrs. I. McIver, of Winnipeg, was
a recent visitor with Mrs. J. A. Bran-
George and Mrs. Jordan and dau-
ghter, Freda, visited with friends in
Mrs. James Michie and children,
Barbara and Bobbie, spent the week
end in Myth.
Miss Cela Coultes is spending a
few days with her sister, Mrs. 14Iit-
chell and family• at Rothsay.
l4Ils. Farquhar of Clinton, and son,
Mervin, of Detroit, were Taster visit-
ors with Joe and Mrs. Clegg. -
M s. Chas. Coultes was in Luck -
now on Monday and Tuesday. While
there she attended the funeral of a
cousin the lute W. C. Webb.
John Campbell and daughter,
Audrey, of- Aylmer, were visitors
with Chas. t and Mrs, Campbell. ,
, o
1 f
(.nlar monthly meeting of
the Ladies' Aid Society of Knox
United Church, was 111(111 011 Wednes-
day afternoon in the basement of
the church. Tho president, Mrs. J.
Rintoul, had charge of the meeting..
A quilt was quilted and there was
also an egg shower which realized it
11dy sum for the treasury.
The regular meeting of the Bc1-
enten Women's Institute was held on
Tuesday, April 17, at the home of
Mrs. James Anderson, 6th -coil, The
roll call "If you could have one more
labor saving device what would it be
and why?" A paper was given by
Mrs, John Rintoul on furnishing and
decoration the farm home. 14lusic
Was fnrnisho(1 by Mrs. John Coultes.
Recruits to the I3r1tish Amy are
decreasing in number.
Manchester, England, is to build
dwelling houses costing $1,760,000.
' That only half the voters of Glas-
gow, Scotland, go to the polls on
Motion day is eauslatg concern a-
non5 the loading citicens,
of their Wedding.
A very (nterlr.(in3 103,1 14131101, 1 ,5_
(2*. ''k 1411102 10 1;1hel, on Tueday,
Apr. 104h, the occasion being the 001 11
anniversary of for wedding of (Ihris•
to1,1101 all(1 Mte. Ray hat 'd, a you pie
well and favut•aoly known in 1.1111.1
and $)rt•unn(lieg cioncn1111it7 fin i, ver
hall' n CenCllt y, Members of the t.u1-
!ly took Lile opportunity to extend
oongratubuJnris (red best wishes and
to spend a scrotal time in the home
which has been i(1 the 1014 aid is at
present a place of enmfort, shelter and
guidance to one and every weigher of
that family, Early in the day, the
different members of the family be -
gall to arrive and at the noon Haut.,
over forty were assembled to parttli(e
of et bountiful wedding dinner with
the bride and groom of sixty years
ago seated in femitof a real wedding
cake and surrounded by a jolly crowd,
()brie. Rayntu d's boyhood days were
spent on the Raynard farm ort \l'it•
011011 Road, 131tutelr(td Tp., being bolt)
111 1844. Mrs. Raynard, whose maid.
en name was Elisabeth Jane Arnl.
atrnng, wap burn in the same town
ship, in August 1815 Slte was the
eldest dao8 titer of thea
late Thos.
Arrustrong and his wife, Agnes Lucy
Switzer, both of whom came from Ire-
land. On April 10th, 1808. 01101e,
'termed and Elizabeth Jane Arm•
strong were united in marriage by
Rev. D. D. Itoulston, of the St. Marga
Methodist Church. That day, they
started silt on a married life that hoe
penned to be not ally a 10ng one, but
u happy one, After the honeymoon
of sixty years ago, Mr, and hire. Rely.
nerd settled in their first home which
was situated on the Lakeshore 00ad
about four miles South of Goderieh,
whet a they spent two Teats. In 1870,
they moved to Perth 017„ and for five
years they resided near 'St. 141tuys.
In 1876, they derided to move to the
Township of Grey, where the greater
part of their married life has been
spent. It was about 1015 that Mr,
and Mrs, Raynard decided to retire
from their farm hone, They came to
the village of Ethel and sines that
time, they have lived a quiet and
happy life in the hest village of Eint•-
00 Oonnty, where the have contrib•
(ted much toward the encial and let
lilsious life of the community, where
they have (rade a host of warm and
lasting ftiande for themselves,
Alt. ole lits. 1117,00)11 were Trivet
wit i1 a fishily of one son and six
1 daughters, viz: Max Ilny(t•id, Mrs.
1E. AI.kert and itha. C. (',e1(g!.ltn, all
now residing near Lack now Out t
1\1 is, H. Dobson, 11he1 ; .'tl, . +,Rev.)
W. E- Loess, Pt-emelt:it, 1.e t ., 'T, S,
A. ; MI s. 1. 141) well, Winnipeg,
Alan. 1 Mrs. G. Bert:eurh
It 1i also of interest to trite that
they have twenty 141an0ehildreu and
twelve great grandchildren. 11 re.
RaynardDae four sisters and Hue
brothers living. One sister, Mrs.
Ross, was present at the ,jubilee. Mr.
nd 1V1:s, Rayoat•d teetered many
gifts, among which WAR nn address
front the Family (CC(mpanied by a
purse of gold and IL I',nitlflll bognet of
flowers. The address WAS read by
1:rlte4t Aetc ett and the presentation
made by Max Rltynard and Mrs. Ack-
ett. Following is the /address :
DEAR F \r)titi, Ain MOTHER.- to
We, your children, are very h' i_
py to meet together on this yeti• Dia-
mond Wedding annivee sr, y 4, : il,.•
years have gone by lu r, t ,, hare tical
the care teller 1'r spa tl ! V I f ,.la a • n
homes, Ti has 1410'' •i a• 111.• opts ring.
ity to see and tenliz, til,' sarriflee0
that parents are.1111,•,) upon to stake
their tTul(1,„n
Ti i” r u per-
„as 119591' belt • 117:1 We 1p-
Oreei iLe you! nate and 1ni'3itr , over
net as we gr1.w from childhood to man-
hood and womanhood, As a ti etighl:.
1nken of our xp/evolution, WO ask you
to accept this false and this bequete
(f flowers, We hope that you may
still see many years of beelth and hap-
PROM YOUh 41)0 AND DATTIinTg125,
141e, Raynard replied in few avell-
(ehn8eu winds, in which 'he thanked
their kind remembrance
end exlues$ed I.be pleasure of life wife
esid lioneelf et having en really of
their family in their home on Ulla
happy oecasinu,
The guests inriniled the following t
Max and Mrs. Rnynei'd and Nelsen ;
Ernest and Aire. Ackert. 1 Chas. and
141rs. 00ngrnm, Pearl and Clifford, gf
I,urknow ; purvey and 141x•;. Deheon,
of Ethel ; 14lelvin and Mrs, Raynard
and family ; Fiarnl l and Mrs, Fereus•.
011,611a family ; Cecil and Tens. M111101014)1(1 214nti 1111)7, Walter tend Mrs. Alton,.
nt Luekno'w ; Mrs. Iln445, of 86'
Mlu'ye ; Quest and Mrs, Dobson and
Lawrence : Rely and Ales. Hall and t11l-
win • Rev, 0, Al. and Mrs. Guest
and Jimmie Miss Tet P r