HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1928-4-11, Page 5IS V IS •rx•-•I*InsonossaVutoOsasOosassorossm.......oriarassow Thc Kern -- i. TU B BRUSSELS POST • ••••••.. • • . • rel un t 41 and routed the Laticaetrian 1 lir; WM taken prieoner, hat tC'.0.1. line C'ITVI'1,411 4,4 444)4lprei,1.44 Zee) .0', under wheel . •. il ied II ee hettla re- ee le eine fe.• Pee., 1411. 1luit , not tee hiee'i Oftei e a Hell lino of-- ar Witt Sioitt.;ei,ee Tires er;d Til - S. !VI n let.11 ).-•11.1-t 1 Ceellea 11441 'i 4. Ore. eit. rea.1 ry Ceeetel le elf 1...i4ine.1,1e:tee;e-ed USel La;C Genie:hoe, itit;. fliteetlii-,0 or rea,,;lee leei 'Ale.40'.(e. (re,ea iete,elea' ewe.; 11,4411.1)1 11: 1,,',,er•iee. ell male- Cer ; ee)aireel eee for 1:1s'111,dole relietee. ,rel. ..1. • .. . 1:1 I (1 4it • ..! 1.... !"..1. V k :,11 1 . • ; 441 c '4:It 1)421;4! / , , Nee,- ,i ,- ,, 1,i e a• der Lee title of Ji MIA ...,,,,,1 ;,.:11at • t. ,,•,' ;Id, ,„!1-,,,:,„ ;,.1;ft1 :.,Iiily at '1'0W - ,o,,. TIC. .irlory ....nited in Henry „,4 Te elle.: 1•• nee in ee etimel orel le 1- ,-' i, .-.. cr,,, . ., ,,,i, .• ,..,. i i ,,, !..•im: :. i.t.; /1 feenily on tee: .e eiee,:e ? . ; 7; - eeee eee ' -ei.•I 1:1,:h it': :.4.444.4•g4 iia1 • ti.i iti Jo. , . litsaassaaassease•asseselauese-asatas,a-s. ataasaaassairsessacssaesasetessaaassessias....../asa 111k,,,,,- 1 t I 'We V§Great , , 4 , as-' ' . Mentrfalge Bietials in the , higtorig oftge Enapife. e. ..0,:‘, .... Charles corav April 14 -DEATH OF THE "KING- MAKER" 4 5 7 On the 14th of April YEARS 1471, Lord Richard Nev- AGO ille, Earl of Warwick, who was the great out- standing figure in the Wars of the Roses and who is known in British history as "The Ring -Maker, was slain at the Battle of Barnet. He was born on the 22nd of Nov- ember, 1428, and was the eldest son of the Earl of Shrewsbury, one of the most powerful barons of hie day. By his marriage to the heiress of Richard Beauehamp, Earl of War- wick, Neville became the holder of the title and the estates of the Earldom of Warwick in 1445, so that at the age of. 17 he was the premier earl in England and far ex- celled his father in power and wealth. Eight years later, when his uncle, the Duke of York, became Protector of the Realm during one of Ring Henry VI's periodical at- tacks of insanity, Warwick was made , a member of the Council of State. At that time the Duke of York was Leir-presumptive to the throne, but in .1.453 Queen Margaret presented Henry VI with a son, and his chan- ces of succession became remote. The Ring regained his reason in 1455, and York, who was in danger of being attainted for treason, de- clared war against him. Thus be- gan the Wars of the Roses. War- wick gave hie powerful support to York, and the Yorkist victory over the Lancanetrians at the Battle of St. Alban's in May 1455 was mainly due to his military skill. A recon- ciliation took place between the rival factions, and York, who was restor- ed to power gave Warwick the re- sponsible post of Captain of Calais, in which capacity he won several im- portant victories on land and sea. In 1459 civil war was resumed, and Warwick took over an army from France to England, but he was defeated at Ludlow, and he and his father had great difficulty in escap- ing back to Calais. A year later they PROVE '2' BY A M L MILES, 11 • 11111"1,1liesee eetee BEFORE this new Oldsmobile was presented to the public it had put more than a million miles behind it. For two years it was threading the traffic of city streets . . winging alone - the highways . . running the gaunt': let of exacting tests on the General Motors Proving Ground . . . , braving storms and meeting the trials of bitter cold and blistering heat, of sand and mud and slush. In short, this new Oldsmobile has come with flying colors through 1,1 7 7,00 0 miles of such severe use as no owners can ever duplicate. And this use proved that it possesses competence and stamina, speed and smoothness . . . power and acceler- ation! Oldsmobile's policy pledged to progress has achieved a new and surpassing standard of value! This new Oldstnobile is indeed The Fine Car of Low Price. General Motors' own deferred payment plan . . . GMAC . . . Affords you the simplest and most economical way of buying your Oldsmobile on tirne. 2 -DOOR SEDAN 11,1 0.7.4•2134 At Newry, $1 165 Government Taxa* Oshawa and Spare Tire Extra I LE THE EINE CAR. OP LOW PRICE E. Co Cunningham BRUSSELS - ONT. PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS OP CANADA, LnvirrED. le-fts ,..he.:1:11 ruler of P.11,41;11141, and al- Vermeil .1he lime; ge.,,e1111lly I a....4 -rt atitliorl.ty tiler ‘.:8;.. no port: rupture until 1158 elieemeled th policie t-,1' ',Val:wick and adopted those of his )'i1, -ah, th WotAlVilles, Warwick went over to Franee, but in the fol- lowing yeer he returned with an army, which had the effect of rodeo- ing the king to submission, and "the ' Is:Mg-Mawr" contented himself with executing the nobles who had sup- planted him. In 1470 Edward was able to raise • an army and Warwick fled to France, where he became re- conciled to Queen Margaret, and in a few months he was back in Eng- land again in command of the army • of the Lancastrian lords. Edward was taken by surprise and fled overseas, and for six months Warwick was again ruler of Eng- , land, acting as deputy for Henry VI. who had been restored to a nominal throne. Then Edward returned with an army, and at the Battle of Bar- net "the King -Maker" was defeated and slain. Thus ended the eventful life of the great feudal lord, whose career forms the subject of Lytton's famous novel - "The Last of the Barons." ••• FINE EAHIBTS AT CLINTON SPNG SHOW HEAVY HORSE CLASSES PARTI- CULARLY GOOD - LARGE CROWD ATTENDS - MERVYN LOEB WINNER OF BOYS' JUDGING COMPETITION. The annual Spring Horse Show, held laet Thursday under the aus- pices of the Huron Central Agricul- tural Society, at Clinton, proved highly successful, and despite accos- ional rain, attracted a large crowd of interested spectators. The fair op- I tined with a parade of all the horse ' entries, headed by the Clinton Klitie Band. All classes were well filled, the heavy horses, in particular, evok- ing much commendation. Judges were: Light horses, W. M, Merrie- field, of Ridgetown; heavy horses, 1 W. J. Douglas, of Caledonia; cattle, J. D. Brien, of Ridgetown. The ' prize winners were: HEAVY HORSES Clydesdele-Stallion, three years end over, 1, R. D. Murdock; 2, T. J. McMichael; 3, R. D. Murdock. Percherons-Stallion, three years 1 and over, Robert Agar. Heavy draught -Brood mare, 1 ) 411E1 2, Broadfoot Bros.; filly or geld- i ing, three years and over, 1 and 2, William Urquhart; 3, I W. Grey; 4, Charles Stewart. Filly or gelding, one year and under two, 1, Alex. ' Wright. Horsecolt or filly, under one year, 1, W. Gray; 2, William Urquhart; 3, T. J. McMichael. Team 1 'l in harness, 1, William Urquhart; 2, c James Scott; 8, Charles Stewart. E Sweepstakes, Broadfoot Bros. • s e • 717* 66)041451(Oellf/11.3fr.!cle sy,t,r 1440 arrirtica fila TIP gg &Milo 4'4" isg Wria,fr7,e. •. is marent E;Itanair to crAtto Can lasshs FrnAliaJTIO 1,4114W 1,g, a.mito to have this wonderful new AlriGin coal oil (ltorosene) mantle lamp demonstrated right in your own home. You don't need to pay us a cent unless rm. am perf.?etly satisfied and agree that it is the beet 0,1lamp you ever SAW, Twice the Light On Nail' the Oil Recent tests by the Government andnoted scientists at 10 /ceding Universities prove the Aladdin gives marc, titan twice the tight and burns leas than half es much oil as the best round wick, open flame lamps on the market. Thus the Aladdin will pay for itself many times over in oil saved, to say nothing of the increased quannty and quality of pure white light ,t produces. A. style for every need. MAN Willeaiven by the Mantle Lamp Company -the larg- est Coal Oil (kerosene) mantle lamp houtet in the world -to any person who shows them an MI lamp equal to the Aladdin. Would they dare invite such comparison with all other lights if there were anydoubt about the superiority of the Aladdin? Let Us Call end Show YOU This Grcatcst of Ali Lights; Jno. G. Speir Phone 166 Brussels Ellerington & Stewart; 2, J. Decker, jr. Carriage horse in harness -1, Wil- liam R. Levy; 2, Dr. McKay; 3, Al- bert Brigham; 4, R. MoClinchey Sc Son. Roadster in harness -1, Robert Mc- Laren; 2, Joshua Dennison; 3, Thos. Reid. Roadster team in harness -1, D. McCallum. Best gentleman's turnout -1, Robt McLaren; 2, W. R. Levy; 3, J. Den- nison. Sweepstakee-Robert McLaren. CATTLE Shorthorns - Bull, under 2 years, Melvin Crich. Cow, 3 years and over Melvin Crich, 1, 2 and 3. Heifer, 2 years, Roy Pepper. Heifer, 1 year 1, Roy Pepper; 2, Melvin Crich. Polled Angus -Best herd, Melvin Crich. Dairy Cattle -Cow, any age, any breed, 1 and 2, S. E. Rozell; 3, Mel- vin Crich. Dairy heifer, under 2 years, 1, S. E. Rozell; 2, Roy Pepper. SPECIALS Best three heavy draught agricul- tural or general purpose horses, Tuckersmith Township - Broadfoot & Wright. Best matched team, in harness - Jos. Riley. Team coming greatest distance - James Scott, Cromarty. Lady drivers who have not won prizes before -1, Miss Verna Cox; 2, -Mrs. Herman Suneercock. Lady drivers who have won prizes before -1, Mies -Clara Stephenson; 2, Miss Colman. Best team sired by Percheron stale lion -W. Decker. Horse judging competition for boys under 16 years of age -1, Mer- vyn Lobb; 2, Raymond Cox. The Post Letter Box .'1) TDB POST EDITOR : un&n, - Kindly find enclosed heck for sum of 1112 60 for Tim Pose Ind postage for sending it into Uncle '4410'$ domains, We are always glad to welcome it Inc it beings the news of 0411 (41(1 home town, although sad hews has reached us this winter through its columns, as we note the deaths of many of our old 111044415 (4(141 customers of past days. With yon we understand the winter AS been mild, Here We have no will. 019 ; no fuel bo handle ; no fires to eep going. To -day we enjoyed ripe ;raw beeries fvoin our garden, 1110 101 104' this year, also quite a manlier, of vegetables ready foe nee, Sq yon see I stilt keep up my hobby for gar- dening. Truly Yours, 1. 0. ItionAuxis, Glendale, California, April 2nd, 1928. Kincardine garagenten have bonded I,hetnsel yes to do 0 cash businee, A. Moorelinuse Morgan, of the Uni- malty of Western Ontario, has been awarded 11. scholarship of $1,000 in Honor chemistry Research work. A eat, ago he was awarded a bursary of 750 by the National Research Onun.. I at Ottawa, He expects to continue work at kleGill University, Mont - al, Rola A son of Levi and Mrs, organ, of Bipley, Agricultural - Brood mare, 1, 'Charles Stewart; 2, Alex Wright; 8, Ames Stirling; 4, Fred Roney. Filly or gelding, three years and over, 1, D. Fotheringhem & Sons; 2 and 3, IL J. Scott; 4, and 5, C. 3. Dale &1 11 Son. Filly or gelding, two years. under three, R. 13roadfoot. Filly oe gelding, one year, under two, 1, C. 3. Dale & Son; 2, William Chapman. Horse, colt or filly, under one year, 1, C. J. Dale & Son, Team in harn- ess, 1, R. J. Scott; 2, D. Fothering- ham & Sons; 8, Fred Toll Ss Son; 4, C. J. Dale & Son. Sweepstakes, D. Fotheringtharn ,& Son. General Purpose -Filly or gelding three years and over, 1 and 2, W. Docker; 8, 3, B. Mustard. Team hi harness, 1, W. Decker; 2, 3. 13. Mus- tard; 8, George le Love; 4, 3, A, 'Hanson et Sons. 6 ei LIGHT HORSES Stallion, standard bred trotter, I, g' School Reports 1V1CiNCIIIE,12F 16.11.14i,4! 111,. 4..,r •••', 1, lit .y, 1..4' tile 11;1 ,0.4111.1.141.1, .4 tri• y'1.1 : 1 ; 1,4•y 4310 814 111 11 41, 44C 44. 44.n (4 1 414'4,4414 1; .,y 7:: , 11, oan 7., 14 ; Al N SII-; •; 18 414 2 1141 4/0 7 tit 111 .11 -1 ,t i1 ; i If ,I '4 / I 4S 4. '44' 44 n 14 4. 41 •:•,1 11 '.141 1.1141 1 "10 1, • 4.. I •n •1 IV;4 4i1 1:7 1 1 1..ItIt ' " , , l't• 4.4 14 .,„ 1S 14 o 11•1g141,-;, I MORRIS v. 11 4, v, 1,, • 4 4 .-i N.. I a, m +++It+ .+1 11144.,, 011 I 4., 4444, 11.1111-1”1: V -.4 et el • 1,11to,t11;i5 le:1; 41.. 4.11t 11, 09 :74 eat4 V- 74 211 tit 1114.uy 71 11,4/- 00 11511; (11 73; 1041,1 1314,4 '114I( 'nt 11 82 I -- .lir:July .1.11/1145 87. Pi: ',11t/ 11'-'itt ;dililal .11.44ge, 111 71/, Number 101 roll 12. uverag., Knee 10.48. 8 Violet elottenere.1.1,4(eM-r, 43 Smoot, ItEpincr -91,iiiinv105 is uir (414 t 111,4,t, T.,si.„1N1pii, 667. M011 1,4. 7 Mere 52. itt Duncan 64, JR LH -Armin Pi,'rr 74 ; Dorothy Bone 72; Joe Brewer 65, So. I -Let - tie Pierce ; Hall ie Currie 77 .1 Archie Henderson 73. JR, 1-Hoss Wheeler 77 ; Jack Wheeler 78. Pro- moted from PI liner to .1r. 1-1toes Delman, So. Pit.-Ohaelie 13ryans, Donnie Ourrie, Mildred Sellers, PROCTER, Teacher, SCIREM REPORT.-Pollowing is the repave of 8. 8. No. 4, Morris, for Match and April. Pupils were exam. inert in Arith., Lit., Onmp., Geog., Grain. and Daily Work. Total 100 per cent, P8488 I10 per sent. Pupils :narked " missed one examination. Nam het of pupils 20, flambe:, 01school clays 16, average attendance 18. SR, IV -Gordon Harmon 80 (15 days) ; Glenn Smith 82 (13 days); Mervyn Pipe 68 (16 daye) Jo IV -Harriett Smith 78 (14 day.); ***D4se I1Il,i 5:1 (11 da) e.) blt. 111 -Howard Smith 71) (13 daye): Gordo uNichol 77 (15 d(0ys),; Jame Pipe 65 (15 days); Mac Scott 33 (14 days). So II-Adah Ora -by 80 (16 days.) JR. II -Clara Smith 86 (14 d(4ys) ; Glenn Nichol 83 (16 days) ; 13111 (10 days) ; Jim DRVIR 88 (15 days) ; Hao -11,11174 (15 (lee's) ; Janie Bernard 71(18 days). Jo. 1 -Eleanor Nichol 97 Frank elcOutcheon 73 (16 days); Tom Bernard 130 (18 (1ays). JR PR -Ken- neth Speii 81(16 days) ; Bruce Smith 75 (14 clays). AWN WINONA A. FRAIN, Teacher, GREY SCHOOL Roroor.-Following 18 the reptile, of S. 8. No. 16 (Union), Grey, Total marks 950, Honors 713, pees 570, V-Altna Patterson 820 ; Mae Oarn• ocher' 780 ; Isobel Speiran (381 (missed one exam). So. IV -Glen Dilworth 700 ; Lawson Whitfield 695 ; Pearl Bake!! 668 ; Susie Neable 645, Jo Speiran 815 ; Delmer Dil- worth 770 ; Carman Baker 684 ; Vance Baker 481. Jo II -Total 500, Honors 875 -Gladys Ward 428. I - Total 25U, Honors 188, Pass 150-Phyl- lis Ward 208 ; Billy Rock 204 ; Muriel Haekwell 195 ; Dorothy Dilworth 194 Pm -Names in order of merit -Jean Meehan, Willis Meehan, Lawson Ward, Gordon Ward, Joe Baker, Maigaret Baker, Lloyd Speiran, Olive Hackwell, Elston Speivan, Fel gus Neable, Leonard Ward. DELLA L. LAVERY, Teacher, SRHOOL SRPORT.-Pol towing is the report 01 8. 8. No. 4, Grey, for the month of March. Those marked with an asterick missed examinations, Pnpils 4V0118 examined in all the sub- jects. Su IV -Helen McAllister 92; 1,001-15 110(180(1 (35; theme Beckett 65 ; Chrietena McFarlane 51. SR, Ill - Wallace Beckett 67. Jo -Doris Mc- Allister 76; Walter McFarlane 05 ; *Reline, h Sellers 54 ; *George McKay 87 Sit II-Oarl el Hemet. 77 ; Mune° Melearlitne 67 ; *Earl Griturner 37. JR, II -Laura Savage 67 ; *Maegaret Gritinner 66 ; Gertrude Willis 61 ; Howaid McKay 60. I -Marie Jaok lin, Myrtle Savage, Tom eleFavlane, Shel• doe .fneklin. Pei feet attendance since Christe10s - Wallace Beckett and Bruce Beckett. Absent one day - Helen MeAllieter. 20 on the roll, av- erage attendance 15. MixteAusrr 1. MoDouneLL, Teacher. ETHEL ETHEL S011001, REPO RT Simon. Room Following is the report of the Sen- ior Room of S. 8. No, 11, Grey, for the month of March. V -Examined 40 Ate, Geog., Hist., Alg., Fee Writ. and Oral Comp,-Mueiel Michel 82 57 ; Ed- na Franklin 80.57 ; Oalvin Kreuter 78.88. So. IV -Examined in Read., Spell., Arith., Gram., Geog., Writ. end Oral Comp.-margavet Lawson 76, Jit . CV -Kenneth Kreuter 7742 ; Della Mantles 7728 ; Jim McNeil 71.5 ; Gordon Sleigheholin 70.28 Tom Sanders 70.16 ; Myrle Wilson 68.14. So, III-Orma Gill 80 1, Doreen Law- less 79 ; Glair Michel 7916 ; Stuart Mc- Innis 77,14 ; Lee Allem Wardlaw 76 Allan Franklin 71.14 ; Lindsay Bain 70.14 ; Velma Remit ton 56.28. Jos, 111 -Edi th IC tau ter 77.5 ; Nelson Sleighehohn 68 16. E. ynno, Teacher. JUNIOR Room Pupils examined in Lit., Oral Comp. and Written Comp, Su TI -Bryan Ames 69 ; Annie Franklin Oa; L”rne Deejardine 06 ; Marjorie Breen 62; Stuart Henry 60 ; McNeil 51. 3x II -Jean Franklin 76 ; R»se ORD. n gli am 70 ; Bertha Earl 65 ; &nal Brown 60Winston McEachern 57 Ada Laidlaw 55. I-Eixemlned iti Meth., Spell.. Read. and Oral Comp. - Ruby Gill 80 ; Helen Currie 87.2 ; Nora Henry. 87 ; Arnold Earl 86.5 ; Dorothy ibain 86 ; Allisln Sleight - holm '72 ; Williard Michel 70 ; *Ruby (minium 69 ; Stanle'y Wilson 64 *Dorothy Kreuter 61. Su, Pte, -Ruth Franklin, Charlotte Sanders, 'Helen Desjardine, Jaek Dunbar, Estelle Cunningham, Betty Dunbar, Excel.. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1 1 th 1028 vr.ir1+?41E,:. ser•eovass000tessa88'8411U1,./.1....-+:-. Pee, TA:t 41,dwe:). Zik,Af,t . lee este e cno, Peneeeeefee with, c,•-eeeee Tiees is yr: 7.1,,,,,-Atrhent Irs ;.si Sree: %, 7,%7.1:101117, is why thou. coulee re use these tires. On wet, elieeeere ee, eets 09.4 lieelneays•-aecnaut sharp turns e -raeretvering (1" ere out ee eeeelic--eueeeping suddenly- )eee Lan '1:15 -, oior4.a14 105,4.41)414 91on-0914i4 treed to hold •elip Supporting troY.,l Fireoliti Gurn-Dippeci cor.:yes, built of coree 4.11p1)rel e. ve.eee• ereiution which sa- turetes and insulntto fi4..1ro of evrry cord with rubber, This minimizes ey.z. 1130.1:540 and heat 0. high 40p001 service, and strengthens tile whole structure of ehe tire to withstand heavy strilins. No one can foresee the demand you may have to place on your tire equipment in sorne emergency. But you can prepare now -and be sure of a fighting chance in any situation -by having the nearest Firestone Service Dealer apply new Gum - Dipped Tires all around. He will save you money and serve you better. FIRESTONE TIRE & RUBBER COMPANY OF CANADA, Limited HAMILTON, ONTARIO MOST MILES PER DOLLAR FIRESTONE BUILDS THE ONLY GUM -DIPPED TIRES G. B. McIntyre Brussels Ontario lent. JR Po -Allan Hamiltor, Bert- ram Demeiling, Good, Ne of pupils enrolled 30, average attendance Inc March 28.04 le M. PRAsErt, Teacher. -- 0 -- Robert }Imam 815141 83 years, one of the pioneers of Kincardine town- ship, passed 041147 04. his home in Kin• eardine. Over 40 years age, with his brother, they established the Hunter Bridge and Bonet., Works. James Shelton has sold his f rm on the 5t11 con. Kiimaidine township, to his soe, Hirtan Shelton, and has taken up his iesidenee 144 Kineardine. Bruce is to have another ro- s' b e en the 150.h ef the month Oonetanle H. G. Thompson, of Guelph, will move to Wiarton. It looks as if the Government intends to enforce the laws in eeepect to the Government control measure and 8180 in regard to the Mott r Vehicle Act, 4SUISMIrn.SOUNKSZNMONIUDiR.SQSIssacCOZ CO460..0452 OINT by POINT ENGINE Improved motor - the valve - in - head type, AC oil filter. AC air cleaner, Fully enclosed motor, New crankcase breather system. New two -port exhaust. "Invar-strut" constant clearance pistons. New hydro -laminated camshaft gears. tit+ ODIES FEATURES New and larger streamline bodies by Fisher -combination wood and steel construction -the type found on highest priced cars. One-piece full -crown fenders of heavy - gauge steel. New Duco finishes in striking colors. Clear vision plate glass windows. Ternstedt window regulators. improved automatic windshield wiper. Fisher "VV" one-piece ventilating wind- shield. New non-locking four-wheel brakes - 189 square inches of braking sur- face. Positive brake linkage. Independent emergency brake -70 addi- tional square inches of braking sur- face. Semi -elliptic shock absorber springs - 84% of wheel -base. Easily operated single -plate dry disc - clutch. Completely enclosed instrument panel. indirectly lighted. The "Bigger and Better" Chevrolet, with every fine -car feature, now selling at MEW AND LOWER PRICES Roadster 1625.00 Cabriolet • • • • $835.00 Touring • 625.00 Tonsorial Sedan 890.00 Coupe - 740.00 Commercial Chassis • 470.00 Coach 740.00 Roadster Delivery! . 628.00 Sedan • 835.00 Ton Truck Chasms • 631.00 Rtsadster Express s • $650:00 411 prime at Factory, Oshawa - Governmant Taxes, Bumps). and Spare Tire Baird. READY FOR PROMPT EMERY FRANK WOODS BRUSSELS ONTARIO PRODUCT OP 613NERAL MOTORS O1 CANADA4 L1141/TED